Steroid Receptors in Hereditary Breast Carcinomas Associated With BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutations or Unknown Susceptibility Genes

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Steroid Receptors in Hereditary Breast Carcinomas

Associated with BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutations or
Unknown Susceptibility Genes

Niklas Loman, M.D. BACKGROUND. The expression of steroid receptors is a common feature of both
Oskar Johannsson, M.D., Ph.D. male and female breast carcinomas and is also one of the most important prog-
Pär-Ola Bendahl, Ph.D. nostic factors for patients with this disease. Steroid receptor levels in BRCA1-
Åke Borg, Ph.D. related breast carcinoma have reportedly been low. Little data on steroid receptor
Mårten Fernö, Ph.D. levels have been reported with regard to BRCA2.
Håkan Olsson, M.D., Ph.D. METHODS. Steroid receptor levels were analyzed in 27 breast carcinomas associated
with BRCA1 mutations, 14 associated with BRCA2 mutations, and 32 from indi-
Jubileum Institute, Department of Oncology, Uni- viduals who had hereditary breast carcinoma but no detectable mutations of either
versity Hospital, Lund, Sweden. BRCA1 or BRCA2. Breast carcinomas from 32 consecutive male patients, 6 of whom
had mutations of BRCA2, were also examined for steroid receptors. Estrogen
receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR) analyses were performed with
radioligand or enzyme immunoassay techniques on tumor cytosol preparations.
Germline mutation screening and detection were performed using the protein
truncation test, single strand conformation polymorphism, and direct sequencing
on DNA from normal tissue.
RESULTS. The BRCA1-related tumors expressed significantly lower levels of ER than
tumors from the other hereditary groups. The PgR levels were significantly lower in
the BRCA1-related cases than in the hereditary cases not related to BRCA1 or
BRCA2, but not significantly lower than in the BRCA2-related cases. Fourteen of 32
(44%) of the hereditary tumors not related to BRCA1 or BRCA2 had PgR levels
exceeding 100 fmol/mg of protein. The tumors from male patients with BRCA2-
related disease did not have receptor levels that differed from those in non-BRCA2-
related tumors.
CONCLUSIONS. BRCA1- and BRCA2-related breast tumors were distinct in their
expression of steroid receptors. Moreover, a subgroup of tumors not related to
BRCA1 or BRCA2 manifested a strongly positive PgR phenotype rarely seen in
BRCA1- and BRCA2-related tumors. These characteristics may be of relevance to
the treatment and follow-up of high risk individuals in these families and may help
identify a homogenous category of hereditary breast carcinomas not related to
The current study was supported by grants from BRCA1 or BRCA2 in which new susceptibility genes may be sought. Cancer 1998;
the Swedish Cancer Society, the Nordic Cancer
83:310 –9. © 1998 American Cancer Society.
Union, the Mrs. Berta Kamprads Foundation, the
University of Lund Medical Faculty, the CTRF, the
Gunnar Arvid and Elisabeth Nilsson Foundation, the KEYWORDS: hereditary breast carcinoma, male breast carcinoma, estrogen recep-
John and Augusta Persson Foundation, the Hospi- tor, progesterone receptor, BRCA1, BRCA2.
tal of Lund Foundations, and King Gustav V’s
Jubilee Foundation.

Address for reprints: Niklas Loman, M.D., Jubileum

Institute, Department of Oncology, University Hos-
S usceptibility to breast carcinoma is inherited by transmission of
an autosomal dominant allele in approximately 5–10% of all cas-
es.1,2 Two major tumor suppressor genes associated with hereditary
pital, S-221 85 Lund, Sweden.
breast carcinoma have been identified, BRCA1 and BRCA2.3–5 Germ-
Received September 24, 1997; revision received line mutations in BRCA1 are associated with an increased risk of
January 16, 1998; accepted January 16, 1998. breast and ovarian carcinoma in females; the risk of developing an

© 1998 American Cancer Society

Steroid Receptors in Hereditary Breast Carcinoma/Loman et al. 311

invasive breast carcinoma is estimated at approxi- pression in many fetal and adult tissues, which is most
mately 70% by age 70 years.6 Germline mutations in prominent in proliferating compartments undergoing
BRCA2 confer an increased risk for both female and differentiation.22 In the breast, BRCA1 and BRCA2
male breast carcinoma. Other malignancies, such as mRNA expression are induced during puberty and
cancer of the prostate, pancreas, larynx, ovarium, cer- pregnancy, suggesting a regulation by sex hormones.22
vix, and ureter, as well as malignant melanoma of the Tumors from BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers are
eye, may also be seen more frequently than expected characterized by a significantly higher number of
in BRCA2 mutation carriers.6 –9 The risk of developing chromosomal aberrations than are found in sporadic
breast carcinoma was 82% by age 80 years in one breast carcinoma, which indicates that both genes are
study of a large BRCA2 kindred10 and almost 100% a critical factor in DNA repair. These aberrations also
among Icelandic breast carcinoma families with the show gene specific alteration patterns, suggesting that
BRCA2 founder mutation.11 However, risk estimates the accumulation of somatic changes in tumor pro-
have been lower in population-based studies. In a gression may follow unique pathways that are related
study of Ashkenazi Jews carrying any of three recur- to genetic origin.23
rent BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, the risk for breast Clinical and histopathologic analysis of BRCA1-
carcinoma was 56% at age 70 years.12 and BRCA2-related tumors further emphasizes the
Depending on the population studied, germline distinction between sporadic and differing types of
mutation in BRCA1 can be detected in 9 –79% of fam- hereditary breast carcinoma. BRCA1-related breast
ilies with 3 or more cases of breast and/or ovarian carcinoma was found to be poorly differentiated duc-
carcinoma, whereas BRCA2 accounts for an additional tal carcinoma, often with dense lymphocyte infiltra-
8 – 64% of remaining families.13 Minor fractions of the tion, DNA aneuploidy, and a high S-phase fraction.24
total number of inherited breast carcinomas are asso- Similar results were obtained in a subsequent study, in
ciated with rare cancer syndromes of identified or which BRCA1 tumors were more often found to be a
mapped genetic origin, including the Li–Fraumeni medullary or atypical medullary type, more pleomor-
syndrome and TP53,14 the Cowden disease and PTEN/ phic, with less tubule formation and a higher mitotic
MMAC1,15,16 and the Peutz–Jegher syndrome gene on count than sporadic tumors, whereas BRCA2 tumors
chromosome 19p.17 However, a considerable percent- had less tubule formation than sporadic cases but
age of hereditary breast carcinomas remain unrelated otherwise fewer specific features.25
to a definite gene. In our previous study of 106 Scan- Steroids, and especially estrogen, are central reg-
dinavian breast carcinoma families, the frequencies of ulators of the growth and differentiation of the normal
BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were 23% and 11%, re- mammary gland and are also thought to be involved
spectively, rendering almost two-thirds of families ge- in the development and progression of breast carci-
netically uncharacterized.18 The search for new breast noma. Estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone re-
carcinoma susceptibility genes is currently intense; it ceptor (PgR) status are among the most important and
involves various procedures such as linkage analysis most commonly evaluated prognostic factors in breast
and/or mapping of chromosomal deletions in tumors. carcinoma as well as the most important predictors of
These approaches are likely to be successful if occur- response to endocrine therapy.26 Female breast carci-
rences in the remaining families are due to one or a noma is ER and PgR positive in about 65% and 50% of
few additional major tumor suppressor genes, but all cases, respectively, and ER status especially shows
they are less useful in a more heterogeneous situation. an age-dependent variation in which tumors from
Alternatively, new insights into the causes of heredi- younger patients are less often positive.27 Male breast
tary breast carcinoma may be obtained from func- carcinoma most often has an ER positive phenotype.28
tional studies of the known BRCA proteins and their We have previously reported a low frequency of ER
interacting cellular components, as well as from phe- and PgR positive immunostaining in BRCA1-related
notypic studies of genetically modified animals or of breast carcinoma.24 Data on BRCA2 and receptor sta-
tumors in families with genetic predisposition. tus is scarce; Karp et al. reported on four patients of
Recent evidence suggests that the BRCA1 and Ashkenazi descent who were all ER positive.29
BRCA2 proteins are involved in maintaining genome In the current study, we have used biochemical
integrity, possibly by participating with the Rad51 techniques for quantitative measurement of ER and
protein in recombination linked repair of double- PgR in three groups of hereditary breast carcinoma,
stranded DNA breaks and by transcriptional coactiva- consisting of tumors from female BRCA1 and BRCA2
tion in complex with RNA polymerase II holoen- mutation carriers as well as tumors from female pa-
zyme.19 –21 Both genes demonstrate a virtually tients with a defined heredity for breast and/or ovar-
indistinguishable spatial and temporal pattern of ex- ian carcinoma but without signs of mutation in BRCA1
312 CANCER July 15, 1998 / Volume 83 / Number 2

or BRCA2. These groups are compared with one an- our laboratory for routine analysis after breast carci-
other and, in analyses stratified for age and calendar noma surgery at the different hospitals in the South
time, also compared with 8948 consecutive tumors Sweden Health Care Region. Thus, a bank of almost
from breast carcinoma patients treated in the South 9000 breast carcinoma tumors have been collected
Sweden Health Care Region during the period 1978 – and tissues analyzed in these respects. The groups of
1996. In addition, receptor levels in six breast tumors hereditary breast carcinoma tissues were compared
from male BRCA2 mutation carriers are compared with one another and with this consecutive reference
with a group of 26 sporadic breast tumors from males. material, which mainly consisted of sporadic breast
We confirm our previous finding of significantly lower carcinoma. For the comparisons, this material was
ER and PgR values in BRCA1-related tumors and re- stratified according to patient age and calendar year of
port on the identification of non-BRCA1/BRCA2-re- diagnosis.
lated hereditary cases with high ER and PgR levels. The Thirty-two breast carcinoma tumors from male
results may have implications for defining a new sub- patients from 1985–1996 were sent to our laboratory
class of hormone-sensitive hereditary breast carci- for receptor analysis. These consecutive cases were
noma as well as for the clinical management of these also included separately in the study.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 were de-
Patients tected by screening the DNA extracted from periph-
The three groups of hereditary breast carcinoma diag- eral lymphocytes collected from affected individuals.
nosed during the period 1978 –1996 were collected In 31 of the 32 men included in the study, mutations
from a set of Scandinavian kindreds with familial were identified in DNA obtained from fresh frozen
breast or breast-ovarian carcinoma analyzed for germ- tumor material. In these cases, mutations were con-
line mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA2.18 The first group firmed in the germline by verification in archived par-
(BRCA1-related) included 25 tumors from 20 patients affin blocks of normal tissue. The methods used were
in 15 families with 8 different proven BRCA1 germline the protein truncation test (PTT), single-strand con-
mutations. An additional two cases from a kindred formation polymorphism (SSCP), and direct sequenc-
(Lund1) with a strong linkage to BRCA1 (LOD score ing. We estimated the sensitivity for detection of mu-
1.6), as well as LOH of the wild-type BRCA1 allele in tation to be approximately 80%.18
five of six analyzed tumors from haplotype carriers, Estrogen receptor (ER) levels were analyzed ac-
were included. The second group (BRCA2-related) in- cording to clinical praxis with isoelectric focusing in
cluded 14 tumors from 13 patients in 8 families with 7 polyacrylamide gel (IF) or enzyme immunoassay (EIA;
different BRCA2 germline mutations. A third group Abbot Laboratories).30 Similarly, progesterone recep-
(non-BRCA1/BRCA2) was composed of 30 families in tor (PgR) levels were analyzed using the multiple-
which screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2 had been neg- point dextran-coated charcoal technique (DDC), or
ative. These were families with at least 3 first-degree EIA.31,32 The interassay agreements were found to be
relatives affected by breast and/or ovarian carcinoma, highly concordant, although higher levels were ob-
1 of whom was diagnosed before age 50 years. Alter- tained with the EIAs. Thus, all values with IF and DDC
natively, these families had 2 affected first-degree rel- were recalculated to allow for comparison of data
atives, 1 of whom was diagnosed before age 40 years, from different time periods.27,33,34 The cutoff level for
or 1 single affected woman younger than 30 years. a receptor positive tumor was set at 25 fmol/mg pro-
This pattern could be compatible with a dominant tein in our laboratory.
mendelian heritage. One breast carcinoma patient In some cases, when women have had two tumors
from each of the 30 non-BRCA1/BRCA2 families was that have clinically been considered separate, both
included in this study. In two cases, bilateral breast were included separately in this study. Clinical data on
carcinomas were included; thus, a total of 32 fresh tumor stage was collected from case records.
frozen tumors were analyzed.
Informed consent was obtained before mutation Statistics
analysis was performed, and the families were fol- Age differences between the groups were evaluated
lowed up through the oncogenetic reception jointly using a two-tailed Student’s t test, whereas receptor
run by the Departments of Oncology and Clinical Ge- levels, due to considerable skewness, were compared
netics in Lund. using the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. Due to
Since 1978, fresh tumor material for hormone re- low cell frequencies, Fisher’s exact test was used for
ceptor analysis and flow cytometry has been sent to evaluation of stage differences among groups. Differ-
Steroid Receptors in Hereditary Breast Carcinoma/Loman et al. 313

Clinical Stages of Disease in Three Groups of Hereditary Breast

No. of cases

Stage BRCA1 BRCA2 non-B1/B2 Total

I 12 2 11 25
II 14 9 16 39
III 0 2 2 4
IV 0 0 1 1
Unknown 1 1 2 4

Total 27 14 32 73

ences in distribution of receptor positive and negative

FIGURE 1. This dotplot shows estrogen receptor (ER) levels in the different
tumors were analyzed using chi-square tests.
groups of patients with hereditary breast carcinoma. Median values and the
Receptor levels in breast carcinoma are age-de-
threshold for receptor positivity (25 fmol/mg protein) are marked in the plot.
pendent. To rule out the possibility that observed sig-
Log scale on y-axis.
nificant differences in hormone receptor levels were a
consequence of differences in age distribution, the
groups with hereditary breast carcinoma were com- Wallis test, revealed differences in both receptor types.
pared with reference material, which consisted of 8948 P 5 0.0006 (ER) and P 5 0.0014 (PgR), respectively.
consecutive, mainly sporadic breast carcinomas. We Pairwise comparisons of ER levels (fmol/mg pro-
stratified the reference material into 5-year intervals tein) between the groups revealed significantly lower
according to both age and calendar time at diagnosis, values among BRCA1 tumors (median 5.4, range
transformed the values toward normality (the square 0 –270) compared with BRCA2 tumors (median 48.5,
root), and computed the mean and standard deviation range 0 –550) (P 5 0.014) and non-BRCA1/BRCA2 tu-
in each stratum. For each of the three hereditary mors (median 44.5, range 0 – 410) (P 5 0.0002). No
groups, we then computed a series of differences be- statistical difference was observed between BRCA2 tu-
tween observed transformed receptor level and the mors and non-BRCA1/BRCA2 tumors (Fig. 1).
corresponding mean. The approximate normal distri- BRCA1 tumors were found to manifest signifi-
bution of the sum of those differences led to an age- cantly lower PgR levels (fmol/mg protein) (median 1.1,
and calendar time– corrected test of the no-difference range 0 –196) compared with non-BRCA1/BRCA2 tu-
hypothesis. mors (median 62.0, range 0 –1960) (P 5 0.0004). A
All statistical tests performed were two-tailed; and nonsignificant trend toward lower PgR values com-
when significance is mentioned without reference to a pared with BRCA2 tumors was observed (median 5
level, the level of P , 0.05 is assumed. Statistical 19.0, range 5 0 – 600) (P 5 0.075). The difference in
calculations were made using Stata 5.0 software.35 PgR levels between BRCA2 tumors and non-BRCA1/
BRCA2 tumors was not statistically significant (P 5
RESULTS 0.13). However, whereas only 1 of 26 BRCA1 tumors
Breast Carcinomas from Females (3.8%) and 1 of 13 BRCA2 tumors (7.7%) manifested
Age distribution was similar in the three groups of high PgR values (.100 fmol/mg protein), this was
hereditary breast carcinoma: BRCA1 median 5 44.0 evident in 14 of 32 (44%) of the non-BRCA1/BRCA2
years, range 5 26 – 60 (n 5 27); BRCA2 median 5 45.0, tumors (Fig. 2).
range 5 27– 82 (n 5 14); non-BRCA1/BRCA2 median 5 Similar results were obtained when the frequency
47.5, range 5 28 – 81 (n 5 32). Tumor stages (I–IV) of ER positivity (ER1) and PgR positivity (PgR1) was
were also similar in the three groups (P 5 0.19) (Table compared among the three groups of hereditary
1). In the cases in which stage was unknown, this was breast carcinoma. Receptor positivity was defined as a
due to either lack of information (in one case) or receptor value $ 25 fmol/mg protein. BRCA1 tumors
because axillary dissection was not performed (in were significantly less ER1 (15%) compared with
three cases). BRCA2 tumors (57%) (P 5 0.005) and non-BRCA1/
Screening for statistical differences in ER and PgR BRCA2 tumors (59%) (P , 0.001). BRCA1 tumors were
levels among the three groups, using the Kruskal– also significantly less PgR1 (19%) than non-BRCA1/
314 CANCER July 15, 1998 / Volume 83 / Number 2

evenly distributed with respect to both genes. Four

bilateral cases were included in the material. Of the
three cases with BRCA1 mutation, one had synchro-
nous tumors with an ER2/PgR1 and an ER2/PgR2
phenotype, another had two synchronous ER2/PgR2
tumors, and a third presented with an ER2/PgR2 and
an ER2/PgR1 tumor at ages 32 and 37 years, respec-
tively. The single case with BRCA2 mutation and bi-
lateral disease had an ER2/PgR2 and an ER2/PgR1
tumor at ages 72 and 75 years, respectively.

Breast Carcinomas from Males

Comparing the ages of breast carcinoma onset be-
tween a group of 6 males with BRCA2 mutation and a
group of 26 males without detectable BRCA2 mutation
revealed a weak trend (P 5 0.15) toward younger age
FIGURE 2. This dotplot shows progesterone receptor (PgR) levels in the in the former group (median 64.1 years, range 46 –78,
different groups of patients with hereditary breast carcinoma. Median values vs. median 72.6, range 55–93) (Fig. 5). No obvious
and the threshold for PgR positivity (25 fmol/mg protein) are marked in the plot. differences were observed between the groups regard-
Log scale on y-axis. ing the ER and PgR levels. BRCA2 tumors expressed ER
at a median level (fmol/mg protein) of 185, range
TABLE 2 1.9 –250; PgR median 90, range 34 –260. This should be
Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Progesterone Receptor (PgR) Status in compared with the cases not related to BRCA2: ER
Tumors from Three Groups of Hereditary Breast Carcinoma
median 245, range 0 –550; PgR median 145, range
No. (%) of cases 0 – 810 (Figs. 6 and 7).


It has previously been reported that breast tumors
BRCA1 4/27 (15%) 5/26 (19%)
BRCA2 8/14 (57%) 4/13 (31%)
from BRCA1 mutation carriers differ from other breast
non-BRCA1/BRCA2 19/32 (59%) 19/32 (59%) tumors by having higher histologic grade, DNA aneu-
ploidy, and S-phase values.24,25,36 We have previously
also observed a significantly lower frequency of ER1
BRCA2 tumors (59%) but not significantly different and PgR1 in BRCA1 tumors as compared with age-
from BRCA2 tumors (31%) (P 5 0.42). Again, there was and stage-matched controls in immunohistochemical
a trend toward a significant difference between PgR staining of paraffin sections.24 In the current study, in
status in BRCA2 and non-BRCA1/BRCA2 cases (P 5 which largely different and more extensive tumor ma-
0.082). There was no such trend in ER status (Table 2). terial was studied using biochemical techniques for
To compare receptor levels between different receptor analysis, we confirmed and extended our
groups of hereditary and sporadic breast carcinoma previous findings, reported by Johannsson et al., by
and to preclude the impact of age on receptor values, demonstrating significantly lower ER and PgR levels in
an age- and calendar year–stratified analysis was per- BRCA1 tumors as compared with sporadic tumors and
formed, comparing the three hereditary groups with a other tumors from genetically predisposed individu-
reference group of 8948 consecutive breast tumors als. Hereditary breast carcinoma was categorized here
collected and analyzed between the years 1978 and into three distinct groups. Two were homogeneous
1996. BRCA1 tumors had significantly lower ER levels groups associated with identified germline mutations
(P 5 0.0008) and PgR levels (P 5 0.0004) than the in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, respectively, and a third,
reference group, which mainly consisted of sporadic supposedly heterogeneous, group comprised tumors
cases. Receptor levels in the BRCA2 and non-BRCA1/ from families interpreted as carrying a dominant dis-
BRCA2 tumors did not differ significantly from the ease allele but in whom no mutations in BRCA1 and
reference group (Figs. 3 and 4). BRCA2 had been found. Half of the BRCA1 tumors
Regarding the intragenomic localization of the showed a complete loss of PgR expression, as com-
different mutations within the two genes and its effect pared with 2 of 13 BRCA2 tumors and 6 of 32 non-
on ER and PgR status, no clear trend was observed. BRCA1/BRCA2 tumors. In contrast, close to half of the
The receptor negative and positive cases appeared non-BRCA1/BRCA2 hereditary tumors manifested
Steroid Receptors in Hereditary Breast Carcinoma/Loman et al. 315

FIGURE 3. Estrogen receptor (ER) levels are compared among different groups
of hereditary breast carcinoma—(A) BRCA1, (B) BRCA2, and (C) non-BRCA1/
BRCA2—and the reference material consisting of 8948 consecutive tumors ana-
lyzed since 1978. Dots represent hereditary breast carcinoma cases; boxes rep-
resent reference material and show median and interquartile range. Log scale on

high PgR levels (.100 fmol/mg protein), a phenotype to nuclear receptors, ligand-inducible enhancers that
rarely seen in BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumors. modulate the expression of certain genes by binding
No significant differences in steroid receptor lev- to short DNA sequences, or estrogen responsive ele-
els were observed between hereditary tumors related ments (EREs) located in the vicinity of the regulated
to BRCA2 or without detectable mutation in the age- genes.37 The PgR gene is a major estrogen-regulated
matched comparisons with the reference material gene, and high tumor levels of PgR protein are indic-
consisting of consecutive, mainly sporadic tumors. In ative of a functional ER mechanism and hormone-
this analysis, differences between hereditary and non- responsive phenotype. This information is clinically
hereditary tumors may have been underestimated be- important and useful in predicting response to endo-
cause the rate of hereditary tumors in the reference crine therapy. Patients with advanced disease and an
material could have been expected to be higher for the ER2/PgR2 primary tumor seldom respond to tamox-
younger age groups. Similar results were reported by ifen therapy (the response rate is ,10%), whereas the
Karp et al., who analyzed ER levels in breast carcino- response rate among ER1/PgR1 cases is 60 –70%.38
mas from patients of Ashkenazi descent, a population The presence of ER and PgR is also associated with a
with a high frequency of specific founder mutations in more well-differentiated tumor type and is thus a
BRCA1 (185delAG and 5382insC) and BRCA2 marker of good prognosis. BRCA1 tumors are, as
(6174delT). In their study, breast carcinoma patients shown here, mainly receptor negative and have many
were screened for these mutations and the rates of other histopathologically aggressive features, such as
ER1 were studied. Tumors from patients with germ- nuclear pleomorphism, high mitotic count, and a pau-
line mutations in BRCA1 were significantly less often city of tubular formations. However, this is contradic-
ER1 than tumors from patients without one of these tory to reported survival analyses claiming that
two founder mutations. Four cases of breast carci- BRCA1-related breast carcinoma is associated with a
noma related to germline mutation in BRCA2 were better prognosis than other hereditary cases or spo-
also reported; they were all ER1.29 radic breast carcinoma.36,39,40 A similar paradox is ev-
Estrogens are potent mitogens and act via binding ident in hereditary nonpolyposis colon carcinoma,
316 CANCER July 15, 1998 / Volume 83 / Number 2

FIGURE 4. Progesterone receptor (PgR) levels are compared among different

groups of hereditary breast carcinoma—(A) BRCA1, (B) BRCA2, and (C) non-
BRCA1/BRCA2—and the reference material consisting of 8948 consecutive tumors
analyzed since 1978. Dots represent hereditary breast cancer cases; boxes rep-
resent reference material and show median and interquartile range. Log scale on

which is associated with a genomic instability and 17b-estradiol or progesterone has given rise to a more
mutator phenotype but is nonetheless associated with pronounced induction of BRCA1 than of BRCA2.22
a better prognosis than sporadic colon carcinoma.41 This may reflect the gender-specific difference in
However, our own experience from studies of BRCA1- BRCA1- and BRCA2-related tumors. Furthermore,
related breast carcinoma patients suggests a survival comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis
rate among BRCA1 cases that is equal to or even worse has shown that BRCA1 and, less often, BRCA2 tumors
than the rate among age- and stage-matched control have specific patterns of chromosomal aberrations
patients.42 that are distinct from each other and from sporadic
Structural and functional studies of the BRCA1 breast carcinoma.23 This suggests that some initial
and BRCA2 proteins have suggested several shared genetic events in tumorigenesis may determine a pre-
features; both have similar cell cycle–specific expres- ferred course and combination of somatic genetic
sion and subcellular localization, manifest an interac- changes in tumor progression and that these changes
tion with the Rad51 protein, and possess transcrip- are different in cases related to BRCA1 and BRCA2.
tional activities.19,21,43,44,45 Moreover, transcription of It has been suggested that the hormonal and pro-
both BRCA1 and BRCA2 is thought to be directly or liferative properties of breast carcinoma are related to
indirectly initiated by estrogen stimulation in cell cul- the situation in the premalignant tissue at the time of
ture models.46 – 48 In spite of these similarities, there tumor induction.49 In mice, BRCA1 is expressed in
are indications that different pathogenetic pathways breast tissue during adolescence and pregnancy,
are involved in BRCA1- and BRCA2-related tumors. when the levels of ER are also increasing. The induc-
However, recent studies suggest that BRCA1 and tion of BRCA1-related tumors may occur during a
BRCA2 are differentially regulated by sex hormones. period of the life cycle when ER levels are low. By the
The ratio of BRCA1 to BRCA2 expression is higher in same token, the expression of BRCA2 may be essential
the female breast than in the male breast, and treat- for mammary gland development during a stage when
ment of mice having undergone ovariectomy with ER and PgR levels have increased, leaving a hormone-
Steroid Receptors in Hereditary Breast Carcinoma/Loman et al. 317

FIGURE 7. Progesterone (PgR) levels are shown for male breast carcinoma
FIGURE 5. This dotplot shows the age distributions for male breast carci- tumors related to and not related to BRCA2. Median values are marked in the
noma patients related and not related to BRCA2. Median values are marked in
plot. The difference is not significant. Log scale on y-axis.
the plot. The difference is not significant (N.S.). Log scale on y-axis.

and hormone-responsive phenotype seen in some he-

reditary non-BRCA1/BRCA2-related tumors may also
indicate a distinct genetic origin and subgroup of he-
reditary breast carcinoma. Data presented here could
suggest a rationale for trying antiestrogens as chemo-
prevention in the treatment of high risk individuals in
such families. This may also be considered for healthy
women carrying BRCA2 mutations.
In most populations throughout the world, a sig-
nificant proportion of families who have a high risk for
developing breast carcinoma remain genetically un-
characterized.13 Thus, it is of considerable interest
that, in tumors of which an unknown genetic factor
might be the underlying cause, steroid receptor levels
FIGURE 6. This dotplot shows ER levels in males with breast carcinomas are higher than in tumors associated with BRCA1 and
related and not related to BRCA2. Median values are marked in the plot. The BRCA2 mutations. The results of the current study
difference is not significant. Log scale on y-axis. suggest that familial tumors with high levels of PgR
might compose a distinct subgroup of hereditary
breast carcinomas.
dependent imprint on BRCA2-related breast tumors.
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