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Broas, Godwin Inaqui B.

Date Submitted: 11/17/2022

2021104013 / CE CE122-2 / A71

The Essence of Transportation

Assessment 2

I. Importance of Transportation to our Daily Lives

Based on an article written by Glazyl Masculino (2022), the commuters in Bacolod city were

said to be stranded on Nov. 7, 2022 due to the limited mode of public transportation. The reason

behind such would be because of the overseeing of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and

Land Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) on the case of the numerous unregistered Public

Utility Vehicles (PUVs). The LTO and LTFRB conducted checkpoints in order for them to identify

the unregistered PUVs using the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP). The

aforementioned program is utilized for replacing traditional jeepneys and at least 15-years-old

PUVs with modernized and environmental-friendly vehicles in three years.

The issue is noteworthy for everyone to consider as the disobedience of the unregistered

vehicles create nuisance and inconvenience to the commuters, creating crowded areas in

loading/unloading spots. The local government should consider becoming stricter in terms of

phasing out the traditional and old vehicles to modernized and environmental-friendly ones in

order to avoid such inconvenience during these busy times. Due to such, the passengers are delayed

of their supposed-to-be schedules for that day. The article written by Masculino also indicated how

some schools were forced to conduct online classes in order for the students to attend their classes.
II. Three Departments/Agencies/Organizations

➢ Land Transportation Office (LTO)

LTO is considered to be the top agency in the Philippine government that is tasked to ensure

the safety of any road by the means of implementing inspections on the registered motor vehicles.

They are also responsible of issuing licensed cards/permits to qualified drivers and also enforce

strict laws, rules and regulations to prevent traffic congestion (LTO, n.d.). Basically speaking, the

agency’s role is to create a safe, convenient, and comfortable environment for each traveler with

respect to his/her motor vehicle. Holding inspections on all registered vehicles, issuance of permits

and cards, and the enforcement of land transportation rules and regulations are the main functions

of the agency in order to put order on the roads.

➢ Department of Transportation (DOTr)

DOTr is the main organization responsible for the executive branch's policy, planning,

programming, coordination, implementation, and administration with regard to the promotion,

development, and regulation of a dependable and coordinated network of transportation and

communications systems, as well as with regard to the provision of quick, safe, efficient, and

reliable transportation and communications services (Linkedin, n.d.). The DOTr is essential in

accelerating the nation's economic growth. By creating effective and efficient transportation and

communications infrastructure systems that bridge the physical and geographical divide and

connect the nation, its islands, and its people to the rest of the world, it supports growth and

strengthens the country's competitive edge.

➢ Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)

By virtue of an Executive order issued on June 19, 1987, the LTFRB was established with the

aim of streamlining the franchising system for the land transportation industry. The promulgation,

administration, enforcement, and monitoring of compliance with policies, laws, and regulations

governing public land transportation services fall under the purview of the LTFRB. The

organization is in charge of awarding licenses or accreditations and supervising the operation of

public vehicles, including taxis, public utility buses, minibuses, public utility jeepneys, utility

vehicle express services, school buses, and transportation network vehicles (CAB, n.d.).

III. Importance of Transportation in the Following Aspects

➢ Economics

Transportation is needed for the economic system of a country to function as its principal role

is to create an environment that provides access to different locations in order for businesses to be

facilitated with a wider range of social and economic interactions (Ministry of Transport, 2016).

Inadequate transportation would hold back the potential uprise of a country’s economic status as

transportation is valued as a bridge that connects a country to others, thus creating connections that

would be able to bring endless possibilities for businesses to thrive. The local to the global scales,

as well as from historical, technological, economic, and environmental perspectives, all play a role

in the development of transportation systems (Rodrigue & Notteboom, n.d.). The development of

such system to society not only enables the option of exporting and importing goods and

merchandises, but also the strategy to transportation itself as a business.

➢ Politics

The implementation of traffic rules and regulations is being covered by politics itself, causing

less possible traffic congestions. The advancements in transportation have made it possible for

people to live the way they do and for societies to be set up and run in the ways that they do

(WWRL 1600, 2019). The political domains of different countries are divided into different

political entities, which are set up for mutual protection, economic gain, and the advancement of

a shared culture. Transportation is essential to how these political organizations operate and carry

out their functions. An area's governance and administration should be able to communicate and

receive data, facts, and information to and about its residents. Regulations and legislation that must

be adopted and followed, safety information, and other information needed to raise awareness

could all be included. The ability of a government to properly communicate and disseminate such

important information to the entire nation is a key indicator of how effective and capable it is.

➢ Environment

Future generations will benefit from the environmental advantages of efficient public

transportation use. As a result, shared mobility is one of the most eco-friendly transportation

options (McCallum, 2020). The term "shared mobility" refers to the sharing of vehicles, including

cars, trains, shuttle buses, and larger buses. As the global population and the use of automobiles

both continue to expand, our highways are clogged with vehicles, which is harmful to the

environment. In cities where a lack of parking can cause congestion and in lower density areas

where the cost of commuting across wide travel lanes and the maintenance of multiple vehicles is

expensive, public transportation remains a more economical alternative.

➢ Education

Long commutes to school may have a negative impact on students' safety, academic

performance, and health. Leaving their social networks and relationships to other local kids when

they attend school outside of their neighborhoods can be difficult. Additionally, when a district,

school, or city provides student transportation, it may divert funds from more crucial expenses like

teachers or educational supplies (Urban Institute, n.d.). The vast majority of kids rely on school

transportation to get to school each day. Therefore, it is imperative to have access to proper

assistance and modernized technology via the transports.


Civil Aeronautics Board Philippines. (n.d.). The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory

Board (LTFRB). Retrieved from:




Linkedin. (n.d.). Department of Transportation – Philippines. Retrieved from:

LTO. (n.d.). About this agency. Freedom of Information Philippines. Retrieved from:

Masculino, G. (2022). Hundreds stranded due to limited public transport in Bacolod. Manila

Bulletin. Retrieved from:


McCallum, E. (2020). What are the environmental benefits of public transport? Liftango.

Retrieved from:


Ministry of Transport. (2016). Contribution of transport to economic development. New Zealand

Government. Retrieved from:

Rodrigue, J. & Notteboom, T. (n.d.). Transportation and economic development. Dept. of Global

Studies & Geography, Hofstra University. Retrieved from:


Urban Institute. (n.d.). Student transportation and educational access. Retrieved from:

WWRL 1600. (2019). Role of transportation in politics. Retrieved from:

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