Philadelphy Report

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The way in which people's projections of Superman expose the limits we have to live with on a daily
basis is what makes this case interesting to us. We can only carry so much weight or perform so many
chores with our current level of strength. No matter how cautious we are, accidents cannot always be
completely avoided. We are unable to travel as quickly as we formerly did. despite the fact that we are
physical beings with limitations.

Human life is an embodiment of life. Numerous aspects of our existence as people have to do with our
bodies, ages, sexes, races, relationships, etc. Since the time they fantasized about having children while
they were young, we have started counting our birthdays to determine our age. Our age count started
the moment we became embodied.

Last but not least, our biological connections—mother, father, and siblings—are linked to our physical
existence. In other words, our bodies dictate and define a significant portion of who we are and how we
define ourselves. The information we include in our biodata, such as our birthdays, ages, sexual
orientations, and family ties, cannot be easily changed.


While we typically lament how our bodies prevent us from changing so many aspects of our lives (the
most common example for this is our height as Filipinos). We scarcely notice how the body expands our
options. If it weren't for our opposable thumbs, a very basic aspect of our bodies would have numerous
effects on how we live. As a species, we would not have developed the skills of writing, inventing, using
tools, and manipulating objects. The course of our species' development and evolution would have
taken many different turns.

Although our physical constraints place restrictions on us, they also present opportunities. You can be
sitting in your class listening to your teacher lecture. The rain outside the window has not ceased. You
are drifting off to sleep to the sound of the rain. You long to cuddle up, listen to your music in bed, and
continue to sleep. However, you are working extremely hard to teach in the classroom. You are unable
to merely do what you desire. If your only intention is to return home and sleep. You are aware that
there will be repercussions. (You will face consequences if you skip a crucial lecture that will be covered
on the exam the following week).You cannot simultaneously be in your bed and in a classroom.
However, because of your physical limits, you have the opportunity to learn something new.

The greatest people to comprehend this duality of the body as potential and constraint are athletes. The
three greatest athletes alive now are Michael Jordan, Hidilyn Diaz, and Manny Pacquiao. Michael Phelps
and his story share a common thread. They were all exposed to demanding trainings at a very young
age. Sardo Mejia, Pacquiao's first trainer, explains how Manny has been so dedicated to his training
even at the young age of 15. He always got up at four to go jogging. Every day was challenging since I
had to put my body through unpleasant and draining activities. He was aware of his tiny stature in
comparison to other fighters who were raised in the West. This may present a barrier in the realm of
boxing. Though MannyHowever, Manny seized the chance to give boxing a new definition by utilizing
the restriction. Due to him, boxing started to focus less on physical strength and height. The experience
of witnessing the exquisite coordination of the head, feet, and hands at work became even more

We frequently gripe that we fall short of our ideal selves. This lesson teaches us to be grateful that we
cannot be everything because if we tried, we would become nothing at all. The paradox of the body as
both a limitation and a possibility. It is paradoxical. A paradox is a claim that simultaneously accepts two
contradictory notions as true. A contradiction initially seems foolish or stupid. However, a closer
examination reveals that the conflict is conveying some extremely important, profound ideas. For
instance, "Our constraints are what make possibilities possible."



When we forgive, we are freed from our anger and bitterness because of the actions and or words of
another. On the other hand, the hardness of our heart is reinforced by whole series of rational


There is perfection in every single flower, this is what the three philosophies believed. For a hug, for
every sunrise and sunset, to eat together as a family, are our miracles. These kinds of experiences can be
truly moments of grace. They touch us deeply and the human heart is spontaneously lifted. During this
experiences, we need to praise.


To be invulnerable is somehow in human. To be vulnerable is to be human. Superman or superheroes

are hiding from their true humanity. True experience that we are contir gent. that we are dependent for
our existence on another is frightening.


Our failures force us to confront our weaknesses and limitations. When a relationship fails. when a
student fails a subject, when our immediate desires are not met, we are confronted with the possibility
of our plans and yet, we are forced to surrender to a mystery or look upon a bigger world


Our loneliness a can be rooted from our sense of vulnerability and fear of death This experience is so
common. However it is our choice to live in an impossible would where we are always "happy" or to
accept a life where solitude and companionship have a part. With our loneliness we can realize.


To love is to experience richness, positivity and transcendence. Whether in times ecstatic moments or
struggles, the love for a friend between family members or a significant person can open in something in
which takes us beyond ourselves

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