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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region XIII
Division of Agusan del Norte
Carmen District I
School ID: 304677
Grade 10 SSC Class

Name: ______________________ Date: __________________

General Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions
A. For nos.1-3
Directions: Your teacher will play the audio clip. You will hear a short conversations between two
people. The conversations will repeat only twice. After you hear a bell sound, read the questions and the
four possible answers on your questionnaire and select the best answer by writing the letter before the
1. (Conversation #1) What does the man mean?
A. He does not like the news either.
B. He does not know the news.
C. He does not have any ideas about the news.
D. He does not know what stations to listen to.

2. (Conversation # 2) What does the woman imply?

A. The man should watch the program too.
B. The man should leave the television on.
C. The program will be over soon.
D. She will watch television later.
3. (Conversation) #3 Which three things should the caller bring to the orientation of the incoming
Grade 7 students?
A. Birth certificate, Bolo, and LESF form
B. Birth certificate, face mask, Form 138
C. LESF form, Form 138, Birth certificate
D. Brigada Form, LESF form, form 138
Part B. For nos. 4-10
Directions: Listen an audio to be play by your teacher. It is a report from 2020 published on July 27,2020. The audio will play
twice and wait for the bell sound to answer the questions correctly by writing the correct letter of the
appropriate answer before the number.
4. What does SONA stand for?
A. State of the National Appears
B. State of the Nations Address
C. State of the Nation Address
D. Station of the National Agency

5. What is the title of the news?

A. SONA 2020: Duterte slams Smart, Globe
B. SONA 2020: Duterte wants to close Smart and Globe
C. SONA 2020: Duterte threatens Smart, Globe
D. SONA 2020: Duterte advise Smart , Globe to shutdown

6. Who are involved in the news?

A. All telecommunication companies
B. PLDT Company
C. Smart and Globe telecom
D. Particularly telecommunications companies ,Smart Communications Inc. and Globe Telecom
7. What is the purpose of Duterte’s threatening?
A. Duterte wanted the services of the telecommunications company will improve
B. Duterte wanted to have equal share of commissions
C. Duterte wanted to apply the 3rd telco, DITO Tele community
D. Duterte challenged the Globe and Smart to add more mbps that we are able to reach the
global average fixed-line internet speed.

8. If you are the given the chance to cover this report, what would be your Headline/title of the
news? Write your answer on the space provided for.

9. Why is Sona important?

A. It is a constitutional obligation and yearly tradition, where in the chief of justice reports on the
status of the country
B. It is a constitutional obligation wherein, the chief of executive reports on the status of the
country, unveils the government agenda for the coming year
C. It is the time wherein the leader of the country expresses his thoughts and emotions
D. It is the tradition wherein the President of the Philippines appear before the congress.

10. Is the report/article contains the key a good news story? Explain.

DIRECTIONS: Read carefully each item and Chose the letter from the box of the most appropriate
answers. Write your answer before the number
A. Juncture B. Stress C. Pitch D. Intonation
11. It is the sound changes produced by the rise and fall of the voice when speaking, especially
when this has an effect on the meaning of what is said.
12. It is the manner in which words come together and connection is made.
13. An accent, the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note
14. The property of sound with variation in frequency of vibration

For nos. 15-16

Say the following statement correctly and determine if you are going to use a rising or a falling intonation.
Write your answer on the black.
15. It’s unbelievable! ____________
16. Don’t worry, I understand. ___________

17. Put the correct intonation pattern of the expressions “ How are you” to someone who haven’t
seen for 3 years.
How are you?

Directions : Read the following short passage carefully and copy the letter of the word or phrase that
best completes each numbered item.
For nos. 18-22

Exploring the Sea of Goodness

Lee Emm

1. ) Do you believe that a sea of goodness is possible in this world? 2.) I always believe it is
possible. 3. ) Doing something good, no matter what the consequences are, will always
make me contented and secure .

4. ) There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something “good” for others. 5. )
The steps are easy but zealousness, humility, and consistency are the subtle ways. Here are
the simple ones:

6. ) The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person I’ll do good to . 7. )
Next, I’ll imagine how she’ll feel and react. 8. ) That way, I’ll think doing good to others will
make me at least a better person. 9. ) That will make me be grateful that I have done
something good

10.) With these simple but notable ways I can prove to my self, to others, and to God that I
can explore the sea of goodness in this ever-changing world. 11.) How about you, can you
explore it also? 12. ) I bet you can!

18. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. ____.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 10 D. 12
19. Exploring the sea of Goodness, means you are practicing ___________
A. Conscientiousness B. humility C. kindness D. sympathy
20. The word subtle in sentence 5 means________________
A. Clear B. practical C. refined D. strained
21. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through __________
A. Anecdotes B. examples C. statistics D. video
22. The generalization or statement about the passage on life or human experience is to _____.
A. Bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. Stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds

For nos. 23-27

From the “ Daedalus and Icarus” of Nick Pontikis. Excerpt…

Daedalus is a brilliant inventor—the Thomas Edison of his day. Unfortunately, he angers King Minos, the ruler of
the island Crete, and he has to hightail it out of there. Desperate to flee the island, Daedalus uses wax to build some
wings for himself and his son Icarus. Daddy Daedalus warns his son to fly at a middle height: the seawater will
dampen the wings and the sun will melt them. (Not good either way.)

Icarus heeds his father's advice for a bit, but then he gets cocky. He's having so much fun flying that he forgets the
warning and flies too close to the sun. Sure enough, his wings melt, and Icarus plummets into the sea and drowns.
Daedalus is (of course) devastated by his son's death, but the show must go on. He flies on to Sicily, where he
mourns Icarus and builds a temple in honor of the god Apollo.

23. What did Deadalus invent to help him and Icarus escape from the Island?

24. What did he warn Icarus not to do?

25- 27. Extract actions, dialogue , and thoughts of Daedalus from the text you have read


actions feelings thoughts


A. Directions: Complete the diagram by writing the three (3) basic points to consider during the
preliminary stage of the writing process



C. True or False. Encircle the smiling emoji if the statement is true and put an X of the sad
emoji if it is wrong.
31.Cohesion is very important aspect of academic writing because it is immediately affects
the tone of your writing.
32. An argumentative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical.

33. The ability to persuade is to get other people to understand, accept and act upon your
34. The goal of informative writing is to give the audience entertainment and appreciation of
some topic with which you might be unfamiliar.
35. It is written to convince the readers of the validity of the writer’s argument and it is involve
convincing some to change their opinion is a persuasive
For no. 36-40
B. Directions: Imagine you are a sales representative persuading the consumers to buy the
latest /gadget product you’re promoting/selling. Write a paragraph convincing the public about the
advantages of buying the gadget especially to this pandemic situation. Convince them using the
persuasive techniques you know.

A. Directions: Choose the correct modals to complete the sentence

41. We thought that people ________but this book.

Should will might would
42. Alex _____ go home by 6:00 pm.
Should will might would
43. They __________ come back if the rain will stop
Should will might can
44. There _______ be an extra key for the lock in the drawer.
Would must have to should

For nos.45-47. Which of the four sentences containing a modal has the same meaning as the original

45. They are able to speak English well.

A. They can speak English well.
B. They may speak English well.
C. They must speak English well.
D. They should speak English well.
46. You don’t have to do this exercise.
A. You must not do this exercise.
B. You need not to do this exercise.
C. You should not do this exercise.
D. You may not do this exercise.
47. Am I allowed to ask question?
A. May I ask a question?
B. Must I ask a question?
C. Should I ask a question?
D. Will I ask a question?


For nos. 48-57 ( from the short story “A day in the Country “of Anton Chekhov)
Answer the following questions by writing the correct letter of the most appropriate answer.

48. Described Terenty Characteristic traits using this Character Organizer .

Outside Terenty

49. What kind of conflict is shown in the story “A day in the Country”?
A. Man vs. Man C. Man vs. Society
B. Man vs. Nature D. Man vs. Himself
50. In the story “ A day in the Country” , what did Terenty leave under the children’s head at night?
A. Some bread B. A book C. Some coinsD. His teeth
51. Why do you think Terenty helped the orphans?
A. He helped the orphans because he feels sorry for them not having parents to guide them
B. He helped them because he wanted to have a helper
C. He helped them because he wanted to help
D. He helped them to beg in the streets.
52. What is the message of the story “ A day in the country”
A. Do not discriminate other people
B. Learn to appreciate the wonders of nature
C. Help someone who is suffering in pain
D. Love is all that matters
53. In the story “ A day in the Country “ what does “ A dark leaden-colored mass is creeping over the
sky towards the sun means?
A. Dawn B. Evening C. There’s a storm coming D. the sun is showing a
silver lining
54. Why does Danilka say that there is no secret in nature that baffles Terenty?
A. Because he wanted to know more about nature
B. Because Terent knows everything about nature
C. Because Terenty likes bird
D. Because Fyoka love Terenty

55. What is the story about?

A. It is about the reflection of the nature’s beauty and the wisdom of country folks
B. It is about the sustainability of the Mother Earth
C. It is about how we preserved the gift of nature
D. It is about the beauty of nature and Wisdom from the folks.
56. Who is telling or narrating the story “ A Day in the Country”?
A. One character acting as a narrator ( First person)
B. Some one telling what is going on (third person)
C. Both first person and third person
D. The first person or third person

57. The author compares a nightingale to a sparrow. To whom can you compare these two birds?
Show your answer using comparison and contrast diagram.
58. What is the author’s mood towards the subject?
A. Excited B. Confused C. Disappointed D. Motivated
59-60. How does you recognize the gift of nature? Give some details through sketching.

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