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American Journal of Medical Genetics 79:175–183 (1998)

Marker Segregation Information in Breast/Ovarian

Cancer Genetic Counseling: Is It Still Useful?
Laurent Essioux,1 Catherine Girodet,2 Olga Sinilnikova,3 Sabine Pagès,4 François Eisinger,5
Sandrina de Résende,6 Christine Maugard,7 Didier Lanoë,7 Michel Longy,6 Yves-Jean Bignon,2
Hagay Sobol,5 Catherine Bonaı̈ti-Pellié,1 Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet,4* and the Groupe Génétique
et Cancer de la Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer
Unité de Recherches en Epidémiologie des Cancers/INSERM U351, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Unité d’Oncogénétique/INSERM CRI9402, Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer, Lyon, France
Unité de Génétique Oncologique, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Département d’Oncologie Génétique/INSERM CRI9703, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, France
Laboratoire d’Oncologie Moléculaire, Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France
Oncologie Génétique, Centre René Gauducheau, Site Hospitalier Nord de Nantes, Saint-Herblain, France

The use of mutation screening of BRCA1 quasi certainty in three families and with a
and BRCA2 genes as a genetic test is still to high probability in eight families. This sta-
a certain extent limited and the oncogeneti- tus could be inferred in unaffected first-
cist may want to use complementary ap- degree relatives as almost certain in one
proaches to identify at-risk individuals. In a family and as highly probable in six fami-
series of 23 families with at least three lies. Fourteen mutations were found con-
breast or ovarian cancer cases, screened for currently in our series. Among the nine mu-
mutations at BRCA1 and BRCA2 and typed tation-negative families, we were able to
for markers at both loci, we investigated the conclude that a BRCA1 mutation most prob-
usefulness of marker segregation informa- ably segregated in one and that a mutation
tion at two levels: 1) to what extent can the other than BRCA1 and BRCA2 was probably
indirect approach identify the mutation involved in two families. Our results show
carrier status of screened cases and their that, in small families, little help is to be ex-
first-degree relatives, and 2) in what way pected from linkage data and mutation
does it help to identify the gene implicated screening is the only way of identifying the
in a family in which neither BRCA1 nor origin of a genetic predisposition in a fam-
BRCA2 mutation has been detected? Using ily. Marker segregation information may be
the indirect approach, the carrier status of useful in some large breast/ovarian cancer
the screened case could be determined with families in which no BRCA1 or BRCA2 mu-
tation has been detected. Am. J. Med. Genet.
79:175–183, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Contract grant sponsor: Axe Génétique et Cancer de la Ligue
Nationale Contre le Cancer (LNCC); Contract grant sponsor: the KEY WORDS: genetic counseling; breast/
Comités Départementaux of Puy de Dôme, Bouches-du Rhône, ovarian cancer; genetic pre-
Alpes de Hautes-Provence, Var, and Val de Marne of the LNCC; disposition; marker segrega-
Contract grant sponsor: Association pour la Recherche sur le Can- tion information; BRCA1;
cer (ARC); Contract grant sponsor: Programme Hospitalier de
Recherche Clinique; Contract grant number: IDF94014; Contract
grant sponsor: Fondation de France; Contract grant sponsor:
Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie; Contract grant sponsor:
CAMPLP; Contract grant sponsor: GREG; Contract grant spon-
sor: Association Charbonnières Triathlon; Contract grant spon-
sor: FEGEFLUC; Contract grant sponsor: INSERM 4U003C;
The identification of BRCA1 [Miki et al., 1994] and of
Contract grant sponsor: IFSBM (Institut Supérieur de Formation
aux Sciences BioMédicales); Contract grant sponsor: Comité de BRCA2 [Wooster et al., 1995; Tatvigian et al., 1996]
l’Ain of the LNCC. were major events in the understanding of predisposi-
*Correspondence to: Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Unité de Gé- tion to breast and ovarian cancer. Since then, 452 dif-
nétique Oncologique, Institut Curie, 26 rue d’Ulm, 75231 Paris ferent BRCA1 mutations and 254 different BRCA2 mu-
Cedex 05, France. E-mail: tations were registered by January 1998 in the BIC
Received 14 October 1997; Accepted 6 April 1998 database (available on the World Wide Web at http://
© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
176 Essioux et al. research/Lab transfer/ degree relatives, and 2) in what way does it help to
Bic). They include nonsense mutations, frameshift de- identify the gene implicated in a family in which nei-
letions or insertions, missense mutations, and splicing ther BRCA1 nor BRCA2 mutation has been detected?
aberrations found throughout these genes.
Mutation screening as a genetic test is to a certain SUBJECTS AND METHODS
extent limited. In order to reduce the false negative Family Sample
rate, the mutation identification strategy adopted must
involve different detection methods to detect these dif- Twenty-three families with at least three cases of
ferent types of mutations [Friedman et al., 1995; Se- breast or ovarian cancer among first- or second-degree
rova et al., 1996; Puget et al., 1997]. In addition, Couch relatives in the same parental lineage, were ascer-
et al. [1996] have reported 15% of BRCA1 variants with tained from five French cancer genetics clinics of the
an unknown biological significance, which raises the French Cooperative Network (Groupe Génétique et
problem of risk assignment to putative carriers. The Cancer de la Fédération Nationale des Centres de
report on a BRCA2 mutation that should result in a Lutte Contre le Cancer). They were selected for genetic
truncated (and therefore nonfunctional) protein, with- counseling with the indirect approach because they
out clear association with the disease status, docu- had at least three members available for DNA typing.
ments the difficulty of ascertaining the deleterious ef- Table I gives a description of the family sample.
fect of a mutation [Mazoyer et al., 1996].
Alternatively, joint segregation of genetic markers Individuals Tested for Mutation Screening or
with the disease may be used to infer the genetic status DNA Marker Typing
of relatives in a family. This approach, known as the
In each family, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were
indirect approach, is useful when genes are localized
screened in one individual, selected on the basis of a
but not yet cloned. Even when genes are cloned, this
low probability of being a sporadic case, usually a
approach may be used when mutations are not always
woman affected with either an early-onset breast can-
detected. For instance, Spirio et al. [1993] developed a
cer or an ovarian carcinoma. In one family, the
genetic test with a polymorphic intragenic marker in
screened case was an affected man, and in another
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), which was
family, two cases were screened.
shown to be efficient and a reliable alternative in fami-
The efficiency of the indirect approach was assessed
lies where no mutation of the APC gene is found.
by evaluating its ability to determine the mutation car-
Breast and ovarian cancer predisposition is more com-
rier status in affected and in unaffected individuals.
plex than FAP, due to heterogeneity, incomplete pen-
Risks of being a BRCA1 or a BRCA2 mutation carrier
etrance, and a high frequency of phenocopies, leading
using marker segregation (see ‘‘Risk Calculations’’ be-
to uncertain inference on genotypes from phenotypes.
low) were calculated in each family for the screened
Before the cloning of BRCA1, Rowell et al. [1994]
case and for a young unaffected female (or an unaf-
stated that genetic counseling using linkage informa-
fected male) first-degree relative of the screened case.
tion was only possible in families with a large number
The prior probability that these individuals are muta-
of cases and a convincing evidence of linkage to
tion carriers is close to 0.5, provided that the screened
BRCA1. However, this requirement might be less man-
case is a mutation carrier.
datory if prior probabilities of linkage to BRCA1 and
BRCA2, estimated by the Breast Cancer Linkage Con- Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Loci
sortium (BCLC) [Ford et al., 1998], and data on the Polymorphic Markers
segregation of markers at these loci are combined.
Besides being a tool for genetic testing, marker seg- DNA was extracted from either whole blood or Ep-
regation at these loci may help to pinpoint which gene stein-Barr virus–immortalized lymphoblastoid cell
segregates in a family in which no mutation is found lines according to standard methods [Sambrook et al.,
and thus explain the reason for such a result (the 1989]. Families were genotyped with four polymorphic
screened case was a phenocopy, the mutation was microsatellite markers flanking BRCA1, D17S579/
missed, or another gene probably segregates in the mfd188 and D17S800/AFM200zf4, and BRCA2,
family). In their study on genetic heterogeneity, Reb- D13S260 and D13S267 [Hall et al., 1990; Weissenbach
beck et al. [1996] attributed their familial observations et al., 1992; Wooster et al., 1994]. Polymerase chain
to BRCA1 or BRCA2 using two criteria: a positive mu- reaction (PCR) was performed using 50 to 100 ng of
tation screening result or, in the mutation-negative genomic DNA, in a 20-␮l reaction containing MgCl2 1.5
families, suggestive evidence of linkage to one of these mM, dNTPs 100 ␮M each, primers 1 ␮M each, and 1 U
two genes. More recently, Serova et al. [1997] calcu- Taq polymerase in the appropriate buffer. PCR condi-
lated the probability that aggregation of cases in a fam- tions were 30 to 35 cycles for 30 sec at 94°C, 30 sec at
ily is due to BRCA1, BRCA2 or BRCAx (any other un- the annealing temperature of the primers, and 30 sec
known gene) by combining linkage information and at 72°C. PCR products were separated on polyacryl-
negative mutation screening results. amide gel in highly denaturing conditions (7 M urea,
In a series of 23 families selected from French cancer 32% formamide, and high voltage). After migration,
genetics clinics, we investigated the usefulness of PCR products were transferred onto a nylon membrane
marker segregation information at two levels: 1) to and fixed. Blotting and hybridization were performed
what extent can the indirect approach identify the mu- according to Hazan et al. [1992]. The poly(CA) probe
tation carrier status of screened cases and their first was labeled using 32P-dCTP or digoxigenine (Boeh-
Genetic Counseling in Breast/Ovarian Cancer 177

TABLE I. Characteristics of the 23 Families Studied

Screened case
Family no. (age of onset) FBC(t)c FBC<45 BOvd OvC(t) MBC(t) U1Rt
101 FBC (36)a 3 (3) 3 0 0 0 2
102 FBC (30) 4 (3) 2 0 0 0 9
105 OvC (57) 1 (1) 0 0 2 (2) 0 4
201 OvC (40) 3 (1) 1 0 1 (1) 0 5
204 OvC (50) 2 (2) 2 1 1 (1) 0 7
206 OvC (45) 0 0 0 6 (2) 0 11
208 FBC (33) 7 (5) 4 0 0 0 9
209 MBC (39) 3 (2) 2 0 0 2 (2)e 6
301 FBC (46) 4 (4) 0 0 0 0 4
302 FBBC (30;47) 4 (3) 4 1 0 0 1
303 FBC (40) 3 (3) 2 0 0 0 4
304 OvC (45) 3 (3) 1 0 1 (1) 0 5
305 MBC (45) 4 (3) 2 0 1 2 (2) 2
306 FBC (36) 4 (3) 3 1 (1) 0 0 2
307 FBC (45) 4 (4) 0 0 0 0 2
311 OvC (46) 3 (3) 1 0 1 (1) 0 4
312 BBOv (33;36;50)+FBC (25)b 5 (3) 4 2 (1) 0 0 6
313 FBC (50) 6 (3) 3 0 0 0 3
404 FBC (39) 8 (2) 5 0 0 0 7
504 OvC (66) 4 (2) 4 0 1 (1) 0 2
506 OvC (43) 0 0 0 4 (3) 0 6
512 FBC (48) 4 (4) 0 0 0 0 5
520 OvC (49) 1 (1) 1 1 2 (1) 0 4
FBC, female breast cancer; OvC, ovarian cancer; MBC, male breast cancer; U1Rt, unaffected 1st-degree relatives typed
for markers; FBBC, female bilateral breast cancer; BBOv, bilateral breast and ovarian cancer.
Two screened cases (Stoppa-Lyonnet et al. [1996]).
(t), number of cases typed for markers; total number of FBC including BOv.
BOv, breast and ovarian cancer.
One bilateral male breast cancer.

ringer Mannheim). In one laboratory, one primer of the manufacturer’s instructions (Bioprobe Systems,
each marker was coupled with a fluorochrome and elec- Bobigny, France). cDNA was available for four families
trophoresis was carried out on an ABI373A automate (301, 306, 307, and 311), and was screened by HDA
(Applied Biosystems, Inc.). using primers published by Serova et al. [1997].
Only PCR products exhibiting an electrophoretic
BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Detection variant pattern were directly sequenced on both
strands. BRCA1 variant DNA was sequenced with au-
Three different methods were used for the BRCA1 tomated sequencing procedures (fluorometric method)
screening of the coding exons and intron-exon junc- using Dye Terminator or Dye Primer Cycle Sequencing
tions: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) Kit and an ABI373A automate (Perkin-Elmer Corp.).
(families 101 to 105, and 301 to 313), a protein trunca- BRCA2 variant DNA was sequenced with the USB
tion test (PTT) on exon 11, and sequencing of the other PCR product sequencing kit, according to the manufac-
exons (families 204 to 210). PTT was performed accord- turer’s instructions (Amersham).
ing to the conditions previously described by Hoger- The BRCA2 mutations have previously been re-
vorst et al. [1995], and DGGE as described by Stoppa- ported in families 305 and 313 (identified as families
Lyonnet et al. [1997]. Families 404 and 503 to 520 were Cu20 and Cu159 [Tatvigian et al., 1996]), and in fami-
studied by completely sequencing the coding sequence lies 209 and 404 (identified as families CDF80 and
and the intron-exon junctions. BRCA1 mutations have CRG32 [Serova-Sinilnikova et al., 1997]).
been previously reported in family 312 (identified as
family 355 [Stoppa-Lyonnet et al., 1996]), 302 (identi- Risk Calculations
fied as family 15 [Stoppa-Lyonnet et al., 1997]), and in
family 520 (identified as family F417 [Sobol et al., Posterior probability of linkage to BRCA1,2 us-
1996]). ing marker segregation. Multipoint LOD scores
BRCA2 analysis was performed using a combination Z(BRCA1) and Z(BRCA2) were calculated at the
of PTT and heteroduplex analysis (HDA). Exons 10 and BRCA1 and the BRCA2 locus respectively, using the
11 of BRCA2 were analyzed by PTT, and the rest of the genetic model determined by Claus et al. [1991] and
gene as well as the first 334 bp of exon 10 and the first slightly modified by Easton et al. [1993] for the BCLC
490 bp of exon 11 by HDA of lymphocyte genomic DNA. studies, and the LINKMAP program of the LINKAGE
The primer pairs used for PTT have been published package [Lathrop et al., 1984].
elsewhere [Serova et al., 1997]. The primers used to Assuming that a disease-causing allele segregates in
amplify BRCA2 exons for heteroduplex analysis were a family, posterior probabilities of linkage to BRCA1,
provided by R. Wooster. Heteroduplex analysis of PCR BRCA2, or BRCAx (without taking into account the
fragments was performed using MDEª gel according to mutation screening results), ␻1, ␻2, and ␻x , respec-
178 Essioux et al.

tively, were calculated from the prior probabilities ␣1 relatives by comparing the risks R(BRCAi) and R/
and ␣2 [Ott, 1991]: BRCAi in first-degree relatives. Indeed, the latter prob-
ability is conditional on the locus involved in a given
␣i10Zi family, and thus eliminates heterogeneity.
␻i =
␣110Z1 + ␣210Z2 + 共1 − ␣1 − ␣2兲 Probabilities of the family to be due to BRCA1,
BRCA2, or BRCAx given a negative mutation
where i equals 1, 2, or x. screening result. The probabilities PN(BRCAi) that
The proportion of families linked to BRCA1 or a family is due to BRCAi given that a negative muta-
BRCA2 estimated by the BCLC [Ford et al., 1998] were tion-screening result is obtained, were calculated using
used as prior probabilities. Five family groups were the approach recently described by Serova et al. [1997].
considered. In each group the estimated proportion ␣1 This approach is a two-step procedure. First, the pos-
and ␣2 of families attributable respectively to BRCA1 terior probability of linkage to BRCAi is calculated (see
and BRCA2 were: 1) ␣1 ⳱ 0.32, ␣2 ⳱ 0.09 for families above). Then, the probability that a mutation at a given
with less than five cases of female breast cancer only; 2) gene will not be found, even though we know that a
␣1 ⳱ 0.19, ␣2 ⳱ 0.66 for families with at least six cases mutation of this gene actually segregates in the family,
of female breast cancer; 3) ␣1 ⳱ 0.69, ␣2 ⳱ 0.19 for is calculated by assuming a sensitivity of mutation de-
families with one case of ovarian cancer; 4) ␣1 ⳱ 0.88, tection of 0.80 [Serova et al., 1996] for BRCA1 and
␣2 ⳱ 0.12 for families with at least two cases of ovarian BRCA2 and by allowing the screened case to be spo-
cancer; 5) ␣1 ⳱ 0.19, ␣2 ⳱ 0.77 for families with at least radic. The probabilities PN(BRCAi) were calculated
one case of male breast cancer. with and without taking into account marker segrega-
Genetic risks. The probability R(BRCAi) (where i tion to evaluate the significance of linkage information.
equals 1 or 2) that an individual carries a mutation in
one of the two genes can be derived from the posterior
probability of linkage ␻i to one of the genes and the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
probability R/BRCAi that the individual carries a Comparison of the Indirect Approach and
BRCAi disease-mutated allele given that this allele Mutation Screening
segregates in the family. The formula is:
The results of the genetic risk calculations using
R(BRCAi) = (R/BRCAi)*␻i
marker segregation are shown in Table II. Risks were
R/BRCA1 and R/BRCA2 can be calculated using calculated in the screened case and in first-degree rela-
the MLINK program of the LINKAGE package [Lath- tives of the screened case to assess the efficiency of the
rop et al., 1984]. indirect approach as a symptomatic and a presymp-
In families in which a mutation is found, it is possible tomatic genetic test. We classified the families accord-
to evaluate the impact of heterogeneity on the ability of ing to the probabilities R(BRCA1) or R(BRCA2) for the
the indirect approach to identify the carrier status of screened case to be a mutation carrier: 1) risk 艌0.95,

TABLE II. Linkage-Based Probabilities of the Screened Cases and Their First-Degree Relatives to Be BRCA1 or BRCA2 Carriers
Compared With Mutation-Screening Results
Lod scores Screened case First-degree relative Screening result
Family no. Z(BRCA1) Z(BRCA2) R(BRCA1)a R(BRCA2)a R(BRCA1) R(BRCA2) BRCA1 BRCA2
101 0.10 0.21 0.34 0.17 0.33 0.16 Mutation
102 0.32 −0.27 0.49 0.04 0.02 0.05
105 −0.86 −0.40 0.67 0.31 0.21 0.16
201 0.48 −0.77 0.93 0.02 0.02 0.00 Mutation
204 0.50 0.10 0.89 0.06 0.89 0.00 Mutation
206 0.96 −0.21 0.99 0.01 0.92 0.00 Mutation
208b 1.57 — 0.88 — 0.88 — Mutation
209 0.17 −1.05 0.71 0.15 0.35 0.11 Mutation
301 −0.51 −0.13 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.02
302 0.53 −0.87 0.93 0.00 0.90 0.00 Mutation
303 −0.35 −0.14 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.05
304 0.63 0.69 0.73 0.24 0.68 0.03
305 −0.75 1.05 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.99 Mutation
306 0.24 0.24 0.72 0.20 0.66 0.00
307 0.36 −0.91 0.68 0.04 0.50 0.03
311 −1.23 −0.08 0.07 0.49 0.04 0.03
312 −0.37 −1.02 0.67 0.04 0.14 0.04 Mutation
313 0.51 0.97 0.08 0.87 0.04 0.82 Mutation
404 −0.50 0.44 0.03 0.88 0.01 0.87 Mutation
504 0.55 0.06 0.87 0.08 0.03 0.07 Mutation
506b 0.48 — 0.94 — 0.79 —
512 0.54 −0.51 0.58 0.02 0.51 0.01 Mutation
520 0.66 −0.60 0.99 0.01 0.57 0.00 Mutation
See text for definition.
Not typed for BRCA2 markers.
Genetic Counseling in Breast/Ovarian Cancer 179

which means that the involvement of either BRCA1 or mutations were found in family 312 [Stoppa-Lyonnet et
BRCA2 is almost certain; 2) risk <0.95 but 艌0.80, al., 1996].
which means that this involvement is very likely; 3) It is possible to evaluate the impact of heterogeneity
risk <0.80 and 艌0.20, which means that the situation on the ability of the indirect approach to identify the
is ambiguous; 4) risks both <0.20, which means that carrier status of relatives with these families. As
another gene is probably involved. Three families (206, shown in Table III, the BRCA1/2 status of a first-
305, 520) belong to the first group, eight families (201, degree relative was almost certain (R/BRCA1 or R/
204, 208, 302, 313, 404, 504, 506) to the second group, BRCA2 at least 0.95 or at most 0.05) in six families and
ten families (101, 102, 105, 209, 304, 306, 307, 311, 312, very likely (between 0.80 and 0.95 or 0.05 and 0.20) in
512) to the third group, and only two families (301, 303) six families; i.e., six additional families other than the
to the fourth group. This means that the screened case six families mentioned above. This means that genetic
is very likely a mutation carrier of BRCA1 in eight heterogeneity is partially the cause of the moderate
families, of BRCA2 in three families, and of another efficiency of the indirect approach as a genetic test.
unknown gene in two families. A first-degree relative Family 208 is a good illustration of the effect of genetic
had a risk of at least 0.95 in only one family (305, Fig. heterogeneity (Fig. 2). The probability R(BRCA1) that
1), and less than 0.95 but at least 0.80 in six families the screened case is a BRCA1 mutation carrier is only
(204, 206, 208, 302, 313, 404). Thus, the indirect ap- 88%, due to the low prior probability of linkage to
proach was useful as a presymptomatic test in seven BRCA1 of breast cancer only families. Since five af-
families. Note that the carrier status of the unaffected fected women share the same BRCA1 haplotype, the
relative is more ambiguous than that of the screened conditional probability R/BRCA1 reaches 0.99 in the
case, due to the different limitations of the indirect unaffected daughter.
approach, which will be further discussed. The carrier status remains ambiguous in 14% of
The results of the mutation screening are in com- families (2/14), showing that heterogeneity is not the
plete agreement with the probabilities of the screened only factor responsible for the moderate efficiency of
case to be a mutation carrier of either BRCA1 or the indirect approach. One other factor is the amount
BRCA2. Indeed, the expected mutation was found in of information provided by marker segregation in the
each of the three families belonging to the first group relatives. With two polymorphic markers flanking each
(almost certain involvement of BRCA1 or BRCA2), and BRCA1/2 mutation, there were few limitations due to
in seven of the eight families belonging to the second marker homozygosity. The lack of information was
group (involvement very likely). A mutation was also most often due to the limited number of available rela-
found in four of the ten families with ambiguous status tives in a given family.
and in none of the two families in which another gene Another limitation of the indirect approach as a ge-
was probably involved. This is in accordance with pre- netic test is the rate of phenocopies among breast can-
vious reports of mutation screening in families with cers. Several examples of sporadic cases, leading to
strong evidence of linkage [Serova et al., 1997]. The negative LOD scores with BRCA1 markers, were re-
mutations found in 14 of the 23 families (61%) are de- ported in families with a BRCA1 mutation [Narod et
scribed in Table III. Note that two different BRCA1 al., 1995; Friedman et al., 1995]. In our series, one

Fig. 1. Pedigree of family 305. Black circles and squares indicate affected individuals. Diagonal slashes indicate deceased. Numbers under the symbols
indicate age at death for deceased or age at last observation for living individuals (Br, breast cancer; Ov, ovarian cancer; Pro, prostate cancer; Bl, bladder
cancer; Per, peritoneum cancer). The numbers following the abbreviations indicate ages at diagnosis, where known. The numbers below the individual
symbols are marker alleles arranged into haplotypes. Marker alleles separated by a comma cannot be phased. The presence of a mutation is indicated
by an asterisk. The screened case is indicated by a plus sign.
180 Essioux et al.

TABLE III. BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations Identified

First-degree relative
Family no. BRCA1 mutation BRCA2 mutation R/BRCA1a R/BRCA2a
101 Ala1752Pro 0.94
201 1481insAG 0.02
204 1135insA 0.94
206 3958indelter 0.93
208 Arg1443ter 0.99
209 Gln2714terb 0.64
302 243delAc 0.96
305 8525delC 1.00
312 3600del11/4184del4e 0.14
313 9254del5d 0.92
404 Leu414terb 0.97
504 4184del4 0.04
512 Cys44Gly 0.81
520 5382insCf 0.57
Calculated among first-degree relatives of the screened case.
Mutations reported as CDF80 and CRG32 in Serova-Sinilnikova et al. [1997].
Mutation reported as 15 in Stoppa-Lyonnet et al. [1997].
Mutations reported as Cu20 and Cu159 in Tavtigian et al. [1996].
Mutations reported as 355 in Stoppa-Lyonnet et al. [1996].
Mutations reported as F417 in Sobol et al. [1996].

sporadic case probably exists in family 209 in which a model. On the other hand, allowing for phenocopies in
BRCA2 mutation segregates. This family has four the genetic model leads to ambiguity in the relation
typed cases (two male breast cancers and two female between phenotypes and genotypes. Indeed, compared
breast cancers). One of the affected women (breast can- to a genetic predisposition such as FAP, in which case
cer at age 40 years) does not share the BRCA2 haplo- affected individuals are obligate mutation carriers, it
type common to the other three cases leading to a low lowers the informativity of a family and thus limits the
probability that BRCA2 is involved (Tables II and III). use of the indirect approach.
Thus, in small families, the carrier risk computation is Another example of misleading information provided
sensitive to the occurrence of a phenocopy, although by segregation of markers is the existence of two dif-
this possibility is taken into account in the genetic ferent mutations in the same family (312) that could

Fig. 2. Pedigree of family 208. Symbols as in Figure 1 (Br, breast cancer; Col, colon cancer; Lu, lung cancer; Test, testis cancer). The N refers to the
absence of this mutation.
Genetic Counseling in Breast/Ovarian Cancer 181

lead to dramatic errors in the inference on the carrier ties PN(BRCAi) were calculated assuming a causative
status from segregation information [Stoppa-Lyonnet mutation in the families. However, it cannot be ex-
et al., 1996], although this should be a rare event. cluded that some families are not aggregations of spo-
radic cases.
Significance Of Linkage Information in Two parameters have to be discussed since they may
Families With a Negative Mutation Result affect the risk values. The first one is the proportion of
The sample of nine families in which no mutation families linked to BRCA1, BRCA2, or BRCAx. Indeed,
was found consisted of four breast cancer only families, these proportions could affect the risk computation
four families with breast and ovarian cancers, and one since, in the absence of marker information, the poste-
ovary-specific family. When a mutation is not found, rior probabilities of linkage are simply equal to the
three conclusions are possible if one assumes that a prior ones. As mentioned above, these proportions were
disease gene segregates in the family: 1) the detection estimated from the BCLC families. Since these families
method lacks sensitivity, 2) the screened case is spo- were selected for linkage, the estimated proportions
radic, and 3) another gene is involved (evidence for a might not be valid for our sample. This potential bias
locus on 8p12-p22 has been reported by Kerangueven was accounted for by stratifying according to the family
et al. [1995] and by Seitz et al. [1997]). type. Another parameter is the sensitivity of mutation
Table IV shows the probabilities PN(BRCAi) that the detection. The value of 0.80 that was used for the risk
family is due to BRCAi given that no mutation was computation is the highest reported value, estimated
found. These probabilities were calculated 1) without from a set of 20 highly informative families shown to be
the marker information (M−), and 2) with this infor- linked to BRCA1 [Serova et al., 1996] and might not be
mation (M+). The difference between these two prob- valid for the present sample. As a matter of fact, these
abilities allows an evaluation of the information pro- families could segregate mutations difficult to detect.
vided by marker segregation. This difference is at most In this case, the negative screening result would bring
0.15 for all loci in five families (102, 301, 303, 306, 506), very little information and the risks would be those
reaches a value greater than 0.15 and at most 0.30 for computed in the first part of this section. The conclu-
at least one locus in three families (105, 304, 307), and sions would however be quite similar.
reaches a value greater than 0.30 in only one family
(311). Thus, the difference is the lowest for the female CONCLUSIONS
breast cancer only families. Indeed, these families are
small (no more than four cases) and this leads to inad- Based on a series of 23 families with at least three
equate linkage information. cases of breast and/or ovarian cancer (which is a very
We can also classify the families according to the frequent situation that oncogeneticists have to deal
value of the risk, given all the available information, with), our results show that the information provided
that a mutation on BRCA1 or BRCA2 segregates, using by an indirect approach is quite variable among fami-
the same groups as above. A BRCA1 mutation is al- lies. Although some of the data used in this study have
most certainly involved in family 506 (PN(BRCA1 ⳱ already been published, our results allow us to quan-
0.97)). Indeed, since RNA was not available for screen- tify the amount of information provided by the indirect
ing in this family, a mutation outside the coding region approach from a whole series. When no mutation is
may have been missed. There are no families in the found in a family, this approach appears reasonable
second group (risk between 0.80 and 0.95), six families only if the family is large enough, with several affected
(102, 105, 304, 306, 307, 311) in the ambiguous group cases (more than three) and several close relatives
(risk between 0.20 and 0.80), and two families (301, (more than three) available for DNA typing. Small
303) in the group in which another gene is probably families may be an aggregation of sporadic cases and
involved. It should be borne in mind that the probabili- are not informative enough for conclusions to be drawn.

TABLE IV. Probabilities of BRCA1, BRCA2, and BRCAx in Families in Which No

Mutation Is Found
Family no. M−a M+b M− M+b M−a M+b
Breast-ovary cancer families
105 0.86 0.68 0.14 0.32 0.00 0.00
304 0.47 0.65 0.14 0.22 0.39 0.13
306 0.48 0.57 0.14 0.17 0.26 0.38
311 0.50 0.06 0.15 0.24 0.35 0.70
Ovary-specific family
506 0.91 0.97 0.09 0.03 0.00 0.00
Breast cancer only families
102 0.10 0.20 0.04 0.02 0.86 0.78
301 0.11 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.85 0.93
303 0.19 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.74 0.84
307 0.10 0.36 0.04 0.03 0.86 0.61
Without taking into account linkage information.
Taking into account linkage information.
182 Essioux et al.

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proach, which may be unnecessarily distressing. tation 185delAG in Ashkenazi Jewish families. Am J Hum Genet 57:
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