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Bluetooth® Firmware Applications
User Manual

User Manual

Version 39
This user manual describes the following R&S®CMW options:
● R&S®CMW-KD611 (Bluetooth® LE R4.2 advertiser RX measurement with ARB generator)
● R&S®CMW-KD720 (Bluetooth® LE 5.0 direct test mode with ARB generator)
● R&S®CMW-KM610 (Bluetooth® classic R4.2, TX measurement)
● R&S®CMW-KM611 (Bluetooth® LE R4.2, TX measurement)
● R&S®CMW-KM721 (Bluetooth® LE R5, TX measurement)
● R&S®CMW-KM722 (Bluetooth® LE R5.1, direction finding, TX measurement)
● R&S®CMW-KM012 (TX measurement, multi-evaluation list mode)
● R&S®CMW-KS600 (Bluetooth® classic R4.2, signaling, connection setup)
● R&S®CMW-KS601 (Bluetooth® LE R4.2, signaling, connection setup)
● R&S®CMW-KS602 (Bluetooth® hands-free audio profile, basic signaling)
● R&S®CMW-KS603 (Bluetooth® A2DP audio profile, basic signaling)
● R&S®CMW-KS610 (Bluetooth® classic R4.2, signaling, test mode)
● R&S®CMW-KS611 (Bluetooth® LE R4.2, direct test mode via USB)
● R&S®CMW-KS720 (Bluetooth® LE R5, signaling, connection setup)
● R&S®CMW-KS721 (Bluetooth® LE R5, direct test mode via USB)
● R&S®CMW-KS722 (Bluetooth® LE R5.1, direction finding, RX measurement)

© 2020 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany
Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0
Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Rohde & Schwarz is under
Trade names are trademarks of the owners.

1173.9663.02 | Version 39 | R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x

The following abbreviations are used throughout this manual: R&S®CMW is abbreviated as R&S CMW.
R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Contents

1 Preface.................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Documentation Overview............................................................................................. 9
1.1.1 Getting Started Manual / Quick Start Guide....................................................................9
1.1.2 User Manual and Help.................................................................................................... 9
1.1.3 Features & Functions...................................................................................................... 9
1.1.4 Basic Safety Instructions...............................................................................................10
1.1.5 Data Sheet and Brochure..............................................................................................10
1.1.6 Release Notes and Open-Source Acknowledgment (OSA)..........................................10
1.1.7 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc..............................................10
1.2 R&S CMW Models....................................................................................................... 10
1.3 How to Read Firmware Application Chapters.......................................................... 11
1.3.1 General Description.......................................................................................................11
1.3.2 Application Sheets.........................................................................................................11
1.3.3 GUI Reference...............................................................................................................11
1.3.4 Programming Examples................................................................................................12
1.3.5 Command Reference.................................................................................................... 12

2 Bluetooth® Signaling........................................................................... 13
2.1 What's New.................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 General Description.................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Overview of Options......................................................................................................14
2.2.2 Test Setup..................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Initiating Signaling Tests (Classic).................................................................................19
2.2.4 Connection Test (Classic)............................................................................................. 20
2.2.5 Test Mode (Classic).......................................................................................................21
2.2.6 Audio Profiles (BR/EDR)............................................................................................... 23
2.2.7 Connection Test (LE).....................................................................................................26
2.2.8 Test Mode (LE)..............................................................................................................27
2.2.9 Direct Test Mode (LE)................................................................................................... 28
2.2.10 Bluetooth Signal Characteristics................................................................................... 30
2.2.11 Signaling States............................................................................................................ 36
2.2.12 Trigger Signals.............................................................................................................. 40

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2.3 GUI Reference............................................................................................................. 41

2.3.1 Signaling View...............................................................................................................41
2.3.2 Signaling and Connection Control.................................................................................57
2.3.3 Using the Shortcut Softkeys..........................................................................................64
2.3.4 Unit Selection................................................................................................................ 65
2.3.5 CMW Role.....................................................................................................................65
2.3.6 General Settings........................................................................................................... 66
2.3.7 EUT Control.................................................................................................................. 70
2.3.8 RF Settings................................................................................................................... 73
2.3.9 Connection Configuration..............................................................................................85
2.3.10 Event Log Configuration................................................................................................98
2.3.11 Shortcut Configuration.................................................................................................. 98
2.4 Programming...............................................................................................................99
2.4.1 Initialization and Basic Configuration.......................................................................... 100
2.4.2 Switch On Bluetooth Signaling....................................................................................101
2.4.3 Inquire or Manually Specify DUT for BR/EDR.............................................................101
2.4.4 Configure Paging for BR/EDR.....................................................................................101
2.4.5 Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities................................................................. 102
2.4.6 Configure USB Interface............................................................................................. 103
2.4.7 Configure Dirty Transmitter......................................................................................... 104
2.4.8 Connect LE (Normal Mode)........................................................................................ 105
2.4.9 Configure Test Mode Classic...................................................................................... 107
2.4.10 Configure LE Direct Test Mode................................................................................... 109
2.4.11 Configure LE Test Mode.............................................................................................. 111
2.4.12 Audio Echo Mode........................................................................................................ 112
2.4.13 Configure Audio Profile................................................................................................112
2.5 Command Reference................................................................................................ 113
2.5.1 Conventions and General Information.........................................................................113
2.5.2 Signal Characteristics..................................................................................................116
2.5.3 RF Settings................................................................................................................. 124
2.5.4 Dirty Transmitter Settings............................................................................................135
2.5.5 Connection Control and States................................................................................... 152
2.5.6 EUT Information.......................................................................................................... 165

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2.5.7 EUT Capabilities......................................................................................................... 168

2.5.8 EUT Power Control LE................................................................................................174
2.5.9 Paging Settings Classic.............................................................................................. 176
2.5.10 Paging Settings LE......................................................................................................179
2.5.11 Connection Settings.................................................................................................... 187
2.5.12 Audio Parameters....................................................................................................... 192
2.5.13 EUT Control................................................................................................................ 197
2.5.14 USB Information..........................................................................................................203
2.5.15 Stack Delay Control.................................................................................................... 205
2.6 List of Commands.....................................................................................................206

3 Rx BER Measurement........................................................................213
3.1 Performing a BER Rx Measurement........................................................................213
3.2 GUI Reference........................................................................................................... 214
3.2.1 Tab Overview.............................................................................................................. 214
3.2.2 Measurement Control..................................................................................................216
3.2.3 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 216
3.2.4 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 218
3.3 Programming.............................................................................................................220
3.3.1 Configuring a BER Measurement............................................................................... 220
3.3.2 Setting Up the Connection.......................................................................................... 221
3.3.3 Performing a BER Measurement................................................................................ 221
3.4 Command Reference................................................................................................ 221
3.4.1 Conventions and General Information........................................................................ 222
3.4.2 Measurement Control and States............................................................................... 226
3.4.3 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 228
3.4.4 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 230
3.5 List of Commands.....................................................................................................232

4 Rx PER Measurement........................................................................ 233

4.1 Performing a PER Rx Measurement........................................................................233
4.2 GUI Reference........................................................................................................... 234
4.2.1 Tab Overview.............................................................................................................. 235
4.2.2 Measurement Control..................................................................................................237
4.2.3 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 237

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4.2.4 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 239

4.3 Programming.............................................................................................................245
4.3.1 Configuring a PER Measurement............................................................................... 246
4.3.2 Setting Up the Connection.......................................................................................... 246
4.3.3 Performing a PER Measurement................................................................................ 246
4.4 Command Reference................................................................................................ 247
4.4.1 Conventions and General Information........................................................................ 247
4.4.2 Measurement Control and States............................................................................... 247
4.4.3 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 248
4.4.4 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 253
4.5 List of Commands.....................................................................................................256

5 Rx BER/PER Search...........................................................................258
5.1 Performing BER/PER Search Rx Measurements................................................... 258
5.2 GUI Reference........................................................................................................... 259
5.2.1 Tab Overview.............................................................................................................. 259
5.2.2 Measurement Control..................................................................................................261
5.2.3 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 262
5.2.4 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 263
5.3 Programming.............................................................................................................270
5.3.1 Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement...........................................................270
5.3.2 Setting Up the Connection.......................................................................................... 271
5.3.3 Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement........................................................... 271
5.4 Command Reference................................................................................................ 272
5.4.1 Conventions and General Information........................................................................ 272
5.4.2 Measurement Control and States............................................................................... 272
5.4.3 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 275
5.4.4 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 282
5.5 List of Commands.....................................................................................................287

6 Rx Direction Finding.......................................................................... 289

6.1 Performing Direction Finding Rx Measurements...................................................289
6.2 GUI Reference........................................................................................................... 290
6.2.1 Measurement Control..................................................................................................290
6.2.2 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 291

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6.2.3 Measurement Settings................................................................................................ 294

6.3 Programming.............................................................................................................301
6.3.1 Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement...................................................... 302
6.3.2 Setting Up the Connection.......................................................................................... 303
6.3.3 Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement....................................................... 303
6.4 Command Reference................................................................................................ 304
6.4.1 Conventions and General Information........................................................................ 304
6.4.2 Common Direction Finding Commands...................................................................... 305
6.4.3 IQ Samples Coherency Measurement Commands.....................................................306
6.4.4 IQ Samples Dynamic Range Measurement Commands............................................ 316
6.5 List of Commands.....................................................................................................324

7 Bluetooth® Measurements................................................................ 327

7.1 What's New................................................................................................................ 328
7.2 General Description.................................................................................................. 328
7.2.1 Tx Measurements....................................................................................................... 330
7.2.2 Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Advertiser Tests.......................................... 334
7.2.3 Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Direct Test Mode......................................... 336
7.2.4 Combined Advertiser Tx-Rx Measurements............................................................... 339
7.2.5 List Mode.....................................................................................................................340
7.2.6 Bluetooth Signal Properties.........................................................................................344
7.2.7 Conformance Requirements....................................................................................... 351
7.2.8 Calculation of Results................................................................................................. 355
7.3 Application Sheets....................................................................................................363
7.3.1 Basic Rate Measurements in Test Mode.....................................................................363
7.3.2 Enhanced Data Rate Measurements in Test Mode.....................................................367
7.3.3 Low Energy Measurements in Direct Test Mode.........................................................370
7.3.4 Combined Signal Path Measurements........................................................................376
7.4 GUI Reference........................................................................................................... 380
7.4.1 Measurement Control..................................................................................................381
7.4.2 Measurement Results................................................................................................. 382
7.4.3 Signal Routing and Analyzer Settings.........................................................................426
7.4.4 Input Signal Settings................................................................................................... 432
7.4.5 Tx Measurement Control Settings...............................................................................442

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7.4.6 Rx Measurement Control Settings.............................................................................. 446

7.4.7 Trigger Settings........................................................................................................... 453
7.4.8 Limit Settings...............................................................................................................454
7.4.9 Display Settings.......................................................................................................... 464
7.4.10 Generator Shortcut Setting......................................................................................... 464
7.4.11 Suppress "Sig Off" Message Setting...........................................................................465
7.4.12 Additional Softkeys and Hotkeys.................................................................................465
7.5 Programming.............................................................................................................467
7.5.1 Key Features...............................................................................................................467
7.5.2 Specifying General Measurement Settings.................................................................468
7.5.3 Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets...............................................................469
7.5.4 Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets..................................................................469
7.5.5 Limit Settings...............................................................................................................470
7.5.6 Configuring Measurements......................................................................................... 471
7.5.7 Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements.........................................................472
7.5.8 Performing Spectrum Measurements......................................................................... 473
7.5.9 Differential Phase Encoding Measurements............................................................... 474
7.5.10 Performing LE with CTE Measurements.....................................................................474
7.5.11 Automatic Detection Mode.......................................................................................... 475
7.5.12 Using Bluetooth List Mode.......................................................................................... 477
7.5.13 Rx Measurements on Advertisers............................................................................... 481
7.5.14 Rx Measurements in Direct Test Mode....................................................................... 484
7.5.15 Tx-Rx Measurements..................................................................................................486
7.6 Command Reference................................................................................................ 488
7.6.1 Conventions and General Information........................................................................ 488
7.6.2 General Measurement Settings.................................................................................. 496
7.6.3 Tx Measurement Commands......................................................................................513
7.6.4 Rx Measurement Commands for Advertiser Testing...................................................663
7.6.5 Combined Non-Signaling Tx-Rx Measurement Commands....................................... 673
7.6.6 Rx Measurement Commands for Direct Test Mode.................................................... 679
7.6.7 Combined Signal Path Commands............................................................................. 695
7.7 List of Commands.....................................................................................................698


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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Preface
Documentation Overview

1 Preface
● Documentation Overview.......................................................................................... 9
● R&S CMW Models.................................................................................................. 10
● How to Read Firmware Application Chapters......................................................... 11

1.1 Documentation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the R&S CMW user documentation. Most docu-
ments are available in PDF format on the CMW customer web.
The CMW customer web is a section of GLORIS, the global Rohde & Schwarz infor-
mation system, see A registration is required.

1.1.1 Getting Started Manual / Quick Start Guide

Depending on your instrument model, there is either a getting started manual or a

quick start guide.
The document introduces the R&S CMW and describes how to set up and start work-
ing with the product.
A PDF file is available on the CMW customer web.

1.1.2 User Manual and Help

Separate user manuals are provided for the base unit and the firmware applications:
● The base unit manual describes the base software and common features of the
firmware applications. It also describes basic principles for manual operation and
remote control. The manual includes the contents of the getting started manual or
quick start guide.
● Additional documents, like this one, describe the firmware applications, including
the graphical user interface of each application and the remote control commands.
All user manuals are available on the CMW customer web.
The contents of the user manuals are also available as help in the R&S CMW. The
help offers quick, context-sensitive access to the information needed for operation and
programming. If you perform a software update, the help is also updated.

1.1.3 Features & Functions

The features & functions documents list the available software options and the related
features, settings and measurement results. The documents are available on the CMW
customer web.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Preface
R&S CMW Models

1.1.4 Basic Safety Instructions

Contains safety instructions, operating conditions and further important information.

The printed document is delivered with the instrument.

1.1.5 Data Sheet and Brochure

The data sheet contains the technical specifications of the R&S CMW. It also lists the
options and their order numbers and optional accessories.
The brochure provides an overview of the instrument and deals with the specific char-
For download, refer to the internet page of your instrument model, for example

1.1.6 Release Notes and Open-Source Acknowledgment (OSA)

The release notes list new features, improvements and known issues per software ver-
sion and installation package.
The open-source acknowledgment provides verbatim license texts of the used open-
source software.
The documents are available on the CMW customer web.

1.1.7 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc.

These documents deal with special applications or background information on particu-

lar topics.

1.2 R&S CMW Models

The R&S CMW software supports several instrument models. Depending on the
model, only a subset of the software packages and software options is allowed.
To check whether this document is relevant for your instrument model and which soft-
ware options are supported, refer to the preface of your model-specific base unit man-
ual. The PDF filename of this manual starts with CMW<Model>_UserManual, for
example CMW500_UserManual.
The following chapters distinguish between groups of instrument models and describe
differences where required (without repeating the information about supported models
and options).
The following terms are used for groups of instrument models:
● R&S CMW100: Stands for any R&S CMW100 variant.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Preface
How to Read Firmware Application Chapters

The RF ports are built into a radio test head. The test software is running on a con-
nected computer. All tests are performed as non-signaling tests.
● R&S CMW500/2xx: Stands for the R&S CMW500, 270 and 290.
The instrument provides RF ports and contains a computer where the test software
is running. Combined signal path measurements are possible.
● R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA: R&S CMW with advanced measurement board:
– Any R&S CMW100 contains an advanced measurement board.
– An R&S CMW500/270/290 can be equipped with a measurement unit
advanced (MUA, R&S CMW-B100H) and 160-MHz TX/RX modules (R&S
● R&S CMW500/2xx with BB Meas: R&S CMW with baseband measurement unit.
An R&S CMW500/270/290 can be equipped with a baseband measurement unit
(BB Meas, R&S CMW-B100A/D).

1.3 How to Read Firmware Application Chapters

Each firmware application is described in a separate chapter. These chapters can be

read independently of each other. However, they are all organized as follows:
1. General description

2. Application sheets (optional)

3. GUI reference

4. Programming examples

5. Command reference

1.3.1 General Description

This chapter provides a general description of the firmware application, independent of

a specific operation mode (manual or remote control). Background information related
to the network standard is given as far as it is directly related to configurable parame-

1.3.2 Application Sheets

This optional chapter provides short application examples for selected issues and rela-
ted background information.

1.3.3 GUI Reference

The GUI reference describes the manual operation of the firmware application via the
graphical user interface (GUI).

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Preface
How to Read Firmware Application Chapters

The description of a configuration dialog usually starts with a screenshot presenting the
preset values of the parameters. Sometimes, preset values are modified to enable hid-
den parts of a dialog. Below the screenshot, all shown parameters are described. For
each single parameter, a link to the corresponding command description in the com-
mand reference is provided. Ranges for numeric parameters and reset values are
given there.
For measurement results, links to the corresponding command descriptions are provi-
ded (commands to retrieve the results).

1.3.4 Programming Examples

The programming examples show how to control and configure the firmware applica-
tion via a remote-control program and how to retrieve measurement results. The exam-
ples consist of comprehensive command sequences. You can check just a single com-
mand of a sequence to get an example for the syntax of this single command. But you
can also consider an entire sequence showing the commands in the context of a com-
mand script, under consideration of dependencies and required orders of the com-
The command sequences are written with the intention to list most commands of the
firmware application. They do not show the fastest way for a given configuration task.
The fastest way would use many reset values and omit the corresponding commands.
The examples are referenced by the command descriptions of the command refer-

1.3.5 Command Reference

The command reference provides information on the remote commands of the firm-
ware application. The commands are grouped according to their function.
Each command description indicates the syntax of the command header and of the
parameters. For input parameters, the allowed ranges, reset values and default units
are listed. Most commands have a command form and a query form. Exceptions are
marked by "Setting only", "Query only" or "Event". Furthermore, a link to the program-
ming examples is provided and the first software version supporting the command is

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 12

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

2 Bluetooth® Signaling
The "Bluetooth Signaling" firmware application generates a Bluetooth signal and
attempts a connection to the equipment under test (EUT). Once a connection is estab-
lished, various properties of the connected device can be retrieved.
Three basic signaling options are available:
● R&S CMW-KS600 for Basic Rate (BR) and Enhanced Data Rate (EDR)
● R&S CMW-KS601 for Low Energy (LE) connection tests and LE test mode on
LE 1 Msymbol/s uncoded physical layer (LE 1M PHY)
● R&S CMW-KS611 for direct test mode on LE 1M PHY.
Additional options extend the basic options, see Chapter 2.2.1, "Overview of Options",
on page 14.
The "Bluetooth Signaling" application provides also Rx tests. For details, refer to:
● Chapter 3, "Rx BER Measurement", on page 213
● Chapter 4, "Rx PER Measurement", on page 233
● Chapter 5, "Rx BER/PER Search", on page 258
● Chapter 6, "Rx Direction Finding", on page 289

2.1 What's New

This documentation describes version 3.8.20 and higher of the "Bluetooth Signaling"
firmware application. Compared to version 3.7.90, it provides the following features
and changes:
● LE power control, see:
– Connection Status Tab - EUT Power Control (LE)
– Ignore Power Control Capability
– Power Control (softkey)
● Additional EUT Capabilities (LE)
● Remote command to detect LE devices connected via USB, see Refresh Devices

2.2 General Description

The following sections describe how to use the R&S CMW for Bluetooth signaling
● Overview of Options................................................................................................14
● Test Setup............................................................................................................... 15
● Initiating Signaling Tests (Classic)...........................................................................19
● Connection Test (Classic)....................................................................................... 20

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

● Test Mode (Classic).................................................................................................21

● Audio Profiles (BR/EDR)......................................................................................... 23
● Connection Test (LE)...............................................................................................26
● Test Mode (LE)........................................................................................................27
● Direct Test Mode (LE)............................................................................................. 28
● Bluetooth Signal Characteristics............................................................................. 30
● Signaling States...................................................................................................... 36
● Trigger Signals........................................................................................................ 40

2.2.1 Overview of Options

The Bluetooth signaling application provides the following options.

Figure 2-1: Bluetooth signaling options

● The basic signaling functionality provided by R&S CMW-KS600 for basic rate (BR)
and enhanced data rate (EDR) signals can be enhanced by the following options:
– R&S CMW-KS602 "Bluetooth hands-free audio profile, basic signaling"
Extendable by R&S CMW-KS603 "Bluetooth A2DP audio profile, basic signal-
– R&S CMW-KS610 "Bluetooth classic version 4.2, signaling, test mode"
● The basic signaling option R&S CMW-KS601 "Bluetooth LE version 4.2, signaling,
connection setup". The option supports low energy (LE) 1 Msymbol/s uncoded
physical layer (LE 1M PHY).
This option provides also a proprietary test mode connection over the air (OTA).
Test mode for LE only works after the particular FW update of the DUT.
– The option can be enhanced by R&S CMW-KS720 "Bluetooth LE version 5.0,
signaling, connection setup"
A signaling unit advanced (SUA) is required.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

● The basic signaling signaling option R&S CMW-KS611 "Bluetooth LE version 4.2,
direct test mode via USB". The option supports LE 1M PHY (uncoded).
– To support LE 2 Msymbol/s uncoded physical layer (LE 2M PHY) and LE
1 Msymbol/s long range physical layer (LE coded PHY), it can be enhanced by
R&S CMW-KS721 "Bluetooth LE version 5.0, direct test mode via USB"
– Extendable by R&S CMW-KS722 "Bluetooth LE version 5.1, direction finding"
Tx tests can be performed using the Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement.
● Measurements for BR and EDR are included in the option R&S CMW-KM610.
● Option R&S CMW-KM611 provides LE multi-evaluation measurements on uncoded
LE 1M PHY for Bluetooth v 5.0 signals.
● Option R&S CMW-KM721 extends multi-evaluation measurements for uncoded
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY measurements.
● Option R&S CMW-KM722 provides LE multi-evaluation measurements on uncoded
LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY for LE with CTE signals.

2.2.2 Test Setup

The following sections provide an overview of typical test setups for the individual
● Tests without USB Interface.................................................................................... 15
● Tests with USB Interface......................................................................................... 16
● Test with Multiple EUT's Antennas (LE with CTE).................................................. 17
● Audio Tests (BR/EDR).............................................................................................18 Tests without USB Interface

The equipment under test (EUT) is connected to one of the bidirectional RF COM con-
nectors at the front panel of the R&S CMW. No additional cabling and no external trig-
ger are needed. The input level ranges of all RF COM connectors are identical.
The bidirectional RF connection between the tester and the EUT carries both the
downlink and the uplink signal.
● For BR and EDR, the R&S CMW implements a master or a slave device.
The master R&S CMW performs inquiry and paging, connect / connect test mode
operations, representing the piconet master.
The slave EUT must be brought to page scan mode while the master R&S CMW is
paging to make a connection possible. Inquiry scan mode is a prerequisite for
being discoverable but not required for establishing a connection.
The slave mode of R&S CMW is only possible if Operating Mode is set to "Profile",
see "Operating Mode" on page 66. The slave R&S CMW becomes discoverable
and expects the EUT to connect as a master. Some EUTs require to be connected
to the R&S CMW in advance, in order to store a pairing information before con-
necting as a master.
● For LE signaling connection (option R&S CMW-KS601/-KS720), the R&S CMW
implements a central or peripheral device.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

The central R&S CMW performs inquiry, paging to make a connection possible. It
scans during the connection, looking for advertisement. The central role is required
for LE test mode.
A device in the peripheral role makes the advertisement.
● For LE in direct test mode (option R&S CMW-KS611/-KS721), the test is started
manually at the EUT. The R&S CMW sends several test packets to the EUT.

Figure 2-2: Test setup without USB interface Tests with USB Interface

This test setup is suitable for tests with USB interface, testing BR, EDR and LE bursts.
In addition to the bidirectional RF connector as used in the Tests without USB Inter-
face, the R&S CMW uses a secondary communication channel via USB for control

Figure 2-3: Test setup with USB interface

The installation of a USB driver is necessary on the R&S CMW. The installation differs
for direct USB connections and connections with a USB to RS232 adapter.

Driver Installation for Direct USB Connections

The driver of several USB device types is provided within "Bluetooth Signaling" appli-

For the first time, the setup file must be executed manually on the R&S CMW as fol-
1. Open the Windows Explorer (Windows sign + E).

2. Execute the hciusb.msi file stored in the default "Program Files" direc-
tory ...\Rohde-Schwarz\CMW\3.8\RS.bluetooth_sig\drivers.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Driver Installation of USB to RS232 Adapter

For EUTs without a USB interface, the serial RS232 port (COM port) can be used
instead. In this case, the installation of an additional driver is necessary on the
Install the driver for the used USB to RS232 adapter according to the installation
instructions of the vendor.
The USB to RS232 adapter UC-232A from ATEN International Co., Ltd. is recommen-
ded (for more information, see The installation file is delivered within
the converter on the installation disk. It can be also downloaded from the vendor’s
website together with the installation instructions. Copy the installation files via USB or
LAN to the R&S CMW.

Figure 2-4: USB to RS232 adapter

Verify that the driver is properly installed on the R&S CMW as follows:
1. Open the device manager (Windows sign + D to show the desktop, Start > Control
Panel > Device Manager).

2. Find your USB to RS232 adapter under Ports (COM & LPT), for example, ATEN
USB to Serial Bridge (COM4). The COM port number depends on the connected
USB port.
Note that the "Virtual COM Port" used by the "Bluetooth Signaling" application has
different numbering than the COM port assigned during the installation of the USB-
to-serial driver. Test with Multiple EUT's Antennas (LE with CTE)

This test setup is suitable for direct test mode for LE with constant tone extension
● Angle of arrival (AoA) LE measurements, where the R&S CMW simulates a receiv-
ing device with several Rx antennas (antenna array), but only one RF connector is
● Angle of departure (AoD) LE measurements in combined signal path with Blue-
tooth measurement application.
An RF splitter is required to connect the antenna array of the EUT to one RF port of the
R&S CMW. The antenna array of the EUT must include one reference and one non-
reference antenna. Additional two non-reference antennas are optional.
In addition to the bidirectional RF COM connector, the R&S CMW controls direct test
mode via USB using communication protocol HCI.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

The Bluetooth signaling application controls direct test mode and Bluetooth measure-
ment application performs Tx measurements in combined signal path.

Figure 2-5: Test setup for LE with CTE Audio Tests (BR/EDR)

This test setup is suitable for operating mode audio and profile (audio profiles hands-
free, hands-free audio gateway, and A2DP).
In addition to the bidirectional RF COM connector as used in the Tests without USB
Interface or Tests with USB Interface, the R&S CMW uses also audio connections. The
format of audio signal is configurable as digital routed to SPDIF connectors or analog
routed to AF connectors.
Connect the DUT with the audio connectors provided by the R&S CMW with an instal-
led audio board. Select the connectors according to the performed audio test. Refer to
the user manual of the "Audio Measurement" application for the test setup instructions.
The following figure shows an example of a mono speaker test using analog audio sig-
nal routed to AF1 IN connector.

Figure 2-6: Test setup for mono analog speaker test

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

2.2.3 Initiating Signaling Tests (Classic)

As with any other R&S CMW signaling application, the "Bluetooth Signaling" applica-
tion is started using the ON|OFF key. It starts up in the standby state with no RF signal
being generated. In the standby state, initiate state changes manually.

Press the "Inquire" hotkey to have the R&S CMW discover the DUTs and collect their
device addresses and clocks.
The inquiry automatically stops after a configurable amount of time or if a configurable
maximum number of devices was discovered. It can also be stopped manually at any

The inquiry is not required if the USB connection is established or if a default device is

Default Device
To speed up the connection setup, a default device can be configured. This device can
be paged without a preceding inquiry.

Press one of the "Connect..." hotkeys to have the master (the R&S CMW) establish a
Bluetooth connection with the DUT slave device. In the intermediate page state, the
master tries to coincide with the slave's scan activity by repeatedly transmitting the
paging message. With the information stored during inquiry, the master can predict on
which hop channel the slave starts page scanning. This channel information speeds up
the completion of the connection.
If successful, the ACL link is established and the properties of the connected device
are displayed in the "Info" and "Capabilities" pane. If unsuccessful, the R&S CMW
reverts to the standby state after a configurable "Page Timeout".

Required Settings
The default settings of the R&S CMW generally ensure a master signal with suitable
characteristics for connection setup.
For connections without USB, ensure that the DUT is discoverable before pressing the
"Inquire" hotkey on the R&S CMW. Similarly, the DUT must be page scan activated
before you press one of the "Connect..." hotkeys. Before paging the default device,
make sure its device address (and page scan repetition mode) matches.
The physical properties of the RF connection and input path can be modified in the
main window and the configuration dialog with the following settings:
● The RF connectors to be used ("RF Routing") and the "External Attenuation" to be
● The power of the generated signal ("TX Level (CMW)")

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

● The expected power of the received signal ("Expected Nominal Power")

2.2.4 Connection Test (Classic)

Option R&S CMW-KS600 provides the following BR/EDR results:

● Basic information about the connection status and the connected device, such as
its name and link manager protocol (LMP) version
● Extended information about the EUT's capabilities

Executing Connection Tests

Proceed as follows:
1. Connect your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.

2. Specify the RF settings accordingly. Refer to Chapter 2.3.8, "RF Settings",

on page 73.

3. Set Standard to "Classic"

4. Set Operating Mode to "Connection"

5. Open the "Bluetooth Signaling" firmware application and press [ON | OFF] until the
"Bluetooth Signaling" control softkey indicates the "ON" state.

6. Select the HW Interface.

7. ● For a USB to RS232 adapter, configure the transmission parameters. See

"USB to RS232" on page 72.
● For a USB connection, you can press "Initialize EUT" to reset and discover the
DUT via USB. Continue from step 11.

8. ● For a connection to the default device, set its BD address and the page scan
repetition mode. Continue from step 11.
● Otherwise ensure that the DUT is discoverable by enabling inquiry scan mode
and then press the "Inquire" button. Wait for the DUT to be found and its BD
address to be displayed in the "BD Address" dialog that pops up on the screen.

9. Wait for the inquiry process to finish or press "Stop Inquiry" at any time to return to
the standby state.

10. Select the target device in the "For Paging" field. If the R&S CMW does not find
any device during the inquiry, you can only select the default device.

11. Press "Connect" and wait until the "Connection Status" pane indicates the signaling
state "Connected".

12. Details about the DUT can be seen in the "EUT Info" and "EUT Capabilities" pane,
● Chapter, "Connection Status Tab - EUT Info", on page 44 and
● Chapter, "Connection Status Tab - EUT Capabilities", on page 45

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

13. For Tx measurements, use the firmware application Bluetooth multi-evaluation


Checks for Failed Connection

If the connection fails, check the following R&S CMW settings:
● The Tx Level (CMW) must be sufficiently high so that the DUT can receive the
transmitted signal.
● The Exp. Nominal Power must be in accordance with the DUT's signal power.
● The HW Interface must be in accordance with the test setup, see Chapter 2.2.2,
"Test Setup", on page 15.
● For "HW Interface" = "USB to RS232", the transmission parameters (typically the
baud rate) must match with the DUT configuration.
● The installed USB driver must support the connected DUT, see Chapter,
"Tests with USB Interface", on page 16.

2.2.5 Test Mode (Classic)

The DUT is connected via RF cable. Optionally, the secondary communication channel
can be realized via USB interface, see Chapter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.
BR/EDR test mode is defined in the specification for Bluetooth wireless technology,
core system package: volume 2, part C and volume 3, part D.
The following tests are possible in test mode:

Loopback Test Mode (BR/EDR)

In loopback mode, the R&S CMW transmits Bluetooth packets to the DUT and the
DUT decodes them before retransmitting (or looping back) them to the R&S CMW. The
R&S CMW provides a selection of bit patterns (pattern type) to be used for loopback
tests. The data can be whitened. Moreover, the packet type for test packets and the
length of the test sequence can be set, see figure below.

Loopback delay is not supported.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Figure 2-7: Timing of loopback tests

Executing Loopback Tests

Proceed as follows:
1. Connect your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.

2. Specify the RF settings accordingly. Refer to Chapter 2.3.8, "RF Settings",

on page 73.

3. Set Standard to "Classic"

4. Set Operating Mode to "Test Mode"

5. Set the burst type to BR or EDR. See "Burst Type (classic)" on page 69.

6. Discover the EUT. See the steps 5 to 10 of the procedure for connection tests
("Executing Connection Tests" on page 20).

7. Activate test mode at the DUT. See "Enable Test Mode (Classic)" on page 71.

8. Set the test mode to loopback. See "Test Mode (classic)" on page 69.

9. Press "Connect Test Mode" and wait for status to change to "Connected Test-

10. ● For Tx measurements (e.g., power or modulation measurements) using the

"Bluetooth TX Measurement" application:
Press the multi-evaluation softkey which opens up the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application. Using softkey has the side-effect of setting the scenario to
combined signal path.
● You can also perform Rx tests, see Chapter 3, "Rx BER Measurement",
on page 213 and Chapter 5, "Rx BER/PER Search", on page 258.

11. Press "Detach" to exit test mode and disconnect from the DUT.

TX Test Mode (BR/EDR)

In this mode, the R&S CMW instructs the DUT what to send to the R&S CMW. The
R&S CMW transmits poll packets, the DUT (acting as a Bluetooth slave) answers in
the following slave TX slot. TX tests with various bit patterns can be configured. More-

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

over, the poll period, the packet type for test packets and the length of the test
sequence can be set, see figure below.

Figure 2-8: Timing of transmitter tests

Executing TX Tests
Proceed as follows:
1. Connect your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.

2. Specify the RF settings accordingly. Refer to Chapter 2.3.8, "RF Settings",

on page 73.

3. Set the burst type to BR or EDR. See "Burst Type (classic)" on page 69.

4. Set the operating mode to test mode. See "Operating Mode" on page 66.

5. Discover the DUT. See the steps 5 to 10 of the procedure for connection tests
("Executing Connection Tests" on page 20).

6. Activate test mode at the DUT. See "Enable Test Mode (Classic)" on page 71.

7. Set test mode to TX test. See "Test Mode (classic)" on page 69.

8. Press "Connect Test Mode" and wait for status to change to "Connected Test-

9. For Tx measurements (e.g., power or modulation measurements) using the "Blue-

tooth TX Measurement" application:
Press the multi-evaluation softkey which opens up the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application. Using softkey has the side-effect of setting the scenario to com-
bined signal path.

10. Press "Detach" to exit test mode and disconnect from the DUT.

2.2.6 Audio Profiles (BR/EDR)

Hands-free audio profile testing is performed using the "Audio Measurement" firmware
application of the R&S CMW.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

This connection allows you, to feed an audio signal into an RF connection to the DUT
or to extract an audio signal from the RF connection for audio measurements. You can,
for example, connect the R&S UPV to the audio board of the R&S CMW and perform a
speech quality analysis.
The audio board contains a speech codec board, providing an interface to the signaling
units of the R&S CMW. It decodes the signal delivered by the "Bluetooth Signaling"
application or encodes an audio signal and delivers it to the "Bluetooth Signaling"
The speech codec allows the "Bluetooth Signaling" application to support the whole
transmission chain of the audio signal. In particular, from analog input into the EUT's
microphone through the RF via a Bluetooth connection link, to the output of the AF sig-
nal or vice versa. The format of audio signal is configurable as digital (SPDIF) or ana-
log (AF connectors).
Required options:
● The audio board must be enhanced with a speech codec board (R&S CMW-
● The latest audio firmware/software package "Setup_CMW_AUDIO.exe" must be
installed on the R&S CMW. This firmware application sends audio to and receives
audio from the "Bluetooth Signaling" application and performs audio measure-
● Option R&S CMW-KS600 is required for audio mode.
● Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles hands-free and hands-free
● Option R&S CMW-KS603 is required for audio profile A2DP.
The supported scenarios of audio measurements are listed in the following table:

Audio measurements scenario Supported by:

Microphone test1) audio mode, hands-free profile

Speaker test audio mode, hands-free profile, A2DP profile

External analog/digital speech analysis2) audio mode, A2DP profile

1) only mono
2) external audio analyzer like the R&S UPV required

The procedure outlined below is an example of audio measurements with the "Blue-
tooth Signaling" application. Refer to the user manual of the "Audio Measurement"
application for more detailed information. See also Chapter, "Audio Tests (BR/
EDR)", on page 18.

To set up an audio connection using profile A2DP, perform the following steps:
1. Connect the EUT with the audio connectors provided by the R&S CMW with an
installed audio board. Select the connectors according to the performed test. Refer
to the user manual of the "Audio Measurement" application for the test setup

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

2. In "Bluetooth Signaling", set "Operating Mode" = Profile, see Operating Mode.

3. Set the parameter "Profile" to "A2DP Sink".

4. Select the CMW Role.

5. Specify speech codec. See "Voice Link > Speech Codec (BR/EDR only)"
on page 94.
If CVSD, A-law, or μ-law coding is selected, the SCO connection is used. For
mSBC codec, the eSCO connection is used.

6. Configure audio profile settings in accordance with the EUT configuration and
capabilities. See Audio Profiles Settings.
a) Configure authentication parameters "PIN Code", "Security Mode", and "Call is
Active at Startup".
b) Specify the following A2DP-specific parameters: "Sampling Frequency", "Chan-
nel Mode", "Block Bands", "Sub-Bands", "Allocation Method", and "Minimum/
Maximum Bitpool".

7. Configure any other required settings (as for a connection without the audio board)
and switch on the "Bluetooth Signaling".

8. Press the "Audio Measurement" softkey, see Chapter 2.3.3, "Using the Shortcut
Softkeys", on page 64.

9. In the "Audio Measurement" application, select a scenario (for example, "External

Analog Speech Analysis").

10. In the "Audio Measurement", select the "Bluetooth Signaling" as a controlling mas-
ter application to which the speech codec is connected ("Controlled by" setting).
The "Audio Measurement" selects the coupled signaling application and the "Blue-
tooth Signaling" is connected to the speech codec.

11. Discover the EUT. See the steps 5 to 10 of the procedure for connection tests
("Executing Connection Tests" on page 20).

12. Connect the hands-free profile. (Press "Connect HFP, HFP AG, or A2DP" hotkey.)
Wait for status to change to connected.

13. Turn on the internal audio generator of the "Audio Measurement" application.
The "Audio Measurement" generates audio signal and sends it to the "Bluetooth
Signaling" application.

14. Monitor the event log.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

15. Analyze the audio signal, for example, using the "Audio Measurement" application.
The Bluetooth TX measurements evaluate the different characteristics of the signal
as well.

2.2.7 Connection Test (LE)

Signaling connection for LE (option R&S CMW-KS601/-KS720) requires SUA. It ena-

bles over-the-air (OTA) connection in central and peripheral role.
The connection test provides the basic information about the connection status and the
connected device, such as its name and address type (see Chapter, "Connec-
tion Status Tab - EUT Info", on page 44).

Executing Connection Tests

Proceed as follows:
1. Connect your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.

2. Set the Standard to "Low Energy"

3. Set the Operating Mode to "Connection"

4. Open the "Bluetooth Signaling" firmware application and press [ON | OFF] until the
"Bluetooth Signaling" control softkey indicates the "ON" state.

5. Select the CMW Address Type.

6. ● For central LE role, configure the DUT into advertising mode (connectable).
● For peripheral LE role, configure the DUT into central mode.

7. ● For a connection with the default device, set its address. See "Default EUT
Address" on page 90. Continue from step 9.
● Otherwise ensure that the DUT is discoverable by enabling inquiry scan mode
and then press the "Inquire" button. Wait for the DUT to be found and its
address to be displayed in the "Address" dialog that pops up on the screen.

8. Wait for the inquiry process to finish or press "Stop Inquiry" at any time to return to
the standby state.
Details about the DUT can be seen in the "EUT Info" pane, see Chapter,
"Connection Status Tab - EUT Info", on page 44.

9. Select the target device in the For Paging field. If the R&S CMW does not find any
device during the inquiry, you can only select the default device.

10. Press "Connect" and wait until the "Connection Status" pane indicates the signaling
state "Connected".

11. ● To perform RX tests, press the "RX Meas." softkey, see also Chapter 4, "Rx
PER Measurement", on page 233 and Chapter 5, "Rx BER/PER Search",
on page 258.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

● For TX tests, perform the TX measurements with the "Bluetooth TX Measure-

ment" application e.g. power or modulation measurements:
Press the multi-evaluation softkey which opens up the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application. Using softkey has the side-effect of setting the scenario to
combined signal path. The TX measurements in direct test mode are only avail-
able with option R&S CMW-KM611.

Checks for Failed Connection

If the connection fails, check the following R&S CMW settings:
● The Tx Level (CMW) must be sufficiently high so that the DUT can receive the
transmitted signal.
● The Exp. Nominal Power must be in accordance with the DUT's signal power.

2.2.8 Test Mode (LE)

Signaling connection for LE (option R&S CMW-KS601) requires SUA. LE test mode is
a special over-the-air (OTA) connection, that requires a firmware update of the DUT.
The R&S CMW works in central LE role.

Executing LE Test Mode

Proceed as follows:
1. Perform the firmware update of the DUT to introduce new LE test mode com-

2. Connect your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.

3. Make the configuration parameters of the test mode visible. Refer to "Test Mode
Available" on page 90.

4. Set the Standard to "Low Energy"

5. Set the Operating Mode to "Test Mode"

6. Open the "Bluetooth Signaling" firmware application and press [ON | OFF] until the
"Bluetooth Signaling" control softkey indicates the "ON" state.

7. Select the CMW Address Type.

8. ● For a connection with the default device, set its address. See "Default EUT
Address" on page 90. Continue from step 9.
● Otherwise ensure that the DUT is discoverable by enabling inquiry scan mode
and then press the "Inquire" button. Wait for the DUT to be found and its
address to be displayed in the "Address" dialog that pops up on the screen.

9. Wait for the inquiry process to finish or press "Stop Inquiry" at any time to return to
the standby state.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Details about the DUT can be seen in the "EUT Info" pane, see Chapter,
"Connection Status Tab - EUT Info", on page 44.

10. Select the target device in the For Paging field. If the R&S CMW does not find any
device during the inquiry, you can only select the default device.

11. Set the channel. Refer to "Channel, Frequency " on page 75.

12. Set the Test Mode PIN. The value must match with the configuration at the DUT.

13. Send the PIN to the DUT to enable LE test mode. Refer to Test Mode Send Enable
with PIN.

14. Press "Connect Test Mode" and wait until the "Connection Status" pane indicates
the signaling state "Connected".

15. ● To perform RX tests, press the "RX Meas." softkey, see also Chapter 4, "Rx
PER Measurement", on page 233 and Chapter 5, "Rx BER/PER Search",
on page 258.
● For TX tests, perform the TX measurements with the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application e.g. power or modulation measurements:
Press the multi-evaluation softkey which opens up the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application. Using softkey has the side-effect of setting the scenario to
combined signal path. The TX measurements in LE test mode are only availa-
ble with option R&S CMW-KM611.

Checks for Failed Connection

If the connection fails, check the following R&S CMW settings:
● The Tx Level (CMW) must be sufficiently high so that the DUT can receive the
transmitted signal.
● The Exp. Nominal Power must be in accordance with the DUT's signal power.

2.2.9 Direct Test Mode (LE)

The DUT is connected via RF cable. Optionally, the secondary communication channel
can be realized via USB interface, see Chapter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.
Direct test mode for LE tests is defined in the specification for Bluetooth wireless tech-
nology, core system package: volume 6, part F.
Direct test mode is used to control the DUT via secondary communication channel, to
send test packets via radio interface and to retrieve the DUT measurement report. The
test specification for Bluetooth LE technology (RF PHY test specification) uses direct
test mode in all transmitter and receiver test cases for LE.
The R&S CMW supports direct test mode over HCI and through a two-wire UART inter-
face. In addition to the RF connection, the R&S CMW uses a secondary communica-
tion channel via USB for the test control commands. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter, "Tests with USB Interface", on page 16.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Frequency hopping and whitening are disabled in direct test mode.

At the beginning of direct test, the R&S CMW specifies the test frequency, packet
length and the pattern, and initiate the TX or RX test. Then, the DUT transmits or
receives the test packets until the R&S CMW sends the end command. Finally, the
DUT sends the test report back to the R&S CMW.

Figure 2-9: Message flow in direct test mode

Green line = USB interface

Black line = radio interface
Upper tester = R&S CMW (only if USB interface is used)

Executing Tests in Direct Test Mode

Proceed as follows:
1. Connect your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW. For the test setup, refer to Chap-
ter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15.

2. Set the Standard to "Low Energy"

3. Set the Operating Mode to "Direct Test Mode"

4. Select the HW interface for LE connections. See "HW Interface" on page 71.

5. If HW Interface = "USB", continue from step 9.

6. If HW Interface = "None", start the test directly at the DUT and continue from
step 10.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

7. Press the hotkey "Refresh COM Port List".

The USB connection is recognized automatically, the "Virtual COM Port" field in
main view contains a value.

8. Select the used COM port . Adapt the transmission parameters. See "USB to
RS232" on page 72.

9. Press the hotkey "Connection Check" to reset the DUT and to verify the USB con-

The dialog confirms, that the DUT has executed the reset command.
If there was error indication, repeat the step 4 to reconfigure the transmission
parameters (typically the baud rate for "HW Interface" = "USB to RS232")

10. Select the frequency. See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75.

11. Configure test packets. See Chapter, "Signal Characteristics Configura-
tion", on page 91 and Chapter, "Signal Characteristics", on page 53.

12. ● To perform RX tests, press the "RX Meas." softkey.

See also:
– Chapter 4, "Rx PER Measurement", on page 233
– Chapter 5, "Rx BER/PER Search", on page 258
– Chapter 6, "Rx Direction Finding", on page 289
● For TX tests, perform the TX measurements with the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application e.g. power or modulation measurements:
Press the multi-evaluation softkey which opens up the "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" application. Using softkey has the side-effect of setting the scenario to
combined signal path. The TX measurements in direct test mode are only avail-
able with option R&S CMW-KM611.

13. To repeat the step 4, step 7 or step 9 to reconfigure the transmission parameters,
turn off all TX and RX LE measurements.

2.2.10 Bluetooth Signal Characteristics

● Operating Bands..................................................................................................... 31
● BR/EDR: ACL Packets............................................................................................31
● BR/EDR: SCO and eSCO Packets......................................................................... 32
● BR/EDR: Link Control Packets................................................................................33

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

● LE: Packet Formats.................................................................................................34

● LE: Test Packet Types.............................................................................................35
● LE: Data Channel Packet Types............................................................................. 35 Operating Bands

The frequency band defined for Bluetooth devices is the unlicensed 2.4 GHz "Indus-
trial, Scientific and Medical" (ISM) frequency band.
Table 2-1: Operating band BR/EDR

Regulatory range RF channels k

2400.0 MHz to 2483.5 MHz k = 0 to 78, f = k + 2402 MHz

Table 2-2: Operating band LE

Regulatory range RF channels k

2400.0 MHz to 2483.5 MHz k = 0 to 39, f = k*2 + 2402 MHz BR/EDR: ACL Packets

The ACL packets are used for asymmetric links and they contain user data or control
data. The table and the figures below give an overview of the ACL packets and their
Table 2-3: ACL packet - BR

Type Header length Payload length* in byte FEC CRC Max. timeslots
in byte

DH1 1 0-27 no yes, 16-bit 1

DH3 2 0-183 3

DH5 0-339 5

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

Figure 2-10: Packet structure of ACL packets - BR

Table 2-4: ACL packets - EDR

Type Header length Payload length* in byte FEC CRC Max. timeslots
in byte

2-DH1 2 0-54 no yes, 16-bit 1

2-DH3 0-367 3

2-DH5 0-679 5

3-DH1 0-83 1

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Type Header length Payload length* in byte FEC CRC Max. timeslots
in byte

3-DH3 0-552 3

3-DH5 0-1021 5

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

Figure 2-11: Packet structure of ACL packets - EDR BR/EDR: SCO and eSCO Packets

The SCO and eSCO packets are used for symmetric links. The SCO packets are used
for 64 kbit/s speech transmission and for transparent synchronous data. The eSCO
packets are also used for 64kbit/s speech transmission and transparent data at up to
288 kbit/s.
The tables and the figures below give an overview of the SCO and eSCO packets and
their structure.
Table 2-5: SCO packets

Type Payload length* in byte FEC CRC Max. time-


HV1 10 (transmitted every 2 slots) 1/3 no 1

HV2 20 (transmitted every 4 slots) 2/3

HV3 30 (transmitted every 6 slots)

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

Figure 2-12: Packet structure SCO packets

Table 2-6: eSCO packets - BR

Type Payload length* in byte FEC CRC Max. time-


EV3 1-30 no 1

EV4 1-120 2/3 yes, 16-bit 3

EV5 1-180 no (data only) 3

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Figure 2-13: Packet structure eSCO packets - BR

Table 2-7: eSCO packets - EDR

Type Payload length* in byte FEC CRC Max. time-


2-EV3 1-60 1

2-EV5 1-360 no yes, 16-bit 3

3-EV3 1-90 1

3-EV5 1-540 3

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

Figure 2-14: Packet structure eSCO packets - EDR BR/EDR: Link Control Packets

There are some common kinds of packet types. An overview of these packet types is
given in the table below.
Table 2-8: Common link control packets

Type Payload length Transport modes Application

in byte

ID n.a. ACL, SCO, eSCO Paging, inquiry, response

NULL n.a. ACL, SCO, eSCO Carries link information to the source, e.g. about
successfully received signal or the state of the
receiving buffer

POLL n.a. ACL, SCO, eSCO Similar to NULL packet, used by master to poll the
slaves, must be confirmed

FHS 30 ACL, SCO Page master response, inquiry response, in role


Table 2-9: Common link control packets: packet structure

Packet type ID Packet types NULL and POLL Packet types FHS

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description LE: Packet Formats

LE packet formats are described in the "Air Interface Packets" section of core specifi-
cation for Bluetooth wireless technology, volume 6, part B.

Packet format for LE uncoded PHY

The following packet format is specified for the LE uncoded PHY used for test and data
channel packets.

Preamble Sync word PDU CRC CTE

Each packet consists of four mandatory fields: preamble, sync word (test and data
channel packets), PDU, and CRC. Constant tone extension (CTE) is optional.
The entire packet is transmitted at the same symbol rate.
Packets (not including the CTE) take between 44 and 2120 μs to transmit. CTE trans-
mission takes between 16 and 160 μs (CTE units x 8 μs).
Table 2-10: Packet format for LE uncoded PHY

Physical layer Preamble Sync word PDU CRC CTE

(octets) (octets) (octets) (octets) (units)

LE 1 Mbps v5.0 1 4 2 to 257 3 n/a

LE 2 Mbps v5.0 2 4 2 to 257 3 n/a

LE 1 Mbps v5.1 1 4 2 to 258 3 2 to 20

LE 2 Mbps v5.1 2 4 2 to 258 3 2 to 20

Packet format for LE coded PHY

The following packet format is defined for the LE coded PHY used for test and data
channel packets.

Each packet consists of the preamble, FEC block 1, and FEC block 2. The preamble is
not coded. The FEC block 1 consists of three fields: access address (sync word for test
and data channel packets), coding indicator (CI), and TERM1. These fields use the
S=8 coding scheme. The CI field determines which coding scheme is used for FEC
block 2. The FEC block 2 consists of three fields: PDU, CRC, and TERM2. These
fields use either the S=2 or S=8 coding scheme, depending on the value of the CI field.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

The entire packet is transmitted with 1 Msymbol/s modulation. The following table cap-
tures the size and duration of a packet for the LE coded PHY.
Table 2-11: Packet format for LE coded PHY

Pream- Access CI TERM1 PDU CRC TERM2

ble address
/ sync

Number of uncoded bits 80 32 2 3 16 - 2056 24 3

Duration in µs for S=8 coding 80 256 16 24 128 - 16448 192 24

Duration in µs for S=2 coding 80 256 16 24 32 - 4112 48 6

Packets (not including the CTE) take between 44 and 2120 μs to transmit. LE: Test Packet Types

The R&S CMW supports LE test packets RF_PHY_TestRef and RF_PHY_Tes-

tRef_CTE. The PDU of a test packet is subdivided into a header, length indicator and
the payload field.
Test packets are supported with the options R&S CMW-KS611/-KS721/-KS722.
The possible PDU payload length is 0 to 255 octets.

2-20 units

Header Payload
2 octets 0-255 octets

LE test packets are described in the section 4 LE Test Packet Definition in core specifi-
cation for Bluetooth wireless technology, volume 6, part F. LE: Data Channel Packet Types

The data channel PDU has a 16-bit header (2 octets), a variable size payload (0-251
octets). An empty data channel packet supported by options R&S CMW-KS601/-
KS720 is shown in the following figure.

Header Payload
2 octets 0 octets

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Besides the data packet type, during Rx measurements the R&S CMW supports the
following CONTROL_DATA packet types.
● LL_FEATURE_REQ (Opcode 0x08)
● LL_FEATURE_RSP (Opcode 0x09)
Both the packet types have a 9 byte payload and therefore the default PER threshold
is set to 13.4% by default for Rx measurements.

2.2.11 Signaling States

The following section describes the main signaling states and state transitions:

States for BR/EDR connection and test mode:

Figure 2-15: R&S CMW states for connection and test modes (classic)

TM = test mode

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

States for audio profiles and echo modes (BR/EDR):

Figure 2-16: R&S CMW states for audio profiles and echo modes

HFP = hands-free profile

HFP AG = hands-free profile audio gateway
* = action initiated by DUT

Table 2-12: R&S CMW connection status for BR/EDR

Connection status Description

"Off" The signaling is switched OFF; all other signaling states are only available if signaling is switched ON.

"Standby" Bluetooth standby state; the default and initial state after signaling is switched ON. In this state, no RF
signal is generated.

"Run EUT controller" The R&S CMW sends a reset EUT command via USB connection. If the DUT is recognized at the
USB interface, its Bluetooth address is discovered, inquiry is not necessary to be executed. The
selected operating mode is enabled at the DUT, see Operating Mode.

"Inquiring" The R&S CMW tries to discover nearby Bluetooth devices.

The DUT basic parameters are stored for the respective device (BD_ADDR, scan repetition mode,
clock, class of device).
Extended inquiry responses are ignored.

"Connecting" After activating the "Connect"/"Connect Testmode" hotkey, the R&S CMW transmits a signal to syn-
chronize and connect/connect test mode to a known Bluetooth device. In the intermediate page state,
the R&S CMW tries to coincide with the slave's scan activity by repeatedly transmitting the paging

"Connected" An ACL link between master and slave is established.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Connection status Description

"Connected A2DP" An ACL link between master and slave is established. The R&S CMW acts as A2DP source, the DUT
acts as A2DP sink.

"Connected testmode" An ACL link between master and slave is established and the selected test is running.

"Connected echo mode / An ACL link between master and slave is established, SCO/eSCO link on top of ACL link is estab-
HFP / HFP AG" lished and the selected mode / audio profile is running.

"Idle" The R&S CMW is set to slave mode. It becomes discoverable and expects the DUT to connect as a
Before connecting as a master, some DUTs require a pairing information to be stored during a previ-
ous successful connection to the R&S CMW.

"Connected slave" The DUT as a master is connected via an ACL link. The R&S CMW acts as a slave.

"Connected A2DP slave" The DUT as a master is connected via an ACL link. The R&S CMW acts as an A2DP source, the DUT
acts as an A2DP sink.

"Connected HFP slave / An ACL link between master and slave is established, SCO/eSCO link on top of ACL link is estab-
HFP AG slave" lished and the selected audio profile is running in slave mode.

"Detaching" An established ACL link is being disconnected and the master signal is switching off.

The "Connection status" pane indicates the current signaling state, see Chap-
ter, "Connection Status Tab - Connection Status", on page 42.

States for LE connection tests:

Figure 2-17: R&S CMW states for LE connection test

* = action initiated by DUT

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Table 2-13: R&S CMW connection status for LE connection tests

Connection status Description

"Off" The signaling is switched OFF; all other signaling states are only available if signaling is switched ON.

"Standby" Bluetooth standby state; the default and initial state after signaling is switched ON. In this state, no RF
signal is generated.

"Inquiring" (scanning) After activating the "Inquiry" hotkey, the R&S CMW tries to discover nearby Bluetooth LE devices
sending SCAN_REQ PDUs. The DUT basic parameters are stored for the respective device (the
EUT's name, address type, LE role).
Extended inquiry responses are ignored (ADV_EXT_IND PDU).

"Connecting" (initiating) ● After activating the "Connect" hotkey in the central mode, the R&S CMW sends connect request
(CONNECT_REQ PDU) to a known Bluetooth device. The first PDU of each advertising event
must be transmitted in the used primary advertising channel with the lowest advertising channel
After EUT connect request in the central LE role, the instrument responds to ADV_IND PDU.
● In the peripheral LE role, the instrument responds to ADV_DIRECT_IND PDU.

"Connected" An ACL link between master and slave is established.

"Detaching" An established ACL link is being disconnected and the master signal is switching off.

The "Connection status" pane indicates the current signaling state, see Chap-
ter, "Connection Status Tab - Connection Status", on page 42.

States for LE direct test mode:

Figure 2-18: R&S CMW states for LE in direct test mode

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
General Description

Table 2-14: R&S CMW connection status for direct test mode

Connection status Description

Off The signaling is switched OFF; all other signaling states are only available if signaling is switched ON.

Idle Initial state after the R&S CMW has recognized a DUT connected via USB interface, no RF signal is

Communication test run- The R&S CMW sends reset command to the DUT and waits for the response.
This test is triggered manually, see "Connection Check (hotkey)" on page 59.

Refreshing COM port list The R&S CMW scans the USB ports to list all connected devices, see "Refresh COM Port List (hot-
key)" on page 63.

Tx/Rx test Tx/Rx test in direct test mode in progress, see Chapter 2.2.9, "Direct Test Mode (LE)", on page 28.

Current signaling state of LE in direct test mode is only displayed in the connection sta-
tus information at the bottom of PER view, PER search view and TX measurement

2.2.12 Trigger Signals

The "Bluetooth Signaling" application provides trigger signals that can be used by can
be used by other R&S CMW applications to synchronize to the generated Bluetooth
downlink signal.
To address the trigger signals in remote commands, use the following strings, with <i>
replaced by the instance number of the signaling application:
● "Bluetooth Sig<i>: ACPTrigger"
● "Bluetooth Sig<i>: LESignallingTrigger"
● "Bluetooth Sig<i>: SignallingTrigger"

ACP Trigger
The ACP trigger event indicates the expected start of the first symbol of the Bluetooth
burst at the DUT receiver. Between two successive ACP trigger events, the R&S CMW
waits from 100 s to 125 s before the next ACP trigger is generated.
This trigger is suitable for the following Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurements:
● 79 channels ACP BR/EDR measurements, option R&S CMW-KM610 (with signal-
ing option R&S CMW-KS610)
● All channels ACP LE measurements, option R&S CMW-KM611 (with signaling
option R&S CMW-KS611)

LE Signaling Trigger
Trigger event indicating the expected start of the first symbol at the beginning of each
Bluetooth burst received by the DUT for LE connection tests.
This trigger is suitable for the following Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurements:
● Option R&S CMW-KM611 for uncoded LE 1M PHY (with signaling option
R&S CMW-KS601)

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GUI Reference

● Plus option R&S CMW-KM721 for LE 2M and LE coded PHY (with signaling option
R&S CMW-KS720)

Signaling Trigger
Trigger event indicating the expected start of the first symbol at the beginning of each
Bluetooth burst received by the DUT.
This trigger is suitable for all remaining Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurements in
combined signal path.
● Option R&S CMW-KM610 for BR/EDR (with signaling option R&S CMW-KS610)
● Option R&S CMW-KM611 for uncoded LE 1M PHY (with signaling option
R&S CMW-KS611)
● Plus option R&S CMW-KM721 for LE 2M and LE coded PHY (with signaling option
R&S CMW-KS721)
● Plus option R&S CMW-KM722 for LE with CTE (with signaling option R&S CMW-

2.3 GUI Reference

The following sections provide detailed reference information on the graphical user
interface (GUI) and the parameters of the "Bluetooth Signaling" firmware application.
● Signaling View.........................................................................................................41
● Signaling and Connection Control...........................................................................57
● Using the Shortcut Softkeys....................................................................................64
● Unit Selection.......................................................................................................... 65
● CMW Role...............................................................................................................65
● General Settings..................................................................................................... 66
● EUT Control............................................................................................................ 70
● RF Settings............................................................................................................. 73
● Connection Configuration........................................................................................85
● Event Log Configuration..........................................................................................98
● Shortcut Configuration............................................................................................ 98

2.3.1 Signaling View

The signaling view displays status information about the R&S CMW and the connected
DUT. Furthermore it allows you to set the most important parameters.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Figure 2-19: Main view (BR/EDR)

● Connection Status Tab - Connection Status........................................................... 42

● Connection Status Tab - EUT Info...........................................................................44
● Connection Status Tab - EUT Capabilities.............................................................. 45
● Connection Status Tab - Test Packet Sync Word (LE)............................................48
● Connection Status Tab - EUT Power Control (LE).................................................. 49
● EUT Control Tab......................................................................................................49
● Link Info Tab............................................................................................................51
● Event Log................................................................................................................51
● General Setup.........................................................................................................52
● RF Setup.................................................................................................................53
● Signal Characteristics............................................................................................. 53
● Authentication......................................................................................................... 55
● Audio Link Setup.....................................................................................................56
● Connection Info.......................................................................................................56 Connection Status Tab - Connection Status

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Connection Status" tab > "Connection Sta-
tus" area.
The upper left pane of the main view contains connection tabs. The "Connection Sta-
tus" tab displays information dependent on the selected burst type. All settings in this
view can also be accessed via the configuration dialog.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

In the connection status pane, the current connection states, information for trouble-
shooting and the most important Bluetooth device settings are shown.

Figure 2-20: Connection status pane (BR/EDR)

CMW............................................................................................................................. 43
Signaling....................................................................................................................... 43
Rx Power.......................................................................................................................43
Bluetooth Address.........................................................................................................43

Indicates one of the following instrument roles:
● For most of connections, the connection control role of instrument: master or slave
See also CMW Role.
● Exception: for LE connection tests, LE role: central or peripheral
See also CMW Role.
The color of the antenna icon indicates the main state of the "Bluetooth Signaling"
application: gray (OFF) or green (ON).
Remote command:

The current signaling state. For a detailed description of the available states and state
transitions, see Chapter 2.2.11, "Signaling States", on page 36.
Current signaling state in LE direct test mode is not indicated. It is only displayed in the
connection status information at the bottom of PER view, PER search view or Tx mea-
surement view.
Remote command:

Rx Power
Indicates whether the power currently received from the DUT is "In Range" with the
configured expected nominal power (see Tx Level (CMW)) or if the receiver is "Over-
driven" or "Underdriven".

Bluetooth Address
The Bluetooth device address used by the R&S CMW and DUT.
This setting is not relevant for LE direct test mode.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

For BR and EDR, "CMW BD Address" and "EUT BD Address" settings are covered in
the GUI description, see Chapter, "Paging Configuration Classic",
on page 85.
For LE connection tests, "CMW Address" and "EUT Address" settings are covered in
Chapter, "Paging Configuration Low Energy", on page 87. Connection Status Tab - EUT Info

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > select "EUT Info" in the field below the "Con-
nection Status" area
The "EUT Info" pane displays basic device information retrieved during paging (con-
nection setup).
This section is not relevant in LE direct test mode.

Figure 2-21: EUT info pane

Device Name.................................................................................................................44
LMP Version and Subversion (BR/EDR).......................................................................44
Power Control, Power State (BR/EDR).........................................................................44
Address Type (LE)........................................................................................................ 45
GAP Mode (LE).............................................................................................................45

Device Name
Displays name of the connected device; up to 255 characters long.
Remote command:

LMP Version and Subversion (BR/EDR)

Bluetooth link manager protocol (LMP) version and subversion of the connected
Remote command:

Power Control, Power State (BR/EDR)

Displays actual power control mode.
Power state indicates the status of DUT Tx power. This information is only visible if the
selected power control mode is supported by the DUT.
To command the DUT, press one of the hotkeys "Power Up / Power Down / Max Power
(hotkey)" on page 62.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Check the DUT support of power control within the Chapter, "Connection Sta-
tus Tab - EUT Capabilities", on page 45.
Remote command:

Address Type (LE)

Displays the reported address type of the DUT.
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:

GAP Mode (LE)

Double-click the "GAP Mode" to display the supported generic access profile (GAP)
mode of the DUT (discoverable, limited discoverable, connectable, direct connectable).
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:LESignaling? Connection Status Tab - EUT Capabilities

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > select "EUT Capabilities" in the field below the
"Connection Status" area
The "EUT Capabilities" pane displays device information requested from the DUT after
a connection has been successfully established.
To maximize the EUT capabilities area and display all capability information, press the
button to the right.

Figure 2-22: EUT capabilities

This section is not relevant in LE direct test mode.

EUT Capabilities (LE)....................................................................................................46
Device Information........................................................................................................ 46
Paging and Other Connection Capabilities (BR/EDR).................................................. 47

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Power Saving and Power Control Capabilities (BR/EDR).............................................47

Packet Type and Data Link Type Capabilities (BR/EDR)..............................................47
Air Coding (BR/EDR).................................................................................................... 48

EUT Capabilities (LE)

Displays the reported capabilities of the LE device during an LE connection test. The
device name is displayed and the support of basic connection features is indicated.

Figure 2-23: LE EUT capabilities

Remote command:

Device Information
Gets basic information about the DUT collected during inquiry and connection setup.

Figure 2-24: EUT capabilities - device information

Remote command:

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Paging and Other Connection Capabilities (BR/EDR)

Gets the connection features of the DUT as reported in an
LMP_features_req/LMP_features_res informational request/response.

Figure 2-25: Connection EUT capabilities

Remote command:

Power Saving and Power Control Capabilities (BR/EDR)

Gets the power control capabilities of the DUT as reported in an
LMP_features_req/LMP_features_res informational request/response.

Figure 2-26: Power control EUT capabilities

Remote command:

Packet Type and Data Link Type Capabilities (BR/EDR)

Gets the EUT capabilities related to packet type and data link type, as reported in an
LMP_features_req/LMP_features_res informational request/response.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Figure 2-27: Packet and data link EUT capabilities

Remote command:

Air Coding (BR/EDR)

Gets the capabilities of the connected DUT related to supported coding.
Remote command:
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:SCO? Connection Status Tab - Test Packet Sync Word (LE)

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Connection Status" tab > "Test Packet Sync
Word" area.
The following pane specifies parameters for LE direct test mode. This section is not rel-
evant for the burst type LE in connection tests.

Figure 2-28: Sync word

Test Packet Sync Word

The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see "Test Packet Sync Word
(LE only)" on page 95.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference Connection Status Tab - EUT Power Control (LE)

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > select "EUT Power Control" in the field below
the "Connection Status" area
To maximize the "EUT Power Control" area, press the button to the right.
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.

Figure 2-29: LE power control

This pane is for future use.

The LE power control is available for connection tests. It is working with DUTs capable
of LE power control. Refer to "EUT Capabilities (LE)" on page 46.
The test can respect or ignore the reported DUT capabilities. Refer to "Ignore Power
Control Capability" on page 91.
To send the power control commands to the DUT, use the softkey "Power Control". The
softkey is visible after a LE connection has been successfully established. It displays
additional power control-related hotkeys. Refer to "Power Control (softkey)"
on page 60.
The DUT's responses are displayed in the Event Log. EUT Control Tab

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "EUT Control" tab.

The tab "EUT Control" contains the indication of "Connection Status" and the parame-
ters of USB connections.
USB information displayed depends on the selected HW interface. For the test setup,
refer to Chapter, "Tests with USB Interface", on page 16.
This section is not relevant for LE connection test.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Figure 2-30: EUT control tab (HW interface = USB)

Connection Status.........................................................................................................50
HW Interface................................................................................................................. 50
USB Info........................................................................................................................50

Connection Status
The "Connection Status" is described in detail in the previous section Chapter,
"Connection Status Tab - Connection Status", on page 42.

HW Interface
Specifies a USB control connection to the DUT. The driver of a connected DUT must
be installed, refer to Chapter, "Tests with USB Interface", on page 16.
The following settings are supported:
● "None": configures the Rx measurements without controlling the DUT via USB
● "USB to RS232 Adapter": displays the transmission parameters of the serial inter-
face realized via USB connection with USB to RS232 adapter.
If the DUT is connected to a USB port, the mapped virtual COM port can be auto-
matically detected by pressing the hotkey "Refresh COM Port List" (see "Refresh
COM Port List (hotkey)" on page 63).
The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter 2.3.7, "EUT
Control", on page 70.
● "USB": specifies the tested device connected directly via USB port (connection
without serial adapter). The R&S CMW lists all detected DUTs as "USB Device"
The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see "USB" on page 72.
Also, USB Info area is displayed.

USB Info
Displays EUT information received via USB control interface. This area is visible if HW
Interface = "USB"

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
GUI Reference

Remote command:
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:SERial? Link Info Tab

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Link Info" tab.

The tab "Link Info" contains the indication of "Connection Status" and the parameters
of active audio connection.
This tab is relevant for operating modes echo mode and profile (limited to profiles
"Hands-Free" and "Hands-Free AG").

Figure 2-31: Link info tab

Connection Status
The "Connection Status" is described in detail in the previous section Chapter,
"Connection Status Tab - Connection Status", on page 42.

Link Info
Displays the most important connection parameters of an active audio link.
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required.
Remote command:
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:LINFo? Event Log

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Event Log" area.

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The "Event Log" area reports events and errors such as applied system settings,
startup events, connection events and power control events.
If the Event Log Configuration is enabled, the event log displays additional information
about the protocol exchange between the DUT and R&S CMW.

Figure 2-32: Event log pane

Event Log
Each entry consists of a timestamp, an icon indicating the category of the event and a
short text describing the event. Meaning of the category icons: = information,
warning and error respectively.
To expand the event log area, press the button to the right.
Press the button to the right to clear the displayed event entries.
Remote command:
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe:LESignaling? General Setup

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "General Setup" area.

The parameters displayed in the following section depend on the selected operating
mode and burst type.
Option R&S CMW-KS600 is required for BR and EDR. It can be extended for test
mode by R&S CMW-KS610 or for audio profiles by R&S CMW-KS602 option.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
See also Chapter 2.2.1, "Overview of Options", on page 14.

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Figure 2-33: General setup

The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter 2.3.6, "General
Settings", on page 66 and Chapter 2.3.5, "CMW Role", on page 65. RF Setup

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "RF Setup" area.

The settings configure frequency, power, and enabling of dirty transmitter for fast
access. The set of displayed parameters depends on operating mode.

Figure 2-34: RF setup (loopback test)

The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog:

● Most important RF frequency settings.
For parameters, refer to Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74.
Hopping can be enabled or disabled only for BR/EDR in test mode. Connection
tests always perform hopping.
● RF power settings
For parameters, refer to Chapter, "RF Power Settings", on page 77.
In addition, the parameter input level is displayed instead of expected nominal
power when auto ranging is enabled. This parameter adjusts the power settings
automatically, according to the predefined and measured values.
● Dirty transmitter enabling
For parameters, refer to Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration",
on page 78. Signal Characteristics

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Signal Characteristics" area.

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The main view provides only the most important settings for fast access. The set of dis-
played parameters depends on the selection in the pane General Setup. This section is
not relevant for connection tests.

Figure 2-35: Signal characteristics (LE with CTE)

The most of the settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chap-
ter, "Signal Characteristics Configuration", on page 91.
Exceptions are the configurations of CTE-specific parameters for LE with CTE and the
packet type in audio mode:
CTE Type...................................................................................................................... 54
CTE Units......................................................................................................................54
Number of Antennae, Slot Duration.............................................................................. 54
Packet Type (audio mode)............................................................................................ 55

CTE Type
Selects between the angle of arrival (AoA) and angle of departure (AoD) CTE slots.
Remote command:

CTE Units
Specifies the length of CTE portion of the burst in units. One CTE unit corresponds to
8 µs.
Remote command:

Number of Antennae, Slot Duration

● In the column antennae, specifies the number of EUT antennas for the specified
test (CTE type). One reference and one non-reference antennas are mandatory.
The remaining two non-reference antennas are optional.

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The R&S CMW uses always only one RF connector, multiple antennas are emula-
ted. For the test setup, refer to Chapter, "Test with Multiple EUT's Antennas
(LE with CTE)", on page 17.
● In the column "Slot. Dur.", specifies the duration of CTE slots. The type of the CTE
slot is set via CTE Type. The supported CTE slots are AoA 1 µs, AoA 2 µs,
AoD 1 µs, and AoD 2 µs.
Remote command:

Packet Type (audio mode)

Defines the packet type used for audio connections. The following packets are suppor-
● SCO connections for BR: HV1, HV2 and HV3
● eSCO connections for BR: EV3, EV4 and EV5
● eSCO connections for EDR: 2-EV3, 2-EV5, 3-EV3, 3-EV5
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:ESCO Authentication

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Authentication" area.

The authentication pane is only visible if operating mode is set to "Profile", see "Oper-
ating Mode" on page 66.
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles.

Figure 2-36: Audio link authentication settings

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The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter, "Audio
Profiles Settings", on page 95. Audio Link Setup

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Audio Link Setup" area.
This pane is only visible if operating mode is set to "Profile" and profile is set to "A2DP
Sink", see "Operating Mode" on page 66.
Option R&S CMW-KS603 is required for A2DP profiles.

Figure 2-37: A2DP codec settings

The settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see "Audio Link Setup"
on page 96. Connection Info

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Connection Info" area.

This pane is only visible if operating mode is set to "Connection Test" and standard is

Figure 2-38: Connection information

Connection Interval, Connection Timeout, Slave Latency

Queries the connection parameters connection interval, supervision timeout, and slave
latency for LE connection tests. Note that "(Configured)" is displayed when the values
are set by the R&S CMW. "(DUT)" is displayed when the DUT updates the connection
For settings, refer to "Supervision Timeout" on page 89.
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:

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2.3.2 Signaling and Connection Control

The individual connection states are controlled via the [ON | OFF] key, via hotkeys and
via the DUT.
The available hotkeys depend on the current connection state. Below all possible hot-
keys are described.
For background information, refer to chapter Chapter 2.2.11, "Signaling States",
on page 36.
[ON | OFF] (key) / Bluetooth Signaling (softkey)........................................................... 57
Connect (hotkey)...........................................................................................................57
Connect Audio (hotkey).................................................................................................58
Connect HFP / HFP AG / Echo Mode / A2DP (hotkey).................................................58
Connect Test Mode (hotkey)......................................................................................... 58
Connection Check (hotkey)...........................................................................................59
Connection Interval (hotkey)......................................................................................... 59
Detach (hotkey).............................................................................................................59
Enter HFP / Enter HFP AG / Enter Echo Mode (hotkey)...............................................59
Exit HFP / Exit HFP AG / Exit Echo Mode (hotkey)...................................................... 60
Initialize EUT (hotkey)................................................................................................... 60
Power Control (softkey).................................................................................................60
└ Get Tx Power (hotkey).................................................................................... 60
└ Power Up / Power Down / Step Size (hotkey)................................................ 61
└ Max Power (hotkey)........................................................................................ 61
Inquire (hotkey)............................................................................................................. 62
Power Up / Power Down / Max Power (hotkey)............................................................ 62
Refresh COM Port List (hotkey).................................................................................... 63
Refresh Devices (hotkey)..............................................................................................63
Reset EUT (hotkey).......................................................................................................63
Tx Test (hotkey).............................................................................................................63
Volume Control... (softkey)............................................................................................63

[ON | OFF] (key) / Bluetooth Signaling (softkey)

The [ON | OFF] key is used to turn on the signaling application in standby state or off.
The current state is shown by the softkey. The signal transmission can be switched off
any time, independent of the current connection state. A yellow hourglass symbol indi-
cates that the signaling generator is turned on or off.

Remote command:

Connect (hotkey)

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This hotkey is only available in standby state and for operating mode "Connection
Test". It activates the paging state on the R&S CMW with the target selected in "For
Paging" on page 86 for BR/EDR ("For Paging" on page 90 for LE).
If paging is successful, the R&S CMW goes to the connected state.
Remote command:

Connect Audio (hotkey)

This hotkey is only available if operating mode is set to "Audio", see "Operating Mode"
on page 66.
Remote command:

Connect HFP / HFP AG / Echo Mode / A2DP (hotkey)

These hotkeys are only available if operating mode is set to "Profile" / "Echo Mode",
see "Operating Mode" on page 66. They establish an audio link for hands-free profile
(HFP), hands-free audio gateway profile (HFP AG), echo mode, or A2DP.
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles.
Option R&S CMW-KS603 is required for A2DP.
Remote command:

Connect Test Mode (hotkey)

This hotkey is only available in standby state and if either BR or EDR burst type is
selected. It activates the paging state on the R&S CMW with the target selected in "For
Paging" on page 86.
If paging is successful, the R&S CMW goes to the test mode connected state.
Prerequisite: the DUT with enabled test mode (typically enabled by typing a vendor-
specific key combination at the DUT, for example #123456789#).
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required.
While the DUT is connected, the signaling application provides a trigger signal, see
Chapter 2.2.12, "Trigger Signals", on page 40.
Remote command:

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Connection Check (hotkey)

Checks whether it is possible to control the DUT connected via USB interface. The
R&S CMW sends a reset command to the DUT and waits for the DUT's response via
RF link. The result is displayed in a pop-up dialog.
If there was failure, it is necessary to adjust the HW Interface or the transmission
parameters settings, typically the baud rate, see "USB to RS232" on page 72.
This hotkey is only available if LE burst type is selected.
Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required.
Remote command:

Connection Interval (hotkey)

Sets the time interval between the two consecutive connection events in slots. For
information, the value in ms is indicated.
This hotkey is only available for LE connection tests and LE test mode.
The setting for LE connection tests is covered in the main configuration tree, see "Con-
nection Interval" on page 89.
The setting for LE test mode is only available via this hotkey.
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:

Detach (hotkey)

This hotkey is only available during an active connection. It requests the R&S CMW to
close an established connection, switch off the master signal, and revert to standby
Remote command:

Enter HFP / Enter HFP AG / Enter Echo Mode (hotkey)

These hotkeys are only available if operating mode is set to "Profile" / "Echo Mode",
see "Operating Mode" on page 66. They re-establish an audio link for hands-free
profile (HFP), hands-free audio gateway profile (HFP AG) or echo mode.

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Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles.

Remote command:

Exit HFP / Exit HFP AG / Exit Echo Mode (hotkey)

These hotkeys are only available if an audio link is established. They release the audio
link and return to the connected state (ACL link). The audio connection can be re-
established via Enter HFP / Enter HFP AG / Enter Echo Mode (hotkey).
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles.
Remote command:

Initialize EUT (hotkey)

This hotkey sends a reset EUT command for BR/EDR via USB connection.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required.
Remote command:

Power Control (softkey)

These keys are available for LE devices in connection test mode for a DUT capable of
power control. Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
For the power control of BR/EDR devices, refer to Power Up / Power Down / Max
Power (hotkey).

The "Power Control" key is used to display the following related hotkeys.

Get Tx Power (hotkey) ← Power Control (softkey)

Displays the Tx power of the DUT in the event log pane.

Remote command:

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Power Up / Power Down / Step Size (hotkey) ← Power Control (softkey)

The hotkey "Step Size" sets the power step for power-up and power-down commands.
When the DUT reaches the limit it sends "Min / Max power reached" response to the
R&S CMW, but it not does not change its power anymore.
The event log pane displays the power commands and the DUT responses.

Remote command:

Max Power (hotkey) ← Power Control (softkey)

Sends the command to the DUT to transmit at its maximum Tx power.

The event log pane displays the power commands and the DUT responses.

Remote command:

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Inquire (hotkey)

This hotkey is only available in standby state and for operating mode "Connection
Test". It activates the inquiry state on the R&S CMW. The discovered devices are pre-
sented in the "BD Address" popup ("Address" popup for LE).

Figure 2-39: Inquire popup

After the R&S CMW reverts to standby state, the popup is automatically closed and the
list of "pageable" devices (see "For Paging" on page 86) is updated.
Remote command:

Power Up / Power Down / Max Power (hotkey)

These hotkeys are available for BR/EDR device in the "connected in test mode" state
for the DUT capable of power control. When the DUT reaches the limit it sends "Min /
Max power reached" response to the R&S CMW, but it not does not change its power
All three hotkeys are available only for enhanced power control. To legacy power con-
trol, only the hotkeys "Power Up" / "Power Down" are applicable. The activated power
control mode and reported state are displayed in the main view, see Chapter,
"Connection Status Tab - EUT Info", on page 44.
For the power control of LE devices, refer to Power Control (softkey).
The event log pane displays the power commands and the DUT responses.

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Remote command:

Refresh COM Port List (hotkey)

Detects the DUTs connected via USB-to-COM adapter. The USB ports are addressed
as virtual COM ports. When a new USB-to-COM adapter is found, the result is shown
in the event log. All connected USB ports are shown in the drop-down list "Virtual COM
Port", see "USB to RS232" on page 72.

Remote command:

Refresh Devices (hotkey)

Detects the DUTs connected to USB ports directly or via a USB-to-COM adapter.

The event log pane displays the occupied ports.

Remote command:

Reset EUT (hotkey)

This hotkey sends the HCI reset command to the connected LE device. A notification
appears in the event log.
Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required.

Remote command:

Tx Test (hotkey)
Starts and stops the Tx test in direct test mode.
This hotkey is only available if LE is selected, the DUT via USB interface has been dis-
covered and option R&S CMW-KM611 (Bluetooth LE, Tx measurements) is not instal-

Volume Control... (softkey)

Controls volume of a speaker or gain of a microphone in audio mode.

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This hotkey is only available if operating mode is set to "Profile", see "Operating Mode"
on page 66.

Remote command:

2.3.3 Using the Shortcut Softkeys

When using the "Bluetooth Signaling" application and a "Bluetooth Measurement" in

parallel, it is recommended to use a shortcut softkey to switch to the measurement.

Using one of these softkeys ensures that the measurement is configured compatible
with the settings of the signaling application. When you use the softkeys to switch to
the "Bluetooth Multi Eval." measurements, the combined signal path scenario is activa-
ted automatically in the measurement.
● The measurement and the signaling application can be used in parallel, i.e. both
DL signal transmission and measurement can be switched on.
● The signaling RF settings are also used for the measurement.
● The Bluetooth input signal settings of the measurement are configured compatible
with the signaling application.
● Additional softkeys and hotkeys are displayed in the measurement, so that the sig-
naling application can be controlled and configured from the measurement.
The softkey "Go to..." opens a dialog box with a list of all available Bluetooth measure-
ments. If the softkey label indicates a measurement name, this measurement has been
assigned to the softkey as fixed target.
Three shortcut softkeys are available and can be set to different fixed targets.

Figure 2-40: Dialog box opened by "Go to..." softkey

Select Menu
Selects the target measurement you want to switch to.

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Select as Fixed Target

Sets the selected measurement as fixed target of the softkey. The softkey label indi-
cates the measurement name and switches directly to the selected target without
opening the dialog box.
When the dialog box has been disabled, you can still change the target measurement
or re-enable the dialog box using the configuration menu, see Chapter 2.3.11, "Short-
cut Configuration", on page 98.

Go to / Cancel
Press "Go to" softkey to switch to the selected measurement or "Cancel" to abort.

2.3.4 Unit Selection

Access: "Config" hotkey > top of the configuration dialog.

This section specifies the signaling unit to be used.

Figure 2-41: Signaling unit selection

● Single-CMW setups
In a single CMW, you can equip up to four SUU or up to two SUA. You can execute
a scenario on a single CMW. But you can also use the scenario with a multi-CMW
● Multi-CMW setups
The instruments are controlled by an R&S CMWC. The test software including the
Bluetooth signaling application is installed and executed on the R&S CMWC.
The options can be distributed over several instruments. But the signaling units
(SUA) and TX modules used for Bluetooth signal must be in the same instrument.
Example: You cannot use a signaling unit of one instrument plus the TX modules of
another instrument.
The SW licenses are pooled in the R&S CMWC, so it does not matter where they
are installed.
● SUA vs. SUU
Each SUA board provides two SUA partitions. The GUI and the remote commands
select SUA partitions, not SUA boards. In one CMW, you have up to four SUA par-
titions or up to four SUU.
For the signaling unit numbering, refer to Chapter, "Values for Signal Path
Selection", on page 114.
Remote command:

2.3.5 CMW Role

Access: "Config" hotkey > top of the configuration dialog.

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This section is only relevant for BR/EDR, operating mode = Profile, see Operating

Figure 2-42: CMW role configuration

CMW Role
Selects either the master or slave connection control role of the R&S CMW.
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required.
Remote command:

2.3.6 General Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "General Setup" section.

Figure 2-43: General settings

Operating Mode............................................................................................................ 66
Profile............................................................................................................................ 68
CMW Role.....................................................................................................................68
Burst Type (classic).......................................................................................................69
Test Mode (classic)....................................................................................................... 69
PHY (LE)....................................................................................................................... 69
Coding Scheme (LE > Long Range)............................................................................. 70

Selects either classic (BR/EDR) or LE signaling connections.
Remote command:

Operating Mode
Operating mode switches between certain test scenarios that require different sets of
parameters. Some parameters are only available for specific mode.
● Connection (classic):
The R&S CMW provides ACL connections.

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Connection tests for BR and EDR require the basic signaling option R&S CMW-
KS600, see Chapter 2.2.4, "Connection Test (Classic)", on page 20.
● Test mode (classic):
The R&S CMW provides loopback and Tx tests for BR and EDR. ACL links are tes-
ted. See Chapter 2.2.5, "Test Mode (Classic)", on page 21.

Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR and EDR tests.

● Echo mode (classic):
The R&S CMW receives speech data from the DUT and loops it back.

● Profile (classic):
The R&S CMW provides an audio link for audio profile tests. An additional parame-
ter "Profile" is displayed. In addition, the CMW Role can be specified.

For detailed information, refer to Chapter 2.2.6, "Audio Profiles (BR/EDR)",

on page 23.
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles.
● Audio (classic):
The R&S CMW establishes a SCO connection for the transmission of HV1, HV2, or
HV3 packets or eSCO connection for the transmission of 2-EV3, 2-EV5, 3-EV3, or
3-EV5 packets.

Option R&S CMW-KS600 is required.

● Connection (LE):
The R&S CMW provides ACL over-the-air (OTA) connections for low energy (LE).
In addition, the LE role can be specified, see "CMW Role" on page 68.

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LE connection tests require the basic signaling option R&S CMW-KS601, see
Chapter 2.2.7, "Connection Test (LE)", on page 26.
● Direct Test Mode (LE):
The R&S CMW provides direct test mode for LE according to Bluetooth specifica-
tion, see Chapter 2.2.9, "Direct Test Mode (LE)", on page 28. ACL links are tested.

Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE tests.

● Test Mode (LE):
OTA testing on all channels. The R&S CMW transmits LE test packets as specified
in Bluetooth specification. LE test mode requires a firmware update of the DUT.
The parameters for LE test mode are only visible after enabling the LE test mode,
see "Test Mode Available" on page 90.

Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required for LE test mode.

Remote command:

Selects hands-free, hands-free audio gateway, or A2DP sink profile of the DUT for
Operating Mode = "Profile".
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required for audio profiles.
Option R&S CMW-KS603 is required for A2DP audio profile.
Remote command:

CMW Role
Selects either the central or peripheral LE role of the R&S CMW.
This parameter is only relevant for Standard = "LE" and Operating Mode = "Connection
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:

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Burst Type (classic)

Selects the burst type.
This parameter is only visible for Standard = "Classic" and Operating Mode = "Test
Selecting a burst type hides/shows parts of the GUI as required by the burst type.
Following burst types are supported:
● BR: used modulation is Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) with the data rate
1 Mbit/s
(DH1, DH3 or DH5 packet types)
● EDR: GFSK modulation used in the header, but the payload is using the differential
phase shift keying (DPSK) modulation with the data rate up to 3 Mbit/s
(2-DHx or 3-DHx packet types, where x = 1, 3, 5)
● LE: used modulation is GFSK with selectable data rate, low energy packets are
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR and EDR.
Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE.
Remote command:

Test Mode (classic)

Selects transmitter or loopback test mode for BR/EDR packets. Refer to Chapter 2.2.5,
"Test Mode (Classic)", on page 21.
This parameter is only relevant for Standard = "Classic" and Operating Mode = "Test
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required.
Remote command:

Selects the physical layer used for LE signal.
● "1 Mbps": LE uncoded 1 Msymbol/s physical layer
● "2 Mbps": LE uncoded 2 Msymbol/s physical layer
● "Long Range": LE coded 1 Msymbol/s physical layer
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
Remote command:
For LE direct test mode:
For LE connection test (normal mode):

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For LE test mode:


Coding Scheme (LE > Long Range)

Defines the forward error correction coding (FEC) for LE coded PHY. FEC coding is
defined in the core specification version 5.0 for Bluetooth wireless technology, volume
6, part B, section 3.3.
Option R&S CMW-KS721 is required for direct test mode.
Option R&S CMW-KS720 is required for LE connection tests and LE test mode.
Remote command:
For LE direct test mode:
For LE connection test (normal mode):
For LE test mode:

2.3.7 EUT Control

Access: "Config" hotkey > "General Setup" > "EUT Control" section.
Configures a USB connection to the DUT.

Figure 2-44: EUT control

HW Interface................................................................................................................. 71
Reset EUT (Classic)......................................................................................................71
Enable Test Mode (Classic).......................................................................................... 71
EUT Comm. Protocol (Low Energy)..............................................................................71
Use BR/EDR Settings (Low Energy).............................................................................72

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Autoreset EUT (Low Energy)........................................................................................ 72

Delay After Reset (Low Energy)....................................................................................72
USB to RS232...............................................................................................................72

HW Interface
Defines the type of USB connection used for tests.
For LE in direct test mode, the interface is used for the test control commands.
For BR/EDR connections, the interface is used as an additional control channel for
example to enable test mode automatically, or reset the DUT, see "Initialize EUT (hot-
key)" on page 60. To detect a DUT connected via USB, the driver must be installed,
refer to Chapter, "Tests with USB Interface", on page 16.
● None: tests without a USB control connection.
For BR/EDR connections, communication with the DUT is realized via RF interface
only. The DUT is controlled manually, for example enabling test mode directly at
the device.
For LE connections, the Rx measurement is supported without controlling direct
test mode. The test is started manually by the DUT. The R&S CMW sends several
test packets to the DUT. This method is applicable only to the DUT that can count
received packets.
● USB to RS232 adapter: support of the secondary communication channel via USB
connection with USB to RS232 adapter.
● USB: support of the secondary communication channel via direct USB connection.
For the test setup, refer to Chapter, "Tests with USB Interface", on page 16.
Remote command:

Reset EUT (Classic)

Optional reset before starting an Rx or Tx test for BR/EDR or before starting an audio
Remote command:

Enable Test Mode (Classic)

Enables test mode at the DUT automatically. The command is only relevant for
BR/EDR connections via USB.
Alternatively, the test mode can be typically also enabled at the DUT manually by typ-
ing a vendor-specific key combination.
Remote command:

EUT Comm. Protocol (Low Energy)

Selects the communication protocol for direct test mode in accordance with the DUT
● "HCI": for DUTs with accessible host interface. HCI is required for Rx measure-
ments, LE version 5.1.
● "2-wire": for DUTs that use an embedded, non-accessible host

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The setting is only relevant for HW Interface = "USB to RS232 adapter". Direct USB
connections always use HCI.
Remote command:

Use BR/EDR Settings (Low Energy)

Specifies whether the BR/EDR configuration of COM port and USB settings has to be
used also for LE burst types.

Autoreset EUT (Low Energy)

Resets DUT at the beginning of a direct test.
Remote command:

Delay After Reset (Low Energy)

Specifies a delay after reset on a LE device. The parameter is only relevant if "Autore-
set EUT" is set to ON. The delay is applied when performing the connection check or
at the beginning of a direct test.
Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required.
Remote command:

USB to RS232
Specifies the transmission parameters of the virtual serial interface used for USB con-
nection with USB to RS232 adapter.
The USB port to which the DUT is connected is mapped automatically onto the virtual
COM port.
The transmission parameters must comply with the parameters of the DUT.
● "Virtual Com Port": specifies the port, to which the used USB port has been map-
ped. The virtual COM port used by the DUT can be automatically detected by
pressing the hotkey "Refresh COM Port List", see "Refresh COM Port List (hotkey)"
on page 63.
● "Baud Rate": data transmission rate
● "Stop Bits", "Parity": number of bits used for stop indication, parity
● "Protocol": flow control
Remote command:

Specifies the tested device connected directly via USB port. The R&S CMW lists only
the detected DUTs.

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Remote command:

2.3.8 RF Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "RF Settings" section.

The parameters in this section configure the RF input and output paths, the frequency
and the power of the Bluetooth signal, and the dirty transmitter characteristics.

Figure 2-45: RF settings

● Signal Routing.........................................................................................................73
● RF Frequency......................................................................................................... 74
● RF Power Settings.................................................................................................. 77
● Dirty Transmitter Configuration............................................................................... 78 Signal Routing

Access: "Config" hotkey > "RF Settings" > "RF Output"/ "RF Input" sections.
The parameters in this section configure the RF input and output paths.

Figure 2-46: RF settings

RF Output......................................................................................................................73
└ Connector, Converter......................................................................................74
└ External Attenuation........................................................................................74
RF Input........................................................................................................................ 74
└ Connector, Converter......................................................................................74
└ External Attenuation........................................................................................74

RF Output
The following parameters configure the RF output path of the R&S CMW.

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Connector, Converter ← RF Output

Selects the output path for the generated RF signal, i.e. the output connector and the
TX module to be used.
Depending on your hardware configuration, there are dependencies between both
parameters. Select the RF connector first. The "Converter" parameter offers only val-
ues compatible with the selected RF connector.
Remote command:

External Attenuation ← RF Output

Defines the value of an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) in the out-
put path. With an external attenuation of x dB, the power of the generated signal is
increased by x dB. The actual generated levels are equal to the displayed values plus
the external attenuation.
If a correction table for frequency-dependent attenuation is active for the chosen con-
nector, then the table name and a button are displayed. Press the button to display the
table entries.
Remote command:

RF Input
The following parameters configure the RF input path of the R&S CMW.

Connector, Converter ← RF Input

Selects the input path for the measured RF signal, i.e. the input connector and the RX
module to be used.
Remote command:

External Attenuation ← RF Input

Defines the value of an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) in the
input path. The power readings are corrected by the external attenuation value.
The external attenuation value is also used in the calculation of the maximum configu-
rable input power value.
If a correction table for frequency-dependent attenuation is active for the chosen con-
nector, then the table name and a button are displayed. Press the button to display the
table entries.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut RF Frequency

Access: "Config" hotkey > "RF Settings" > "RF Frequency" section.
This section configures the hopping and channel/frequency.

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Figure 2-47: Frequency settings

Hopping (classic)...........................................................................................................75
Channel, Frequency .....................................................................................................75
Measure Mode (LE connection test)............................................................................. 76
Hopping Mode (LE connection test)..............................................................................76
Auto Configure 2nd Channel (LE connection test)........................................................76
Table Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test)..............................76

Hopping (classic)
Enables/disables hopping for test mode. If enabled, then the R&S CMW transmits on
all possible Bluetooth channels in a pre-determined sequence.
This setting is only relevant for BR/EDR in test mode. Connection tests for BR/EDR
(option R&S CMW-KS600) always perform hopping.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR/EDR in test mode.
Remote command:

Channel, Frequency
Defines the channel. It also indicates the corresponding frequency.
If the hopping checkbox is selected, then the channel and frequency settings for Tx
test and loopback test are ignored.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for Tx test and loopback test.
Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE direct test mode.
Remote command:

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LE direct test mode:
LE test mode:

Measure Mode (LE connection test)

Specifies measurement mode for LE connection tests.
● All 37 data channels can only be measured if signaling application uses all channel
hopping mode.
● Single channel mode enables Rx measurements at the specified RF channel, see
Table Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test) .

Hopping Mode (LE connection test)

Configures hopping for LE connection tests.
● "All Channels": all 37 data channels are used for hopping
● "2 Channels": 2 data channels are used by hopping. The first data channel is con-
figurable via Table Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test).
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:

Auto Configure 2nd Channel (LE connection test)

Only automatic configuration of the 2nd channel is supported.

Table Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test)

Specifies measured channel for Rx measurements with LE connection tests in mea-
sure mode = "Single Channel".
Set the channel number manually, channel index and measured frequency are indica-
ted for information also.
In hopping mode "2 Channels", the first hopping channel is set according to this
parameter. The second channel is set automatically using positive or negative offset
from the first measured channel. Channel index and measured frequency are indicated
for information also.
The following offsets from the measured channel are used for the second hopping
● Offset of +10 channels for measured channels 1 to 28
● Offset of +9 channels for measured channel 29
● Offset of -10 channels for measured channels 30 to 38
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference RF Power Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "RF Settings" > "RF Power" section.
The parameters in this section provide the general power settings.

Figure 2-48: RF power settings

Tx Level (CMW)............................................................................................................ 77
Exp. Nominal Power......................................................................................................77
User Margin...................................................................................................................77
Auto Ranging................................................................................................................ 78

Tx Level (CMW)
Defines the power level transmitted by the R&S CMW
Remote command:

Exp. Nominal Power

Sets the analyzer in accordance with the nominal power of the RF signal to be mea-
sured. The nominal power is the average output power at the EUT during the measure-
ment intervals where the RF transmitter is on. The "Ref. Level" is calculated as the
expected peak power at the output of the EUT:
Reference level = Expected Nominal Power + User Margin
The actual input power at the connectors is equal to the "Reference Level" minus the
"External Attenuation (Input)" value, if all power settings are configured correctly. The
actual input power must be within the level range of the selected RF input connector;
refer to the data sheet.
During LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level
(CMW) and "Exp. Nominal Power" to avoid measurement errors.
This setting is ignored, if Auto Ranging is enabled.
Remote command:

User Margin
Margin that the measurement adds to the expected nominal power to determine its ref-
erence power (reference level). The margin is typically used to account for the known
variations of the RF input signal power, for example, the variations due to a specific
channel configuration.
A user margin of 3 dB is appropriate for the supported packet types.
Remote command:

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Auto Ranging
Adjusts the input level expected at the R&S CMW antenna automatically, according to
the predefined values and measured signal amplitude. If enabled, the setting of Exp.
Nominal Power is ignored.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ARANging Dirty Transmitter Configuration

Access: "Config" hotkey > "RF Settings" > "Dirty Tx" section.
Configures in the R&S CMW transmitting of a non-ideal signal also known as dirty
transmitter. Dirty transmitter is defined in the test specification for Bluetooth wireless
For BR/EDR, refer to the following tests:
For LE, refer to the following tests:
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-01-C (for LE 1M PHY)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-08-C (for LE 2M PHY)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-26-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 2)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-27-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 8)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-14-C (for LE 1M PHY, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-15-C (for LE 1M PHY, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-20-C (for LE 2M PHY, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-32-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 2, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-33-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 8, stable modulation)

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Figure 2-49: Dirty transmitter settings

Typically, the following remote commands are used.

● For test mode classic: Commands ..:BRATe are used for BR physical layer
(PHY) and ..:EDRate for EDR PHY.
● LE direct test mode: Commands ..:LE1M are used for uncoded
LE 1M PHY, ..:LE2M for LE 2M PHY, and ..:LRANge for LE coded PHY.
● LE connection tests (normal mode): Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are
● LE test mode: Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are used.
Dirty Tx..........................................................................................................................79
Dirty Tx Mode................................................................................................................79
Settings for Spec Table Mode....................................................................................... 80
Modulation Frequency (LE)...........................................................................................83
Single Values.................................................................................................................83
Stable Modulation Index (LE) - enabling....................................................................... 84

Dirty Tx
Enables/disables dirty transmitter.
Remote command:

Dirty Tx Mode
Selects one of the following schemes to configure the dirty transmitter:

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● "Single Values": manual settings of dirty transmitter parameters to be applied

without periodic change, see "Single Values" on page 83.
● "Spec Table": dirty transmitter settings according to the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology, refer to "Settings for Spec Table Mode" on page 80.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR/EDR in test mode.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
Remote command:
LE direct test:
LE connection test:
LE test mode:

Settings for Spec Table Mode

The following commands query dirty transmitter settings according to the test specifica-
tion for Bluetooth wireless technology (see the following tables). The values are fixed.
The frequency drift is always on. For BR/EDR, the drift rate is time-dependent. For LE,
you can select the drift rate of 1250 Hz or 625 Hz.
Table 2-15: Dirty transmitter for BR according to the test specification

Set Frequency offset in kHz Modulation index Symbol timing error in ppm

1 75 0.28 -20

2 14 0.30 -20

3 -2 0.29 20

4 1 0.32 20

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Set Frequency offset in kHz Modulation index Symbol timing error in ppm

5 39 0.33 20

6 0 0.34 -20

7 -42 0.29 -20

8 74 0.31 -20

9 -19 0.28 -20

10 -75 0.35 20

If the BR dirty transmitter is enabled, the R&S CMW transmits the first 20 ms using the
first parameter set. The second 20 ms are transmitted with parameter set two, and so
forth. After the tenth set of parameters has been used, the R&S CMW continues using
the first set again.
Table 2-16: Dirty transmitter for EDR according to the test specification

Set Frequency offset in kHz Symbol timing error in ppm

1 0 0

2 65 20

3 -65 -20

If the EDR dirty transmitter is enabled, the R&S CMW transmits the first 20 packets
using the first parameter set. The second 20 packets are transmitted with parameter
set two, and so forth. After the third set of parameters has been used, the R&S CMW
continues using the first set again.
Table 2-17: Dirty transmitter for LE according to the test specification for direct test

Set Frequency offset in Standard modulation Stable modulation Symbol timing error
kHz index index in ppm

1 100 0.45 0.495 -50

2 19 0.48 0.498 -50

3 -3 0.46 0.496 50

4 1 0.52 0.502 50

5 52 0.53 0.503 50

6 0 0.54 0.504 -50

7 -56 0.47 0.497 -50

8 97 0.50 0.500 -50

9 -25 0.45 0.495 -50

10 -100 0.55 0.505 50

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If the LE dirty transmitter is enabled, the R&S CMW transmits the first 50 packets using
the first parameter set. The next 50 packets are transmitted using the second parame-
ter set, and so forth. After the tenth set of parameters has been used, the R&S CMW
continues using the first set again.
Dirty transmitter for LE connection tests is only applicable with standard modulation.
Dirty transmitter for LE connection tests differs from direct test mode only in a used
packet type. Instead of test packets, it transmits LL_FEATURE_REQ packets.
Remote command:
LE direct test mode:
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LE1M]? etc.
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LE connection test:
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LE test mode:
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.

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LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.

Modulation Frequency (LE)

Specifies the drift rate for LE dirty transmitter. The setting is applied in the following
● Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values" and the drift is enabled
● Dirty Tx Mode = "Spec Table"
Remote command:
LE direct test mode:
LENergy[:LE1M] etc.
LE connection test:
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LE test mode:

Single Values
The parameters take effect if dirty Tx is set to "Single Values". Exception is the addi-
tional configuration of modulation frequency for LE, that applies also in Dirty Tx Mode =
"Spec Table".
"Single Values" specify single set of dirty transmitter parameters to be applied without
periodic change.
The following parameters are configurable:
● "Modulation Index": Enable / disable modulation index and configure its value.
Two possible modulation indexes are configurable for LE direct test: standard or
stable modulation.
The checkbox for enabling/disabling modulation index in the GUI is visible in the
LE Rx measurements, hotkey "Dirty Tx" > "Modulation Index".
● "Frequency Offset": Enable / disable frequency offset and configure its value.
● "Symbol Timing Error": Disable or enable symbol timing error and configure its
● "Drift": Enable / disable the drift. For BR/EDR, the time-dependent drift is gener-
ated according to the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology. For LE,
the value is configurable via "Modulation Frequency".
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR/EDR in test mode.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.

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Remote command:
LE direct test mode:
LENergy[:LE1M] etc.
LENergy[:LE1M] etc.
LENergy[:LE1M] etc.
LENergy[:LE1M] etc.
LE1M] etc.
LE connection test:
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LE test mode:
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M etc.
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M etc.

Stable Modulation Index (LE) - enabling

Specifies, which one of the two possible modulation index modes are used for dirty
transmitter signal: standard or stable. Access the setting via "Bluetooth Rx Meas". Find
the parameter "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" in the configuration dialog of Rx mea-
surements, section "Rx Quality". Refer to "Stable Modulation Index (enabling)"
on page 243 for details.

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2.3.9 Connection Configuration

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Connection" section.

The "Connection Configuration" section configures paging and inquiry parameters for
Bluetooth connections and defines parameters of the input Bluetooth signal.

Figure 2-50: Connection configuration

● Paging Configuration Classic.................................................................................. 85

● Paging Configuration Low Energy...........................................................................87
● Signal Characteristics Configuration....................................................................... 91
● Audio Profiles Settings............................................................................................ 95
● Enhanced Power Control Mode Configuration........................................................98 Paging Configuration Classic

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Connection" > "Paging" > "Classic" section.
Option R&S CMW-KS600 is required.

Figure 2-51: Paging settings for BR/EDR

CMW BD Address......................................................................................................... 85
For Paging.....................................................................................................................86
Default EUT...................................................................................................................86
└ BD Address.....................................................................................................86
└ Page Scan Repetition Mode........................................................................... 86
Supervision Timeout......................................................................................................86
Inquiry Length............................................................................................................... 86
Number of Inquiry Responses.......................................................................................86
Paging Timeout............................................................................................................. 87

CMW BD Address
The Bluetooth device address used by the R&S CMW when communicating with the

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Remote command:

For Paging
A drop-down list showing all the devices that the R&S CMW found during inquiry plus
the default address.
Remote command:

Default EUT
Settings of the DUT to connect with if For Paging = "Default".

BD Address ← Default EUT

The Bluetooth device address of the default EUT.
Remote command:

Page Scan Repetition Mode ← Default EUT

Sets/gets the page scan repetition mode to be used for the default device.
It does not apply when paging a non-default device, whose page scan repetition mode
is acquired during inquiry.
The page scan repetition mode determines the interval between the beginnings of two
consecutive page scans while the R&S CMW attempts a connection and synchroniza-
tion to the DUT.
Remote command:

Supervision Timeout
The LMP supervision timeout, i.e. number of "non-communication slots" between
R&S CMW and DUT that can occur before the two devices detach from each other. A
supervision timeout is set to ensure link control in case that the connection (tempora-
rily) breaks down.
Remote command:

Inquiry Length
Specifies the total duration of the inquiry mode. When this timer elapses (or the maxi-
mum "Number of Inquiry Responses" is reached), inquiry is stopped.
Remote command:

Number of Inquiry Responses

The maximum number of responses recorded during an inquiry. If the maximum num-
ber is reached (or the "Inquiry Length" timer has elapsed), inquiry is stopped.
Remote command:

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Paging Timeout
The maximum time the local link manager waits for a baseband page response from
the DUT, defined in slots of 625 µs. If the timer expires and the remote device has not
responded to the page at baseband level, the connection attempt is considered to have
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:TOUT Paging Configuration Low Energy

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Connection" > "Paging" > "Low Energy" section.
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.

Figure 2-52: Paging settings for LE

Inquiry < Central............................................................................................................88

Connect < Central......................................................................................................... 88
Slave Latency................................................................................................................88
Indicate Encryption Support.......................................................................................... 89
Reject Encryption Support............................................................................................ 89
Wait for Channel Map in Connection Intervals.............................................................. 89
Advertiser Interval < Peripheral.....................................................................................89

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Supervision Timeout......................................................................................................89
Connection Interval....................................................................................................... 89
CMW Address............................................................................................................... 90
CMW Address Type...................................................................................................... 90
For Paging.....................................................................................................................90
Default EUT Address.................................................................................................... 90
Test Mode Available...................................................................................................... 90
Test Mode Send Enable with PIN..................................................................................90
Test Mode PIN...............................................................................................................91
Ignore Power Control Capability................................................................................... 91

Inquiry < Central

Configures the inquiry procedure for obtaining Bluetooth addresses and clocks of devi-
ces in range. The DUT must be in discoverable mode to be able to respond to inquiry.
● "Duration": Specifies the total duration of inquiry. When this timer elapses or the
number of "Max Devices" is reached, inquiry is stopped.
● "Scan Interval": Specifies the interval between the start of two consecutive inquiry
● "Scan Window": Specifies the duration of inquiry scan on one channel
● "Max Devices": Limits the number of discovered DUTs during an inquiry
Remote command:

Connect < Central

Configures the paging parameters to be used to connect the default EUT. The DUT
must be in connectable mode.
It does not apply when paging a non-default device, whose page scan repetition mode
is acquired during inquiry.
● "Scan Interval": Specifies the interval between two consecutive page scans
● "Scan Window": Specifies the page scan duration
● "Paging Timeout": The maximum duration of a connection attempt. If the timer
expires and the remote device has not responded to the page, the connection
attempt is considered to have failed.
Remote command:

Slave Latency
Specify the latency of DUT responses for connection tests.

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Remote command:

Indicate Encryption Support

Indicates the R&S CMW support of encryption in central or peripheral LE role.
Remote command:

Reject Encryption Support

Specifies, whether the encryption request from the DUT is accepted or rejected by the
R&S CMW in central or peripheral LE role.
Remote command:

Wait for Channel Map in Connection Intervals

Specifies the number of connection events to wait before checking the channel map
Remote command:

Advertiser Interval < Peripheral

Specifies the interval between two consecutive advertisers for the R&S CMW in periph-
eral LE role.
Remote command:

Supervision Timeout
Specifies the duration of tolerated connection breaks down, to avoid immediate detach.
Remote command:

Connection Interval
Sets the time interval between two consecutive connection events (CONNEC-
Remote command:

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CMW Address
Specifies the Bluetooth LE device address (random or public) used by the R&S CMW
when communicating with the DUT. The address also determines the channel hopping
sequence for the piconet.
Remote command:

CMW Address Type

Selects the address type used by the R&S CMW.
"Public" Allocates a unique 48-bit address to each Bluetooth LE device. Public
addresses use an organizationally unique identifier (OUI) obtained
from the IEEE registration authority.
"Random" Allocates a 48-bit random static device address of a Bluetooth LE
device. A random address is optional. It is directly generated by the
Remote command:

For Paging
A drop-down list showing all the devices that the R&S CMW found during inquiry plus
the default EUT address.
Remote command:

Default EUT Address

The Bluetooth device address of the DUT to connect with if For Paging = "Default".
Remote command:

Test Mode Available

Makes the configuration of LE test mode visible or invisible the R&S CMW GUI. LE test
mode does not use any additional control connection. Control and user data are trans-
mitted over the air (OTA).
Remote command:

Test Mode Send Enable with PIN

Enables or disables LE test mode on the DUT. The PIN specified below is also sent via
the RF connection.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference

Test Mode PIN

Specifies the PIN for LE test mode. The value must match with the configuration at the
Remote command:
on page 186

Ignore Power Control Capability

Enables/disables ignoring the EUT reported capabilities.
Remote command:
LESignaling Signal Characteristics Configuration

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Connection" > "Signal Characteristics" section.

Figure 2-53: Signal characteristics configuration

Typically, commands ..:BRATe are used for BR physical layer (PHY), ..:EDRate for
EDR PHY, ..:LE1M for LE 1M PHY, ..:LE2M for LE 2M PHY, and ..:LRANge for
LE coded PHY.
Packet Type.................................................................................................................. 92
Payload Length............................................................................................................. 93
Pattern Type..................................................................................................................93
Voice Link > Speech Codec (BR/EDR only)..................................................................94
Poll Period (BR/EDR only)............................................................................................ 94
Whitening (BR/EDR only)..............................................................................................94
Test Packet Sync Word (LE only)..................................................................................95

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GUI Reference

Packet Type
Defines Bluetooth packet type used by connection links. See also Chapter 2.2.10,
"Bluetooth Signal Characteristics", on page 30.
The packet types for audio (SCO or eSCO connections) can only be selected in the
main view, see Chapter, "Signal Characteristics", on page 53.
Table 2-18: Selectable packet types

Burst type Packet type Timeslots Payload length1) in byte

BR DH1 1 0 to 27

DH3 3 0 to 183

DH5 5 0 to 339

EDR 2-DH1 1 0 to 54

2-DH3 3 0 to 367

2-DH5 5 0 to 679

3-DH1 1 0 to 83

3-DH3 3 0 to 552

3-DH5 5 0 to 1021

LE LE test packet (RF PHY TestRef) 2) 0 to 255

LE test packet (RF PHY TestRef CTE)3) 2) 0 to 255 supported

1) The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.
2) The transmission interval depends on the length of LE burst.
3) Only uncoded LE 1M and LE 2M PHY.

Table 2-19: Packet types for audio mode

Burst type Packet type Timeslots Payload length in


SCO HV1(BR, 1/3 rate FEC) 1 10 (transmitted

every 2 slots)

HV2 (BR, 2/3 rate FEC) 1 20 (transmitted

every 4 slots)

HV3 (BR, no FEC) 1 30 (transmitted

every 6 slots)

eSCO EV3 (EDR, no FEC) 1 1-30

EV4 (EDR, 2/3 rate FEC ) 3 1-120

EV5 (EDR, no FEC) 3 1-180

2-EV3 (EDR, no FEC) 1 1-60

2-EV5 (EDR, no FEC) 3 1-360

3-EV3 (EDR, no FEC) 1 1-90

3-EV5 (EDR, no FEC) 3 1-540

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GUI Reference

Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR/EDR in test mode.

Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE test packets.
Option R&S CMW-KS722 is required for LE test packets including CTE portion.
Remote command:

Payload Length
Defines the length of test sequence.
The payload length used for LE connection and operating mode = "Connection" is
always zero.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR/EDR in test mode.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
Remote command:
For BR/EDR in test mode:
For LE direct test mode:
For LE test mode:
LE1M etc.

Pattern Type
Selects the pattern.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR/EDR in test mode.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.

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GUI Reference

For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
Remote command:
For BR/EDR in test mode:
For LE direct test mode:
For LE test mode:
LE1M etc.

Voice Link > Speech Codec (BR/EDR only)

Specifies the voice codec to be used for synchronous connection-oriented audio con-
nections. This setting selects automatically also the type of data link:
If the CVSD, A-law, or μ-law coding is selected, the SCO connection is used.
If the mSBC codec is selected, the eSCO connection is used.
Note that A2DP connections use ACL links.
Option R&S CMW-KS602 is required.
Remote command:

Poll Period (BR/EDR only)

The poll interval for Tx test. The manual setting of poll period is irrelevant if automatic
minimum period is used. The automatic minimum period sets the used poll period
depending on the packet type. See also "TX Test Mode (BR/EDR)" on page 22.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required.
This parameter is not applicable to LE.
Remote command:

Whitening (BR/EDR only)

Enables/disables whitening in loopback mode. Whitening sequence sample is defined
in Bluetooth core specification volume 2, part G.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required.
This parameter is not applicable to LE.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference

Test Packet Sync Word (LE only)

Defines 4-byte synchronization word for direct test mode as hexadecimal number.
Option R&S CMW-KS611 is required.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SYNWord:LENergy Audio Profiles Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Connection" > "Audio Profiles" section.

This section configures connections for BR/EDR audio profiles. Option R&S CMW-
KS602 is required.

Figure 2-54: Audio profiles settings

PIN Code.......................................................................................................................95
Security Mode............................................................................................................... 96
Call is Active at Startup................................................................................................. 96
Audio Link Setup........................................................................................................... 96
└ Codec..............................................................................................................96
└ Sampling Frequency....................................................................................... 96
└ Channel Mode.................................................................................................96
└ Block Length................................................................................................... 96
└ Subbands........................................................................................................96
└ Allocation Method........................................................................................... 97
└ Minimum / Maximum Bitload...........................................................................97
└ Bit Rate........................................................................................................... 97
Assume Acceptor Role in Slave Mode..........................................................................97

PIN Code
Specifies PIN code for an audio connection. The default PIN code 0000 is used by
most devices. Some devices require changing the code.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference

Security Mode
Specifies security mode for audio tests in master mode.
Remote command:

Call is Active at Startup

Enables the indication of the active call to the DUT for the audio profile hands-free.
Remote command:

Audio Link Setup

Configures advanced audio distribution profile (A2DP) typically used by headphones or
speakers. Configure audio profile settings in accordance with the DUT configuration
and capabilities.
Option R&S CMW-KS603 is required.

Codec ← Audio Link Setup

Specifies A2DP codec. Subband coding is mandatory for the A2DP profile.
Remote command:

Sampling Frequency ← Audio Link Setup

Specifies the sampling frequency for analysis and encoding.
Remote command:

Channel Mode ← Audio Link Setup

The following modes are supported:
● Mono: Single channel encoding
● Dual: Two independent channel encodings. Each channel is encoded independ-
ently (2 x mono channel mode)
● Stereo: Two channel encoding. Encoding uses the audio data in both left and right
● Joint stereo: Two channel encoding. Encoding uses the audio data in both left and
right channels, however the encoding is done on L+R and L-R (sum and differ-
ence) audio samples.
Remote command:

Block Length ← Audio Link Setup

Specifies the number of blocks of audio samples that are encoded in a single SBC
Remote command:

Subbands ← Audio Link Setup

Specifies the number of subbands the audio spectrum of generated signal.

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GUI Reference

Remote command:

Allocation Method ← Audio Link Setup

Defines the algorithm used to calculate the no. of allocated bits to represent each sub-
band sample. For the decoder in the sink, all features have to be supported. The
encoder in the audio source mode has to support at least the loudness method.
Remote command:

Minimum / Maximum Bitload ← Audio Link Setup

Specifies allowed variable range of the bitpool value. The bitpool value is the number
of bits that represent one block of audio sample data for one channel. For stereo and
joint stereo modes, it is the no. of bits that represent one block of audio samples for
both left and right channels.
The R&S CMW uses the maximum bitpool value to encode the audio stream.
Remote command:

Bit Rate ← Audio Link Setup

Queries the bit rate calculated from the A2DP audio link parameters.
The audio data bit rate is specified by A2DP specification, chapter "12.9 Calculation of
Bit Rate and Frame Length".
The table below shows the maximum bit rate for a DUT acting as an A2DP sink.

Channel mode Maximum bit rate in kbit/s

Mono 320

Dual, stereo, joint stereo 512

If the value exceeds the allowed maximum value, two exclamation marks are shown in
the audio link setup area.

Remote command:

Assume Acceptor Role in Slave Mode

Allows the DUT to take control of the establishment of the A2DP connection when the
R&S CMW acts as the slave. This setting assists some DUTs to establish the A2DP
Option R&S CMW-KS603 is required.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference Enhanced Power Control Mode Configuration

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Enhanced Power Control Mode" section.

Figure 2-55: Enhanced power control mode configuration

This section is not applicable to LE.

Enhanced Power Control Mode

Activates or deactivates enhanced power control mode. Enhanced power control is
only applicable if supported by the DUT, otherwise the R&S CMW uses legacy power
Remote command:

2.3.10 Event Log Configuration

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Event Log" section.

This section enables extended event logging. If enabled, the event log displays addi-
tional information about the protocol exchange between the DUT and R&S CMW.

Figure 2-56: Extended logging configuration

2.3.11 Shortcut Configuration

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Shortcut Softkey" section.

This section configures the three shortcut softkeys that provide a fast way to switch to
selectable measurements.
See also Chapter 2.3.3, "Using the Shortcut Softkeys", on page 64.

Figure 2-57: Shortcut configuration

Go to...
Selects a measurement. The shortcut softkey opens a dialog presenting this measure-
ment as default target or uses the measurement as fixed target.

Selected as Fixed Target

Configures and renames the shortcut softkey.

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● Enabled: The softkey directly opens the measurement selected via Go to....
● Disabled: The softkey opens a dialog box for selection of the target measurement.

2.4 Programming
The following sections provide programming examples for the "Bluetooth Signaling"
application. Note that the parameter values are only examples rather than recommen-
ded values.
The examples contain SCPI commands supported by the R&S CMW and the following
symbolic scripting commands:
● // <comment>:
A <comment> ignored by the used programming tool
● WHILE <query> <> <value>:
Waits until the <query> returns a certain <value>, e.g. a specific state is reached.
● WAITKEY <message>:
Displays a dialog box with a <message> and waits until the box is closed manually.
The "Bluetooth Signaling" application is programmed as follows:
● The application is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:SIGN:...
● After a *RST, the DL signal is switched off.
To activate the DL signal use SOURce:BLUetooth:SIGN:STATe ON
To query the main state, use
The result ON,SBY indicates that the Bluetooth signal is available.
● To find discoverable Bluetooth devices, use
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion INQuire
To connect to a discovered device, use
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion CONNect
To connect in test mode to a discovered device, use
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion TMConnect
To query the connection state, use
Commands for LE connection tests use token ...:LESignaling
● After all configuration commands (CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:...), it is rec-
ommended to execute *OPC?. This command guarantees that the configuration
command is finished before performing other actions. Alternatively you can also
execute the query form of a command (CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:...?)
The following sections describe how to configure the signaling application.
The subsequent sections describe how to switch on the master signal and the DUT,
how to set up a connection or a test connection. Some examples for actions possible
after connection setup are also given.

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● Initialization and Basic Configuration.................................................................... 100

● Switch On Bluetooth Signaling..............................................................................101
● Inquire or Manually Specify DUT for BR/EDR.......................................................101
● Configure Paging for BR/EDR...............................................................................101
● Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities........................................................... 102
● Configure USB Interface....................................................................................... 103
● Configure Dirty Transmitter................................................................................... 104
● Connect LE (Normal Mode).................................................................................. 105
● Configure Test Mode Classic................................................................................ 107
● Configure LE Direct Test Mode............................................................................. 109
● Configure LE Test Mode........................................................................................ 111
● Audio Echo Mode.................................................................................................. 112
● Configure Audio Profile......................................................................................... 112

2.4.1 Initialization and Basic Configuration

// *****************************************************************************
// Reset the CMW settings and clear the error queue
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Set operating mode to connection test.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode CNT; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure routing and external attenuation
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:EATTenuation:OUTPut 4; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut 4; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Alternativelly configure routing using SUA
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Disable auto ranging, specify the expected nominal
// power (RX level), TX power level and user margin.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:ARANging OFF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:ENPower 7; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:LEVel -50; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:UMARgin 1; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************

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// Specify the CMW BD address

// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BDADdress:CMW #H123456123456; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify the burst type and activate enhanced power control.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BTYPe EDR; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PCONtrol:EPCMode AUTO; *OPC?

2.4.2 Switch On Bluetooth Signaling

// *****************************************************************************
// Switch on Bluetooth Signaling to load software components and obtain
// access to hardware resources.
// *****************************************************************************

2.4.3 Inquire or Manually Specify DUT for BR/EDR

// *****************************************************************************
// Either configure and perform an inquiry to find the DUT,
// or manually specify the DUT by its BD address
// *****************************************************************************

Inquire BD address
// *****************************************************************************
// Configure inquiry.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INQuiry:ILENgth 20; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses 10; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Run inquiry.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion INQuire

Manually specify BD address

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BDADdress:EUT #H123456789012; *OPC?

2.4.4 Configure Paging for BR/EDR

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify the supervision timeout, page timeout, page scan repetition

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// mode and page target device

// Note: Use ...PAGing:PTARget 1 to connect to the first inquired DUT
// or ...PAGing:PTARget 0 to connect to the manually specified DUT
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SVTimeout 16000; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PAGing:PSRMode R1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget 1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PAGing:TOUT 16384; *OPC?

2.4.5 Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities

Connect (BR/EDR)
// *****************************************************************************
// Set up the ACL link with the page target device, if necessary
// increase/decrease the DUT power via legacy power control.
// Query the current legacy power control status.
// Query enhanced power control status.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion CONNect
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PCONtrol:STEP:ACTion UP; *OPC?

Query event log

// *****************************************************************************
// Query and clear the event log.
// *****************************************************************************

Query results
// *****************************************************************************
// Query all EUT information results (BR/EDR)
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Query all EUT capability results (BR/EDR)

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// *****************************************************************************

2.4.6 Configure USB Interface

// *****************************************************************************
// Select the serial interface for test control commands and HCI as
// communication protocol. Connect the DUT to a USB port and query
// the port list. Configure the further transmission settings accordingly,
// let reset the EUT before each test start command, specify
// delay after reset. Send custom HCI command to the DUT.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:HWINterface1 RS232; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CPRotocol HCI; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings1:COMPort 0; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings1:BAUDrate B14K; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings1:STOPbits S1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings1:PARity EVEN; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings1:PROTocol NONE; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings1:ERESet ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:LENergy:RESet:DELay 0.1
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:HCICustom:SEND #H1A,#H19,#HC1

Discover USB devices

// *****************************************************************************
// Select the direct USB interface for test control commands.
// Discover USB devices, select the LE device connected via USB port 0.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:HWINterface1 USB; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:USBSettings1:USBDevice 0; *OPC?

Query results
// *****************************************************************************
// Query all USB information results
// *****************************************************************************

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2.4.7 Configure Dirty Transmitter

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure single values of dirty transmitter for BR:
// enable frequency drift, set frequency offset, modulation index and
// symbol time error. Enable dirty transmitter.
// Alternatively configure dirty transmitter for BR according to the test
// specification, query all parameters.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:BRATe ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:BRATe 100E+3; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:BRATe ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:BRATe 0.3; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:BRATe NEG20; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?



// *****************************************************************************
// Configure single values of dirty transmitter for LE2M PHY:
// enable frequency drift, set frequency offset, modulation index and
// symbol time error. Specify also drift rate of 1250 Hz.
// Enable dirty transmitter.
// Alternatively configure dirty transmitter for LE2M PHY according
// to the test specification. Use standard modulation index and
// drift rate of 625 Hz. Enable dirty transmitter, query all parameters.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:LENergy:LE2M SING; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:LENergy:LE2M ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:LENergy:LE2M ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:LENergy:LE2M 250E+3; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy OFF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STANdard:LEN:LE2M 0.5; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:LENergy:LE2M POS50; *OPC?

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CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:LENergy:LE2M HDRF; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:LENergy:LE2M SPEC; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy OFF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:LENergy:LE2M LDRF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure dirty transmitter for LE1M PHY normal mode according
// to the test specification. Enable dirty transmitter, query all parameters.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?

2.4.8 Connect LE (Normal Mode)

// *****************************************************************************
// For LE signaling connection with R&S CMW-KS601, set operating
// mode and connection standard, the LE role of the R&S CMW and slave
// latency for the DUT.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode CNTest; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:STANdard LES; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:CMW:ROLE:LESignaling CENTral; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SLATency:LESignaling:CCENtral 10

// *****************************************************************************
// Use only two hopping channels (1 and 11). Select the measured channel 1.
// Alternatively use hopping on all chennels. Select the measured channel 1.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy CH2; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy 1; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy ALL; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy 1; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// For peripheral LE role set slave latency, let indicate encryption support,
// accept encryption request.

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// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:CMW:ROLE:LESignaling PERipheral; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SLATency:LESignaling:CPERipheral 10
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:IENCryption:LESignaling:CPERipheral ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:RENCryption:LESignaling:CPERipheral OFF

// *****************************************************************************
// Query random address of instrument. Set instrument address
// type and its public address.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ADDRess:TYPE:LESignaling PUBLic; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ADDRess:CMW:LESignaling #H123456789ABC; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Either configure and perform an inquiry to find the DUT,
// or manually specify the DUT by its BD address
// *****************************************************************************

Configure inquiry
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INQuiry:DURation:LESignaling 10240
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses:LESignaling 10; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INQuiry:SINTerval:LESignaling 48; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INQuiry:SWINdow:LESignaling 48; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Run inquiry.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion:LESignaling INQuire
WHILE FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:STATe:LESignaling? <> "SBY"

Manually specify EUT address

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ADDRess:EUT:LESignaling #H123456789000; *OPC?

Configure paging
// *****************************************************************************
// Configure the ACL link: supervision timeout, scan interval, scan window,
// paging timeout, connection interval, use default EUT. Set the connection
// for channel map change.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SVTimeout:LESignaling 10000; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SINTerval:LESignaling 48; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SWINdow:LESignaling 48; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PAGing:TOUT:LESignaling 10; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:INTerval:LESignaling 200; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget:LESignaling 0; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:WFCMap:LESignaling:CCENtral 10

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// *****************************************************************************
// For peripheral role set advertiser interval.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AINTerval:LESignaling 160

Configure dirty transmitter for LE connection tests, see Chapter 2.4.7, "Configure Dirty
Transmitter", on page 104.

// *****************************************************************************
// Set up the ACL link with the page target device. Query connection settings.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion:LESignaling CONNect
WHILE FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:STATe:LESignaling? <> "CONN"

Query results
// *****************************************************************************
// Query all EUT information results (LE)
// *****************************************************************************

2.4.9 Configure Test Mode Classic

// *****************************************************************************
// Set operating mode to test mode.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode RFT; *OPC?

/// *****************************************************************************
// Enable hopping, enable the user defined adaptive frequency hopping.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:HOPPing ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:AFHopping ON, USER; *OPC?

Start the test.

● For a loopback test, see Loopback test mode
● Alternatively, for a connection test, see Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities
/// *****************************************************************************
// Specify channel map and wait 1 s for new channel map to take effect.
// Query the current channel map.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:AFHopping:UCHannels 0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,

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// *****************************************************************************
// Set packet type, packet length and pattern type for basic
// rate packets.
// Alternatively configure EDR packets.
// Alternatively configure LE packets.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:BRATe DH3; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:BRATe PRBS9; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:BRATe 21,183,339

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:EDRate E25P; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:EDRate PRBS9; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONN:PACK:PLEN:EDR 21,367,679,83,552,1021; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy:LE1M RFPHytest; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE1M P11; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LE1M 255; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M P11; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M 255; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge ALL1; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge 255; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify delay for test mode activation.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:DELay:TMODe 2

Transmitter test mode

/// *****************************************************************************
// Settings for TX test mode: channel, poll period, delay for poll timeout.
// Enable test mode at the DUT via USB. Connect in TX test mode.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TMODe TXTest; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest 13; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PPERiod 1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PPERiod:MINimum ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:DELay:PTIMeout 2
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings:ETMode ON
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion TMConnect

// *****************************************************************************
// Display used channels by adaptive hopping.
// *****************************************************************************

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// *****************************************************************************
// Perform TX or RX tests.
// TX test: perform TX measurements using Bluetooth measurement
// application in combined signal path
// RX test: perform RX measurements
// *****************************************************************************

See Chapter 3.3, "Programming", on page 220.

Loopback test mode

// *****************************************************************************
// Settings for loopback mode: dirty TX, channel on R&S CMW and DUT, whitening.
// Enable dirty transmitter. Enable test mode at the DUT via USB and connect
// in loopback mode.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TMODe LOOPback; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:EDRate SPEC; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback 13,13; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:WHITening ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:COMSettings:ETMode ON
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion TMConnect

// *****************************************************************************
// Perform Tx measurement with the Bluetooth measurement firmware application.
// Close the connection.
// *****************************************************************************

2.4.10 Configure LE Direct Test Mode

// *****************************************************************************
// Set operating mode to direct test mode.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode RFT; *OPC?

Direct test mode

// *****************************************************************************
// Connect DUT, configure USB connection parameters.
// Settings for direct test mode: specify LE burst type, physical layer,
// packet type, dirty TX, channel and sync word. Specify the channel number,

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling

// query frequency. Enable dirty transmitter.

// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BTYPe LE; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PHY:LENergy LE1M; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy:LE1M RFPHytest; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode 39; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SYNWord:LENergy #H71764129; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode 10
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Alternativelly specify LE coded physical layer and
// its coding.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BTYPe LE; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PHY:LENergy LELR; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:FEC:LENergy:LRANge S8

// *****************************************************************************
// Alternatively configure LE test packets with CTE: set packet type,
// number of antennas, offset of external attenuation
// for non-reference antennas. Set gain offset for LE 1M PHY.
// Specify CTE type AoD 2 μs and number of CTE units.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy:LE1M RFCTe; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NANTenna:CTE:LENergy 2; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:AOFFset:INPut:CTE:LENergy 1,1,1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:AOFFset:OUTPut:CTE:LENergy 1,1,1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:GOFFset:CTE:LENergy:LE1M -1,-1,-1; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:TYPE:CTE:LENergy:LE1M AOD 2us

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:UNITs:CTE:LENergy:LE1M 20

// *****************************************************************************
// Switch instrument to standby state.
// Reset EUT, verify the connection for direct test.
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Perform TX or RX tests.
// TX test: perform TX measurements using Bluetooth Measurement
// application in combined signal path
// RX test: perform RX measurements
// *****************************************************************************

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See Chapter 4.3, "Programming", on page 245.

2.4.11 Configure LE Test Mode

// *****************************************************************************
// Update the firmware at the DUT to introduce LE test mode-specific commands.
// Connect the DUT, configure USB connection parameters.
// Specify LE burst type, select LE test mode.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BTYPe LE; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode LETMode; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Set the RF channel for LE test mode, query the corresponding frequency.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:CHANnel:TMODe 11; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Connection settings for LE test mode: physical layer, coding, connection
// interval, pattern, payload length and PIN code. Enable test mode at the DUT.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:PHY:LENergy LELR; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:FEC:LENergy:LRANge S8; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:INTerval:LESignaling 6; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge P11; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge 37; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:PINCode:LENergy 25,10,11,25; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TCONnection:SPINenable:LENergy ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure dirty TX according to the specification, standard modulation
// index, high drift rate. Enable dirty transmitter.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge HDRF
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:DTX ON; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Enable LE test mode at the instrument.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:TMODe ON; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Perform TX tests: perform TX measurements using Bluetooth measurement
// application in combined signal path
// *****************************************************************************

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2.4.12 Audio Echo Mode

// *****************************************************************************
// Set operating mode to audio echo mode. Specify SCO packet type.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode ECM; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:SCO HV1; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Establish a connection in audio echo mode.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion EMConnect

2.4.13 Configure Audio Profile

// *****************************************************************************
// Set operating mode to audio profile test with the role of master.
// Specify audio profile role, PIN, security mode. Enable the indication
// of an active call at startup. Use CSVD codec.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode PROF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:AUDio:PRFRole HNDF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:PINCode 'azxy'; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:SECMode SEC3; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:HFP:CASTartup ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:CODec CVSD

// *****************************************************************************
// Establish an audio connection, if necessary increase/decrease
// microphone gain and speaker volume. Query the audio link parameters.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion HFPConnect
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:MICGain 8; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:SPEaker 6; *OPC?

/ *****************************************************************************
// Change audio profile role to A2DP, set audio link parameters: codec,
// .
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode PROF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:AUDio:PRFRole ASINk; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:CODec SBC; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:SMPFrequency SF48; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:CHMode JST; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:BLKLength BL12; *OPC?

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:SUBBands SB8; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:ALCMethod LOUD; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:MINBitpool 2; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:MAXBitpool 8; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:ACCSlave OFF; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Establish an audio connection, if necessary increase/decrease microphone
// gain and speaker volume. Query the audio link parameters and bit rate.
// *****************************************************************************
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:ACTion ADConnect
WHILE FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:STATe? <> "A2Connected"
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:MICGain 8; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:SPEaker 6; *OPC?

2.5 Command Reference

The following sections provide detailed reference information on the remote con-
trol commands of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application.
● Conventions and General Information...................................................................113
● Signal Characteristics............................................................................................116
● RF Settings........................................................................................................... 124
● Dirty Transmitter Settings......................................................................................135
● Connection Control and States............................................................................. 152
● EUT Information.................................................................................................... 165
● EUT Capabilities................................................................................................... 168
● EUT Power Control LE..........................................................................................174
● Paging Settings Classic........................................................................................ 176
● Paging Settings LE................................................................................................179
● Connection Settings..............................................................................................187
● Audio Parameters................................................................................................. 192
● EUT Control.......................................................................................................... 197
● USB Information....................................................................................................203
● Stack Delay Control.............................................................................................. 205

2.5.1 Conventions and General Information

The following sections describe the most important conventions and general informa-
tion concerning the command reference.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference SIGN<i>

SIGN<i> is used as abbreviation of SIGNaling<instance>. For better readability,

only the abbreviated form (which is also accepted by the instrument) is given in the
command reference.
The <instance> is relevant for instruments supporting several instances of the same
firmware application. It can be omitted if the instrument supports only one instance, or
to address the first instance. Values for Signal Path Selection

Which connectors and modules can be specified in a command, depends on the instal-
led hardware and the active subinstrument or instance <i>.
This chapter lists all values available for path selection. Depending on your configura-
tion, only a subset is relevant for you. Virtual connector names are only relevant for
setting commands. Queries return the physical connector names.
Additional information is available in the base software documentation. It describes typ-
ical instrument configurations with the allowed RF connector - TX/RX module combina-
tions and the mapping of virtual connector names to physical connectors.

Single-CMW setup
Selection values:
● Signaling unit SUU:
SUU1 | SUU2 | SUU3 | SUU4
● Signaling unit SUA:
SUA1 | SUA2 | SUA3 | SUA4 | SUA5 | SUA6
SUA partition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
● RX module:
RX1 | RX2 | RX3 | RX4
● TX module:
TX1 | TX2 | TX3 | TX4
● RX connector:
RF 1 COM to RF 4 COM plus virtual connector names
● TX connector:
RF 1 COM to RF 4 COM plus virtual connector names
RF 1 OUT and RF 3 OUT plus virtual connector name

Multi-CMW setup with R&S CMWC and several R&S CMW500

Selection values:
● Signaling unit SUU:
SUU11 | SUU12 | SUU13 | SUU14 | SUU21 | SUU22 | SUU23 | SUU24
SUU31 | SUU32 | SUU33 | SUU34 | SUU41 | SUU42 | SUU43 | SUU44

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Command Reference

SUU<a><b>: CMW <a>, SUU <b>

Example SUU21: CMW 2, SUU number 1
● Signaling unit SUA:
SUA11 | SUA12 | SUA13 | SUA14 | SUA15 | SUA16
SUA21 | SUA22 | SUA23 | SUA24 | SUA25 | SUA26
SUA31 | SUA32 | SUA33 | SUA34 | SUA35 | SUA36
SUA41 | SUA42 | SUA43 | SUA44 | SUA45 | SUA46
SUA<a><b>: CMW <a>, SUA partition <b>
Example SUA21: CMW 2, SUA partition 1
● RX module:
RX11 | RX12 | RX13 | RX14 | RX21 | RX22 | RX23 | RX24
RX31 | RX32 | RX33 | RX34 | RX41 | RX42 | RX43 | RX44
RX<a><b>: CMW <a>, RX <b>
Example RX24: CMW 2, RX module 4
● TX module:
TX11 | TX12 | TX13 | TX14 | TX21 | TX22 | TX23 | TX24
TX31 | TX32 | TX33 | TX34 | TX41 | TX42 | TX43 | TX44
TX<a><b>: CMW <a>, TX <b>
Example TX13: CMW 1, TX module 3
● RX connector:
R11C | R12C | R13C | R14C | R21C | R22C | R23C | R24C
R31C | R32C | R33C | R34C | R41C | R42C | R43C | R44C
R<a><b>C: CMW <a>, connector RF <b> COM
Example R12C: CMW 1, RF 2 COM
● TX connector:
R11C | R12C | R13C | R14C | R21C | R22C | R23C | R24C
R31C | R32C | R33C | R34C | R41C | R42C | R43C | R44C
R11O | R13O | R21O | R23O | R31O | R33O | R41O | R43O
R<a><b>C: CMW <a>, connector RF <b> COM
R<a><b>O: CMW <a>, connector RF <b> OUT
Example R21O: CMW 2, RF 1 OUT
For CMW 1, you can alternatively use the single-CMW selection values. Keywords

Selected keywords used in the command description are described in the following.
● Command usage
If the usage is not explicitly stated, the command allows you to set parameters and
query parameters. Otherwise, the command usage is stated as follows:
– "Setting only": The command can only be used to set parameters.
– "Query only": The command can only be used to query parameters.
– "Event": The command initiates an event.
● Parameter usage
The parameter usage is indicated by the keyword preceding the parameters:
– "Parameters" are sent with a setting or query command and are returned as
the result of a query.

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Command Reference

– "Setting parameters" are sent with a setting command.

– "Query parameters" are sent with a query command, to refine the query.
– "Return values" are returned as the result of a query.
● Firmware/Software:
Indicates the lowest software version supporting the command. Command
enhancements in later software versions are also indicated.

2.5.2 Signal Characteristics

The following commands provide main signal settings for Rx and Tx signals.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BTYPe........................................................ 117
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:FEC:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..................... 117
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:FEC:LENergy:LRANge................................ 117
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PHY:NMODe:LENergy.................................. 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PHY:LENergy............................................. 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:BRATe.............................. 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:EDRate............................ 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M................ 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE1M................ 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]................ 119
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge.............. 119
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:EDRate........................... 120
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M............... 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LE1M............... 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge............. 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy[:LE1M]............... 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:EDRate.............................. 122
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:ESCO................................ 123
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:SCO.................................. 123
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy:LE2M................... 123
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:UNITs:CTE:LENergy:LE1M............. 124
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:UNITs:CTE:LENergy:LE2M............. 124

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BTYPe <Burst Type>

Defines the Bluetooth burst type. The command is relevant for:
● BR/EDR in test mode
● LE in direct test mode
<Burst Type> BR | EDR | LE
BR: "Basic Rate"
EDR: "Enhanced Data Rate"
LE: "Low Energy"
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
V3.2.70: added LE
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE
Manual operation: See "Burst Type (classic)" on page 69

Defines the coding S for LE coded PHY according to the core specification version 5.0
for Bluetooth wireless technology.
● Command for LE direct test mode: ..:FEC:LENergy..
● Command for LE connection tests (normal mode): ..:FEC:NMODe:LENergy..
● Command for LE test mode: ..:TCONnection:FEC:LENergy..
<CodingScheme> S8 | S2
Coding S = 8 or S = 2
*RST: S8
Example: See Direct test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.80: added command for LE connection tests
V3.7.90: added command for LE test mode
Options: R&S CMW-KS721 for LE direct test mode
R&S CMW-KS720 for LE connection tests and LE test mode
Manual operation: See "Coding Scheme (LE > Long Range)" on page 70

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PHY:NMODe:LENergy <PHY>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PHY:LENergy <PHY>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PHY:LENergy <PHY>
Selects the physical layer used for LE connections.
● Command for LE direct test mode: ..:PHY:LENergy
● Command for LE connection tests (normal mode): ..:PHY:NMODe:LENergy
● Command for LE test mode: ..:TCONnection:PHY:LENergy
LE1M: LE 1 Msymbol/s uncoded PHY
LE2M: LE 2 Msymbol/s uncoded PHY
LELR: LE 1 Msymbol/s long range (LE coded PHY)
Example: See Direct test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.80: added command for LE connection tests
V3.7.90: added command for LE test mode
Options: R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LELR direct test mode
R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LELR connection tests and LE
test mode
Manual operation: See "PHY (LE)" on page 69

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:STANdard <SigStd>
Selects classic (BR/EDR) or low energy (LE) bursts.
<SigStd> CLASsic | LESignaling
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Manual operation: See "Standard" on page 66

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:BRATe <Pattern
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:EDRate <Pattern
LRANge <Pattern Type>
<Pattern Type>
<Pattern Type>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<Pattern Type>
<Pattern Type>
Select the bit pattern to be used for tests.
● Commands for test mode classic:
For BR (...:BRATe...), EDR (...:EDRate...)
● Commands for LE direct test mode:
For LE 1M PHY (...:LE1M...), LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...)
● Commands for LE test mode: ..:TCONnection:..
<Pattern Type> ALL0 | ALL1 | P11 | P44 | PRBS9 | ALT
ALL0: 00000000
ALL1: 11111111
P11: 10101010
P44: 11110000
PRBS9: pseudo-random bit sequences of a length of 9 bits
(transmission of identical packet series)
ALT: the periodical alternation of the pattern P11 and P44
*RST: P11
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30, V3.5.30: added pattern ALT, V3.2.70: added command
for LE1M, V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M,
V3.7.90: added commands for LE test mode
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 93

LRANge <Pattern Type>
Select the bit pattern to be used for tests on LE coded PHY.
<Pattern Type> ALL1 | P11 | P44 | PRBS9
ALL1: 11111111
P11: 10101010
P44: 11110000
PRBS9: pseudo-random bit sequences of a length of 9 bits
(transmission of identical packet series)

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic

Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS721
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 93

Sets the payload length for BR test mode.
<PayloadLength> numeric
Range: Three values, see table below
*RST: 27 byte(s)
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 93
Table 2-20: Payload length depending on packet type

DH1 0 bytes to 27 bytes

DH3 0 bytes to 183 bytes

DH5 0 bytes to 339 bytes

Sets the payload length for EDR test mode.
<PayloadLength> numeric
Range: Six values, see table below
*RST: 54 byte(s)
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 93
Table 2-21: Payload length depending on packet type

2-DH1 0 bytes to 54 bytes

2-DH3 0 bytes to 367 bytes

2-DH5 0 bytes to 679 bytes

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

3-DH1 0 bytes to 83 bytes

3-DH3 0 bytes to 552 bytes

3-DH5 0 bytes to 1021 bytes

LRANge <PayloadLength>
LRANge <PayloadLength>
Specifies the payload length.
● Commands for LE direct test mode:
For LE 1M PHY (...:LE1M...), LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...), and LE coded
PHY (...:LRANge...).
● Commands for LE test mode: ..:TCONnection:..
<PayloadLength> numeric
Range: 0 byte(s) to 255 byte(s)
*RST: 37 byte(s)
Default unit: byte
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.20: range extended, V3.5.70: added commands
for LE2M and LRANge
V3.7.90: added commands for LE test mode
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 93

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:BRATe <Packet
Sets the BR packet type.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<Packet Type> DH1 | DH3 | DH5
Data – high rate packet carrying information bytes plus a 16-bit
CRC code, see table below.
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 92

Packet type Max. payload (bytes) Timeslots (max)

DH1 27 1

DH3 183 3

DH5 339 5

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:EDRate <Packet
Sets the EDR packet type.
<Packet Type> E21P | E23P | E25P | E31P | E33P | E35P
Data – high rate packet carrying information bytes plus a 16-bit
CRC code, see table below.
*RST: E21P
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 92

Packet type Max. payload (bytes) Timeslots (max)

E21P: 2-DH1 54 1

E23P: 2-DH3 367 3

E25P: 2-DH5 679 5

E31P: 3-DH1 83 1

E33P: 3-DH3 552 3

E35P: 3-DH5 1021 5

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:SCO <PacketType>
<Packet Type>
<Packet Type>
Specifies the type of the LE test packet.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<Packet Type> RFPHytest | RFCTe
"RFPHytest": test packet according to Bluetooth specification
up to version 5.0
"RFCTe": test packet with CTE according to Bluetooth specifica-
tion version 5.1
Example: See Direct test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
R&S CMW-KS722 for RFCTe
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 92

Selects the CTE type.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<CTE_Type> AOA2us | AOD1us | AOD2us | AOA1us
AOA1us: angle of arrival 1 µs
AOA2us: angle of arrival 2 µs
AOD1us: angle of departure 1 µs
AOD2us: angle of departure 2 µs
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: added AOAus
V3.7.90: removed AOAus, added AOA1us
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "CTE Type" on page 54

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LE1M <CTE_Units>
LE2M <CTE_Units>
Sets the number of CTE units. One CTE unit corresponds to 8 μs.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<CTE_Units> integer
Range: 2 to 20
*RST: 20
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "CTE Units" on page 54

2.5.3 RF Settings

This section provides commands for the following settings:

● Scenario Management and Routing......................................................................124
● RF Frequency Settings......................................................................................... 127
● Adaptive Frequency Hopping Control................................................................... 132
● RF Power Settings................................................................................................ 133 Scenario Management and Routing

The following commands configure the signal input and output paths.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut....................................... 124
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:AOFFset:OUTPut:CTE:LENergy...................... 125
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:GOFFset:CTE:LENergy:LE1M......................... 126
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:GOFFset:CTE:LENergy:LE2M......................... 126

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut <ExternalAtt>
Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative), to be applied to the
input connector.

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Command Reference

<ExternalAtt> numeric
Range: -50 dB to 90 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Default unit: dB
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "External Attenuation" on page 74

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:OUTPut <ExternalAtt>
Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative), to be applied to the
output connector.
<ExternalAtt> numeric
Range: -50 dB to 90 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Default unit: dB
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "External Attenuation" on page 74

<Ant1InAttOffset>, <Ant2InAttOffset>, <Ant3InAttOffset>
<Ant1OutAtOffset>, <Ant2OutAtOffset>, <Ant3OutAtOffset>
Specifies the offset of external attenuation per EUT antenna relative to the reference
antenna. For the reference antenna, the offset is fixed and set to 0 dB.
The commands for input and output path are available.
An SUA is required.
<Ant1OutAtOffset> numeric
Range: -3 dB to 3 dB
*RST: 0 dB
<Ant2OutAtOffset> numeric
Range: -3 dB to 3 dB
*RST: 0 dB
<Ant3OutAtOffset> numeric
Range: -3 dB to 3 dB
*RST: 0 dB

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Example: See Direct test mode

Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "External Attenuation" on page 299

<Ant1GainOffset>, <Ant2GainOffset>, <Ant3GainOffset>
<Ant1GainOffset>, <Ant2GainOffset>, <Ant3GainOffset>
Specifies the gain offset for non-reference antennas relative to the gain (or attenuation)
of reference antenna for IQ sample dynamic range measurements.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<Ant1GainOffset> numeric
Range: -20 dB to 6 dB
*RST: 0 dB
<Ant2GainOffset> numeric
Range: -20 dB to 6 dB
*RST: 0 dB
<Ant3GainOffset> numeric
Range: -20 dB to 6 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Example: See Direct test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Gain Offset" on page 300

ROUTe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:SCENario:OTRX <RXConnector>, <RXConverter>,

<TXConnector>, <TXConverter>
Activates the scenario with one output and one input signal paths.
For possible connector and converter values, see Chapter, "Values for Signal
Path Selection", on page 114.
<RXConnector> RF connector for the input path
<RXConverter> RX module for the input path
<TXConnector> RF connector for the output path
<TXConverter> TX module for the output path

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration

Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Connector, Converter" on page 74

ROUTe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:SCENario:OTRX:FLEXible <BBBoard>,
<RXConnector>, <RXConverter>, <TXConnector>, <TXConverter>
Activates the scenario with one output and one input signal paths.
For possible signaling unit, connector and converter values, see Chapter, "Val-
ues for Signal Path Selection", on page 114.
<BBBoard> Signaling unit
<RXConnector> RF connector for the input path
<RXConverter> RX module for the input path
<TXConnector> RF connector for the output path
<TXConverter> TX module for the output path
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Manual operation: See "Unit" on page 65 RF Frequency Settings

The following commands provide settings for the TX and RX frequency.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback...................................... 128
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest............................................ 128
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:LOOPback?................................ 129
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TXTest?...................................... 130
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing....................................................... 130
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe.......................................................................... 131
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy........................... 131

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode <RxTxChan>
Configures the channel number for direct test mode.
<RxTxChan> numeric
Range: 0 Ch to 39 Ch
*RST: 0 Ch

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Example: See Direct test mode

Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback <RxChan>,
Defines the channels used by the loopback test.
<RxChan> numeric
Range: 0 Ch to 78 Ch
*RST: 0 Ch
<TxChan> numeric
Range: 0 Ch to 78 Ch
*RST: 78 Ch
Example: See Loopback test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TMODe <RxTxChan>
Sets the RF channel for LE test mode. This mode supports both data and advertising
<RxTxChan> numeric
Channel number
Range: 0 Ch to 39 Ch
*RST: 0 Ch
Example: See Configure LE Test Mode
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest <RxTxChan>
Defines the channels used by the TX test.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<RxTxChan> numeric
Range: 0 Ch to 78 Ch
*RST: 0 Ch
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

Queries the frequency used for LE test mode.
Return values:
<RxTxFreq> float
Range: 100E+6 Hz to 6E+9 Hz
Example: See Configure LE Test Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

Queries the frequency used for direct test mode.
Return values:
<RxTxFreq> float
Range: 100E+6 Hz to 6E+9 Hz
Example: See Direct test mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

Queries EUT RX and EUT TX frequencies used by the loopback test.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Return values:
<RxFreq> float
Range: 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz
Default unit: Hz
<TxFreq> float
Range: 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Loopback test mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

Queries the frequency used by the TX test.
Return values:
<RxTxFreq> float
Range: 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Channel, Frequency " on page 75

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing <Hopping>
Enables/disables frequency hopping.
<Hopping> OFF | ON
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for test mode classic
Manual operation: See "Hopping (classic)" on page 75

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe <TestMode>
Selects the test mode that the EUT enters in a test mode connection.
<TestMode> LOOPback | TXTest
LOOPback: BR/EDR loopback test mode
TXTest: BR/EDR transmitter test mode
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Test Mode (classic)" on page 69

Specifies hopping for LE connection tests.
Channels used in hopping mode "CH2" depend on the specified measured channel.
First hopping channel is identical with measured channel
The second hopping channel is offset from the first one.
<HoppingMode> CH2 | ALL
"CH2": 2 data channels offset by 10 or 9 channels are used for
"ALL": 37 data channels are used for hopping
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Hopping Mode (LE connection test)" on page 76

Set the single measured channel for Rx measurements with LE connection tests.
Channels for hopping mode "CH2" depend also on this setting. See also CONFigure:

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<MeasuredChannel> numeric
Channel number
Range: 1 to 11, 13 to 38
*RST: 1 Ch
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Table Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connec-
tion test)" on page 76 Adaptive Frequency Hopping Control

The following commands are only available as remote control. They have no corre-
sponding GUI parameters.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:AFHopping.................................................... 132
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CMAP?................................................................................ 133

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:AFHopping <AdaptiveHopping>,
Specifies the parameters of adaptive hopping.
<AdaptiveHopping> OFF | ON
Disables, enables adaptive hopping.
<Mode> EUT | NORM | USER
EUT: only the EUT reports bad channels
NORM: both, the EUT and instrument report bad channels
USER: bad channels specified manually via CONFigure:
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Specifies user-defined channels for adaptive frequency hopping (AFH). The setting is
relevant for mode = USER, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:
<ChannelList> integer
79 comma-separated values, one value per channel:
0: channel is blocked for AFH
1: channel is released for AFH
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 1
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

Queries channels used by adaptive frequency hopping (AFH).
Return values:
<AFHChannelMap> decimal
79 comma-separated values, one value per channel:
0: channel is blocked for AFH
1: channel is released for AFH
Range: 0 to 1
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 RF Power Settings

The following commands define power levels of TX and RX signals.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ARANging..................................................... 133
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:LEVel............................................................ 134

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ARANging <AutoRanging>
Adjusts the input level expected at the R&S CMW antenna automatically, according to
the predefined values and measured signal amplitude.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<AutoRanging> OFF | ON
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Manual operation: See "Auto Ranging" on page 78

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ENPower <ExpNomPwr>
Sets the expected nominal power of the EUT signal
<ExpNomPwr> numeric
The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as
Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) +
External Attenuation - User Margin
The input power range is stated in the data sheet.
*RST: 10 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Exp. Nominal Power" on page 77

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:LEVel <Level>
Defines the absolute TX level of the R&S CMW (master) signal.
The allowed value range can be calculated as follows:
Range (Level) = Range (Output Power) - External Attenuation
Range (Output Power) = -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm
to 8 dBm (RFx OUT); please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet.
<Level> numeric
Range: see above
*RST: -40 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
V3.7.10: changed range
Manual operation: See "Tx Level (CMW)" on page 77

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin <Margin>
Sets the margin that the R&S CMW adds to the expected nominal power to determine
the reference level.
The reference level minus the external input attenuation must be within the power
range of the selected input connector; refer to the data sheet.
Refer also to the following commands:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ENPower
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut
<Margin> numeric
Range: 0 dB to (55 dB + external attenuation - expected
nominal power)
*RST: 0 dB
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "User Margin" on page 77

2.5.4 Dirty Transmitter Settings

The section below describes commands for dirty transmitter configuration.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX.............................................................. 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:EDRate....................................... 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge............ 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M................ 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M................ 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M................ 139
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M................ 139
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:LENergy:LE2M............... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:BRATe................................ 140

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:EDRate............................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge.... 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge.... 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M........ 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M........ 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:LENergy:LRANge................ 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:LENergy:LE2M.................... 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:LENergy[:LE1M].................. 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:EDRate........................... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M.... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M.... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M.... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M.... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:LENergy:LRANge............. 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:LENergy[:LE1M]............... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:BRATe.............................. 143
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge. 143
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..... 143
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..... 143
LENergy:LRANge................................................................................................ 143
LENergy:LE2M.................................................................................................... 143
LENergy:LE1M.................................................................................................... 143
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STANdard:LENergy:LE2M.. 144
LENergy:LRANge................................................................................................ 144
LENergy:LE2M.................................................................................................... 144
LENergy:LE1M.................................................................................................... 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STABle:LENergy:LRANge.. 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STABle:LENergy:LE2M...... 145
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STABle:LENergy[:LE1M].... 145
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:BRATe............................. 145
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:EDRate........................... 145

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M.... 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M.... 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:LENergy:LRANge............. 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:LENergy[:LE1M]............... 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:BRATe?.............................. 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.. 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?...... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?...... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:LENergy:LRANge?.............. 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:LENergy:LE2M?.................. 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:LENergy[:LE1M]?................ 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:EDRate?......................... 148
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.. 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.. 148
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.. 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.. 148
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?... 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?... 149
LENergy:LE2M?.................................................................................................. 149
LENergy:LE1M?.................................................................................................. 149
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 149

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LENergy:LE2M?.................................................................................................. 150
LENergy:LE1M?.................................................................................................. 150
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 150
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STABle:LENergy:LE2M?.... 150
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STABle:LENergy[:LE1M]?.. 150
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:EDRate?......................... 151
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.. 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.. 151
LRANge?............................................................................................................ 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:LENergy:LRANge?........... 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:LENergy[:LE1M]?............. 151

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX <DTXState>
Enables/disables the dirty transmitter.
<DTXState> OFF | ON
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE
Manual operation: See "Dirty Tx" on page 79

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:BRATe <DTXMode>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:EDRate <DTXMode>
LRANge <DTXMode>
LRANge <DTXMode>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Configure the dirty transmitter.
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<DTXMode> SINGle values | SPEC table
SING: single set of dirty transmitter parameters. No periodic
change of the frequency offset, modulation index, and symbol
timing error occurs.
SPEC: settings according to the test specification for Bluetooth
wireless technology, see "Dirty Tx Mode" on page 79.
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30, V3.2.70: added command for ..:LE1M, V3.5.70:
added commands for ..:LE2M and ..:LRANge, V3.7.80:
added commands for ..:NMODe:..,
V3.7.90: added commands for ..:TMODe:..
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR in test mode
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Dirty Tx Mode" on page 79

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LENergy:LRANge <DriftRate>
LENergy:LE2M <DriftRate>
LENergy:LE1M <DriftRate>
LENergy:LRANge <DriftRate>
LENergy:LE2M <DriftRate>
LENergy:LE1M <DriftRate>
LRANge <DriftRate>
LE1M] <DriftRate>
Specifies the drift rate for LE dirty transmitter.
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
<DriftRate> HDRF | LDRF
HDRF: 1250 Hz (high drift rate)
LDRF: 625 Hz (low drift rate)
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M
and ...:LRANge, V3.7.50: changed reset value, V3.7.80:
added commands for ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Modulation Frequency (LE)" on page 83

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:BRATe <FreqDrift>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:EDRate <FreqDrift>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LRANge <FreqDrift>
LE2M <FreqDrift>
LE1M <FreqDrift>
LRANge <FreqDrift>
LE2M <FreqDrift>
LE1M <FreqDrift>
Enable/disable the periodic change of frequency offset.
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<FreqDrift> OFF | ON
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50, V3.2.70: added command for ...:LE1M, V3.5.70:
added commands for ...:LE2M and ...:LRANge, V3.7.61:
added commands for BR/EDR ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80:
added commands for LE ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

LENergy:LRANge <FreqOffset>
LENergy:LE2M <FreqOffset>
LENergy:LE1M <FreqOffset>
LENergy:LRANge <FreqOffset>
LENergy:LE2M <FreqOffset>
LENergy:LE1M <FreqOffset>
LRANge <FreqOffset>
Specify the constant frequency offset to be added to the center frequency.
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<FreqOffset> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: -250E+3 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 0 Hz
Additional ON/OFF enables/disables constant frequency offset
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.2.50, V3.2.70: added command for ...:LE1M, V3.5.70:

added commands for ...:LE2M and ...:LRANge, V3.7.80:
added commands for ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

Specifies the modulation corruption of the signal. Modulation index of 0.32 means no
<ModIndex> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0.2 to 0.44
*RST: 0.32
Additional ON/OFF enables/disables modulation index.
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

LRANge <ModIndex>
LE2M <ModIndex>
LE1M <ModIndex>
TMODe:LENergy:LRANge <ModIndex>
TMODe:LENergy:LE2M <ModIndex>
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M <ModIndex>
LENergy:LRANge <ModIndex>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LENergy:LE2M <ModIndex>
LENergy[:LE1M] <ModIndex>
Specifies the modulation corruption of the signal. Modulation index of 0.5 means no
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<ModIndex> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0.4 to 0.6
*RST: 0.50
Additional ON/OFF enables/disables modulation index.
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.60: range extended, V3.5.70: added commands
for ...:LE2M and ...:LRANge, V3.7.80: added commands
for ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

LENergy:LRANge <ModIndex>
LENergy:LE2M <ModIndex>
LENergy:LE1M <ModIndex>
LRANge <ModIndex>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LE2M <ModIndex>
LENergy[:LE1M] <ModIndex>
Specifies the modulation corruption of the signal. Modulation index of 0.5 means no
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<ModIndex> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0.4 to 0.6
*RST: 0.50
Additional ON/OFF enables/disables modulation index.
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.90: added commands for LE test mode
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

Specify the symbol timing error of the signal.
<SymbolTimeErr> OFF | NEG20 | POS20
No symbol timing error, - 20 ppm or 20 ppm
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

LENergy:LRANge <SymbolTimeErr>
LENergy:LE2M <SymbolTimeErr>
LENergy:LE1M <SymbolTimeErr>
LENergy:LRANge <SymbolTimeErr>
LENergy:LE2M <SymbolTimeErr>
LENergy:LE1M <SymbolTimeErr>
LRANge <SymbolTimeErr>
Specifies the symbol timing error of the LE signal.
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<SymbolTimeErr> OFF | NEG50 | POS50
No symbol timing error, - 50 ppm or 50 ppm
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M
and ...:LRANge, V3.7.80: added commands
for ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 146

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Single Values" on page 83

Query the dirty transmitter frequency drift set according to the test specification for
Bluetooth wireless technology.
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<FreqDrift> float
Frequency drift is always enabled, according to the test specifi-
cation for Bluetooth wireless technology.
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50, V3.2.70: added command for LE1M, V3.5.70: added
commands for ...:LE2M... and ...:LRANge..., V3.7.61:
added command for LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added
commands for LE2M and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR

R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Settings for Spec Table Mode" on page 80

Return the frequency offset under the periodic change according to the test specifica-
tion for Bluetooth wireless technology (10 values for BR and LE, 3 values for EDR).
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<FreqOffset> decimal | ON | OFF
Range: -250E+3 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
Default unit: Hz

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50, V3.2.70: added command for ...:LE1M; V3.5.70:
added commands for ...:LE2M and ...:LRANge, V3.7.61:
added command for LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added
commands for LE2M and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Settings for Spec Table Mode" on page 80

Return the modulation index under the periodic change according to the test specifica-
tion for Bluetooth wireless technology (10 values).
● RF tests:
Commands for BR (..:BRATe..), LE 1M PHY - uncoded (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY -
uncoded (..:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
For dirty transmitter parameters according to the test specification for Bluetooth wire-
less technology, see also "Dirty Tx Mode" on page 79.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY

(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<ModIndex> float | ON | OFF
Range: 0.2 to 0.55
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50, V3.2.70: added command for ..:LE1M, V3.5.70:
added commands for ..:LE2M and ..:LRANge, V3.7.61:
added command for LE1M ..:NMODe:.., V3.7.80: added com-
mands for LE2M and LRANge ..:NMODe:..,
V3.7.90: added commands for ..:TMODe:..
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Settings for Spec Table Mode" on page 80

Return the modulation index h under the periodic change (10 values) for stable range
h = 0.495 to 0.505.
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

For dirty transmitter parameters according to the test specification for Bluetooth wire-
less technology, see also "Dirty Tx Mode" on page 79.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<ModIndex> float | ON | OFF
Range: 0.495 to 0.505
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Settings for Spec Table Mode" on page 80

Return the symbol timing error under the periodic change according to the test specifi-
cation for Bluetooth wireless technology (10 values for BR and LE, 3 values for EDR).
● RF tests:
Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

For dirty transmitter parameters according to the test specification for Bluetooth wire-
less technology, see also "Dirty Tx Mode" on page 79.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<SymbolTimeErr> decimal
Range: - 50 ppm to 50 ppm, for BR/EDR: - 20 ppm to 20
Default unit: ppm
Example: See Configure Dirty Transmitter
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50, V3.2.70: added command for ...:LE1M, V3.5.70:
added commands for ...:LE2M and ...:LRANge, V3.7.61:
added command for LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added
commands for LE2M and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Settings for Spec Table Mode" on page 80

2.5.5 Connection Control and States

The following commands control the connection to the EUT and retrieve connection-
related information.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:STATe?............................................................. 153
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:STATe:LESignaling?........................................... 157
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:LENergy:STATe?................................................................... 157
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ACTion................................................................ 158
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RDEVices............................................................................... 161

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe:LEGacy?.............................................. 161
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe?.......................................................... 162
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:LINFo?................................................... 163
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:ELOGging:LAST?................................................................. 165

SOURce:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:STATe <MainState>
Sets/gets the main state of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application. Signaling actions
such as inquiry or paging are initiated using the CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
CONNection:ACTion command.
<MainState> ON | OFF | 1 | 0
When turned ON, the R&S CMW switches to standby state (see
on page 153)
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "CMW" on page 43

Returns the signaling state of the R&S CMW for BR/EDR. State changes are initiated
using the CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ACTion command.
Return values:
<State> OFF | SBY | INQuiring | SINQuiry | CNNecting | SCONnecting |
CONNected | DETaching | TCNNecting | TCONected |
ECRunning | ECNNecting | ECONected | EXEMode |
ENEMode | HFCNnecting | HFConnected | EXHFp | ENHFp |
AGCNnecting | AGConnected | EXAGmode | ENAGmode |
ENHSmode | EXHSmode | CNASmode | CHASmode |
DHASmode | EHASmode | XHASmode | SMIDle |
SMCNnecting | SMConnected | SMDetaching | HSCNnecting |
HSConnected | HSDetaching | A2CNnecting | A2Connected |
A2Detaching | A2SNnecting | A2SCnnected | A2SDetaching |
ACNNecting | ACONected | AEXMode | AENMode
OFF: not connected
SBY: standby
INQuiring: inquiring
SINQuiry: stopping inquiry
CNNecting: connecting

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

SCONnecting: stop connecting

CONNected: connected
DETaching: detaching
TCNNecting: test mode - connecting
TCONnected: test mode - connected
ECRunning: EUT controller running
ECNNecting: audio echo mode - connecting
ECONected: audio echo mode - connected
EXEMode: audio echo mode - exiting
ENEMode: audio echo mode - entering
HFCNnecting: hands-free profile - connecting
HFConnected: hands-free profile - connected
EXHFp: hands-free profile - exiting
ENHFp: hands-free profile - entering
AGCNnecting: hands-free audio gateway profile - connecting
AGConnected: hands-free audio gateway profile - connected
EXAGmode: hands-free audio gateway profile - exiting
ENAGmode: hands-free audio gateway profile - entering
CNASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - connect-
CHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - connec-
DHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - detach-
EHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - entering
XHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - exiting
SMIDle: slave mode - idle
SMCNnecting: slave mode - connecting
SMConnected: slave mode - connected
SMDetaching: slave mode - detaching
HSCNnecting: hands-free profile (slave mode) - connecting
HSConnected: hands-free profile (slave mode) - connected
ENHSmode: hands-free profile (slave mode) - entering
EXHSmode: hands-free profile (slave mode) - exiting
HSDetaching: hands-free profile (slave mode) - detaching
A2CNnecting: A2DP - connecting
A2Connected: A2DP - connected
A2Detaching: A2DP - detaching
A2SNnecting: A2DP (slave mode) - connecting
A2SCnnected: A2DP (slave mode) - connected
A2SDetaching: A2DP (slave mode) - detaching
ACNNecting: audio - connecting
ACONected: audio - connected
AEXMode: audio - exiting
AENMode: audio - entering
For a detailed description of the available states and state transi-
tions, see Chapter 2.2.11, "Signaling States", on page 36.
Example: See Programming
Usage: Query only

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.0.12, V3.2.30: added test mode states (TCNN, TCON),

V3.5.30: added ECR, V3.5.40: added states for audio echo
mode and audio profiles (ECNN, ECON, EXEM, ENEM, HFCN,
added states for slave mode (ENHS, EXHS, CNAS, CHAS,
HSD), V3.5.70: added states for A2DP (A2CN, A2C, A2D,
V3.7.90: added states for audio mode (ACNNecting, ACONec-
ted, AEXMode, AENMode)
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 required for test mode
R&S CMW-KS602 required for audio profiles hands-free, hands-
free audio gateway
R&S CMW-KS603 required for A2DP
Manual operation: See "Signaling" on page 43

Returns detailed information about the "Bluetooth Signaling" generator state.
Return values:
<MainState> OFF | ON
OFF: Generator switched off
ON: Generator has been turned on
<SubState> OFF | SBY | INQuiring | SINQuiry | CNNecting | SCONnecting |
CONNected | DETaching | TCNNecting | TCONected |
ECRunning | ECNNecting | ECONected | EXEMode |
ENEMode | HFCNnecting | HFConnected | EXHFp | ENHFp |
AGCNnecting | AGConnected | EXAGmode | ENAGmode |
ENHSmode | EXHSmode | CNASmode | CHASmode |
DHASmode | EHASmode | XHASmode | SMIDle |
SMCNnecting | SMConnected | SMDetaching | HSCNnecting |
HSConnected | HSDetaching | A2CNnecting | A2Connected |
A2Detaching | A2SNnecting | A2SCnnected | A2SDetaching |
ACNNecting | ACONected | AEXMode | AENMode
Signaling states of the R&S CMW for BR/EDR:
OFF: not connected
SBY: standby
INQuiring: inquiring
SINQuiry: stopping inquiry
CNNecting: connecting
SCONnecting: stop connecting
CONNected: connected
DETaching: detaching
TCNNecting: test mode - connecting
TCONnected: test mode - connected
ECRunning: EUT controller running
ECNNecting: audio echo mode - connecting

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

ECONected: audio echo mode - connected

EXEMode: audio echo mode - exiting
ENEMode: audio echo mode - entering
HFCNnecting: hands-free profile - connecting
HFConnected: hands-free profile - connected
EXHFp: hands-free profile - exiting
ENHFp: hands-free profile - entering
AGCNnecting: hands-free audio gateway profile - connecting
AGConnected: hands-free audio gateway profile - connected
EXAGmode: hands-free audio gateway profile - exiting
ENAGmode: hands-free audio gateway profile - entering
CNASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - connect-
CHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - connec-
DHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - detach-
EHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - entering
XHASmode: hands-free audio gateway (slave mode) - exiting
SMIDle: slave mode - idle
SMCNnecting: slave mode - connecting
SMConnected: slave mode - connected
SMDetaching: slave mode - detaching
HSCNnecting: hands-free profile (slave mode) - connecting
HSConnected: hands-free profile (slave mode) - connected
ENHSmode: hands-free profile (slave mode) - entering
EXHSmode: hands-free profile (slave mode) - exiting
HSDetaching: hands-free profile (slave mode) - detaching
A2CNnecting: A2DP - connecting
A2Connected: A2DP - connected
A2Detaching: A2DP - detaching
A2SNnecting: A2DP (slave mode) - connecting
A2SCnnected: A2DP (slave mode) - connected
A2SDetaching: A2DP (slave mode) - detaching
ACNNecting: audio - connecting
ACONected: audio - connected
AEXMode: audio - exiting
AENMode: audio - entering
For a detailed description of the available states and state transi-
tions, see Chapter 2.2.11, "Signaling States", on page 36.
Example: See Programming
Usage: Query only

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.0.12, V3.2.30: added test mode states (TCNN, TCON),

V3.5.30: added ECR, V3.5.40: added states for audio echo
mode and audio profiles (ECNN, ECON, EXEM, ENEM, HFCN,
added states for slave mode (ENHS, EXHS, CNAS, CHAS,
HSD), V3.5.70: added states for A2DP (A2CN, A2C, A2D,
V3.7.90: added states for audio mode (ACNNecting, ACONec-
ted, AEXMode, AENMode)
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 required for test mode
R&S CMW-KS602 required for audio profiles hands-free, hands-
free audio gateway
R&S CMW-KS603 required for A2DP

Returns the signaling state of the R&S CMW for LE. State changes are initiated using
the CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ACTion:LESignaling command.
Return values:
<State> OFF | SBY | INQuiring | CNNecting | CONNected | DETaching |
TCONected | TCNNecting | CPOWer
OFF: not connected
SBY: standby
INQuiring: inquiring
CNNecting: connecting
CONNected: connected
DETaching: detaching
TCONected: LE test mode - connected
CPOWer: LE power control
Example: See Connect
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50, V3.7.90: added states for LE test mode
V3.8.20: added CPOWer
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Signaling" on page 43

Returns the signaling state of the R&S CMW for LE direct test connections.
Return values:
<State> IDLE | OFF | SPCM | STCM | CMR | STTX | TXRunning |
IDLE: Connected in direct test mode, no active test running

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

OFF: Not connected in direct test mode

SPCM: Stopping communication test
STCM: Starting communication test
CMR: Communication test running
STTX: Starting TX test
TXRunning: TX test running
SPTX: Stopping TX test
STRX: Starting RX test
RXRunning: RX test running
SPRX: Stopping RX test
RCOM: Refreshing COM port list
Example: See Direct test mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Connection Status" on page 237

CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ACTion <Action>
Requests the R&S CMW to perform certain signaling actions for BR/EDR. It has no
query form: the current signaling state can be retrieved using the FETCh:BLUetooth:
SIGN<i>:CONNection:STATe? command.
Setting parameters:
<Action> INQuire | SINQuiry | SCONnecting | STMode | CONNect |
TMConnect | DETach | REController | EMConnect | EXEMode |
ENEMode | HFPConnect | EXHFp | ENHFp | AGConnect |
ENAGate | EXAGate | ADConnect | AUDConnect | ADEXit |
INQuire: Switch on master signal and start inquiry for Bluetooth
devices within range
Inquiry stops after a configurable maximum duration (see
ILENgth on page 177) or after a configurable number of
responses (see CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses on page 177)
SINQuiry: Stop inquiry, switch off master signal and return to
standby state
SCONnecting: Stop an ongoing connection setup, switch off the
master signal and return to standby state
STMode: Stop a test mode connection, switch off the master
signal and return to standby state
CONNect: Switch on master signal, start paging the selected
Bluetooth device and establish an ACL connection
TMConnect: Switch on master signal, start paging the selected
Bluetooth device and establish a test mode connection

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

DETach: Detach an established connection, switch off the mas-

ter signal and return to standby state
REController: Run EUT controller to reset and initialize the EUT
via USB connection
EMConnect: Connect audio echo mode
EXEMode: Exit audio echo mode
ENEMode: Enter audio echo mode
HFPConnect: Connect hands-free profile
EXHFp: Exit hands-free profile
ENHFp: Enter hands-free profile
AGConnect: Connect hands-free audio gateway profile
ENAGate: Enter hands-free audio gateway profile
EXAGate: Exit hands-free audio gateway profile
ADConnect: Connect A2DP
AUDConnect: Connect audio mode
ADEXit: Exit audio mode
ADENter: Enter audio mode
Example: See Inquire or Manually Specify DUT for BR/EDR
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12, V3.2.30: added actions for test mode (STM, TMC),
V3.5.30: added REC, V3.5.40: added actions for audio echo
mode and audio profiles (EMC, EXEM, ENEM, HFPC, EXHF,
ENHF, AGC, ENAG, EXAG), V3.5.70: added ADConnect
V3.7.90: added AUDConnect, ADEXit, ADENter
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 required for test mode
R&S CMW-KS602 required for audio profiles hands-free and
hands-free audio gateway
R&S CMW-KS603 required for A2DP
Manual operation: See "Connect (hotkey)" on page 57

CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ACTion:LESignaling <Action>
Requests the R&S CMW to perform certain signaling actions for LE. It has no query
form: the current signaling state can be retrieved using the FETCh:BLUetooth:
SIGN<i>:CONNection:STATe:LESignaling? command.
Setting parameters:
<Action> INQuire | SINQuiry | CONNect | SCONnecting | DETach |
INQuire: Switch on master signal and start inquiry for Bluetooth
devices within range
Inquiry stops after a configurable maximum duration (see
DURation:LESignaling) or after a configurable number of
responses (see CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

SINQuiry: Stop inquiry, switch off master signal and return to

standby state
CONNect: Switch on master signal, start paging the selected
Bluetooth device and establish an ACL connection
SCONnecting: Stop an ongoing connection setup, switch off the
master signal and return to standby state
DETach: Detach an established connection, switch off the mas-
ter signal and return to standby state
TMConnect: Connect test mode - switch on master signal, start
paging the selected Bluetooth device, establish a LE test mode
connection, and transmit test packets
Example: See Connect
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50, V3.7.90: added TMConnect
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Connect (hotkey)" on page 57

Checks the LE connection via USB.
Return values:
<ConTestResult> PASS | FAIL | TOUT | NRUN
Result: passed, failed, timeout, not running
Example: See Direct test mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Connection Check (hotkey)" on page 59

Sends the HCI reset command to the EUT via USB.
Example: See Direct test mode
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Reset EUT (hotkey)" on page 63

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Detects the DUTs connected to USB ports directly or via a USB-to-COM adapter.
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.20
Manual operation: See "Refresh Devices (hotkey)" on page 63

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:EPCMode <PCMode>
Activates/deactivates enhanced power control mode.
AUTO : instrument uses enhanced power control if EUT sup-
ports it, otherwise it uses legacy power control
OFF : instrument uses legacy power control
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.2.60
Manual operation: See "Enhanced Power Control Mode" on page 98

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:STEP:ACTion <PControl>
Sends a command to the EUT to increase/decrease power.
Setting parameters:
<PControl> UP | DOWN | MAX
One step up, one step down, command to maximum EUT power
Example: See Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
V3.2.60: added MAX
Manual operation: See "Power Up / Power Down / Max Power (hotkey)"
on page 62

Displays the EUT responses to the legacy power control commands.
Return values:
<PowerChange> NNM | UP | DOWN
NNM: no new message
UP: power up command accepted
DOWN: power down command accepted

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<PowerMinMax> NNM | MIN | MAX

NNM: no new message
MIN: min power reached
MAX: max power reached
Example: See Connect (BR/EDR)
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Manual operation: See "Power Control, Power State (BR/EDR)" on page 44

Displays the EUT responses to the enhanced power control state commands for
GFSK-modulated BR and π/4 DQPSK and 8DPSK-modulated EDR packets.
Return values:
<PowChangeGFSK> NNE | UP | DOWN | MAX
NNE: none
UP: power up command accepted
DOWN: power down command accepted
MAX: maximum power command accepted
<PowMinMaxGFSK> NOTS | CHANged | MAX | MIN | NNM
NOTS: not supported (command not accepted by the EUT)
CHANged: changed one step
MAX: max power reached
MIN: min power reached
NNM: no new message
<PowChangeDPSK> NNE | UP | DOWN | MAX
<PowMinMaxDPSK> NOTS | CHANged | MAX | MIN | NNM
Example: See Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Manual operation: See "Power Control, Power State (BR/EDR)" on page 44

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Displays the EUT responses to the enhanced power control state commands for
GFSK-modulated BR and π/4 DQPSK or 8DPSK-modulated EDR packets. The modu-
lation is indicated by the last mnemonic.
Return values:
<PowerChange> NNE | UP | DOWN | MAX
NNE: none
UP: power up command accepted
DOWN: power down command accepted
MAX: maximum power command accepted
<PowerMinMax> NOTS | CHANged | MAX | MIN | NNM
NOTS: not supported (command not accepted by the EUT)
CHANged: changed one step
MAX: max power reached
MIN: min power reached
NNM: no new message
Example: See Retrieve EUT Information and Capabilities
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.60
Manual operation: See "Power Control, Power State (BR/EDR)" on page 44

Queries the parameters of active audio connection.
Return values:
<SpeechCode> CVSD | ALAW | ULAW | MSBC
CVSD (8 kHz), A-law (8 kHz), μ-law (8 kHz), or mSBC (16 kHz)
<LinkType> SCO | ESCO
Synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) or enhanced synchro-
nous connection-oriented (eSCO) link
<PacketType> HV1 | HV2 | HV3 | EV3 | EV4 | EV5 | 2EV3 | 3EV3 | 2EV5 |
HV1: SCO packets high-quality voice, 1/3 rate FEC
HV2: SCO packets high-quality voice, 2/3 rate FEC
HV3: SCO packets high-quality voice, no FEC
EV3, EV4, EV5: eSCO packets on the top of BR ACL connection
2EV3, 3EV3, 2EV5, 3EV5: eSCO packets on the top of EDR
ACL connection (2-EV3, 3-EV3, 2-EV5, 3-EV5 packets)

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Command Reference

<SampleRate> float
Range: 0 kHz to 999 kHz
<DataRate> decimal
Range: 0 kbit/s to 9999 kbit/s
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
V3.5.60: added <SpeechCode> ALAW and ULAW
Options: R&S CMW-KS602
Manual operation: See "Link Info" on page 51

Clears the event log.
Example: See Query event log
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.7.30
Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 52

Queries all entries of the event log.
For each entry three parameters are returned, from oldest to latest entry: {<Time-
stamp>, <Category>, <Event>}entry 1, {<Timestamp>, <Category>, <Event>}entry 2, ...

Return values:
<Timestamp> string
Timestamp of the entry as string in the format "hh:mm:ss"
<Category> INFO | WARNing | ERRor | CONTinue
Category of the entry, as indicated in the main view by an icon
CONTinue means the continuation of previous entry.
<Event> string
Text string describing the event
Example: See Query event log
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.30
Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 52

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Command Reference

Queries the latest entry of the event log.
Return values:
<Timestamp> string
Timestamp of the entry as string in the format "hh:mm:ss"
<Category> INFO | WARNing | ERRor | CONTinue
Category of the entry, as indicated in the main view by an icon
CONTinue means the continuation of previous entry.
<Event> string
Text string describing the event
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.30
Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 52

Queries the connection parameters for LE normal mode.
Return values:
<ConnectionInt> float
Range: 6 to 3200
<SupervisionTout> float
Supervision timeout
Range: 100 ms to 32E+3 ms
<SlaveLatency> float
Slave latency
Range: 0 to 499
Example: See Connect
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61, V3.7.80: added <SlaveLatency>
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Connection Interval, Connection Timeout, Slave Latency"
on page 56

2.5.6 EUT Information

The following queries retrieve information about the connected EUT as shown in the
"EUT Info" section of the main view.

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Command Reference

SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:NAME?...................................................... 167
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:LESignaling?.............................................. 167

Gets the address (BD_ADDR) of the connected Bluetooth device.
Return values:
<BDAddress> hex
The Bluetooth device address in hexadecimal notation.
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFFFFFFFF (12 hexadecimal digits)
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Device Information" on page 46

Gets the major and the minor device class of the connected EUT as specified in https://
Return values:
<MajorDevClass> string
<MinorDevClass> string
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Device Information" on page 46

Queries the company identifier (CompId) as defined in
Return values:
<Company> string
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Device Information" on page 46

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Command Reference

Gets the name of the connected device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Up to 255 characters
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Device Name" on page 44

Gets LMP_version_res information.
Return values:
<LMP> string
Textual representation of the LMP version (VersNr) as defined
<Company> string
Textual representation of the company identifier (CompId) as
defined in
<LMPSubversion> string
LMP subversion number (SubVersNr), a company-internal ver-
sion number
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "LMP Version and Subversion (BR/EDR)" on page 44

Retrieves EUT information as device name, device address and GAP mode.
Return values:
<DeviceName> string
<AddressType> PUBLic | RANDom | PIDentity | RSIDentity
Public device address, random device address: random private
ID, random static ID
<GM_Discoverable> OFF | ON
GAP mode general discoverable

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Command Reference

<GM_Limit_Disc> OFF | ON
GAP mode limited discoverable
<GM_Connectable> OFF | ON
GAP mode undirected connectable
<GM_Direct_Con> OFF | ON
GAP mode directed connectable
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Device Name" on page 44

2.5.7 EUT Capabilities

The following queries retrieve information about the connected EUT as shown in the
"EUT Capabilities" section of the main view.
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:CONNection?................................................ 168
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:ACL?............................................................ 170
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:ESCO?......................................................... 171
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:SCLass?....................................................... 172
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:LESignaling?................................................. 172

Gets the connection-related properties and capabilities of the connected EUT.
Return values:
<PageScanMode> 0X00 | 0X01 | 0X02 | 0X03
The page scan mode that is used for default page scan:
0X00: mandatory page scan mode
0X01: optional page scan mode I
0X02: optional page scan mode II
0X03: optional page scan mode III
<PgScanPrdMode> P0 | P1 | P2
Page scan period mode
<PgScanRepMode> R0 | R1 | R2
Page scan repetition mode

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Command Reference

<PScheme> OFF | ON
"Optional paging scheme" support
<SlotOffset> OFF | ON
"Slot offset" support
<TimingAcc> OFF | ON
"Timing accuracy" support
<Switch> OFF | ON
"Switching between master and slave" support
"Received signal strength indication" support
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Paging and Other Connection Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Queries whether the connected EUT supports encryption (OFF|ON)
Return values:
<Encryption> OFF | ON
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Paging and Other Connection Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Gets the power saving-related capabilities of the connected EUT. For each capability,
either OFF or ON is returned
Return values:
<Hold> OFF | ON
Hold mode
<Sniff> OFF | ON
Sniff mode
<Park> OFF | ON
Park mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12

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Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Power Saving and Power Control Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Queries whether the connected EUT supports legacy power control (OFF|ON)
Return values:
<PowerControl> OFF | ON
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Power Saving and Power Control Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Queries whether the connected EUT supports enhanced power control (OFF|ON)
Return values:
<EPowerControl> OFF | ON
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12

Gets the ACL-related capabilities of the connected EUT. Except for the flow control lag,
for each capability either OFF or ON is returned.
Return values:
<FCLag> decimal
Flow control lag
Range: 0 to 7
Default unit: 256 bytes
Three-slot packets
Five-slot packets
<EDR3Slot> OFF | ON
Three-slot EDR ACL packets
<EDR5Slot> OFF | ON
Five-slot EDR ACL packets
<EDR2Mbps> OFF | ON
EDR ACL 2 Mbit/s

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Command Reference

<EDR3Mpbs> OFF | ON
EDR ACL 3 Mbit/s
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Packet Type and Data Link Type Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Gets the SCO-related capabilities of the connected EUT. For each capability, either
OFF or ON is returned
Return values:
Channel quality driven data rate
<Link> OFF | ON
SCO link
<TSData> OFF | ON
Transparent SCO data
HV2 packets
HV3 packets
μ-law log
A-law log
Continuous variable slope delta modulation
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Packet Type and Data Link Type Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Gets the e-SCO-related capabilities of the connected EUT. For each capability, either
OFF or ON is returned

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Command Reference

Return values:
<EV3Packets> OFF | ON
EV3 packets
<EV4Packets> OFF | ON
EV4 packets
<EV5Packets> OFF | ON
EV5 packets
<ThreeSlotEDRPck> OFF | ON
2-EV5 / 3-EV5 packets over three slots
<EDR_2MbpsMode> OFF | ON
2-EV3 / 2-EV5 packets
<EDR_3MbpsMode> OFF | ON
3-EV3 / 3-EV5 packets
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Manual operation: See "Packet Type and Data Link Type Capabilities (BR/EDR)"
on page 47

Gets the (major) service class of the connected EUT as specified in
Return values:
<ServiceClass> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12

Queries capabilities retrieved from the EUT.
Return values:
<1_DeviceName> string
LE device name
<2_LE_Encryption> OFF | ON
Support of LE encryption
<3_ConnParamReq> OFF | ON
Support of connection parameter request procedure

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Command Reference

<4_ExtRejectionInd> OFF | ON
Support of extended rejection indication
<5_SlaveInitFeatEx> OFF | ON
Support of slave-initiated features exchange
<6_LE_Ping> OFF | ON
Support of LE ping
<7_Data_Pk_L_Ex> OFF | ON
Support of LE data packet length extension
<8_LL_Privacy> OFF | ON
Support of LL privacy
<9_ExScanFiltPol> OFF | ON
Support of extended scanner filter policies
<10_LE_2M_PHY> OFF | ON
Support of LE 2 Mbps PHY
<11_StabModTrans> OFF | ON
Support of stable modulation index for transmitter
<12_StabModRec> OFF | ON
Support of stable modulation index for receiver
<13_Coded_PHY> OFF | ON
Support of LE coded PHY
<14_LE_Ext_Adv> OFF | ON
Support of extended advertising
<15_Periodic_Adv> OFF | ON
Support of LE periodic advertising
<16_Chan_Sel_Alg2> OFF | ON
Support of channel selection algorithm No. 2
<17_LE_PowClass1> OFF | ON
Support of LE power class 1
<18_MinNoUsedCh> OFF | ON
Support of procedure for minimum number of used channels
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only

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Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.50, V3.7.80: added <2_LE_Encryption>, <3_ConnParam-

Req>, <4_ExtRejectionInd>, <5_SlaveInitFeatEx>,
<6_LE_Ping>, <7_Data_Pk_L_Ex>, <8_LL_Privacy>,
<9_ExScanFiltPol>, <10_LE_2M_PHY>, <11_StabModTrans>,
<12_StabModRec>, <13_Coded_PHY>, <14_LE_Ext_Adv>,
<15_Periodic_Adv>, <16_Chan_Sel_Alg2>, <17_LE_Pow-
Class1>, <18_MinNoUsedCh>
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "EUT Capabilities (LE)" on page 46

2.5.8 EUT Power Control LE

The following commands configure power control of LE devices during connection

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:SSIZe:LESignaling........................ 174
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:STEP:ACTion:LESignaling............. 175
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe:LESignaling?........................................ 175

Specifies, whether the power commands respect the reported EUT capabilities or
ignore them.
<OverrideCapabilites>OFF | ON
OFF: The reported EUT capabilities are respected.
ON: The reported EUT capabilities are ignored.
Firmware/Software: V3.8.20
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Ignore Power Control Capability" on page 91

Sets the step size for increasing / decreasing the Tx power.
<stepSize> numeric
Range: 0 dB to 10 dB
*RST: 3 dB
Firmware/Software: V3.8.20
Options: R&S CMW-KS601

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Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Power Up / Power Down / Step Size (hotkey)" on page 61

LESignaling <PControl>
Sends a command to the DUT to increase/decrease power.
Setting parameters:
<PControl> UP | DOWN | MAX
One step up, one step down, command to maximum DUT Tx
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.20
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Power Up / Power Down / Step Size (hotkey)" on page 61

Displays the DUT's responses to the power control state commands for low energy.
Return values:
<PowFlag> NONE | MIN | MAX
NONE: no new message
MIN: minimum power command accepted
MAX: maximum power command accepted
<PowDelta> decimal
Returns the power difference before and after the command
Range: -100 dB to +100 dB
<CurrentPower> decimal
Returns the actual Tx power level of the DUT
Range: -200 dBm to +100 dBm
<EutState> FAIL | OK
Checks the command execution.
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.20
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 52

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

2.5.9 Paging Settings Classic

The following commands configure inquiry and paging for BR/EDR signals.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:CMW........................................ 176
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:EUT.......................................... 176
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SVTimeout.................................................. 176
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses................................. 177
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:PTARgets:CATalog?......................... 178

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:CMW <BDAddress>
Sets/gets the Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR) of the R&S CMW.
<BDAddress> hex
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFFFFFFFF (12 hexadecimal digits)
*RST: #H123456123456
Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "CMW BD Address" on page 85

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:EUT <BDAddress>
Sets/gets the Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR) of a default device to attempt a
connection to. If no inquiry was made before, this BD_ADDR is used for paging; other-
wise, the device to page can be set via CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<BDAddress> hex
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFFFFFFFF (12 hexadecimal digits)
*RST: #H123456789012
Example: See Manually specify BD address
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "BD Address" on page 86

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SVTimeout <Supervision Timeout>

Sets/gets the LMP supervision timeout.

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Command Reference

<Supervision numeric
Timeout> Range: 400 slots to 65535 slots
*RST: 8000 slots
Default unit: slots
Example: See Configure Paging for BR/EDR
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Supervision Timeout" on page 86

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:ILENgth <InquiryLength>
Sets/gets the Inquiry_Length parameter, i.e. the total duration of the inquiry mode.
<InquiryLength> numeric
The inquiry length in units of 1.28 s
Range: 1 to 24
*RST: 10
Default unit: 1.28 s
Example: See Inquire or Manually Specify DUT for BR/EDR
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Inquiry Length" on page 86

Sets/gets the maximum number of responses recorded during an inquiry.
<NumberResponses> numeric
The maximum number of responses, where 0 means "unlimi-
Range: 0 to 12
*RST: 12
Example: See Inquire or Manually Specify DUT for BR/EDR
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Number of Inquiry Responses" on page 86

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:TOUT <Timeout>
Sets/gets the Page_Timeout configuration parameter, i.e. the maximum time the local
link manager waits for a baseband page response from the EUT.

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Command Reference

<Timeout> integer
Range: 22 to 65535
*RST: 8192
Default unit: slot (625 µs)
Example: See Configure Paging for BR/EDR
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
V3.5.30: changed range
Manual operation: See "Paging Timeout" on page 87

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:PSRMode <PSRMode>
Sets/gets the page scan repetition mode to be used for the default device (see
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:EUT on page 176).
<PSRMode> R0 | R1 | R2
Paging mode R0, R1, R2. Select the value according to the
page scan repetition mode of the default device.
*RST: R2
Example: See Configure Paging for BR/EDR
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "Page Scan Repetition Mode" on page 86

This query returns a list of all targets available for paging.
If no inquiry was made before, this list only contains the default device (see
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:EUT). After inquiry, it
also contains the devices that were responding (in chronological order).
Return values:
<NoDiscoveredDev> decimal
The number of devices discovered during inquiry
{<ItemNumber>, decimal
<DiscoveredEUT>} string
A comma-separated list of Bluetooth devices, where each
device is represented by an item number and its BD_Address in
hexadecimal notation. Item number 0 always represents the
default target.
Example: See Inquire BD address
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12

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Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Inquire (hotkey)" on page 62

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget <Target>
Selects the device to page from the paging target catalog (see CONFigure:
on page 178).
After a reset, if no inquiry was made before or if no device was detected during the pre-
vious inquiry, only the default device (<Target>=0) can be selected. After a successful
inquiry, the first discovered device (<Target>=1) is pre-selected.
<Target> numeric
Index of the device in the paging target catalog, where 0 always
corresponds to the default device.
If an invalid index is selected, an error message is returned.
Range: Integer >= 0
*RST: 0
Example: See Configure Paging for BR/EDR
Firmware/Software: V3.0.12
Manual operation: See "For Paging" on page 86

2.5.10 Paging Settings LE

The following commands configure inquiry and paging for LE signals.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ADDRess:CMW:LESignaling......................... 180
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ADDRess:EUT:LESignaling........................... 180
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AINTerval:LESignaling.................................. 181
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:DURation:LESignaling...................... 181
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses:LESignaling............... 181
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:PTARgets:CATalog:LESignaling?....... 182
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:SINTerval:LESignaling...................... 182
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:SWINdow:LESignaling...................... 182
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INTerval:LESignaling.................................... 183
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget:LESignaling....................... 183
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:TOUT:LESignaling............................ 184
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:RADDress:CMW:LESignaling?...................... 184
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SINTerval:LESignaling.................................. 184
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SLATency:LESignaling:CPERipheral.............. 185
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SLATency:LESignaling[:CCENtral]................. 185
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SVTimeout:LESignaling................................ 185
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:WFCMap:LESignaling:CCENtral.................... 186

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PINCode:LENergy...................................... 186
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:SPINenable:LENergy.................................. 187

Sets the public address of R&S CMW
<CmwAddress> hex
*RST: #H1263456123456
Example: See Connect
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "CMW Address" on page 90

Specifies the default EUT.
<AddressDef> hex
*RST: #H1263456789012
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Default EUT Address" on page 90

Selects public or random addressing.
<AddrType> PUBLic | RANDom
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "CMW Address Type" on page 90

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AINTerval:LESignaling <AdvInt>
Specifies the interval between two consecutive advertisers for an instrument in periph-
eral LE role.
<AdvInt> numeric
Range: 32 to 16.384E+3
*RST: 160
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Advertiser Interval < Peripheral" on page 89

Specifies the total inquiry duration.
<InqDuration> numeric
Range: 5 ms to 30E+3 ms
*RST: 10.24E+3 ms
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Inquiry < Central" on page 88

Specifies the maximum number of responses recorded during an inquiry.
<NumberResponses> numeric
Range: 1 to 100
*RST: 10
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Inquiry < Central" on page 88

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

This query returns a list of all targets available for paging, i.e. all LE devices found.
If no inquiry was made before, this list only contains the default device (see
After inquiry, it also contains the devices that were responding (in chronological order).
Return values:
<NoDiscoveredDev> decimal
The number of devices discovered during inquiry
{<ItemNumber>, decimal
<DiscoveredEUT>} string
A comma-separated list of Bluetooth devices, where each
device is represented by an item number and its Address in
hexadecimal notation. Item number 0 always represents the
default target.
Example: See Configure paging
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Inquire (hotkey)" on page 62

Specifies the Inquiry Scan Interval between two consecutive inquiry scans. The interval
in ms is calculated as the specified value multiplied by 0.625 ms.
<InqScanInt> numeric
Range: 4 to 16.384E+3
*RST: 48
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Inquiry < Central" on page 88

Specifies Inquiry Scan Window - the inquiry scan duration. The duration in ms is calcu-
lated as the specified value multiplied by 0.625 ms.

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Command Reference

<InqScanWindow> numeric
Range: 4 to 16.384E+3
*RST: 48
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Inquiry < Central" on page 88

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INTerval:LESignaling <Connection
Sets the time interval between the two consecutive connection events. The interval in
ms is calculated as the specified value multiplied by 1.25 ms.
<Connection Interval> numeric
Range: 6 to 3200
*RST: 6
Example: See Connect
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50, V3.7.61: range extended, default value changed,
V3.7.62: unit changed
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Connection Interval" on page 89

Selects the EUT for paging. The default device is 0. For the inquiry results, see
<Target> numeric
Sequence number of device listed in inquiry results.
*RST: 0
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "For Paging" on page 90

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Specifies the PageTimeout configuration parameter, i.e. the maximum time the local
link manager waits for a baseband page response from the EUT.
<Timeout> integer
Range: 10 ms to 30E+3 ms
*RST: 10E+3 ms
Default unit: s
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Connect < Central" on page 88

Queries the randomly generated address of R&S CMW
Return values:
<CmwAddress> hex
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "CMW Address" on page 90

Specifies the interval between two consecutive page scans. The interval in ms is calcu-
lated as the specified value multiplied by 0.625 ms.
<ConnScanInt> numeric
Range: 4 to 16.384E+3
*RST: 48
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Connect < Central" on page 88

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Command Reference

CPERipheral <SlaveLatency>
Specify the latency of slave responses for connection tests, central ..:CCENtral and
peripheral ..:CPERipheralR&S CMW LE role.
<SlaveLatency> numeric
Range: 0 to 499
*RST: 0
Default unit: The number of consecutive connection events
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: range extended, added command for periph-
eral role
Options: R&S CMW-KM601
Manual operation: See "Slave Latency" on page 88

<Supervision Timeout>
Specifies the duration of tolerated connection breaks down.
<Supervision numeric
Timeout> Range: 100 ms to 32E+3 ms
*RST: 5000 ms
Default unit: ms
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50, V3.7.62: unit changed
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Supervision Timeout" on page 89

Specifies the interval between two consecutive page scans. The interval in ms is calcu-
lated as the specified value multiplied by 0.625 ms.
<ConnScanWin> numeric
Range: 4 to 16.384E+3
*RST: 48
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KS601

Manual operation: See "Connect < Central" on page 88

Specifies the number of connection events to wait before checking the channel map
<WaitForChMap> numeric
Range: 6 to 100
*RST: 10
Example: See Configure paging
Firmware/Software: V3.7.81
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Wait for Channel Map in Connection Intervals" on page 89

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:INTerval:LESignaling <Connection
Sets the time interval between the two consecutive connection events for LE test
mode. The interval in ms is calculated as the specified value multiplied by 1.25 ms.
<ConnectionInterval> numeric
Range: 6 to 3200
*RST: 50
Example: See Configure LE Test Mode
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Connection Interval (hotkey)" on page 59

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PINCode:LENergy <PIN>...
Specifies the PIN for LE test mode. The value must match with the configuration on the
<PIN> integer
Comma-separated sequence of eight integers
Range: 0 to 255
*RST: 17
Example: See Configure LE Test Mode

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Test Mode PIN" on page 91

Enables or disables LE test mode on the DUT using a PIN. The PIN to sent is specified
<SendEnablePIN> OFF | ON
Example: See Configure LE Test Mode
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Test Mode Send Enable with PIN" on page 90

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe:LENergy <EnableTestMode>
Enables or disables LE test mode at the R&S CMW.
<EnableTestMode> OFF | ON
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Test Mode Available" on page 90

2.5.11 Connection Settings

This section configures additional connection parameters.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:AUDio:PRFRole.............................................................. 188
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:CMW:ROLE:LESignaling.............................. 188
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:IENCryption:LESignaling:CCENtral................ 189
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:IENCryption:LESignaling:CPERipheral........... 189
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod..................................................... 190
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod:MINimum...................................... 190

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:NANTenna:CTE:LENergy................................ 191

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:AUDio:PRFRole <ProfileRole>
Specifies the audio profile role of the EUT.
<ProfileRole> HNDFree | ADGate | ASINk
Hands free, hands free - audio gateway, A2DP sink
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Options: R&S CMW-KS602
R&S CMW-KS603 for ASINk
Manual operation: See "Profile" on page 68

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:CMW:ROLE <Role>
Specifies the connection control role of the R&S CMW for audio connections.
<CMWRole> MASTer | SLAVe
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Manual operation: See "CMW Role" on page 66

Sets the LE role of the instrument for LE connection tests.
<SigCmwRole> CENTral | PERipheral
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.50, V3.7.80: added PERipheral
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "CMW Role" on page 68

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CPERipheral <IndEncryption>
Indicates the R&S CMW support of encryption in central (..:CCENtral) or peripheral
(..:CPERipheral) LE role. The command is relevant for LE connection tests.
<IndEncryption> OFF | ON
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Indicate Encryption Support" on page 89

CCENtral <RejEncryption>
CPERipheral <RejEncryption>
Specifies, whether the encryption request from the EUT is accepted or rejected by the
R&S CMW in central (..:CCENtral) or peripheral (..:CPERipheral) LE role. The
command is relevant for LE connection tests.
<RejEncryption> OFF | ON
OFF: accept encryption request
ON: reject encryption request
Example: See Connect LE (Normal Mode)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KS601
Manual operation: See "Reject Encryption Support" on page 89

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:OPMode <OperatingMode>
Specifies operating mode of R&S CMW.
<OperatingMode> CNTest | RFTest | ECMode | PROFiles | AUDio | LETMode
CNTest: connection test for BR/EDR or LE (OTA)
RFTest: test mode for BR/EDR or direct test for LE
ECMode: echo mode for BR/EDR
PROFiles: profiles for BR/EDR
AUDio: audio mode for BR/EDR

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Command Reference

LETMode: LE test mode (OTA)

Example: See Initialization and Basic Configuration
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40, V3.7.90: added AUDio LETMode
Options: R&S CMW-KS600 required for CNTest BR/EDR, ECMode, and
R&S CMW-KS601 required for CNTest LE
R&S CMW-KS601 required for LETMode
R&S CMW-KS610 required for RFTest BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 required for RFTest LE
R&S CMW-KS602 required for PROF
Manual operation: See "Operating Mode" on page 66

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod <PollPeriod>
Defines how often the R&S CMW transmitts a poll packet.
If the set poll period is too small for the selected packet type (for x-DH1, x-DH3, or x-
DH5), it is automatically changed to 2, 4, or 6 slots. X = 1, 2, 3.
<PollPeriod> numeric
Range: x-DH1: 1 to 127, x-DH3: 2 to 127, x-DH5: 3 to 127
*RST: 1
Default unit: Unit corresponds to two slots
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Poll Period (BR/EDR only)" on page 94

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod:MINimum <PollPeriodMin>
Enables minimum poll period.
To prevent simultaneous master/slave transmission, the minimum poll period for an x-
DHn packet type (n = 1, 3, 5) is automatically set to n+1 slots.
<PollPeriodMin> OFF | ON
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Poll Period (BR/EDR only)" on page 94

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:WHITening <Whitening>
Sets whether the EUT has to transmit ACL packets scrambled with a particular data
sequence in a loopback mode.
<Whitening> OFF | ON
Example: See Loopback test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Whitening (BR/EDR only)" on page 94

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SYNWord:LENergy <SynchWord>
Specifies the synchronization word used for LE connection.
<SynchWord> hex
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFFFF
*RST: #H71764129
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Test Packet Sync Word (LE only)" on page 95

Specifies the number of EUT's antennas. One reference and one non-reference anten-
nas are mandatory.
<NoOfAntenna> numeric
Range: 2 to 4
*RST: 4
Example: See Direct test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Number of Antennae, Slot Duration" on page 54

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

2.5.12 Audio Parameters

The following commands configure audio profiles and volume control.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:HFP:CASTartup................................. 192
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:PINCode........................................... 192
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:SECMode......................................... 192
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:MICGain......................... 193
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:SPEaker......................... 193
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:CODec............................................. 193
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:BITRate?................................. 194
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:CHMode.................................. 195
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:CODec.................................... 195
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:MINBitpool............................... 196
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:SMPFrequency........................ 196
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:SUBBands............................... 197

Enables the indication of the active call to the EUT for the audio profile role hands free.
<CallActiveatStartup> OFF | ON
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "Call is Active at Startup" on page 96

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:PINCode <PinCode>
Specifies PIN code for audio profile tests.
<PinCode> string
*RST: 0000
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "PIN Code" on page 95

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:SECMode <SecurityMode>
Specifies security mode for audio tests.

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Command Reference

<SecurityMode> SEC2 | SEC3
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "Security Mode" on page 96

Controls microphone gain for audio tests.
<MicrophoneGain> numeric
Range: 0 to 15
*RST: 7
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "Volume Control... (softkey)" on page 63

Controls speaker volume for audio tests.
<SpeakerVolume> numeric
Range: 0 to 15
*RST: 7
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "Volume Control... (softkey)" on page 63

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:CODec <Codec>
Specifies the codec to be used for synchronous connection-oriented audio connec-
CVSD: continuously variable slope delta codec (8 kHz - SCO
ALAW: A-law coding (8 kHz - SCO link)
ULAW: μ-law coding (8 kHz - SCO link)

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

mSBC: modified subband coding (16 kHz - eSCO link)

Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
V3.5.60: added ALAW and ULAW
Options: R&S CMW-KS602
Manual operation: See "Voice Link > Speech Codec (BR/EDR only)" on page 94

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:ACCSlave <Assume
Acceptor Role in Slave Mode>
Allows the EUT to take control of the establishment of the A2DP connection when the
R&S CMW acts as the slave.
<Assume Acceptor OFF | ON
Role in Slave Mode> *RST: OFF
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Assume Acceptor Role in Slave Mode" on page 97

Defines the algorithm used to calculate the no. of allocated bits to represent each sub-
band sample.
<AllocationMethod> LOUDness | SNR
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Allocation Method" on page 97

Queries the bit rate calculated from the A2DP audio link parameters.
Return values:
<BitRate> decimal
Default unit: bit/s

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Command Reference

Example: See Configure Audio Profile

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Bit Rate" on page 97

Specifies the number of blocks of audio samples that are encoded in a single SBC
<BlockLength> BL4 | BL8 | BL12 | BL16
4, 8, 12, 16 blocks
*RST: BL16
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Block Length" on page 96

Specifies channel mode.
<ChannelMode> MONO | DUAL | STEReo | JSTereo
Mono, dual, stereo, joint stereo
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Channel Mode" on page 96

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:CODec <Codec>
Specifies A2DP codec.

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Command Reference

<Codec> SBC
Only subband coding is supported
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Codec" on page 96

Specifies maximum bitpool value.
<MaximumBitpool> numeric
Range: 8 to 250
*RST: 18
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Minimum / Maximum Bitload" on page 97

Specifies minimum bitpool value.
<MinimumBitpool> numeric
Range: 2 to 18
*RST: 8
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Minimum / Maximum Bitload" on page 97

Specifies the sampling frequency.

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Command Reference

<SamplingFrequency>SF16 | SF32 | SF441 | SF48
16 kHz, 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
*RST: SF48
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Sampling Frequency" on page 96

Specifies the number of subbands used by generated signal.
<SubBands> SB4 | SB8
Subband 4 or 8
Example: See Configure Audio Profile
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-K603
Manual operation: See "Subbands" on page 96

2.5.13 EUT Control

The following commands configure the transmission parameters of USB connections

and list HCI commands.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:ERESet.............................................. 198
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings:ETMode..................................................... 198
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:LENergy:RESet:DELay.................................................... 199
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings:PORTs:CATalog?........................................ 199
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:COMPort............................................ 199
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:BAUDrate........................................... 200
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:PARity................................................ 200
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:PROTocol........................................... 201
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:STOPbits............................................ 201
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CPRotocol...................................................................... 202
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBSettings:DEVices:CATalog?....................................... 202
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBSettings<no>:USBDevice.......................................... 202
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:HCICustom:SEND................................................................... 203

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:HWINterface<no> <HwInterface>
Defines interface used for tests.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..4
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests
<HwInterface> NONE | RS232 | USB
RS232: USB connection with USB to RS232 adapter
NONE: no control via USB to be used
USB: direct USB connection
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no> and value USB
Manual operation: See "HW Interface" on page 71

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:ERESet <EUTReset>
Commands to reset the EUT before starting tests.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests
<EUTReset> ON | OFF
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no>
Manual operation: See "Reset EUT (Classic)" on page 71

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings:ETMode <EnableTestMode>
Enables test mode at the EUT automatically. The command is executable only for
BR/EDR connections via USB.
<EnableTestMode> OFF | ON
Example: See Transmitter test mode

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.5.71
Manual operation: See "Enable Test Mode (Classic)" on page 71

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:LENergy:RESet:DELay <DelayAfterReset>
Specifies a delay after EUT reset.
<DelayAfterReset> numeric
Range: 0 s to 0.2 s
*RST: 0s
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.5.41
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Delay After Reset (Low Energy)" on page 72

Queries the COM ports used by an EUT. The command is relevant for the USB con-
nection with USB-to-serial converter ("HW Interface" = USB to RS232 adapter).
Results are returned for each used USB port: <NoDevices>, {1, <Discovered-
Port>}1, ..., {<NoDevices>, <DiscoveredPort>}<NoDevices>

Return values:
<NoDevices> decimal
Number of all COM ports, where a connected EUT has been
<ItemNumber> decimal
The number of a list item
<DiscoveredPort> string
Number of the virtual COM port, to which the used USB port has
been mapped
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Manual operation: See "Refresh COM Port List (hotkey)" on page 63

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:COMPort <No>
Specifies the virtual COM port to be used for USB connection with USB to RS232

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests
<No> numeric
The number of a virtual COM port
*RST: 0
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no>
Manual operation: See "USB to RS232" on page 72

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:BAUDrate <BaudRate>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests
<BaudRate> B110 | B300 | B600 | B12K | B24K | B48K | B96K | B14K |
B19K | B28K | B38K | B57K | B115k | B234k | B460k | B500k |
B576k | B921k | B1M | B1M5 | B2M | B3M | B3M5 | B4M
Data transmission rate in symbol: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200,
230400, 460800, 500000, 576000, 921600, 1000000, 1152000,
2000000, 3000000, 3500000, 4000000
*RST: B96K
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no>
3.5.71: added <BaudRate> B234k, B460, B500k, B576k,
B921k, B1M, B1M5, B2M, B3M, B3M5, B4M
Manual operation: See "USB to RS232" on page 72

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:PARity <Parity>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<Parity> NONE | ODD | EVEN
Number of parity bits
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no>
Manual operation: See "USB to RS232" on page 72

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:PROTocol <Protocol>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests
<Protocol> XONXoff | CTSRts | NONE
Transmit flow control X-ON/X-OFF, RFR/CTS, or none
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no>
Manual operation: See "USB to RS232" on page 72

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:STOPbits <StopBits>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests
<StopBits> S1 | S2
Number of bits used for stop indication
*RST: S1
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.5.30: added suffix <no>
Manual operation: See "USB to RS232" on page 72

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CPRotocol <Communication Protocol>

Specifies the communication protocol for direct test mode.
<Communication HCI | TWO
Protocol> HCI or two-wire UART interface
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
V3.2.81: added TWO
Manual operation: See "EUT Comm. Protocol (Low Energy)" on page 71

Displays all EUTs discovered at USB interface. The command is relevant for the direct
USB connection ("HW Interface" = USB).
Results are returned for each connected EUT: <NoDevices>, {1, <Discovered-
Port>}1, ..., {<NoDevices>, <DiscoveredPort>}<NoDevices>

Return values:
<NoDevices> decimal
Number of all USB ports, where a connected EUT has been rec-
<ItemNumber> decimal
The number of a list item
<DiscoveredPort> string
Number of the USB port
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "USB" on page 72

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBSettings<no>:USBDevice <No>
Specifies the USB port to be used for direct USB connection. The command is relevant
for the direct USB connection ("HW Interface" = USB).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2
1: HW interface for LE tests
2: HW interface for BR / EDR tests

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 202

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

<No> numeric
The number of a USB port
*RST: 0
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "USB" on page 72

CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:HCICustom:SEND <CustomHCIByte>...
Sends specified bytes in hexadecimal format as an HCI command via USB interface.
You can send multiple bytes separated by comma.
Setting parameters:
<CustomHCIByte> hex
Comma-separated hexadecimal string
Range: #H0 to #HFF
*RST: #H0
Example: See Configure USB Interface
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.5.60

2.5.14 USB Information

The following queries retrieve information about the EUT connected via direct USB as
shown in the "EUT Control" section of the main view.
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:MANufacturer?................................. 205
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:SERial?........................................... 205

Returns the device class of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 203

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the supported protocol of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the device subclass of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the product ID of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the vendor ID of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the name of the manufacturer of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the product name of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

Returns the name serial of the active USB device.
Return values:
<Name> string
Example: See Query results
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.30
Manual operation: See "USB Info" on page 50

2.5.15 Stack Delay Control

The following commands are only available as remote control. They have no corre-
sponding GUI parameters.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:DELay:PTIMeout <PollTimeout>
Sets delay for the processing of HCI commands. If set to 100 ms, maximally one HCI
command is processed every 100 ms.
<PollTimeout> integer
Range: 1 ms to 100 ms
*RST: 1 ms
Default unit: ms
Example: See Transmitter test mode
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:DELay:TMODe <ActTestDelay>
Specifies delay for test mode activation. The delay is applied after acknowledgment
from EUT that it has received activate test mode command.
<ActTestDelay> integer
Range: 1 ms to 100 ms
*RST: 1 ms
Default unit: ms
Example: See Configure Test Mode Classic
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

2.6 List of Commands

CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ACTion........................................................................................... 158
CALL:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:CHECk:LENergy?.......................................................................... 160
CLEan:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:ELOGging......................................................................................................... 164
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:AUDio:PRFRole......................................................................................... 188
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings:ETMode............................................................................... 198
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:BAUDrate.................................................................... 200
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:COMPort..................................................................... 199
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:PROTocol.................................................................... 201

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:COMSettings<no>:STOPbits..................................................................... 201
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ADDRess:EUT:LESignaling.................................................. 180
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:ADDRess:TYPE:LESignaling............................................... 180
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AINTerval:LESignaling.......................................................... 181
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:ACCSlave....................................................... 194
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:ALCMethod..................................................... 194
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:BLKLength...................................................... 195
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:CODec............................................................ 195
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:MAXBitpool..................................................... 196
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:MINBitpool...................................................... 196
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:SMPFrequency............................................... 196
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:A2DP:SUBBands...................................................... 197
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:SECMode.................................................................. 192
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:MICGain................................................ 193
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:VOLControl:SPEaker................................................ 193
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BDADdress:CMW................................................................. 176
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:CMW:ROLE.......................................................................... 188
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:FEC:LENergy:LRANge......................................................... 117
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:FEC:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge........................................... 117
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:IENCryption:LESignaling:CCENtral...................................... 189
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:IENCryption:LESignaling:CPERipheral................................ 189
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses......................................................... 177
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:NOResponses:LESignaling..................................... 181
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:PTARgets:CATalog?................................................ 178
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INQuiry:SWINdow:LESignaling............................................ 182
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:INTerval:LESignaling............................................................ 183
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:BRATe..................................................... 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:BRATe.................................................... 120
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:EDRate.................................................. 120
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge.................................. 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:BRATe....................................................... 121

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:EDRate..................................................... 122
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:SCO.......................................................... 123
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:TYPE:CTE:LENergy:LE1M................................... 123
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:TYPE:CTE:LENergy:LE2M................................... 123
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:UNITs:CTE:LENergy:LE1M................................... 124
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:UNITs:CTE:LENergy:LE2M................................... 124
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:PSRMode................................................................ 178
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget.................................................................. 179
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget:LESignaling.............................................. 183
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PAGing:TOUT:LESignaling................................................... 184
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:EPCMode............................................................. 161
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:PCMode:LESignaling........................................... 174
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:SSIZe:LESignaling............................................... 174
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PCONtrol:STEP:ACTion....................................................... 161
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod............................................................................... 190
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:RENCryption:LESignaling:CCENtral.................................... 189
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SINTerval:LESignaling.......................................................... 184
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SLATency:LESignaling[:CCENtral]....................................... 185
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SVTimeout............................................................................ 176
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:WFCMap:LESignaling:CCENtral.......................................... 186
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:WHITening............................................................................ 191
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:HWINterface<no>...................................................................................... 198
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:AFHopping.............................................................................. 132
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ARANging............................................................................... 133
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode.................................................................. 127
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest..................................................................... 128

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX......................................................................................... 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:BRATe................................................................. 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M...................................... 139
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M...................................... 139
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODE:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge.................................. 138
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:LENergy:LE2M..................................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:LENergy:LRANge................................. 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:LENergy[:LE1M]................................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M....................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M....................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:MODFrequency:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:BRATe........................................................ 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:EDRate...................................................... 140
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:LENergy:LRANge...................................... 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge........................ 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M............................. 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M............................. 141
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:BRATe.................................................... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:EDRate.................................................. 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:LENergy:LRANge.................................. 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge.................... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M......................... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M......................... 142
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:BRATe..................................................... 143

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STABle:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M............. 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STABle:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M............. 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STABle:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge......... 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STANdard:LENergy:LE2M...................... 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STANdard:LENergy:LRANge.................. 143
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STANdard:LENergy[:LE1M].................... 144
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:MINDex:STANdard:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge.... 143
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:BRATe.................................................... 145
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M......................... 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M......................... 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:SING:STERror:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..................... 146
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:EDRate?.................................................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:LENergy:LE2M?........................................ 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:LENergy:LRANge?.................................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:LENergy[:LE1M]?...................................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.......................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.......................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?...................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?...................... 147
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:EDRate?................................................ 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:LENergy:LE2M?.................................... 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:LENergy:LRANge?................................ 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:LENergy[:LE1M]?.................................. 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?...................... 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?...................... 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.................. 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FOFFset:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.................. 148
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?....................... 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?....................... 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?................... 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STABle:LENergy:LE2M?........................ 150
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STABle:LENergy:LRANge?.................... 150
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STABle:LENergy[:LE1M]?...................... 150

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Signaling
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STANdard:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?...... 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STANdard:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?...... 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:STANdard:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.. 149
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:EDRate?................................................ 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:LENergy:LE2M?.................................... 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:LENergy:LRANge?................................ 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:LENergy[:LE1M]?.................................. 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?...................... 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?...................... 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:STERror:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.................. 151
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ENPower................................................................................. 134
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:LOOPback?........................................................ 129
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TMODe?............................................................. 129
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TXTest?.............................................................. 130
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing................................................................................. 130
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy...................................................... 131
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy.................................................. 131
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE1M...................................... 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M...................................... 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge.................................. 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LE1M..................................... 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M..................................... 121
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:PHY:LENergy...................................................................... 118
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TCONnection:SPINenable:LENergy.......................................................... 187
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe...................................................................................................... 131
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe:LENergy....................................................................................... 187
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBSettings:DEVices:CATalog?............................................................... 202
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBSettings<no>:USBDevice................................................................... 202

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List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:STATe:LESignaling?.................................................................... 157
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:STATe?........................................................................................ 153
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:LENergy:STATe?.............................................................................................. 157
ROUTe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:SCENario:OTRX.............................................................................................. 126
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:AUDio:LINFo?............................................................................. 163
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:ELOGging:ALL?............................................................................................... 164
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:ACL?....................................................................................... 170
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:ENCRyption?.......................................................................... 169
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:SCLass?................................................................................. 172
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CAPability:SCO?...................................................................................... 171
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:CSETtings:LESignaling?.......................................................................... 165
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:BDADdress?........................................................................ 166
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:COMPany?.......................................................................... 166
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:NAME?................................................................................ 167
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:INFormation:VERSion?............................................................................ 167
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe:DPSK?.......................................................................... 163
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe:GFSK?.......................................................................... 163
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:EUT:PCONtrol:STATe:LEGacy?....................................................................... 161
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:DCLass?.................................................................. 203
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:DPRotocol?.............................................................. 204
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:DSUBclass?............................................................. 204
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:IDVendor?................................................................ 204
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:MANufacturer?......................................................... 205
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:PRODuct?................................................................ 205
SENSe:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:USBDevice:INFormation:SERial?.................................................................... 205

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Performing a BER Rx Measurement

3 Rx BER Measurement
The BER measurement is installed together with the Bluetooth signaling application. To
access the measurement, press the softkey "Bluetooth RX Meas." in the Bluetooth sig-
naling main view. Then select the tab "BER". The BER measurement is supported for
burst type "Basic Rate" or enhanced data rate ("EDR") in test mode.
For the calculation of BER results, the R&S CMW compares its transmitted packets
with the received packets to derive the measurement results.
The measurement is especially suitable to assess the characteristics and the perfor-
mance of the EUT receiver at low RF power levels. The transmission errors of the
higher signal level, produced on the way back (from the EUT to the instrument) can
usually be neglected.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR and EDR.

3.1 Performing a BER Rx Measurement

To measure the bit error rate (BER) and the packet error rate (PER), set the EUT test
loop operation.
Loopback test is specified in the core specification for Bluetooth wireless technology,
volume 3, part D.
In loopback, the EUT decodes received packets, and sends the payload back to the
R&S CMW using the same packet type. The return packet is sent back in the slave-to-
master transmission slot directly following the transmission of the R&S CMW.

1. Configure a test connection with loopback test. Refer to "Loopback Test Mode (BR/
EDR)" on page 21.

2. Configure Rx measurement settings. See Chapter 3.2.4, "Measurement Settings",

on page 218.

3. Configure any other required settings as for a connection without the "BER" mea-
surement (frequency, power, packet type, payload length, pattern, dirty Tx).

4. Switch on the "BER" measurement. Retrieve the results.

The results are calculated as follows:

● BER: the R&S CMW compares the looped-back payload bits with the bits originally
sent and calculates the BER:
BER = bit errors / total number of received payload bits * 100%
Only packets looped back with the correct CRC and the correct packet header are
considered. According to the Bluetooth RF test specification, a minimum number of
1 600 000 payload bits must be received.
NAK rate = NAK / total number of packets transmitted * 100%
NAK packets comprise:

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GUI Reference

– Packets with negative acknowledgment in the header, which would normally

require retransmission (note that data packets are not retransmitted in test
– Packets with wrong payload length
– Packets with access code error
– Packets with missing acknowledgment bit in the header, which counts either as
a header error (HEC) or missing packets
● PER: the ratio of packets that are not considered for the BER calculation to the
total number of transmitted packets in percent:
PER = bad packets / total number of packets transmitted * 100%
Bad packets (the packets the EUT is unable to loop back and the ones that are loo-
ped back in error) comprise the following packets:
– Missing packets
– Packets with failure in the packet header (HEC)
– Packets with payload failure (CRC)
– Packets with wrong packet type
– Packets with wrong payload length
● Packets received: number of packets with the correct CRC and the correct packet
header received by the R&S CMW

Acquisition Error
If the EUT does not close the loop and sends other data instead of looping back the
received data, then it results in an acquisition error (reliability indicator value 7). For the
BER measurement, an acquisition error indicates that the UL signal was decoded suc-
cessfully, but the expected bit pattern was not found.

3.2 GUI Reference

The BER measurement is part of the Rx measurements that are installed with the
Bluetooth signaling application.
Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "BER" tab.
● Tab Overview........................................................................................................ 214
● Measurement Control............................................................................................216
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 216
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 218

3.2.1 Tab Overview

The BER tab provides the BER loopback tests in test mode for BR and EDR.
The most important settings of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application can be accessed
via the "Signaling Parameter" softkey and the related hotkeys.

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GUI Reference

To switch to the signaling application, press the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey two
The "Config" hotkey opens either the configuration dialog of the measurement or the
configuration dialog of the signaling application, depending on which softkey is active.
The BER tab shows the measurement results to the left, settings to the right and the
connection status at the bottom.

Figure 3-1: BER view

The results are displayed to the left. For the description, refer to Chapter 3.2.3, "Mea-
surement Results", on page 216.

Common Settings
The settings to the right are the same as in the configuration dialog.
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF setup:
– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– For other RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings",
on page 77
– For the description of dirty transmitter, see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter
Configuration", on page 78
● Signal characteristics: see Chapter, "Signal Characteristics", on page 53

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GUI Reference

Connection Status
The connection status information at the bottom of the BER tab shows the signal and
connection status and the EUT for paging. For background information, see Chap-
ter 2.2.11, "Signaling States", on page 36.
For BR/EDR tests, this information is the same as in the main view, see Chap-
ter, "Connection Status Tab - Connection Status", on page 42.

3.2.2 Measurement Control

To turn the measurement on or off, select the control softkey and press [ON | OFF] or
[RESTART | STOP]. Alternatively, right-click the control softkey.

BER (Softkey)
The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.

Remote command:

3.2.3 Measurement Results

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "BER" tab.
The BER tab shows the measurement results to the left, settings to the right and the
connection status at the bottom.

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GUI Reference

Figure 3-2: BER results (BR/EDR)

The following results apply to BR/EDR BER measurements.
● "BER": bit error rate, percentage of received erroneous data bits.
● "Bit Errors": sum of received erroneous data bits.
● "NAK Rate": percentage of packets transmitted by the R&S CMW, which were not
acknowledged by the EUT positively.
● "PER": packet error rate, percentage of bad packets received. This value is equal
to the sum of the percentages of the individual packet error types.
● "Missing Packets Rate": Difference between the number of packets sent and the
number of packets received from the EUT as percentage.
● "HEC Error Rate": header error check, percentage of received packets with the bit
errors in the header.
● "CRC Error Rate": cyclic redundancy check, percentage of received packets with
the bit errors in the payload.
● "Wrong Packet Type": percentage of received packets of a different type to that
originally transmitted ones by the R&S CMW, including poll and null packets.
● "Wrong Payload Length": percentage of received packets containing the different
payload length to that originally transmitted ones by the R&S CMW.
● "Packets Received": number of test packets with the correct CRC and the correct
packet header received by the EUT, i.e. packets that are not considered for the
BER measurement. Received bad packets (packets, that the EUT is unable to
send back and the ones that are sent back in error) do not affect this packet coun-
After the start of a single shot measurement, this value indicates the number of
received packets and the total number of packets to be measured per single shot.
Two equal numbers indicate that the first shot is complete and the statistical depth
has been reached.
A measurement in continuous mode still continues and calculates results from the
previous statistical cycle (e.g. the previous 100 packets).

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GUI Reference

● "Packets to be received by CMW": Number of data packets to be measured per

measurement cycle, see "Packets" on page 219.
● "Payload bits to be received": Payload bits is a value derived from the configured
number of data packets to be measured depending on the selected packet type
and payload length.
Remote command:
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]? etc.

3.2.4 Measurement Settings

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "Config" hot-
The "Measurement Control" parameters configure the scope of the measurement. The
following chapter describes only the settings relevant for BER measurements.

Figure 3-3: Rx measurement settings

Common Settings........................................................................................................218
Repetition.................................................................................................................... 219
Packets....................................................................................................................... 219
Connection.................................................................................................................. 219
Suppress "Sig Off" Message....................................................................................... 219
Related Dirty Tx Hotkeys............................................................................................ 220

Common Settings
The following settings are the same as in the configuration dialog.
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF settings:

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GUI Reference

– For signal routing, see Chapter, "Signal Routing", on page 73

– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– For RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings", on page 77
● Dirty Tx: see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78
● Connection: see Chapter 2.3.9, "Connection Configuration", on page 85

Defines how often the measurement is repeated if it is not stopped explicitly or by a
failed limit check.
● Continuous: The measurement is continued until it is explicitly terminated. The
results are periodically updated.
● Single-Shot: The measurement is stopped after one measurement cycle.
Single-shot is preferable if only a single measurement result is required under fixed
conditions, which is typical for remote-controlled measurements. The continuous mode
is suitable to monitor the evolution of the measurement results and to observe how
they depend on the measurement configuration, which is typically done in manual con-
Remote command:

Defines the number of data packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
cycle). The number of packets sent can be larger than the specified value because of
possible packet lost on the way to the EUT and back.
The number of payload bits is displayed for information.
Remote command:

Defines and activates/deactivates the upper limit for the results of BER measurements.
Remote command:

The connection settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter 2.3.9,
"Connection Configuration", on page 85.

Suppress "Sig Off" Message

If you press [ON | OFF] while the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey is selected and the
master signal is on, a warning can be displayed. It asks you whether you really want to
switch off the master signal.
The checkbox enables/disables the warning.
Remote command:

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Related Dirty Tx Hotkeys

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" > "BER" tab.
To display the hotkeys, press the "Dirty Tx" softkey. The following hotkeys are then
available at the bottom of the GUI:

Hotkey Description

"Dirty Tx Off / On", Settings for fast access

"Dirty Tx Mode"

"Modulation Index", "Fre- Dirty Tx settings if Dirty Tx Mode = SINGle values

quency Offset", ...

"Show Spec. Table" Dirty Tx settings if Dirty Tx Mode = SPEC table

Use the remote commands below.

For a description, refer to Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78.

Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:BRATe? etc.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:BRATe? etc.

3.3 Programming
The BER measurements provided by the "Bluetooth Signaling" application are pro-
grammed as follows:
● The application is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off. Use
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:BER? to initiate a single-shot measure-
ment and retrieve the results. You can also start the measurement using
INIT:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:BER and retrieve the results using
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the BER measure-
ments. For general configuration of the signaling application, refer to Chapter 2.4, "Pro-
gramming", on page 99.

3.3.1 Configuring a BER Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *****************************************************************************

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Command Reference


// *****************************************************************************
// Configure a BR/EDR BER measurement: number of transport
// blocks to be measured and limits
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:PACKets:BEDR 10000; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:BRATe 100; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:EDRate 100; *OPC?

3.3.2 Setting Up the Connection

To configure and set up the connection in test mode, see Configure Test Mode Classic.

3.3.3 Performing a BER Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// Start a single-shot BER measurement for BR/EDR.
/// Return BR/EDR BER measurement results.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Start continuous measurement; wait for 5 ms and return BER results.
// Query measurement state and substates (should be "RUN,ADJ,ACT").
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:REPetition CONT; *OPC?
Pause 5000

3.4 Command Reference

The following sections describe the commands related to the BER Rx measurement.
● Conventions and General Information.................................................................. 222
● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 226
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 228
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 230

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Command Reference

3.4.1 Conventions and General Information

The following sections describe the most important conventions and general informa-
tion concerning the command reference. SIGN<i>

SIGN<i> is used as abbreviation of SIGNaling<instance>. For better readability,

only the abbreviated form (which is also accepted by the instrument) is given in the
command reference.
The <instance> is relevant for instruments supporting several instances of the same
firmware application. It can be omitted if the instrument supports only one instance, or
to address the first instance. FETCh, READ and CALCulate Commands

All commands are used to retrieve measurement results:

● FETCh... returns the results of the measurement cycle after the cycle is com-
plete. Before sending a FETCh..., start the measurement via an INITiate....
● READ... starts a new single-shot measurement and returns the results.
● CALCulate... returns one limit check result per FETCh result:
– OK: The FETCh result is located within the limits or no limit has been defined/
enabled for this result.
– ULEU ("User limit exceeded upper"): An upper limit is violated. The FETCh
result is located above the limit.
– ULEL ("User limit exceeded lower"): A lower limit is violated. The FETCh result
is located below the limit. Keywords

Selected keywords used in the command description are described in the following.
● Command usage
If the usage is not explicitly stated, the command allows you to set parameters and
query parameters. Otherwise, the command usage is stated as follows:
– "Setting only": The command can only be used to set parameters.
– "Query only": The command can only be used to query parameters.
– "Event": The command initiates an event.
● Parameter usage
The parameter usage is indicated by the keyword preceding the parameters:
– "Parameters" are sent with a setting or query command and are returned as
the result of a query.
– "Setting parameters" are sent with a setting command.
– "Query parameters" are sent with a query command, to refine the query.
– "Return values" are returned as the result of a query.

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Command Reference

● Firmware/Software:
Indicates the lowest software version supporting the command. Command
enhancements in later software versions are also indicated. Reliability Indicator

The first value in the output arrays of FETCh...?, READ...? and CALCulate...?
queries indicates the most severe error that has occurred during the measurement.
Example for an output array: 0, 10.22, 10.15, 10.01, 10.29, 100 (reliability = 0, followed
by 5 numeric measurement values).
The reliability indicator has one of the following values:
● 0 ("No Error"):
Measurement values available, no error detected.
● 1 ("Measurement Timeout"):
The measurement has been stopped after the configured measurement timeout.
Measurement results can be available. However, at least a part of the measure-
ment provides only INValid results or has not completed the full statistic count.
● 2 ("Capture Buffer Overflow"):
The measurement configuration results in a capture length that exceeds the availa-
ble memory.
● 3 ("Input Overdriven") / 4 ("Input Underdriven"):
The accuracy of measurement results can be impaired because the input signal
level was too high / too low.
● 6 ("Trigger Timeout"):
The measurement could not be started or continued because no trigger event was
● 7 ("Acquisition Error"):
The R&S CMW could not properly decode the RF input signal.
● 8 ("Sync Error"):
The R&S CMW could not synchronize to the RF input signal.
● 9 ("Uncal"):
Due to an inappropriate configuration of resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth or
sweep time, the measurement results are not within the specified data sheet limits.
● 15 ("Reference Frequency Error"):
The instrument has been configured to use an external reference signal. But the
reference oscillator could not be phase-locked to the external signal (for example
signal level too low, frequency out of range or reference signal not available at all).
● 16 ("RF Not Available"):
The measurement could not be started because the configured RF input path was
not active.
This problem can occur if a measurement is started in combined signal path mode
and the master application has not yet activated the input path.
● 17 ("RF Level Not Settled") / 18 ("RF Frequency Not Settled"):

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Command Reference

The measurement could not be started because the R&S CMW was not yet ready
to deliver stable results after a change of the input signal power / the input signal
● 19 ("Call Not Established"):
For measurements: The measurement could not be started because no signaling
connection to the DUT was established.
● 20 ("Call Type Not Usable"):
For measurements: The measurement could not be started because the estab-
lished signaling connection had wrong properties.
● 21 ("Call Lost"):
For measurements: The measurement was interrupted because the signaling con-
nection to the DUT was lost.
● 23 ("Missing Option"):
An action cannot be executed due to a missing option.
For GPRF generator: The ARB file cannot be played due to a missing option.
● 24 ("Invalid RF Setting"):
The desired RF TX level or RF RX reference level could not be applied.
● 25 ("Level Overrange"):
The RF TX level is in overrange. The signal quality can be degraded.
● 26 ("Resource Conflict"):
The application could not be started or has been stopped due to a conflicting hard-
ware resource or software option that is allocated by another application.
Stop the application that has allocated the conflicting resources and try again.
● 28 ("Unexpected Parameter Change"):
One or more measurement configuration parameters were changed while the mea-
surement completed. The results were not obtained with these new parameter val-
ues. Repeat the measurement. This situation can only occur in remote single-shot
● 29 ("Invalid RF Frequency Setting"):
The desired RF TX frequency or RF RX frequency could not be applied.
● 30 ("File Not Found"):
The specified file could not be found.
● 31 ("No DTM Reply"):
The EUT did not reply to the direct test mode (DTM) command.
● 32 ("ACL Disconnected"):
The ACL connection has been disconnected or lost.
● 40 ("ARB File CRC Error"):
The cyclic redundancy check of the ARB file failed. The ARB file is corrupt and not
● 42 ("ARB Header Tag Invalid"):
The ARB file selected in the GPRF generator contains an invalid header tag.
● 43 ("ARB Segment Overflow"):
The number of segments in the multi-segment ARB file is higher than the allowed
● 44 ("ARB File Not Found"):
The selected ARB file could not be found.

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Command Reference

● 45 ("ARB Memory Overflow"):

The ARB file length is greater than the available memory.
● 46 ("ARB Sample Rate Out of Range"):
The clock rate of the ARB file is either too high or too low.
● 47 ("ARB Cycles Out of Range"):
The repetition mode equals "Single Shot" and the playback length is too long.
Reduce the playback length or set the repetition mode to "Continuous".
<Length> = (<Cycles> * <Samples> + <Additional Samples>) / <Clock Rate>
● 52 ("Connection Error")
A connection setup failed or a connection was lost.
For Bluetooth: The EUT has been disconnected from the R&S CMW.
● 60 ("Invalid RF-Connector Setting")
The individual segments of a list mode measurement with R&S CMWS use differ-
ent connector benches. All segments must use the same bench.
Check the "Info" dialog for the relevant segment numbers.
● 70 ("Wrong Standard")
The standard of the measured signal does not match the configured standard.
● 71 ("Wrong Bandwidth")
The bandwidth of the measured signal does not match the configured bandwidth.
● 72 ("Wrong Burst Type")
The burst type of the measured signal does not match the configured burst type.
● 73 ("MIMO Signal Detected")
The measurement expects a SISO signal and detected a MIMO signal. Use a
MIMO receive mode to measure this signal.
● 74 ("More Streams than Antennas")
The measured signal has more streams than expected due to the configured num-
ber of antennas. Increase the configured number of antennas to measure this sig-
● 75 ("Matrix Inversion Failed")
The inversion of the channel matrix failed for a MIMO measurement. Check that
the antennas are connected correctly to the instrument.
● 76 ("SIG CRC Failed")
The cyclic redundancy check of a SIGNAL field failed.
● 77 ("Parity Check Failed")
The parity check of a SIGNAL field failed.
● 78 ("Bursts Not Identical")
In training mode for composite MIMO measurements, at least some symbols of
sequential bursts need to be identical to be used as training data. Setting a fix
scrambler initialization can solve this problem.
● 79 ("Wrong Modulation")
The modulation type of the measured signal does not match the configured modu-
lation type.
● 93 ("OCXO Oven Temperature Too Low"):
The accuracy of measurement results can be impaired because the oven-control-
led crystal oscillator has a too low temperature. After switching-on the instrument,
the OCXO requires a warm-up phase to reach its operating temperature.

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Command Reference

● 101 ("Firmware Error"):

Indicates a firmware or software error. If you encounter this error for the first time,
restart the instrument.
If the error occurs again, consider the following hints:
– Firmware errors can often be repaired by restoring the factory default settings.
– If a software package has not been properly installed, this failure is often indi-
cated in the "Setup" dialog, section "SW/HW-Equipment > Installed Software".
– Check for software updates correcting the error. Updates are provided in the
customer web on GLORIS (registration required): https://gloris.rohde-
If you get firmware errors even with the properly installed latest software version,
send a problem report including log files to Rohde & Schwarz.
● 102 ("Unidentified Error"):
Indicates an error not covered by other reliability values. For troubleshooting, follow
the steps described for "101 (firmware error)".
● 103 ("Parameter Error"):
Indicates that the measurement could not be performed due to internal conflicting
parameter settings.
A good approach to localize the conflicting settings is to start with a reset or preset
or even restore the factory default settings. Then reconfigure the measurement
step by step and check when the error occurs for the first time.
If you need assistance to localize the conflicting parameter settings, contact Rohde
& Schwarz (see
● 104 ("Not Functional"):
The application could not be started with the configured parameter set.

3.4.2 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]........................................................... 226
ABORt:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR].......................................................... 226
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER:STATe:ALL[:BEDR]?....................................... 227

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-

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Command Reference

● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the

"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing a BER Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "BER (Softkey)" on page 216

Queries the main measurement state and the measurement substates. Both measure-
ment substates are relevant for running measurements only. Use FETCh:...:STATe?
to query the main measurement state only. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MainState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after STOP...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
<SyncState> PEND | ADJ | INV
PEND: waiting for resource allocation, adjustment, hardware
switching ("pending")
ADJ: all necessary adjustments finished, measurement running
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
<RessourceState> QUE | ACT | INV
QUE: measurement without resources, no results available
ACT: resources allocated, acquisition of results in progress but
not complete ("active")
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
Example: See Performing a BER Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30

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Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KS610

Manual operation: See "BER (Softkey)" on page 216

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing a BER Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "BER (Softkey)" on page 216

3.4.3 Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TOUT............................................................. 228
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets[:BEDR]............................................. 229
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:BRATe.......................................... 230
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:EDRate........................................ 230

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TOUT <Timeout>
Defines a timeout for the measurement. The timer is started when the measurement is
initiated via a READ or INIT command. It is not started if the measurement is initiated
manually ([ON | OFF] key or [RESTART | STOP] key).
When the measurement has completed the first measurement cycle (first single shot),
the statistical depth is reached and the timer is reset.

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Command Reference

If the first measurement cycle has not been completed when the timer expires, the
measurement is stopped. The measurement state changes to RDY. The reliability indi-
cator is set to 1, indicating that a measurement timeout occurred. Still running READ,
FETCh or CALCulate commands are completed, returning the available results. At
least for some results, there are no values at all or the statistical depth has not been
A timeout of 0 s corresponds to an infinite measurement timeout.
<Timeout> numeric
Default unit: s
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:REPetition <Repetition>
Specifies the repetition mode of the measurement. The repetition mode specifies
whether the measurement is stopped after a single-shot or repeated continuously. Use
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets[:BEDR] or
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy[:LE1M] to
determine the number of transport blocks per single shot.
<Repetition> SINGleshot | CONTinuous
SINGleshot: single-shot measurement
CONTinuous: continuous measurement
Example: See Performing a BER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.60
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE
Manual operation: See "Repetition" on page 219

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets[:BEDR] <NumberPackets>
Defines the number of data packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
<NumberPackets> numeric
Range: 1 to 400E+3
*RST: 1000
Example: See Configuring a BER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30

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Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KS610

Manual operation: See "Packets" on page 219

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:BRATe <Limit>
Specifies the upper BER limit for BR RX measurements.
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 0.1 %
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default level)
Example: See Configuring a BER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 219

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:EDRate <Limit>
Specifies the upper BER limit for EDR RX measurements.
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Increment: 0.01 %
*RST: 0.01 %
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default level)
Example: See Configuring a BER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 219

3.4.4 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]?........................................................ 231
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]?......................................................... 231

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Command Reference

Return all results of the signaling BER measurement.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_BER> float
Bit error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_BitErrors> decimal
Sum of received erroneous data bits
Range: 0 to 18.4467440737096E+18
<5_MissingPackets> float
Difference between the number of packets sent and the number
of packets received in percentage
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<6_NAK> float
Percentage of packets not acknowledged by the EUT positively
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<7_HEC_Errors> float
Percentage of packets with the bit errors in the header
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<8_CRC_Errors> float
Percentage of packets with the bit errors in the payload
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %

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List of Commands

<9_WrongPackType> float
Received packets of a different type to the one originally trans-
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<10_WrongPaylRate> float
Received packets of a different payload length to the one origi-
nally transmitted
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<11_PackReceived> decimal
Total number of packets successfully received (without bad
Range: 0 to 200E+6
Example: See Performing a BER Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

3.5 List of Commands

ABORt:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR].................................................................................... 226
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]?............................................................................ 231
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:EDRate................................................................. 230
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets[:BEDR]...................................................................... 229
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TOUT........................................................................................ 228
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER:STATe:ALL[:BEDR]?............................................................... 227
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]?.................................................................................. 231
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:BER[:BEDR]................................................................................... 226

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Performing a PER Rx Measurement

4 Rx PER Measurement
The PER measurement is installed together with the Bluetooth signaling application. To
access the measurement, press the softkey "Bluetooth RX Meas." in the Bluetooth sig-
naling main view. Then select the tab "PER". The PER measurement is supported for
the burst type "Low Energy" in direct test mode, connection test, or test mode.
The R&S CMW transmits Bluetooth LE test packets with a specific payload and evalu-
ates the percentage of packets that the EUT receives in error or misses.
The measurement is especially suitable to assess the characteristics and the perfor-
mance of the EUT receiver at low RF power levels. The transmission errors of the
higher signal level, produced on the way back (from the EUT to the instrument) can
usually be neglected.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.

4.1 Performing a PER Rx Measurement

1. To measure the packet error rate (PER), connect the EUT to the R&S CMW. Select
the operation mode direct test mode, connection test or LE test mode.
● For direct test mode, refer to "Executing Tests in Direct Test Mode" on page 29.
● For a connection test (normal mode), refer to Chapter 2.2.7, "Connection Test
(LE)", on page 26.
● For LE test mode, refer to Test Mode (LE).

2. Configure Rx measurement settings. See Chapter 4.2.4, "Measurement Settings",

on page 239.

3. Configure any other required settings as for a connection without the "PER" mea-
surement (channels, power, PHY, payload length, pattern, dirty Tx).

4. Switch on the "PER" measurement. Retrieve the results.

For LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level

(CMW) and Exp. Nominal Power to avoid measurement errors.

The PER measurement involves several stages:

● The R&S CMW commands the EUT to start the RX measurement at a specific fre-

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GUI Reference

● EUT receives and counts the packets. Every packet with passing CRC is counted
as a correctly received packet.
● The R&S CMW commands the EUT to end the test.
● EUT reports the correct packets to the R&S CMW.
The results are calculated as follows:
● BER (LE test mode only): the R&S CMW compares the looped-back payload bits
with the bits originally sent and calculates the BER:
BER = bit errors / total number of received payload bits * 100%
Only packets looped back with the correct CRC and the correct packet header are
NAK rate = NAK / total number of packets transmitted * 100%
NAK packets comprise:
– Packets with negative acknowledgment in the header, which would normally
require retransmission (note that data packets are not retransmitted in test
– Packets with wrong payload length
– Packets with access code error
– Packets with missing acknowledgment bit in the header, which counts either as
a header error (HEC) or missing packets
● PER: the ratio of corrupted and missing packets to the total number of transmitted
packets in percent:

● Packets transmitted: number of test packets transmitted by the R&S CMW

● Correct CRC rate in transmitted packets: the ratio of packets with the correct
CRC to the total number of packets the EUT received from the R&S CMW in per-
cent. If report integrity is enabled, the R&S CMW generates the 50% of test pack-
ets with incorrect CRC value.

Acquisition Error
If the EUT reports LE_Test_Status FAIL, it results in an acquisition error (reliability indi-
cator value 7).

4.2 GUI Reference

The PER measurement is part of the Rx measurements that are installed with the
Bluetooth signaling application.
Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "PER" tab.
● Tab Overview........................................................................................................ 235
● Measurement Control............................................................................................237
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 237
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 239

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GUI Reference

4.2.1 Tab Overview

The PER tab provides PER results for LE.

The most important settings of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application can be accessed
via the "Signaling Parameter" softkey and the related hotkeys.
To switch to the signaling application, press the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey two
The "Config" hotkey opens either the configuration dialog of the measurement or the
configuration dialog of the signaling application, depending on which softkey is active.
The PER tab shows the measurement results to the left, settings to the right and the
connection status at the bottom.

Figure 4-1: PER view (direct test mode)

The PER view slightly differs for LE connection tests:

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GUI Reference

Figure 4-2: PER view (connection test)

Figure 4-3: PER view (test mode)

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GUI Reference

The results are displayed to the left. For the description, refer to Chapter 4.2.3, "Mea-
surement Results", on page 237.

Common settings
The settings to the right are the same as in the configuration dialog.
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF setup:
– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– For other RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings",
on page 77
– For the description of dirty transmitter, see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter
Configuration", on page 78
● Signal characteristics: see Chapter, "Signal Characteristics", on page 53
● Connection Info (connection tests only): see Chapter, "Connection Info",
on page 56

Connection Status
The connection status information at the bottom of Rx measurement tabs shows the
signal and connection status, and for connection tests and test mode also the EUT for
paging. For background information, see Chapter 2.2.11, "Signaling States",
on page 36.
Remote command:

4.2.2 Measurement Control

To turn the measurement on or off, select the control softkey and press [ON | OFF] or
[RESTART | STOP]. Alternatively, right-click the control softkey.

PER (Softkey)
The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.

Remote command:

4.2.3 Measurement Results

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "PER" tab.

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GUI Reference

The PER tab shows the measurement results to the left, settings to the right and the
connection status at the bottom.

Figure 4-4: PER results (test mode)

The following results apply to LE PER measurements.
● "BER": bit error rate, percentage of received erroneous data bits.
● "Bit Errors": sum of received erroneous data bits.
● "PER": packet error rate, percentage of corrupted data packets that the EUT
● "Correct Packets Reported": total number of packets with a passed CRC check
received by the EUT.
● "Packets Received Reported": total number of packets received by the EUT and
reported to R&S CMW
● "Number of Invalid CRC Packets": total number of looped-back packets with a
failed CRC check received by the R&S CMW.
● "Number of Pattern Type Errors": total number of looped-back packets with an
unequal payload pattern comparing to the packet sent originally.
● "Number of Payload Length Errors": total number of looped-back packets with
an unequal payload length comparing to the packet sent originally.
● "Packets Transmitted": number of test packets transmitted by the R&S CMW.
After the start of a single shot measurement, this value indicates the number of
transmitted packets and the total number of packets to be measured per single
shot. Two equal numbers indicate that the first shot is complete and the statistical
depth has been reached.
A measurement in continuous mode still continues and calculates results from the
previous statistical cycle (e.g. the previous 100 packets).
● "Packets Transmitted by CMW": Total number of test packets to be transmitted
during the RX measurement.
● "Report Integrity": Report integrity adjusts the ratio of the test packets with correct
CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW.
For LE connection tests, the report integrity is not supported.

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GUI Reference

● "Correct CRC Rate in Transmitted Packets": Ratio of the test packets with cor-
rect CRC, generated by the R&S CMW. If the report integrity is ON, the ratio is set
to 50%. If the report integrity is OFF, all packets contain correct CRC.
For LE connection tests, this result is not supported.
Remote command:
For LE in direct test mode:
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge? etc.
For LE connection test (normal mode):
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge? etc.
For LE test mode:
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge? etc.

4.2.4 Measurement Settings

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "Config" hot-
The "Measurement Control" parameters configure the scope of the measurement. The
following chapter describes only the settings relevant for PER measurements.

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GUI Reference

Figure 4-5: Rx PER measurement settings

For LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level

(CMW) and Exp. Nominal Power to avoid measurement errors.

● LE direct test mode:

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
● LE test mode:

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GUI Reference

Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.

Common Settings........................................................................................................241
Repetition.................................................................................................................... 241
Number of Bits to Corrupt........................................................................................... 241
Byte to Start Errors......................................................................................................241
Packets....................................................................................................................... 242
Integrity....................................................................................................................... 243
Measure Mode (LE connection test)........................................................................... 243
Stable Modulation Index (enabling).............................................................................243
Connection.................................................................................................................. 244
Suppress "Sig Off" Message....................................................................................... 244
Related Dirty Tx Hotkeys............................................................................................ 244

Common Settings
The following settings are the same as in the configuration dialog.
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF settings:
– For signal routing, see Chapter, "Signal Routing", on page 73
– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– For RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings", on page 77
● Dirty Tx: see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78
● Connection: see Chapter 2.3.9, "Connection Configuration", on page 85
● For "Suppress "Sig Off" Message", refer to "Suppress "Sig Off" Message"
on page 219.

Defines how often the measurement is repeated if it is not stopped explicitly or by a
failed limit check.
● Continuous: The measurement is continued until it is explicitly terminated. The
results are periodically updated.
● Single-Shot: The measurement is stopped after one measurement cycle.
Single-shot is preferable if only a single measurement result is required under fixed
conditions, which is typical for remote-controlled measurements. The continuous mode
is suitable to monitor the evolution of the measurement results and to observe how
they depend on the measurement configuration, which is typically done in manual con-
Remote command:

Number of Bits to Corrupt

Specifies the No. of erroneous bits transmitted by the R&S CMW.

Byte to Start Errors

Specifies the byte of test packets, from which the transmission of corrupted bits is star-

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GUI Reference

Defines the number of data packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
cycle). The number of packets sent can be larger than the specified value because of
possible packet lost on the way to the EUT and back.
The number of payload bits is displayed for information.
Remote command:
For LE in direct test mode:
For LE connection tests (normal mode):
For LE test mode:

Defines and activates/deactivates the upper limit for the results of PER measurements.
Remote command:
For direct test mode:
For LE connection test (normal mode):
For LE test mode:

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GUI Reference


Sets the ratio of the packets with correct CRC, generated and transmitted by the
R&S CMW within LE direct test.
The setting is not relevant for LE connection tests.
This setting is appropriate for PER report integrity tests.
Refer to the following test purposes:
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-07-C (for LE 1M PHY)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-13-C (for LE 2M PHY)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-30-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 2)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-31-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 8)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-19-C (for LE 1M PHY, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-25-C (for LE 2M PHY, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-36-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 2, stable modulation)
● RF-PHY/RCV/BV-37-C (for LE coded PHY, S = 8, stable modulation)
Remote command:
For direct test mode:
For LE connection test (normal mode): no integrity check
For LE test mode:

Measure Mode (LE connection test)

Access: Configuration dialog of Rx measurements > "Rx Quality" > "Low Energy Con-
nection Test" section
Rx measurements support only single channel mode. For commands, refer to "Table
Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test)" on page 76.

Stable Modulation Index (enabling)

Specifies, which one of the two possible modulation index modes are used for dirty
transmitter signal: standard or stable.
● Deactivate "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" to use standard modulation settings.
The range of standard modulation index is 0.450 to 0.550.
● Activate "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" to use stable modulation settings.
The range of stable modulation index is 0.495 to 0.505.

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GUI Reference

In the GUI, the commands for Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values" are configurable.
Remote commands distinguish between settings for Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values"
and "Spec Table".
For the configuration of the modulation index for Dirty Tx Mode = "Spec Table", refer to
Settings for Spec Table Mode .
For the configuration of the modulation index for Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values", refer
to Single Values.
Remote command:

The connection settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter 2.3.9,
"Connection Configuration", on page 85.

Suppress "Sig Off" Message

If you press [ON | OFF] while the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey is selected and the
master signal is on, a warning can be displayed. It asks you whether you really want to
switch off the master signal.
The checkbox enables/disables the warning.
Remote command:

Related Dirty Tx Hotkeys

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" > "PER" tab.
To display the hotkeys, press the "Dirty Tx" softkey. The following hotkeys are then
available at the bottom of the GUI:

Hotkey Description

"Dirty Tx Off / On", Settings for fast access

"Dirty Tx Mode"

"Modulation Index", "Fre- Dirty Tx settings if Dirty Tx Mode = SINGle values

quency Offset", ...

"Show Spec. Table" Dirty Tx settings if Dirty Tx Mode = SPEC table

Use the remote commands below.

For a description, refer to Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78.

Remote command:
Commands for LE direct test:
LRANge etc.
LENergy:LRANge? etc.
LENergy:LRANge? etc.
LE1M]? etc.

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LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
Commands for LE connection test:
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
Commands for LE test mode:
LENergy:LE1M etc.
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
TMODe:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.

4.3 Programming
The PER measurements provided by the "Bluetooth Signaling" application are pro-
grammed as follows:
● The application is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off. Use
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:PER? to initiate a single-shot measure-
ment and retrieve the results. You can also start the measurement using
INIT:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:PER and retrieve the results using
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the PER measure-
ments. For general configuration of the signaling application, refer to Chapter 2.4, "Pro-
gramming", on page 99.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement

4.3.1 Configuring a PER Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure an LE measurement for LE 1M PHY: number of test packets
// to be measured, PER limit (disable BER limit), and report integrity.
// Use stable modulation index.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy:LE1M 1000; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE1M 20; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M OFF; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE1M ON; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy ON; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Use only two hopping channels (1 and 11). Select the measured channel 1.
// Alternatively use hopping on all chennels. Select the measured channel 1.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy CH2; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy 1; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy ALL; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy 1; *OPC?

4.3.2 Setting Up the Connection

To configure and set up the connection for direct test mode, see "Direct test mode"
on page 109; for LE connection tests, see Chapter 2.4.8, "Connect LE (Normal Mode)",
on page 105.

4.3.3 Performing a PER Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// Start the measurement on LE,
// return results for LE 1M PHY.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

// Start continuous measurement; wait for 5 ms and return PER results.

// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:REPetition CONT; *OPC?
Pause 5000

4.4 Command Reference

The following sections describe the commands related to the PER Rx measurements.
● Conventions and General Information.................................................................. 247
● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 247
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 248
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 253

4.4.1 Conventions and General Information

Refer to Chapter 3.4.1, "Conventions and General Information", on page 222.

4.4.2 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER.................................................................... 247
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER....................................................................... 247
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:STATe?......................................................... 248

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

Example: See Performing a PER Measurement

Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "PER (Softkey)" on page 237

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing a PER Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "PER (Softkey)" on page 237

4.4.3 Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge.................. 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M...................... 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M...................... 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy:LRANge.............................. 250
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M.................................. 250
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy[:LE1M]................................ 250
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge............. 251

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M................. 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M................. 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge.......................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy[:LE1M]............................ 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge................ 252
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LRANge............................ 252
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M................................ 252
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy[:LE1M].............................. 252
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy........................................... 253

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:REPetition <Repetition>
Specifies the repetition mode of the measurement. The repetition mode specifies
whether the measurement is stopped after a single-shot or repeated continuously. Use
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets[:BEDR] or
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy[:LE1M] to
determine the number of transport blocks per single shot.
<Repetition> SINGleshot | CONTinuous
SINGleshot: single-shot measurement
CONTinuous: continuous measurement
Example: See Performing a BER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.60
Options: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR
R&S CMW-KS611 for LE
Manual operation: See "Repetition" on page 219


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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

Defines the number of packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
<NumberPackets> numeric
Range: 1 to 30E+3
*RST: 1500
Example: See Configuring a PER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M...
and ...:LRANge..., V3.7.61: added command for
LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added commands for LE2M
and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Packets" on page 242

LRANge <Limit>
Specifies the upper BER limit for PER measurements in LE test mode.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 0.1 %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default value)
Example: See Configuring a PER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601 for LE1M
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 242

LRANge <Limit>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge <Limit>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M <Limit>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy[:LE1M] <Limit>
Specifies the upper PER limit for LE RX measurements.
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 30.8 %; normal mode: 13.4%
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default value)
Example: See Configuring a PER Measurement

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M...

and ...:LRANge..., V3.7.61: added command for
LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added commands for LE2M
and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 242

Sets the ratio of the test packets with correct CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW.
● LE RF tests (direct test mode):
Commands for LE 1M PHY - uncoded (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY - uncoded
(..:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
<ReportIntegrity> OFF | ON
OFF: 100% of packets generated with correct CRC
ON: 50% of packets generated with correct CRC
Example: See Configuring a PER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M...
and ...:LRANge...
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "Integrity" on page 243

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy <ModIndexType>
Selects the standard or stable modulation index.
<ModIndexType> OFF | ON
OFF: standard modulation index is used
ON: stable modulation index is used
Example: See Configuring a PER Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.30
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "Stable Modulation Index (enabling)" on page 243

4.4.4 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?....................... 254
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M?....................................... 254
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?............................ 254
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................................ 254
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?................................ 254
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?......................................... 254
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?........................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................................. 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?................................. 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?.......................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M?.............................................. 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................................ 254
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?....................... 255
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?........................... 255
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?........................... 255
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.............................. 255

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 253

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

Return all results of the signaling LE Rx measurement for LE direct test and LE con-
nection test.
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Number of correct packets received and reported by the EUT.
Range: 0 to 30E+3
Example: See Performing a PER Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.70, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M...
and ...:LRANge..., V3.7.61: added commands for
LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added commands for LE2M
and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode

Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge

Return all results of the signaling Rx measurement in LE test mode.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<CorPacketsRecv> decimal
Number of correct received packets reported by the EUT
Range: 0 to 30E+3
<BER> float
Bit error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Number of received packets detected by the R&S CMW
Range: 0 to 30E+3
<NumInvalidCRC> decimal
Number of packets with detected CRC error
<NumPatternErr> decimal
Number of packets with detected pattern error
<NumPayloadErr> decimal
Number of packets with detected payload length error

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
List of Commands

<BitErrors> decimal
Number of detected bit errors
Example: See Performing a PER Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601 for LE1M
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge

4.5 List of Commands

ABORt:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER................................................................................................. 247
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.................................................. 255
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.................................................. 255
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.............................................. 255
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MBER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge................................... 250
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M..................................................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge................................................. 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy[:LE1M]................................................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M....................................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M....................................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge................................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge................................... 251
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M.......................................................... 250
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:LENergy[:LE1M]........................................................ 250
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M............................................ 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M............................................ 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M............................................ 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M............................................ 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge........................................ 249
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LRANge................................................... 252
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M.......................................... 252

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx PER Measurement
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:RINTegrity:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M.......................................... 252
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy.................................................................... 253
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?........................................................ 255
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?........................................................ 255
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.................................................... 255
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER................................................................................................ 247
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M?....................................................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?................................................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?..................................................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?......................................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?......................................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?..................................................... 254
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?..................................................... 255

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 257

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Performing BER/PER Search Rx Measurements

5 Rx BER/PER Search
The signaling "BER Search" and "PER Search" are installed together with the Blue-
tooth signaling application. To access the measurement, press the softkey "Bluetooth
RX Meas." in the Bluetooth signaling main view. Then select the tab "BER Search" or
"PER Search".
● The BER measurement is supported for burst type "Basic Rate" or enhanced data
rate ("EDR") in test mode.
● The PER measurement is supported for the burst type "Low Energy"in direct test
modet, LE connection test, or LE test mode.
The search measurements determine the Rx sensitivity level of the EUT for a given
BER/PER value. The search iteration is performed at decreasing Tx RF output levels
until the target BER/PER is found, or the minimum CMW output level is reached.
The measurement is especially suitable to assess the characteristics and the perfor-
mance of the EUT receiver at low RF power levels. The transmission errors of the
higher signal level, produced on the way back (from the EUT to the instrument) can
usually be neglected.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR and EDR.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.
For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.

5.1 Performing BER/PER Search Rx Measurements

The "BER Search" measurement is similar to BER measurements (see Chapter 3, "Rx
BER Measurement", on page 213).
The "PER Search" measurement is similar to PER measurements (see Chapter 4, "Rx
PER Measurement", on page 233).
In addition to BER/PER results, the search measurements also determine the TX level
of R&S CMW for a given BER/PER value.
The BER/PER value used for search mechanism is specified in the configuration tree
as a limit for BER search / PER search measurement.

For BER search measurements, proceed as follows:

1. Configure a test connection with loopback test. Refer to "Loopback Test Mode (BR/
EDR)" on page 21.

2. Configure Rx measurement settings, especially the BER limit value for search iter-
ation. See Chapter 5.2.4, "Measurement Settings", on page 263.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
GUI Reference

3. Configure any other required settings as for a connection without the "BER Search"
measurement (frequency, power, packet type, payload length, pattern, dirty Tx).

4. Switch on the "BER Search" measurement. Retrieve the results.

For PER search measurements, proceed as follows:

1. Connect the EUT to the R&S CMW. Select either the operation mode connection
test or direct test mode.
● For a connection test (normal mode), refer to Chapter 2.2.7, "Connection Test
(LE)", on page 26.
● For direct test mode, refer to "Executing Tests in Direct Test Mode" on page 29.
● For LE test mode, refer to Test Mode (LE).

2. Configure Rx measurement settings, especially the PER limit value for search iter-
ation. See Chapter 5.2.4, "Measurement Settings", on page 263.

3. Configure any other required settings as for a connection without the "PER Search"
measurement (channels, power, PHY, payload length, pattern, dirty Tx).

4. Switch on the "PER Search" measurement. Retrieve the results.

For LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level

(CMW) and Exp. Nominal Power to avoid measurement errors.

5.2 GUI Reference

The "BER Search" and "PER Search" measurements are parts of the Rx measure-
ments that are installed with the Bluetooth signaling application.
Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "BER Search"
or "PER Search" tab.

5.2.1 Tab Overview

The PER tab provides PER results for LE.

The most important settings of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application can be accessed
via the "Signaling Parameter" softkey and the related hotkeys.
To switch to the signaling application, press the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey two
The "Config" hotkey opens either the configuration dialog of the measurement or the
configuration dialog of the signaling application, depending on which softkey is active.
Comparing to BER/PER measurements, the "BER Search" / "PER Search" measure-
ments determine the R&S CMW Tx level, for which the measured BER/PER values
equal the specified BER/PER values.

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GUI Reference

The measurements start at given "Start Level". The search iteration is performed at
decreasing power steps and is stopped if the measured BER/PER exceeds the speci-
fied search limits, see Limits.
The search tabs show the measurement results to the left, settings to the right and the
connection status at the bottom.

Figure 5-1: PER search tab

The results are displayed to the left. For the description, refer to Chapter 5.2.3, "Mea-
surement Results", on page 262.

Common settings
The settings to the right are the same as in the configuration tree. Exception: level con-
figuration for search Rx measurements.
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF setup:
– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– Start level, see "Start Level" on page 261
– Level step, see "Level Step" on page 268
– For other RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings",
on page 77
– For the description of dirty transmitter, see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter
Configuration", on page 78
● Signal characteristics: see Chapter, "Signal Characteristics", on page 53

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GUI Reference

Start Level
The settings to the right are the same as in the configuration dialog (see "Common set-
tings" on page 260). Exception: "Start Level" configuration for search Rx measure-
The start level is equal to Tx Level (CMW)). This setting is only displayed within the
"RF Setup" pane of Rx search tabs.
Remote command:

Connection Status
The connection status information at the bottom of Rx measurement tabs shows the
signal and connection status, and for BR and EDR also the EUT for paging. For back-
ground information, see Chapter 2.2.11, "Signaling States", on page 36.
For BR/EDR tests, this information is the same as in the main view of signaling, see
Chapter, "Connection Status Tab - Connection Status", on page 42.
For LE tests, use the remote command below.
Remote command:

5.2.2 Measurement Control

To turn the measurement on or off, select the control softkey and press [ON | OFF] or
[RESTART | STOP]. Alternatively, right-click the control softkey.

BER Search (Softkey)

The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
Option R&S CMW-KS610 is required for BR and EDR.

Remote command:

PER Search (Softkey)

The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
For RF tests in direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY
(uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY.

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GUI Reference

Remote command:

5.2.3 Measurement Results

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" > "BER Search"/ "PER
Search" tab.
The tabs show the measurement results to the left, settings to the right and the con-
nection status at the bottom.

Figure 5-2: PER search tab

BER / PER results.......................................................................................................262

Search Results............................................................................................................263

BER / PER results

For BER results, refer to Chapter 3.2.3, "Measurement Results", on page 216.
For PER results, refer to Chapter 4.2.3, "Measurement Results", on page 237.

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GUI Reference

Search Results
Search measurements provide in addition to the results of BER/PER measurements
also search-specific results. Search-specific results are situated in the middle of the left

Figure 5-3: Results of search measurements

● "Current Level (CMW)": see Tx Level (CMW)

● "Search Result": the last TX sweep level of the R&S CMW for which the mea-
sured BER/PER value is below the specified BER search / PER search limit, see
Remote command:
BER search results:
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR]? etc.
PER search results for LE direct test mode:
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge? etc.
PER search results for LE connection test (normal mode):
LRANge? etc.
PER search results for LE test mode:
LRANge? etc.

5.2.4 Measurement Settings

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "Config" hot-
For BR or EDR in test mode, option R&S CMW-KS610 is required.
For LE direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KS611 is required for LE 1M PHY (unco-
ded). Option R&S CMW-KS721 is also required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
For LE with CTE tests, option R&S CMW-KS722 is also required.

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GUI Reference

For LE connection tests (normal mode) and LE test mode, option R&S CMW-KS601 is
required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). Option R&S CMW-KS720 is also required for
LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY.
The "Measurement Control" parameters configure the scope of the measurement. The
following chapter describes only the settings relevant for "BER Search" (BR/EDR) and
"PER Search" (LE) measurements.

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GUI Reference

Figure 5-4: Rx measurement settings

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GUI Reference

For LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level

(CMW) and Exp. Nominal Power to avoid measurement errors.

Common Settings........................................................................................................266
Packets....................................................................................................................... 266
Start Level................................................................................................................... 267
Level Step................................................................................................................... 268
Integrity (PER Search)................................................................................................ 268
Measure Mode (LE Connection Test)..........................................................................268
Stable Modulation Index (LE) enabling....................................................................... 268
Connection.................................................................................................................. 269
Suppress "Sig Off" Message....................................................................................... 269
Related Dirty Tx Hotkeys............................................................................................ 269

Common Settings
The following settings are the same as in the main configuration dialog of Bluetooth
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF settings:
– For signal routing, see Chapter, "Signal Routing", on page 73
– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– For RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings", on page 77
● Dirty Tx: see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78
● Connection: see Chapter 2.3.9, "Connection Configuration", on page 85

Defines the number of data packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
cycle). The number of packets sent can be larger than the specified value because of
possible packet lost on the way to the EUT and back.
The number of payload bits is displayed for information.
Remote command:
BER search measurement:
PER search measurement for LE direct test mode:
PER search measurement for LE connection test (normal mode):

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GUI Reference

PER search measurement for LE test mode:

Start Level
Specifies the initial Tx Level (CMW) for the search iteration.
The setting is only displayed in the "RF Setup" pane of Rx search tabs, see Chap-
ter 5.2.1, "Tab Overview", on page 259.
Remote command:

The limits of BER search and PER search measurement define the value for which the
Rx sensitivity level is determined.
Remote command:
BER search limits:
PER search limits for LE direct test mode:
PER search limits for LE connection test (normal mode):
PER search limits for LE test mode:

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GUI Reference


Level Step
Specifies the power step. The search iteration is performed at decreasing power steps.
Remote command:
Commands for LE direct test mode:
Command for LE connection test (normal mode):
Command for LE test mode:

Integrity (PER Search)

Sets the ratio of the packets with correct CRC, generated and transmitted by the
R&S CMW within LE direct test.
Remote command:
Commands for LE direct test mode:
Commands for LE test mode:

Measure Mode (LE Connection Test)

Access: Configuration dialog of Rx measurements > "Rx Quality" > "Low Energy Con-
nection Test" section
Rx measurements support only single channel mode. For commands, refer to "Table
Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test)" on page 76.

Stable Modulation Index (LE) enabling

Specifies, which one of the two possible modulation index modes are used for dirty
transmitter signal: standard or stable.
● Deactivate "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" to use standard modulation settings.
The range of standard modulation index is 0.450 to 0.550.
● Activate "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" to use stable modulation settings.

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GUI Reference

The range of stable modulation index is 0.495 to 0.505.

In the GUI, the commands for Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values" are configurable.
Remote commands distinguish between settings for Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values"
and "Spec Table".
For the modulation index for Dirty Tx Mode = "Spec Table", refer to Settings for Spec
Table Mode .
For the modulation index for Dirty Tx Mode = "Single Values", refer to Single Values.
Remote command:

The connection settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter 2.3.9,
"Connection Configuration", on page 85.

Suppress "Sig Off" Message

If you press [ON | OFF] while the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey is selected and the
master signal is on, a warning can be displayed. It asks you whether you really want to
switch off the master signal.
The checkbox enables/disables the warning.
Remote command:

Related Dirty Tx Hotkeys

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" > "BER Search"/ "PER
Search" tab.
To display the hotkeys, press the "Dirty Tx" softkey. The following hotkeys are then
available at the bottom of the GUI:

Hotkey Description

"Dirty Tx Off / On", Settings for fast access

"Dirty Tx Mode"

"Modulation Index", "Fre- Dirty Tx settings if Dirty Tx Mode = SINGle values

quency Offset", ...

"Show Spec. Table" Dirty Tx settings if Dirty Tx Mode = SPEC table

Use the remote commands below.

For a description, refer to Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78.

Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:MINDex:BRATe? etc.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX:STAB:FDRift:BRATe? etc.
LE commands for direct tests:

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LRANge etc.
LENergy:LRANge? etc.
LENergy:LRANge? etc.
LE1M]? etc.
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LENergy[:LE1M]? etc.
LE commands for connection test:
LENergy:LE1M etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.
LENergy:LE1M? etc.

5.3 Programming
The BER search and PER search measurements provided by the "Bluetooth Signaling"
application are programmed as follows:
● The application is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off. Use
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:BER? or
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:PER? to initiate a single-shot
measurement and retrieve the results. You can also start the measurement using
INIT:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:BER or
INIT:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:PER and retrieve the results
using FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:BER? or
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the BER and PER
search measurements. For general configuration of the signaling application, refer to
Chapter 2.4, "Programming", on page 99.

5.3.1 Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// System-Reset

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// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure a BR/EDR BER search measurement: number of transport
// blocks to be measured, limits and level steps
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:BEDR 10000; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:BRATe 100; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:EDRate 100; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:BREDr 1; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure an LE search measurement for LE 1M PHY: number of test
// packets to be measured, PER limit, disable BER limt. Set level
// step and report integrity.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy:LE1M 1000; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE1M 20; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:LENergy 1; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE1M ON; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Use only two hopping channels (1 and 11). Select the measured channel 1.
// Alternatively use hopping on all chennels. Select the measured channel 1.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy CH2; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy 1; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy ALL; *OPC?

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NMODe:MCHannel:LENergy 1; *OPC?

5.3.2 Setting Up the Connection

To configure and set up the BR/EDR connection in test mode, see Configure Test
Mode Classic.
To configure and set up the connection for LE RF tests, see "Direct test mode"
on page 109; for LE connection tests, see Chapter 2.4.8, "Connect LE (Normal Mode)",
on page 105.

5.3.3 Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// Start a single-shot BER search measurement for BR/EDR.

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Command Reference

/// Return BR/EDR BER search measurement results.

// Alternatively start the search measurement on LE,
// return results for LE 1M PHY.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Start measurement; wait for 5 ms and return BER results.
// Query measurement state and substates (should be "RUN,ADJ,ACT").
// *****************************************************************************
Pause 5000

5.4 Command Reference

The following sections describe the commands related to the BER search and PER
search Rx measurements.
● Conventions and General Information.................................................................. 272
● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 272
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 275
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 282

5.4.1 Conventions and General Information

Refer to Chapter 3.4.1, "Conventions and General Information", on page 222.

5.4.2 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR].............................................. 273

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Command Reference

INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER....................................................... 273
ABORt:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER........................................................ 273
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER:STATe:ALL[:BEDR]?.......................... 274
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:STATe?............................................ 275

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "BER Search (Softkey)" on page 261

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Event

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Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "PER Search (Softkey)" on page 261

Queries the main measurement state and the measurement substates. Both measure-
ment substates are relevant for running measurements only. Use FETCh:...:STATe?
to query the main measurement state only. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MainState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after STOP...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
<SyncState> PEND | ADJ | INV
PEND: waiting for resource allocation, adjustment, hardware
switching ("pending")
ADJ: all necessary adjustments finished, measurement running
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
<RessourceState> QUE | ACT | INV
QUE: measurement without resources, no results available
ACT: resources allocated, acquisition of results in progress but
not complete ("active")
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "BER Search (Softkey)" on page 261

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Command Reference

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "BER Search (Softkey)" on page 261

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS611
Manual operation: See "PER Search (Softkey)" on page 261

5.4.3 Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:TOUT................................................ 276
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets[:BEDR]................................ 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M........ 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M........ 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..... 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy:LRANge................. 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M..................... 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy[:LE1M]................... 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:EDRate........................... 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M.... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M.... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M.... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M.... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M.... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M.... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge............. 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy[:LE1M]............... 280
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:BREDr..................................... 280
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:NMODe:LENergy...................... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy:LRANge............... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy[:LE1M]................. 281

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:TOUT <Timeout>
Defines a timeout for the measurement. The timer is started when the measurement is
initiated via a READ or INIT command. It is not started if the measurement is initiated
manually ([ON | OFF] key or [RESTART | STOP] key).
When the measurement has completed the first measurement cycle (first single shot),
the statistical depth is reached and the timer is reset.

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Command Reference

If the first measurement cycle has not been completed when the timer expires, the
measurement is stopped. The measurement state changes to RDY. The reliability indi-
cator is set to 1, indicating that a measurement timeout occurred. Still running READ,
FETCh or CALCulate commands are completed, returning the available results. At
least for some results, there are no values at all or the statistical depth has not been
A timeout of 0 s corresponds to an infinite measurement timeout.
<Timeout> numeric
Default unit: s
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

Defines the number of data packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
<NumberPackets> numeric
Range: 1 to 400E+3
*RST: 200
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Packets" on page 266

LRANge <NumberPackets>
LE2M <NumberPackets>
LE1M <NumberPackets>
LRANge <NumberPackets>
LE2M <NumberPackets>
LE1M <NumberPackets>

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Command Reference

Defines the number of data packets to be measured per measurement cycle (statistics
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
<NumberPackets> numeric
Range: 1 to 30E+3
*RST: 200
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50, V3.5.70: added commands for ..:LE2M..
and ..:LRANge.., V3.7.61: added command for
LE1M ..:NMODe:.., V3.7.80: added commands for LE2M and
LRANge ..:NMODe:..,
V3.7.90: added commands for ..:TMODe:..
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Packets" on page 266

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:BRATe <Limit>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:EDRate <Limit>
Specifies the upper BER limit for BR (..:BRATe) and EDR (..:EDRate) BER search
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Increment: 0.01 %
*RST: 0.01 %
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the limit
using the previous/default value)
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 267

LENergy:LRANge <Limit>
LENergy:LE2M <Limit>
LENergy:LE1M <Limit>
Specifies the upper BER limit for RX search measurements in LE test mode.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 0.1 %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default value)
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601 for LE1M
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 267

LENergy:LRANge <Limit>
LENergy:LE2M <Limit>
LENergy:LE1M <Limit>
LENergy:LRANge <Limit>
LENergy:LE2M <Limit>
LENergy:LE1M <Limit>
LRANge <Limit>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

Specifies the upper PER limit for LE PER search measurements.
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
● LE connection tests (normal mode):
Commands ..:NMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
● LE test mode:
Commands ..:TMODe:LENergy:.. are available.
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 30.8 %
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default level)
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50, V3.5.70: added commands for ..:LE2M..
and ..:LRANge.., V3.7.61: added command for
LE1M ..:NMODe:.., V3.7.80: added commands for LE2M and
LRANge ..:NMODe:..,
V3.7.90: added commands for LE test mode ..:TMODe:..
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 267

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:BREDr <LevelStep>
Specifies the power step for the BR/EDR search iteration of BER search measure-
<LevelStep> numeric
Range: 0.01 dBm to 5 dBm
*RST: 0.5 dBm
Default unit: dB
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Level Step" on page 268

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:LENergy <LevelStep>
Specifies the power step for the LE search iteration of PER search measurements.
● For LE connection tests (normal mode), command for LE 1M PHY - uncoded
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..) is available.
● For LE test mode, command ..:SEARch:STEP:TMODe:LENergy.. is available.
● For LE RF tests (direct test mode), command ..:SEARch:STEP:LENergy.. is
<LevelStep> numeric
Range: 0.01 dB to 5 dB
*RST: 0.5 dB
Default unit: dB
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50, V3.7.61: added command for ..:NMODe:..
V3.7.90: added commands for LE test mode ..:TMODe:..
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE connection test and LE test mode
Manual operation: See "Level Step" on page 268

LRANge <ReportIntegrity>
LE2M <ReportIntegrity>
LE1M <ReportIntegrity>
Sets the ratio of the test packets with correct CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

<ReportIntegrity> OFF | ON
OFF: 100% of packets generated with correct CRC
ON: 50% of packets generated with correct CRC
Example: See Configuring a BER/PER Search Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M...
and ...:LRANge...
V3.7.90: added commands for ...:TMODe:...
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "Integrity (PER Search)" on page 268

5.4.4 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR]?..................................... 283
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR]?............................................ 283
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge?...................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M?.......................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?........................ 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?............... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?................... 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?................ 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.................... 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.................... 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge?............................. 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?.......... 285
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.............. 285
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?.............. 285
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................... 285
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?................... 285

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference


Return all results of the BR/EDR BER search measurement.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_BER> float
Bit error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_PER> float
Packet error rate
Default unit: %
<4_BitErrors> decimal
Sum of received erroneous data bits
Range: 0 to 18.4467440737096E+18
<5_MissingPackets> float
Difference between the number of packets sent and the number
of packets received in percentage
Default unit: %
<6_NAK> float
Percentage of packets not acknowledged by the EUT positively
Default unit: %
<7_HEC_Errors> float
Percentage of packets with the bit errors in the header
Default unit: %
<8_CRC_Errors> float
Percentage of packets with the bit errors in the payload
Default unit: %
<9_WrongPackType> float
Received packets of a different type to the one originally trans-
Default unit: %

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

<10_WrongPaylRate> float
Received packets of a different payload length to the one origi-
nally transmitted
Default unit: %
<11_PackReceived> decimal
Total number of packets successfully received (without bad
Range: 0 to 200E+6
<12_SearchResult> float
TX level of the R&S CMW resulting in the configured BER
search limit
Range: -100 dBm to 0 dBm
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50
Options: R&S CMW-KS610

Return the results of PER search RX measurement for LE direct test mode and LE
connection tests.
● LE direct test mode:
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..),
and LE coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

● LE connection tests (normal mode):

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Number of correct packets received and reported by the EUT
Range: 0 to 30E+3
<SearchResult> float
TX level of the R&S CMW resulting in the configured PER
search limit
Range: -999 dBm to 0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.50, V3.5.70: added commands for ...:LE2M...
and ...:LRANge..., V3.7.61: added commands for
LE1M ...:NMODe:..., V3.7.80: added commands for LE2M
and LRANge ...:NMODe:...,
Options: R&S CMW-KS611 for LE1M direct test mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS721 for LE2M and LRANge
R&S CMW-KS601 for LE1M normal mode
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge normal mode

Return the results of PER search RX measurement in LE test mode.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
Command Reference

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY

(..:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M..), and LE coded PHY
(..:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<CorPacketsRecv> decimal
Number of correct received packets reported by the EUT
Range: 0 to 30E+3
<SearchResult> float
TX level of the R&S CMW resulting in the configured PER
search limit
Range: -999 dBm to 0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<BER> float
Bit error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Number of received packets detected by the R&S CMW
Range: 0 to 30E+3
<NumInvalidCRC> decimal
Number of packets with detected CRC error
<NumPatternErr> decimal
Number of packets with detected pattern error
<NumPayloadErr> decimal
Number of packets with detected payload length error
<BitErrors> decimal
Number of detected bit errors
Example: See Performing a BER/PER Search Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS601 for LE1M
Plus R&S CMW-KS720 for LE2M and LRANge

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
List of Commands

5.5 List of Commands

CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M?................................................. 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge?............................................. 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?................................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?............................... 284
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?............................... 285
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:BRATe.................................................... 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:EDRate.................................................. 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M......................... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MBER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M......................... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge.................................. 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge.................... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M......................... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M......................... 279
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M........................................... 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy:LRANge....................................... 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:LENergy[:LE1M]......................................... 278
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M............................. 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M............................. 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PACKets:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge......................... 277
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M......................................... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy[:LE1M]....................................... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M........................... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M........................... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge....................... 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP:TMODe:LENergy............................................. 281
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:TOUT......................................................................... 276

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx BER/PER Search
List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER:STATe[:BEDR]?........................................................ 275
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M?....................................................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge?................................................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy[:LE1M]?..................................................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE1M?......................................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?......................................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?..................................... 284
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:STATe?..................................................................... 275
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LRANge?..................................... 285
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR].................................................................... 273
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER................................................................................. 273
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR]?..................................................................... 283
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge?.................................................... 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?...................................... 284
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE1M?........................................... 285
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:TMODe:LENergy:LE2M?........................................... 285
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:BER[:BEDR]....................................................................... 273
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:SEARch:PER.................................................................................... 273

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 288

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Performing Direction Finding Rx Measurements

6 Rx Direction Finding
For direct test mode over HCI and if a constant tone extension (CTE) is present in a
received packet, the controller can generate events containing IQ samples of the CTE.
The R&S CMW provides IQ samples coherency and IQ samples dynamic range Rx
measurements for LE with CTE, uncoded physical layer (LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY).
The supported CTE types are:
● Angle of arrival (AoA) 1 µs or 2 µs
● Angle of departure (AoD) 1 µs or 2 µs
Option R&S CMW-KS722 is required for LE with CTE.

6.1 Performing Direction Finding Rx Measurements

For direction finding measurements, proceed as follows:

1. Connect the multiple DUT antennas to the R&S CMW via splitter. Refer to Chap-
ter, "Test with Multiple EUT's Antennas (LE with CTE)", on page 17.

2. Configure routing accordingly. Refer to Chapter, "Signal Routing",

on page 73.

3. Select the RF test. Refer to "Operating Mode" on page 66. See also "Executing
Tests in Direct Test Mode" on page 29.

4. Set the Burst Type (classic) to LE.

5. Set the Packet Type to LE test packet with CTE.

6. Configure CTE-specific parameters and antennas. See Chapter, "Signal

Characteristics", on page 53.

7. Configure Rx measurement settings. See "Direction finding settings" on page 296.

8. Configure any other required settings as for a connection without direction finding
measurements (frequency for direct test mode, power, PHY, sync word, payload
length, pattern).

9. Switch on the "IQ Samples Coherency" or "IQ Samples Dynamic Range" measure-
ment. Retrieve the results.

For LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level

(CMW) and Exp. Nominal Power to avoid measurement errors.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 289

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
GUI Reference

6.2 GUI Reference

The IQ samples coherency and IQ samples dynamic range measurements are parts of
the Rx measurements that are installed with the Bluetooth signaling application.
Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "IQ Coher-
ency" or "IQ Dynamic Range" tab.
● Measurement Control............................................................................................290
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 291
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 294

6.2.1 Measurement Control

To turn the measurement on or off, select the control softkey and press [ON | OFF] or
[RESTART | STOP]. Alternatively, right-click the control softkey.

IQ Coherency (Softkey)
The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
Option R&S CMW-KS722 is required for LE with CTE.

Remote command:

IQ Dynamic Range (Softkey)

The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
Option R&S CMW-KS722 is required for LE with CTE.

Remote command:

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
GUI Reference

6.2.2 Measurement Results

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "IQ Coher-
ency" or "IQ Dynamic Range" tab.
All results of the direction finding Rx measurements are displayed on the "IQ Coher-
ency" and "IQ Dynamic Range" tab. The results are described below.
IQ samples coherency results.....................................................................................291
└ Diagram........................................................................................................ 292
└ Tables............................................................................................................292
IQ samples dynamic range results..............................................................................293

IQ samples coherency results

The measurement evaluates the phase errors for reference and non-reference anten-

Figure 6-1: IQ coherency tab (reference antenna)

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
GUI Reference

Figure 6-2: IQ coherency tab (non-reference antennas)

Diagram ← IQ samples coherency results

In the upper part of view, the diagram shows IQ samples coherency results for the
selected antennas.
"Display" softkey > "RP[m]/RPD" hotkey selects the results:
● Relative phase RP(m) traces for non-reference antennas
● Reference phase deviation (RPD) trace for the reference antenna
The configurable limit lines show 95% IQ samples coherency limits, see "Limits"
on page 299.
Remote command:
A1NReference? etc.

Tables ← IQ samples coherency results

The scalar results are displayed in the lower part of the view.
The first table contains the statistics of R&S CMW
● "No. of Transmitted Packets": the number of already transmitted packets to the
required total number of packets to be sent by the R&S CMW (see "Packets"
on page 298). The packets are LE test packets with CTE routed via RF connector.
● "No. of Received Events": No. of HCI_LE_Connectionless_IQ_Report events
received from the DUT via HCI control connection (USB)
● "No. of Processed Events": No. of HCI reports processed by the R&S CMW

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
GUI Reference

● "No. of Processed with Valid CRC": No. of valid HCI reports processed by the
● "No. of Possible Phase Measurements": No. of possible phase measurements
determined by CTE length, slot length and number of antennas
The second table lists results per non-reference antenna of the DUT.
● "No. of Valid Phase Measurements": No. of already reported valid measure-
ments to the required minimal number of measurements (see "Number of Mea-
surements" on page 298)
The valid measurement is defined as follows:
– For reference phase deviation (ANT0), a valid IQ sample pair is required follow-
ing the non-reference antenna (n+1), at the pair before (n-1), and also (n-2)
– For relative phase (ANT1 to ANT3), a valid IQ sample pair for the non-refer-
ence antenna is required to be measured (n), at the pair before (n-1), and also
● "Mean Reference Phase Difference": mean reference phase deviation (RPD) for
● "Mean Phase Difference": mean relative phase RP(m) for ANT1 to ANT3
● "95 Mean Phase Diff. Range": 95% confidence level of mean RP(m) range
Remote command:
A1NReference? etc.

IQ samples dynamic range results

The measurement evaluates the amplitude deviations per antenna.

Figure 6-3: IQ dynamic range tab

The view displays the scalar results of IQ samples dynamic range Rx measurement.
The first table contains the statistics of R&S CMW
● "No. of Transmitted Packets": total number of packets transmitted by the
R&S CMW since the beginning of the measurement to the required total number of
packets to be sent by the R&S CMW (see "Packets" on page 298)

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GUI Reference

● "No. of Received Events": percentage of all reports received from the DUT
● "No. of Processed Events": percentage of all reports received from the DUT
● "No. of Received Events with Valid CRC": percentage of valid reports received
from the DUT
The second table lists calculated mean amplitude differences. The limit checks verifies,
whether the following condition is fulfilled:
MeanANT3 < MeanANT2 < MeanANT0 < MeanANT1
The third table lists results per DUT's antenna.
● "Mean Amplitude": mean IQ amplitude levels in dBFS (dB values relative to the
largest possible measured IQ amplitude at the DUT)
Mean amplitude is calculated as 10 log10√(I2+Q2)
● "No. of Possible Amplitude Measurements": No. of possible amplitude mea-
surements determined by CTE length, slot length and number of antennas
● "No. of Valid Amplitude Measurements": No. of already reported valid IQ sam-
ples to the required minimal number of measurements (see "Number of Measure-
ments" on page 298)
Remote command:
A0Reference? etc.
A1NReference? etc.
LE1M? etc.

6.2.3 Measurement Settings

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "Config" hot-
The "Measurement Control" parameters configure the scope of the measurement. The
following chapter describes only the settings relevant for direction finding measure-

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GUI Reference

Figure 6-4: Rx measurement settings

For LE measurements, keep 20 dB difference between the output power Tx Level

(CMW) and Exp. Nominal Power to avoid measurement errors.

Common Settings........................................................................................................296
Direction finding settings............................................................................................. 296
└ Inter Burst Length......................................................................................... 297
└ Ignore Test End Response............................................................................297
└ Measure on Exception.................................................................................. 298
└ Packets......................................................................................................... 298
└ Number of Measurements............................................................................ 298

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GUI Reference

└ Limits.............................................................................................................299
└ External Attenuation......................................................................................299
└ Gain Offset....................................................................................................300
Dump DF IQ Sample Pairs..........................................................................................300
Connection.................................................................................................................. 301
Suppress "Sig Off" Message....................................................................................... 301

Common Settings
The following settings are the same as in the configuration dialog.
● General setup: see Chapter 2.3.6, "General Settings", on page 66
● RF settings:
– For signal routing, see Chapter, "Signal Routing", on page 73
– For RF frequency settings, see Chapter, "RF Frequency", on page 74
– For RF power settings, see Chapter, "RF Power Settings", on page 77
● Dirty Tx: see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78
● Connection: see Chapter 2.3.9, "Connection Configuration", on page 85

Direction finding settings

Access: Configuration dialog of Rx measurements > "Rx Quality" > "Low Energy" > "LE
1Mbps" or "LE 2Mbps" > "Direction Finding" section
The settings are used for IQ samples coherency and IQ samples dynamic range Rx
Option R&S CMW-KS722 is required for LE with CTE.

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GUI Reference

Figure 6-5: Direction finding configuration

Inter Burst Length ← Direction finding settings

Enables and sets the number of slots to wait before a next transmission for direction
finding tests.
Remote command:

Ignore Test End Response ← Direction finding settings

If enabled, the DUT´s response to test end is ignored.

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GUI Reference

Remote command:

Measure on Exception ← Direction finding settings

Specifies whether results that the measurement identifies as faulty or inaccurate are
rejected. A faulty result occurs, for example, when the DUT sends incorrect IQ reports
over HCI to the R&S CMW.
● Off: Faulty results are rejected, IQ reports are discarded. The measurement is con-
tinued. The statistical counters are not reset. Use this mode to ensure that a single
faulty result does not affect the entire measurement.
● On: Results are never rejected. Use this mode for development purposes, if you
want to analyze the reason for occasional wrong transmissions.
Remote command:

Packets ← Direction finding settings

Specifies the number of packets to be sent per statistic cycle.
Remote command:

Number of Measurements ← Direction finding settings

Specifies the minimal number of IQ samples to be reported by the DUT.
Remote command:
LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference etc.
LE1M:A1NReference etc.

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GUI Reference

Limits ← Direction finding settings

Configures limits.
● For IQ samples coherency tests:
– Mean reference phase deviation (RPD) limit for the reference antenna
– Limit for 95% relative phase value RP(m) for non-reference antennas
● For IQ samples dynamic range tests, the mean amplitude limit check per antenna
can be enabled or disabled. For the pass verdict, the mean amplitude must be
MeanANT3 < MeanANT2 < MeanANT0 < MeanANT1
for the following input power for each antenna

Antenna Input power in dBm

0 (reference) -52

1 (non-reference) -49

2 (non-reference) -57

3 (non-reference) -62

Remote command:
LE1M:A1NReference etc.
LE2M:A1NReference etc.

External Attenuation ← Direction finding settings

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "IQ Coher-
ency" or "IQ Dynamic Range" tab > "RF Settings" softkey > "External Attenuation" hot-
An SUA is required.

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GUI Reference

Opens an additional configuration dialog:

● "Number of Antennae" described in "Number of Antennae, Slot Duration"
on page 54
● "Input Atten." described in "External Attenuation" on page 74
● "Output Atten." described in "External Attenuation" on page 74
● "Offset" (input - first column)
Specifies the offset of external attenuation for input per DUT antenna relative to the
reference antenna. For the reference antenna, the offset is fixed and set to 0 dB.
● "Offset" (output - second column)
Specifies the offset of external attenuation for output per DUT antenna relative to
the reference antenna. For the reference antenna, the offset is fixed and set to 0
Remote command:

Gain Offset ← Direction finding settings

Access: Bluetooth signaling main view > "Bluetooth Rx Meas" softkey > "IQ Dynamic
Range" tab > "Signal Characteristics" softkey > "Antenna Config" hotkey.

Opens an additional configuration dialog:

● "Number of Antennae" described in "Number of Antennae, Slot Duration"
on page 54
● "Tx Level" described in "Tx Level (CMW)" on page 77
● "Gain Offset" (column)
Specifies the gain offset for non-reference antennas relative to the reference
antenna. For the reference antenna, the offset is fixed and set to 0 dB.
The setting is relevant for IQ sample dynamic range measurements.
● "Tx Level" (column)
Displays calculated Tx level per antenna
Remote command:

Dump DF IQ Sample Pairs

If enabled, logs the IQ data for direction finding, particularly the HCI connectionless IQ
report events.
Option R&S CMW-KS722 is required for LE with CTE.

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Remote command:

The connection settings are the same as in the configuration dialog, see Chapter 2.3.9,
"Connection Configuration", on page 85.

Suppress "Sig Off" Message

If you press [ON | OFF] while the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey is selected and the
master signal is on, a warning can be displayed. It asks you whether you really want to
switch off the master signal.
The checkbox enables/disables the warning.
Remote command:

6.3 Programming
The direction finding Rx measurements provided by the "Bluetooth Signaling" applica-
tion contain IQ samples coherency measurement and IQ samples dynamic range mea-
● The IQ samples coherency measurement is controlled by SCPI commands with the
following syntax: ...:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:IQCoherency...
The IQ samples dynamic range measurement is controlled by SCPI commands
with the following syntax: ...:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:IQDRange...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off.
For the IQ samples coherency measurement, use e.g.
A1NReference? to initiate a single-shot measurement and retrieve the results.
You can also start the measurement using e.g.
INIT:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:IQCoherency and retrieve the results
For the IQ samples dynamic range measurement, use e.g.
A1NReference? to initiate a single-shot measurement and retrieve the results.
You can also start the measurement using e.g.
INIT:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:RXQuality:IQDRange and retrieve the
results using
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the direction find-
ing Rx measurements. For general configuration of the signaling application, refer to
Chapter 2.4, "Programming", on page 99.

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6.3.1 Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Set operating mode to RF test.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:OPMode RFT; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify LE burst type, physical layer, packet type, sync word.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:BTYPe LE; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PHY:LENergy LE1M; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy:LE1M RFCTe; *OPC?
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:SYNWord:LENergy #H71764129; *OPC?

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify channel number and query the frequency.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode 10

// *****************************************************************************
// Select RF connectors.
// Specify the number of antennas, external attenuation for reference
// antenna and offset of external attenuation for all three
// non-reference antennas. Set gain offset for IQ dynamic range tests.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:NANTenna:CTE:LENergy 2
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut 4
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:EATTenuation:OUTPut 4
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:AOFFset:INPut:CTE:LENergy 1,1,1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:AOFFset:OUTPut:CTE:LENergy 1,1,1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RFSettings:GOFFset:CTE:LENergy:LE1M -1,-1,-1

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify CTE type AoD 2 μs and number of CTE units.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:TYPE:CTE:LENergy:LE1M AOD2us
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:CONNection:PACKets:UNITs:CTE:LENergy:LE1M 20

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure an IQ samples coherency measurements on LE 1M PHY: number of EUT
// reports, number of test packets to be measured and the limits per antenna.

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// *****************************************************************************
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:PACKets:LENergy:LE1M 50E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference 1.125,ON
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference 1.125,ON
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference 1.125,ON
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQCoherency:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference 1.125,ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Configure an IQ samples dynamic range measurements on LE 1M PHY: number of
// EUT reports, number of test packets to be measured and the limit.
// *****************************************************************************
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQDRange:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQDRange:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQDRange:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference 10E+3
CONF:BLU:SIGN:RXQ:IQDRange:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference 10E+3

6.3.2 Setting Up the Connection

● Connect EUT (see Chapter, "Test with Multiple EUT's Antennas (LE with
CTE)", on page 17)
● Configure USB connection parameters. Refer to Chapter 2.4.6, "Configure USB
Interface", on page 103.
// *****************************************************************************
// Switch instrument to standby state
// Reset EUT, verify the connection for direct test.
// *****************************************************************************

6.3.3 Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement

// *****************************************************************************
// Enable logging of I/Q data.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN:RXQuality:IQSDump ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Start IQ sample coherency measurement, return trace and statistical
// results for LE 1M PHY.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").

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Command Reference

// *****************************************************************************


// *****************************************************************************
// Start IQ sample dynamic range measurement, return results for LE 1M PHY.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *****************************************************************************

6.4 Command Reference

The following chapters describe the commands related to the IQ samples coherency
and IQ samples dynamic range Rx measurements for LE with CTE.
● Conventions and General Information.................................................................. 304
● Common Direction Finding Commands................................................................ 305
● IQ Samples Coherency Measurement Commands...............................................306
● IQ Samples Dynamic Range Measurement Commands...................................... 316

6.4.1 Conventions and General Information

Refer to Chapter 3.4.1, "Conventions and General Information", on page 222.

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Command Reference

6.4.2 Common Direction Finding Commands

The following commands configure general measurement settings.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IBLength:LENergy:LE2M.................................. 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IBLength:LENergy:LE1M.................................. 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:ITENd:LENergy:LE2M...................................... 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:ITENd:LENergy:LE1M...................................... 305

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IBLength:LENergy:LE2M <Enable>,
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IBLength:LENergy:LE1M <Enable>,
Enables and sets the number of slots to wait between transmissions for direction find-
ing tests.
<Enable> OFF | ON
<InterBurstLen> integer
Range: 0 slot(s) to 255 slot(s)
*RST: 10 slot(s)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Inter Burst Length" on page 297

Specifies, whether the R&S CMW ignores the DUT´s response to end of direction find-
ing tests.
<IgnoreTestEnd> OFF | ON
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Ignore Test End Response" on page 297

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQSDump <DumpIQPairs>
Enables or disables dumping of the Rx IQ events received from the EUT via HCI.

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Command Reference

<DumpIQPairs> OFF | ON
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement.
Firmware/Software: V3.7.81
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Dump DF IQ Sample Pairs" on page 300

6.4.3 IQ Samples Coherency Measurement Commands

The following chapters describe the commands related to the IQ samples coherency
Rx measurements.
● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 306
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 307
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 311 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency........................................................ 306
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency.......................................................... 306
ABORt:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency......................................................... 306
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:STATe?............................................. 307

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70

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Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KS722

Manual operation: See "IQ Coherency (Softkey)" on page 290

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "IQ Coherency (Softkey)" on page 290 Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:MOEXception:LENergy:LE1M....... 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:MOEXception:LENergy:LE2M....... 308
A0Reference....................................................................................................... 308
A0Reference....................................................................................................... 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:PACKets:LENergy:LE1M.............. 309
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M.............. 309

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Command Reference

A0Reference....................................................................................................... 310
A0Reference....................................................................................................... 310

LE1M <MeasOnException>
LE2M <MeasOnException>
Specifies whether measurement results that the R&S CMW identifies as faulty or inac-
curate are rejected.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<MeasOnException> OFF | ON
OFF: Faulty results are rejected
ON: Results are never rejected
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Measure on Exception" on page 298

LE1M:A0Reference <NoOfMeas>
LE1M:A1NReference <NoOfMeas>
LE1M:A2NReference <NoOfMeas>
LE1M:A3NReference <NoOfMeas>
LE2M:A0Reference <NoOfMeas>

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Command Reference

LE2M:A1NReference <NoOfMeas>
LE2M:A2NReference <NoOfMeas>
LE2M:A3NReference <NoOfMeas>
Specifies the minimal number of IQ samples to be reported by the EUT for the speci-
fied antenna.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
Commands for reference antenna (...:A0Reference), mandatory second antenna
(...:A1NReference), and optional third and fourth antennas are available.
<NoOfMeas> numeric
Range: 1 to 30E+3
*RST: 10E+3
Example: See Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

LE1M <Packets>
LE2M <Packets>
Defines the number of packets to be sent per measurement cycle (statistics cycle).
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<Packets> numeric
Range: 1 to 6.4E+6
*RST: 50E+3
Example: See Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.90: range extended
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Packets" on page 298

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Command Reference

A0Reference <Limit>, <Enable>
A0Reference <Limit>, <Enable>
Defines the IQ samples coherency limit for mean reference phase deviation (RPD)
results for the reference antenna.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<Limit> numeric
Range: 0 (Rad) to 3.14 (Rad)
*RST: 1.125 (Rad)
<Enable> OFF | ON
Disables/enables the limit check
Example: See Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: added <Enable>, V3.7.90: limits enabled per
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 299

A1NReference <Limit>, <Enable>
A2NReference <Limit>, <Enable>
A3NReference <Limit>, <Enable>
A1NReference <Limit>, <Enable>
A2NReference <Limit>, <Enable>
A3NReference <Limit>, <Enable>
Defines the IQ samples coherency limit for 95% relative phase values RP(m) for non-
reference antennas A1NReference to A3NReference.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<Limit> numeric
Range: 0 (Rad) to 3.14 (Rad)
*RST: 1.125 (Rad)

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Command Reference

<Enable> OFF | ON
Disables/enables the limit check
Example: See Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: added <Enable>, V3.7.90: limits enabled per
Options: R&S CMW-KS722 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?....... 312
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?....... 312
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?.......... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?.......... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?.......... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?.......... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?.......... 314
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?.......... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?........... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?........... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?........... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?........... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?........... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?........... 314
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A0Reference?......................... 315

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Command Reference

Return the results of IQ samples coherency RPD measurements for the reference
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_TransPackets> decimal
No. of transmitted packets
Range: 0 to 200E+6
<3_RecPackets> float
Percentage of received events related to transmitted packets
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_EventsValCRC> decimal
Percentage of received events with valid CRC related to trans-
mitted packets
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<5_NoValidIQPairs> decimal
No. of received valid IQ sample pairs
<6_ValidIQPairsRec> float
Percentage of received valid IQ sample pairs related to all
received IQ pairs
<7_MeanPhaseDiff> float
Mean current phase difference
Default unit: rad/π

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 312

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

<8_RecEventsCnt> decimal
No. of received events
<9_ProEventsCnt> decimal
No. of processed events
<10_ProEveValCrc> decimal
No. of processed events with valid CRC
<11_NofPosPha> decimal
No. of possible phase measurements determined by CTE
length, slot length and number of antennas
<12_MRPDavg> float
Mean reference phase deviation (RPD) - average value
<13_MRPDmin> float
Mean RPD - minimum value
<14_MRPDmax> float
Mean RPD - maximum value
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.90: added parameters <8_RecEventsCnt> to
Options: R&S CMW-KS722


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 313

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

Returns the results of IQ samples coherency RP(m) measurement for the specified
non-reference antenna.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
Commands for the mandatory non-reference antenna (...:A1NReference), and
optional third (...:A2NReference) and fourth (...:A3NReference) antennas are
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_TransPackets> decimal
No. of transmitted packets
Range: 0 to 200E+6
<3_RecPackets> float
Percentage of received events related to transmitted packets
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_EventsValCRC> decimal
Percentage of received events with valid CRC related to trans-
mitted packets
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<5_NoValidIQPairs> decimal
No. of received valid IQ sample pairs

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

<6_ValidIQPairsRec> float
Percentage of received valid IQ sample pairs related to all
received IQ pairs
<7_MeanRelPhase> float
Mean current relative phase RP(m)
Default unit: rad/π
<8_P95_MPhDev> float
95% of mean RP(m) range
Default unit: rad/π
<9_RecEventsCnt> decimal
No. of received events
<10_ProEventsCnt> decimal
No. of processed events
<11_ProEveValCrc> decimal
No. of processed events with valid CRC
<12_NofPosPha> decimal
No. of possible phase measurements determined by CTE
length, slot length and number of antennas
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.90: added parameters <9_RecEventsCnt> to
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

Return the trace results of reference phase deviation RPD for IQ samples coherency
measured at antenna 0.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_RPD>... float
<721_RPD> 720 RPD results, one result per IQ sample slot.
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 315

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

Return the trace results of relative phase values RP(m) for IQ samples coherency Rx
Commands for mandatory second (non-reference) antenna (...:A1NReference),
and optional third and fourth non-reference antennas are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<RP(1)>... <RP(720)> float
720 RP(m) results, one result per IQ sample slot.
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

6.4.4 IQ Samples Dynamic Range Measurement Commands

The following chapters describe the commands related to the IQ samples dynamic
range Rx measurements.
● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 316
● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 318
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 320 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:MOEXception:LENergy:LE1M........... 317
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:MOEXception:LENergy:LE2M........... 317
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange.............................................................. 317
ABORt:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange............................................................. 317

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 316

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

LE1M <MeasOnException>
LE2M <MeasOnException>
Specifies whether measurement results that the R&S CMW identifies as faulty or inac-
curate are rejected.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<MeasOnException> OFF | ON
OFF: Faulty results are rejected
ON: Results are never rejected
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Measure on Exception" on page 298

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "IQ Dynamic Range (Softkey)" on page 290

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 317

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "IQ Dynamic Range (Softkey)" on page 290 Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

A0Reference....................................................................................................... 319
A0Reference....................................................................................................... 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:PACKets:LENergy:LE1M.................. 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M.................. 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M.. 320
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M.. 320

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 318

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

A0Reference <NoOfMeas>
A1NReference <NoOfMeas>
A2NReference <NoOfMeas>
A3NReference <NoOfMeas>
A0Reference <NoOfMeas>
A1NReference <NoOfMeas>
A2NReference <NoOfMeas>
A3NReference <NoOfMeas>
Defines the number of measurements per measurement cycle for the specified
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
Commands for reference antenna (...:A0Reference), mandatory second antenna
(...:A1NReference), and optional third and fourth antennas are available.
<NoOfMeas> numeric
Range: 0 to 30E+3
*RST: 10E+3
Example: See Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80, V3.7.90: range extended - now from zero
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

Defines the number of packets to be sent per measurement cycle (statistics cycle).
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<Packets> numeric
Range: 1 to 6.4E+6
*RST: 50E+3
Example: See Configuring a Direction Finding Rx Measurement

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 319

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.90: range extended

Options: R&S CMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Packets" on page 298

LENergy:LE1M <Ant3Minus2Enable>, <Ant2MinusRefEnable>,
LENergy:LE2M <Ant3Minus2Enable>, <Ant2MinusRefEnable>,
Disables/enables the limit check for the IQ dynamic range results to monitor the
requirement: MeanANT3 < MeanANT2 < MeanANT0 < MeanANT1
<Ant3-Ant2Enable> OFF | ON
Limit for (MeanAmplitudeANT3 - MeanAmplitudeANT2)
<Ant2-AntRefEnable> OFF | ON
Limit for (MeanAmplitudeANT2 - MeanAmplitudeANT0)
<AntRef-Ant1Enable> OFF | ON
Limit for (MeanAmplitudeANT0 - MeanAmplitudeANT1)
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMMW-KS722
Manual operation: See "Limits" on page 299 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?........... 321
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?........... 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?................ 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?.............. 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?.............. 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?.............. 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?................ 321

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?.............. 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?.............. 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?.............. 321
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?............... 321
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?............... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?............... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?............... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?............... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?............... 322
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE1M?......... 323
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE2M?......... 323
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE1M?.............. 323
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE2M?.............. 323


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 321

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

Returns the results of IQ dynamic range Rx measurement for the specified antenna.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
Commands for reference antenna (...:A0Reference), mandatory second non-refer-
ence antenna (...:A1NReference), and optional third and fourth non-reference
antennas are available.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_TransPackets> decimal
No. of transmitted packets
Range: 0 to 200E+6
<3_RecPackets> float
Percentage of received events related to transmitted packets
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_EventsValCRC> decimal
Percentage of received events with valid CRC related to trans-
mitted packets
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<5_NoValidIQPairs> decimal
No. of valid measurements
Range: 0 to 100E+3
<6_ValidIQPairsRec> float
Percentage of received valid IQ sample pairs related to all
received IQ pairs
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 322

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
Command Reference

<7_MeanAmplitude> float
Mean amplitude
Range: 0 to 1
Default unit: dBFS
<8_MaxAmplitude> float
Max amplitude
Range: 0 to 1
Default unit: dBFS
<9_RecEventsCnt> decimal
No. of received events
<10_ProEventsCnt> decimal
No. of processed events
<11_ProEveValCrc> decimal
No. of received events with valid CRC
<12_NofPosAmp> decimal
No. of possible amplitude measurements determined by CTE
length, slot length and number of antennas
Example: See Performing a Direction Finding Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
V3.7.90: added parameters <9_RecEventsCnt> to
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

Returns the results of IQ dynamic range Rx measurement for the antenna mean ampli-
tude differences.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 323

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
List of Commands

Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<Ant3Minus2> float
MeanAmplitudeANT3 - MeanAmplitudeANT2
Range: -256 to 128
<Ant2MinusRef> float
MeanAmplitudeANT2 - MeanAmplitudeANT0
Range: -256 to 128
<AntRefMinus1> float
MeanAmplitudeANT0 - MeanAmplitudeANT1
Range: -256 to 128
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KS722

6.5 List of Commands

CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?............................ 312
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?......................... 313
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?......................... 313
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?......................... 313
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?............................ 312
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?......................... 313
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?......................... 313
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?......................... 313
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE1M?.............................. 323
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE2M?.............................. 323
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?................................ 321
CALCulate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?................................ 321
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IBLength:LENergy:LE1M.......................................................... 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IBLength:LENergy:LE2M.......................................................... 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference.................... 310

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 324

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference.................... 310
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:MOEXception:LENergy:LE1M............................ 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:MOEXception:LENergy:LE2M............................ 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference.............. 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference........... 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference........... 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference........... 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference.............. 308
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference........... 309
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference........... 309
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:NOMeas:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference........... 309
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M...................... 320
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M...................... 320
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:MOEXception:LENergy:LE1M................................ 317
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:MOEXception:LENergy:LE2M................................ 317
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:NOMeas:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference.................. 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:NOMeas:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference.................. 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:PACKets:LENergy:LE1M........................................ 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:PACKets:LENergy:LE2M........................................ 319
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQSDump.................................................................................. 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:ITENd:LENergy:LE1M.............................................................. 305
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:ITENd:LENergy:LE2M.............................................................. 305
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?.................................. 312
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?............................... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?............................... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?............................... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?.................................. 312
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?............................... 313
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?............................... 314
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?............................... 314
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:STATe?...................................................................... 307
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE1M?.................................... 323
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE2M?.................................... 323
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?...................................... 321
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?...................................... 321

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 325

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Rx Direction Finding
List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:STATe?.......................................................................... 318
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A1NReference?............................................ 316
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A2NReference?............................................ 316
FETCh:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A3NReference?............................................ 316
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency.................................................................................. 306
INITiate:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange...................................................................................... 317
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE1M:A0Reference?................................... 312
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency:LENergy:LE2M:A0Reference?................................... 312
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE1M?..................................... 323
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:ANTMeanamp:LENergy:LE2M?..................................... 323
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A1?........................................................ 321
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A1NReference?..................................... 321
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A2?........................................................ 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A2NReference?..................................... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A3?........................................................ 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE1M:A3NReference?..................................... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A1?........................................................ 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A1NReference?..................................... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A2?........................................................ 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A2NReference?..................................... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A3?........................................................ 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange:LENergy:LE2M:A3NReference?..................................... 322
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A0Reference?................................................ 315
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A1NReference?............................................. 316
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A2NReference?............................................. 316
READ:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:TRACe:IQCoherency:A3NReference?............................................. 316
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQCoherency..................................................................................... 306
STOP:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RXQuality:IQDRange......................................................................................... 317

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 326

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements

7 Bluetooth® Measurements
"Bluetooth Measurement" provides transmitter (Tx) tests for Bluetooth devices and
non-signaling Rx LE measurements with ARB generator. The following figure displays
provided options.

Figure 7-1: Bluetooth measurement options

Tx measurements:
● Option R&S CMW-KM610 supports Basic Rate (BR) and Enhanced Data Rate
(EDR) packets transmitter (Tx) measurements.
● Option R&S CMW-KM611 supports Tx measurements for uncoded 1 Msymbol/s
Low Energy (LE 1M) packets.
– Supplementary option R&S CMW-KM721 adds Bluetooth version 5.0 support
for uncoded 2 Msymbol/s LE packets (LE 2M) and coded 1 Msymbol/s LE long
range packets (LE coded).
– Supplementary option R&S CMW-KM722 extends the R&S CMW-KM721 for
the support of measurements on LE packets with constant tone extension
(CTE), LE uncoded PHY.
All Tx tests are available within a multi-evaluation measurement group, refer to Chap-
ter 7.2.1, "Tx Measurements", on page 330.
"Bluetooth Signaling" option or GPRF generator with Bluetooth waveform file can be
used to generate Bluetooth signal to be sent to the EUT in parallel to the Tx measure-
GPRF generator with option R&S CMW-KV610 enables processing of Bluetooth wave-
form files.
R&S CMW supports Tx measurement of EUT signals during a signaling connection,
see Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Rx measurements:
Support of non-signaling Rx tests is available with GPRF generator. It processes pre-
defined waveform files (ARB files). The following Rx measurements are supported:
● Option R&S CMW-KD611 for non-signaling Rx advertiser tests, version 4.2. An
R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA is required.
For details, refer to Chapter 7.2.2, "Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Adver-
tiser Tests", on page 334.
● Option R&S CMW-KD720 for direct test mode, version 5.0. PER and PER search
Rx measurements are supported. An R&S CMW100 is required.
For details, refer to Chapter 7.2.3, "Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Direct
Test Mode", on page 336.

7.1 What's New

This documentation describes version 3.8.20 and higher of "Bluetooth TX Measure-
ment" firmware application. Compared to version 3.8.10, it contains only editorial

7.2 General Description

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement captures Bluetooth signal form the DUT
and provides:
● Tx measurements on Bluetooth BR, EDR and LE packets
● Rx non-signaling tests with ARB generator on LE 1M advertiser packets
● Direct test mode with ARB generator on LE test packets
Table 7-1: Required options

Supported measurements BR 1) EDR 1) BR/ EDR 1) LE LE 4) LE 2,3) LE

test mode test mode normal direct test direct test connection others
(DHx) (2-/3-DHx) mode 5,6) (test pack- (test packets test 5,6) (data (advertis-
(all pack- ets) with CTE) chan. pack- ers)
ets) ets)

"Power vs Time" X X X X2,3) X X X2,3)

"Power vs Slot" X


"Phase Difference" X

"IQ Constellation Absolute", X

"IQ Constellation Differen-
tial", "IQ Constellation Error"

"Frequency Deviation" X X X2,3) X X X2,3)

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 328

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Supported measurements BR 1) EDR 1) BR/ EDR 1) LE LE 4) LE 2,3) LE

test mode test mode normal direct test direct test connection others
(DHx) (2-/3-DHx) mode 5,6) (test pack- (test packets test 5,6) (data (advertis-
(all pack- ets) with CTE) chan. pack- ers)
ets) ets)

"Spectrum 20 dB Band- X

"Spectrum ACP" X X X2,3) X X X2,3)

"Spectrum Gated ACP" X

"Frequency Range" X

"Differential Phase Encod- X

ing" 6)

"Modulation Scalars" X X X X2,3) X X X2,3)

"Power Scalars" X X X X2,3) X X X2,3)

"Rx Measurement" (tab) 5,7) X

Combined Tx-Rx tests 5,7) X2)

"PER" (tab) 8) X

"PER Search" (tab) 8) X

1) R&S CMW-KM610 required

2) R&S CMW-KM611 required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded)
3) R&S CMW-KM721 required for LE 2M PHY and LE coded PHY
4) R&S CMW-KM722 required for LE with CTE (uncoded LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY)
5) R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA required
6) Only in combined signal path, refer to Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332
7) R&S CMW-KD611 required, only uncoded LE 1M PHY supported
8) R&S CMW100 and R&S CMW-KD720 required

Smart channel mode

For efficient measurements in production line, the Bluetooth measurements support
the smart channel (SC) mode of R&S CMW100. In the SC mode, a radio test head is
split into several subinstruments. For details, refer to the user manual of
R&S CMW100.
The following sections describe how to perform and configure the measurement.
● Tx Measurements................................................................................................. 330
● Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Advertiser Tests.................................... 334
● Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Direct Test Mode................................... 336
● Combined Advertiser Tx-Rx Measurements......................................................... 339
● List Mode...............................................................................................................340
● Bluetooth Signal Properties...................................................................................344
● Conformance Requirements................................................................................. 351
● Calculation of Results........................................................................................... 355

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

7.2.1 Tx Measurements

The Bluetooth Tx tests support measurements:

● With test mode on BR and EDR test packets, refer to Table 7-2,
● In normal mode classic (BR/EDR) on all packets, modulation analysis of GFSK
header portion (first 126 symbols),
● With direct test on LE test packets, refer to Table 7-2,
● In normal mode on LE data channel packets (only LE 1M PHY - uncoded),
● On LE advertisers (only LE 1M PHY - uncoded).
See also Table 7-1.
The packet types are described in the baseband specification of the core specification
for Bluetooth wireless technology. Test specification defines measurements on test
Table 7-2: Supported transmitter tests in line with test specification

BR EDR LE without CTE LE with CTE

Power Average power Average power Average power Average power

Peak power Peak power Peak power Peak power
Leakage power Relative power Peak to average Peak to average
power ratio (PAPR) power ratio (PAPR)
Packet timing Guard period
Leakage power Leakage power
CTE slot power
CTE power deviation

Modula- Frequency accuracy Carrier frequency stability Frequency accuracy Frequency accuracy
tion Frequency deviation Differential error vector Frequency offset Frequency deviation
magnitude (DEVM)
Frequency drift Frequency deviation CTE frequency off-
Differential phase encod- set
Drift rate Frequency drift, ini-
ing tial drift, max. drift CTE frequency drift,
rate CTE initial drift,
CTE max. drift rate

Spec- Frequency range In-band spurious emis- Adjacent channel Adjacent channel
trum sions power power
20 dB bandwidth
Adjacent channel

For a definition of measured quantities and conformance requirements, refer to the fol-
lowing test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology:
● Basic rate (BR) and enhanced data rate (EDR) measurements in test mode:
RF for 5.0.0
(R&S CMW-KM610)
● Low energy (LE) measurements in direct test mode:
– RF PHY for 5.0.0 (R&S CMW-KM611, R&S CMW-KM721)
– RF PHY for 5.1.0 (R&S CMW-KM722 )

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 330

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

The following sections describe Bluetooth Tx measurements and show how to perform
● Test Setup............................................................................................................. 331
● Measuring a Bluetooth Signal............................................................................... 331
● Parallel Signaling and Measurement.................................................................... 332 Test Setup

Connect the external RF signal source (mobile station, signal generator etc.) to one of
the bidirectional RF connectors on the front panel of the R&S CMW.

Measurements with multiple EUT's antennas

For LE with CTE measurements, use an RF splitter to connect one of the bidirectional
RF connectors on the front panel of the R&S CMW.
An RF splitter is required to connect the antenna array of the EUT to one RF port of the
R&S CMW. The antenna array of the EUT must include one reference and one non-
reference antenna. Additional two non-reference antennas are optional.

Figure 7-2: Test setup for LE with CTE

For measurements in combined signal path, refer to the user manual of Bluetooth sig-
naling, chapter test setup.
See Chapter 2.2.2, "Test Setup", on page 15. Measuring a Bluetooth Signal

After connecting your Bluetooth device to the R&S CMW as described in the section
Chapter, "Test Setup", on page 331, adjust the following analyzer settings to
the properties of the transmitted Bluetooth signal:
● The analyzer frequency
● The expected nominal power and (optionally) a user margin and external attenua-
Recommended values:
"Expected Nominal Power" = nominal power of the Bluetooth packet
"User Margin" = 3 dB
● The trigger source "Power" for stand-alone measurements

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

The selection of the trigger for combined signal path (CSP) is done automatically,
see Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332 for
For exact time synchronization to the received signal and proper decoding, the "Blue-
tooth Input Signal" settings in the configuration dialog must be in accordance with the
measured signal:

EUT burst type = BR EDR LE

Burst type BR EDR LE

BD address match piconet master's match piconet master's for advertisers only

Packet type match transmitted match transmitted match transmitted

Pattern type match transmitted n.a. match transmitted

Payload length match transmitted match transmitted match transmitted

No. of off slots match transmitted match transmitted match transmitted

1) The lower address part (LAP) consists of the last 6 hexadecimal digits of the Bluetooth device address.

In the CONNECTION state, the LAP of the piconet's master is used to generate the channel access code of
each transmitted packet.
Alternatively, for an unspecified BD address, enable automatic synchronization, see "Auto Sync (BR/EDR)"
on page 434.

Automatic detection mode

In the "Bluetooth Input Signal" section, you can switch the R&S CMW to automatic
detection mode. In this mode, you can reconfigure the input Bluetooth signal during the
measurement without adjusting the input signal settings; see "Detection Mode"
on page 433.

With the settings described above, the R&S CMW is able to analyze the received pack-
ets. Some measurement results and some test purposes in the Bluetooth radio test
specification require a particular signal configuration; for an overview refer to Chap-
ter 7.3.1, "Basic Rate Measurements in Test Mode", on page 363, Chapter 7.3.2,
"Enhanced Data Rate Measurements in Test Mode", on page 367 and Chapter 7.3.3,
"Low Energy Measurements in Direct Test Mode", on page 370.

Default settings
The default values for the "Payload Length" correspond to the maximum allowed
length for each packet type; see "Packet Type" on page 436. If the measured Blue-
tooth signal complies with the default settings, you only have to adjust the "Burst Type"
and the "Packet Type". Parallel Signaling and Measurement

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement can be used in parallel to the "Bluetooth

Signaling" application. A connection to the EUT can be set up by the signaling applica-

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

tion and the resulting uplink signal can be measured using the multi-evaluation mea-
A Bluetooth combined signal path (CSP) measurement requires one of the following
option combinations:
● Signaling: Option R&S CMW-KS600/-KS602 or /-KS603 for BR/EDR (classic)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM610 (normal mode)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR test mode
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM610 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS601 for signaling connection tests with uncoded LE 1M
PHY (including LE test mode)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM611 (normal mode with LE connection tests)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS720 for signaling connection tests with LE 2M or LE
coded PHY (including LE test mode)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM721 (normal mode with LE connection tests)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS611 for direct test with LE 1M PHY (uncoded)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM611 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS721 for direct test with LE 2M (uncoded) or LE coded
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM721 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS722 for direct test on LE with CTE, uncoded LE 1M or LE
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM722 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
To use both applications in parallel, the combined signal path scenario must be activa-
ted (see "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428). Most signal routing and analyzer set-
tings and some measurement control settings are then configured by the signaling
application. The multi-evaluation measurement displays the corresponding signaling
settings instead of its own settings. These signaling settings can be configured in both
measurement and signaling application GUIs. Use the commands of signaling applica-
tion to configure the settings via remote control. For a command-mapping table, see
Chapter 7.6.7, "Combined Signal Path Commands", on page 695.

For LE measurements in combined signal path, keep 20 dB difference between the "Tx
Level (CMW)" and "Exp. Nominal Power" to avoid measurement errors.
The values are configurable by the signaling application.

In the measurement GUI the most important signaling parameters can be configured
via additional hotkeys, see Chapter 7.4.12, "Additional Softkeys and Hotkeys",
on page 465.
In the combined signal path scenario, the trigger signal from the signaling application
has to be used as the measurement application trigger input. The selection of the trig-
ger is done automatically:
● "Bluetooth Sig<i>: ACPTrigger" for the 79 channels mode of BR/EDR ACP mea-
surements and for the all channels mode of LE ACP measurements.
● "Bluetooth Sig<i>: LESignallingTrigger" for LE connection tests (normal mode)

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 333

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

● "Bluetooth Sig<i>: SignallingTrigger" for all other remaining measurements in CSP

7.2.2 Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Advertiser Tests

Within option R&S CMW-KD611, you can perform non-signaling over-the-air (OTA) Rx
tests on advertisers. The RX measurement only supports LE 1 Msymbol/s uncoded
physical layer (LE 1M PHY), advertiser packets. It covers all advertising channels (37,
38, 39), see Chapter, "LE: Channels", on page 346.

Non-signaling Rx measurements are supported only with an R&S CMW100/CMW with


The Rx measurement is installed within the Bluetooth measurement application, option

R&S CMW-KM611. The measurement uses an ARB waveform file. The GPRF genera-
tor also triggers the timing of SCAN_REQ packets. See also Chapter, "Trigger
Signal", on page 336.
The following sections describe how to perform the Rx non-signaling tests.
● Test Setup............................................................................................................. 334
● Measurement Mode.............................................................................................. 334
● Trigger Signal........................................................................................................336
● Performing an Rx Measurement on Advertisers................................................... 336 Test Setup

The RF signal of the R&S CMW is fed to the antenna port of the DUT. The R&S CMW
measures the DUT reaction. Most conveniently, a bi-directional connection with a sin-
gle coax cable can be used.
For OTA RF connection, use an RF shield box, for example R&S CMW-Z10. Connect
the shield box to one of the bidirectional RF connectors on the front panel of the
R&S CMW. Measurement Mode

The Rx measurement provides three modes:

● Spot check: The R&S CMW transmits one SCAN_REQ packet at the specified
power level per advertising channel and analyses the EUT's reaction.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 334

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Figure 7-3: Spot check

● PER measurement: The R&S CMW transmits the specified number of

SCAN_REQ packets at constant power level advertising channel and calculates
PER statistics.

Figure 7-4: PER measurement

● Sensitivity search measurement: The R&S CMW transmits SCAN_REQ packets

at decreasing power level advertising channel and searches for the minimum
power level sufficient for SCAN_RSP reception.

Figure 7-5: Sensitivity search measurement

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 335

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description Trigger Signal

The "Bluetooth Measurement" provides a power trigger signal that can be used by
other R&S CMW applications. The trigger is useful for non-signaling Rx measurements
for the timing of SCAN_REQ sent by the GPRF generator.
Option R&S CMW-KD611 is required (only for R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA).
To address the trigger signals of the measurement in remote commands, use the fol-
lowing string, with <i> replaced by the instance number of the measurement:
● "Bluetooth Meas<i>: Power" Performing an Rx Measurement on Advertisers

To execute a non-signaling Rx measurement, proceed as follows:

1. Connect your DUT to the R&S CMW (see Chapter, "Test Setup",
on page 334).

2. In the Bluetooth measurement, set scenario to "Standalone" for non-signaling

mode, see "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428.

3. Set Detection Mode to "Auto".

4. Set Burst Type to "Low Energy" and PHY (LE) to "LE1M".

5. Set Packet Type to "Advertiser".

6. Specify the RF center frequency of advertiser channel (see Frequency, Channel,

Advertising Index).

7. Specify CMW Scanner Address and CMW Address Type.

8. The Trigger Source is automatically set to 'Bluetooth Meas<i>: Power'.

9. Configure output path for waveform signal transmission. See RF Routing (Output).

10. Specify other required settings (Measurement Configuration: OTA Advertiser).

11. Configure any other required settings (as for a connection without Rx measure-

12. Select the softkey "Rx Meas" and switch on the signal generator and measure-
a) Press [ON | OFF], or
b) Right-click the softkey "Rx Meas" > "ON".

13. Evaluate the results.

7.2.3 Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Direct Test Mode

Within option R&S CMW-KD720, you can perform PER and PER search measure-
ments in direct test mode on LE test packets, version 5.0.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 336

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Non-signaling Rx measurements in direct test mode are supported only with an

R&S CMW100.

The Rx measurement is installed within the Bluetooth measurement application, option

R&S CMW-KD720. The measurement uses an ARB waveform file processed by the
GPRF generator. The waveform files are stored at C:\Program
The DUT is connected via a USB interface to the control computer of R&S CMW100.
● For test setup, see Test Setup
● For results, see LE: Rx Measurement Results for PER and LE: Rx Measurement
Results for PER Search
● For configuration, see Measurement Configuration: Direct Test Mode
● For EUT control, see EUT Control Tab for Direct Test Mode
● For measurement control, see PER, PER Search (Softkeys)
● For remote commands, see Rx Measurement Commands for Direct Test Mode
The following sections describe how to perform the Rx tests with ARB generator in
direct test mode.
● Test Setup............................................................................................................. 337
● Performing a PER Measurement in Direct Test Mode.......................................... 339 Test Setup

Connect the external RF signal source (mobile station, signal generator etc.) to one of
the bidirectional RF connectors on the front panel of the R&S CMW.

Figure 7-6: RF setup

In addition, the R&S CMW uses also a secondary communication channel via USB for
control commands.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Figure 7-7: Test setup with USB interface

The installation of a USB driver is necessary on the R&S CMW100 control computer.

Driver Installation of USB to RS232 Adapter

For EUTs without a USB interface, the serial RS232 port (COM port) can be used
instead. In this case, the installation of an additional driver is necessary on the
Install the driver for the used USB to RS232 adapter according to the installation
instructions of the vendor.
The USB to RS232 adapter UC-232A from ATEN International Co., Ltd. is recommen-
ded (for more information, see The installation file is delivered within
the converter on the installation disk. It can be also downloaded from the vendor’s
website together with the installation instructions. Copy the installation files via USB or
LAN to the R&S CMW.

Figure 7-8: USB to RS232 adapter

Verify that the driver is properly installed on the R&S CMW as follows:
1. Open the device manager (Windows sign + D to show the desktop, Start > Control
Panel > Device Manager).

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

2. Find your USB to RS232 adapter under Ports (COM & LPT), for example, ATEN
USB to Serial Bridge (COM4). The COM port number depends on the connected
USB port.
Note that the "Virtual COM Port" used by the "Bluetooth Measurement" application
has different numbering than the COM port assigned during the installation of the
USB-to-serial driver. Performing a PER Measurement in Direct Test Mode

To execute a PER measurement, proceed as follows:

1. Connect your DUT to the R&S CMW (see Chapter, "Test Setup",
on page 337).

2. In the Bluetooth measurement, set scenario to "Standalone" for non-signaling

mode, see "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428.

3. Set Detection Mode to "Auto".

4. Set Burst Type to "Low Energy".

5. Set Packet Type to RF PHY TestRef.

Additional tab "EUT Control" appears.

6. Specify Test Packet Sync Word (LE).

7. In the tab "EUT Control", set the HW Interface to USB to RS232 adapter
Additional tabs "PER" and "PER Search" appear.

8. Configure output path for waveform signal transmission. See RF Routing (Output).

9. Configure RF frequency. See Frequency, Channel, Advertising Index.

10. In the tab "PER", configure dirty Tx. See "Stable Modulation Index" on page 422.

11. Specify other required settings (Chapter, "Measurement Configuration:

Direct Test Mode", on page 449).

12. Configure any other required settings (as for a connection without Rx measure-

13. In the tab "PER", right-click the softkey "PER" > "ON" to switch on the signal gener-
ator and measurement.

14. Evaluate the results.

7.2.4 Combined Advertiser Tx-Rx Measurements

To speed up a manufacturing sequence, non-signaling combined Tx-Rx tests are intro-

duced. They perform power, modulation and ACP Tx measurements and spot check

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 339

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

per advertiser event in remote operation. The first advertiser event is used for training
phase, actual Tx-Rx tests run at the next three advertiser events.
These measurements support LE 1 Msymbol/s uncoded physical layer (LE 1M PHY)
and cover all advertising channels (37, 38, 39) within only four advertising events, see
Chapter, "LE: Channels", on page 346.

Advertising event No. 1 2 3 4

Measurement path Tx Tx-Rx Tx-Rx Tx-Rx

Measured channel index 37 37 38 39

Measurement type training Tx meas., Rx Tx meas., Rx Tx meas., Rx

sequence spot check spot check spot check

The non-signaling combined Tx-Rx measurements are only supported by an

R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA.
The measurement is installed within the Bluetooth measurement application, option
R&S CMW-KD611. Option R&S CMW-KM611 is also required. The measurement uses
an ARB waveform file.

For remote control, refer to Chapter 7.6.5, "Combined Non-Signaling Tx-Rx Measure-
ment Commands", on page 673.
● For the description of Tx tests, refer to Chapter 7.2.1, "Tx Measurements",
on page 330
● For the description of spot check Rx tests, refer to Chapter 7.2.2, "Rx Measure-
ments with ARB Generator: Advertiser Tests", on page 334

7.2.5 List Mode

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation list mode requires option R&S CMW-KM012. In this
mode, the signal is captured and processed in segments. The list mode is essentially a
single-shot remote control application. When a measurement is initiated in list mode,
all defined segments are measured once.

List mode supports the following measurements:

● BR and EDR test mode
● Direct test mode for LE up to Bluetooth version 5.0
● Measurements on LE advertisers
The following measurements are not supported in list mode:
● Normal mode classic (BR/EDR)
● Normal mode LE
● Direct test mode for LE measurements with CTE
● Rx measurements

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 340

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Each segment is configured with the basic signal properties like:

● Burst type, packet type,
● Pattern type, payload length, number of off slots,
● Expected nominal power,
● Frequency and
● Number of bursts to capture (segment length)

Figure 7-9: Multi-segment capture in list mode

Each segment could be configured to measure any one or more of the following mea-
surements: Power, modulation, 20dB bandwidth (occupied bandwidth), spectrum ACP
or spectrum gated ACP. With spectrum ACP and spectrum gated ACP measurements,
full Bluetooth band measurement (79 channels for BR/EDR, and 81 MHz for LE) is not
possible. Statistic count (or the number of bursts to measure) for each of the measure-
ments listed above could be set individually for each of the segment.
A single list mode measurement could configure up to a maximum of 48 segments.
Maximum signal capture duration is 6700 Bluetooth timeslots (or ~ 4.18 s).
Initially, the capture mechanism is armed and awaits the trigger to start the capture
process. Once the trigger is detected, then all the specified segments have to be cap-
The received signal is expected to be reconfigured at the end of a segment in prepara-
tion for the capture of the next segment. If this reconfiguration is not possible, then the
capturing needs to be rearmed to await the trigger for the capture of the next segment,
as shown in the figure below.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Figure 7-10: Trigger in list mode

It is possible to measure all bursts of a segment or to exclude bursts at the end of the
segment. The statistical length defines the number of bursts to be measured. The "cur-
rent" result of a segment refers to the last measured burst of the statistical length.
Additional statistical values (average, minimum, maximum and standard deviation) are
calculated for the entire statistical length. The following figure provides a summary.

Figure 7-11: Statistical length in list mode

If consecutive segments are measured at different analyzer settings (frequency and/or

expected nominal power), R&S CMW changes the analyzer settings during the capture
of the last burst of the first segment. This change impairs the accuracy of the measure-
ment results for this last burst. Therefore, exclude this burst from the statistical length.
Alternatively, for such segments ensure that the number of captured bursts is at least
one more than the maximum of the statistic counts specified for the measurements
within that segment.
Results of the bursts that cannot be measured accurately, for example, because of
overflow, low signal or synchronization error can be included or excluded from the
measurement. Each segment is individually configurable to measure on exception. In
that case, the measurement still tries to provide results for the specified statistical
length. If not enough bursts of the segment can be measured, it results in a shorter
statistical length. The reached statistical length, a reliability indicator for the measure-
ment and a reliability indicator for the segment are included in measurement results.
In the example shown below, overflow occurs in the fourth burst. The samples of this
burst are discarded and burst number 9 is measured also to reach the specified statis-
tical length of 8 bursts.

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General Description

Remote commands
The list mode is essentially a single-shot remote control application. When a measure-
ment is initiated in list mode, all defined segments are measured once. Afterwards, the
results can be retrieved using FETCh commands.
The following remote control commands are used for list mode settings and result
Table 7-3: List mode commands

Parameters SCPI commands

Activate / deactivate list mode CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST

Number of segments CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:COUNt

Segment configuration (burst CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent:

type, packet type, payload SETup...
length, segment length, level, e.g., CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:
frequency, LE PHY, LE cod-
SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:EXTended etc.
ing ...)

Statistical length CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:

SEGMent<no>:SCOunt etc.

Result activation CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent:

e.g., CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:
SEGMent<no>:RESults etc.

R&S CMWS connector CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:CMWS:


Retrieve results FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:

See Chapter, "List Mode Results (One Segment)", on page 647

The list mode can be deactivated via command (see table above) and also via the GUI:
1. Go to local using the corresponding hotkey.
The active list mode is indicated in the upper right corner of the current view by the
words "List Mode".

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 343

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

2. Open the configuration dialog box. Disable the list mode in section "Measurement
Control ".

Global and list mode parameters

The following parameters could be set individually for each segment.
● RF settings : expected nominal power, frequency
● Signal settings: burst type, packet type, pattern type, payload length, number of off
● Measurement control: measure on exception, measurement filter
All other parameters are treated as global, for example:
● BD address
● External attenuation
● Spectrum measurement configuration (thresholds, number of channels to measure,
● Trigger settings
● Limits

7.2.6 Bluetooth Signal Properties

For better understanding of the required settings, this section describes the following
selected topics related to Bluetooth technology.
● BR/EDR: Channels............................................................................................... 344
● BR/EDR: ACL Packet Format............................................................................... 345
● BR/EDR: Modulation Scheme...............................................................................345
● LE: Channels.........................................................................................................346
● LE: Packet Formats...............................................................................................347
● LE: Packet Types.................................................................................................. 348
● LE: Modulation Scheme........................................................................................ 351 BR/EDR: Channels

The frequency band defined for Bluetooth devices is the unlicensed 2.4 GHz "Indus-
trial, Scientific and Medical" (ISM) frequency band.
Table 7-4: Operating band

Regulatory range RF channels k

2400.0 MHz to 2483.5 MHz k = 0 to 78, f = k + 2402 MHz

Two modulation modes are used for Bluetooth: the mandatory basic rate (BR) and the
optional enhanced data rate (EDR). The BR mode uses binary FM modulation and pro-
vides a data rate of 1 Mbps. The EDR mode uses two types of PSK modulation, the
π/4-DQPSK or 8DPSK, and achieves data rates of 2 Mbps and 3 Mbps, respectively.
All modulations schemes have the symbol rate equal to 1 Msymbol/s.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

A time division duplex (TDD) scheme for duplex transmission is defined for both
modes. BR/EDR: ACL Packet Format

The ACL packets are used for asymmetric links and they contain user data or control
data. The table and the figures below give an overview of the ACL packets and their
Table 7-5: ACL packet - BR

Type Header length in Payload length* in byte Max. timeslots


DH1 1 0-27 1

DH3 2 0-183 3

DH5 0-339 5

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

Figure 7-12: Packet structure of ACL packets - BR

Table 7-6: ACL packets - EDR

Type Header length in Payload length* in byte Max. timeslots


2-DH1 2 0-54 1

2-DH3 0-367 3

2-DH5 0-679 5

3-DH1 0-83 1

3-DH3 0-552 3

2-DH5 0-1021 5

* The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.

Figure 7-13: Packet structure of ACL packets - EDR BR/EDR: Modulation Scheme

The modulation used for the basic data rate packets is Gaussian frequency shift keying
(GFSK) with a bandwidth bit period product BT=0.5. The modulation index is between
0.28 and 0.35.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

The modulation scheme used for enhanced data rate packets changes within the
packet. The access code and packet header have a GFSK modulation scheme and are
transmitted with the basic rate 1 Mbps. The subsequent synchronization sequence,
payload and trailer sequence have a PSK type of modulation and are transmitted with
a data rate of 2 Mbps or optionally 3 Mbps.
The PSK modulation, namely π/4 rotated differential encoded quaternary phase shift
keying (π/4–DQPSK) is defined for the 2 Mbps transmission.
The PSK modulation, namely differential encoded 8-ary phase shift keying (8DPSK), is
defined for the 3 Mbps transmission.
Table 7-7: The modulation types and corresponding packet types

Modulation type Packet types


GFSK + π/4-DQPSK 2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 2-EV3, 2-EV5

GFSK + 8DPSK 3-DH1, 3-DH3, 3-DH5, 3-EV3, 3-EV5 LE: Channels

The R&S CMW provides you with the ability to generate signals in accordance with the
low energy (LE) specification for Bluetooth wireless technology. Bluetooth LE provides
data transfer from low-power devices running on the smallest of batteries to a larger
device, such as a PC, a mobile phone, or a PDA. For the first time, a Bluetooth con-
nection to a wristwatch, or a heart rate sensor, or a data transfer from a digital camera,
is possible. The generated packets do not support audio content.
A time division duplex (TDD) scheme for duplex transmission is defined. The frequency
band defined for Bluetooth devices is the unlicensed 2.4 GHz "Industrial, Scientific and
Medical" (ISM) frequency band.
Table 7-8: Operating band

Regulatory range RF channels k

2400.0 MHz to 2483.5 MHz k = 0 to 39, f = k*2 + 2402 MHz

Figure 7-14: RF channel index

red = primary advertising channels

blue = data channels or secondary advertising channels

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Table 7-9: Channel index

RF channel RF center frequency in Data channel index / Primary advertising

MHz secondary advertising channel index
channel index

0 2402 - 37

1 to 11 2404 to 2424 0 to 10 -

12 2426 - 38

13 to 38 2428 to 2478 11 to 36 -

39 2480 - 39 LE: Packet Formats

Packet formats for LE uncoded PHY

The following packet format is defined for the LE uncoded PHYs and is used for both
advertising channel packets and test packets. Each packet consists of four mandatory
fields: The preamble is transmitted first, followed by the access address (advertiser
packets) or sync word (test packets or data channel packets), followed by the PDU, fol-
lowed by the CRC. Constant tone extension (CTE) is optional. The entire packet is
transmitted at the same symbol rate.

Sync word /
Preamble PDU CRC CTE
Access address

Figure 7-15: PDU

Table 7-10: Packet format for LE uncoded PHY

Physical layer Supported Preamble Sync word / PDU CRC CTE

packet types access address
(octets) (octets) (octets) (units)

LE 1 Mbps v5.0 test packets 1 4 2 to 257 3 n/a

LE 2 Mbps v5.0 test packets 2 4 2 to 257 3 n/a

LE 1 Mbps v5.1 test packets 1 4 2 to 258 3 2 to 20

LE 2 Mbps v5.1 test packets 2 4 2 to 258 3 2 to 20

LE 1 Mbps v4.2 advertiser 1 4 3 to 257 3 n/a

LE 1 Mbps v4.2 data physical 1 4 2 to 257 3 n/a

channel packets

Packets (not including the CTE) take between 44 and 2120 μs to transmit. CTE trans-
mission takes between 16 and 160 μs (CTE units x 8 μs).

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Packet formats for LE coded PHY

The following packet format is defined for the LE coded PHY.

S = 8 coding S = 2 or 8

Preamble Sync word CI TERM1 PDU CRC TERM2

FEC block 1 FEC block 2

Each packet consists of the preamble, FEC block 1, and FEC block 2. The preamble is
not coded. The FEC block 1 consists of three fields: access address (or sync word for
test packets), coding indicator (CI), and TERM1. These fields use the S=8 coding
scheme. The CI field determines which coding scheme is used for FEC block 2. The
FEC block 2 consists of three fields: PDU, CRC, and TERM2. These fields use either
the S=2 or S=8 coding scheme, depending on the value of the CI field.
The entire packet is transmitted with 1 Msymbol/s modulation. The following table cap-
tures the size and duration of the packet fields.
Table 7-11: Packet format for LE coded PHY


ble word

Number of bits before coding 80 32 2 3 16 - 2056 24 3

Duration in µs for S=8 coding 80 256 16 24 128 - 16448 192 24

Duration in µs for S=2 coding 80 256 16 24 32 - 4112 48 6

Packets take between 462 and 17040 μs to transmit.

There is no constant tone extension (CTE) on the LE coded PHY. LE: Packet Types

Test packet type

The test packet PDU is subdivided into a PDU header and the payload field. The PDU
header indicates the payload content type (RF_PHY_TestRef) and the payload length
expressed in octets. The possible PDU payload length is 0 to 255 octets
The constant tone extension (CTE) is optional. The R&S CMW only supports CTE
measurements in direct test mode with uncoded PHY (LE 1M and LE 2M). CTE mea-
surements require R&S CMW-KM722 for Bluetooth v5.1.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 348

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

2-20 units

Header Payload
2 octets 0-255 octets

LE test packets are described in the "Air Interface Packets" section of core specifica-
tion for Bluetooth wireless technology, volume 6, part B.

Advertising channel packet type

The advertising channel PDU has a 16-bit header and a variable size payload.

Header Payload
2 octets 1-255 octets

The PDU header indicates the payload content type, the payload length expresses in
octets, and information related to the PDU type.
With option R&S CMW-KM611, the R&S CMW allows all advertising channel packet
types defined in Bluetooth specification version 4.2 to be measured in payload-inde-
pendent measurement mode. The supported PDU types, are listed in the following
Table 7-12: Supported advertising channel PDU types with R&S CMW-KM611




For advertising packets, the option R&S CMW-KM611 supports only LE 1 Msymbol/s
uncoded physical layer (LE 1M PHY) and only primary advertising channels (channel
index 37, 38, and 39).

Extended advertising
Option R&S CMW-KM721 supports additionally also low energy extended advertising
as defined in Bluetooth specification version 5.0.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Table 7-13: Supported advertising channel PDU types with R&S CMW-KM721

Advertising PDUs primary advertising: ADV_IND, ADV_DIRECT_IND, ADV_NON-


secondary advertising*): AUX_ADV_IND, AUX_SYNC_IND,


Scanning PDUs primary advertising: SCAN_REQ, SCAN_RSP

secondary advertising*): AUX_SCAN_REQ, AUX_SCAN_RSP

Initiating PDUs primary advertising: CONNECT_IND (replacing CONNECT_REQ of v4.2)

secondary advertising*): AUX_CONNECT_REQ, AUX_CONNECT_RSP

*) extended advertising

Extended advertising uses one of the primary advertising channels (channel index 37,
38, or 39) for ADV_EXT_IND. This advertiser indicates the transmission of the next
auxiliary packet in the chain. All auxiliary packets use secondary advertising channels
(channel index 0 to 36).

For advertising packets, the option R&S CMW-KM721 supports additionally LE 2M

PHY, LE coded PHY and also secondary advertising channels.

Data channel packet types

The data channel PDU has a 16-bit header (2 octets), a variable size payload, and can
include a message integrity check (MIC) field (4 octets). In measurements with LE con-
nection tests (signaling option R&S CMW-KS601), R&S CMW measures data channel

Header Payload
2 octets 0-251 octets

For measurements on data channel packet with LE connection test, R&S CMW sup-
ports only uncoded LE 1M PHY.

Besides the data packet type, instrument supports the following CONTROL_DATA
packet types.
Table 7-14: Control data packet types





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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description






Table 7-15: Additional control data packet types within additional option R&S CMW-KM721







0x13 LL_PING_RSP 0x19 LL_MIN_USED_CHANNELS_IND LE: Modulation Scheme

The modulation is Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) with a bandwidth bit period
product BT = 0.5. The modulation index has to be between 0.45 and 0.55. The manda-
tory modulation scheme is 1 Msymbol/s modulation. It uses a shaped, binary FM to
minimize transceiver complexity.
● 1 Msymbol/s modulation supports two PHYs:
– LE 1M PHY: LE physical layer with uncoded data at 1 Mbit/s
– Optional LE coded PHY: LE coded physical layer with the access address,
coding indicator, TERM1 fields of the packet coded at 125 kbit/s and the pay-
load coded at either 125 kbit/s or 500 kbit/s
● The 2 Msymbol/s modulation supports physical layer with uncoded data at 2 Mbit/s

For low energy with CTE, the R&S CMW supports only uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY and

7.2.7 Conformance Requirements

Conformance requirements for Bluetooth transmitter tests are specified in the test
specification for Bluetooth wireless technology; the following sections give an overview.
● Transmit Power Requirements..............................................................................352
● Modulation Requirements..................................................................................... 352
● Spectrum Requirements....................................................................................... 354
● Differential Phase Encoding Requirements.......................................................... 355

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description Transmit Power Requirements

Non-LE output power requirements

BR and EDR Bluetooth devices are divided into three power classes according to their
maximum output power. The equipment power control optimizes power consumption
and the overall interference level. The power steps have to form a monotonic
sequence with a step size between 2 dB and 8 dB.
For EDR packets the Bluetooth RF test specification stipulates the power difference
between the DPSK and GFSK-modulated portions of the burst as follows:
–4 dB < PDPSK – PGFSK < 1 dB

In addition, the guard time has to be between 4.75 μs and 5.25 μs. The guard time
starts at the end of the last GFSK symbol of the header and ends at the start of the
reference symbol of the synchronization sequence.

LE output power requirements

The specification stipulates a peak output power that is not greater than PAVG + 3 dB
and –20 dBm ≦ PAVG ≦ 20 dBm for the EUT compliant to core specification version
5.0.0. For LE test requirements, refer to RF-PHY test specification.
Table 7-16: Bluetooth power requirements

Bluetooth Maximum output Nominal output power Min. output power Pmin Power control
device power Pmax (peak (at max. power setting)

BR/EDR 20 dBm n/a 0 dBm Pmin < +4 dBm to Pmax

Power class 1 optional: Pmin*) to Pmax

BR/EDR 4 dBm 0 dBm –6 dBm optional: Pmin*) to Pmax

Power class 2

BR/EDR 0 dBm n/a n/a optional: Pmin*) to Pmax

Power class 3

LE 10 dBm for v4.2 n/a -20 dBm the output power control can
be changed locally
20 dBm from v5.0

*) lower power limit Pmin < –30 dBm is suggested but not mandatory Modulation Requirements

The modulation requirements depend on the packet type.

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General Description

Table 7-17: Bluetooth modulation requirements for BR and EDR


Test cases in Bluetooth RF test specifi- RF/TRM/CA/BV-07-C RF/TRM/CA/BV-12-C

cation RF/TRM/CA/BV-08-C

Frequency accuracy 75 kHz n/a

Frequency drift one slot packets: n/a

-25 kHz to 25 kHz
three or five slot packets:
-40 kHz to 40 kHz

Maximum drift rate -20kHz / 50μs to 20kHz / 50μs n/a

Average frequency deviation 115 kHz to 175 kHz n/a

Lower limit for at least 99.9% fre- 115 kHz n/a

quency deviations

Frequency stability n/a ωi: -75kHz to 75kHz

(ω0 + ωi): -75kHz to 75kHz
ω0max: -10 kHz to 10 kHz

RMS DEVM upper limit n/a π/4-DQPSK: 0.20

8DPSK: 0.13

Peak DEVM upper limit n/a π/4-DQPSK: 0.35

8DPSK: 0.25

99% DEVM upper limit n/a π/4-DQPSK: 0.30

8DPSK: 0.25

Table 7-18: Bluetooth modulation requirements for LE

LE1M PHY LE2M PHY LE coded PHY S = 8

Test cases in Bluetooth RF RF-PHY/TRM/BV-05-C RF-PHY/TRM/BV-10-C RF-PHY/TRM/BV-13-C

test specification RF-PHY/TRM/BV-09-C RF-PHY/TRM/BV-11-C RF-PHY/TRM/BV-14-C

Frequency accuracy 150 kHz 150 kHz 150 kHz

Frequency drift -50 kHz to 50 kHz -50 kHz to 50 kHz -50 kHz to 50 kHz

Initial frequency drift -23 kHz to 23 kHz -23 kHz to 23 kHz n/a
with CTE: -13.6 kHz to 13.6 with CTE: -13.6 kHz to 13.6
kHz kHz

Maximum drift rate -20 kHz/50μs to 20 kHz/50μs -20 kHz/50μs to 20 kHz/50μs -19.2 kHz/48µs to 19.2 kHz/
(payload) (between any two 10-bit (between any two 20-bit
groups separated by 50µs) groups separated by 50µs) (between any two 16-symbol
groups separated by 48µs)

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 353

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General Description

LE1M PHY LE2M PHY LE coded PHY S = 8

Maximum drift rate -19.2 kHz/50μs to 19.2 kHz/ -19.2 kHz/50μs to 19.2 kHz/ n/a
50μs 50μs
(between any two CTE units (between any two CTE units
separated by 50µs) separated by 50µs)

Average frequency deviation Δf1 avg: 225 kHz to 275 kHz *) Δf1 avg: 450 kHz to 550 kHz*) Δf1 avg: 225 kHz to 275 kHz
standard modulation character-

Average frequency deviation Δf1 avg: 247.5 kHz to 252.5 Δf1 avg: 495 kHz to 505 kHz*) n/a
kHz *)
stable modulation characteris-

Lower limit for at least 99.9% Δf2: 185 kHz *) Δf2: 370 kHz*) Δf1: 185 kHz
frequency deviations

*) Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg ≥ 0.8 Spectrum Requirements

The spectrum requirements depend on the packet type. For a definition of the relevant
channel powers, refer to Chapter, "EDR: Spectrum Gated ACP Results ",
on page 401.
Table 7-19: Bluetooth spectrum requirements

Burst type Test case Value

Spectrum 20 dB bandwidth BR RF/TRM/CA/BV-05-C 1.0 MHz for high peak emission bursts (≧ 0 dBm)
upper limit fH – fL
1.5 MHz for low peak emission bursts (< 0 dBm)

Frequency range upper and BR RF/TRM/CA/BV-04-C fL, fH within the allowed frequency band 2.4 GHz to
lower limit 2.4835 GHz

Spectrum ACP upper limit BR RF/TRM/CA/BV-06-C 1) PTX (±2 MHz) ≦ -20 dBm
PTX (n MHz) ≦ -40 dBm, |n| ≧ 3 2)

Spectrum gated ACP upper DPSK portion RF/TRM/CA/BV-13-C 1) PTX (±2 MHz) ≦ -20 dBm
limit of EDR
PTX (n MHz) ≦ -40 dBm, |n| ≧ 3 2)
PTX - 26 dB(±1 MHz) ≦ PTXref – 26

In-band emissions upper LE for RF-PHY/TRM/BV-03-C 1) PTX (±2 MHz) ≦ -20 dBm
limit LE1M PHY 1)P
TX (n MHz) ≦ -30 dBm, |n| ≧ 3 3)

LE for RF-PHY/TRM/BV-08-C 1) PTX (±4 MHz) ≦ -20 dBm

LE2M PHY 1) PTX (±5 MHz) ≦ -20 dBm
TX (n MHz) ≦ -30 dBm, 6 ≧ |n| ≧ 8 3)

1) relative to the transmit channel

2) three allowed exceptions, where −40 dBm < PTX ≤ −20 dBm
3) three allowed exceptions, where −30 dBm < PTX ≤ −20 dBm

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description Differential Phase Encoding Requirements

These requirements are defined for EDR only. For a definition of the relevant parame-
ters, refer to Chapter, "EDR: Differential Phase Encoding Results ",
on page 400.
Table 7-20: Bluetooth EDR differential phase encoding requirements

Test case Value

Differential phase encoding RF/TRM/CA/BV-12-C zero errors detected in 99% of the packets
lower limit

7.2.8 Calculation of Results

If the measurement is performed repeatedly, the R&S CMW can evaluate the trace sta-
tistics. The number and position of the trace points is calculated as described in the fol-
lowing sections.
● PvT and Freq. Dev. Trace Points (Classic)........................................................... 355
● DEVM Trace Points for Test Mode (EDR).............................................................356
● Phase Difference Trace Points (EDR)...................................................................358
● Trace Points for IQ Constellation Diagrams (EDR)...............................................359
● PvT and Modulation Trace Points (LE)................................................................. 360
● Scope of Spectrum Measurements.......................................................................361 PvT and Freq. Dev. Trace Points (Classic)

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement extends over a single Bluetooth packet

plus an appropriate margin before and after the edges. The packet length is defined by
the payload length parameter. No other settings concerning the measurement duration
are required.
The number of time domain trace points for "PvT" (BR and EDR) and "Freq. Dev." (BR)
measurements depends on the packet type and the payload length.
● In test mode, the traces cover the whole burst plus 160 symbols before the symbol
0 and 100 symbols after the last symbol in the burst.
● In normal mode:
– The "Power vs. Time" traces cover the entire packet.
– For modulation analysis, the traces start at 140 symbols before the symbol 0.
First 126 μs of the burst are processed.
The number of time domain trace points in "PvT" traces is identical for BR and EDR
The BR packets consist of the following fields:

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Figure 7-16: Content of BR packets

The number N of symbols in the burst can be read from the figure above: N = 150
+ 8*n for DH1 packets, N = 158 + 8 * n for DH3 and DH5 packets. With a fixed over-
sampling factor of 4, the number m of trace points is equal to:
m = 4*(100 + N + 100) = 800 + 4*N
For EDR, the following fields are used for power measurements:

Figure 7-17: GFSK and DPSK portions of EDR power results DEVM Trace Points for Test Mode (EDR)

The number of DEVM trace points depends on the packet type and the payload length.
These parameters determine the number N of 50-symbol blocks that the R&S CMW
processes for the modulation analysis.

Figure 7-18: Calculation of DPSK modulation results

ωi = initial frequency error

ω0, n = frequency error, compensated for ωi for each block n
ε0, n = sampling phase for each block n

The following table gives an overview.

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General Description

Table 7-21: Symbol blocks for EDR modulation analysis

2-DHx packets 3-DHx packets

Number of EDR synchronization 20 30

sequence bits (used for modula-
tion analysis)

EDR payload header (in bits) 16 16

Payload length (in bits) 8*n 8*n

(where n is payload length setting (where n is payload length setting
in bytes) in bytes)

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 16 16


Trailer (in bits) 4 6

Total number of bits used for EDR 56+8*n 68+8*n

modulation analysis

Number of bits per symbol 2 3

Number N of blocks processed for floor [(56 + 8*n)/(2*50)] floor [(68 + 8*n)/(3*50)]
EDR modulation analysis

The displayed DEVM values include 132 zeros, corresponding to 126 GFSK symbols,
5 guard period symbols, and 1 Sref symbol. Thus, the number of DEVM values is 132
+ 50*N.

DEVM calculation
In the π/4-DQPSK and 8DPSK modulation schemes, the modulation vector corre-
sponds to the distance between two points in the constellation diagram, irrespective of
the axes and the origin. See figure below, part (a). The differential error vector magni-
tude (DEVM) is calculated from the magnitude of the differential error vector, in anal-
ogy to the ordinary EVM (part (b)).

Figure 7-19: Definition of the DEVM

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

In the "Differential Error Vector Magnitude" view, the DEVM is expressed as the ratio |
E| / |R'|. To obtain the DEVM results, the R&S CMW proceeds as described in Chap-
ter, "EDR: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 398. Phase Difference Trace Points (EDR)

The phase difference of symbol k is given by:

Phase Difference (k) = Phase (k) – Phase (k – 1)
Phase differences are calculated for the guard period symbols and the DPSK portion
● The phase difference corresponding to the first guard symbols is initialized to 0.
● Phase difference between the first two guard symbols is the first one to be calcula-
● The phase difference between symbols is calculated all the way up to the power
down ramp center position
● For 2-DHx packets, the number of phase difference values (including the initial
zeros) is at least 127 + ceiling [(56 + 8*n)/2].
● For 3-DHx packets, the number of phase difference values (including the initial
zeros) is at least 127 + ceiling [(68 + 8*n)/3].
This way, you can, for example, verify the synchronization sequence and trailer sym-
bols in the EDR packets (test RF/TRM/CA/BV-16-C).
The "Phase Difference" view shows the normalized phase difference of each symbol
relative to the preceding symbol. Phase difference ϕ for each symbol is measured as
described in "IQ constellation differential" on page 360.
Phase differences between consecutive symbols are displayed as a fraction of π.
● For π/4-DQPSK-modulated signals, differential symbols occur at phases ±π/4,
● For 8DPSK-modulated signals, differential symbols occur at phases 0, ±π/4, ±π/2,
±3π/4, π.
The binary EDR data can be read from the normalized phase differences according to
the mapping tables in the core specification for Bluetooth wireless technology. The
binary value no. 2k (b2k) is associated with symbol no. k.
Table 7-22: π/4 DQPSK mapping

Phase difference Φk /rad Normalized phase difference Φk b2k–1 b2k

in rad/π

π/4 1/4 0 0

3π/4 3/4 0 1

–3π/4 –3/4 1 1

–π/4 –1/4 1 0

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Table 7-23: 8DPSK mapping

Phase difference Φk /rad Normalized phase differ- b3k–2 b3k–1 b3k

ence Φk in rad/π

0 0 0 0 0

π/4 1/4 0 0 1

π/2 1/2 0 1 1

3π/4 31/4 0 1 0

π 1 1 1 0

–3π/4 –3/4 1 1 1

–3π/2 –1/2 1 0 1

–π/4 –1/4 1 0 0

"Phase Difference" is calculated for symbols starting from the guard symbols to the
symbol corresponding to the signal power down ramp position. All the DPSK symbols
within the burst and beyond are covered. Trace Points for IQ Constellation Diagrams (EDR)

The IQ constellation (absolute and relative) results correspond to the normalized I/Q
vectors of the Sref symbol and of each symbol in the 50-symbol blocks processed. The
number of results is 50*N + 1 where N is the number of blocks from Symbol blocks for
EDR modulation analysis. The constellation error is based on the DEVM between con-
secutive symbols, so the number of results is 50*N.
The I/Q diagrams show the constellation points (or vector diagrams) for the DPSK
modulated portion of the EDR bursts. The diagrams start from the Sref symbol in the
EDR synchronization sequence (shown in the following figure).

Figure 7-20: EDR packet format

Symbol analysis and error correction

To acquire the I/Q vectors, the R&S CMW divides the DPSK portion of the burst in
adjacent blocks of 50 symbols. Each block is compensated for its individual carrier fre-
quency and timing offset. The first block starts from symbol S1 in the EDR synchroniza-

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

tion sequence. The last symbol in each block provides the phase reference that is nec-
essary to demodulate the (differentially modulated) symbols in the next block. The Sref
symbol is used as a reference for the first block.
The I/Q values can be displayed in three different diagram types; see Chapter,
"EDR: Measurement Diagrams ", on page 395.

IQ constellation absolute
The absolute I/Q diagram shows the normalized I/Q vectors starting from Sref symbol.
The diagrams contain 50*N + 1 consecutive symbols. Normalization means that the
average magnitude of all I/Q vectors equals to 1. N is the number of blocks processed
within a packet. This value depends on packet type and number of payload bytes
("Payload Length"). For 2-DHx and 3-DHx packets, it is calculated according to
Table 7-21.

IQ constellation differential
The differential I/Q diagram shows the normalized I/Q amplitude of each symbol and
the phase difference compared to the previous symbol:
Last symbol = a · e j·⍺, current symbol = b · e j·β

⇒ Differential symbol = r · e j·ϕ with r = b, ϕ = β – ⍺

The Sref symbol provides the initial phase reference; the diagrams contain 50*N symbol

IQ constellation error / DEVM

This diagram shows the differential error vector calculated according to Bluetooth radio
specification. See also Chapter, "DEVM Trace Points for Test Mode (EDR)",
on page 356. This diagram contains 50*N symbol points.

I/Q symbols are displayed for EDR Bluetooth bursts only.
I/Q symbols are not displayed for the following EDR Bluetooth bursts:
● Without valid EDR synchronization sequence or
● With less than 50 valid DPSK symbols (excluding the Sref).

Symbols from fractional blocks at the end of the burst are not displayed. PvT and Modulation Trace Points (LE)

The number of time domain trace points for LE packets ("PvT", "Freq. Deviation")
depends on the payload length. The traces cover the whole burst plus 160 symbols
before the symbol 0 and 100 symbols after the last symbol in the burst. Exception: for
measurements with LE connection tests (R&S CMW-KS601/-KS720), the traces cover
the whole burst plus 140 symbols before the symbol 0 and 100 symbols after the last
symbol in the burst.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

For LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY), the TX measurements display
four samples per symbol.
For LE coded PHY, the TX measurements display one sample per symbols. Measure-
ments for LE coded PHY are applicable to power versus time and frequency deviation
graphs only.
The Bluetooth LE transmission interval depends on LE packet length L. Core specifica-
tion defines the minimum LE test packet interval in LE direct test mode for L in μs:
I (L) = ceiling ((L + 249) / 625) x 625
For packet structure, refer to Chapter, "LE: Packet Formats", on page 347. Scope of Spectrum Measurements

Adjacent channel power (ACP) is the radiated RF power in the off-carrier channels.
The R&S CMW measures the ACP in accordance with the Bluetooth RF test specifica-
tion; for details refer to the following sections:
● BR: Chapter, "BR: Spectrum ACP Results ", on page 392
● EDR: Chapter, "EDR: Spectrum Gated ACP Results ", on page 401
● LE: Chapter, "LE: Spectrum ACP Results ", on page 415

LE uncoded PHY only

Multi-shot measurements are not supported with LE coded PHY. The RF-PHY test
specification of Bluetooth wireless technology specifies ACP measurements only for
LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY).

According to the test specification, the ACP measurement must cover all Bluetooth
channels, i.e. a frequency band of at least 80 MHz. To achieve this range, the received
signal is captured multiple times at different receive frequencies.

Figure 7-21: Multi-shot ACP measurement in time domain

The measurement bandwidth for each single shot capture is 25 MHz. To cover all
channels, a minimum of four captures is required.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
General Description

Figure 7-22: Multi-shot ACP measurement (BR/EDR channel numbering)

The multi-shot ACP measurement is performed as follows:

● The first capture (capture #1) is centered on the selected transmit channel ("RF
Settings > Frequency/Channel ..."). It is triggered by the rising slope of the first
measured burst. This burst provides the power, modulation, and 20 dB bandwidth
● The center frequency of the following captures is selected such that the regulatory
range is covered. Depending on the position of capture #1, either four or five cap-
tures are required in total. The multi-shot ACP results "Ptx" are combined from all

Statistical settings for ACP measurements on BR packets

For ACP measurements on BR packets (test purposes RF/TRM/CA/BV-06-C), the RF
specification stipulates 10 spectrum analyzer sweeps, each with a 100 ms sweep time.
The measurement is to be performed in loopback mode, where the EUT transmits in
every second packet interval. These results in an effective measurement time of 10 *
100 ms / 2 = 500 ms.
To obtain an effective measurement time of 500 ms, the statistic count ("Measurement
Control > Spectrum > ACP Statistic Count") has to be set to the number of measured

Packet type ACP statistic count

DH1 500 ms / 0.625 ms = 800

DH3 500 ms / (3 * 0.625 ms) ≅ 267

DH5 500 ms / (5 * 0.625 ms) = 160

Statistical settings for gated ACP measurements on EDR packets

For ACP (in-band spurious emissions) measurements on EDR packets (test purpose
RF/TRM/CA/BV-13-C), the RF specification stipulates 10 sweeps, each with a sweep
time of 1 packet length. To measure in accordance with the specification, select "Gated
ACP Statistic Count: 10", irrespective of the measured packet type.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Application Sheets

Statistical settings for ACP measurements on LE packets

The ACP (in-band emission) measurements on LE packets are defined in the test pur-
poses RF-PHY/TRM/BV-03-C for LE 1M PHY and RF-PHY/TRM/BV-08-C for LE 2M
PHY. The RF test specification stipulates 10 spectrum analyzer sweeps per half-chan-
nel (1 MHz), each with an RBW of 100 kHz and with a 100 ms sweep time. The mea-
surement is to be performed in direct test mode, where the EUT transmits a packet
with either 37 or 255 payload bytes.
The LE 1M PHY measurement provides 100 ms sweep time result in a measurement
time of 200 µs per frequency point for a typical 500 pixel digital spectrum analyzer out-
put. So, the effective measurement time per PTX,i is 10 * 200 µs = 2 ms for LE 1M PHY.
For LE 2M PHY, the effective measurement time per PTX,i is also 2 ms.

In summary, to measure in accordance with the LE RF test specification use the follow-
ing settings:
● Settings for LE 1M PHY:
– For the payload length of 37 bytes, set the statistic count to 2 ms / 376 µs ≅ 6
– For the payload length of 255 bytes, set the statistic count to 2 ms / 2120 µs ≅
● Settings for LE 2M PHY:
– For the payload length of 37 bytes, set the statistic count to 2 ms / 192 µs ≅ 11
– For the payload length of 255 bytes, set the statistic count to 2 ms / 1064 µs ≅
● Tests for LE coded PHY are not specified in the test specification for Bluetooth
wireless technology RF-PHY, version 5.0.0.

7.3 Application Sheets

Application sheets describe short application examples for select issues and provide
related background information. The following application sheets are related to the
"Bluetooth Measurements" firmware application.
● Basic Rate Measurements in Test Mode...............................................................363
● Enhanced Data Rate Measurements in Test Mode...............................................367
● Low Energy Measurements in Direct Test Mode...................................................370
● Combined Signal Path Measurements..................................................................376

7.3.1 Basic Rate Measurements in Test Mode

This application sheet describes the use of the "Bluetooth Measurement" firmware
application for non-signaling transmitter tests on Basic Rate (BR) packets. The mea-
surements are in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology RF,
version 4.2.3.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 363

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Application Sheets Power Measurements

The power measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Bluetooth
wireless technology, see test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-01-C. The RF output power
results include nominal power and peak power.
To obtain the RF output power results in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Select the wideband measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > Basic
Rate Filter Bandwidth: Wide"
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-24: Power measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2402 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2480 MHz
ments at lowest, mid, and highest operat-
ing frequency.

EUT transmits the longest supported "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type, Depending on EUT capabilities, e.g. DH5
packet type with full payload length Payload Length" with a 339 byte payload

EUT transmits a PRBS 9 sequence as "Bluetooth Input Signal > Basic Rate Pat- "Other" denotes any pattern except
payload tern Type": Other "11110000" and "10101010". Modulation Measurements

According to the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology, some of the mod-
ulation results for BR packets require a particular payload pattern. The following table
gives an overview.
Table 7-25: BR payload patterns and modulation results

Result 11110000 10101010 Other

Frequency accuracy valid valid valid

Frequency drift invalid valid invalid

Maximum drift rate invalid valid invalid

Δf1 (avg, min, max)) valid invalid invalid

Δf2 (avg, min, max) invalid valid invalid

Δf2 99.9% invalid valid invalid

Payload length
Due to the different measurement procedures, some of the modulation results are valid
only if the packet contains enough payload bytes. A packet configuration according to
the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology ensures a sufficient "Payload
Length" for all modulation results.

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Application Sheets

The modulation measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology, see test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-07-C and RF/TRM/CA/
To obtain the modulation characteristics in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Use the default measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > Basic Rate
Filter Bandwidth: Narrow"
● Use the default statistical settings ("Measurement Control > Modulation > Statistic
Count: 10")
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-26: Modulation measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2402 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2480 MHz
ments at lowest, mid, and highest operat-
ing frequency.

EUT transmits the longest supported "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type, Depending on EUT capabilities, e.g. DH5
packet type with full payload length Payload Length" with a 339 byte payload

EUT transmits a 11110000... bit pattern "Bluetooth Input Signal > Basic Rate Pat- "Other" denotes any pattern except
(stage 1) or a 10101010... bit pattern as tern Type": "11110000" or "10101010" "11110000" and "10101010".
payload Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth Measurement

To obtain the 20 dB bandwidth, the R&S CMW automatically uses the basic test set-
tings from the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology: 10 kHz resolution
bandwidth (fixed), "Statistic Count": 10 (default), calculation of "Maximum" values
To measure in line with test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-05-C, provide a signal with the
following characteristics, and adjust the "Bluetooth Input Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-27: 20 dB bandwidth measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2402 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2480 MHz
ments at lowest, mid, and highest operat-
ing frequency.

EUT transmits the longest supported "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type, Depending on EUT capabilities, e.g. DH5
packet type with full payload length Payload Length" with a 339 byte payload

EUT transmits a PRBS 9 sequence as "Bluetooth Input Signal > Basic Rate Pat- "Other" denotes any pattern except
payload tern Type": Other "11110000" and "10101010".

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Application Sheets

The measurement method of the R&S CMW does not rely on a frequency sweep as
suggested in the specification but provides equivalent results. Frequency Range Measurement

To obtain the frequency range bandwidth, the R&S CMW automatically uses the basic
test settings from the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology: resolution
bandwidth of 100 kHz, a video bandwidth of 300 kHz, a peak detector, calculation of
"Average" values (trace). The R&S CMW measures one complete burst at each of 501
frequency pixels. According to the test specification, the measurement must be per-
formed in two different frequency ranges. The frequency pixels are set by the fre-
quency span shown in the table below.
Table 7-28: Measurement frequencies

TX frequency Start frequency in Stop frequency in Frequency span in MHz


Lowest 2399 2405 6

Highest 2475 2485 10

Therefore the frequency between pixels would be either 20kHz for 10MHz span, or
12kHz for 6 MHz span (Δf = span / 500).
To measure in line with test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-04-C, it is recommended to use
the "Bluetooth Signaling" application and combined signal path scenario.

Test procedure:
1. Via "Bluetooth Signaling" application, establish the test mode connection to the
EUT (loopback or TX test) using the PRBS9 pattern. Disable frequency hopping.

2. As initial condition, let the EUT transmit at maximum output power.

3. In the "Bluetooth TX Measurement" application, set the threshold value for the
spectral power density drop.

4. Set the EUT to lowest TX frequency. See Table 7-28.

5. Measure lowest frequency fL at which spectral power density drops below the
specified threshold value.

6. Set the EUT to highest TX frequency. See Table 7-28.

7. Measure highest frequency fH at which spectral power density drops below the
specified threshold value.

Table 7-29: Frequency range measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power "Power Up" hotkey Via the signaling application

Hopping off, two consecutive measure- Frequency Set 2402 MHz, 2480 MHz via signaling
ments at lowest and highest operating fre- application

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Application Sheets

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

EUT transmits the BR "General Setup > Burst Type" Set "Basic Rate" via the signaling applica-

EUT transmits a PRBS9 pattern as pay- "Bluetooth Signal Characteristics > Basic Set "PRBS9" via the signaling application
load Rate Pattern Type"

The measurement method of the R&S CMW does not rely on a frequency sweep as
suggested in the specification but provides equivalent results. Spectrum ACP Measurement

To obtain the adjacent channel power (ACP), the R&S CMW automatically uses the
basic test settings from the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology: 100
kHz resolution bandwidth (fixed), "Statistic Count": 10 (default). The required ACP
results correspond to the "Maximum" values in the ACP diagrams.
To measure in line with test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-06-C, provide a signal with the
following characteristics, and adjust the "Bluetooth Input Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-30: ACP measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2405 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2477 MHz
ments at lowest operating frequency + 3
MHz, mid frequency, and highest operat-
ing frequency – 3 MHz.

EUT transmits DH1 packets "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type: Maximum payload length for DH1 BR
DH1" packets: 27 bytes

EUT transmits a PRBS 9 sequence as "Bluetooth Input Signal > Basic Rate Pat- "Other" denotes any pattern except
payload tern Type": Other "11110000" and "10101010".

Specified sweep time: 10 * 100 ms Statistic count: 800 for DH1 packets, 267 See "Statistical settings for ACP measure-
for DH3, 160 for DH5 ments" in Chapter, "Scope of
Spectrum Measurements", on page 361.

For the 79 channels ACP measurements in the combined signal path scenario, the
ACP trigger of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application is automatically selected.
The measurement method of the R&S CMW is faster than the method suggested in the
specification but provides equivalent results.

7.3.2 Enhanced Data Rate Measurements in Test Mode

This application sheet describes the use of the "Bluetooth TX Measurement" firmware
application for non-signaling transmitter tests on Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) packets.
The measurements are in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technol-
ogy, RF, version 4.2.3.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 367

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Application Sheets Power Measurements

The power measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Bluetooth
wireless technology, see test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-10-C. The RF output power
results include nominal power, GFSK power, DPSK power. The required results corre-
spond to the "Average" values in the "Power vs. Time" diagrams.
To obtain the RF output power results in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Use the default measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > EDR Filter
Bandwidth: Wide")
● Use the default statistical settings ("Measurement Control > Power vs. Time > Sta-
tistic Count: 10")
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-31: Power measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2402 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2480 MHz
ments at lowest, mid, and highest operat-
ing frequency.

EUT transmits the longest supported π/4 "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type, Depending on EUT capabilities, e.g. 2-
DQPSK and 8DPSK packet type with full Payload Length" DH5 with a 679 byte payload and 3-DH5
payload length with a 1021 byte payload

EUT transmits a PRBS 9 sequence as n/a No specific setting required

payload Modulation Measurements

The modulation measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology, see test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-11-C.
To obtain the modulation characteristics in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Select the measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > EDR Filter Band-
width: Narrow"
● Use the default statistical settings ("Measurement Control > Modulation > Statistic
Count: 10")
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" settings accordingly.

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Application Sheets

Table 7-32: Modulation measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2402 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2480 MHz
ments at lowest, mid, and highest operat-
ing frequency.

EUT transmits the longest supported π/4 "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type, Depending on EUT capabilities, e.g. 2-
DQPSK and 8DPSK packet type with full Payload Length" DH5 with a 679 byte payload and 3-DH5
payload length with a 1021 byte payload

EUT transmits a PRBS 9 sequence as n/a No specific setting required


Payload length
Due to the different measurement procedures, some of the modulation results are valid
only if the packet contains enough payload bytes. A packet configuration according to
the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology ensures a sufficient "Payload
Length" for all modulation results. Spectrum Gated ACP Measurement

To obtain the adjacent channel power (ACP), the R&S CMW automatically uses the
basic test settings from the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology: 100
kHz resolution bandwidth (fixed), "Statistic Count": 10 (default). The measurement is
gated to cover only the DPSK portion of the packet. The required ACP results corre-
spond to the "Maximum" values in the ACP diagrams.
To measure in line with test purpose RF/TRM/CA/BV-13-C, provide a signal with the
following characteristics, and adjust the "Bluetooth Input Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-33: ACP measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power Expected nominal power Select according to the power class of the

Hopping off, three consecutive measure- Frequency Use 2405 MHz, 2441 MHz, 2477 MHz
ments at lowest operating frequency + 3
MHz, mid frequency, and highest operat-
ing frequency – 3 MHz.

EUT transmits the longest supported π/4 "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type: 2- Depending on EUT capabilities, e.g. 2-
DQPSK packet type with maximum length DH1/3/5" DH5 with a 679 byte payload

EUT transmits a PRBS 9 sequence as n/a No specific setting required


For the 79 channels gated ACP measurements in the combined signal path scenario,
the ACP trigger of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application is automatically selected.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Application Sheets

The measurement method of the R&S CMW is faster than the method suggested in the
specification but provides equivalent results. Differential Phase Encoding Measurements

The phase encoding measurement is available only in combined signal path scenario
to obtain the phase encoding characteristics in accordance with the test specification
for Bluetooth wireless technology - RF/TRM/CA/BV-12-C .

Test procedure:
1. Establish the TX test mode connection with whitening turned off via "Bluetooth Sig-
naling" application. Disable frequency hopping.

2. As initial condition, let the EUT transmit at maximum output power.

3. Select 2-DH1 or 2-EV3 packets with maximum length payload containing PRBS9.

4. Set the EUT to lowest TX frequency.

5. Measure 100 packets.

6. If the EUT supports 8DPSK modulation, repeat steps step 4 and step 5 using 3-
DH1 or 3-EV3 packets with maximum length payload containing PRBS9.

Table 7-34: Differential phase encoding measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Maximum output power "Power Up" hotkey Via the signaling application

Hopping off, lowest operating frequency. Frequency Set 2402 MHz via signaling application

EUT transmits the EDR "General Setup > Burst Type" Set "Enhanced Data Rate" via the signal-
ing application

Stage one: measurement for 2-DH1 or 2- "Bluetooth Signal Characteristics > Set "2-DH1" or "2-DH3" via the signaling
EV3 packets with maximum payload Enhanced Data Packet Type" application

Stage two (if supported by the EUT): mea- "Bluetooth Signal Characteristics > Set "3-DH1" or "3-DH3" via the signaling
surement for 3-DH1 or 3-EV3 packets Enhanced Data Packet Type" application
with maximum payload length

EUT transmits a PRBS9 pattern as pay- "Bluetooth Signal Characteristics > Set "PRBS9" via the signaling application
load Enhanced Data Rate Pattern Type"

7.3.3 Low Energy Measurements in Direct Test Mode

This application sheet describes the use of the "Bluetooth Measurement" for Low
Energy (LE) tests in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology
RF-PHY, version 5.1.0.
The LE conformance tests rely on the availability of the direct test mode at the EUT,
which is part of the core specification for Bluetooth wireless technology. In this mode,
the EUT transmits LE test packets with configurable payload size up to 256 bytes.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 370

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Application Sheets

Even if the R&S CMW provides also measurements on advertiser packets, this appli-
cation sheet focuses on LE test packets only.
LE test packets are described in the "Air Interface Packets" section of the core specifi-
cation for Bluetooth wireless technology, volume 6, part B. Frequencies for Testing

The conformance tests are to be performed at different frequencies (lowest, middle,

highest). The measurements are defined in the appendix of the test specification.
Table 7-35: Transmitter functionality tests

Test case Test case ID Remark

Output power RF-PHY/TRM/BV-01-C valid for all LE physical layers


for LE 2M PHY

In-band emissions (ACP) RF-PHY/TRM/BV-03-C for LE 1M PHY


Modulation characteristics RF-PHY/TRM/BV-05-C for LE 1M PHY

RF-PHY/TRM/BV-13-C for LE coded PHY

Stable modulation characteristics RF-PHY/TRM/BV-09-C for LE 1M PHY


Carrier frequency offset and drift RF-PHY/TRM/BV-06-C for LE 1M PHY

RF-PHY/TRM/BV-14-C for LE coded PHY

IQ samples coherency RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C AoD receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs slot

RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-02-C AoD receiver at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-03-C AoD receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-04-C AoD receiver at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-05-C AoA receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-06-C AoA receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs slot

IQ samples dynamic range RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-07-C AoD receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs slot

RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-08-C AoD receiver at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-09-C AoD receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-10-C AoD receiver at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-11-C AoA receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs slot
RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-12-C AoA receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs slot

Concerning frequencies, the test specification differentiates between the profile roles

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Application Sheets

Table 7-36: Frequencies for TX testing: connectable devices

Test case Lowest Middle Highest

RF-PHY/TRM/BV-01-C, RF-PHY/TRM/BV-05-C, 2402 MHz 2440 MHz 2480 MHz

RF-PHY/TRM/BV-06-C, RF-PHY/TRM/BV-09-C, (channel 0) (channel 19) (channel 39)

RF-PHY/TRM/BV-03-C, RF-PHY/TRM/BV-08-C 2406 MHz 2440 MHz 2476 MHz

(channel 2) (channel 19) (channel 37)

Table 7-37: Frequencies for TX testing: non-connectable devices

Test case Lowest Middle Highest

All RF-PHY/TRM 2402 MHz 2426 MHz 2480 MHz

(channel 0) (channel 12) (channel 39)

For devices or products supporting both connectable and non-connectable roles (e.g.
peripheral and broadcaster roles), the frequencies for testing have to be as for the con-
nectable roles. Common Settings

To measure in accordance with the LE test specification, set the EUT to direct TX
mode at maximum output power. Turn off whitening and frequency hopping.
At the R&S CMW, the following settings are always required:
● "Expected Nominal Power" according to the EUT's maximum output power (must
be between –20 dBm and +10 dBm)
● "Bluetooth Input Signal > Detection Mode: Manual"
● "Bluetooth Input Signal > Burst Type: Low Energy"
● "Bluetooth Input Signal > PHY"
● "Bluetooth Input Signal > Coding (only for LE coded PHY)"
● "Bluetooth Input Signal > Packet Type: RF_PHY_TestRef or RF_PHY_Tes-
● "Bluetooth Input Signal > Payload Length: up to 256 bytes" Power Measurements

The power measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Bluetooth
wireless technology, refer to the transmitter test RF-PHY/TRM/BV-01-C.
The RF output power results include average power and peak power.

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Application Sheets

To obtain the RF output power results in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Select the wideband measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > LE/LE2M
Filter Bandwidth: Wide".
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-38: Power measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Three consecutive measurements at low- Set frequency to See Chapter, "Frequencies for
est, middle, and highest transmit fre- ● 2402 MHz, 2440 MHz and 2480 MHz Testing", on page 371
quency for connectable devices
● 2402 MHz, 2426 MHz and 2480 MHz
for non-connectable devices

Transmit test packages with PRBS9 "Bluetooth Input Signal > Pattern Type: "Other" denotes any payload pattern
sequence as payload Other" except "11110000" and "10101010". Modulation Measurements LE Uncoded PHY

The modulation measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology, refer to the following transmitter tests:
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-05-C "Modulation characteristics" for LE 1M PHY
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-10-C "Modulation characteristics" for LE 2M PHY
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-09-C "Stable modulation characteristics" for LE 1M PHY
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-11-C "Stable modulation characteristics" for LE 2M PHY
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-06-C "Carrier frequency offset and drift" for LE 1M PHY
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-12-C "Carrier frequency offset and drift" for LE 2M PHY
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-16-C "Carrier frequency offset and drift" for LE 1M PHY with CTE
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-17-C "Carrier frequency offset and drift" for LE 2M PHY with CTE
To obtain the modulation characteristics in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Select narrowband measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > LE/LE2M
Filter Bandwidth: Narrow"
● Use the statistical settings for 10 consecutive test packets ("Measurement Control
> Modulation > Statistic Count: 10")
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" and "PHY" settings accordingly.
According to the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology, certain modulation
measurements require specific payload pattern. The following table gives an overview
for LE uncoded PHY.
Table 7-39: Pattern and modulation results for LE uncoded PHY

Result 11110000 10101010 Other

Frequency accuracy valid valid valid

Frequency offset invalid valid invalid

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Application Sheets

Result 11110000 10101010 Other

(Initial) frequency drift invalid valid invalid

Maximum drift rate invalid valid invalid

Δf1 (avg, min, max) valid invalid invalid

Δf2 (avg, min, max) invalid valid invalid

Δf2 99.9% invalid valid invalid

Hence, the measurement proceeds in two stages:

Stage 1: Payload pattern '10101010'

Stage 1 provides the following results:
● For the Δf2 modulation results, refer to RF-PHY/TRM/BV-05-C and RF-PHY/TRM/
● For the carrier frequency offset and drift results, refer to RF-PHY/TRM/BV-06-C,
To obtain the results in accordance with the test specification, provide a signal with the
following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-40: Modulation measurement settings (stage 1)

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting

Three consecutive measurements at lowest, mid- Set frequency to

dle, and highest transmit frequency ● 2402 MHz, 2440 MHz and 2480 MHz for connectable devices
● 2402 MHz, 2426 MHz and 2480 MHz for non-connectable devices

Payload bit pattern "Bluetooth Input Signal > Pattern Type: 10101010"

Payload length LE 1M PHY: 85 bytes

LE 2M PHY: 255 bytes

Stage 2: Payload pattern '11110000'

Stage 2 provides the Δf1 modulation results, refer to RF-PHY/TRM/BV-05-C and RF-
To obtain the results for the Δf1 modulation characteristics, provide a signal with the
following properties, and adjust the "Bluetooth Input Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-41: Modulation measurement settings (stage 2)

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting

Three consecutive measurements at lowest, mid- Set frequency to

dle, and highest transmit frequency ● 2402 MHz, 2440 MHz and 2480 MHz for connectable devices
● 2402 MHz, 2426 MHz and 2480 MHz for non-connectable devices

Transmit a "11110000" payload bit pattern "Bluetooth Input Signal > Pattern Type: 11110000"

Payload length LE 1M PHY: 15 bytes

LE 2M PHY: 255 bytes

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Application Sheets Modulation Measurements LE Coded PHY S = 8

The modulation measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology, refer to the following transmitter tests:
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-13-C "Modulation characteristics"
● RF-PHY/TRM/BV-14-C "Carrier frequency offset and drift"
The modulation measurements are in accordance with the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology.
To obtain the modulation characteristics in accordance with the test specification, pro-
ceed as follows:
● Use the statistical settings for 10 consecutive test packets ("Measurement Control
> Modulation > Statistic Count: 10")
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal", "PHY", and "Coding" settings accordingly.
Tests for LE coded PHY require the payload pattern '11111111'.
● For the Δf1 modulation results, refer to RF-PHY/TRM/BV-13-C
● For the frequency offset and drift results, refer to RF-PHY/TRM/BV-14-C
To obtain the results in accordance with the test specification, provide a signal with the
following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input Signal" settings accordingly.
Table 7-42: Modulation measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting

Three consecutive measurements at lowest, mid- Set frequency to

dle, and highest transmit frequency ● 2402 MHz, 2440 MHz and 2480 MHz for connectable devices
● 2402 MHz, 2426 MHz and 2480 MHz for non-connectable devices

Payload bit pattern '11111111'

Payload length 255 bytes Spectrum ACP Measurement

To obtain the adjacent channel power (ACP), the R&S CMW automatically uses the
100 kHz resolution bandwidth required in the test specification for Bluetooth wireless
To measure in line with TX test RF-PHY/TRM/BV-03-C (In-band emissions at LE 1M
PHY) or RF-PHY/TRM/BV-08-C (In-band emissions at LE 2M PHY), proceed as fol-
● Select the wideband measurement filter ("Measurement Control > Filter > LE/LE2M
Filter Bandwidth: Wide"
● Provide a signal with the following characteristics and adjust the "Bluetooth Input
Signal" settings accordingly.

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Application Sheets

Table 7-43: ACP measurement settings

EUT configuration R&S CMW setting Remarks

Three consecutive mea- Set "Frequency" to See Chapter, "Frequencies for Testing",
surements at lowest, ● 2406 MHz, 2440 MHz and 2476 MHz for con- on page 371
middle, and highest nectable devices
transmit frequency ● 2402 MHz, 2426 MHz and 2480 MHz for non-
connectable devices

Transmit a PRBS9 "Bluetooth Input Signal > Pattern Type: Other" "Other" denotes any pattern except "11110000"
sequence as payload and "10101010".

Measurement time: 1 s "Measurement Control > Spectrum > ACP Statistic See "Statistical settings for ACP measurements on
Count": 1 for the payload length of 255 bytes LE packets" in Chapter, "Scope of Spec-
trum Measurements", on page 361.

The power limits specified in the "in-band emissions" test cases apply to the "Maxi-
mum" statistical measurement results.
For the all channels ACP measurements in the combined signal path scenario, use the
ACP trigger of the "Bluetooth Signaling" application (option R&S CMW-KS611

7.3.4 Combined Signal Path Measurements

This application sheet describes how to establish a BR/EDR connection to a Bluetooth

equipment under test (EUT) and perform TX measurements on the received uplink sig-

Sequencer tool R&S CMWrun

The automated test capabilities of R&S CMWrun make many measurement tasks eas-
ier. Option R&S CMW-KT057 (wireless connectivity tests) provides configurable Blue-
tooth test modules and test plans for R&S CMWrun.

● Options and Equipment Required.........................................................................376

● Setting Up a Connection....................................................................................... 377
● Analyzing the Uplink Signal from the EUT............................................................ 379 Options and Equipment Required

A Bluetooth combined signal path measurement requires one of the following option
● Signaling: Option R&S CMW-KS600/-KS602 or /-KS603 for BR/EDR (classic)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM610 (normal mode)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR test mode
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM610 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS601 for signaling connection tests LE 1M PHY (uncoded)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM611 (normal mode with LE connection tests)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS720 for signaling connection tests using LE 2M PHY
(uncoded) or LE coded PHY

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Measurement: R&S CMW-KM721 (normal mode with LE connection tests)

● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS611 for direct test using LE 1M PHY (uncoded)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM611 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS721 for direct test using LE 2M PHY (uncoded) or LE
coded PHY
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM721 (as per Bluetooth test specification)
● Signaling: R&S CMW-KS722 for direct test and LE with CTE
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM722 (as per Bluetooth test specification) Setting Up a Connection

An established connection to the EUT is a prerequisite for all signaling tests, including
the combined signal path measurement described in this application sheet.

To set up a connection:
1. Preset your R&S CMW to ensure a definite instrument state.

2. Connect your EUT to the RF 1 COM connector.

3. Open the "Bluetooth Signaling" application, e.g. from the task bar (press "TASKS"
to open the task bar).
If the application is not present in the task bar, enable it in the "Generator/Signaling
Controller" dialog (press "SIGNAL GEN" to open the dialog).

4. Press the "Config" hotkey to open the configuration dialog.

5. In section "RF Settings", select a bidirectional RF connector for input and output.
This example uses RF 1 COM.
If necessary, also adjust the "External Attenuation" settings.

6. For a connection to the default device, set its BD address and the page scan repe-
tition mode in section "Connection" > "Paging" > "Classic" > "Default EUT".

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Application Sheets

7. Close the configuration dialog.

8. In the main view of the signaling application, adjust the "General Setup", "RF
Setup" and "Signal Characteristics" settings to the capabilities of your EUT.

9. To reach standby status of the R&S CMW, press [ON | OFF] key.

10. Enable Bluetooth at the EUT.

11. ● For a connection to the default device, continue at step 13.

● Otherwise ensure that the EUT is discoverable by enabling inquiry scan mode.
Then press the "Inquire" button. Wait until the EUT's BD address is displayed in
the "BD Address" dialog that pops up on the screen.

12. Wait for the inquiry process to finish or press "Stop Inquiry" at any time to return to
the standby state.

13. Select the desired device "For Paging". If the R&S CMW has not discovered any
EUT, only the default device is available for selection.

14. Press the "Connect "or "Connect Test Mode" hotkey to set up a connection.
Note the connection states displayed in the main view and wait until the EUT state
indicates "Connected".

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After the EUT has connected, the main view provides EUT information.

Checks for failed connection

If the connection fails, check the following R&S CMW settings:
● The "TX Level (CMW)" must be sufficient so that the EUT can receive the transmit-
ted R&S CMW signal.
● The "Expected Nominal Power" must be in accordance with the EUT's signal
power. Analyzing the Uplink Signal from the EUT

While an established connection is available, the uplink signal of the EUT can be moni-
tored using a "Bluetooth TX Measurement" provided by option R&S CMW-KM610 or
R&S CMW-KM611.
To ensure compatible measurement settings, the measurement must be coupled to the
"Bluetooth Signaling" application. This coupling is done by selecting the combined sig-
nal path scenario in the measurement. As a result the measurement application uses
the most important settings of the signaling application, e.g. the signal routing and ana-
lyzer settings.
The following example applies to a multi-evaluation measurement.

Proceed as follows:
1. In the "Bluetooth Signaling" application, use the "Bluetooth Multi Eval." softkey to
switch to the multi-evaluation measurement.
The measurement application is opened and the combined signal path scenario is
selected automatically. The trigger signal provided by the signaling application is
selected automatically as well.

2. Press the "Assign View" hotkey. Select the multi-evaluation measurement.

3. Press [ON | OFF] to start the measurement.

The main view provides an overview of the measurement results.

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GUI Reference

Figure 7-23: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: overview (BR)

4. To enlarge a diagram presented in the main view, perform one of the following
a) Double-click it using a connected mouse.
b) Select it by turning the rotary knob. Open it by pressing the rotary knob.

In the combined signal path, the signal routing and analyzer settings are controlled by
the signaling application. The TX measurement displays the corresponding signaling
settings instead of its own settings. The configurable signal routing and analyzer set-
tings of the signaling application can be modified both via the measurement GUI and
via the GUI of the signaling application. To configure the signal routing and analyzer
settings via remote commands, the commands of the signaling application have to be

7.4 GUI Reference

The following sections provide detailed reference information on the graphical user
interface (GUI) and the parameters of the "Bluetooth Measurements" firmware applica-
● Measurement Control............................................................................................381
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 382
● Signal Routing and Analyzer Settings...................................................................426
● Input Signal Settings............................................................................................. 432
● Tx Measurement Control Settings.........................................................................442

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GUI Reference

● Rx Measurement Control Settings........................................................................ 446

● Trigger Settings.....................................................................................................453
● Limit Settings.........................................................................................................454
● Display Settings.................................................................................................... 464
● Generator Shortcut Setting................................................................................... 464
● Suppress "Sig Off" Message Setting.....................................................................465
● Additional Softkeys and Hotkeys...........................................................................465

7.4.1 Measurement Control

To turn the measurement on or off, select the control softkey and press [ON | OFF] or
[RESTART | STOP]. Alternatively, right-click the control softkey.

Multi Evaluation (Softkey)

The "Tx Measurement" is included in the Bluetooth measurement application. To
access the measurement, press the softkey "Multi Evaluation" in the Bluetooth mea-
surement or select the tab "Multi Evaluation".

The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
Remote command:
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation etc.

Rx Meas (Softkey)
The "Rx Measurement" with ARB generator on advertisers is included in the Bluetooth
measurement application. To access the measurement, press the softkey "Rx Meas" in
the Bluetooth measurement or select the tab "Rx Meas".
Non-signaling OTA Rx tests on advertisers are only supported with an
R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA. Option R&S CMW-KD611 is required.

The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
Remote command:
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality etc.

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GUI Reference

PER, PER Search (Softkeys)

The "PER" and "PER Search" are included in the Bluetooth measurement application.
To access the measurement, press the corresponding softkey int the tab "PER" or
"PER Search".
Rx measurements with ARB generator in direct test mode are only supported with an
R&S CMW100. Option R&S CMW-KD720 is required.

The softkey shows the current measurement state. Additional measurement substates
can be retrieved via remote control.
Remote command:
For PER:
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER etc.
For PER search:
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER etc.

7.4.2 Measurement Results

The provided measurements and the corresponding results depend on available

options. For the required options, refer to Table 7-1.

Tx measurement results
The Tx measurement results are displayed in a "Multi Evaluation" tab. The multi-evalu-
ation Tx measurement provides an overview dialog and a detailed view for each dia-
gram in the overview. Measurement results depend on the packet type.
Use the "Display" parameters to select the different multi-evaluation views and to
change their appearance and contents.
The results to be measured and displayed in the overview can be limited using the hot-
key "Assign Views", see "Assign Views" on page 446.
You can enlarge one of the diagrams in the overview and show a detailed view with
additional measurement results, see Chapter, "Selecting and Modifying
Views", on page 424.

Rx measurement results
The "Rx Meas" tab shows the measurement results in a table. The type of displayed
results depends on the selected measurement mode.

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● Rx measurements are only supported by R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA.

● Only LE 1M PHY is supported.
● Non-signaling stand-alone operation is required.
● Option R&S CMW-KD611 is required.

The "Config" hotkey opens either the configuration dialog of the Rx measurement or
the configuration dialog of the Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement application,
depending on which softkey is active.
For a detailed description of the results, see Chapter, "LE: Rx Measurement
Results for Advertisers", on page 419.
The views and tabs are described in the following sections.
● BR: Measurement Diagrams ................................................................................383
● BR: Statistical Power vs. Time Results ................................................................ 385
● BR: Statistical Modulation Results ....................................................................... 386
● BR: Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth Results ..............................................................390
● BR: Spectrum Frequency Range Results ............................................................ 391
● BR: Spectrum ACP Results ................................................................................. 392
● EDR: Measurement Diagrams ............................................................................. 395
● EDR: Statistical Power vs. Time Results ............................................................. 397
● EDR: Statistical Modulation Results .....................................................................398
● EDR: Differential Phase Encoding Results .......................................................... 400
● EDR: Spectrum Gated ACP Results .................................................................... 401
● Normal Mode Classic: Measurement Diagrams ...................................................403
● Normal Mode Classic: Statistical Power vs. Time Results ...................................405
● Normal Mode Classic: Statistical Modulation Results .......................................... 406
● LE: Tx Measurement Diagrams ........................................................................... 406
● LE: Statistical Power vs. Time Results .................................................................409
● LE: Statistical Modulation Results ........................................................................410
● LE: Spectrum ACP Results .................................................................................. 415
● LE with CTE: Additional Results .......................................................................... 417
● LE: Rx Measurement Results for Advertisers....................................................... 419
● LE: Rx Measurement Results for PER..................................................................421
● LE: Rx Measurement Results for PER Search..................................................... 422
● Selecting and Modifying Views............................................................................. 424
● Using Markers....................................................................................................... 424
● Common View Elements.......................................................................................425 BR: Measurement Diagrams

The "Overview" dialog shows several or all the detailed views in a single diagram.

Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for BR measurements.

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GUI Reference

Figure 7-24: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: overview (BR)

The diagrams contain the following results:

● Power vs. time: Absolute measured signal power in dBm in a selectable time
The diagram covers up to five timeslots (5 x 625 μs). In addition, the diagrams dis-
play also 160 symbols before the first timeslot and 100 symbols after the last time-
slot ("Display > X Scale").
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "BR: Statistical Power vs. Time Results
", on page 385.
● Frequency deviation: Measured frequency deviation in kHz in a selectable time
The diagram covers up to five timeslots (5 x 625 μs). In addition, the diagrams dis-
play also 160 symbols before the first timeslot and 100 symbols after the last time-
slot ("Display > X Scale").
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "BR: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 386.
● Spectrum frequency range: The width of the frequency band around the center
frequency where the transmit power drops by less than specified threshold value.
See Chapter, "BR: Spectrum Frequency Range Results ", on page 391 for
● Spectrum 20 dB bandwidth: Spectrum emissions, measured in a symmetric,
2 MHz-wide frequency range around the selected RF "Frequency" and in a 10 kHz
resolution bandwidth. The diagram shows the "Maximum" curve; all values are rel-
ative to the detected "Peak Emission". See Chapter, "BR: Spectrum 20 dB
Bandwidth Results ", on page 390 for details.
● Spectrum ACP: Bar graph or table with the adjacent channel power (ACP) results.

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GUI Reference

The number of results depends on measurement mode, see "ACP Measurement

Mode" on page 444
– Results for 21 channels –10 to 10, where the relative channel number denotes
the frequency spacing in MHz relative to the center channel (defined by the
selected RF "Frequency")
– Results for all Bluetooth channels (0 to 78, corresponding to RF frequencies
2402 MHz, 2403 MHz ... 2480 MHz)
For enabled limit check, two limit lines are displayed. For limit configuration, see
"ACP (BR, LE)" on page 462.
– Red limit line "Ptx" is the upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 1 MHz
channels fTX ±2 MHz
– Green limit line "Exc." is upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 1 MHz
channels fTX ±3 MHz, fTX ±4 MHz, ...
See Chapter, "BR: Spectrum ACP Results ", on page 392 for details.
For query of the diagram contents via remote control, see:
● Chapter, "Power Trace Results", on page 637
● Chapter, "Modulation Trace Results", on page 640
● Chapter, "Spectrum Trace Results", on page 642 BR: Statistical Power vs. Time Results

The "Power Scalars" view shows an overview of power results and the corresponding

Figure 7-25: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: power results (BR)

The power results table contains the following measurements:

● "Average Power": Average burst power during the carrier-on state. The average
power is measured in the time interval starting at the detected 1st bit of the pream-
ble (bit p0) to the last bit of the burst.
● "Peak Power": Maximum power between the first sample of the leakage pre-area
and the last sample of the leakage post-area.
● "Leakage Power": Average power during the carrier-off state. The leakage power
is measured in the leakage pre-area and the leakage post-area.

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GUI Reference

● "Packet Timing": Timing error between the expected and actual start of the first
symbol of the Bluetooth burst. As the expected start is defined by the signaling trig-
ger, this setting is relevant for combined signal path only (options R&S CMW-

Figure 7-26: Definition of power results (BR)

1 = leakage pre-area (10 symbols)

2 = leakage post-area (10 symbols)

Additional results in automatic detection mode

If automatic burst detection is active ("Input Signal > Detection Mode: Auto"), the
"Power Scalars" view also shows the detected packet type, pattern type, and payload
length. The number of off-slots is shown when in "ACP 79 Channels" mode.
Automatic detection mode is indicated in the upper right corner.

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Power Results (BR,
Single Values)", on page 577. BR: Statistical Modulation Results

The "TX Measurement Modulation" view shows an overview of modulation results and
the corresponding statistics.
Some of the results require a special payload "Pattern Type"; see Chapter,
"Modulation Measurements", on page 364. See also Freq. Dev. Δf2.

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GUI Reference

Figure 7-27: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: modulation results (BR)

The "TX Measurement Modulation" table contains the following values:

Δf2 99.9%
Frequency deviation value Δf2 above which 99.9% of all measured Δf2 values occur.
A Δf2 99.9% value of 115 means that 99.9% of all measured Δf2 values are above or
equal to 115 kHz.
This measurement spans over all packets with sufficient payload length.
Δf2 99.9% measurement requires a payload length of at least 2 bytes and payload pat-
tern "10101010".
See also Freq. Dev. Δf2.

Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg

See "Additional results in automatic detection mode" on page 390.

Freq. accuracy
The frequency accuracy is the difference between the nominal channel frequency fTX
and the initial carrier frequency f0, measured over the packet preamble:

Freq. accuracy = f0 – fTX

The preamble is a 4-bit pattern "1010" or "0101"' at the beginning of each packet. To
measure the initial carrier frequency, the R&S CMW includes by measurement also
preamble of 4 μs (bit lengths) in total. It means the R&S CMW integrates also the fre-
quency of the demodulated signal from the center of the first preamble bit to the center
of the first bit following the preamble.
No payload bits are involved in the frequency accuracy calculation.

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Freq. drift
Maximum difference between the measured initial carrier frequency f0, and the carrier
frequencies fn, where n = 1 ... N, measured within the payload.

To obtain the latter, the payload is grouped into 10-bit groups as shown in the following

Figure 7-28: Frequency drift for Bluetooth BR packets

Frequency drift is then calculated as:

Freq. drift = fm – f0 , where m = arg maxn ∈ {1, ..., N}(|fn – f0 |)

This measurement does not include the payload header or the CRC bits.
The first bit and incomplete 10-bit groups are not considered for the calculation.
This measurement requires payload pattern "10101010" and a minimum payload
length of 2 bytes. Otherwise this measurement result is invalid.

Max. drift rate

Maximum of the drift rate anywhere within the packet payload. The drift rate is calcula-
ted based on the difference in carrier frequencies fn between any two 10-bit groups
separated by 50 μs:
Max. drift rate = (fm – fm-5 ), where m = arg maxn ∈ {6, ..., N}(|fn – fn-5 |)

This measurement requires payload pattern "10101010" and a minimum payload

length of 8 bytes. Otherwise this measurement result is invalid.

Freq. Dev. Δf1

Difference between the modulated frequency and the observed carrier frequency for
packets carrying a "11110000" payload pattern.
To obtain the Δf1 results in accordance with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless
technology, the R&S CMW
● Divides the payload into "00001111" 8-bit subsequences,
● Each bit is oversampled four times,

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GUI Reference

● For each subsequence, the average frequency f avg is calculated,

● For each of the "00001111" 8-bit subsequences, the frequency deviation of bits 2,
3, 6 and 7 from favg are calculated as Δf1max, i.

Figure 7-29: Frequency deviation calculation

The displayed frequency deviations are obtained as follows:

● Δf1 avg is the average of all Δf1max, i values in the payload,
● Δf1 max is the largest of all Δf1max, i values in the payload,
● Δf1 min is the smallest of all Δf1max, i values in the payload.

The first 4 bits and incomplete 8-bit groups (the last 4 bits) are not considered for the
This measurement requires payload pattern "11110000" and a minimum payload length
of 2 bytes. Otherwise this measurement result is invalid.

Freq. Dev. Δf2

Difference between the modulated frequency and the observed carrier frequency for
packets carrying a "10101010" payload pattern.
The calculation of the Δf2 results is similar to the Δf1 calculation, but with the following
● The R&S CMW considers "01010101" bit sequences.
● The frequency deviation for each bit is defined as the maximum deviation within
the bit period.
● Frequency deviations Δf2max, i are calculated for all bits in the considered
"01010101" bit sequences. The calculation of the "Δf2 99.9%" result is based on
these deviations.
The displayed frequency deviations are obtained as follows:
● Δf2 avg is the average of all Δf2max, i values in the payload,
● Δf2 max is the largest of all Δf2max, i values in the payload,
● Δf2 min is the smallest of all Δf2max, i values in the payload.

The first bit and incomplete 8-bit groups (the last 7 bits) are not considered for the cal-
This measurement requires payload pattern "10101010" and a minimum payload
length of 2 bytes. Otherwise this measurement result is invalid.

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Nominal power
Average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured within the "Basic Rate Filter

Additional results in automatic detection mode

If automatic burst detection is active ("Input Signal > Detection Mode: Auto"), the "Mod-
ulation Scalars" view also shows the detected packet type, pattern type, and payload
length. Automatic detection mode is indicated in the upper right corner.
In "ACP 79 Channels" mode, the number of off slots has to be displayed.
The "Pattern Yield" is the percentage of detected packets with a specific payload pat-
tern type.
The modulation ratio Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg is the ratio of the smallest measured frequency
deviation min(Δf2 avg) to the largest one max(Δf1 avg). This value requires at least
one BR packet with a "11110000" and one with a "10101010" payload pattern; see defi-
nition of Δf2 and Δf1 above.

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Modulation Results
(BR, Single Values)", on page 588. BR: Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth Results

The output fields in the "Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth" view show an overview of the 20
dB bandwidth results.

Figure 7-30: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: 20 dB bandwidth results (BR)

The 20 dB bandwidth (occupied bandwidth, OBW) is the width of the frequency band
around the peak of the emission where the transmit power drops by less than 20 dB. It
is measured as the difference between the two frequencies fH – fL, where:
● "fH" denotes the highest frequency at which the transmit power drops 20 dB below
the peak power.
● "fL" denotes the smallest frequency at which the transmit power drops 20 dB below
the peak power.
The 20 dB bandwidth results are based on the "Maximum" spectral trace and obtained
using a 10 kHz resolution bandwidth. A small 20 dB bandwidth means that the transmit
power is focused, and hence the off-carrier emissions are small. An example is shown

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Figure 7-31: Definition of 20 dB bandwidth

The 20 dB bandwidth output fields provide the following additional measurement-spe-

cific results:
● "Peak Emission": peak power within the maximum spectral trace (as shown in
Figure 7-31) .
● "Nominal Power": average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured
within the "Basic Rate Filter Bandwidth". "Nominal Power" value is larger than the
"Peak Emission", as it is measured using filter with larger resolution bandwidth.

Read Chapter, "Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth Measurement", on page 365 to

measure the 20 dB bandwidth in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Spectrum Results
(BR, Single Values)", on page 628. BR: Spectrum Frequency Range Results

The scalar output fields view show an overview of the frequency range results.

Figure 7-32: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: frequency range results (BR)

The frequency range is the width of the frequency band around the center frequency
where the transmit power drops by less than specified threshold value. The frequen-
cies fH and fL are measured, where:
● "fH" denotes the highest frequency at which the transmit power drops below the
specified threshold.

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● "fL" denotes the smallest frequency at which the transmit power drops below the
specified threshold.
● Nominal power: average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured within
the "Basic Rate Filter Bandwidth".
The frequency results are based on the "Average" spectral trace and obtained using a
100 kHz resolution bandwidth. Results fL and fH must be within the allowed frequency
band 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz. An example is shown below.

Figure 7-33: Definition of frequency range measurement

Read Chapter, "Frequency Range Measurement", on page 366 to measure the
spectrum frequency range in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless tech-

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Spectrum Results
(BR, Single Values)", on page 628. BR: Spectrum ACP Results

The "Spectrum ACP" table view for BR packets shows the adjacent channel power
Switch the appearance of the results for "Spectrum ACP" measurements via "Display"
softkey > "Diagram View / Table View" hotkey.

Diagram view
For the diagram view, refer to Chapter, "BR: Measurement Diagrams ",
on page 383.

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Figure 7-34: Spectrum ACP results (diagram view)

Table view
There are two possible "Spectrum ACP" table views. The view depends on the ACP
measurement mode:
● ACP 79 channels (Bluetooth frequencies only, see Chapter, "BR/EDR:
Channels", on page 344) or
● ACP +/-10 channels (any frequencies)

Figure 7-35: Spectrum ACP 79 channels results (BR)

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Figure 7-36: Spectrum ACP +/-10 channels results (BR)

The view contains the following results:

● "(Relative) Channel": Bluetooth regulatory or relative channel number.
– With "ACP +/-10 Channels" mode, the channel number corresponds to the fre-
quency spacing in MHz relative to the center channel. The center channel is
channel no. 0, defined by the selected RF frequency.
– With "ACP 79 Channels", the channel number corresponds to the channels
within the Bluetooth regulatory range (channels 0 to 78, corresponding to RF
frequencies 2402 MHz, 2403 MHz ... 2479 MHz).
See "ACP Measurement Mode" on page 444.
● "Frequency" in MHz: Center frequency of the (relative) channels.
● "Ptx" in dBm: ACP results for all channels. The results correspond to the integra-
ted powers that the Bluetooth device transmits in the Bluetooth channels. Accord-
ing to the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology, the ACP is the sum
of the maximum powers PTXi at 10 distinct, equidistant frequencies fi distributed
across the channel width:
PTX (f) = ∑(PTXi ), i = 1 ... 10
See also Figure 7-45.
● "No. of Exceptions": Number of channels in which the recorded PTX value is
greater than "ACP > Basic Rate > Exceptions PTX" limit. The center channel
(defined by the selected RF channel or frequency) and 2 channels, each, on either
side of this center channel are excluded from this measurement.
See also Chapter, "Spectrum Requirements", on page 354.

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● "Nominal Power": Average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured in
the "Basic Rate Filter Bandwidth".
The measurement procedure of the R&S CMW is faster than the procedure described
in the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology, but it provides equivalent
results. See also "Statistical settings for ACP measurements" in Chapter,
"Scope of Spectrum Measurements", on page 361.

Read Chapter, "Spectrum ACP Measurement", on page 367 to measure the
ACP in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology.

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Spectrum Results
(BR, Single Values)", on page 628. EDR: Measurement Diagrams

The "Overview" dialog shows several or all the detailed views in a single diagram.

Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for EDR measurements.

Figure 7-37: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: overview in combined signal path scenario (EDR)

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The diagrams contain the following results:

● "Power vs. Time": Absolute measured signal power in dBm in a selectable time
interval. The diagram shows both the GFSK and the DPSK portions of the burst.
The diagram covers up to five timeslots (5 x 625 μs). In addition, the diagrams also
display 160 symbols before the first timeslot and 100 symbols after last timeslot.
("Display > X Scale").
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "EDR: Statistical Power vs. Time
Results ", on page 397.
● "Differential Error Vector Magnitude": Magnitude of differential error vector
within the π/4-DQPSK or 8DPSK portions of the burst. The displayed DEVM values
include 132 zeros, corresponding to 126 GFSK symbols, 5 guard period symbols,
and 1 Sref symbol. Thus, the number of DEVM values is 132 + 50*N.
The diagram covers up to five timeslots, refer to Chapter, "DEVM Trace
Points for Test Mode (EDR)", on page 356.
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "EDR: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 398.
● "Phase Difference": Normalized phase difference of each π/4-DQPSK or 8DPSK-
modulated symbol relative to the preceding symbol. The phase differences are dis-
played in rad/π, i.e. the phase differences in rad are divided by π.
The diagram covers up to five timeslots, refer to Chapter, "Phase Differ-
ence Trace Points (EDR)", on page 358.
The results are displayed regardless of the detection of the EDR synchronization
● "I/Q Constellation ...": These diagrams show the constellation points for the
DPSK-modulated portion of the EDR bursts (see Chapter, "Trace Points for
IQ Constellation Diagrams (EDR)", on page 359). Constellation diagrams give a
graphical representation of the signal quality and can help to reveal typical modula-
tion errors causing signal distortions.
– IQ constellation absolute
Normalized I/Q vectors of the symbols starting from Sref. The absolute constel-
lation diagram of an ideal signal contains 8 constellation points with relative
angles of π/4.
– IQ constellation differential
Normalized I/Q amplitude and the phase difference compared to previous sym-
bol. Symbols starting from S1 of the synchronization sequence are displayed.
For π/4-DQPSK-modulated signals, differential symbols occur at ±π/4, ±3π/4.
For 8DPSK-modulated signals, differential symbols occur at phases 0, ±π/4,
±π/2, ±3π/4, π.
– IQ constellation error
Differential error vector for each symbol. The amplitude of a symbol in this dia-
gram is the DEVM for the corresponding symbol within the Bluetooth burst. The
closer the vectors are to the origin, the smaller the RMS DEVM (i.e., the better
the modulation accuracy) and vice versa. The differential error vector with the
largest magnitude corresponds to the peak DEVM in the Bluetooth burst.
● "Spectrum Gated ACP": Bar graph or table with the adjacent channel power
(ACP) results.

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The number of results depends on measurement mode, see "ACP Measurement

Mode" on page 444
– Results for the 21 channels –10 to 10, where the relative channel number
denotes the frequency spacing in MHz relative to the center channel (defined
by the selected RF frequency)
– Results for all Bluetooth channels (0 to 78, corresponding to RF frequencies
2402 MHz, 2403 MHz ... 2480 MHz).
For enabled limit check, two limit lines are displayed. For limit configuration, see
"Gated ACP (EDR)" on page 463.
– Red limit line "Ptx" is the upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 1 MHz
channels fTX ± 2 MHz
– Green limit line "Exc." is upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 1 MHz
channels fTX ±3 MHz, fTX ±4 MHz, ...
For scalar results, see Chapter, "EDR: Spectrum Gated ACP Results ",
on page 401.
For query of the diagram contents via remote control, see:
● Chapter, "Power Trace Results", on page 637
● Chapter, "Modulation Trace Results", on page 640
● Chapter, "Spectrum Trace Results", on page 642 EDR: Statistical Power vs. Time Results

The "Power vs. Time" view shows an overview of statistical results.

Figure 7-38: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: power results (EDR)

The power table contains the following values:

● "GFSK Power": Average power (dBm) within the GFSK modulated part of the
● "DPSK Power": Average power (dBm) within the DPSK modulated part of the
● "DPSK Power – GFSK Power": Difference between the two previous results.

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● "Guard Period": Length of the guard band between the packet header and the
EDR synchronization sequence. The guard band is a field used for physical layer
change of modulation scheme.
● "Packet Timing": Timing error between the expected and actual start of the first
symbol of the Bluetooth burst. As the expected start is defined by the signaling trig-
ger, this setting is relevant for combined signal path only (options R&S CMW-
● "Nominal Power": Average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured in
the EDR filter bandwidth.

Figure 7-39: Calculation of EDR power results

Additional results in automatic detection mode

If automatic burst detection is active ("Input Signal > Detection Mode: Auto"), the
"Power Scalars" view also shows the detected packet type and payload length. In
"ACP 79 Channels" mode, the number of off slots is displayed in addition.
Automatic detection mode is indicated in the upper right corner.

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Power Results
(EDR, Single Values)", on page 578. EDR: Statistical Modulation Results

The measurement view shows an overview of statistical results.

Figure 7-40: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: modulation results (EDR)

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The "TX Measurement Modulation" table contains the following values:

● "99% DEVM": DEVM value below which 99% of all measured DEVM values occur.
A 99% DEVM value of 0.016 means that 99% of all measured DEVM values are
below or equal to 0.016.
● "Freq. Stability ωi": Initial carrier frequency error measured within the GFSK-
modulated header of the Bluetooth packet.
● "Freq. Stability (ω0 + ωi)max": Maximum overall frequency error within a 50-sym-
bol block in the DPSK portion of the packet, including the initial frequency error ωi.
(ω0 + ωi )max = ω0, m + ωi , where m = arg maxn ∈ {1, ..., no. of blocks}(|ω0, n + ωi |)
● "Freq. Stability ω0max": Maximum frequency error within a 50-symbol block in the
DPSK portion of the packet, excluding initial frequency error ωi.
ω0 max = ω0, m , where m = arg maxn ∈ {1, ..., no. of blocks}(|ω0, n |)
● "RMS DEVM": Maximum RMS DEVM for a 50-symbol block within the DPSK por-
tion of the packet.
RMS DEVM = max(RMS DEVMn ), n = 1 ... no. of blocks
● "Peak DEVM": Maximum DEVM measured over all payload symbols:
Peak DEVM = max(peak DEVMn ), n = 1 ... no. of blocks
● "Nominal Power": Average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured in
the "Enhanced Data Rate Filter Bandwidth".
The calculation of the frequency stability is in line with test RF/TRM/CA/BV-11-C (EDR
carrier frequency stability and modulation accuracy) in the test specification for Blue-
tooth wireless technology.
The ω0max and DEVM results are obtained as follows:
● The entire DPSK portion of the packet is compensated for the initial carrier fre-
quency error ωi. The measurement includes also the symbols S1 to S10 of the syn-
chronization sequence and the CRC.
● The DPSK portion is then partitioned into non-overlapping blocks of 50 symbols.
● A (compensated) frequency error ω0, n and RMS DEVMn value is calculated for
each block no. n. The measurement follows the procedure in appendix C of the
core specification for EDR for Bluetooth wireless technology.

Figure 7-41: Calculation of DPSK modulation results

ωi = initial frequency error

ω0, n = frequency error, compensated for ωi for block n
ε0, n = sampling phase for block n

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To be valid the DPSK results require a minimum payload length of 6 (2-DHx packets)
or 11 (3-DHx packets), corresponding to one complete 50-symbol block.
For additional screen elements, refer to Chapter, "Common View Elements",
on page 425.

Additional results in automatic detection mode

If automatic burst detection is active ("Input Signal > Detection Mode: Auto"), the "Mod-
ulation Scalars" view also shows the detected packet type, and payload length. In
"ACP 79 Channels" mode, the number of off slots is displayed in addition.
Automatic detection mode is indicated in the upper right corner.

For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Modulation Results
(EDR, Single Values)", on page 593. EDR: Differential Phase Encoding Results

The purpose of the EDR differential phase encoding measurement is to verify the
phase encoding of the data by the EUT.
The measurement is only available in the combined signal path scenario.

Figure 7-42: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: differential phase encoding results (EDR)

The following results of the EDR differential phase encoding measurement are provi-
● "Bit Error Rate": number of bit errors in the received burst, as a percentage of the
total number of bits received.
● "Packets With 0 Bit Errors": number of bit error free packets received, as a per-
centage of all the bursts received
● "Sync Bit Errors": number of errors on sync bit, refer to Figure 7-13
● "Trailer Bit Errors": number of errors on trailer bit, refer to Figure 7-13
● "Nominal Power": average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured
within the "Enhanced Data Rate Filter Bandwidth".

Read Chapter, "Differential Phase Encoding Measurements", on page 370 to

measure the differential phase encoding in line with the test specification for Bluetooth
wireless technology.

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For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Differential Phase
Encoding Results (EDR, Single Values)", on page 636. EDR: Spectrum Gated ACP Results

The "Spectrum Gated ACP" table view shows all adjacent channel power results for
EDR packets. The measurement is similar to the ACP measurement for BR packets
(see Chapter, "BR: Spectrum ACP Results ", on page 392), the differences are
described below.

Figure 7-43: Spectrum gated ACP 79 channels results (EDR)

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Figure 7-44: Spectrum gated ACP +/-10 channels results (EDR)

According to the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology (test purpose
RF/TRM/CA/BV-13-C), the ACP measurement for EDR packets is gated to cover only
the DPSK portion of the packet.
The view contains the following results:
● "(Relative) Channel": Bluetooth regulatory or relative channel number.
– With "ACP +/-10 Channels" mode, the channel number corresponds to the fre-
quency spacing in MHz relative to the center channel. Channel no. 0 is the
channel defined by the selected RF frequency.
– With "ACP 79 Channels", the channel number corresponds to the channels
within the Bluetooth regulatory range (channels 0 to 78, corresponding to RF
frequencies 2402 MHz, 2403 MHz ... 2479 MHz).
See "ACP Measurement Mode" on page 444.
● "Frequency" in MHz: Center frequency of the (relative) channels.
● "Ptx" in dBm: Gated ACP results for all channels. The results correspond to the
integrated powers that the Bluetooth device transmits in the Bluetooth channels.
According to the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology, the ACP is the
sum of the maximum powers PTXi at 10 distinct, equidistant frequencies fi distrib-
uted across the channel width:
PTX (f) = ∑(PTXi ), i = 1 ... 10
See also Figure 7-45.

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● "No. of Exceptions": Number of ACP values with a relative channel number ≥3

and the power between the "Gated ACP > PTX" limit and the "Gated ACP > Excep-
tions PTX" limit.
See also Chapter, "Spectrum Requirements", on page 354.
● "PTXref" in dBm: Reference power is obtained within the center channel as
PTXref (f) = max(PTXi ), i = 1 ... 10
● "PTX - 26 dB (±1)": The absolute PTX - 26 dB (±1) measurements are calculated as the
average of the five PTXi values in the ±1 relative channels, respectively, that are fur-
thest from the center channel. See Figure 7-45).
PTX - 26 dB (±1) = 1/5 ∑(PTXi ), i = 1 ... 5
The relative PTX - 26 dB (±1) measurements are relative to the reference power value,
PTXref .

Figure 7-45: ACP calculation for EDR packets

● "Nominal Power": Average burst power during the carrier-on state, measured in
the "Enhanced Data Rate Filter Bandwidth".
For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Spectrum Results
(EDR, Single Values)", on page 631. Normal Mode Classic: Measurement Diagrams

The R&S CMW provides diagrams and statistical results for normal mode BR/EDR
measurements in combined signal path.

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Table 7-44: Supported BR/EDR measurements in test mode and normal mode

Supported measurements BR EDR BR/EDR

test mode (DHx) test mode (2-/3-DHx) normal mode 1) (all


"Power vs Time" X X X


"Phase Difference" X

"IQ Constellation Absolute" X

"IQ Constellation Differential" X

"IQ Constellation Error" X

"Frequency Deviation" X X2)

"Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth" X

"Spectrum ACP" X X3)

"Spectrum Gated ACP" X

"Frequency range" X

"Differential Phase Encoding" 1) X

"Modulation Scalars" X X X2)

"Power Scalars" X X X4)

1) Only in combined signal path, refer to Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement",

on page 332
2) Only GFSK header portion (first 126 symbols) analyzed
3) Only "ACP+/-10 channel" mode supported
4) Only average power results

BR/EDR measurements in normal mode require combined signal path with a measure-
ment option R&S CMW-KM610 and a basic signaling option R&S CMW-KS600/-KS602
or /-KS603.

The "Overview" dialog shows several or all the detailed views in a single diagram.

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Figure 7-46: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: overview (normal mode classic)

The diagrams contain the following results:

● Power vs. time: Absolute measured signal power in dBm in a selectable time
The traces start at 140 symbols prior to first symbol. The diagram covers the entire
● Frequency deviation: Measured frequency deviation in kHz in a selectable time
The traces start at 140 symbols prior to first symbol. The first 126 µs of the burst
are processed for modulation analysis for all BR/EDR packets.
● Spectrum ACP: Bar graph or table with the adjacent channel power (ACP) results
for the 21 channels –10 to 10, where the relative channel number denotes the fre-
quency spacing in MHz relative to the center channel (defined by the selected RF
"Frequency"). See also Chapter, "BR: Spectrum ACP Results ",
on page 392.
For query of the diagram contents via remote control, see:
● Chapter, "Power Trace Results", on page 637
● Chapter, "Modulation Trace Results", on page 640
● Chapter, "Spectrum Trace Results", on page 642 Normal Mode Classic: Statistical Power vs. Time Results

The "Power Scalars" view shows an overview of power results and the corresponding

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Figure 7-47: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: power results (normal mode classic)

The power results table contains "Average Power": Average burst power during the
carrier-on state.
For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Power Results (Nor-
mal Mode, Single Values)", on page 583. Normal Mode Classic: Statistical Modulation Results

The "TX Measurement Modulation" view shows an overview of modulation results and
the corresponding statistics. The * sign indicates the results provided only with an
R&S CMW with MUA.

Figure 7-48: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: modulation results (normal mode classic)

The "TX Measurement Modulation" table contains the same results as BR measure-
ments in test mode, see Chapter, "BR: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 386.
For query of the results via remote control, see Chapter, "Modulation Results
(Normal Mode, Single Values)", on page 611. LE: Tx Measurement Diagrams

The R&S CMW provides measurement diagrams and statistical results of Tx measure-
ments (tab "Multi Evaluation").

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Table 7-45: Supported LE Tx measurements

Supported measurements LE 1M, LE 2M PHY LE coded PHY LE 1M, LE 2M, LE LE 1M PHY

coded PHY

direct test (test direct test (test connection test 1) others 4) (advertis-
packets) packets) (data chan. pack- ers)

"Power vs Time" X X X X

"Power vs Slot"5) X

"Frequency Deviation" X X X X

"Spectrum ACP" X X2) X2) X2)

"Modulation Scalars" X X X X

"Power Scalars" X X X3) X

Combined Tx-Rx tests 4,6) X

1) Only in combined signal path, refer to Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332
2) Only "ACP+/-5 channel" mode supported (21 half-channels)
3) Only average power results
4) Only in non-signaling stand alone operation
5) Only LE with CTE
6)All Tx measurements, only spot check Rx test, see Chapter, "LE: Rx Measurement Results for Advertisers",
on page 419

Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Measurements on LE with CTE require an option R&S CMW-KM722.
LE measurements in normal mode require combined signal path with a measurement
option R&S CMW-KM611 and a basic signaling option R&S CMW-KS601 for uncoded
LE 1M PHY. For LE 2M and LE code PHY, options R&S CMW-KM721 and R&S CMW-
KS720 are also required.

The "Overview" dialog shows several or all the detailed views in a "Multi Evaluation"

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Figure 7-49: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: overview (LE)

The diagrams contain the following results:

● "Power vs. Time": Absolute measured signal power in dBm in a selectable time
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "LE: Statistical Power vs. Time Results
", on page 409.
● "Power vs. Slot": Absolute measured signal power per CTE slot.
The diagram is only visible with CTE measurements, see Chapter, "LE
with CTE: Additional Results ", on page 417.
● "Frequency Deviation": Measured frequency deviation in kHz in a selectable time
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 410.
● "Spectrum ACP": Bar graph or table with adjacent channel power (ACP) results.
The number of bar results depends on measurement mode, see "ACP Measure-
ment Mode" on page 444
– Results for 21 half-channels (1 MHz wide) centered at fTX – 10 MHz to fTX + 10
MHz, where fTX is defined by the selected RF "Frequency" ("ACP+/-5 channel"
mode) or
– Results for 81 half-channels (1 MHz wide) centered at 2401 MHz, 2402 MHz ...
2481 MHz ("LE All Channels" mode)

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For enabled limit check, two limit lines are displayed. For limit configuration, see
"ACP (BR, LE)" on page 462.
– Red limit line "Ptx" is the upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 2 MHz
channels fTX ± 4 MHz
– Green limit line "Exc." is upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 2 MHz
channels fTX ±6 MHz, fTX ±8 MHz, ...
For scalar results, refer to Chapter, "LE: Spectrum ACP Results ",
on page 415.
For query of the diagram contents via remote control, see:
● Chapter, "Power Trace Results", on page 637
● Chapter, "Modulation Trace Results", on page 640
● Chapter, "Spectrum Trace Results", on page 642 LE: Statistical Power vs. Time Results

The "TX Measurement Power vs. Time" view displays statistical power results. Mea-
surements on test packets and advertiser packets support all results. Measurements
with LE connection tests provide only average power results.

Figure 7-50: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: power results (LE)

The power results table contains the following measurements:

● "Average Power" in dBm: Average burst power during the carrier-on state. The
average power is measured in the time interval starting at the detected 1st bit of the
preamble (bit p0) to the last bit of the burst.
● "Peak Power" in dBm: Maximum power within the whole burst, i.e. between the
first sample of the leakage pre-area and the last sample of the leakage post-area.
● "Peak Power – Average Power" in dB: Difference between the peak power and
the average power in the burst.
● "Leakage Power": Average power during the carrier-off state. The leakage power
is measured in the leakage pre-area and the leakage post-area.

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Figure 7-51: Definition of power results (LE)

1 = leakage pre-area (10 symbols)

2 = leakage post-area (10 symbols)

Additional results in automatic detection mode

If automatic burst detection is active ("Input Signal > Detection Mode: Auto"), the
"Power Scalars" view also shows the detected pattern type and payload length of the
LE test packets.
Automatic detection mode is indicated in the upper right corner.

For query of the results via remote control, see:

● Chapter, "Power Results (LE, Single Values)", on page 580
● Chapter, "Power Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)", on page 583 LE: Statistical Modulation Results

The "TX Measurement Modulation" view shows an overview of modulation results and
the corresponding statistics. For the supported results, refer to Table 7-1.
● For measurements on test packets "RF_PHY_TestRef", all modulation results are
supported. Some of the results require particular physical layer or a special pay-
load "Pattern Type". See Chapter, "Modulation Measurements LE Uncoded
PHY", on page 373 and Chapter, "Modulation Measurements LE Coded
PHY S = 8", on page 375.
See also "Additional results in automatic detection mode" on page 415.
● For measurements on test packets "RF_PHY_TestRef_CTE", additional results for
CTE slots are provided.
Refer to Chapter, "LE with CTE: Additional Results ", on page 417.
Access: "Display" softkey > "CTE Results" hotkey

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● For measurements on advertisers, only LE 1M PHY (uncoded) modulation results

"Frequency Accuracy" are provided according to the specification. All other results
are marked with an asterisk (*). It indicates, that these parameters are not calcula-
ted according to the specification, which requires 10101010 or 11110000 patterns
and RF test packets to be used.
● For measurements with LE connection tests on data channel packets, only LE 1M
PHY (uncoded) modulation results "Frequency Accuracy" are provided.

Figure 7-52: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: modulation results (LE uncoded PHY)

The "TX Measurement Modulation" result table contains the following values:

Δf2 99.9%
Frequency deviation value Δf2 above which 99.9% of all measured Δf2 values occur.
A Δf2 99.9% value of 185 means that 99.9% of all measured Δf2 values are above or
equal to 185 kHz.
This measurement spans over all packets with sufficient payload length.
Δf2 99.9% measurement requires a payload pattern "10101010".
The results are only relevant for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY).
See also "Freq. Dev. Δf2" on page 414.

Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg

See "Additional results in automatic detection mode" on page 415.

Δf1 99.9%
Δf1 99.9% is frequency deviation value Δf1 above which 99.9% of all measured Δf1
values occur. The result is only relevant for LE coded PHY with coding S=8.

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Δf1 99.9% measurement requires a payload pattern "11111111".

Freq. accuracy
The frequency accuracy is the difference between the nominal channel frequency fTX
and the initial carrier frequency f0, measured over the packet preamble:

Freq. accuracy = f0 – fTX

Freq. offset
Maximum difference between the nominal channel frequency fTX and carrier frequen-
cies fn, n = 1 ... N measured over the packet preamble and payload:

Freq. offset = fm – fTX , where m = arg maxn ∈ {1, ..., N}(|fn – fTX |)

This measurement does not include the payload header, payload length field or the
CRC bits. The frequency offset measurement requires a payload length of at least 2
To measure the carrier frequencies within the packet payload, the R&S CMW proceed
as follows:
● For LE 1M PHY, the R&S CMW integrates the frequency of the demodulated signal
in non-overlapping 10-bit intervals ('0101010101'), starting from the second pay-
load bit. The first bit and incomplete 10-bit groups are not considered for the calcu-
This measurement requires a payload length of at least 2 bytes and payload pat-
tern "10101010".
● For LE 2M PHY, the R&S CMW integrates the frequency of the demodulated signal
in non-overlapping 20-bit intervals, starting from the second payload bit. The first
bit and incomplete 20-bit groups are not considered for the calculation.
This measurement requires a payload length of at least 3 bytes and payload pat-
tern "10101010".
● For LE coded PHY, the R&S CMW integrates the frequency of the demodulated
signal in non-overlapping 16-symbol intervals, starting from the symbol 31. The first
30 symbols and the last 34 symbols are not considered for the calculation.
This measurement requires a payload length of 255 bytes and payload pattern

Freq. drift
Maximum difference between the measured initial carrier frequency f0 and the carrier
frequencies fn, n = 1 ... N, measured within the test packet payload (see Freq. offset) :

Freq. drift = fm – f0 , where m = arg maxn ∈ {1, ..., N}(|fn – f0 |)

This measurement does not include the payload header, payload length field or the
CRC bits.
LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY measurements require a payload pattern "10101010". LE
coded PHY (S = 8) measurements require a payload pattern "11111111".

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Initial Freq. drift

Difference between the measured initial carrier frequency f0 and the first carrier fre-
quency f1 measured within the payload:

Initial Freq. drift = f1 – f0

See Freq. offset.

This measurement requires a payload pattern "10101010".
The results are only relevant for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY).

Max. drift rate

Maximum of the drift rate anywhere within the packet payload. This measurement does
not include the payload header, payload length field or the CRC bits. The drift rate is
calculated as follows:
● For LE 1M PHY:
The maximum drift rate is based on the difference in carrier frequencies fn between
any two 10-bit groups separated by 50 µs:
Max. drift rate = (fm – fm-5 ), where m = arg maxn ∈ {6, ..., N}(|fn – fn-5 |)
The maximal drift rate measurement requires a payload length of at least 8 bytes
and payload pattern "10101010".
● For LE 2M PHY:
The maximum drift rate applies to the difference between any two 20-bit groups
separated by 50 µs within the payload field of the packet transmitted by the EUT.
● For LE coded PHY (S = 8):
The maximum drift rate is measured for payload pattern "11111111", anywhere in
the packet. The maximum drift rate applies to the difference between any two
groups of 16 symbols separated by 48 µs within the payload field of the packet
transmitted by the EUT. The requirement also applies to the frequency difference
between the initial frequency measurement f0 and f3 within the preamble.

Freq. Dev. Δf1

Difference between the modulated frequency and the observed carrier frequency for
packets carrying a 11110000 transmitter payload pattern.
The results are not relevant for LE coded PHY (S = 2).
The following table lists the differences between the settings on LE uncoded and
coded PHY measurements.

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Table 7-46: Δf1 measurement settings

LE uncoded PHY LE coded PHY (S = 8)

Pattern "11110000" "11111111"

Range The first 4 bits and incomplete 8- Measures from the beginning of
bit groups are not considered for the 31st symbol in the payload.
the calculation. The last 34 symbols in the pay-
load are disregarded.

Payload length min 2 bytes for LE 1M PHY, min 3 min 16 bytes

bytes for LE 2M PHY

To obtain the Δf1 results in accordance with the Bluetooth LE test specification, the
R&S CMW proceeds as follows:
● Divides the payload into its "00001111" 8-bit subsequences
● Each bit of the payload is oversampled at least 32 times
● For each "00001111" 8-bit subsequence, the average frequency f1ccf is calculated
● For each of the "00001111" 8-bit subsequences, the frequency deviation of bits 2,
3, 6 and 7 from favg are calculated as Δf1max, i

The displayed frequency deviations are obtained as follows:

● Δf1 avg is the average of all Δf1max, i values in the payload
● Δf1 max is the largest of all Δf1max, i values in the payload
● Δf1 min is the smallest of all Δf1max, i values in the payload

Freq. Dev. Δf2

Difference between the modulated frequency and the observed carrier frequency for
packets carrying a "10101010" payload pattern.
The calculation of the Δf2 results is similar to the Δf1 calculation, but with the following
● The R&S CMW considers "10101010" bit sequences.
● The frequency deviation for each bit is defined as the maximum deviation within
the bit period.
● Frequency deviations Δf2max, i are calculated for all bits in the considered
"10101010" bit sequences. The calculation of the Δf2 99.9% result is based on
these deviations.
The displayed frequency deviations are obtained as follows:
● Δf2 avg is the average of all Δf2max, i values in the payload
● Δf2 max is the largest of all Δf2max, i values in the payload
● Δf2 min is the smallest of all Δf2max, i values in the payload

The first four bits and incomplete 8-bit groups (the last 4 bits) are not considered for
the calculation.
This measurement requires a minimum payload length of 2 bytes and payload pattern

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The results are only relevant for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY).

Additional results in automatic detection mode

If automatic burst detection is active ("Input Signal > Detection Mode: Auto"), the "Mod-
ulation Scalars" view also shows the detected pattern type, and payload length. Auto-
matic detection mode is indicated in the upper right corner.
In "LE All Channels" mode, the number of off slots has to be displayed. This mode is
not supported for advertisers and test packets with LE coded PHY.
The "Pattern Yield" is the percentage of detected packets with a specific payload pat-
tern type. This result is not provided for LE coded PHY.
The modulation ratio Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg is the ratio of the smallest measured frequency
deviation min(Δf2 avg) to the largest one max(Δf1 avg). This value requires at least
one LE packet with a "11110000" and one with a "10101010" payload pattern; see defi-
nition of Δf2 and Δf1 above. This result is not provided for LE coded PHY.

For query of the results via remote control, see:

● Chapter, "Modulation Results (LE, Single Values)", on page 596
● Chapter, "Modulation Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)",
on page 611 LE: Spectrum ACP Results

Switch the appearance of the results for "Spectrum ACP" measurements via "Display"
softkey > "Diagram View / Table View" hotkey.

Diagram view
For the diagram view, refer to Chapter, "LE: Tx Measurement Diagrams ",
on page 406.

Table view
The "Spectrum ACP" table view for LE packets shows the adjacent channel power
There are two possible "Spectrum ACP" table views. The view depends on the ACP
measurement mode:
● LE all channels (LE frequencies only, see Chapter, "LE: Channels",
on page 346) or
● ACP +/-5 channels (any frequencies)

In-band emissions are analyzed in the 1 MHz half-channels (compared to the LE chan-
nel bandwidth of 2 MHz) centered at 2401 MHz, 2402 MHz, ... , 2481 MHz. Refer to
the LE test specification RF PHY for Bluetooth wireless technology.

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Spectrum measurements on test packets LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY)

support both modes.
Spectrum measurements on LE coded PHY test packets, advertiser packets and data
channel packets with LE connection tests, support only ACP +/-5 channels mode.

Figure 7-53: Spectrum ACP all channels results (LE)

Figure 7-54: Spectrum ACP +/-5 channels results (LE)

The "Spectrum ACP" view presents the following results:

● "(Relative) Channel": Bluetooth LE regulatory or relative channel number.
– In "ACP +/- 5 Channels" mode, relative channel number indicates the center
frequency offset relative to the current RF frequency in units of 2 MHz. The
value of 2 MHz corresponds to the LE channel width.

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– With "LE All Channels" mode, the channel number follows the LE scheme
(channels 0 to 39, corresponding to RF frequencies 2402 MHz, 2404 MHz ...
2480 MHz). Test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology defines in-band
emission measurements only for test packets with LE 1M PHY (uncoded) and
LE 2M PHY (uncoded). LE coded PHY and advertiser packets are not suppor-
ted in "LE All Channels" mode.
In both modes, frequencies mid way between two valid LE channels is indicated by
See "ACP Measurement Mode" on page 444.
● "Frequency" in MHz: Center frequency of the respective half-channel.
● "Ptx" in dBm: ACP results for all half-channels.
According to the Bluetooth LE test specification, the ACP is the sum of the maxi-
mum powers PTXi at 10 distinct, equidistant frequencies fi distributed across the
half-channel width. The half-channel width is = 1 MHz.
● "No. of Exceptions": Number of half-channels in which the recorded PTX value is
greater than "ACP > Low Energy > Exceptions PTX" limit. The center channel
(defined by the selected LE RF channel or frequency) and 2 half-channels, each,
on either side of this center channel are excluded from this measurement.
● "Nominal Power": Burst power during the carrier-on state, measured in the "LE
Filter Bandwidth" / "LE 2M PHY Filter Bandwidth".

Follow Chapter, "Spectrum ACP Measurement", on page 375 to measure the
in-band emissions in line with the test specification for Bluetooth wireless technology.

For query of the results via remote control, see:

● Chapter, "Spectrum Results (LE, Single Values)", on page 632
● Chapter, "Spectrum Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)", on page 634 LE with CTE: Additional Results

The measurements on LE with CTE provide in addition to standard direct test results
also "TX Measurement Power vs. Slot" diagrams and statistical power and modulation
results for CTE slots.

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Figure 7-55: Bluetooth multi-evaluation: power vs. slot results

Power vs. slot diagrams.............................................................................................. 418

Statistical results......................................................................................................... 418

Power vs. slot diagrams

Access: "Display" softkey > "Select View" hotkey > select "Power vs. Slot" view
● Upper diagram shows the average power measured per CTE slot. CTE slots con-
– Slot 0: Reference period of 8 µs (first bar)
– Slot 1 to 149 for AoA: continuous Tx measurement for max 148 µs plus 1 µs
reference slot
– Slot 1 to 75 for AoD: Tx measurement for max 74 switch/sample slots plus 1
reference slot. The slot is either 1µs or 2µs in duration
● Lower graph show power deviation traces per CTE slot (corresponding up to 20
CTE units). Positive deviation is a bar above the middle line, negative deviation is a
bar below the middle line.
Remote command:

Statistical results
Access: "Display" softkey > "Select View" hotkey > select "Modulation Scalars" view
"Display" softkey > "CTE Results" hotkey
In the modulation scalar view, additional statistical results are provided for LE with
CTE. The CTE results are limited to measurements of CTE slots only.

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Remote command:
CURRent? etc.
CURRent? etc. LE: Rx Measurement Results for Advertisers

The R&S CMW provides Rx measurements on advertisers in an individual tab "Rx

Meas". For the detailed description, refer to Chapter 7.2.2, "Rx Measurements with
ARB Generator: Advertiser Tests", on page 334.

The measurements require option R&S CMW-KD611.

The measurements are only supported by an R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA.
Non-signaling stand-alone operation is required.

The result table indicates settings and statistical measurement results according to the
measurement mode:
Spot Check..................................................................................................................419
Sensitivity Search........................................................................................................420

Spot Check
The table shows the following statistical results:

Figure 7-56: Rx measurement tab (spot check)

● "Detected Address": device address of EUT. Both public and random address
types are supported.
● "Level (CMW) [dBm]": Tx level of R&S CMW for SCAN_REQ transmission
● "Spot Check": pass / fail test verdict

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Remote command:

The table shows the following statistical results:

Figure 7-57: Rx measurement tab (PER)

● "Detected Address" and "Level (CMW) [dBm]": see spot check results above
● "Number of Packets Received": number of SCAN_RSP packets received by the
R&S CMW since the start of a measurement
● "PER": packet error rate, the ratio of corrupted and missing SCAN_RSP packets to
the total number of transmitted SCAN_REQ packets in percent
● "Packets Sent": number of SCAN_REQ packets transmitted by the R&S CMW.
After the measurement start, this value indicates the number of transmitted packets
and the total number of packets to be transmitted. Two equal numbers indicate that
the measurement is finished.
Remote command:

Sensitivity Search
The table shows the following statistical results:

Figure 7-58: Rx measurement tab (sensitivity search)

● "Detected Address": see spot check results above

● "Start Level (CMW) [dBm]": configurable initial Tx level of R&S CMW for
SCAN_REQ transmission
● "Step Size [dB]": configurable power step to decrease the level of SCAN_REQ
● "Current Level (CMW) [dBm]": actual Tx level of the R&S CMW
● "Search Result [dBm]": the last Tx level of the SCAN_REQ transmission, for
which the SCAN_RSP packet was detected

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Remote command:
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity? LE: Rx Measurement Results for PER

The R&S CMW provides non-signaling PER measurements in direct test mode with
ARB generator in an individual tab "PER". For the detailed description, refer to Chap-
ter 7.2.3, "Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Direct Test Mode", on page 336.

The measurements require options R&S CMW-KM720.

The measurements are only supported with an R&S CMW100.
Non-signaling stand-alone operation is required.

Figure 7-59: PER tab

The result table indicates the statistical measurement results to the left and settings to
the right:
Results........................................................................................................................ 421
Settings....................................................................................................................... 422
└ Stable Modulation Index............................................................................... 422

The following results apply to LE PER measurements.
● "PER": packet error rate, percentage of corrupted data packets that the EUT
● "Correct Packets Reported": total number of packets with a passed CRC check
received by the EUT.
● "Packets Transmitted": number of test packets transmitted by the R&S CMW.

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After the start of a measurement, this value indicates the number of transmitted
packets and the total number of packets to be measured. Two equal numbers indi-
cate that the measurement is complete and the statistical depth has been reached.
● "Packets Transmitted by CMW": Total number of test packets to be transmitted
during the RX measurement.
● "Report Integrity": Report integrity adjusts the ratio of the test packets with correct
CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW.
● "Correct CRC Rate in Transmitted Packets": Ratio of the test packets with cor-
rect CRC, generated by the R&S CMW. If the report integrity is ON, the ratio is set
to 50%. If the report integrity is OFF, all packets contain correct CRC.
Remote command:
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE1M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M? etc.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge? etc.

The parameters for fast access are displayed. They are the same as in the configura-
tion tree. Exception: Stable Modulation Index
● "General Setup": refer to Chapter 7.4.4, "Input Signal Settings", on page 432
● "RF Setup": refer to Chapter 7.4.3, "Signal Routing and Analyzer Settings",
on page 426
● "Signal Characteristics": refer to Chapter 7.4.4, "Input Signal Settings",
on page 432

Stable Modulation Index ← Settings

Specifies, which one of the two possible modulation index modes are used for dirty
transmitter signal: standard or stable.
● Deactivate "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" to use standard modulation settings.
The range of standard modulation index is 0.450 to 0.550.
● Activate "Stable Modulation Index (LE)" to use stable modulation settings.
The range of stable modulation index is 0.495 to 0.505.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy LE: Rx Measurement Results for PER Search

The R&S CMW provides non-signaling PER search measurements in direct test mode
with ARB generator in an individual tab "PER Search". For the detailed description,
refer to Chapter 7.2.3, "Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Direct Test Mode",
on page 336.

The measurements require options R&S CMW-KM720.

The measurements are only supported with an R&S CMW100.
Non-signaling stand-alone operation is required.

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Figure 7-60: PER search tab

The result table indicates the statistical measurement results to the left and settings to
the right:
Results........................................................................................................................ 423
Settings....................................................................................................................... 424

The following results apply to LE PER measurements.
● "PER": packet error rate, percentage of corrupted data packets that the EUT
● "Correct Packets Reported": total number of packets with a passed CRC check
received by the EUT.
● "Packets Transmitted": number of test packets transmitted by the R&S CMW.
After the start of a measurement, this value indicates the number of transmitted
packets and the total number of packets to be measured. Two equal numbers indi-
cate that the measurement is complete and the statistical depth has been reached.
● "Current Level (CMW)": Displays the power level transmitted by the R&S CMW.
The initial level is configurable, see Tx Level (CMW) < PER
● "Search Result": the last TX sweep level of the R&S CMW for which the mea-
sured PER value is below the specified PER search limit, see "Limits "
on page 449
● "Packets Transmitted by CMW": Total number of test packets to be transmitted
during the RX measurement.
● "Report Integrity": Report integrity adjusts the ratio of the test packets with correct
CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW.
● "Correct CRC Rate in Transmitted Packets": Ratio of the test packets with cor-
rect CRC, generated by the R&S CMW. If the report integrity is ON, the ratio is set
to 50%. If the report integrity is OFF, all packets contain correct CRC.

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Remote command:
LE1M? etc.
LE2M? etc.
LRANge? etc.

The parameters for fast access are displayed. They are the same as in configuration
● "General Setup": refer to Chapter 7.4.4, "Input Signal Settings", on page 432
● "Channel, Frequency": refer to Chapter 7.4.3, "Signal Routing and Analyzer Set-
tings", on page 426
● "Start Level": refer to"Start Level < PER search" on page 450
● "Step Level": refer to "Level Step < PER search" on page 450
● "Signal Characteristics": refer to Chapter 7.4.4, "Input Signal Settings",
on page 432 Selecting and Modifying Views

Use the "Display" parameters to select the views and to change the appearance and
contents of the views. Depending on the selected view, the following "Display" hotkeys
are available:

Hotkey Description

"Select View ..." Switch to a certain detailed view or overview.

Alternatively select a diagram in the overview and press ENTER or the rotary

"Select Trace ..." Select the trace types to be displayed in the view.

"X Scale... / Y Scale..." In views with Cartesian diagrams: Modify the ranges of the X-axis and the Y-

"Display Samples" In the "IQ Constellation Absolute" view: Plot the constellation points.

"Vector..." In the "IQ Constellation ..." views: Plot the I/Q trajectories in-between the con-
stellation points (vector diagrams).

"Scaling..." In the "IQ Constellation ..." views: Scale/zoom into the diagram and/or move the
origin. Using Markers

Use the "Marker" parameters to activate markers and to modify their position. The fol-
lowing "Marker" hotkeys are available:

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GUI Reference

Hotkey Description

"Ref. Marker ..." Enable or disable the reference marker, select a trace and the marker position
on that trace

"Marker 1 /2 ..." Enable or disable marker 1 or 2 and define the marker position (absolute or rel-
ative to the reference marker)
Depending on the trace mode, a trace can also be selected.

"Select Trace Mode" Define whether all markers are collectively set to the same trace or to individual
traces Common View Elements

This section describes elements that are displayed in most views.

Current settings...........................................................................................................425
Statistics in the result tables........................................................................................425
Statistic Count............................................................................................................. 426
Bursts Out of Tolerance...............................................................................................426

Current settings
The most important settings of measured signal are displayed at the top of the mea-
surement dialog. If enabled, the automatic detection of received packets is also indica-
ted. The displayed signal parameters depend on the type of measurements:
● Tx measurements on BR or EDR bursts: Measured channel, frequency, reference
level, burst type, and packet type are displayed.
● Tx measurements on LE test packets: Frequency, reference level, packet type, and
setup with burst type, physical layer and for LE coded PHY also coding are dis-

Figure 7-61: Tx measurement settings with LE direct test, automatic detection

● Tx measurements on data channel packets with LE connection test: Measured

channel, reference level, and connection interval are displayed. (Connection inter-
val is interval between two consecutive connection events CONNECTION_ REQ.)

Figure 7-62: Tx measurement settings with LE connection test

● Rx measurements: Frequency, corresponding advertiser index, reference level,

and the Bluetooth device address and the address type of the R&S CMW is dis-

Figure 7-63: Rx measurement settings

Statistics in the result tables

Most detailed views show tables providing a statistical evaluation of results.

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The statistical values are calculated as follows:

● "Current": Result obtained in the last measurement interval. For some modulation
results, an RMS value and a peak value are available. They are calculated as the
average and peak of all samples in the measured slot.
● "Average": Weighted average of all "Current" values since the start of the mea-
● "Max", "Min": Smallest or largest "Current" value since the start of the measure-
● "Xmax", "Xmin": For modulation measurements, the absolute max or absolute
min result.
● "StdDev": Standard deviation of all "Current" values since the start of the mea-
All statistical results (statistical tables and "average" or "Max" traces) are calculated
according to the general rules for statistical results.

Statistic Count
Progress bar for the measurement, displayed in all detailed views. During the first sin-
gle shot after the start of the measurement, the bar shows the number of elapsed mea-
surement intervals relative to the statistic count. A filled progress bar indicates that the
first shot is complete and the statistical depth has been reached.

Bursts Out of Tolerance

Percentage of measurement interval (bursts) that were failed because they exceeded
the specified limits.

7.4.3 Signal Routing and Analyzer Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > top of the configuration dialog.

All settings are defined via softkeys and hotkeys, using the "Bluetooth Multi Evaluation
Configuration" dialog.
The following parameters configure the RF path.

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Figure 7-64: Signal routing and analyzer R&S CMW100 settings (standalone scenario with ARB gen-

Figure 7-65: Signal routing and analyzer settings (combined signal path)

Scenario, Controlled by...............................................................................................428

RF Routing (Input).......................................................................................................428
External Attenuation (Input)........................................................................................ 428
RF Routing (Output)....................................................................................................429
External Attenuation (Output)......................................................................................429
Connectors (Output)....................................................................................................429
Frequency, Channel, Advertising Index...................................................................... 429
Hopping, Measure Mode.............................................................................................430
TX Level (CMW)..........................................................................................................431
Expected Nominal Power, Auto Ranging.................................................................... 431
User Margin.................................................................................................................431
Dirty Tx........................................................................................................................431

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Scenario, Controlled by
Scenario switches between certain test situations that require different sets of parame-
ters. Some parameters are only available for a specific scenario.
● Standalone: provides you the non-signaling Bluetooth measurement, using all
Bluetooth multi-evaluation settings.
● Combined signal path: allows you to use a "Bluetooth Signaling" application
(options R&S CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS721) in combination with Bluetooth multi-
evaluation measurement. The signaling application is selected by the additional
parameter "Controlled by". The signaling application settings of analyzer and signal
routing are displayed in the "Controller Settings" section.
The parameters display values determined by the signaling application. The corre-
sponding measurement settings are remembered in the background and displayed
again when switching back to the standalone scenario.
After selecting softkey "Input Signal", additional test mode hotkeys provide some
signaling parameters added to the measurement dialog for fast access.
Connection status information of the signaling application is displayed at the bot-
tom of the measurement views. Softkeys and hotkeys provide access to the set-
tings of the signaling application and allow to switch the downlink signal on or off,
see Chapter 7.4.12, "Additional Softkeys and Hotkeys", on page 465.
For additional information, see Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measure-
ment", on page 332.
Remote command:

RF Routing (Input)
Selects the input path for the measured RF signal, i.e. the input connector and the RX
module to be used.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, these parameters are controlled by the measurement.
In the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, they are controlled by the signaling appli-
Remote command:
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:SALone (SA)
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:CSPath (CSP)

External Attenuation (Input)

Defines the value of an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) in the
input path. The power readings are corrected by the external attenuation value.
The external attenuation value is also used in the calculation of the maximum configu-
rable input power value.
If a correction table for frequency-dependent attenuation is active for the chosen con-
nector, then the table name and a button are displayed. Press the button to display the
table entries.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.

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Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut (CSP)

RF Routing (Output)
Selects the output path for the generated RF signal, i.e. the output connector and the
Tx module to be used for ARB files.
Depending on your hardware configuration, there are dependencies between both
parameters. Select the RF connector first. The "Converter" parameter offers only val-
ues compatible with the selected RF connector.
Option R&S CMW-KD611 is required (only for R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA).
Remote command:

External Attenuation (Output)

Defines the value of an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) in the out-
put path. With an external attenuation of x dB, the power of the generated signal is
increased by x dB. The actual generated levels are equal to the displayed values plus
the external attenuation.
If a correction table for frequency-dependent attenuation is active for the chosen con-
nector, then the table name and a button are displayed. Press the button to display the
table entries.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
For non-signaling Rx measurements on advertisers, option R&S CMW-KD611 and
R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA are required.
For non-signaling Rx measurements in direct test mode, option R&S CMW-KD720 and
R&S CMW100 are required.
Remote command:
For Rx measurements on advertisers:
For Rx measurements in direct test mode:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:OUTPut (CSP)

Connectors (Output)
Selects the Tx connectors of a connector bench to broadcast waveform ARB signal.
This node is visible if you select a connector bench with several connectors. The avail-
ability of connector benches depends on the instrument model.
Option R&S CMW-KD611 is required (only for R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA).
Remote command:

Frequency, Channel, Advertising Index

Center frequency of the RF analyzer. Set this frequency to the frequency of the mea-
sured RF signal to obtain a meaningful measurement result.

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You can use either frequencies or channel numbers to define the analyzer frequency.
For measurements on LE advertiser packets, also the advertiser index can be speci-
fied, see Chapter, "LE: Channels", on page 346.
These settings are not relevant for measurements with LE connection tests. For set-
tings with LE connection tests, refer to "Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)"
on page 465.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, these parameters are controlled by the measurement.
In the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, they are controlled by the signaling appli-
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:AINDex (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:DTMode? (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:LOOPback? (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TXTest? (CSP)

Hopping, Measure Mode

Hopping is only supported in the combined signal path (CSP) scenario. It is controlled
by the signaling application.
Within the following options, the hopping can be enabled or disabled:
● Signaling: Option R&S CMW-KS610 for BR/EDR test mode.
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM610
If the Bluetooth signaling operates in hopping mode, the frequencies and channels set
in the "Bluetooth Measurement" application are ignored. Measure mode specifies
whether the "Bluetooth Measurement" measures all channels or only the specified sin-
gle channel ("Measure Channel").
The selection of measure channel in the configuration dialog is only relevant for
BR/EDR test mode connections.
In combined signal path, the hopping is always enabled automatically with the following
● Signaling: Option R&S CMW-KS600 for basic signaling with BR/EDR
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM610
● Signaling: Option R&S CMW-KS601 for basic signaling with LE 1M PHY (uncoded)
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM611
● Signaling: Option R&S CMW-KS720 for LE 2M and LE coded PHY
Measurement: R&S CMW-KM721
For settings, refer to "Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)" on page 465.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing (CSP BR/EDR)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe (BR/EDR test mode with
hopping )
(BR/EDR test mode with hopping)

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TX Level (CMW)
For description, see "Tx Level (CMW)" on page 77.
This parameter is available in the combined signal path (CSP) scenario only. It is con-
trolled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:LEVel (CSP)

Expected Nominal Power, Auto Ranging

Sets the analyzer in accordance with the nominal power of the RF signal to be mea-
sured. The nominal power is the average output power at the EUT during the measure-
ment intervals where the RF transmitter is on. The "Ref. Level" is calculated as the
expected peak power at the output of the EUT:
Reference level = Expected Nominal Power + User Margin
The actual input power at the connectors must be within the level range of the selected
RF input connector. If all power settings are configured correctly, it is calculated as the
"Reference Level" minus the "External Attenuation (Input)" value. Refer to the data
Auto ranging adjusts the input level expected at the R&S CMW antenna automatically.
If enabled, the manual setting of expected nominal power is ignored.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:ENPower (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ENPower (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ARANging (CSP)

User Margin
Margin that the measurement adds to the expected nominal power to determine its ref-
erence power (reference level). The margin is typically used to account for the known
variations of the RF input signal power, for example, the variations due to a specific
channel configuration.
A user margin of 3 dB is appropriate for the supported packet types.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin (CSP)

Dirty Tx
For description, see Chapter, "Dirty Transmitter Configuration", on page 78.
This parameter is available in the combined signal path (CSP) scenario only. It is con-
trolled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:DTX (CSP)

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7.4.4 Input Signal Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Bluetooth Input Signal" section.

The "Bluetooth Input Signal" parameters define basic Bluetooth signal properties. In
"Manual" detection mode, the values in this section must be set in accordance with the
measured signal; see Chapter, "Measuring a Bluetooth Signal", on page 331. If
"Auto" detection mode is selected, only the "Burst Type" and - for BR and EDR signals
- the "BD Address" must be set; the remaining parameters are detected automatically.
Table 7-47: Input signal settings:

BR, stand-alone mode

LE with CTE, stand-alone mode

LE advertiser, stand-alone mode

Detection Mode........................................................................................................... 433

Burst Type................................................................................................................... 434
Auto Sync (BR/EDR)...................................................................................................434
BD Address (BR/EDR)................................................................................................ 434
Test Mode Type (BR/EDR)..........................................................................................435
PHY (LE)..................................................................................................................... 435
Coding (LE coded PHY)..............................................................................................435
Packet Type................................................................................................................ 436
Test Packet Sync Word (LE)....................................................................................... 437
Access Address (LE)...................................................................................................437
Payload Length........................................................................................................... 437
Pattern Type................................................................................................................438
CTE Slot Type (LE with CTE)......................................................................................439
No. of Antennas (LE with CTE)................................................................................... 440
Antenna Attenuation (LE with CTE)............................................................................ 440
CTE Units (LE with CTE)............................................................................................ 440
No. of Off Slots ...........................................................................................................441
Whitening, Poll Period (BR/EDR)................................................................................441

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Detection Mode
The input signal parameters for the bursts to be measured can be either configured
manually or detected automatically, "Manual" detection and "Auto " detection mode
● In "Manual" detection mode, the burst analysis is based on the input signal set-
tings. The R&S CMW checks the properties of the analyzed burst. Measurement
results are calculated if the properties are in accordance with the input signal set-
Manual input signal settings provide the fastest measurement. It is the recommen-
ded mode of operation in factory testing.
● In "Auto" detection mode, the R&S CMW only uses the selected "Burst Type". The
remaining signal properties are established during the burst analysis; input signal
settings are ignored. Automatic detection mode is indicated in the upper right cor-
ner of measurement views as "(auto)". The results of the burst analysis are dis-
played in the "Power Scalars" and "Modulation Scalars" views.
In this mode, you can reconfigure the Bluetooth signal during the measurement
without adjusting the input signal settings.
Automatic detection of Bluetooth bursts is not supported in list mode.
The following table lists the parameters to be configured manually in "Manual" and
"Auto" detection mode.
Table 7-48: Configurable parameters

Burst type Manual setting Auto detection

BR 6) Bluetooth device address1), Bluetooth device address1)

packet type, payload length, pat-
tern type, No. of OFF slots2)

EDR 6) Bluetooth device address1), Bluetooth device address1)

packet type, payload length, pat-
tern type, No. of OFF slots3)

LE: LE 1M PHY (uncoded)7) Packet type4), sync word, payload Packet type4), sync word/ access
length, pattern type, CTE slot address
type5), No. of antennas5), No. of
OFF slots2)

LE: LE 2M PHY (uncoded)7) Packet type4), sync word, payload Packet type4), sync word
length, pattern type, CTE slot
type5), No. of antennas5), No. of
OFF slots2)

LE: LE coded PHY7) Coding type, sync word, pattern Sync word
type, payload length

1) only when "Auto Sync" is disabled

2) only when full Bluetooth band ACP measurement is enabled
3) only when full Bluetooth band gated ACP measurement is enabled
4) advertiser and data channel packets are only supported in automatic detection mode
5) only for LE test packet with CTE
6) in normal mode, settings not relevant, only automatic detection supported
7) in normal mode, only automatic detection supported, relevant settings: PHY, coding scheme

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Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe (SA)
Commands FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:ADETected:..., refer to Chap-
ter, "Detected Signal Characteristics", on page 568.
Fixed value Automatic (CSP)

Burst Type
Selects the basic burst type of the measured signal. The input signal settings, mea-
surement types and measurement algorithms are adjusted to the selected burst type.
For more information, refer to Chapter 7.2.6, "Bluetooth Signal Properties",
on page 344.
Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for BR and EDR.
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BTYPe (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:BTYPe (CSP)

Auto Sync (BR/EDR)

Disables / enables automatic synchronization to the captured signal for an unspecified
Bluetooth device address.
Remote command:

BD Address (BR/EDR)
For BR and EDR packets, the BD address specifies the Bluetooth device address of
the EUT's piconet. BD addresses are 48-bit (12-digit hex) numbers and consist of the
three subfields LAP (lower address part), UAP (upper address part) and NAP (non-
specific address part).

Figure 7-66: BD address format

The synchronization word is derived from the LAP; it must be known to detect captured
bursts. The R&S CMW does not evaluate the other two parts of the received "BD
Address", so it is sufficient to enter a six-digit hexadecimal number.
Note: Separate address field settings. The "Input Signal > BD Address" hotkey pro-
vides another possibility to set the LAP, UAP, and NAP.

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In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In

the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BDADdress (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LAP (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:UAP (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:NAP (SA)
Automatic configuration (CSP)

Test Mode Type (BR/EDR)

For description, see "Test Mode (classic)" on page 69.
This parameter is only available in the combined signal path (CSP) scenario for burst
type BR or EDR. It is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe (CSP)

Selects the physical layer (PHY) used for LE connections.
See also Table 7-45.
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PHY:LENergy (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PHY:NMODe:LENergy (CSP)

Coding (LE coded PHY)

Defines the forward error correction (FEC) coding for connections with LE coded pack-
ets. FEC coding is defined in the core specification version 5.0 for Bluetooth wireless
technology, volume 6, part B, section 3.3.
Option R&S CMW-KM721 is required.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:FEC:LENergy:LRANge (SA)
Auto detection mode:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:FEC:LENergy:LRANge (CSP)

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Packet Type
Specifies the packet type of the measured signal. The supported packet types are lis-
ted below, together with the payload length for each packet. The length of a standard
Bluetooth time slot is 625 µs.
Table 7-49: Supported packet types

Burst type Packet type Timeslots Payload length1) in byte

BR DH1 1 0 to 27

DH3 3 0 to 183

DH5 5 0 to 339

EDR 2-DH1 1 0 to 54

2-DH3 3 0 to 367

2-DH5 5 0 to 679

3-DH1 1 0 to 83

3-DH3 3 0 to 552

3-DH5 5 0 to 1021

LE LE test packet (RF PHY TestRef) 2) 0 to 255

LE test packet (RF PHY TestRef CTE)3) 2) 0 to 256

Advertising packet4) 1 6 to 37

Data channel packet5) 1 0 to 251

1) The payload length in the table denotes the number of user payload bytes.
2) The transmission interval depends on the length of LE burst.
3) Only supported for LE with CTE uncoded PHY (LE 1M or LE 2M).
4) Only supported with automatic detection mode in non-signaling stand alone mode.
5) Only supported with automatic detection mode and CSP with LE connection test.

Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Measurements on LE with CTE require an option R&S CMW-KM722.
LE measurements in normal mode require combined signal path with a measurement
option R&S CMW-KM611 and a basic signaling option R&S CMW-KS601 for uncoded
LE 1M PHY. For LE 2M and LE code PHY, options R&S CMW-KM721 and R&S CMW-
KS720 are also required.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, these parameters are controlled by the measurement.
In the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, they are controlled by the signaling appli-
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:BRATe (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:EDRate (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:LENergy[:LE1M] (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:LENergy:LE2M (SA)

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CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:LENergy:LRANge (SA)
Auto detection mode:
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PTYPe:BRATe? (SA)
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PTYPe:EDRate? (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:BRATe (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:EDRate (CSP)

Test Packet Sync Word (LE)

Defines 4-byte synchronization word for direct test mode as hexadecimal number.
This parameter is only available for LE test packet type (RF_PHY_TestRef or
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Measurements on LE with CTE require an option R&S CMW-KM722.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LENergy:SYNWord (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:SYNWord:LENergy (CSP)

Access Address (LE)

Specifies the access address of LE advertiser.
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required.
Remote command:
Auto detection mode:

Payload Length
Specifies the number of payload bytes (octets) in the measured packets. The value
range depends on the packet type.
Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for BR or EDR measurements. Option
R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.

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In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In

the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
For Tx measurements:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:BRATe (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:EDRate (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy[:LE1M] (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M (SA)
Auto detection mode (Tx measurements):
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:BRATe? (SA)
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:EDRate? (SA)
LRANge? (SA)
LE1M]? (SA)
For Rx measurements with ARB (PER and PER search):

Pattern Type
Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data on its BR
or LE packets. In the standalone scenario, there is no equivalent setting for EDR pack-
Some of the modulation results for BR, LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY require a
'11110000' or a '10101010' pattern; see Chapter, "Modulation Measurements",
on page 364 and Chapter, "Modulation Measurements LE Uncoded PHY",
on page 373. Any other pattern type causes invalid results.
"Alternating" pattern alternates periodically a '11110000' and a '10101010' pattern.
Measurements on LE coded PHY (S = 8) require a '11111111' pattern, see Chap-
ter, "Modulation Measurements LE Coded PHY S = 8", on page 375.

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GUI Reference

Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for BR or EDR measurements. Option

R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
For Tx measurements:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M] (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M (SA)
Auto detection mode (Tx measurements):
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern[:BRATe]? (SA)
For Rx measurements with ARB (PER and PER search):

CTE Slot Type (LE with CTE)

Selects angle of arrival (AoA) 1 µs or 2 µs CTE slot type or angle of departure (AoD) 1
µs or 2 µs CTE slot type.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:TYPE (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:TYPE (SA)

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GUI Reference


No. of Antennas (LE with CTE)

For AoD, selects the number of DUT's antennas.
For AoA, selects the number of emulated R&S CMW antennas. The R&S CMW simu-
lates a receiving device with several Rx antennas, but only one RF connector is used.
This parameter is only displayed while the combined signal path (CSP) scenario is
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:NANTenna (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:NANTenna:CTE:LENergy (CSP)

Antenna Attenuation (LE with CTE)

Defines the value of an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) in the
input path. The power readings are corrected by the external attenuation value.
The external attenuation value is also used in the calculation of the maximum configu-
rable input power value.
If a correction table for frequency-dependent attenuation is active for the chosen con-
nector, then the table name and a button are displayed. Press the button to display the
table entries.
The value for reference antenna is always zero.
This parameter is only displayed while the combined signal path (CSP) scenario is
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:AOFFset (SA)

CTE Units (LE with CTE)

Specifies the number of CTE units. One unit corresponds to 8 µs.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:UNITs (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs (SA)
Auto detection mode:

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GUI Reference

LENergy:LE1M (CSP)
LENergy:LE2M (CSP)

No. of Off Slots

Specifies the number of unused slots between any two occupied slots or slot sequen-
ces. You can define independent off slot settings for all supported packet types.
The example below shows a signal configuration with 1-slot (e.g. DH1, 2-DH1), 3-slot,
and 5-slot packets and one off slot (white).

The "No. of Off Slots" setting is only relevant for multi-shot ACP measurements, i.e.
ACP measurement mode: "ACP 79 Channels" for BR/EDR or "LE All Channels" in
manual detection mode. For settings, refer to "ACP Measurement Mode" on page 444.
The Bluetooth LE transmission interval depends on the number of payload bytes, see
Chapter, "PvT and Modulation Trace Points (LE)", on page 360. For "LE All
Channels" ACP measurements, it is recommended to set the number of "off" slots to
be the same as the number of "on" slots.
Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for BR or EDR measurements. Option
R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
In the standalone (SA) scenario, this parameter is controlled by the measurement. In
the combined signal path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:BRATe (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:EDRate (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy[:LE1M] (SA)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy:LE2M (SA)
Auto detection mode:
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:NOSLots:BRATe? (SA)
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:NOSLots:EDRate? (SA)
Automatic configuration (CSP)

Whitening, Poll Period (BR/EDR)

For description, see Chapter, "Signal Characteristics Configuration",
on page 91.
These parameters are available in the combined signal path (CSP) scenario only. They
are controlled by the signaling application.

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Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:WHITening (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod (CSP)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PPERiod:MINimum (CSP)

7.4.5 Tx Measurement Control Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Tx Measurement Control" section.

The "Measurement Control" parameters configure the scope of the measurement.

Figure 7-67: Tx measurement control settings

Repetition.................................................................................................................... 442
Stop Condition.............................................................................................................443
Measure on Exception................................................................................................ 443
List Mode.....................................................................................................................443
Power vs. Time / Modulation / Phase Encoding / Spectrum > ... Statistic Count........ 443
ACP Measurement Mode............................................................................................444
Frequency Range........................................................................................................445
Filter............................................................................................................................ 445
Assign Views...............................................................................................................446

Defines how often the measurement is repeated if it is not stopped explicitly or by a
failed limit check.

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● Continuous: The measurement is continued until it is explicitly terminated. The

results are periodically updated.
● Single-Shot: The measurement is stopped after one measurement cycle.
Single-shot is preferable if only a single measurement result is required under fixed
conditions, which is typical for remote-controlled measurements. The continuous mode
is suitable to monitor the evolution of the measurement results and to observe how
they depend on the measurement configuration, which is typically done in manual con-
Remote command:

Stop Condition
Specifies the conditions for an early termination of the measurement:
● "None": The measurement is performed according to its "Repetition" mode and
"Statistic Count", irrespective of the limit check results.
● "On Limit Failure": The measurement is stopped when one of the limits is excee-
ded, irrespective of the repetition mode set. If no limit failure occurs, it is performed
according to its "Repetition" mode and "Statistic Count". Use this setting for mea-
surements that are intended for checking limits, e.g. production tests.
Remote command:

Measure on Exception
Specifies whether results that the measurement identifies as faulty or inaccurate are
rejected. A faulty result occurs, for example, when an overload is detected. In remote
control, the cause of the error is indicated by the "reliability indicator".
● Off: Faulty results are rejected. The measurement is continued. The statistical
counters are not reset. Use this mode to ensure that a single faulty result does not
affect the entire measurement.
● On: Results are never rejected. Use this mode for development purposes, if you
want to analyze the reason for occasional wrong transmissions.
Remote command:

List Mode
Shows whether the list mode is enabled and disables an enabled list mode. Enabling
the list mode is only possible via the remote control command below.
The list mode is essentially a remote control feature; for an introduction see Chap-
ter 7.2.5, "List Mode", on page 340.
Option R&S CMW-KM012 is required.
Remote command:

Power vs. Time / Modulation / Phase Encoding / Spectrum > ... Statistic Count
Defines the number of measurement intervals per measurement cycle. A measurement
cycle is the duration of a single-shot measurement.

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In the Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement, the measurement interval is completed

when the R&S CMW has measured the complete burst / packet. The RF test specifica-
tion stipulates a minimum number of packets or - for in-band spurious emissions - a
minimum measurement time, to which the statistic count has to be adjusted. See the
"Statistical settings" sections in Chapter, "Scope of Spectrum Measurements",
on page 361.
The phase encoding setting is only available in the combined signal path scenario.
Remote command:

ACP Measurement Mode

Selects the set of 1 MHz bands covered by an adjacent channel power measurement.
The available modes depend on the selected "Burst Type":
● BR or EDR:
– "ACP +/- 10 Channels" means that the R&S CMW measures the center chan-
nel (channel 0, defined by the "RF Settings > Frequency/Channel") plus 10
channels at lower and higher frequencies. The ACP bar graph and the table
contain the results for 21 channels, labeled –10, –9 ... 0, 1 ... 10.
– "ACP 79 Channels" means that the ACP measurement covers all RF channels
(channels 0 to 78 centered at 2402 MHz, 2403 MHz, ..., 2480 MHz, respec-
tively). The ACP bar graph and table contain the results for 79 channels,
labeled 0, 1 ... 78.
● LE:
– "ACP +/- 5 Channels" means that the R&S CMW measures the 21 "half-chan-
nels" (1 MHz width) centered at fTX– 10 MHz, fTX– 9 MHz, ..., fTX+ 10 MHz.
This mode is applicable to all types of LE bursts.
– "LE All Channels" means that the ACP measurement covers all 1 MHz bands
overlapping with the LE channel range. It means 2 MHz channels 0 to 39 cen-
tered at 2402 MHz, 2404 MHz, ..., 2480 MHz, respectively. Hence the ACP bar
graph and table contain the results for the 81 "half-channels" centered at 2401
MHz, 2402 MHz, ..., 2481 MHz (1 MHz width).
"LE All Channels" mode is only available with test packets using LE uncoded
PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY). LE coded PHY and advertiser packets are not
supported in "LE All Channels" mode.
According to the Bluetooth RF test specification, for in-band spurious emissions tests,
all (overlapping half-) channels have to be measured. The R&S CMW obtains these
results in a multi-shot measurement, which provides the necessary bandwidth but
increases the measurement time; see Chapter, "Scope of Spectrum Measure-
ments", on page 361.
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.

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Remote command:

Frequency Range
Specifies the number of 1 MHz channels to be measured below and above the current
measured channel. The threshold is the level that needs to be crossed to search the
frequencies fL and fH.
For more details, see Chapter, "BR: Spectrum Frequency Range Results ",
on page 391.
Remote command:

Selects the resolution bandwidth of the measurement filter used for power and modula-
tion measurements. For EDR measurements, the filter affects only to the GFSK portion
of the burst.
The filter setting complies with the two alternative settings stipulated in the Bluetooth
RF test specification for BR and EDR and RF-PHY test specification for LE 1M and LE
● Narrow band filter: 1.3 MHz
● Wide band filter: Approx. 2.0 MHz
The filter settings for LE 2M in line with RF-PHY test specification are as follows:
● Narrow band filter: 2.6 MHz
● Wide band filter: 4.0 MHz
Spectrum measurements (20 dB bandwidth and ACP) are performed at smaller mea-
surement bandwidths; see Chapter 7.3.1, "Basic Rate Measurements in Test Mode",
on page 363, Chapter 7.3.2, "Enhanced Data Rate Measurements in Test Mode",
on page 367 and Chapter 7.3.3, "Low Energy Measurements in Direct Test Mode",
on page 370.
Option R&S CMW-KM610 is required for BR or EDR measurements. Option
R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Remote command:

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Assign Views
Selects the view types to be displayed in the "Overview" dialog. The R&S CMW does
not evaluate the results for disabled views. Therefore, limiting the number of assigned
views can speed up the measurement.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:MSCalar etc.

7.4.6 Rx Measurement Control Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Rx Measurement Control" section.

The "Rx Measurement Control" parameters configure the scope of non-signaling Rx
measurements with an ARB generator.

Figure 7-68: Rx measurement settings

● Measurement Configuration: OTA Advertiser....................................................... 446

● Measurement Configuration: Direct Test Mode.....................................................449
● EUT Control Tab for Direct Test Mode.................................................................. 451 Measurement Configuration: OTA Advertiser

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Rx Measurement Control" > "OTA Advertiser" section.
Option R&S CMW-KD611 is required (only for R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA).
The "OTA Advertiser" parameters configure the scope of the measurement.

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Figure 7-69: Advertiser measurement settings

Generate ARB during Tx Measurements.................................................................... 447

Mode........................................................................................................................... 447
CMW Scanner Address...............................................................................................447
CMW Address Type.................................................................................................... 448
Sensitivity.................................................................................................................... 448
└ Start Level.....................................................................................................448
└ Step Size.......................................................................................................448
└ Retry............................................................................................................. 448
Spot Check > Level..................................................................................................... 448
└ Level............................................................................................................. 448
└ Packets to Send............................................................................................448

Generate ARB during Tx Measurements

Enables / disables the creation of ARB waveform file during Tx measurement, and
enables / disables the use of this ARB waveform file during Rx measurements.
Remote command:

Selects measurement mode: spot check, PER or sensitivity search measurement, see
Chapter 7.2.2, "Rx Measurements with ARB Generator: Advertiser Tests",
on page 334.
Remote command:

CMW Scanner Address

Specifies the device address of the R&S CMW. The R&S CMW acts as a scanner. The
device address of the DUT is detected automatically.
Remote command:

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CMW Address Type

The R&S CMW supports both public and random address types:
● Public: Unique 48-bit address of each Bluetooth LE device using an organization-
ally unique identifier (OUI) obtained from the IEEE registration authority
● Random: 48-bit random static, non-resolvable private, or resolvable private device
address of a Bluetooth LE device. A random address is optional. It can be directly
generated by the beacon.
Remote command:

Specifies settings for Mode = "Sensitivity".

Start Level ← Sensitivity

Sets Tx start level of for sensitivity search measurement.
Remote command:

Step Size ← Sensitivity

Sets the step size for decreasing Tx level of R&S CMW for sensitivity search measure-
Remote command:

Retry ← Sensitivity
Specify the number of retry attempts per step for sensitivity search measurement.
Remote command:

Spot Check > Level

Sets the constant Tx level of R&S CMW for SCAN_REQ transmission for Mode =
"Spot Check".
Remote command:

Specifies settings for Mode = "PER".

Level ← PER
Sets the constant Tx level of R&S CMW for SCAN_REQ transmission.
Remote command:

Packets to Send ← PER

Defines the number of SCAN_REQ packets for PER measurements.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference Measurement Configuration: Direct Test Mode

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Rx Measurement Control" > "Direct Test Mode (DTM)" sec-
Option R&S CMW-KD720 and an R&S CMW100 are required.
The following parameters configure the scope of PER and PER search in direct test

Figure 7-70: PER and PER search settings

Tx Level (CMW) < PER...............................................................................................449

Packets....................................................................................................................... 449
Limits ..........................................................................................................................449
Start Level < PER search............................................................................................450
Level Step < PER search............................................................................................ 450
Integrity....................................................................................................................... 450
Stable Modulation Index..............................................................................................450

Tx Level (CMW) < PER

Defines the power level transmitted by the R&S CMW
Remote command:

Defines the number of data packets to be measured. The number of packets sent can
be larger than the specified value because of possible packet lost on the way to the
DUT and back.

Defines and activates/deactivates the upper PER limit for the results of PER and PER
search measurements.
Remote command:
For PER:

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For PER search:

Start Level < PER search

Specifies the initial Tx Level (CMW) < PER for the search iteration.
The settings to the right are the same as in the configuration dialog.
Remote command:

Level Step < PER search

Specifies the power step. The search iteration is performed at decreasing power steps.
Remote command:

Sets the ratio of the packets with correct CRC, generated and transmitted by the
R&S CMW within LE direct test.
Remote command:
For PER:
For PER search:

Stable Modulation Index

The setting is only visible in a PER tab, see "Stable Modulation Index" on page 422.

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GUI Reference EUT Control Tab for Direct Test Mode

Access: "EUT Control" tab.

Configures a control connection to the DUT and displays events and errors such as
applied system settings, startup events and connection events.
The tab is only visible with option R&S CMW-KD720 for the Packet Type LE test pack-

Figure 7-71: EUT control

HW Interface............................................................................................................... 451
EUT Comm. Protocol.................................................................................................. 452
Virtual COM Port......................................................................................................... 452
Baud Rate................................................................................................................... 452
Stop Bits, Parity...........................................................................................................452
Protocol....................................................................................................................... 452
Autoreset EUT.............................................................................................................452
Event Log.................................................................................................................... 452
Refresh Devices (hotkey)............................................................................................452
Reset EUT (hotkey).....................................................................................................453

HW Interface
Defines the type of USB connection used for tests.
The interface is used for the test control commands.
● None: tests without a USB control connection.
The Rx measurement is supported without controlling direct test mode. The test is
started manually by the DUT. The R&S CMW transmits the waveform signal. This
method is applicable only to the DUT that can count received packets.
● USB to RS232 adapter: support of the secondary communication channel via USB
connection with USB to RS232 adapter.
For the test setup, refer to Chapter, "Test Setup", on page 337.
Remote command:

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EUT Comm. Protocol

Selects the communication protocol for direct test mode in accordance with the DUT
● "HCI": for DUTs with accessible host interface.
● "2-wire": for DUTs that use an embedded, non-accessible host
Remote command:

Virtual COM Port

Specifies the port, to which the used USB port has been mapped. The virtual COM port
used by the DUT can be automatically detected by pressing the hotkey "Refresh Devi-
ces", see Refresh Devices (hotkey).
Remote command:

Baud Rate
Specifies the data transmission rate.
Remote command:

Stop Bits, Parity

Specifies the number of bits used for stop indication and parity.
Remote command:

Specifies the flow control protocol.
Remote command:

Autoreset EUT
Resets the DUT at the beginning of a direct test.

Event Log
Each entry consists of a timestamp, an icon indicating the category of the event and a
short text describing the event. Meaning of the category icons: = information,
warning and error respectively.
Press the button to the right to clear the displayed event entries.
Remote command:

Refresh Devices (hotkey)

Access: "EUT Control" tab > "EUT Control" softkey
Detects the DUTs connected to control computer via a USB-to-serial adapter.

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Remote command:

Reset EUT (hotkey)

Access: "EUT Control" tab > "EUT Control" softkey
This hotkey sends the HCI reset command to the connected LE device. A notification
appears in the event log.

Remote command:

7.4.7 Trigger Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Trigger" section.

The "Trigger" parameters configure the trigger system for the Bluetooth multi-evalua-
tion measurement.

Figure 7-72: Multi-evaluation configuration: trigger

Trigger Source
Selects the source of the trigger event.
Only the measurement-specific trigger sources are listed here. Additional trigger sour-
ces are provided by the base software and by other applications like the GPRF genera-
tor. For a description of these trigger sources, refer to the documentation of the corre-
sponding software part.
Trigger source "Power" triggers the measurement by the rising edge of the measured
Bluetooth burst. This trigger is a recommended trigger in the standalone scenario.
This parameter is only visible in the standalone (SA) scenario. In the combined signal
path (CSP) scenario, it is controlled by the signaling application. See also Chap-
ter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332.
Remote command:

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Trigger Threshold
Defines the input signal power where the trigger condition is satisfied and a trigger
event is generated. The trigger threshold is valid for power trigger sources. It is a dB
value, relative to the reference level minus the external attenuation ("<Ref. Level> –
<External Attenuation (Input)> – <Frequency Dependent External Attenuation>").
The trigger threshold is referenced to the actual maximum RF input power at the
R&S CMW if:
● The reference level is set to the actual maximum output power of the EUT and
● The external attenuation settings are in accordance with the test setup.
A low threshold can be required to ensure that the R&S CMW always detects the input
signal. A higher threshold prevents unintended trigger events.
Remote command:

Trigger Timeout
Sets a time after which an initiated measurement must have received a trigger event. If
no trigger event is received, a trigger timeout is indicated in manual operation mode. In
remote control mode, the measurement is automatically stopped.
Remote command:

7.4.8 Limit Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Limits" section.

The "Limits" section in the multi-evaluation configuration dialog defines the limits for
the measurement results. See also Chapter 7.2.7, "Conformance Requirements",
on page 351.

Figure 7-73: Limit settings

● Power Limits..........................................................................................................454
● Modulation Limits.................................................................................................. 456
● Spectrum Limits.................................................................................................... 461
● Phase Encoding Limits..........................................................................................463 Power Limits

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Limits" > "Power vs Time" section.

The power limits for BR, EDR and LE packets are defined in the following section.

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Figure 7-74: Bluetooth power limits

The conformance requirements are described in Chapter, "Transmit Power

Requirements", on page 352.
For a detailed description of the power results, refer to Chapter, "BR: Statistical
Power vs. Time Results ", on page 385, Chapter, "EDR: Statistical Power vs.
Time Results ", on page 397 and Chapter, "LE: Statistical Power vs. Time
Results ", on page 409 .
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Measurements on LE with CTE require an option R&S CMW-KM722.

Power Limits
Upper and lower limits for the current, average, maximum and minimum power results.
● "Packet Timing": Lower and upper limits for the packet timing defined as the time
between the expected and actual start of the first symbol of the Bluetooth burst. As
the expected start is defined by the signaling trigger, this setting is relevant for
combined signal path only (options R&S CMW-KS600/-KS610).
● "Average Power": Lower and upper limits for the average burst power during the
carrier-on state
● "Peak Power": Upper limit for the peak power measured (no lower limit specified).
● "DPSK Pow – GFSK Pow": Lower and upper limit for the difference between the
average power in the DPSK and in the GFSK-modulated portions of an EDR burst.
● "Guard Period": Lower and upper limit for the duration of the guard band between
the packet header and the synchronization sequence in an EDR burst.
● "Peak Power – Average Power": Upper limit for the difference between peak and
average power in LE bursts
● "Direction Finding > Reference Period Deviation": Upper limit for CTE power
deviation for reference antenna
● "Direction Finding > Tx Slot Deviation": Upper limit for CTE power deviation per
CTE slot

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Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Measurements on LE with CTE require an option R&S CMW-KM722.
Remote command:
Packet timing:
BR limits:
EDR limits:
LE limits:
LE with CTE limits:
PDEViation Modulation Limits

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Limits" > "Modulation" section.

The limits for GFSK-modulated BR packets and DPSK-modulated EDR packets are
defined in two sections. Third section for LE limits is divided to sections according to
the LE PHY.
The conformance requirements are described in Chapter, "Modulation Require-
ments", on page 352.
BR............................................................................................................................... 457

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GUI Reference


Figure 7-75: Modulation limits (BR)

Upper and lower limits for the measurement results which characterize the modulation
accuracy of BR packets. For a detailed description of the results, refer to Chap-
ter, "BR: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 386.
The limits apply to the "Current", "Average", "Max" and "Min" results, however, it is pos-
sible to enable the limit checks separately.
● "Δf2 99.9%": Lower limit for the frequency deviation Δf2 that must be exceeded by
99.9% of the measured bits
● "Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg": Lower limit for the modulation ratio
● "Freq. Accuracy / Freq. Drift / Max. Drift Rate": Limit for the carrier frequency
error, the frequency drift and the maximum drift rate. An "upper" limit of <x> kHz
means that the measurement result must be in the range between –<x> kHz and
+<x> kHz. The default value of "20.0 kHz" denotes a maximum absolute drift rate
of 20 kHz/50 μs.
The R&S CMW supports different drift limits for packet types DH1, DH3 and DH5.
● Freq. Dev. Δf...: Limit for the frequency deviation for different payload patterns.
The frequency deviations must be in a range between the lower and the upper lim-
Remote command:

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GUI Reference


Figure 7-76: Modulation limits (EDR)

Upper limits for the measurement results which characterize the modulation accuracy
of EDR packets. For a detailed description of the results, refer to Chapter,
"EDR: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 398.
A single limit is provided for each quantity, however, it is possible to enable each limit
check separately for the "Current", "Average", and "Max" results.
● "Freq. Stability ωi": Upper limit for the initial center frequency error.
● "Freq. Stability (ω0 + ωi)max": Upper limit for the overall uncompensated fre-
quency error.
● "Freq. Stability ω0max": Upper limit for the maximum compensated frequency
● "RMS DEVM / Peak DEVM / 99% DEVM": Upper limit for the differential error vec-
tor magnitude results. Independent limits for the modulation schemes π/4 DQPSK
(2-DHx packets) and 8DPSK (3-DHx) are provided.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference


Figure 7-77: Modulation limits

Upper and lower limits for the measurement results which characterize the modulation
accuracy of LE packets. For a detailed description of the results, refer to Chap-
ter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
Measurements on LE with CTE require an option R&S CMW-KM722.
The limits apply to the "Current", "Average", "Max" and "Min" results, however, it is pos-
sible to enable the limit checks separately.
● "Δf1 99.9%": Lower limit for the frequency deviation Δf1 that must be exceeded by
99.9% of the measured bits. This limit is only relevant for LE coded PHY.
● "Δf2 99.9%": Lower limit for the frequency deviation Δf2 that must be exceeded by
99.9% of the measured bits
● "Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg": Lower limit for the modulation ratio
● "Freq. Accuracy": An upper limit of <x> kHz means that the carrier frequency
error must be in the range between –<x> kHz and +<x> kHz.
● "Freq. Offset": Carrier frequency error for preamble and payload.

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GUI Reference

● "Freq. Drift": An upper limit of <x> kHz means that the frequency drift must be in
the range between –<x> kHz and +<x> kHz.
● "Initial Freq. Drift": Frequency drift between preamble and payload start.
● "Max. Drift Rate": An upper limit of <x> kHz means that the maximum drift rate
must be in the range between –<x> kHz and +<x> kHz per stated time interval. For
uncoded PHY, for example, the default value of "20.0 kHz" denotes a maximum
absolute drift rate of 20 kHz/50 μs.
● "Freq. Dev. Δf...": Limit for the frequency deviation Δf1 or Δf2 for different payload
patterns. The frequency deviations must be in a range between the lower and the
upper limits.
● CTE : Upper modulation limits for LE with CTE.
All limits listed in the configuration dialog are relevant for LE test packet connections
(direct test mode and LE test mode). For measurements on advertiser packets, only
the limit of frequency accuracy is relevant.
Remote command:
LE 1M PHY (uncoded):
DF2S etc.
LE 2M PHY (uncoded):
DAVerage etc.
DAVerage:DF2S etc.
LE coded PHY:

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GUI Reference

LE with CTE:
FDRift etc.
FOFFset etc. Spectrum Limits

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Limits" > "Spectrum" section.

The default limit values are set according to the test specification. The conformance
requirements are described in Chapter, "Spectrum Requirements",
on page 354.
The spectrum limit setting is covered in the following chapters:
20 dB Bandwidth (BR).................................................................................................461
Frequency Range (BR)............................................................................................... 462
ACP (BR, LE).............................................................................................................. 462
Gated ACP (EDR)....................................................................................................... 463

20 dB Bandwidth (BR)

Figure 7-78: Spectrum > 20 dB bandwidth limits (BR)

The 20 dB bandwidth measurement is available for BR bursts only. The following set-
tings can be configured:
● "Peak Emission Threshold": The user-defined threshold value for "high" TX
power: if the peak emission within a burst is equal or higher than this threshold,
then the "High Pk Emission Bandwidth" limit applies, otherwise the "Low Pk Emis-
sion Bandwidth" limit applies.
● "High Pk Emission Bandwidth": 20 dB bandwidth limit for "high" peak emission
● "Low Pk Emission Bandwidth": 20 dB bandwidth limit for "low" peak emission
The default settings correspond to the values specified in the transmitter test
RF/TRM/CA/BV-05-C ("TX Output Spectrum – 20 dB Bandwidth").
Remote command:

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Frequency Range (BR)

Figure 7-79: Spectrum > frequency range limit

Defines and enables the following limits relative to the center frequency:
● Lower limit for the lowest frequency within the measured range
● Upper limit for the highest frequency within the measured range
Remote command:


Figure 7-80: Spectrum > ACP limit

The (ungated) ACP measurement is available for BR and LE bursts.

Option R&S CMW-KM611 is required for LE 1M PHY (uncoded). For LE 2M PHY and
LE coded PHY, option R&S CMW-KM721 is also required.
The following settings can be configured:
● "PTx": Upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 1 MHz channels fTX ± 2 MHz
● "Exceptions PTx": Upper limit for the adjacent channel power in 1 MHz channels
fTX ±3 MHz, fTX ±4 MHz, ...
● "No. of Exceptions": Maximum number of tolerable exceptions, i.e. channels fTX
±3 MHz, fTX ±4 MHz, ... whose power is above "Exception PTx", but below "PTx".
Ticking the check box activates the "Exceptions PTx" limit in 1 MHz channels fTX ±3
MHz, fTX ±4 MHz, ... with "No. of Exceptions" tolerable exceptions (per statistic
Remote command:

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GUI Reference


Gated ACP (EDR)

Figure 7-81: Gated ACP (EDR)

Upper limits for the measurement results which characterize the in-band spurious
The gated ACP measurement is available for EDR bursts only. The following settings
can be configured:
● "PTx, Exceptions PTx, No. of Exceptions": see ACP description for BR and LE
● "PTx–26dBm –1 (rel)": Maximum value of the relative PTx–26dBm in channel –1
● "PTx–26dBm +1 (rel)": Maximum value of the relative PTx–26dBm in channel +1
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SGACp Phase Encoding Limits

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Limits" > "Phase Encoding" section.

The limits are only relevant for EDR.
The conformance requirements are described in Chapter, "Differential Phase
Encoding Requirements", on page 355; for a detailed description of the results refer to
Chapter, "EDR: Differential Phase Encoding Results ", on page 400.

Figure 7-82: Phase encoding limits (EDR)

Defines and enables the lower limit as percentage of received fault free packets.
Remote command:

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GUI Reference

Sync/ Trailer Bit Errors

Sets the limits for errors on sync/ trailer bits, refer to Figure 7-13
Remote command:

7.4.9 Display Settings

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Display" section.

Use the hotkeys associated with the "Display" softkey to enable and scale the dia-
grams, and select the trace types to be displayed.

Figure 7-83: Bluetooth display settings

Active View
Selects the diagram type to be displayed.
Remote command:

Auto Scaling
Activates the "Auto Scaling" function for the active view. No remote control is provided.

7.4.10 Generator Shortcut Setting

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Generator Shortcut" section.

The GPRF generator shortcut improves the usability for non-signaling tests where the
EUT's reaction on varying generator signals is measured.

Figure 7-84: Generator shortcut

Generator Shortcut
Enables you to start the GPRF generator and use GPRF-related hotkeys and softkeys
within the measurement application.
The "Generator Shortcut" is only available in the "Standalone (Non Signaling)" mode.
When a connection to the GPRF generator instance is established, two additional soft-
keys with corresponding hotkey bars provide access to the generator configuration,
see "ARB/List Mode, GPRF<i> Generator" on page 467.
Use the appropriate softkey/hotkey combination to access the generator parameters.
For details on the available parameters, see the GPRF generator documentation.

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GUI Reference

7.4.11 Suppress "Sig Off" Message Setting

Access: "Config" hotkey > "Suppress "Sig Off" Message" section.

Enables/disables "Suppress "Sig Off" Message" in combined signal path.
If you press [ON | OFF] while the "Bluetooth Signaling" softkey is selected and the
R&S CMW Bluetooth signal is on, a warning can be displayed. It asks you whether you
really want to switch off the Bluetooth signal.
The checkbox enables/disables the warning.

Figure 7-85: Display of signal off message

No remote control is provided for this feature.

7.4.12 Additional Softkeys and Hotkeys

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement provides some softkey/hotkey combina-

tions which have no equivalent in the configuration dialog. Most of these hotkeys pro-
vide display configurations (like diagram scaling). They are self-explanatory and do not
have any remote-control commands assigned.
The remaining softkeys/hotkeys are described below.
RF Settings, Trigger, Input Signal (Softkey)................................................................ 465
Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)............................................................... 465
└ Measure Mode.............................................................................................. 466
└ Hopping Mode (CSP)....................................................................................466
└ Auto Configure 2nd Channel.........................................................................466
└ Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (CSP)............................................. 466
Bluetooth Signaling..................................................................................................... 467
ARB/List Mode, GPRF<i> Generator.......................................................................... 467

RF Settings, Trigger, Input Signal (Softkey)

Provides access to the most essential settings of the "Bluetooth Measurement" appli-
The description is provided in the following sections:
● RF settings: see Chapter 7.4.3, "Signal Routing and Analyzer Settings",
on page 426
For the settings of measured channels in LE connection tests, refer to "Frequency/
Channel... (LE connection tests)" on page 465.
● Trigger: see Chapter 7.4.7, "Trigger Settings", on page 453
● Input signal: see Chapter 7.4.4, "Input Signal Settings", on page 432

Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)

In Tx measurements with signaling option R&S CMW-KS601 (LE connection tests), the
following RF parameters can be configured via a hotkey "RF Settings" > "Frequency/

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GUI Reference

Refer to Chapter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332.

Figure 7-86: Frequency/Channel...(hotkey)

Measure Mode ← Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)

Specifies measurement mode for LE connection tests.
● All 37 data channels can only be measured if signaling application uses all channel
hopping mode.
● Single channel mode enables Tx measurements at the specified RF channel, see
Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (CSP).
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe:NMODe:LENergy (CSP)

Hopping Mode (CSP) ← Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)

Configures hopping for LE connection tests.
● "All Channels": all 37 data channels are used for hopping
● "2 Channels": 2 data channels are used by hopping
Option R&S CMW-KS601 is required.
Remote command:
CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:NMODe:HMODe:LENergy (CSP)

Auto Configure 2nd Channel ← Frequency/Channel... (LE connection tests)

Only automatic configuration of the 2nd channel is supported.

Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (CSP) ← Frequency/Channel... (LE con-

nection tests)
Specifies measured channel for Tx measurements in LE connection tests, in "Single
Channel" measurement mode.
The index and frequency corresponding to the measured channel are displayed for
information. The 2nd channel is selected and the corresponding index and frequency
information is updated automatically.
For the description on hopping channel configuration, refer to Bluetooth signaling docu-
See "Table Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (LE connection test)" on page 76.
Remote command:

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Bluetooth Signaling
Select this softkey and press [ON | OFF] to turn the downlink signal transmission on or
It is displayed only while the combined signal path scenario is active and is provided by
the "Bluetooth Signaling" application selected as master application. See also "Sce-
nario, Controlled by" on page 428.
Press the softkey two times (select it and press it again) to switch to the signaling
While this softkey is selected, the "Config" hotkey opens the configuration dialog of the
signaling application, not the configuration dialog of the measurement.

ARB/List Mode, GPRF<i> Generator

Select these softkeys to vary GPRF generator signals during non-signaling tests. Use
the appropriate softkey/hotkey combination to access the generator parameters
directly from the "Bluetooth TX Measurement" GUI.
The "Configure Generator..." hotkey opens the configuration tree of the connected
GPRF generator instance.

7.5 Programming
The following sections provide programming examples for the "Bluetooth Tx Measure-
ment" application. The examples have been tested with the aid of a simple software
● Key Features.........................................................................................................467
● Specifying General Measurement Settings...........................................................468
● Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets.........................................................469
● Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets............................................................469
● Limit Settings.........................................................................................................470
● Configuring Measurements................................................................................... 471
● Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements...................................................472
● Performing Spectrum Measurements................................................................... 473
● Differential Phase Encoding Measurements......................................................... 474
● Performing LE with CTE Measurements...............................................................474
● Automatic Detection Mode.................................................................................... 475
● Using Bluetooth List Mode.................................................................................... 477
● Rx Measurements on Advertisers......................................................................... 481
● Rx Measurements in Direct Test Mode................................................................. 484
● Tx-Rx Measurements............................................................................................486

7.5.1 Key Features

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation measurement is programmed as follows:

● The measurement is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...Bluetooth:MEAS:MEValuation...

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● Use general commands of the type ...:BLUetooth:MEAS...

(no :MEValuation mnemonic) to define the signal routing and configure RF and
analyzer settings.
● Use general commands of the type ...:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal...
(no :MEValuation mnemonic) to inform the R&S CMW about the basic proper-
ties of the measured Bluetooth signal.
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off. Use
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation...? to initiate a measurement and
retrieve the results. You can also start the measurement using
INIT:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation and retrieve the results using
● Use manual (i.e. user-assisted) detection for fastest measurements
(CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:DMODe MANual).

7.5.2 Specifying General Measurement Settings

// *****************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Define a measurement timeout of 1 s.
// Define signal routing, configure RF and analyzer settings for a Bluetooth
// signal with a nominal power of 0 dBm and low operating frequency.
// Alternatively select combined signal path and let the Bluetooth Signaling
// control RF and analyzer settings. Select channel 78 to be measured in CSP
// for normal mode classic and 36 for LE.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:TOUT 1

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:EATTenuation 2
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:ENPower 0
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:UMARgin 3
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:FREQuency 2402E+6

ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS:SCENario:CSPath 'Bluetooth Sig1'

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:MMODe SING
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:MCHannel:CLASsic 78
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:MCHannel:LENergy 36

WAITKEY >Signal routing and analyzer settings completed, press "OK" to continue<

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7.5.3 Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets

// *****************************************************************************
// Assume the EUT transmits the longest supported π/4-DQPSK packet
// type (2-DH5) with a PRBS9 payload bit pattern. Query the (maximum)
// payload length. Disable auto synchronization. Specify and query
// the transmitted BD Address (the response is #H565634121212).
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:DMODe MANual
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PTYPe:EDRate E25P
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PATTern OTHer
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:ASYNchronize OFF
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LAP #H121212
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:UAP #H34
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:NAP #H5656

// *****************************************************************************
// Set the trigger source, reduce the trigger threshold and timeout
// *****************************************************************************
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SOURce "POWer"
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:THREShold -25
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:TOUT 1

WAITKEY >Trigger settings completed, press "OK" to define limits<

7.5.4 Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets

// *****************************************************************************
// Set LE advertiser input signal. LE 1M PHY and automatic detection
// is required. Adjust access address, set pattern and packet length.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE1M
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:ACCaddress:LENergy #HFFFF
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy P11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy 37

// *****************************************************************************
// Alternativelly measure LE coded PHY, set burst type, packet type, PHY,
// coding. Adjust sync word, set pattern and packet length.

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// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:FEC:LENergy:LRANge S8
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge ALL1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge 255

7.5.5 Limit Settings

// *****************************************************************************
// Define and enable common timing error limit
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:PVTime -10,10,ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Define limits and enable limit check for BR packets
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DELTa 115E+3, ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:MRATio 8E-1, ON
75E+3, ON, ON, ON
115E+3, 175E+3, 115E+3, 175E+3, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON
115E+3, 175E+3, 115E+3, 175E+3, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON
115E+3, 175E+3, 115E+3, 175E+3, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:SOBW 0.0E+0,1.0E+6,1.5E+6,ON,OFF
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:FRANge -5E+6,5E+6,ON,ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:SACP -20.0,-30.0,3,ON,ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Define limits and enable limit check for EDR packets
// *****************************************************************************
75E+3, 10E+3, 75E+3, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON

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0.2, 0.35, 0.3, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON

0.13, 0.25, 0.2, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:PENCoding 0.85 ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:PENCoding:SSEQuence 0,1,ON,ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Define limits and enable limit check for LE 1M PHY
// *****************************************************************************
-20.0, 10.0, 3.0, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DELTa 115E+3, ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE1M:MRATio 8E-1, ON
75E+3, ON, ON, ON
150E+3, ON, ON, ON
225E+3, 275E+3, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF
225E+3, 275E+3, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF
225E+3, 275E+3, ON, ON, ON, ON

WAITKEY >Limit settings completed, press "OK" to start a measurement<

7.5.6 Configuring Measurements

// *****************************************************************************
// Define stop condition (stop on limit failure) and error handling,
// select a statistic count of 30 packets.
// Query whether all measurements are enabled (response: ON, ON ...)
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCONdition SLFail
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:MOEXception ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime 30
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation 30
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:SOBW 30
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:SACP 30
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:SGAcp 30

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7.5.7 Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements

// *****************************************************************************
// Start a measurement and query EDR modulation results.
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Change EUT configuration and send Basic Rate (DH5) packets.
// Adjust input signal settings to the new EUT configuration.
// Stop the previous EDR measurement (READ...) and perform
// a measurement for BR packets.
// *****************************************************************************


// *****************************************************************************
// Change EUT configuration for LE test packets.
// Adjust sync word, set pattern and packet length.
// Perform a measurement for LE test packets.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE1M
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:SYNWord #H71764129
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE1M P11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LE1M 37


// *****************************************************************************
// Alternatively in normal mode with CSP use the following
// commands to query the power and modulation results.
// *****************************************************************************

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7.5.8 Performing Spectrum Measurements

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify the filter bandwidth for BR, EDR, and LE measurements.
// LE measurements are provided for LE 1M, LE 2M and LE coded PHY.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:BRATe:FILTer:BWIDth WIDE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:EDRate:FILTer:BWIDth WIDE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LENergy:LRANge:FILTer:BWIDth WIDE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LENergy:LE1M:FILTer:BWIDth WIDE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LENergy:LE2M:FILTer:BWIDth WIDE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LENergy:LRANge:FILTer:BWIDth WIDE

// *****************************************************************************
// Perform a measurement
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// BR: Monitor the spectrum ACP view.
// Measure the ACP in all 79 Bluetooth channels
// Set the frequency range channels and threshold. Perform
// measurement; return frequency range and "Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth" results.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe:MEASurement:MODE CH79
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:OSLots:BRATe 3,4,5

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:MEASurement 5,5,-30


// *****************************************************************************
// EDR: Measure the gated ACP in all 79 Bluetooth channels with 3 off slots
// (the other BR input signal settings defined above are still valid).
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SGACp:EDRate:MEASurement:MODE CH79
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:OSLots:EDRate 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements

// *****************************************************************************
// LE: Measure the ACP in all 81 Bluetooth halfchannels for a signal
// with 2 off slots.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE1M:MEASurement:MODE CH40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy:LE1M 2

7.5.9 Differential Phase Encoding Measurements

// *****************************************************************************
// Set the EUT signal to the EDR packet type with a PRBS9 pattern.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:DMODe MANual
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PATTern OTHer

// *****************************************************************************
// Perform a measurement; return all phase encoding results.
// *****************************************************************************

7.5.10 Performing LE with CTE Measurements

// *****************************************************************************
// Specify LE with CTE, LE 2M PHY input signal. Automatic detection
// is required. Adjust sync word, set pattern and packet length.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE2M
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:SYNWord #H71764129
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M P11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M 37

// *****************************************************************************
// Set CTE type and the number of CTE units.
// is required. Adjust sync word, set pattern and packet length.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs 20

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// *****************************************************************************
// Enables or disables the evaluation of results of power vs slot measurements
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:RESult:PVSLot ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Set CTE limits: for power deviation, frequency drift, and frequency
// offset.
// *****************************************************************************
CONF:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:PDEViation 0.25,0.25,ON,ON
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:FDRift 50E+3,19.2E+3,
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:FOFFset 150E+3,ON,ON,ON

// *****************************************************************************
// Query the detected packet type, CTE slot type, and number of CTE units.
// *****************************************************************************

// *****************************************************************************
// Start a CTE measurement and return average modulation results.
// Return traces for average power and max. power deviation per CTE slot.
// *****************************************************************************

7.5.11 Automatic Detection Mode

// *****************************************************************************
// Activate automatic detection mode
// Define the basic input signal settings for BR/EDR: Burst Type (BR), BD Address
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LAP #H121212
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:UAP #H34
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:NAP #H5656

// *****************************************************************************
// Start a measurement and read the modulation results.
// Read the auto-detected signal properties and the yield.
// *****************************************************************************

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// *****************************************************************************
// Change the signal configuration and R&S CMW settings for EDR packets with the
// BD Address defined above. Start a measurement, read the auto-detected signal
// properties
// *****************************************************************************


// *****************************************************************************
// Change the signal configuration and R&S CMW settings for LE packets.
// Start an LE 1M measurement, read the auto-detected signal properties
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE1M


// *****************************************************************************
// Change the signal configuration and R&S CMW settings for LE packets.
// Start a LE 2M PHY measurement, read the auto-detected signal
// properties.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE2M


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7.5.12 Using Bluetooth List Mode

The Bluetooth multi-evaluation list mode is programmed as follows:

● The measurement is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST...
● Use general commands of the type ...:BLUetooth:MEAS...
(no :MEValuation mnemonic) to define the signal routing and perform RF and
analyzer settings.
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off and list mode is disabled. Use
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST ON to enable the list mode
and INIT:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation to initiate a measurement.
● Use FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:...? commands to
retrieve the results.

Speeding up list mode measurements

List mode tests are often used in production lines. The same tests are repeated for dif-
ferent EUTs. Optimizing the test duration is important.
Consider the following rules to minimize the test duration:
● Reduce the number and size of the segments and the statistical length as far as
possible for your use case.
● Enable only the results that you need / disable the other result calculations.
● Minimize the number of FETCh commands transmitted for result query.
● To reset the system repeatedly, use partial reset commands instead of the global
reset command *RST.
Example: Use SYSTem:RESet 'Bluetooth Meas1' to reset the Bluetooth mea-
surement instance 1.
● To configure the same list mode settings repeatedly, use partial save/recall com-
– Configure all list mode settings once.
– Save the list mode settings to a file, for example to the file
ListModeBluetooth1.dfl located in the directory assigned to the @SAVE
MMEMory:STORe:ITEM 'Bluetooth Meas:MEV:LIST',
– If you want to configure the same settings again, recall the stored settings:
MMEMory:LOAD:ITEM 'Bluetooth Meas:MEV:LIST',
'@SAVE\ListModeBluetooth1.dfl' Specifying Global Measurement Settings

// *********************************************************************************
// Reset
// *********************************************************************************
SYSTem:RESet 'Bluetooth Meas1'; *OPC?

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// *********************************************************************************
// Define signal routing and external attenuation
// *********************************************************************************
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS:SCENario:SALone RF1C, RX1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:EATTenuation 2

// *********************************************************************************
// Specify the transmitted BD address.
// *****************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:BDADdress #H565634121212 Specifying List Mode Settings

// *********************************************************************************
// Define 2 segments with a length of 5 BR bursts each, different expected
// nominal power, pattern, and trigger and identical remaining settings.
// Alternatively use individual ...:SET:... commands.
// *********************************************************************************


// *********************************************************************************
// Alternatively define 2 segments for LE coded

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// PHY with the length of 5 bursts each, different expected

// nominal power, pattern, and trigger and identical remaining settings.
// Alternatively use individual ...:SET:... commands for burst type
// physical layer and coding scheme.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent1:SETup:EXTended LE,
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent2:SETup:EXTended LE,


// *********************************************************************************
// Enable modulation and power scalar results and spectrum 20 dB bandwidth
// results for segment 1 and spectrum ACP results for segment 2.
// Alternatively use individual ...:RESults:... commands.
// *********************************************************************************


// *********************************************************************************
// Set statistic count for the particular measurement type.
// Alternatively use individual ...:SCOunt:... commands.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIST:SEGMent1:SCOunt 4,5,3,1,1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIST:SEGMent2:SCOunt 1,1,1,5,1

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIST:SEGMent1:SCOunt:MSCalar 4
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEV:LIST:SEGMent1:SCOunt:PSCalar 5

// *********************************************************************************
// Only for measurements with R&S CMWS:
// Configure the RF input connector per segment.
// *********************************************************************************

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CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent1:CMWS:CONNector R11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent2:CMWS:CONNector R12

// *********************************************************************************
// Enable the list mode.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST ON Performing Measurements

// *********************************************************************************
// Start a measurement.
// Return modulation results for segment 1.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Return average and maximum statistical power results.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Return maximum 20 dB bandwidth spectrum results.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Return spectrum ACP results.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Alternatively for LE coded PHY return current modulation
// results and standard deviation results
// *********************************************************************************

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7.5.13 Rx Measurements on Advertisers

The Rx measurement on advertisers provided by the Bluetooth measurement applica-

tion is programmed as follows:
● The application is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off.
You can start the measurement using INIT:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality and
retrieve the results using FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:...?.
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the Rx measure-
ment. For general configuration of the measurement application, refer to Chapter 7.5.2,
"Specifying General Measurement Settings", on page 468. Configuring an Rx Measurement

// *********************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *********************************************************************************
// *********************************************************************************
// Initial configuration to create temporary ARB file: set automatic
// detection, specify routing, set burst type LE, PHY LE1M, advertiser
// packet type. Specify advertiser channel frequency, or alternatively
// channel index. Set no measurement stop condition, disable
// measure on exception, enable only PvT and modulation
// views, set modulation and PvT statistic count to 1, set instrument
// address and address type. Enable ARB generation and start Tx measurement.
// *********************************************************************************
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS:SCENario:SALone R11,RX11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE1M
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:FREQuency 2402
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:AINDex 37
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCONdition NONE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:MOEXception OFF
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation 1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime 1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SADDress #H1234
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SATYpe PUBL
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:GARB ON

// *********************************************************************************
// Execute training phase: Start TX Measurement, return PvT and

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// modulation current results, payload length, advertiser address,

// packet and pattern type.
// *********************************************************************************


// *********************************************************************************
// Alternatively to measure at multiple channels, use list mode: enable
// list mode, specify the number of segments, enable only
// modulation and PvT measurements, set statistic count to 1.
// Start TX Measurement, return PvT and modulation current results.
// Disable list mode.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:COUNTt 2
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGM1:SCOunt 1,1,1,1,1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:LIST:SEGM2:SCOunt 1,1,1,1,1



// *********************************************************************************
// Configure Rx measurement: Select routing for RF output path,
// external attenuation and measurement mode.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:ROUTe R11,RX11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut 5
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:MMODe SENS

// *********************************************************************************
// For PER measurement, set Tx level and number of SCAN_REQ advertisers,
// to be sent.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:PER:LEVel -40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:PER:RXPackets 1000

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// *********************************************************************************
// For sensitivity search measurement, set number of retry attempts,
// initial Tx level and decrease power step.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SENSitivity:RETRy 2
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SENSitivity:STARtlevel -40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SENSitivity:STEPsize 1

// *********************************************************************************
// For spot check, set Tx level.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SPOTcheck:LEVel -40

// *********************************************************************************
// Set trigger source to Bluetooth Meas:Power.
// *********************************************************************************
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SOURce 'Bluetooth Meas:Power' Performing an Rx Measurement

// *********************************************************************************
// Start the measurement and return the contents of the result table.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Query the PER results: detected EUT device address, PER,
// number of recieved SCAN_RSP.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Query the sensitivity search measurement results.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Query the spot chec results.
// *********************************************************************************

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7.5.14 Rx Measurements in Direct Test Mode

The Rx measurement on advertisers provided by the Bluetooth measurement applica-

tion is programmed as follows:
● The PER tests are controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:PER...
● The PER search tests are controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off.
You can start the measurement using
INIT:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:PER /
INIT:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:SEARch:RXQuality:PER and retrieve the
results using FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:...? or
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the Rx measure-
ment with ARB generator in direct test mode. For general configuration of the mea-
surement application, refer to Chapter 7.5.2, "Specifying General Measurement Set-
tings", on page 468. Configuring an Rx Measurement

// *********************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *********************************************************************************
// *********************************************************************************
// Initial configuration to create temporary ARB file: set automatic
// detection, specify routing, set burst type LE, PHY, LE test
// packet type. Specify sync word, and channel frequency.
// *********************************************************************************
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS:SCENario:SALone R11,RX11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE2M
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:FREQuency 2402

// *********************************************************************************
// Clean old event log entries.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Select the serial interface for test control commands and HCI as
// communication protocol. Connect the DUT to a USB port and query
// the port list. Configure the further transmission settings accordingly.

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// let reset the EUT before each test start command, specify
// delay after reset. Send custom HCI command to the DUT.
// Query the connected DUTs, send HCI reset and query the execution of DUT's reset.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:HWINterface1 RS232
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:CPRotocol HCI
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:COMSettings:BAUDrate B14K
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:COMSettings:COMPort 0
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:COMSettings:PARity EVEN
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:COMSettings:PROTocol NONE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:COMSettings:STOPbits S1


// *********************************************************************************
// Monitor event log entries.
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Configure Rx measurement: Select routing for RF output path and
// external attenuation.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:ROUTe R11,RX11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:ROUTe:USAGe:ALL R118,ON,ON,ON,ON,
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut 5

// *********************************************************************************
// Configure transmitted signal: payload pattern and length.
// Use standard modulation index
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:DTMode:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M P11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:DTMode:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M 37
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:SMINdex:LENergy OFF

// *********************************************************************************
// For PER measurement, set Tx level, PER limit and integrity check.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LEVel -40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M 40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M OFF

// *********************************************************************************
// For PER search measurement, set start Tx level, level step,
// PER limit and integrity check.

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// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:STARtlevel -40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP 0.5
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M 40
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M OFF Performing an Rx Measurement

// *********************************************************************************
// Start the PER measurement and return results.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Start the PER search measurement and return results.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *********************************************************************************

7.5.15 Tx-Rx Measurements

The Tx-Rx measurement provided by the Bluetooth measurement application is pro-

grammed as follows:
● The application is controlled by SCPI commands with the following syn-
tax: ...:BLUetooth:MEAS:TRX:...
● After a *RST, the measurement is switched off.
You can start the measurement using INIT:BLUetooth:MEAS:TRX and retrieve
the results using FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS:TRX:...?.
The examples in this section focus on commands directly related to the Tx-Rx mea-
surement. For general configuration of the measurement application, refer to Chap-
ter 7.5.2, "Specifying General Measurement Settings", on page 468. Configuring a Tx-Rx Measurement

// *********************************************************************************
// System-Reset
// *********************************************************************************
// *********************************************************************************
// Initial configuration to create temporary ARB file: set automatic
// detection, specify routing, set burst type LE, PHY LE1M, advertiser

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// packet type. Specify advertiser channel frequency, or alternatively

// channel index. Set no measurement stop condition, disable
// measure on exception, enable only PvT and modulation
// views, set modulation and PvT statistic count to 1, set instrument
// address and address type. Enable ARB generation and start Tx measurement.
// *********************************************************************************
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS:SCENario:SALone R11,RX11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY LE1M
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RFSettings:FREQuency 2402
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:AINDex 37
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCONdition NONE
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:MOEXception OFF
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation 1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime 1
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SADDress #H1234
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SATYpe PUBL
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:GARB ON

// *********************************************************************************
// Execute training phase: Start TX Measurement, return PvT and
// modulation current results, payload length, advertiser address,
// packet and pattern type.
// *********************************************************************************


// *********************************************************************************
// Configure Tx-Rx measurement: Select routing for RF output path,
// external attenuation and measurement mode.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:ROUTe R11,RX11
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut 5
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:MMODe SPOT

// *********************************************************************************
// Set spot check Tx level.
// *********************************************************************************
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS:RXQuality:SPOTcheck:LEVel -40

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Command Reference

// *********************************************************************************
// Set trigger source to Bluetooth Meas:Power.
// *********************************************************************************
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS:MEValuation:SOURce 'Bluetooth Meas:Power' Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement

// *********************************************************************************
// Start the measurement and return the contents of the result table.
// Query the measurement state (should be "RDY").
// *********************************************************************************

// *********************************************************************************
// Query all results.
// *********************************************************************************

7.6 Command Reference

The following sections provide detailed reference information on the remote con-
trol commands of the "Bluetooth TX Measurement" application.
● Conventions and General Information.................................................................. 488
● General Measurement Settings............................................................................ 496
● Tx Measurement Commands................................................................................513
● Rx Measurement Commands for Advertiser Testing.............................................663
● Combined Non-Signaling Tx-Rx Measurement Commands................................. 673
● Rx Measurement Commands for Direct Test Mode.............................................. 679
● Combined Signal Path Commands....................................................................... 695

7.6.1 Conventions and General Information

The following sections describe the most important conventions and give general infor-
mation concerning the command reference.

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Command Reference MEAS<i>

MEAS<i> is used as abbreviation of "MEASurement<instance>". For better readability,

only the abbreviated form (which is also accepted by the instrument) is given in the
command reference.
The <instance> is relevant for instruments supporting several instances of the same
measurement application. It can be omitted if the instrument supports only one
instance, or to address the first instance. FETCh, READ and CALCulate Commands

All commands are used to retrieve measurement results:

● FETCh... returns the results of the measurement cycle after the cycle is com-
plete. Before sending a FETCh..., start the measurement via an INITiate....
● READ... starts a new single-shot measurement and returns the results.
● CALCulate... returns one limit check result per FETCh result:
– OK: The FETCh result is located within the limits or no limit has been defined/
enabled for this result.
– ULEU ("User limit exceeded upper"): An upper limit is violated. The FETCh
result is located above the limit.
– ULEL ("User limit exceeded lower"): A lower limit is violated. The FETCh result
is located below the limit. Current and Statistical Results

The measurement is repeated according to the selected statistic count and repetition
mode. Consecutive measurement values are stored and used to calculate statistical
Commands for result query often contain a mnemonic that indicates which results are
returned: CURRent, AVERage, EXTReme, MINimum, MAXimum or SDEViation. Values for RF Path Selection

To select an RF input path, you must specify an RF connector and an RX module (con-
Which connectors and modules can be specified in a command, depends on the instal-
led hardware, the test setup and the active subinstrument or instance <i>.
This chapter lists all values available for path selection. Depending on your configura-
tion, only a subset is relevant for you. Virtual connector names are only relevant for
setting commands. Queries return the physical connector names.
Additional information is available in the base software documentation. It describes typ-
ical instrument configurations with the allowed RF connector - TX/RX module combina-
tions and the mapping of virtual connector names to physical connectors.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

R&S CMW100
The following values are applicable for up to four radio test heads connected to a sin-
gle PC.
RF path selection values:
● RX module:
RX11 | RX21 | RX31 | RX41
RX<a>1: radio test head <a>, RX 1
● RX connector:
R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | R15 | R16 | R17 | R18
R21 | R22 | R23 | R24 | R25 | R26 | R27 | R28
R31 | R32 | R33 | R34 | R35 | R36 | R37 | R38
R41 | R42 | R43 | R44 | R45 | R46 | R47 | R48
RA1 | RA2 | RA3 | RA4 | RA5 | RA6 | RA7 | RA8
RB1 | RB2 | RB3 | RB4 | RB5 | RB6 | RB7 | RB8
RC1 | RC2 | RC3 | RC4 | RC5 | RC6 | RC7 | RC8
RD1 | RD2 | RD3 | RD4 | RD5 | RD6 | RD7 | RD8
R<a><n>: radio test head <a>, connector RF <n>
RA<n>: first radio test head of the subinstrument, <n>th connector of the subinstru-
RB<n> / RC<n> / RD<n>: second / third / fourth radio test head of the subinstru-
ment, connector RF <n>
● TX module:
TX11 | TX21 | TX31 | TX41
TX<a>1: radio test head <a>, TX 1
● TX connector:
R118 | R218 | R318 | R418 | RA18 | RB18 | RC18 | RD18
R11O | R21O | R31O | R41O
R<a>18: radio test head <a>, connector RF 1 to RF 8 (connector bench)
RA18 / RB18 / RC18 / RD18: first / second / third / fourth radio test head of the
subinstrument, connector RF 1 to RF 8
R<a>1O: radio test head <a>, connector TX AUX
● Connector usage:
R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | R15 | R16 | R17 | R18
R21 | R22 | R23 | R24 | R25 | R26 | R27 | R28
R31 | R32 | R33 | R34 | R35 | R36 | R37 | R38
R41 | R42 | R43 | R44 | R45 | R46 | R47 | R48
RA1 | RA2 | RA3 | RA4 | RA5 | RA6 | RA7 | RA8
RB1 | RB2 | RB3 | RB4 | RB5 | RB6 | RB7 | RB8
RC1 | RC2 | RC3 | RC4 | RC5 | RC6 | RC7 | RC8
RD1 | RD2 | RD3 | RD4 | RD5 | RD6 | RD7 | RD8
R<a><n>: radio test head <a>, connector RF <n>
RA<n>: first radio test head of the subinstrument, <n>th connector of the subinstru-
RB<n> / RC<n> / RD<n>: second / third / fourth radio test head of the subinstru-
ment, connector RF <n>

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Command Reference

Single R&S CMW500 / 270 / 290

RF path selection values:
● RX module:
RX1 | RX2 | RX3 | RX4
● RX connector:
RF 1 COM to RF 4 COM plus virtual connector names
● TX module:
TX1 | TX2 | TX3 | TX4
● TX connector:
RF 1 COM to RF 4 COM plus virtual connector names
RF 1 OUT and RF 3 OUT plus virtual connector name

One R&S CMW plus one R&S CMWS

RF path selection values:

● RX module:
RX1 | RX2 | RX3 | RX4
● RX connector:
R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | R15 | R16 | R17 | R18
R21 | R22 | R23 | R24 | R25 | R26 | R27 | R28
R31 | R32 | R33 | R34 | R35 | R36 | R37 | R38
RA1 | RA2 | RA3 | RA4 | RA5 | RA6 | RA7 | RA8
RB1 | RB2 | RB3 | RB4
R<m><n>: R&S CMWS connector <m>.<n>
RA<n>: virtual name for R1<n> / R3<n>
RB<n>: virtual name for R2<n> / R2<n+4>
● TX module:
TX1 | TX2 | TX3 | TX4
● TX connector bench:
R118 | R218 | R318 | RA18 for eight-path switch
R214 | R258 | RB14 for two times four-path switch
R<a><b><c>: R&S CMWS connector <a>.<b> to <a>.<c>
RA18: virtual name for R118 / R318
RB14: virtual name for R214 / R258
● Single TX connector:
R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | R15 | R16 | R17 | R18
R21 | R22 | R23 | R24 | R25 | R26 | R27 | R28
R31 | R32 | R33 | R34 | R35 | R36 | R37 | R38
RA1 | RA2 | RA3 | RA4 | RA5 | RA6 | RA7 | RA8
RB1 | RB2 | RB3 | RB4
R<m><n>: R&S CMWS connector <m>.<n>
RA<n>: virtual name for R1<n> / R3<n>
RB<n>: virtual name for R2<n> / R2<n+4>

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Command Reference

Multi-CMW setup with R&S CMWC and several R&S CMW500

RF path selection values:
● RX module:
RX11 | RX12 | RX13 | RX14 | RX21 | RX22 | RX23 | RX24
RX31 | RX32 | RX33 | RX34 | RX41 | RX42 | RX43 | RX44
RX<a><b>: CMW <a>, RX <b>
Example RX34: RX module 4 of CMW 3
● RX connector:
R11C | R12C | R13C | R14C | R21C | R22C | R23C | R24C
R31C | R32C | R33C | R34C | R41C | R42C | R43C | R44C
R<a><b>C: CMW <a>, connector RF <b> COM
Example R34C: RF 4 COM of CMW 3
● TX module:
TX11 | TX12 | TX13 | TX14 | TX21 | TX22 | TX23 | TX24
TX31 | TX32 | TX33 | TX34 | TX41 | TX42 | TX43 | TX44
TX<a><b>: CMW <a>, TX <b>
Example TX13: TX module 3 of CMW 1
● TX connector:
R11C | R12C | R13C | R14C | R21C | R22C | R23C | R24C
R31C | R32C | R33C | R34C | R41C | R42C | R43C | R44C
R11O | R13O | R21O | R23O | R31O | R33O | R41O | R43O
R<a><b>C: CMW <a>, connector RF <b> COM
R<a><b>O: CMW <a>, connector RF <b> OUT
Example R21O: RF 1 OUT of CMW 2
For CMW 1, you can alternatively use the single-CMW RF path selection values. Keywords

Selected keywords used in the command description are described in the following.
● Command usage
If the usage is not explicitly stated, the command allows you to set parameters and
query parameters. Otherwise, the command usage is stated as follows:
– "Setting only": The command can only be used to set parameters.
– "Query only": The command can only be used to query parameters.
– "Event": The command initiates an event.
● Parameter usage
The parameter usage is indicated by the keyword preceding the parameters:
– "Parameters" are sent with a setting or query command and are returned as
the result of a query.
– "Setting parameters" are sent with a setting command.
– "Query parameters" are sent with a query command, to refine the query.
– "Return values" are returned as the result of a query.
● Firmware/Software:

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Command Reference

Indicates the lowest software version supporting the command. Command

enhancements in later software versions are also indicated. Reliability Indicator

The first value in the output arrays of FETCh...?, READ...? and CALCulate...?
queries indicates the most severe error that has occurred during the measurement.
Example for an output array: 0, 10.22, 10.15, 10.01, 10.29, 100 (reliability = 0, followed
by 5 numeric measurement values).
The reliability indicator has one of the following values:
● 0 ("No Error"):
Measurement values available, no error detected.
● 1 ("Measurement Timeout"):
The measurement has been stopped after the configured measurement timeout.
Measurement results can be available. However, at least a part of the measure-
ment provides only INValid results or has not completed the full statistic count.
● 2 ("Capture Buffer Overflow"):
The measurement configuration results in a capture length that exceeds the availa-
ble memory.
● 3 ("Input Overdriven") / 4 ("Input Underdriven"):
The accuracy of measurement results can be impaired because the input signal
level was too high / too low.
● 6 ("Trigger Timeout"):
The measurement could not be started or continued because no trigger event was
● 7 ("Acquisition Error"):
The R&S CMW could not properly decode the RF input signal.
● 8 ("Sync Error"):
The R&S CMW could not synchronize to the RF input signal.
● 9 ("Uncal"):
Due to an inappropriate configuration of resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth or
sweep time, the measurement results are not within the specified data sheet limits.
● 15 ("Reference Frequency Error"):
The instrument has been configured to use an external reference signal. But the
reference oscillator could not be phase-locked to the external signal (for example
signal level too low, frequency out of range or reference signal not available at all).
● 16 ("RF Not Available"):
The measurement could not be started because the configured RF input path was
not active.
This problem can occur if a measurement is started in combined signal path mode
and the master application has not yet activated the input path.
● 17 ("RF Level Not Settled") / 18 ("RF Frequency Not Settled"):
The measurement could not be started because the R&S CMW was not yet ready
to deliver stable results after a change of the input signal power / the input signal

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Command Reference

● 19 ("Call Not Established"):

For measurements: The measurement could not be started because no signaling
connection to the DUT was established.
● 20 ("Call Type Not Usable"):
For measurements: The measurement could not be started because the estab-
lished signaling connection had wrong properties.
● 21 ("Call Lost"):
For measurements: The measurement was interrupted because the signaling con-
nection to the DUT was lost.
● 23 ("Missing Option"):
An action cannot be executed due to a missing option.
For GPRF generator: The ARB file cannot be played due to a missing option.
● 24 ("Invalid RF Setting"):
The desired RF TX level or RF RX reference level could not be applied.
● 25 ("Level Overrange"):
The RF TX level is in overrange. The signal quality can be degraded.
● 26 ("Resource Conflict"):
The application could not be started or has been stopped due to a conflicting hard-
ware resource or software option that is allocated by another application.
Stop the application that has allocated the conflicting resources and try again.
● 28 ("Unexpected Parameter Change"):
One or more measurement configuration parameters were changed while the mea-
surement completed. The results were not obtained with these new parameter val-
ues. Repeat the measurement. This situation can only occur in remote single-shot
● 29 ("Invalid RF Frequency Setting"):
The desired RF TX frequency or RF RX frequency could not be applied.
● 30 ("File Not Found"):
The specified file could not be found.
● 31 ("No DTM Reply"):
The EUT did not reply to the direct test mode (DTM) command.
● 32 ("ACL Disconnected"):
The ACL connection has been disconnected or lost.
● 40 ("ARB File CRC Error"):
The cyclic redundancy check of the ARB file failed. The ARB file is corrupt and not
● 42 ("ARB Header Tag Invalid"):
The ARB file selected in the GPRF generator contains an invalid header tag.
● 43 ("ARB Segment Overflow"):
The number of segments in the multi-segment ARB file is higher than the allowed
● 44 ("ARB File Not Found"):
The selected ARB file could not be found.
● 45 ("ARB Memory Overflow"):
The ARB file length is greater than the available memory.
● 46 ("ARB Sample Rate Out of Range"):

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Command Reference

The clock rate of the ARB file is either too high or too low.
● 47 ("ARB Cycles Out of Range"):
The repetition mode equals "Single Shot" and the playback length is too long.
Reduce the playback length or set the repetition mode to "Continuous".
<Length> = (<Cycles> * <Samples> + <Additional Samples>) / <Clock Rate>
● 52 ("Connection Error")
A connection setup failed or a connection was lost.
For Bluetooth: The EUT has been disconnected from the R&S CMW.
● 60 ("Invalid RF-Connector Setting")
The individual segments of a list mode measurement with R&S CMWS use differ-
ent connector benches. All segments must use the same bench.
Check the "Info" dialog for the relevant segment numbers.
● 70 ("Wrong Standard")
The standard of the measured signal does not match the configured standard.
● 71 ("Wrong Bandwidth")
The bandwidth of the measured signal does not match the configured bandwidth.
● 72 ("Wrong Burst Type")
The burst type of the measured signal does not match the configured burst type.
● 73 ("MIMO Signal Detected")
The measurement expects a SISO signal and detected a MIMO signal. Use a
MIMO receive mode to measure this signal.
● 74 ("More Streams than Antennas")
The measured signal has more streams than expected due to the configured num-
ber of antennas. Increase the configured number of antennas to measure this sig-
● 75 ("Matrix Inversion Failed")
The inversion of the channel matrix failed for a MIMO measurement. Check that
the antennas are connected correctly to the instrument.
● 76 ("SIG CRC Failed")
The cyclic redundancy check of a SIGNAL field failed.
● 77 ("Parity Check Failed")
The parity check of a SIGNAL field failed.
● 78 ("Bursts Not Identical")
In training mode for composite MIMO measurements, at least some symbols of
sequential bursts need to be identical to be used as training data. Setting a fix
scrambler initialization can solve this problem.
● 79 ("Wrong Modulation")
The modulation type of the measured signal does not match the configured modu-
lation type.
● 93 ("OCXO Oven Temperature Too Low"):
The accuracy of measurement results can be impaired because the oven-control-
led crystal oscillator has a too low temperature. After switching-on the instrument,
the OCXO requires a warm-up phase to reach its operating temperature.
● 101 ("Firmware Error"):
Indicates a firmware or software error. If you encounter this error for the first time,
restart the instrument.

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Command Reference

If the error occurs again, consider the following hints:

– Firmware errors can often be repaired by restoring the factory default settings.
– If a software package has not been properly installed, this failure is often indi-
cated in the "Setup" dialog, section "SW/HW-Equipment > Installed Software".
– Check for software updates correcting the error. Updates are provided in the
customer web on GLORIS (registration required): https://gloris.rohde-
If you get firmware errors even with the properly installed latest software version,
send a problem report including log files to Rohde & Schwarz.
● 102 ("Unidentified Error"):
Indicates an error not covered by other reliability values. For troubleshooting, follow
the steps described for "101 (firmware error)".
● 103 ("Parameter Error"):
Indicates that the measurement could not be performed due to internal conflicting
parameter settings.
A good approach to localize the conflicting settings is to start with a reset or preset
or even restore the factory default settings. Then reconfigure the measurement
step by step and check when the error occurs for the first time.
If you need assistance to localize the conflicting parameter settings, contact Rohde
& Schwarz (see
● 104 ("Not Functional"):
The application could not be started with the configured parameter set.

7.6.2 General Measurement Settings

The commands of "Bluetooth TX Measurement" are divided into the groups listed
● Signal Routing.......................................................................................................496
● Analyzer Settings.................................................................................................. 499
● Input Signal Settings............................................................................................. 502 Signal Routing

The following commands select the connector and define an external attenuation
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:SALone............................................................... 497
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:CSPath............................................................... 497
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>?......................................................................................... 497
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation............................................... 498
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:AOFFset................................. 498

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Command Reference

ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:SALone <RXConnector>, <RFConverter>

Activates the standalone scenario and selects the RF input path for the measured RF
For possible connector and converter values, see Chapter, "Values for RF Path
Selection", on page 489.
<RXConnector> RF connector for the input path
<RFConverter> RX module for the input path
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.15.20
Manual operation: See "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428

ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:CSPath <Master>
Activates the combined signal path scenario and selects a master. The master controls
the signal routing settings, analyzer settings and UE signal info settings while the com-
bined signal path scenario is active.
<Master> string
String parameter selecting the master application
Example: 'Bluetooth Sig1' or 'Bluetooth Sig2'
See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Manual operation: See "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428

Returns the configured routing settings.
For possible connector and converter values, see Chapter, "Values for RF Path
Selection", on page 489.
Return values:
<Scenario> SALone | CSPath
SALone: standalone (non-signaling)
CSPath: combined signal path
<Master> string
Master application for scenario CSPath
<RF Connector> RF connector for the input path
<RF Converter> RX module for the input path
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings

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Command Reference

Usage: Query only

Firmware/Software: V2.0.10
V3.2.30: "CSPath" added
Manual operation: See "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428

Queries the active test scenario.
Return values:
<Scenario> SALone | CSPath
SALone: standalone (non-signaling)
CSPath: combined signal path
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.10
V3.2.30: "CSPath" added
Manual operation: See "Scenario, Controlled by" on page 428

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation <ExternalAtt>
Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative), to be applied to the
input connector.
For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<ExternalAtt> numeric
Range: -50 dB to 90 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "External Attenuation (Input)" on page 428

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:AOFFset <AntRef1>,
<AntRef2>, <AntRef3>
Specifies the offset of external attenuation per input antenna relative to the reference
antenna. For the reference antenna, the offset is fixed and set to 0 dB.
<AntRef1> numeric
Range: -3 dB to 3 dB
*RST: 0 dB

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Command Reference

<AntRef2> numeric
Range: -3 dB to 3 dB
*RST: 0 dB
<AntRef3> numeric
Range: -3 dB to 3 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "Antenna Attenuation (LE with CTE)" on page 440

Specifies the number of DUT's antennas. One reference and one non-reference anten-
nas are mandatory.
<nofAntennas> numeric
Range: 2 to 4
*RST: 4
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "No. of Antennas (LE with CTE)" on page 440 Analyzer Settings

The following commands configure the RF input path and measured channel.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin..................................................... 500
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe....................................................... 501
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe:NMODe:LENergy............................. 501
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MCHannel:LENergy...................................... 502

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:ENPower <ExpNomPwr>
Sets the expected nominal power of the measured RF signal.
For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

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Command Reference

<ExpNomPwr> numeric
The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as
Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) +
External Attenuation - User Margin
The input power range is stated in the data sheet.
*RST: 0 dBm
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Expected Nominal Power, Auto Ranging" on page 431

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin <UserMargin>
Sets the margin that the R&S CMW adds to the expected nominal power to determine
the reference level.
The reference level minus the external input attenuation must be within the power
range of the selected input connector; refer to the data sheet.
For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<UserMargin> numeric
Range: 0 dB to (55 dB + external attenuation - expected
nominal power)
*RST: 0 dB
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "User Margin" on page 431

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency <AnalyzerFreq>
Selects the center frequency of the RF analyzer.
For the combined signal path scenario, use:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:LOOPback?
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TXTest?
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MCHannel[:CLASsic]

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Command Reference

<AnalyzerFreq> numeric
Range: 100E+6 Hz to 6E+9 Hz
Increment: 0.1 Hz
*RST: 2.402E+9 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Frequency, Channel, Advertising Index" on page 429

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe <MeasureMode>
Sets measure mode for BR/EDR test mode in combined signal path scenario during
hopping enabled.
<MeasureMode> ALL | SINGle
ALL: multi-evaluation TX measurements on all channels
SINGle: multi-evaluation TX measurements on specified chan-
nel, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Manual operation: See "Hopping, Measure Mode" on page 430

Specifies measurement mode for LE connection tests in combined signal path sce-
● All 37 data channels can only be measured if signaling application uses all channel
hopping mode.
● Single channel mode enables Tx measurements at the specified RF channel
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<MeasureMode> ALL | SINGle
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Manual operation: See "Measure Mode" on page 466

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Command Reference

Specifies the channel to be measured in CSP single channel mode for classic, see
<MeasuredChannel> numeric
Range: 0 to 78
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30, V3.7.51: added token [:CLASsic]
Manual operation: See "Hopping, Measure Mode" on page 430

Specifies the channel to be measured in CSP single channel mode with LE connection
tests, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe:NMODe:
<MeasuredChannel> numeric
Channel number
Range: 1 to 11, 13 to 38
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Manual operation: See "Measured Channel, Hopping Channels (CSP)"
on page 466 Input Signal Settings

The following commands define the basic properties of the measured Bluetooth signal.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BTYPe.............................................................. 503
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ASYNchronize................................................... 504
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LAP.................................................................. 504
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:BRATe................................................... 505
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:EDRate.................................................. 506
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:LENergy:LE2M....................................... 506

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY.................................................... 507
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern............................................................ 508
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M..................................... 508
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:FEC:LENergy:LRANge....................................... 509
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:EDRate............................................... 510
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge................................. 511
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M..................................... 511
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy[:LE1M]................................... 511
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:UNITs................................. 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs................................. 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:BRATe................................................... 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:EDRate................................................. 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy[:LE1M]..................................... 513

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe <Detection Mode>

Selects an algorithm which the R&S CMW uses to detect the measured burst.
<Detection Mode> MANual | AUTO
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "Detection Mode" on page 433

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BTYPe <Burst Type>

Specifies the measured burst / packet type.
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<Burst Type> BR | EDR | LE
BR: "Basic Rate"
EDR: "Enhanced Data Rate"
LE: "Low Energy"
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets

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Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
V2.1.20: added LE
Options: R&S CMW-KM610 for BR and EDR
R&S CMW-KM611 for LE
Manual operation: See "Burst Type" on page 434

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ASYNchronize <AutoSynch>
Disables / enables automatic synchronization to the captured signal for an unspecified
Bluetooth device address.
<AutoSynch> OFF | ON
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.40
Manual operation: See "Auto Sync (BR/EDR)" on page 434

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BDADdress <BDAddress>
Specifies the Bluetooth device address that the R&S CMW expects the EUT to use to
generate its access code.
<BDAddress> hex
12-digit hex number
*RST: #H000000123456
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "BD Address (BR/EDR)" on page 434

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LAP <BDAddressLAP>
Specifies the lower address part of the DUT's Bluetooth device address.
<BDAddressLAP> hex
Six-digit hex number
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFF
*RST: #H123456
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1

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Command Reference

Manual operation: See "BD Address (BR/EDR)" on page 434

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:UAP <BDAddressUAP>
Specifies the upper address part of the DUT's Bluetooth device address.
<BDAddressUAP> hex
Two-digit hex number
Range: #H0 to #HFF
*RST: #H00
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "BD Address (BR/EDR)" on page 434

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:NAP <BDAddressNAP>
Specifies the non-specific address part of the EUT's Bluetooth device address.
<BDAddressNAP> hex
Four-digit hex number
Range: #H0 to #HFFFF
*RST: #H0000
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "BD Address (BR/EDR)" on page 434

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:BRATe <Packet Type>

Specifies the BR packet type of the measured signal.
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<Packet Type> DH1 | DH3 | DH5
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:EDRate <Packet Type>

Specifies the EDR packet type of the measured signal.
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<Packet Type> E21P | E23P | E25P | E31P | E33P | E35P
2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-DH1, 3-DH3, or 3-DH5 packets
*RST: E21P
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:LENergy[:LE1M] <LE Packet
Specifies the packet type of the measured signal for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M and LE
Data channel packet cannot be selected. It is only automatically selected in combined
signal path with LE connection tests.
<LE Packet Type> RFPHytest | ADVertiser | RFCTe
RFPHytest: LE test packet
ADVertiser: air interface packet with advertising channel PDU
RFCTe: LE with CTE test packet
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.60, V3.7.61: added command LE2M, V3.7.70: added RFCT
V3.7.90: ADVertiser supported also with LE2M command
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M
R&S CMW-KM722 for RFCTe
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

Specifies the packet type of the measured signal for LE coded PHY.
Data channel packet cannot be selected. It is only automatically selected in combined
signal path with LE connection tests.

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Command Reference

<LELRPacketType> RFPHytest | ADVertiser
RFPHytest: LE test packet
ADVertiser: air interface packet with advertising channel PDU
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.7.90
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY <PHY>
Selects the physical layer used for LE measurements.
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
LE1M: LE 1 Msymbol/s uncoded PHY
LE2M: LE 2 Msymbol/s uncoded PHY
LELR: LE 1 Msymbol/s long range (LE coded PHY)
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LELR
Manual operation: See "PHY (LE)" on page 435

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LENergy:SYNWord <SynchWord>
Specifies the synchronization word used during direct test mode.
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<SynchWord> hex
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFFFF
*RST: #H71764129
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

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Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Test Packet Sync Word (LE)" on page 437

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ACCaddress:LENergy <AccessAddress>
Specifies the access address of advertiser for standalone LE measurements.
<AccessAddress> hex
Range: #H0 to #HFFFFFFFF
*RST: #H8E89BED6
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.60
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Manual operation: See "Access Address (LE)" on page 437

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern <Pattern Type>

Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data on its BR
packets. The setting is not valid for EDR packets.
For the combined signal path scenario, use:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:BRATe
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:EDRate
<Pattern Type> P44 | P11 | OTHer | ALTernating
P11: 10101010
P44: 11110000
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11 and P44
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
V3.5.30: added pattern ALTernating
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 438

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M <Pattern Type>

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M] <Pattern
Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data in its LE
Commands for LE 1M PHY (...:LE1M...) and LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...) are

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Command Reference

For the combined signal path scenario, use:

● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:
<Pattern Type> P44 | P11 | OTHer
P11: '10101010' in transmission order (LSB first)
P44: '11110000' in transmission order (LSB first)
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44 (see Chapter 7.3.3, "Low
Energy Measurements in Direct Test Mode", on page 370)
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.70: added command for LE2M
V3.7.30: removed pattern ALTernating
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 438

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge <Pattern
Specifies the data pattern type for LE coded PHY, that the EUT transmits as user pay-
load data.
For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<Pattern Type> ALL1 | OTHer
ALL1: '11111111'
OTHer: any pattern except ALL1
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 438

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:FEC:LENergy:LRANge <CodingScheme>
Defines S coding for LE coded PHY according to the core specification version 5.0 for
Bluetooth wireless technology.

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Command Reference

For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

<CodingScheme> S8 | S2
Coding S = 8 or S = 2
*RST: S8
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: LE Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "Coding (LE coded PHY)" on page 435

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:BRATe <PayloadLength>(3)
Specifies the number of bytes (octets) in the payload data of the measured BR signal.
The range of values depends on the packet type (CONFigure:BLUetooth:
The command requires 3 comma-separated parameters, one for each BR packet type
(order: DH1, DH3, DH5).
For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
<PayloadLength> numeric
3 payload lengths for BR packets
Range: 0 to 27 (DH1), 0 to 183 (DH3), 0 to 339 (DH5)
*RST: Maximum value for each packet type
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:EDRate <PayloadLength>(6)
Specifies the number of bytes (octets) in the payload data of the measured EDR sig-
nal. The range of values depends on the packet type (CONFigure:BLUetooth:
The command requires 6 comma-separated parameters, one for each EDR packet
type (order: 2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-DH1, 3-DH3, 3-DH5).
For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

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Command Reference

<PayloadLength> numeric
6 payload lengths for EDR packets
Range: 0 to 54 (2-DH1), 0 to 367 (2-DH3), 0 to 679 (2-
DH5), 0 to 83 (3-DH1), 0 to 552 (3-DH3), 0 to 1021
*RST: Maximum value for each packet type
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

Specifies the number of bytes (octets) in the payload data of the measured LE test
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
For the combined signal path scenario, use:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:
● CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:
<PayloadLength> numeric
Payload lengths for LE packets
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 255 Byte(s)
*RST: 37 Byte(s)
Default unit: byte
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.20: range extended
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:TYPE <CteType>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:TYPE <CteType>
Specifies the CTE slot type for LE with CTE.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<CteType> AOAus | AOD1us | AOD2us | AOA2us | AOA1us
AOD1us, AOD2us: CTE type angle of departure, 1 µs or 2 µs
AOAus, AOA2us: CTE type angle of arrival, 2 µs slot
AOA1us: CTE type angle of arrival, 1 µs slot
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
V3.7.90: added AOA1us
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "CTE Slot Type (LE with CTE)" on page 439

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:UNITs <CteUnits>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs <CteUnits>
Specifies the number of CTE units for LE with CTE.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<CteUnits> numeric
Range: 2 to 20
*RST: 2
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "CTE Units (LE with CTE)" on page 440

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:BRATe <NoOfOffSlots>(3)
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:EDRate <NoOfOffSlots>(6)
Specifies the number of unused slots between any two occupied slots or slot sequen-

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Command Reference

<NoOfOffSlots> numeric
Number of off slots for the different packet types:
3 values for BR packets (DH1, DH3, DH5)
6 values for EDR packets (2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-DH1, 3-
DH3, 3-DH5)
Range: 1 to 9
*RST: 1
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "No. of Off Slots " on page 441

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy:LE2M <NoOfOffSlots>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy[:LE1M] <NoOfOffSlots>
Specifies the number of unused slots between any two occupied slots or slot sequen-
Commands for LE 1M PHY (...:LE1M...) and LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...) are
<NoOfOffSlots> numeric
Range: 1 to 9
*RST: 1
Default unit: Multiplies of 625 µs
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Firmware/Software: V3.5.20
V3.5.70: added command for LE2M
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "No. of Off Slots " on page 441

7.6.3 Tx Measurement Commands

The commands valid for the Bluetooth multi-evaluation Tx measurement are divided
into the groups listed below.
● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 514
● Measurement Parameters.....................................................................................517
● Enabling Results and Views..................................................................................523
● List Mode Settings.................................................................................................526
● Trigger Settings.....................................................................................................541
● Limits (Power vs. Time).........................................................................................543
● Limits (Modulation BR)..........................................................................................547
● Limits (Modulation EDR)....................................................................................... 551

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Command Reference

● Limits (Modulation LE).......................................................................................... 554

● Limits (Spectrum).................................................................................................. 563
● Limits (Phase Encoding EDR)...............................................................................567
● Detected Signal Characteristics............................................................................ 568
● Power Results (BR, Single Values).......................................................................577
● Power Results (EDR, Single Values).................................................................... 578
● Power Results (LE, Single Values)....................................................................... 580
● Power Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)...................................................... 583
● Modulation Results (BR, Single Values)............................................................... 588
● Modulation Results (EDR, Single Values).............................................................593
● Modulation Results (LE, Single Values)................................................................ 596
● Modulation Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)............................................... 611
● Spectrum Results (BR, Single Values)..................................................................628
● Spectrum Results (EDR, Single Values)............................................................... 631
● Spectrum Results (LE, Single Values).................................................................. 632
● Spectrum Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)................................................. 634
● Differential Phase Encoding Results (EDR, Single Values).................................. 636
● Power Trace Results.............................................................................................637
● Modulation Trace Results..................................................................................... 640
● Spectrum Trace Results........................................................................................642
● List Mode Results (One Segment)........................................................................ 647 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation....................................................................... 514
ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation........................................................................ 514
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:STATe?............................................................ 515
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DISPlay........................................................................ 516

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.

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Command Reference

Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements.

Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasState> OFF | RUN | RDY
OFF: Measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RUN: Measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
RDY: Measurement has been terminated, valid results are avail-
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Multi Evaluation (Softkey)" on page 381

Queries the main measurement state and the measurement substates. Both measure-
ment substates are relevant for running measurements only. Use FETCh:...:STATe?
to query the main measurement state only. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MainState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: Measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after STOP...)
RDY: Measurement has been terminated, valid results are avail-
RUN: Measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued

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Command Reference

<SyncState> PEND | ADJ | INV

PEND: Waiting for resource allocation, adjustment, hardware
switching ("pending")
ADJ: All necessary adjustments finished, measurement running
INV: Not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
<ResourceState> QUE | ACT | INV
QUE: Measurement without resources, no results available
ACT: Resources allocated, acquisition of results in progress but
not complete ("active")
INV: Not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Multi Evaluation (Softkey)" on page 381

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DISPlay <Measurement>[, <View>]

Selects the view to be displayed.
<Measurement> MEV
Multi-evaluation measurement
<View> OVERview | PVTime | DEVM | PDIFference | IQABs | IQDiff |
IQERr | FDEViation | SOBW | SACP | SGACp | MODulation |
POWer | FRANge | PENCoding
OVERview: "Overview" (BR, EDR, LE)
PVTime: "Power vs Tim"e (BR, EDR, LE)
PDIFference: "Phase Differen"ce (EDR)
IQABs: "IQ Constellation Absolute" (EDR)
IQDiff: "IQ Constellation Differentia"l (EDR)
IQERr: "IQ Constellation Error" (EDR)
FDEViation: "Frequency Deviation" (BR, LE)
SOBW: "Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth" (BR)
SACP: "Spectrum AC"P (BR, LE)
SGACp: "Spectrum Gated ACP" (EDR)
MODulation: "Modulation Scalars" (BR, EDR, LE)
POWer: "Power Scalars" (BR, EDR, LE)
FRANge: "Frequency Rang"e (BR)
PENCoding: "Differential Phase Encoding" (EDR)
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements

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Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Manual operation: See "Active View" on page 464 Measurement Parameters

The following commands specify the scope of the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TOUT........................................................ 517
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCONdition................................................ 518
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MOEXception............................................. 518
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime......................................... 519
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:FRANge........................................ 519
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:SACP............................................ 519
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe:MEASurement:MODE............. 520
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SGACp:EDRate:MEASurement:MODE......... 520
MODE................................................................................................................ 520
MODE................................................................................................................ 520
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:MEASurement.................... 521
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:BRATe:FILTer:BWIDth................................. 522
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:EDRate:FILTer:BWIDth................................ 522
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LENergy:LE2M:FILTer:BWIDth..................... 522
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LENergy[:LE1M]:FILTer:BWIDth................... 522

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TOUT <Timeout>
Defines a timeout for the measurement. The timer is started when the measurement is
initiated via a READ or INIT command. It is not started if the measurement is initiated
manually ([ON | OFF] key or [RESTART | STOP] key).
When the measurement has completed the first measurement cycle (first single shot),
the statistical depth is reached and the timer is reset.
If the first measurement cycle has not been completed when the timer expires, the
measurement is stopped. The measurement state changes to RDY. The reliability indi-
cator is set to 1, indicating that a measurement timeout occurred. Still running READ,
FETCh or CALCulate commands are completed, returning the available results. At
least for some results, there are no values at all or the statistical depth has not been
A timeout of 0 s corresponds to an infinite measurement timeout.

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Command Reference

<Timeout> numeric
Default unit: s
Example: See Specifying General Measurement Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.0.10

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:REPetition <Repetition>
Specifies the repetition mode of the measurement. The repetition mode specifies
whether the measurement is stopped after a single shot or repeated continuously. Use
CONFigure:..:MEAS<i>:...:SCOunt to determine the number of measurement
intervals per single shot.
<Repetition> SINGleshot | CONTinuous
SINGleshot: Single-shot measurement
CONTinuous: Continuous measurement
*RST: SINGleshot
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Repetition" on page 442

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCONdition <Stop Condition>

Qualifies whether the measurement is stopped after a failed limit check or continued.
SLFail means that the measurement is stopped and reaches the RDY state when one
of the results exceeds the limits.
<Stop Condition> NONE | SLFail
NONE: Continue measurement irrespective of the limit check
SLFail: Stop measurement on limit failure
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Stop Condition" on page 443

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MOEXception <MeasOnException>
Specifies whether measurement results that are identified as faulty or inaccurate are

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Command Reference

<MeasOnException> OFF | ON
ON: Results are never rejected
OFF: Faulty results are rejected
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Measure on Exception" on page 443

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime <StatisticCount>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:SOBW <StatisticCount>
Specifies the statistic count of the measurement. The statistic count is equal to the
number of measurement intervals per single shot.
The last mnemonic denotes the measurement type: statistical modulation, statistical
power and spectrum 20 dB bandwidth (occupied bandwidth) measurement.
<StatisticCount> numeric
Number of measurement intervals
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
V1.0.15.20: added command for spectrum 20 dB bandwidth
Manual operation: See "Power vs. Time / Modulation / Phase Encoding / Spectrum
> ... Statistic Count" on page 443

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:FRANge <StatisticCount>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:SACP <StatisticCount>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:SGACp <StatisticCount>
Specifies the statistic count of the measurement. The statistic count is equal to the
number of measurement intervals per single shot.
The last mnemonic denotes the measurement type: spectrum frequency range, spec-
trum ACP and spectrum gated ACP.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<StatisticCount> numeric
Statistic count for the measurement
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 6
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.15.20
V2.0.20: added command for gated ACP
V3.2.50: added command for frequency range
Manual operation: See "Power vs. Time / Modulation / Phase Encoding / Spectrum
> ... Statistic Count" on page 443

MODE <Meas Mode>
MODE <Meas Mode>
Selects the measured ACP channel range for BR or EDR packets. The ACP can be
measured over the expected transmit channel +/- 10 channels (21 channels in total) or
over the entire Bluetooth regulatory range (79 channels).
<Meas Mode> CH79 | CH21
Measure 79 or 21 channels
*RST: CH21
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "ACP Measurement Mode" on page 444

MEASurement:MODE <Meas Mode>
MEASurement:MODE <Meas Mode>
Specifies the channel range for ACP measurements. Can be selected to cover either
the full LE frequency band (forty 2 MHz channels) or only the adjacency of the current
LE channel (ten 2 MHz channels).
The commands for LE 1M PHY (...:LE1M...) and LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...) are
Note: Although LE channels are 2 MHz wide, the channel width in ACP measurements
is always 1 MHz ("half-channel").

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Command Reference

<Meas Mode> CH40 | CH10
CH10: Covers the current and its 10 adjacent 2 MHz LE chan-
nels (5 to the left, 5 to the right). The R&S CMW measures the 1
MHz channels centered at fTX – 10 MHz, ..., fTX + 10 MHz.
CH40: Covers all 40 LE channels. The R&S CMW measures the
81 half-channels centered at 2401 MHz, 2402 MHz, ..., 2481
*RST: CH10
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "ACP Measurement Mode" on page 444

<LeftChannel>, <RightChannel>, <Threshold>
Specifies the number of 1 MHz channels to be measured below and above the current
measured channel. The threshold is the level that needs to be crossed to search the
frequencies fL and fH.
<LeftChannel> numeric
Left adjacent channel relative to the EUT center TX channel
Range: 1 to 5
*RST: 5
<RightChannel> numeric
Right adjacent channel relative to the EUT center TX channel
Range: 1 to 5
*RST: 5
<Threshold> numeric
Threshold for the spectral power density drop to search the fre-
quencies fL and fH
Specification defines - 80 dBm/Hz for equivalent isotropically
radiated power or - 30 dBm if measured in a 100 kHz bandwidth.
Range: -80 dBm to 40 dBm
*RST: -30 dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Manual operation: See "Frequency Range" on page 445

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Selects the filter bandwidth for BR measurements.
<FilterBandWidth> NARRow | WIDE
NARRow: Narrow-band filter
WIDE: Wide-band filter
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Filter" on page 445

Selects the filter bandwidth for EDR measurements. The filter is applied only to the
GFSK portion of the bursts.
<FilterBandWidth> NARRow | WIDE
NARRow: Narrow-band filter
WIDE: Wide-band filter
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
V3.5.50: filter limited to GFSK portion
Manual operation: See "Filter" on page 445

Selects the filter bandwidth.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<FilterBandWidth> NARRow | WIDE
NARRow: Narrow-band filter
WIDE: Wide-band filter

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements

Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Filter" on page 445 Enabling Results and Views

The following commands select the evaluated results and the displayed views.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PSCalar.......................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PENCoding..................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PVSLot........................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:DEVMagnitude................................ 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PDIFference.................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQDiff.............................................. 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQERror.......................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SOBW............................................ 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SACP............................................. 524
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SGACp........................................... 524

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:MSCalar <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PSCalar <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PENCoding <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PVTime <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PVSLot <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:DEVMagnitude <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PDIFference <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQABsolute <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQDiff <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQERror <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:FDEViation <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:FRANge <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SOBW <Enable>

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Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SACP <Enable>
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SGACp <Enable>
Enables or disables the evaluation of results and shows or hides the views in the multi-
evaluation measurement. The last mnemonic denotes the view type: statistical modula-
tion results , statistical power results, statistical differential phase encoding results
(EDR in CSP), power vs. time results, power vs. slot results (LE with CTE), DEVM
(EDR), phase difference (EDR), IQ constellation absolute (EDR), IQ constellation dif-
ferential (EDR), IQ constellation error (EDR), frequency deviation (BR, LE), frequency
range results (BR), spectrum 20 dB bandwidth (BR), spectrum ACP (BR, LE), spec-
trum gated ACP (EDR). Use CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
RESult[:ALL] to enable/disable all result types.
Tip: Use READ...? queries to retrieve results for disabled views.
<Enable> OFF | ON
ON: Evaluate results and show view
OFF: Do not evaluate results, hide view
*RST: ON (most measurement results)
Example: See Configuring Measurements
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50, V1.0.15.20: added commands for SOBW, SAPC,
V2.0.20: for SGAPC, V2.0.20: for FRANge, PENCoding,
V3.7.70: added command for PVSLot (power vs. slot diagram)

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult[:ALL] <DEVM>,
<PhaseDiff>, <ModScalars>, <IQAbsolute>, <IQDifferential>, <IQError>,
<FreqDev>, <PvT>, <PowerScalars>, <SpectrumOBW>, <SpectrumACP>,
<SpectrumGACP>[, <SpecFreqRange>, <PhaseEncoding>, <PowerVsSlot>]
Enables or disables the evaluation of results and shows or hides the views in the multi-
evaluation measurement. This command combines all other
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult... commands.
Tip: Use READ...? queries to retrieve results for disabled views.
Differential error vector magnitude (only for EDR)
ON: Evaluate results and show the view
OFF: Do not evaluate results, hide the view (if applicable)
<PhaseDiff> OFF | ON
Phase difference (only for EDR)
<ModScalars> OFF | ON
Statistical modulation results

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<IQAbsolute> OFF | ON
IQ constellation absolute (only for EDR)
<IQDifferential> OFF | ON
IQ constellation differential (only for EDR)
<IQError> OFF | ON
IQ constellation error (only for EDR)
<FreqDev> OFF | ON
Frequency deviation (only for BR and LE)
<PvT> OFF | ON
Power vs. time
<PowerScalars> OFF | ON
Statistical power results
<SpectrumOBW> OFF | ON
Spectrum 20 dB bandwidth (only for BR)
<SpectrumACP> OFF | ON
Spectrum ACP (only for BR and LE)
<SpectrumGACP> OFF | ON
Spectrum gated ACP (only for EDR)
<SpecFreqRange> OFF | ON
Spectrum frequency range (only for BR)
<PhaseEncoding> OFF | ON
Statistical differential phase encoding results (only for EDR in
combined signal path)
<PowerVsSlot> OFF | ON
Power versus slot (only for LE with CE)
Example: See Configuring Measurements

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50, V2.0.20: added <SpectrumGACP>, V3.2.50: added

<SpecFreqRange>, <PhaseEncoding>
V3.7.80: added <PowerVsSlot>
Manual operation: See "Assign Views" on page 446 List Mode Settings

The following commands configure the list mode. For retrieving list mode results, see
Chapter, "List Mode Results (One Segment)", on page 647.
For a description of the list mode, see Chapter 7.2.5, "List Mode", on page 340.
The segment number <no> in the following commands refers to the complete range of
configured segments (1..48).
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST.......................................................... 527
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:COUNt............................................... 527
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:MSCalar.......... 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:SACP.............. 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:SOBW............. 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt........................ 529
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:MSCalar.......... 529
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:PSCalar........... 529
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:SACP.............. 529
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:SGACp............ 530
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:SOBW............. 530
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:CMWS:CMODe................................... 530
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:CSCHeme....... 531
CONNector......................................................................................................... 531
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:ENPower......... 534
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:EXTended........ 535
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:FILTer.............. 537
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:FREQuency..... 537
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:MOEXception... 538
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:OSLots............ 538
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:PHY................ 539
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:PLENgth.......... 539
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:RTRigger......... 540
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:SLENgth.......... 541

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST <Enable>
Enables or disables the list mode.
<Enable> OFF | ON
OFF: disable list mode
ON: enable list mode
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012
Manual operation: See "List Mode" on page 443

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:COUNt <Segments>
Defines the number of segments in the entire measurement interval.
<Segments> numeric
Range: 1 to 48
*RST: 3
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

<EnableModScalar>, <EnablePowScalar>, <EnableSpecOBW>,
<EnableSpecACP>, <EnableSpecGACP>
Enables or disables the evaluation of the particular measurement type in the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<EnableModScalar> OFF | ON
Enable/disable statistical modulation results
<EnablePowScalar> OFF | ON
Enable/disable statistical power results

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<EnableSpecOBW> OFF | ON
Enable/disable the spectrum 20 dB bandwidth results (BR)
<EnableSpecACP> OFF | ON
Enable/disable the spectrum ACP results (BR, LE)
<EnableSpecGACP> OFF | ON
Enable/disable the spectrum gated ACP results (EDR)
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

MSCalar <EnableModScalar>
PSCalar <EnablePowScalar>
SGACp <EnableSpecGACP>
SOBW <EnableSpecOBW>
Enables or disables the evaluation of results for the segment<no> in list mode. The last
mnemonic denotes the measurement type: statistical modulation results, statistical
power results, spectrum ACP (BR, LE), spectrum gated ACP (EDR), occupied band-
width (BR).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<Enable> OFF | ON
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<ModStatCount>, <PowerStatCount>, <SpecOBWStatCnt>,
<SpecACPStatCnt>, <SpecGACPStatCnt>
Defines the statistic count for the particular measurement type in the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<ModStatCount> numeric
Statistic count for the statistical modulation measurement
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
<PowerStatCount> numeric
Statistic count for the statistical power measurement
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
<SpecOBWStatCnt> numeric
Statistic count for the spectrum 20 dB bandwidth measurement
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
<SpecACPStatCnt> numeric
Statistic count for the spectrum ACP measurement (BR, LE)
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
<SpecGACPStatCnt> numeric
Statistic count for the spectrum gated ACP measurement (EDR)
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

MSCalar <ModStatCount>
PSCalar <PowerStatCount>

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

SGACp <SpecGACPStatCnt>
SOBW <SpecOBWStatCnt>
Defines the statistic count in the segment. The last mnemonic denotes the measure-
ment type: statistical modulation measurement, statistical power measurement, spec-
trum ACP measurement (BR, LE), spectrum gated ACP measurement (EDR), spec-
trum 20 dB bandwidth (occupied bandwidth) measurement (BR).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<SpecOBWStatCnt> numeric
Statistic count
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

Specifies how the input connector is selected for Bluetooth list mode measurements
with the R&S CMWS.
<ConnectorMode> GLOBal | LIST
GLOBal: The same input connector is used for all segments. It
is selected in the same way as without list mode, for example via
LIST: The input connector is configured individually for each
segment. See CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CSCHeme <LeLrCoding>
Defines coding scheme S for LE coded PHY according to the core specification version
5.0 for Bluetooth wireless technology.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<LeLrCoding> S8 | S2
Coding S = 8 or S = 2
*RST: S2
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

CMWS:CONNector <CMWSConnector>
Selects the RF input connector for segment <no> for Bluetooth list mode measure-
ments with the R&S CMWS. This setting is only relevant for connector mode LIST,
see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:CMWS:CMODe.
All segments of a list mode measurement must use connectors of the same bench.
For possible connector values, see Chapter, "Values for RF Path Selection",
on page 489.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..2000
Segment number
<CMWSConnector> Selects the input connector of the R&S CMWS
*RST: R11
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<BurstType>, <PacketType>, <PatternType>, <PayloadLength>,
<NoOfOffSlots>, <SegmentLength>, <MeasOnException>, <Level>,
<Frequency>, <MeasFilter>[, <ReTrigger>]
Defines the segment length, the signal properties and the analyzer settings for a
selected segment. In general, this command must be sent for all segments to be mea-
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<BurstType> BR | EDR | LE
Burst type expected in the segment
*RST: Basic Rate
<PacketType> DH1 | DH3 | DH5 | E21P | E23P | E25P | E31P | E33P | E35P |
RFPHytest | ADVertiser
Packet type expected in the segment
DH1, DH3, DH5: BR packet
E21P, E23P, E25P, E31P, E33P, E35P: 2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-
DH1, 3-DH3, 3-DH5 EDR packet
RFPHytest: LE test packet
ADVertiser: LE advertiser
<PatternType> ALL1 | P11 | OTHer | ALTernating | P44
Payload pattern type expected in the segment
ALL1: 11111111
P11: 10101010
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44 and ALL1
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11, P44
P44: 11110000
<PayloadLength> numeric
Payload length expected in the segment
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 1021 Byte(s)
*RST: 27 Byte(s)
<NoOfOffSlots> numeric
Number of unused slots between any two occupied slots or slot
sequences expected in the segment
Range: 1 to 9
*RST: 1

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<SegmentLength> numeric
Number of measured bursts in the segment. The sum of the
length of all active segments must not exceed 6700 timeslots (1
timeslot = 625 μs duration).
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
<MeasOnException> OFF | ON
Specifies whether the segment results that the R&S CMW identi-
fies as faulty or inaccurate are rejected.
ON: include the erroneous bursts
OFF: exclude the erroneous bursts
<Level> numeric
Expected nominal power in the segment. The range of the
expected nominal power can be calculated as follows:
Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) +
External Attenuation - User Margin
The input power range is stated in the data sheet.
*RST: 0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<Frequency> numeric
Center frequency for the segment
Range: 100E+6 Hz to 6E+9 Hz
*RST: 2.402E+9 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<MeasFilter> NARRow | WIDE
Filter bandwidth for the segment
NARRow: narrow-band filter
WIDE: wide-band filter
<ReTrigger> OFF | ON
Specifies whether a trigger event is required for the segment or
not. The setting is ignored for the first segment of a measure-
OFF: measure the segment without retrigger
ON: trigger event required
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
V3.5.30: added <PatternType> ALTernating
V3.7.20: added <PacketType> ADVertiser,
<PatternType> ALL1
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

R&S CMW-KM610 for <BurstType> BR and EDR

R&S CMW-KM611 for <BurstType> LE
R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA for <PacketType> ADVertiser,
<PatternType> ALL1

BTYPe <BurstType>
Specifies the burst type of the signal expected in the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<BurstType> BR | EDR | LE
Burst type expected in the segment.
*RST: Basic Rate
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012
R&S CMW-KM610 for BR and EDR
R&S CMW-KM611 for LE

ENPower <Level>
Specifies the expected nominal power in the segment. The range of the expected nom-
inal power can be calculated as follows:
Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation -
User Margin
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<Level> numeric
The input power range is stated in the data sheet.
*RST: 0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

EXTended <BurstType>, <Phy>, <Coding>, <PacketType>, <PatternType>,
<PayloadLength>, <NoOfOffSlots>, <SegmentLength>, <MeasOnException>,
<Level>, <Frequency>, <MeasFilter>, <ReTrigger>
Defines the segment length, the signal properties including Bluetooth version 5 and the
analyzer settings for a selected segment. In general, this command must be sent for all
segments to be measured.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<1_BurstType> BR | EDR | LE
Burst type expected in the segment
*RST: Basic Rate
<2_PHY> LE1M | LE2M | LELR
Relevant only for LE. Set dummy value for other burst types.
LE1M: LE 1 Msymbol/s PHY
LE2M: LE 2 Msymbol/s PHY
LELR: Long range (LE coded PHY)
<3_Coding> S8 | S2
Coding S = 8 or S = 2 relevant only for LELR PHY
Set dummy value for other physical layers.
<4_PacketType> DH1 | DH3 | DH5 | E21P | E23P | E25P | E31P | E33P | E35P |
RFPHytest | ADVertiser
Packet type expected in the segment
DH1, DH3, DH5: BR packet
E21P, E23P, E25P, E31P, E33P, E35P: 2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-
DH1, 3-DH3, 3-DH5 EDR packet
RFPHytest: LE test packet
ADVertiser: LE advertiser
<5_PatternType> ALL1 | P11 | OTHer | ALTernating | P44
Payload pattern type expected in the segment
ALL1: 11111111
P11: 10101010
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44 and ALL1
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11, P44
P44: 11110000

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Command Reference

<6_PayloadLength> numeric
Payload length expected in the segment
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 1021 Byte(s)
*RST: 27 Byte(s)
<7_NoOfOffSlots> numeric
Number of unused slots between any two occupied slots or slot
sequences expected in the segment
Range: 1 to 9
*RST: 1
<8_SegmentLength> numeric
Number of measured bursts in the segment. The sum of the
length of all active segments must not exceed 6700 timeslots (1
timeslot = 625 μs duration).
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
<10_MeasOnExcept> OFF | ON
Specifies whether the segment results that the R&S CMW identi-
fies as faulty or inaccurate are rejected.
ON: include the erroneous bursts
OFF: exclude the erroneous bursts
<11_Level> numeric
Expected nominal power in the segment. The range of the
expected nominal power can be calculated as follows:
Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) +
External Attenuation - User Margin
The input power range is stated in the data sheet.
*RST: 0 dBm
<12_Frequency> numeric
Center frequency for the segment
Range: 100E+6 Hz to 6E+9 Hz
*RST: 2.402E+9 Hz
<13_MeasFilter> NARRow | WIDE
Filter bandwidth for the segment
NARRow: narrow-band filter
WIDE: wide-band filter

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Command Reference

<14_ReTrigger> OFF | ON
Specifies whether a trigger event is required for the segment or
not. The setting is ignored for the first segment of a measure-
OFF: measure the segment without retrigger
ON: trigger event required
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM012
R&S CMW-KM611 <BurstType> LE
R&S CMW-KM721 for <Phy> LE2M and LELR

FILTer <MeasFilter>
Specifies the measurement filter bandwidth for the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<MeasFilter> NARRow | WIDE
NARRow: narrow-band filter
WIDE: wide-band filter
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

FREQuency <Frequency>
Specifies the center frequency of the signal expected in the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<Frequency> numeric
Range: 100E+6 Hz to 6E+9 Hz
*RST: 2.402E+9 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings

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Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

MOEXception <MeasOnException>
Specifies whether the segment results that the R&S CMW identifies as faulty or inaccu-
rate are rejected.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<MeasOnException> OFF | ON
ON: include the erroneous bursts
OFF: exclude the erroneous bursts
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

OSLots <NoOfOffSlots>
Specifies the number of unused slots between any two occupied slots or slot sequen-
ces expected in the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<NoOfOffSlots> numeric
Range: 1 to 9
*RST: 1
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

PATTern <PatternType>
Specifies the payload pattern type expected in the segment.

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Command Reference

Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<PatternType> ALL1 | P11 | OTHer | ALTernating | P44
ALL1: 11111111
P11: 10101010
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44, ALL1
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11 and P44
P44: 11110000
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
V3.5.30: added pattern ALTernating
V3.7.20: added ALL1
Options: R&S CMW-KM012
R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA for <PatternType> ALL1

Defines physical layer ( PHY) for segment according to the core specification version
5.0 for Bluetooth wireless technology.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<LePhyType> LE1M | LE2M | LELR
LE1M: LE 1 Msymbol/s uncoded PHY
LE2M: LE 2 Msymbol/s uncoded PHY
LELR: LE 1 Msymbol/s long range (LE coded PHY)
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM012
R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LELR

PLENgth <PayloadLength>
Specifies the payload length expected in the segment.

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Command Reference

Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<PayloadLength> numeric
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 1021 Byte(s)
*RST: 27 Byte(s)
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

PTYPe <PacketType>
Specifies the packet type expected in the segment.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<PacketType> DH1 | DH3 | DH5 | E21P | E23P | E25P | E31P | E33P | E35P |
RFPHytest | ADVertiser
DH1, DH3, DH5: BR packet
E21P, E23P, E25P, E31P, E33P, E35P: 2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-
DH1, 3-DH3, 3-DH5 EDR packet
RFPHytest: LE test packet
ADVertiser: LE advertiser
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
V3.7.20: added <PacketType> ADVertiser
Options: R&S CMW-KM012
R&S CMW-KM611 for <PacketType> RFPHytest and ADVertiser
R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA for <PacketType> ADVertiser

RTRigger <ReTrigger>
Specifies whether a trigger event is required for the segment or not. The setting is
ignored for the first segment of a measurement.
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number

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Command Reference

<ReTrigger> OFF | ON
OFF: measure the segment without retrigger
ON: trigger event required
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

SLENgth <SegmentLength>
Defines the number of measured bursts in the segment
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
<SegmentLength> numeric
The sum of the length of all active segments must not exceed
6700 timeslots (1 timeslot = 625 μs duration).
Range: 1 to 1000
*RST: 10
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012 Trigger Settings

The following commands define the trigger parameters.

TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SOURce........................................................ 542
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:THReshold..................................................... 542
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TOUT............................................................ 542

Lists all trigger source values that can be set using TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
Return values:
<Sourcelist> string
Comma-separated list of all supported values. Each value is rep-
resented as a string.

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Command Reference

Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.10
Manual operation: See "Trigger Source" on page 453

TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SOURce <Source>
Selects the source of the trigger events. Some values are always available. They are
listed below. Depending on the installed options, additional values are available. You
can query a list of all supported values via TRIGger:...:CATalog:SOURce?.
<Source> string
'Power': power trigger (received RF power)
*RST: 'Power'
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V3.5.10
Manual operation: See "Trigger Source" on page 453

TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:THReshold <Power>
Defines the trigger threshold for the power trigger.
<Power> numeric
Range: -50 dB to 0 dB
Increment: 0.1 dB
*RST: -30 dB
Default unit: dB (full scale, i.e. relative to reference level minus
external attenuation)
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Trigger Threshold" on page 454

TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TOUT <TriggerTimeout>
Selects the maximum time that the measurement waits for a trigger event before it
stops in remote control mode or indicates a trigger timeout in manual operation mode.

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Command Reference

<TriggerTimeout> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0.01 s to 167772.15 s
Increment: 0.001 s
*RST: 1s
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables timeout | enables
timeout using the previous/default values)
Example: See Basic Input Signal Properties: EDR Packets
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Trigger Timeout" on page 454 Limits (Power vs. Time)

The following commands define power limits.

Commands for test mode classic (..:BRATe..), (..:EDRate..) and for LE direct
test mode (..:LE1M..), (..:LE2M..), (..:LRANge..) are available.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:PVTime................................... 544
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:PVTime................... 545
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:PVTime....................... 545
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:PVTime..................... 545
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:PDEViation.......... 546
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:PDEViation.......... 546

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:PVTime <PackTimeLower>,
<PackTimeUpper>, <PackTimeEnable>(4)
Sets and enables/disables a lower and upper timing error limit for PVT measurements.
<PackTimeLower> numeric
Range: -15 µs to 15 µs
*RST: -5 µs
<PackTimeUpper> numeric
Range: -15 µs to 15 µs
*RST: 5 µs
<PackTimeEnable> OFF | ON
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
Manual operation: See "Power Limits" on page 455

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Command Reference

<NomPowLower>, <NomPowUpper>, <PeakPowUpper>,
<NomPowEnabled>(4), <PeakPowEnabled>(4)
Defines the power limits for BR: lower and upper average power limits, upper peak
power limit, limit check enabling.
<NomPowLower> numeric
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
*RST: -6 dBm
<NomPowUpper> numeric
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
*RST: 4 dBm
<PeakPowUpper> numeric
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
*RST: 23 dBm
<NomPowEnabled> OFF | ON
Disables or enables the limit check for the average power, 4 val-
ues, corresponding to the current, average, maximum and mini-
mum results.
<PeakPowEnabled> OFF | ON
Disables or enables the limit check for the peak power, 4 values,
corresponding to the current, average, maximum and minimum
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Power Limits" on page 455

<DPSKmGFSKLow>, <DPSKmGFSKUpp>, <GuardPeriodLow>,
<GuardPeriodUpp>, <DPSKmGFSKEnab>(4), <GuardPeriodEnab>(4)
Defines the power limits for EDR: lower and upper limits for DPSK minus GFSK power
and for guard period, limit check enabling.
<DPSKmGFSKLow> numeric
Range: -99.99 dB to 99.99 dB
*RST: -4 dB

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Command Reference

<DPSKmGFSKUpp> numeric
Range: -99.99 dB to 99.99 dB
*RST: 1 dB
<GuardPeriodLow> numeric
Range: -9.99 µs to 9.99 µs
*RST: 4.75 µs
<GuardPeriodUpp> numeric
Range: -9.99 µs to 9.99 µs
*RST: 5.25 µs
Disables or enables the limit check for the DPSK minus GFSK
power, 4 values, corresponding to the current, average, maxi-
mum and minimum results.
<GuardPeriodEnab> OFF | ON
Disables or enables the limit check for the guard period, 4 val-
ues, corresponding to the current, average, maximum and mini-
mum results.
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "Power Limits" on page 455

<AvgPowLower>, <AvgPowUpper>, <PkmAvgPowUpper>,
<AvgPowEnabled>(4), <PkmAvgPowEnable>(4)
<AvgPowLower>, <AvgPowUpper>, <PkmAvgPowUpper>,
<AvgPowEnabled>(4), <PkmAvgPowEnable>(4)
<AvgPowLower>, <AvgPowUpper>, <PkmAvgPowUpper>,
<AvgPowEnabled>(4), <PkmAvgPowEnable>(4)
Defines the power limits: lower and upper average power limits, upper limit for "peak
minus average power", limit check enabling.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<AvgPowLower> numeric
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
*RST: -20 dBm

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Command Reference

<AvgPowUpper> numeric
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
*RST: 10 dBm
<PkmAvgPowUpper> numeric
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
*RST: 3 dBm
<AvgPowEnabled> OFF | ON
Disables or enables the limit check for the average power, 4 val-
ues, corresponding to the current, average, maximum and mini-
mum results.
<PkmAvgPowEnable>OFF | ON
Disables or enables the limit check for the "peak minus average
power", 4 values, corresponding to the current, average, maxi-
mum and minimum results.
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "Power Limits" on page 455

PDEViation <RefDev>, <TxDev>, <RefDevEnable>, <TxDevEnable>
PDEViation <RefDev>, <TxDev>, <RefDevEnable>, <TxDevEnable>
Defines the upper CTE power limits and enables/disables the limit check.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<RefDev> numeric
Upper CTE power limit for reference antenna.
Range: 0.01 to 1
*RST: 0.25
<TxDev> numeric
Upper limit for power deviation in a slot.
Range: 0.01 to 1
*RST: 0.25

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Command Reference

<RefDevEnable> OFF | ON
Enables/disables the CTE power limit check for reference
<TxDevEnable> OFF | ON
Enables/disables the limit check for power deviation in a slot.
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "Power Limits" on page 455 Limits (Modulation BR)

The following commands define limits for results which characterize the modulation
accuracy of BR packets.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DELTa..................................... 547
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FACCuracy.............................. 548
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FDRift:APACkets...................... 548
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FDRift..................................... 549
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DAVerage................................ 550
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DMINimum.............................. 550
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DMAXimum............................. 550
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:MRATio................................... 551

<DeltaF2P99p9>, <DeltaF2P99Enabl>
Defines the lower limit for the frequency deviation Δf2 that must be exceeded by 99.9%
of the measured bits.
<DeltaF2P99p9> numeric
Range: 100E+3 Hz to 200E+3 Hz
*RST: 115E+3 Hz
<DeltaF2P99Enabl> OFF | ON
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "BR" on page 457

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FreqAccuracy>, <FreqAccEnabled>(3)
Defines the limit for the frequency accuracy.
<FreqAccuracy> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 75E+3 Hz
<FreqAccEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "BR" on page 457

<FreqDriftDH1>, <FreqDriftDH3>, <FreqDriftDH5>, <MaxDriftRate>,
<FreqDriftDH1Enb>(3), <FreqDriftDH3Enb>(3), <FreqDriftDH5Enb>(3),
Defines the limits for the frequency drift and the maximum drift rate for BR. For each
packet type (DH1, DH3, DH5) a different frequency drift limit can be specified.
<FreqDriftDH1> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 25E+3 Hz
<FreqDriftDH3> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 40E+3 Hz
<FreqDriftDH5> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 40E+3 Hz
<MaxDriftRate> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 20E+3 Hz
<FreqDriftDH1Enb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values).

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Command Reference

<FreqDriftDH3Enb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values).
<FreqDriftDH5Enb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values).
<MaxDriftRateEnb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values).
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
Manual operation: See "BR" on page 457

<FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>, <FreqDriftEnable>(3),
Defines the frequency drift limit for DH1 packets and the maximum drift rate limit for all
BR packets.
Since V2.1.20, this command is superseded by the command CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FDRift:APACkets that
allows to set different limits for different packet types.
<FrequencyDrift> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 25E+3 Hz
<MaxDriftRate> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 20E+3 Hz
<FreqDriftEnable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values).
<MaxDriftRateEnb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values).
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1

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Command Reference

Manual operation: See "BR" on page 457

<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF2Lower>,
<FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4), <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF2Lower>,
<FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4), <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF2Lower>,
<FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4), <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
Defines the lower and upper frequency deviation limits for BR bursts. The mnemonics
DAVerage, DMAXimum, DMINimum distinguish average, maximum, and minimum fre-
quency deviations.
<FreqDevF1Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 140E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 175E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF2Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 115E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF2Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 175E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
*RST: ON for all Δf1avg limits, OFF otherwise
<FreqDevF2Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
*RST: OFF (all values)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "BR" on page 457

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:MRATio <ModRatio>,
Specifies the modulation ratio limit Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg for BR bursts.
<ModRatio> numeric
Range: 0 to 2
*RST: 0.8
<ModRatioEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable/enable limit checking
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20, V3.7.50: range extended
Manual operation: See "BR" on page 457 Limits (Modulation EDR)

The following commands define limits for results which characterize the modulation
accuracy of EDR packets.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:FSTability............................... 551
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:DQPSk:DEVM........................ 552
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:DPSK:DEVM.......................... 553

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:FSTability <Wi>,
<WiplusW0max>, <W0max>, <WiEnabled>(3), <WiW0maxEnabled>(3),
Defines and activates upper limits for the frequency stability.
<Wi> numeric
Limit for the initial center frequency error
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 75E+3 Hz
<WiplusW0max> numeric
Limit for the overall uncompensated frequency error
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 75E+3 Hz
<W0max> numeric
Limit for the maximum compensated frequency error in the
DPSK portion of the packet
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 10E+3 Hz

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Command Reference

<WiEnabled> OFF | ON
Enable limits for current, average, and maximum results (3 val-
<WiW0maxEnabled> OFF | ON
Enable limits for current, average, and maximum results (3 val-
<W0maxEnabled> OFF | ON
Enable limits for current, average, and maximum results (3 val-
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "EDR" on page 458

<RMS>, <Peak>, <P99>, <RMSEnabled>(3), <PeakEnabled>(3),
Defines and activates upper limits for the differential error vector magnitude for π/4
DQPSK modulated packets (2-DHx).
<RMS> numeric
Limit for RMS DEVM (π/4 DQPSK)
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 0.2
<Peak> numeric
Limit for peak DEVM (π/4 DQPSK)
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 0.35
<P99> numeric
Limit for 99% DEVM (π/4 DQPSK)
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 0.3
<RMSEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values)

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 552

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<PeakEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values)
<P99Enabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current result (1 value)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "EDR" on page 458

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:DPSK:DEVM <RMS>,
<Peak>, <P99>, <RMSEnabled>(3), <PeakEnabled>(3), <P99Enabled>
Defines and activates upper limits for the differential error vector magnitude for 8DPSK
modulated packets (3-DHx).
<RMS> numeric
Limit for RMS DEVM (8DPSK)
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 0.13
<Peak> numeric
Limit for peak DEVM (8DPSK)
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 0.25
<P99> numeric
Limit for 99% DEVM (8DPSK)
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: 0.2
<RMSEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values)
<PeakEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values)
<P99Enabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current result (1 value)

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 553

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Example: See Limit Settings

Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1
Manual operation: See "EDR" on page 458 Limits (Modulation LE)

The following commands define limits for results which characterize the modulation
accuracy of LE packets.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
Commands for LE (..:LIMit:LENergy..), and for LE with CTE
(..:LIMit:CTE:LENergy..) are available.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DELTa.................................. 555
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DELTa......................... 555
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:DELTa..................... 555
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:FACCuracy.............. 556
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:FACCuracy................ 556
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:FOFFset.............. 557
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:FOFFset.............. 557
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:FDRift..................... 558
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:FDRift......................... 558
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:FDRift....................... 558
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DAVerage............................. 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DMAXimum.......................... 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMINimum.................. 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMAXimum................. 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:DAVerage................ 561
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:DMINimum.............. 561
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:DMAXimum............. 561
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DAVerage:DF2S.................... 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DMINimum:DF2S.................. 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DMAXimum:DF2S................. 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMINimum:DF2S......... 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMAXimum:DF2S........ 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:MRATio....................... 563
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:MRATio..................... 563

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 554

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<DeltaF2P99p9>, <DeltaF2P99Enabl>
Sets/gets the limit for the frequency deviation Δf2 for LE 1M PHY that must be excee-
ded by 99.9% of the measured samples.
<DeltaF2P99p9> numeric
Range: 150E+3 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 185E+3 Hz
<DeltaF2P99Enabl> OFF | ON
Disable/enable limit checking
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459

<DeltaF2P99p9>, <DeltaF2P99Enabl>
Sets/gets the limit for the frequency deviation Δf2 for LE 2M PHY that must be excee-
ded by 99.9% of the measured samples.
<DeltaF2P99p9> numeric
Range: 150E+3 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 370E+3 Hz
<DeltaF2P99Enabl> OFF | ON
Disable/enable limit checking
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459

<DeltaF1P99p9>, <DeltaF1P99Enabl>
Sets/gets the limit for the frequency deviation Δf1 that must be exceeded by 99.9% of
the measured samples for LE coded PHY.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<DeltaF1P99p9> numeric
Range: 150E+3 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 185E+3 Hz
<DeltaF1P99Enabl> OFF | ON
Disable/enable limit checking
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459

FACCuracy <FreqAccuracy>, <FreqAccEnabled>(3)
<FreqAccuracy>, <FreqAccEnabled>(3)
<FreqAccuracy>, <FreqAccEnabled>(3)
Defines the limit for the frequency accuracy.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<FreqAccuracy> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 150E+3 Hz
<FreqAccEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for current, average, and maximum
results (3 values)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.30
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FreqOffset>, <FreqOffsetEnab>(3)
<FreqOffset>, <FreqOffsetEnab>(3)
<FreqOffset>, <FreqOffsetEnab>(3)
Sets/gets the frequency offset limit.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<FreqOffset> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 150E+3 Hz
<FreqOffsetEnab> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20, V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459

<FreqOffset>, <FreqOffsetEnab>(3)
<FreqOffset>, <FreqOffsetEnab>(3)
Sets/gets the frequency offset limit for the CTE portion.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<FreqOffset> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 150E+3 Hz
<FreqOffsetEnab> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values)
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 557

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: <FreqOffset> range extended for LE2M com-

Options: R&S CMW-KM722

<FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>, <InitlFreqDrift>, <FreqDriftEnable>(3),
<MaxDriftRateEnb>(3), <InitFreqDriftEn>(3)
<FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>, <InitlFreqDrift>, <FreqDriftEnable>(3),
<MaxDriftRateEnb>(3), <InitFreqDriftEn>(3)
<FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>, <InitlFreqDrift>, <FreqDriftEnable>(3),
<MaxDriftRateEnb>(3), <InitFreqDriftEn>(3)
Sets and enables limits for frequency drift, maximum drift rate and initial frequency
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<FrequencyDrift> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 50E+3 Hz
<MaxDriftRate> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 20E+3 Hz
<InitlFreqDrift> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
*RST: 23E+3 Hz
<FreqDriftEnable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values).
<MaxDriftRateEnb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values).
<InitFreqDriftEn> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values).
Example: See Limit Settings

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 558

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.60: changed reset value of <InitlFreqDrift>, V3.5.70: added
commands for LE2M, V3.7.20: added commands for LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LELR
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459

<FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>, <InitlFreqDrift>, <FreqDriftEnable>(3),
<MaxDriftRateEnb>(3), <InitFreqDriftEn>(3)
<FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>, <InitlFreqDrift>, <FreqDriftEnable>(3),
<MaxDriftRateEnb>(3), <InitFreqDriftEn>(3)
Sets and enables limits for frequency drift, maximum drift rate and initial frequency drift
for the CTE portion.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
<FrequencyDrift> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 50E+3 Hz
<MaxDriftRate> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 19.2E+3 Hz
<InitlFreqDrift> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 13.6E+3 Hz
<FreqDriftEnable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values).
<MaxDriftRateEnb> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values).
<InitFreqDriftEn> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit checking for current, average, and maxi-
mum results (3 values).
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 559

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: ranges of <FrequencyDrift>, <MaxDriftRate>,

and <InitlFreqDrift> extended for LE2M command
Options: R&S CMW-KM722

<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
Defines the lower and upper Δf1 frequency deviation limits for LE 1M PHY. The mne-
monics DAVerage, DMINimum, DMAXimum distinguish average, minimum and maxi-
mum frequency deviations.
<FreqDevF1Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 225E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 275E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
*RST: ON for all Δf1avg limits, OFF otherwise
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
Defines the lower and upper Δf1 frequency deviation limits for LE 2M PHY. The mne-
monics DAVerage, DMINimum, DMAXimum distinguish average, minimum and maxi-
mum frequency deviations.
<FreqDevF1Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 900E+3 Hz
*RST: 450E+3 Hz

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FreqDevF1Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 900E+3 Hz
*RST: 550E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
*RST: OFF, for all Δf1avg limits: ON
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

<FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
DMINimum <FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
DMAXimum <FreqDevF1Lower>, <FreqDevF1Upper>, <FreqDevF1Enable>(4)
Defines the lower and upper Δf1 frequency deviation limits for LE coded PHY. The
mnemonics DAVerage, DMINimum, DMAXimum distinguish average, minimum and
maximum frequency deviations.
<FreqDevF1Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 225E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 275E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF1Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
*RST: OFF (all values)
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FreqDevF2Lower>, <FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF2Lower>, <FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
<FreqDevF2Lower>, <FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
Defines the lower and upper Δf2 frequency deviation limits for uncoded LE 1M PHY.
The mnemonics DAVerage, DMINimum, DMAXimum distinguish average, minimum and
maximum frequency deviations.
<FreqDevF2Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 115E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF2Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 500E+3 Hz
*RST: 175E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF2Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

DF2S <FreqDevF2Lower>, <FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
DF2S <FreqDevF2Lower>, <FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
DF2S <FreqDevF2Lower>, <FreqDevF2Upper>, <FreqDevF2Enable>(4)
Defines the lower and upper Δf2 frequency deviation limits for LE 2M PHY. The mne-
monics DAVerage, DMINimum, DMAXimum distinguish average, minimum and maxi-
mum frequency deviations.
<FreqDevF2Lower> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 900E+3 Hz
*RST: 115E+3 Hz
<FreqDevF2Upper> numeric
Range: 0 Hz to 900E+3 Hz
*RST: 175E+3 Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 562

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FreqDevF2Enable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limits for current, average, maximum, and
minimum results (4 values)
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80, V3.7.81: range of <FreqDevF2Lower> and <Freq-
DevF2Upper> extended
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

<ModRatio>, <ModRatioEnabled>
<ModRatio>, <ModRatioEnabled>
Sets or queries the modulation ratio limit Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg for LE 1M PHY
(...:LE1M...) and LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...).
<ModRatio> numeric
Range: 0 to 2
*RST: 0.8
<ModRatioEnabled> OFF | ON
Disable/enable limit checking
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20, V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M, V3.7.50: range
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "LE" on page 459 Limits (Spectrum)

The following commands define limits for the spectrum measurement results.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SOBW............................................... 564
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SACP................................................ 565
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SGACp.............................................. 566

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SOBW <LimitThreshold>,
<EqHighPeakUpper>, <LowPeakUpper>, <EqHighPeakEnab>,
Defines and enables the limits for the 20 dB bandwidth measurement (BR only).
<LimitThreshold> numeric
Threshold value for "high" vs "low" peak emission bursts
Range: -80 dBm to 40 dBm
*RST: 0 dBm
<EqHighPeakUpper> numeric
20 dB bandwidth limit for "high" peak emission bursts
Range: 1E-3 MHz to 4 MHz
*RST: 1 MHz
<LowPeakUpper> numeric
20 dB bandwidth limit for "low" peak emission bursts (<
Range: 1E-3 MHz to 4 MHz
*RST: 1.5 MHz
<EqHighPeakEnab> OFF | ON
Disable or enable the 20 dB bandwidth limit for "high" peak
emission bursts
<LowPeakEnab> OFF | ON
Disable or enable the 20 dB bandwidth limit for "low" peak emis-
sion bursts
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.15.20
V2.1.20: removed <BandwidthUpper>, <BandwidthEnab>,
added <LimitThreshold>, <EqHighPeakUpper>,
<LowPeakUpper>, <EqHighPeakEnab>, <LowPeakEnab>
Manual operation: See "20 dB Bandwidth (BR)" on page 461

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:FRANge <FLx_Lower>,
<FHx_Upper>, <FLx_LowerEnable>, <FHx_UpperEnable>
Defines the limit for the frequency range measurement.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 564

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FLx_Lower> numeric
Lower limit for the lowest frequency fL relative to center fre-
Range: -5 MHz to 0 MHz
*RST: -2 MHz
Default unit: Hz
<FHx_Upper> numeric
Upper limit for the highest frequency fH relative to center fre-
Range: 0 MHz to 5 MHz
*RST: 3.5 MHz
Default unit: Hz
<FLx_LowerEnable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for the lowest frequency fL
<FHx_UpperEnable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for the highest frequency fH
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Manual operation: See "Frequency Range (BR)" on page 462

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SACP <PTxLimit>,
<ExcPTxLimit>, <NoOfExLimit>, <PTxEnable>, <NoOfExcEnable>
<PTxLimit>, <ExcPTxLimit>, <NoOfExLimit>, <PTxEnable>, <NoOfExcEnable>
<PTxLimit>, <ExcPTxLimit>, <NoOfExLimit>, <PTxEnable>, <NoOfExcEnable>
<PTxLimit>, <ExcPTxLimit>, <NoOfExLimit>, <PTxEnable>, <NoOfExcEnable>
These commands define and enable the "Spectrum ACP" limits for BR
(...:LIMit:SACP), LE 1M PHY ( ...:LE1M...), LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...), and
LE coded PHY (...:LRANge...), respectively.
<PTxLimit> numeric
Power limit for 1 MHz channels fTX± 2 MHz
Range: -80 dBm to -10 dBm
*RST: -20 dBm

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<ExcPTxLimit> numeric
Power limit for 1 MHz channels fTX±3 MHz, fTX±4 MHz, ...
Range: -80 dBm to -10 dBm
*RST: -40 dBm for BR, -30 dBm for LE
<NoOfExLimit> numeric
Maximum number of tolerable exceptions, i.e. 1 MHz channels
fTX±3 MHz, fTX±4 MHz, ... whose power is above ExcPTxLimit,
but below PTxLimit
Range: 0 to 16
*RST: 3
<PTxEnable> OFF | ON
Disables | enables the PTxLimit limit for 1 MHz channels fTX
± 2 MHz
<NoOfExcEnable> OFF | ON
Disables | enables the ExcPTxLimit limit for 1 MHz channels
fTX±3 MHz, fTX±4 MHz, ... with NoOfExLimit tolerable excep-
tions (per statistic cycle).
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V1.0.15.20
V2.1.20: added command for LE
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM610 for BR and EDR
R&S CMW-KM611 for LE
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge
Manual operation: See "ACP (BR, LE)" on page 462

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SGACp <PTxLimit>,
<ExcPTxLimit>, <NoOfExLimit>, <Ptxm26N1relLim>, <Ptxm26P1relLim>,
<PTxEnable>, <NoOfExcEnable>, <Ptxm26N1relEnab>, <Ptxm26P1relEnab>
Defines and enables the upper limits for the "Spectrum Gated ACP" measurement for
EDR packets: "PTx", "Exceptions PTx", "No. of Exceptions", PTx–26 dB–1 (rel), PTx–26 dB
+1 (rel), and limit check enabling.
<PTxLimit> numeric
Range: -80 dBm to -10 dBm
*RST: -20 dBm
<ExcPTxLimit> numeric
Range: -80 dBm to -10 dBm
*RST: -40 dBm

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<NoOfExLimit> numeric
Range: 0 to 16
*RST: 3
<Ptxm26N1relLim> numeric
Range: -80 dB to 0 dB
*RST: -26 dB
<Ptxm26P1relLim> numeric
Range: -80 dB to 0 dB
*RST: -26 dB
<PTxEnable> OFF | ON
<NoOfExcEnable> OFF | ON
<Ptxm26N1relEnab> OFF | ON
<Ptxm26P1relEnab> OFF | ON
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "Gated ACP (EDR)" on page 463 Limits (Phase Encoding EDR)

The following command defines limits for the differential phase encoding measurement

<PhaseEncoding>, <PhaseEncodEnab>
Defines the limit for the phase encoding measurement.
<PhaseEncoding> numeric
Lower limit as percentage of received fault free packets.
Range: 0 to 1
*RST: .99
<PhaseEncodEnab> OFF | ON
Disable or enable limit check for the phase encoding.
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 567

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Lower" on page 463

SSEQuence <SyncBitErrors>, <TrailerBitErrs>, <SyncBitEnable>,
Defines the limit for the differential phase encoding measurement in combined signal
<SyncBitErrors> numeric
Upper limit for sync bit errors.
Range: 0 to 1000
*RST: 0
<TrailerBitErrs> numeric
Upper limit for trailer bit errors.
Range: 0 to 1000
*RST: 1
<SyncBitEnable> OFF | ON
Disable or enable the limit check.
<TrailerBitEnab> OFF | ON
Disable or enable the limit check.
Example: See Limit Settings
Firmware/Software: V3.7.81
Manual operation: See "Sync/ Trailer Bit Errors" on page 464 Detected Signal Characteristics

The following commands query the signal characteristics in automatic detection mode.
The manual settings are ignored.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:AADDress:LENergy[:LE1M]?.................... 569
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PTYPe:EDRate?..................................... 570
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern[:BRATe]?................................... 571
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]?....................... 572
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge?..................... 573
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:BRATe?.................................... 573

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 568

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:EDRate?.................................. 574
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge?.................... 574
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:LENergy[:LE1M]?...................... 574
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:TYPE?..................... 575
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:TYPE?..................... 575
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:NOSLots:EDRate?.................................. 576

Returns the detected access address of advertiser for LE 1M PHY. A result is available
after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<AdvAddress> string
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Manual operation: See "Access Address (LE)" on page 437

Returns the detected BR packet type. A result is available after the R&S CMW has
auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Packet Type> DH1 | DH3 | DH5
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 569

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the detected EDR packet type. A result is available after the R&S CMW has
auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Packet Type> E21P | E23P | E25P | E31P | E33P | E35P
2-DH1, 2-DH3, 2-DH5, 3-DH1, 3-DH3, or 3-DH5 packets
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

Returns the detected packet type for LE 1M PHY (uncoded).
A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe AUTO).
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Packet Type> RFPHytest | ADVertiser | RFCTe
RFPHytest: LE test packet (direct test mode)
ADVertiser: air interface packet with advertising channel PDU
RFCTe: LE test packet with CTE
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20, V3.5.60: added ADVertiser,
V3.7.70: added RFCTe
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
R&S CMW-KM722 for RFCTe
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

Returns the detected packet type for LE 2M PHY.
A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe AUTO).

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 570

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Packet Type> RFPHytest | ADVertiser | RFCTe
RFPHytest: LE test packet (direct test mode)
ADVertiser: air interface packet with advertising channel PDU
RFCTe: LE test packet with CTE
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.70: added RFCT, V3.7.90: added ADVertiser
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
R&S CMW-KM722 for RFCTe
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

Returns the detected packet type for LE coded PHY.
A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe AUTO).
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Packet Type> RFPHytest | ADVertiser
RFPHytest: LE test packet (direct test mode)
ADVertiser: air interface packet with advertising channel PDU
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.90: added ADVertiser
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "Packet Type" on page 436

Returns the detected payload pattern type. A result is available after the R&S CMW
has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Pattern Type> P44 | P11 | OTHer | ALTernating
P11: 10101010

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

P44: 11110000
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11 and P44
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
V2.1.20: optional mnemonic BRATe appended
V3.5.30: added pattern ALTernating
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 438

Returns the detected payload pattern type.
Commands for LE 1M PHY (...:LE1M...) and LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...) are
A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe AUTO).
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Pattern Type> P44 | P11 | OTHer | ALTernating
P11: 10101010
P44: 11110000
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11 and P44
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.30: added pattern ALTernating
V3.5.70: added command for LE2M
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 572

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the detected payload pattern type for LE coded PHY. A result is available after
the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Pattern Type> ALL1 | OTHer | P44 | P11 | ALL0 | PRBS9
P11: '10101010'
P44: '11110000'
OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44
ALTernating: the periodical change of the pattern P11 and P44
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

Returns the detected forward error correction coding for LE coded PHY.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Coding> S8 | S2
Coding S = 8 or S = 2
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721
Manual operation: See "Coding (LE coded PHY)" on page 435

Returns the detected BR payload length. A result is available after the R&S CMW has
auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 573

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PayloadLength> decimal
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 339 Byte(s)
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

Returns the detected EDR payload length. A result is available after the R&S CMW
has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PayloadLength> decimal
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 1021 Byte(s)
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

Returns the detected payload length.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe AUTO).
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PayloadLength> decimal
Range: 0 to 255
Default unit: byte

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 574

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Example: See Automatic Detection Mode

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M and LRANge
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge

Returns the detected CTE type. A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-
detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODeAUTO).
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<CTE Type> AOAus | AOD1us | AOD2us | AOA2us | AOA1us
AOD1us, AOD2us: CTE type angle of departure, 1 µs or 2 µs
AOAus, AOA2us: CTE type angle of arrival, 2 µs slot
AOA1us: CTE type angle of arrival, 1 µs slot
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.80: added AOAus
V3.7.90: added AOA1us
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "CTE Slot Type (LE with CTE)" on page 439

Returns the detected number of CTE units. A result is available after the R&S CMW
has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 575

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<No_of_CTE_Units> decimal
Range: 2 to 20
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722
Manual operation: See "CTE Units (LE with CTE)" on page 440

Returns the detected BR number of off slots. A result is available after the R&S CMW
has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NoOfOffSlots> decimal
Range: 0 to 9
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "No. of Off Slots " on page 441

Returns the detected EDR number of off slots. A result is available after the R&S CMW
has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DMODe
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NoOfOffSlots> decimal
Range: 0 to 9
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20
Manual operation: See "No. of Off Slots " on page 441

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 576

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference Power Results (BR, Single Values)

The following commands return the power results (single values) for BR packets.

Returns the power results for BR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float | ON | OFF
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<4_Peak Pow> float
Peak power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_Leakage Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-off state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<6_PacketTiming> float
Time between the expected and actual start of the first symbol of
the Bluetooth burst
Range: -99.99 µs to 99.99 µs
Default unit: s
<7_GFSK_Pow> float
Average power within the access code and header portion of the
BR burst (first 126 symbols).
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50
V3.2.30: <PacketTiming> added
V3.2.60: <GFSK_Power> added Power Results (EDR, Single Values)

The following commands return the power results (single values) for EDR packets.

Returns the power results for EDR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 578

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<2_Out of Tol> float | ON | OFF

Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<4_GFSK Pow> float
Average power in the GFSK portion of the burst
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_DPSK Pow> float
Average power in the DPSK portion of the burst
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<6_DPSK - GFSK> float
Difference between DPSK and GFSK power
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<7_Guard Period> float
Length of the guard band between the packet header and the
synchronization sequence
Range: 0 µs to 9.99 µs
Default unit: s
<8_PacketTiming> float
Time between the expected and actual start of the first symbol of
the Bluetooth burst
Range: -99.99 µs to 99.99 µs
Default unit: s
<9_PeakPower> float
Maximum power within the whole burst. The result is only availa-
ble via remote command.
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements.
Usage: Query only

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50
V3.2.30: <8_PacketTiming> added
V3.5.60: <9_PeakPower> added Power Results (LE, Single Values)

The following commands return the power results (single values).

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?............. 581
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?............. 581
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?............. 581
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?............ 581
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?.................... 581
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?.................... 581
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?........... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?........... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?........... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?.......... 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?.................. 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?.................. 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?............... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?............... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?............... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?.............. 582
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?.................... 582
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?.................... 582
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?.................... 582
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?................... 582

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 580

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the power results for LE 1M PHY (uncoded).
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<BurstOutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
its, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakPower> float
Peak power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<LeakagePower> float
Average power during the carrier-off state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 581

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<PeakMinAvgPow> float
Peak power minus average power
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

Returns the power results for LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...) and LE coded PHY
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 582

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<BurstOutOfTol> float | ON | OFF

Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
its, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:PVTime and CONFigure:
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128 dBm to 30 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakPower> float
Peak power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128 dBm to 30 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<LeakagePower> float
Average power during the carrier-off state
Range: -128 dBm to 30 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakMinAvgPow> float
Peak power minus average power
Range: 0 dB to 158 dB
Default unit: dB
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721 Power Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)

The following commands return the power results (single values) in normal mode.
Commands for normal mode with BR/EDR (..:NMODe:CLASsic..) and LE
(..:NMODe:LENenergy..) are available.
LE commands support uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LEN:LE1M:..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LEN:LE2M:..), and LE coded PHY (..:NMODe:LEN:LRANge..).

Measurements in normal mode are only supported in combined signal path, see Chap-
ter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 583

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?............ 585
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MINimum?............ 585
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?........... 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?................. 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:AVERage?................. 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MINimum?................. 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?................ 585
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 586
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 586
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 586
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 586
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 586
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 586
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 586
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 586
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 586
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 586
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 586
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 586
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?.... 586
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?.... 586
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?.... 586
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?... 586
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?...... 587
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?...... 587
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?...... 587
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?..... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?......... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?......... 587

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 584

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?......... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?........ 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?..... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?..... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?..... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?.... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?....... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?....... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?....... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?...... 587

Returns the current, average, min, and max power results for BR/EDR, normal mode.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<BurstOutOfTol> float | ON | OFF
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
its, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
LIMit:BRATe:PVTime and CONFigure:BLUetooth:
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 585

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.40


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 586

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the current, average, min, and max power results for LE normal mode.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 587

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<BurstOutOfTol> float | ON | OFF

Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
its, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128.0 dBm to 30.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakPower> float
Peak power
Range: -128.0 dBm to 30.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<LeakagePower> float
Leakage power
Range: -128.0 dBm to 30.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakMinAvgPow> float
Difference between the peak power and the average power in
the burst
Range: -128.0 dBm to 30.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61, V3.7.62: added <PeakPower>, <LeakagePower>,
V3.7.80: added LE2M and LRANge commands
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge Modulation Results (BR, Single Values)

The following commands return the modulation results for BR packets.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:CURRent?..................... 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:AVERage?..................... 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMINimum?................... 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMAXimum?.................. 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:MAXimum?.................... 589

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 588

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:CURRent?............................ 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:AVERage?............................ 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMINimum?.......................... 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMAXimum?......................... 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:MAXimum?........................... 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:MINimum?..................... 591
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:MINimum?............................ 591
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:SDEViation?........................ 592
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:SDEViation?......................... 592
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:YIELd?................................ 593

Returns the current, average, absolute min (xmin), absolute max (xmax), and max
modulation results for BR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 589

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<3_Δf2 99.9%> float

Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Freq. Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Max. Drift Rate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_Δf1 avg> float
Frequency deviation results
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf1 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<10_Δf2 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<11_Δf2 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<13_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<14_ModRatio> float
Modulation ratio Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg
Range: 0 to 1
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 590

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1, V2.0.20 added <14_ModRatio>, V3.7.40 added com-

mands for :XMAXimum: and :XMINimum:

Returns the minimum modulation results for BR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Δf1 avg> float
Frequency deviation results
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Δf1 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Δf1 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<7_Δf2 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf2 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf2 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 591

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<10_Nominal Pow> float

Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<11_ModRatio> float
Modulation ratio Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg
Range: 0 to 1
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1 (modulation ratio added in V2.0.20)

Returns the standard deviation of the modulation results for BR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Freq. Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Max. Drift Rate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 592

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<7_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: 0 dB to 79 dB
Default unit: dB
<8_ModRatio> float
Modulation ratio Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg
Range: 0 to 1
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1 (modulation ratio added in V2.0.20)

Returns the percentages of auto-detected BR packets with a particular pattern type. A
result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PatternYield> float
Pattern yield for 11110000 patterns, 10101010 patterns, and any
other patterns (3 values)
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: %
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.10 Modulation Results (EDR, Single Values)

The following commands return the modulation results for EDR packets.
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:CURRent?.................... 594
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:MAXimum?................... 594
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:CURRent?......................... 594
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:AVERage?......................... 594
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:MAXimum?........................ 594

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 593

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:SDEViation?................. 595
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:SDEViation?........................ 595

Returns the modulation results for EDR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_ωi> float
Initial center frequency error
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_ω0 + ωi> float
Overall uncompensated frequency error
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_ω0max> float
Maximum compensated frequency error
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_RMS DEVM> float
Differential EVM results
Range: 0 to 1

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 594

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<7_Peak DEVM> float

Range: 0 to 1
<8_P99 DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<9_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements.
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1

Returns the standard deviation of the modulation results for EDR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_ωi> float
Standard deviation of the initial center frequency error
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_ω0 + ωi> float
Standard deviation of the overall uncompensated frequency
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 595

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<5_ω0max> float
Standard deviation of the maximum compensated frequency
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_RMS DEVM> float
Standard deviation of the differential EVM results
Range: 0 to 1
<7_Peak DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<8_P99 DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<9_Nominal Pow> float
Standard deviation of the average power during the carrier-on
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements.
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.1 Modulation Results (LE, Single Values)

The following commands return the modulation results.

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
Commands for LE (...MODulation:LENergy...), and for LE with CTE
(...MODulation:CTE:LENergy...) are available.
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 599
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 599
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 599
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 599
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 599
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 599

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 596

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 599
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 599
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 599
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:CURRent?....... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:AVERage?....... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:XMINimum?..... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:XMAXimum?.... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:MAXimum?...... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?....... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?....... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?..... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:XMAXimum?.... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?...... 599
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:AVERage?........ 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:SDEViation?...... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:XMINimum?...... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:XMAXimum?..... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?........ 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?...... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?...... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:XMAXimum?..... 600
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?....... 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?..... 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMAXimum?.... 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?...... 601
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?............. 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?.............. 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?.............. 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?............ 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMAXimum?........... 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?............. 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?......... 601

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 597

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?......... 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?....... 602
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:XMAXimum?...... 602
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?........ 602
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?................ 602
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?................ 602
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?............... 602
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?..... 604
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:XMINimum?... 604
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 604
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?.... 604
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?........... 604
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?.......... 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?............ 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?............ 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:XMINimum?.......... 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:XMAXimum?......... 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?........... 604
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?............. 605
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?.............. 605
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?......... 605
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?................ 606
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?........... 607
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?............ 607
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:SDEViation?..... 608
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:SDEViation?.......... 608
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?............ 608
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?............. 608
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:SDEViation?... 609
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:SDEViation?........ 609
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:YIELd?.................. 610

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 598

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 599

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns current, average, standard deviation, absolute min (xmin), absolute max
(xmax), and max CTE modulation results for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_Out_of_Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Freq_Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Max_Drift_Rate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz/50 μs

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 600

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<5_Freq_Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Initial_Freq_Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing LE with CTE Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 601

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns current, average, absolute min (xmin), absolute max (xmax), and max modula-
tion results for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M PHY), see Chapter, "LE:
Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Freq. Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 602

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<6_Max. Drift Rate> float

Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_Δf1 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf1 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<10_Δf2 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<11_Δf2 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<13_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<14_ModRatio> float
Range: 0 to 1
<15_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<16_Initial Freq.Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.40 added commands for :XMAXimum:
and :XMINimum:
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 603

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the current, average, absolute min (xmin), absolute max (xmax), and max
modulation results for LE coded PHY, see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation
Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 604

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<3_Δf1 99.9%> float

Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Freq. Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Max. Drift Rate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_Δf1 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf1 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<10_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<11_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70, V3.7.40 added commands for :XMAXimum:
and :XMINimum:
Options: R&S CMW-KM721


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 605

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the minimum modulation results for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M PHY, LE 2M
PHY), see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Δf1 avg> float
Frequency deviation results
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Δf1 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Δf1 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<7_Δf2 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf2 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf2 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: dBm
<10_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 606

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<11_ModRatio> float
Range: 0 to 1
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M

Returns current, average and maximum modulation results for LE coded PHY, see
Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf1 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Δf1 avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Δf1 min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Δf1 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 607

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<7_Nominal Pow> float

Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

Returns the standard deviation of the modulation results for LE uncoded PHY (LE 1M
PHY, LE 2M PHY), see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 608

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<5_Freq. Drift> float

Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Max. Drift Rate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<8_ModRatio> float
Range: 0 to 1
<9_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<10_Initial Freq.Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M

Returns the standard deviation of the modulation results for LE coded PHY, see Chap-
ter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 609

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<2_Out of Tol> float

Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf1 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_Freq. Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_Max. Drift Rate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_NominalPower> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<8_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.40
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

Returns the percentages of auto-detected LE packets with a particular pattern type.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..) and LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..) are
A result is available after the R&S CMW has auto-detected a packet (CONFigure:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 610

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<PatternYield> float
Pattern yield for 11110000 patterns, 10101010 patterns, and any
other patterns (3 values)
Range: 0 to 100
Default unit: %
Example: See Automatic Detection Mode
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
V3.5.70: added commands for LE2M
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M Modulation Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)

The following commands return the modulation results in normal mode.

Commands for normal mode with BR/EDR (..:NMODe:CLASsic..) and LE
(..:NMODe:LENenergy..) are available.
LE commands support uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LEN:LE1M:..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LEN:LE2M:..), and LE coded PHY (..:NMODe:LEN:LRANge..).

Measurements in normal mode are only supported in combined signal path, see Chap-
ter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?...... 614
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:AVERage?...... 614
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:XMINimum?.... 614
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:XMAXimum?... 614
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?..... 614
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:XMAXimum?........ 614
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?............. 614
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?............ 614
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:SDEViation?......... 616
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:SDEViation?.......... 616
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 616
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 616

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 611

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 616
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 617
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 617
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 617
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 617
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 617
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 617
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 617
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?... 617
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 617
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 617
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 617
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 617
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 617
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 618
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 618
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 618
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 618
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 618
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?.. 618
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?.. 618
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 618
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 619
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 619
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?... 619
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 619
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 619

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 612

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?.. 619
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 620
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 620
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 620
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 620
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 620
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 620
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 620
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 620
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 620
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 620
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 620
AVERage?.......................................................................................................... 621
XMINimum?........................................................................................................ 621
XMAXimum?....................................................................................................... 621
MAXimum?......................................................................................................... 621
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 622
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 622
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 622
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 623
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?.. 623
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?... 623
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 624
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 624
MINimum?.......................................................................................................... 624

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 613

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference


Returns the current, average, xmin, xmax, and max modulation results for BR/EDR,
normal mode, see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 614

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

An R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA returns all results.

An R&S CMW500/2xx with BB Meas returns only three values: results 1 to 3.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation BR) and Limits (Modulation EDR).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_FreqAccuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<4_FreqDrift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<5_MaxDriftRate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<6_Δf1 Avg> float
Average frequency deviation value Δf1
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<7_Δf1 Min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<8_Δf1 Max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<9_Δf2 Avg> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<10_Δf2 Min> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<11_Δf2 Max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.40
Options: R&S CMW-KM610

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 615

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns standard deviation modulation results for BR/EDR, normal mode, see Chap-
ter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
An R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA returns all results.
An R&S CMW500/2xx with BB Meas returns only three values: results 1 to 3.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation BR) and Limits (Modulation EDR).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_FreqAccuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<4_FreqDrift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<5_MaxDriftRate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.40
Options: R&S CMW-KM610


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 616

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the current, average, xmin, xmax, and maximum modulation results for LE 1M
PHY in normal mode, see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_FreqAccuracy> float
Default unit: Hz
<4_FreqOffset> float
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 617

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<5_FreqDrift> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_InitialFreqDrift> float
Default unit: Hz
<7_MaxDriftRate> float
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<8_Δf1 Avg> float
Frequency deviation results
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<10_Δf1 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<11_Δf2 Avg> float
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<13_Δf2 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Options: R&S CMW-KM611


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 618

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the current, average, xmin, xmax, and maximum modulation results for LE 2M
PHY in normal mode, see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ",
on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -4E+6 Hz to 4E+6 Hz
<4_FreqAccuracy> float
Default unit: Hz
<5_FreqDrift> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_MaxDriftRate> float
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_Δf1 Avg> Frequency deviation results
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf1 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 Max> float
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 619

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<10_Δf2 Avg> float

Default unit: Hz
<11_Δf2 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<13_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<14_ModRatio> float
Modulation ratio Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg
Range: 0 to 1
<15_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<16_Initial Freq.Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KM721


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 620

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the current, average, xmin, xmax, and maximum modulation results for LE
coded PHY in normal mode, see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results
", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Δf1 99.9%> float
Range: -4E+6 Hz to 4E+6 Hz
<4_FreqAccuracy> float
Default unit: Hz
<5_FreqDrift> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_MaxDriftRate> float
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_Δf1 Avg> Frequency deviation results
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf1 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<10_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<11_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 621

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

Returns the minimum modulation results for LE 1M PHY in normal mode, see Chap-
ter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Δf1 Avg> float
Frequency deviation results
Default unit: Hz
<4_Δf1 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<5_Δf1 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_Δf2 Avg> float
Default unit: Hz
<7_Δf2 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf2 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 622

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

Returns the minimum modulation results for LE 2M PHY in normal mode, see Chap-
ter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<4_Δf1 Avg> Frequency deviation results
Default unit: Hz
<5_Δf1 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_Δf1 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<7_Δf2 Avg> float
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf2 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf2 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<10_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 623

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<11_ModRatio> float
Range: 0 to 1
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

Returns the minimum modulation results for LE coded PHY in normal mode, see Chap-
ter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Δf1 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<4_Δf1 Avg> float
Frequency deviation results
Default unit: Hz
<5_Δf1 Min> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_Δf1 Max> float
Default unit: Hz
<7_Nominal Pow> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 624

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

Returns the standard deviation modulation results for LE 1M PHY in normal mode, see
Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_FreqAccuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<4_FreqDrift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<5_MaxDriftRate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 625

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the standard deviation modulation results for LE 2M PHY in normal mode, see
Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<4_Freq.Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_FreqDrift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<6_MaxDriftRate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_NominalPower> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<8_ModRatio> float
Range: 0 to 1
<9_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<10_Initial Freq.Drift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 626

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.80
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

Returns the standard deviation modulation results for LE coded PHY in normal mode,
see Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Δf1 99.9%> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<4_Freq.Accuracy> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<5_FreqDrift> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<6_MaxDriftRate> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<7_NominalPower> float
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<8_Freq. Offset> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Example: See Performing PvT and Modulation Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.80

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 627

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KM721 Spectrum Results (BR, Single Values)

The following commands return the spectrum results (single values) for BR packets.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SOBW:BRATe:MAXimum?................................. 628
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SOBW:BRATe:MAXimum?.................................. 628
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe[:PTX]?......................................... 629
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe[:PTX]?.......................................... 629
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:CURRent?.......................... 630

Returns the "Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth" results.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float | ON | OFF
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:LIMit:SOBW) exceeding the specified limits.
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<4_Peak Emission> float
Peak power in the measured spectral range
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_fL> float
Lower frequency where the transmit power drops 20 dB below
the peak emission
Range: -0.99999E+6 MHz to 0.99999E+6 MHz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 628

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<6_fH> float
Higher frequency where the transmit power drops 20 dB below
the peak emission
Range: -0.99999E+6 MHz to 0.99999E+6 MHz
<7_fH - fL> float
20 dB bandwidth; difference between fH – fL.
Range: -0.99999E+6 MHz to 0.99999E+6 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.15.20

Returns the "Spectrum ACP" results for BR packets.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
The number of valid ACP results depends on the ACP measurement mode
MODE CH21 | CH79):
● If "ACP +/- 10 Channels" is selected, the first 21 ACP values contain the results for
the relative channels –10, ..., 0, ..., +10; the remaining 58 values are not displayed.
● If "ACP 79 Channels" is selected, valid ACP values are available for all channels in
the Bluetooth regulatory range.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:SACP) exceeding the specified limits.
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 629

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<4_No of Except> decimal

Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Range: 0 to 99
<5_ACP_1> ... float
<83_ACP_79> 79 ACP results
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.10, V2.0.20: extended to 79 ACP results, V3.7.51: added
token [:PTX]

Returns the "Frequency Range" results for BR.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<BurstOutOfTol> float | ON | OFF
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:FRANge) exceeding the specified lim-
its, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
Additional ON/OFF enables/disables the out of tolerance evalua-
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128 dBm to 30 dBm
<fL> float
Lowest frequency at which spectral power density drops below
specified threshold
Range: -1 MHz to +1 MHz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 630

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<fH> float
Highest frequency at which spectral power density drops below
specified threshold
Range: -1 MHz to +1 MHz
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50 Spectrum Results (EDR, Single Values)

The following commands return the spectrum results (single values) for EDR packets.

Returns the "Spectrum Gated ACP" results for EDR packets (single values).
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:SGACp) exceeding the specified limits.
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<3_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<4_No of Except> decimal
Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Range: 0 to 99
<5_PTxRef> float
Reference power PTXref, measured in the center channel
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 631

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<6_N26ChN1Abs> float
Absolute PTX – 26 dB value for channel –1, maximum value
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<7_N26ChP1Abs> float
Absolute PTX – 26 dB value for channel +1, maximum value
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<8_N26ChN1Rel> float
Relative PTX – 26 dB value for channel –1, maximum value
Range: -99.99 dBW to 99.99 dBW
Default unit: dBW
<9_N26ChP1Rel> float
Relative PTX – 26 dB value for channel +1, maximum value
Range: -99.99 dBW to 99.99 dBW
Default unit: dBW
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20, V3.7.51: added token [:PTX] Spectrum Results (LE, Single Values)

The following commands return the spectrum results (single values).

Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy[:LE1M]?.................................... 632
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy[:LE1M]?..................................... 632
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LRANge?.................................. 633
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LRANge?................................... 633
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE2M?................................ 633
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE2M?....................................... 633

Returns the "Spectrum ACP" results for LE1M, see Chapter, "LE: Spectrum
ACP Results ", on page 415.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 632

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<NoOfExceptions> decimal
Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Range: 0 to 99
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.1.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM611

Returns the "Spectrum ACP" results for LE 2M PHY (...:LE2M...) and LE coded
PHY (...:LRANge...), see Chapter, "LE: Spectrum ACP Results ",
on page 415.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<NoOfExceptions> decimal
Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Range: 0 to 99
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.5.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM721

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 633

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference Spectrum Results (Normal Mode, Single Values)

The following commands return the spectrum results (single values) in normal mode.
Commands for normal mode with BR/EDR (..:NMODe:CLASsic..) and LE
(..:NMODe:LENenergy..) are available.
LE commands support uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:NMODe:LEN:LE1M:..), LE 2M PHY
(..:NMODe:LEN:LE2M:..), and LE coded PHY (..:NMODe:LEN:LRANge..).

Measurements in normal mode are only supported in combined signal path, see Chap-
ter, "Parallel Signaling and Measurement", on page 332.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:CLASsic?............................. 634
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:CLASsic?.................................... 634
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?................ 635
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]?.................. 635
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?......................... 635
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?..................... 635
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]?....................... 635
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.......................... 635

Returns the "Spectrum ACP" results for normal mode classic.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:SACP) exceeding the specified BR lim-
its, see "ACP (BR, LE)" on page 462.
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<3_Nominal Pow> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 634

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<4_No of Except> decimal

Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Range: 0 to 99
<5_ACP_1> ... float
<25_ACP_21> 21 ACP values - results for the relative channels -10, ..., 0, ...,
+10 (mode "ACP +/-10 Channels")
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.51

Returns the "Spectrum ACP" results for LE normal mode, see Chapter, "LE:
Spectrum ACP Results ", on page 415.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128.0 dBm to +30.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<NoOfExceptions> decimal
Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Range: 0 to 99
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.61, V3.7.80: added LE2M and LRANge commands
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Plus R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LRANge

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 635

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference Differential Phase Encoding Results (EDR, Single Values)

The following commands return the phase encoding results (single values) for EDR
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PENCoding:EDRate:CURRent?.................... 636
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PENCoding:EDRate:CURRent:C?...................... 636
CURRent?.......................................................................................................... 637
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PENCoding:SSEQuence:EDRate:CURRent?........ 637

Returns the "Differential Phase Encoding" results for EDR packets (single values).
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> float
Reliability Indicator
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128 dBm to 30 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<BitErrorRate> float
Number of bit errors in the received burst, as a percentage of
the total number of bits received
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<Packets0Errors> float
Number of bit error free packets received, as a percentage of all
the bursts received
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
Example: See Differential Phase Encoding Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
V3.2.81: added command FETCh:...:CURRent:C

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 636

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the "Differential Phase Encoding" results for EDR packets in combined signal
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NominalPower> float
Average burst power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
<SyncBitErrors> decimal
Sync bit errors
Range: 0 to 10E+3
<TrailerBitErrs> decimal
Trailer bit errors
Range: 0 to 10E+3
Example: See Differential Phase Encoding Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.81 Power Trace Results

The following commands return the power trace results of the multi-evaluation mea-
surement. See also Calculation of Results.
Commands for power vs. time diagram (...:TRACe:PVTime:...), average power
vs. slot diagram (...:TRACe:SPOWer:...), and power vs. slot deviation diagram
(...:TRACe:PDEViation:...) are available.
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:CURRent?................................. 638
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:AVERage?................................. 638
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:MINimum?................................. 638
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:MAXimum?................................ 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:CURRent?.............................. 638

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 637

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:AVERage?.............................. 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:MINimum?.............................. 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:MAXimum?............................. 638
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDEViation:MINimum?..................... 639
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDEViation:MAXimum?.................... 639
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDEViation:MINimum?............................ 639

Returns the values of the power vs. time traces. The results of the current, average
minimum and maximum traces can be retrieved.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PvT_1> ... <PvT_M> float
M power results, depending on the packet type and payload
length; see PvT and Freq. Dev. Trace Points (Classic), DEVM
Trace Points for Test Mode (EDR) and PvT and Modulation
Trace Points (LE).
Range: –128.0 dBm to 30.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50
V2.1.20: support for LE bursts added


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 638

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the results of the power per CTE slot for LE CTE traces. The results of the cur-
rent, average, minimum and maximum traces can be retrieved.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<Power_S_1> float
<Power_S_149> 149 CTE slot power results for one reference slot (PDev_S_1)
and 148 switch / sample CTE slots. For unused CTE slots,
NCAP values are returned.
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70
Options: R&S CMW-KM722

Returns the results of power deviation per slot for LE CTE traces. Deviation value is
calculated as peak to average power ratio. The results of the minimum and maximum
traces can be retrieved.
The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate
commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PDev_S_1> float
<PDev_S_149> 149 slot power deviation results for one reference slot
(PDev_S_1) and 148 switch / sample CTE slots. For unused
CTE slots, NCAP values are returned.
Range: 0.01 to 1
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.70, V3.7.81: added CALC commands
Options: R&S CMW-KM722

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 639

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference Modulation Trace Results

The following commands return the modulation trace results of the multi-evaluation
measurement. See also Calculation of Results.
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:CURRent?............................ 640
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:AVERage?............................ 640
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:MINimum?............................ 640
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:MAXimum?........................... 640
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:DEVMagnitude:CURRent?..................... 641
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:DEVMagnitude:AVERage?..................... 641
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:DEVMagnitude:MAXimum?.................... 641
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:CURRent?......................... 641
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:AVERage?......................... 641
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:MAXimum?........................ 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:CURRent?.......................... 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:AVERage?.......................... 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:MAXimum?......................... 641
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQERr?................................................. 642
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQDiff?................................................... 642
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQERr?.................................................. 642

Returns the values of the frequency deviation traces. The results of the current, aver-
age minimum and maximum traces can be retrieved. The frequency deviation traces
are available for BR and LE bursts (see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 640

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<FDev_1> ... float

<FDev_m> m frequency deviation results, depending on the packet type and
payload length; see PvT and Freq. Dev. Trace Points (Classic)
and PvT and Modulation Trace Points (LE).
Range: –2E+6 Hz to 2E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50
V2.1.20: support for LE bursts added

Returns the values of the DEVM traces. The results of the current, average minimum
and maximum traces can be retrieved. The DEVM traces are available for EDR bursts
(CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BTYPe EDR).
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<DEVM_1> ... float
<DEVM_m> m DEVM results, depending on the packet type and payload
length; see DEVM Trace Points for Test Mode (EDR).
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50

Returns the values of the phase difference traces. The results of the current, average
minimum and maximum traces can be retrieved. The phase difference traces are avail-
able for EDR bursts (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BTYPe EDR).
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 641

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<PDiff_1> ... float

<PDiff_m> m phase difference results, depending on the packet type and
payload length; see Phase Difference Trace Points (EDR).
Range: –1.00 rad/π to 1.00 rad/π
Default unit: rad/π
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50

Returns the values of the traces in the I/Q constellation diagrams. The mnemonics
IQABs, IQDiff, and IQERr denote the absolute, differential and I/Q constellation
error results. The I/Q traces are available for EDR packets (CONFigure:BLUetooth:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<IPhase_1> float
<QPhase_1> ... m in-phase amplitudes (IPhase) and m quadrature-phase
(QPhase) amplitudes, where m is equal to the number of pro-
cessed 50-symbol blocks; see Trace Points for IQ Constellation
Diagrams (EDR).
Range: -2 to 2
*RST: 1
<IPhase_m> float
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.10.50 Spectrum Trace Results

The following commands return the spectrum trace results of the multi-evaluation mea-
surement. See also Calculation of Results.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:CURRent?................................. 643
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:AVERage?................................. 643
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:MAXimum?................................ 643
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:AVERage?.................................. 643

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FRANge:AVERage?................................ 644
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP[:PTX]?........................................ 644
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP[:PTX]?......................................... 644
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp[:PTX]?...................................... 645
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp[:PTX]?....................................... 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:CURRent?.................................. 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:AVERage?.................................. 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:MAXimum?................................. 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:CURRent?................................ 646
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:AVERage?................................ 646
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:MAXimum?............................... 646
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:CURRent?................................. 646
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:AVERage?................................. 647
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:MAXimum?................................ 647

Returns current, average and maximum results of the "Spectrum 20 dB Bandwidth"
trace. The 20 dB bandwidth values are available for BR bursts (CONFigure:
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<OBW_1> ... float
<OBW_769> 769 bandwidth results, covering a frequency range [–1.5 MHz,
+1.5 MHz], relative to the peak emission within the measured
Bluetooth channel. The spacing between adjacent trace points is
3.906 kHz (≅4 MHz/1024).
Range: -99.99 dB to 99.99 dB
Default unit: dB
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V1.0.15.20
V3.7.40: added commands for current and average results

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 643

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the average values of the "Frequency Range" trace. The values are available
for BR packets.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<FrequencyRange> float
RX signal level measured at the frequencies between 501 pixels
(502 values)
Range: -100 dBm to 42 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50

Returns the values of the "Spectrum ACP" table for BR and LE packets in line with
Bluetooth test specification.
Note that the number of returned values depends on the current burst type.
● For BR bursts, the trace returns 79 values.
The number of valid ACP results depends on the ACP measurement mode
– In CH21 mode, the first 21 ACP values contain results for the relative channels
–10, ..., 0, ..., +10; the remaining 58 values are not displayed.
– In CH79 mode, valid ACP values are available for all 79 Bluetooth channels
(2402 MHz, 2403 MHz, ..., 2480 MHz)
● For LE bursts, the trace returns 81 values.
The number of valid ACP results depends on the ACP measurement mode
– In CH10 ("ACP +/- 5 Channels") mode, the first 21 ACP values contain results
for the 1 MHz channels centered at fTX – 10 MHz, fTX – 9 MHz, ..., fTX + 10
MHz. The remaining 58 values are invalid (NAV).
This mode is applicable to all types of LE bursts.
– In CH40 mode ("LE All Channels"), ACP values 1 to 81 contain results for the 1
MHz channels centered at 2401 MHz, 2402 MHz, ..., 2481 MHz
This mode is only applicable to test packets using LE 1M PHY or LE 2M PHY.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 644

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Return values:
<Reliability> float
Reliability Indicator
<ACP_1> ... float
<ACP_N> As explained above, for BR bursts the trace returns N=79, and
for LE bursts it returns N=81 values.
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.10

Returns the values of the "Spectrum Gated ACP" tables for EDR packets. The
R&S CMW measures the adjacent channel power values PTX(f) in line with Bluetooth
test specification.
The number of valid results depends on the ACP measurement mode (CONFigure:
BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe:MEASurement:MODE CH21 |
● If "ACP +/- 10 Channels" is selected, the first 21 values contain the results for the
relative channels –10, ..., 0, ..., +10; the remaining 58 values are not displayed.
● If "ACP 79 Channels" is selected, valid ACP values are available for all channels in
the Bluetooth regulatory range.
Return values:
<Reliability> float
Reliability Indicator
<ACP_1> ... float
<ACP_79> 79 ACP results
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V2.0.20


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 645

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the current, average and maximum values of the "Spectrum ACP" traces for
BR and LE packets.
The number of returned values depends on the current burst type.
● For BR bursts, the trace returns 79 values.
The number of valid ACP results depends on the ACP measurement mode
– In CH21 mode ("ACP +/- 10 Channels"), the first 21 ACP values contain results
for the relative channels –10, ..., 0, ..., +10; the remaining 58 values are not dis-
– In CH79 mode ("ACP 79 Channels"), valid ACP values are available for all 79
Bluetooth channels (2402 MHz, 2403 MHz, ..., 2480 MHz)
● For LE bursts, the trace returns 81 values.
The number of valid ACP results depends on the ACP measurement mode
– In CH10 mode ("ACP +/- 5 Channels"), the first 21 ACP values contain results
for the 1 MHz channels centered at fTX – 10 MHz, fTX – 9 MHz, ..., fTX + 10
MHz. The remaining 58 values are invalid (NAV).
This mode is applicable to all types of LE bursts.
– In CH40 mode ("LE All Channels"), ACP values 1 to 81 contain results for the 1
MHz channels centered at 2401 MHz, 2402 MHz, ..., 2481 MHz
This mode is only applicable to test packets using LE 1M PHY or LE 2M PHY.
Return values:
<Reliability> float
Reliability Indicator
<ACP> float
79 ACP values for BR, 81 ACP values for LE
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.40


User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 646

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns the results of the "Spectrum Gated ACP" traces for EDR packets. The
R&S CMW measures the current, average and maximum adjacent channel power val-
The number of valid results depends on the ACP measurement mode (CONFigure:
| CH79):
● If CH21 mode ("ACP +/- 10 Channels") is selected, the first 21 values contain the
results for the relative channels –10, ..., 0, ..., +10; the remaining 58 values are not
● If CH79 mode ("ACP 79 Channels") is selected, valid ACP values are available for
all channels in the Bluetooth regulatory range.
Return values:
<Reliability> float
Reliability Indicator
<ACP> float
79 ACP results
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Example: See Performing Spectrum Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.40 List Mode Results (One Segment)

The following commands return the list mode results for a selected segment.
To configure the list mode, use the commands described in Chapter, "List Mode
Settings", on page 526.
For a description of the list mode, see Chapter 7.2.5, "List Mode", on page 340.
The indicated ranges apply to all statistical results except standard deviation results.
The minimum for standard deviation results equals 0. The maximum equals the width
of the indicated range divided by two. Exceptions are explicitly stated.
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:MODulation:CURRent?........ 648
EXTended?......................................................................................................... 650
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:MODulation:MINimum?........ 654
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:MODulation:SDEViation?..... 655
EXTended?......................................................................................................... 656

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 647

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:PVTime:AVERage?............. 659
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SACP[:PTX]?...................... 660
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SOBW:MAXimum?.............. 662

Returns modulation single value results for segment<no> in list mode.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<01_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<02_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<03_Out of Tol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<04_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<05_FreqAcc or ωi> float
Frequency accuracy (BR, LE) or initial center frequency error ωi
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<06_FreqDrift> float
Frequency drift (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 648

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<07_MaxDriftRate> float
Maximal drift rate (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<08_Δf1 avg> float
<09_Δf1 min> Frequency deviation results (BR, LE)
<10_Δf1 max>
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
<11_Δf2 avg>
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 min>
<13_Δf2 max>
<14_Δf2 99.9%> float
Frequency deviation value Δf2 above which 99.9% of all mea-
sured Δf2 values occur (BR, LE)
<15_ω0 + ωi> float
Overall uncompensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<16_ω0max> float
Maximum compensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<17_RMS DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<18_Peak DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<19_P99 DEVM> float
DEVM value below which 99% of all measured DEVM values
occur (EDR)
Range: 0 to 1
<20_FreqOffset> float
Frequency offset (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<21_InitialFreqDrift> float
Initial frequency drift (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing Measurements

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 649

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Usage: Query only

Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

Returns modulation single value results for segment<no> in list mode including Blue-
tooth version 5.0.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<01_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<02_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<03_Out of Tol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<04_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<05_FreqAcc or ωi> float
Frequency accuracy (BR, LE) or initial center frequency error ωi
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<06_FreqDrift> float
Frequency drift (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 650

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<07_MaxDriftRate> float
Maximal drift rate (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<08_Δf1 avg> float
<09_Δf1 min> Frequency deviation results (BR, LE)
<10_Δf1 max>
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
<11_Δf2 avg>
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 min>
<13_Δf2 max>
<14_Δf2 99.9%> float
Frequency deviation value Δf2 above which 99.9% of all mea-
sured Δf2 values occur (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<15_ω0 + ωi> float
Overall uncompensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<16_ω0max> float
Maximum compensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Range: 0 to 1
<18_Peak DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<19_P99 DEVM> float
DEVM value below which 99% of all measured DEVM values
occur (EDR)
Range: 0 to 1
<20_FreqOffset> float
Frequency offset (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<21_InitialFreqDrift> float
Initial frequency drift (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 651

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<22_Δf1 99.9%> float

Frequency deviation value Δf1 above which 99.9% of all mea-
sured Δf1 values occur (LE coded PHY)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA
R&S CMW-KM611 for LE
R&S CMW-KM721 for LE2M and LELR

Returns modulation single value results for segment<no> in list mode.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<01_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<02_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<03_Out of Tol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<04_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 652

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<05_FreqAcc or ωi> float

Frequency accuracy (BR, LE) or initial center frequency error ωi
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<06_FreqDrift> float
Frequency drift (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<07_MaxDriftRate> float
Maximal drift rate (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs
<08_Δf1 avg> float
<09_Δf1 min> Frequency deviation results (BR, LE)
<10_Δf1 max>
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
<11_Δf2 avg>
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 min>
<13_Δf2 max>
<14_ω0 + ωi> float
Overall uncompensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<15_ω0max> float
Maximum compensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<16_RMS DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<17_Peak DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<18_FreqOffset> float
Frequency offset (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
<19_InitialFreqDrift> float
Initial frequency drift (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Example: See Performing Measurements

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 653

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Usage: Query only

Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

Returns modulation single value results for segment<no> in list mode.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<01_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<02_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<03_Out of Tol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<04_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<05_Δf1 avg> float
<06_Δf1 min> Frequency deviation results (BR, LE)
<07_Δf1 max>
Range: 0 Hz to 250E+3 Hz
<08_Δf2 avg>
Default unit: Hz
<09_Δf2 min>
<10_Δf2 max>
Example: See Performing Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 654

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns modulation single value results for segment<no> in list mode.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<3_Out of Tol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_FreqAcc or ωi> float
Frequency accuracy (BR, LE) or initial center frequency error ωi
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_FreqDrift> float
Frequency drift (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<7_MaxDriftRate> float
Maximal drift rate (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs to 0.99999E+6 Hz/50 μs
Default unit: Hz/50 μs

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 655

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<8_Δf2 99.9%> float

Frequency deviation value Δf2 above which 99.9% of all mea-
sured Δf2 values occur (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<9_ω0 + ωi> float
Overall uncompensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<10_ω0max> float
Maximum compensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<11_RMS DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<12_Peak DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<13_P99 DEVM> float
DEVM value below which 99% of all measured DEVM values
occur (EDR)
Range: 0 to 1
<14_FreqOffset> float
Frequency offset (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<15_InitialFreqDrift> float
Initial frequency drift (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

Returns modulation single value results for segment<no> in list mode including Blue-
tooth version 5.0.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 656

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<3_Out of Tol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_FreqAcc or ωi> float
Frequency accuracy (BR, LE) or initial center frequency error ωi
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<6_FreqDrift> float
Frequency drift (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<7_MaxDriftRate> float
Maximal drift rate (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf2 99.9%> float
Frequency deviation value Δf2 above which 99.9% of all mea-
sured Δf2 values occur (BR, LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 657

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<9_ω0 + ωi> float

Overall uncompensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<10_ω0max> float
Maximum compensated frequency error (EDR)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<11_RMS DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<12_Peak DEVM> float
Range: 0 to 1
<13_P99 DEVM> float
DEVM value below which 99% of all measured DEVM values
occur (EDR)
Range: 0 to 1
<14_FreqOffset> float
Frequency offset (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<15_InitialFreqDrift> float
Initial frequency drift (LE)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<16_Δf1 99.9%> float
Frequency deviation value Δf1 above which 99.9% of all mea-
sured Δf1 values occur (LE coded PHY)
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Specifying List Mode Settings
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA
R&S CMW-KM611 <BurstType> LE
R&S CMW-KM721 for <Phy> LE2M and LELR

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 658

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns statistical power vs. time single value results for segment<no> in list mode.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<3_OutOfTol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
<4_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_PeakPower> float
Peak power
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<6_LeakagePower> float
Leakage power (BR, LE)
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<7_GFSKPower> float
Average power within the GFSK modulated part of the burst
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 659

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<8_DPSKPower> float
Average power within the DPSK modulated part of the burst
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<9_DPSK_–_GFSK> float
Difference between the <8_DPSKPower> and <7_GFSKPower>
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<10_GuardPeriod> float
Length of the guard band between the packet header and the
EDR synchronization sequence (EDR)
Range: 0 µs to 9.99 µs
Default unit: s
<11_Peak_–_Avg> float
Difference between the peak power and the average power in
the burst (LE)
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
V3.5.60: results <5_PeakPower> available also for EDR
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

Returns spectrum ACP single value results for segment<no> in list mode.
The command returns all parameters listed below, independent of the selected list
mode setup. However, only for some of the parameters measured values are available.
For the other parameters, only an indicator is returned (e.g. NAV).
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 660

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<2_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<3_OutOfTol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_NoOfExceptions> decimal
Number of exceptions, whose power is above "Exception PTX"
Range: 0 to 99
<6_PTxRef> float
Reference power obtained within the center channel (EDR)
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<7_PTx26ChN1Abs> float
The absolute PTX - 26 dB (-1) result (EDR)
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<8_PTx26ChP1Abs> float
The absolute PTX - 26 dB (+1) result (EDR)
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<9_PTx26ChN1Rel> float
The PTX - 26 dB (-1) result relative to the reference power (EDR)
Range: -99.99 dBW to 99.99 dBW
<10_PTx26ChP1Rel> float
The PTX - 26 dB (+1) result relative to the reference power (EDR)
Range: -99.99 dBW to 99.99 dBW
Default unit: dBW
<11_ACP> ... float
The PTX results for all channels
21 values for ACP +/-10 channels mode (BR, EDR)
11 values for ACP +/-5 channels mode (LE)
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 661

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Example: See Performing Measurements

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

Returns spectrum occupied bandwidth (20 dB bandwidth) single value results for seg-
ment<no> in list mode. The 20 dB bandwidth measurement is available for BR bursts
Suffix: .
<no> 1..48
Segment number
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<2_SegReliability> decimal
Reliability indicator for the segment. The meaning of the
returned values is the same as for the common reliability indica-
tor, see previous parameter.
<3_BurstOutOfTol> float
Percentage of measured bursts with failed limit check
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<4_NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<5_PeakEmission> float
Peak power within the maximum spectral trace
Range: -99.99 dBm to 99.99 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<6_fL> float
The smallest frequency at which the transmit power drops 20 dB
below the peak power
Range: -0.99999E+6 MHz to 0.99999E+6 MHz
Default unit: Hz

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 662

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<7_fH> float
The highest frequency at which the transmit power drops 20 dB
below the peak power
Range: -0.99999E+6 MHz to 0.99999E+6 MHz
Default unit: Hz
<8_fH_–_fL> float
Difference between the <7_fH> and <6_fL>
Range: -0.99999E+6 MHz to 0.99999E+6 MHz
Default unit: Hz
Example: See Performing Measurements
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.2.50
Options: R&S CMW-KM012

7.6.4 Rx Measurement Commands for Advertiser Testing

The following sections describe the commands related to the non-signaling LE adver-
tiser Rx measurement with ARB generator.

Non-signaling LE advertiser Rx measurements are only supported by

R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA.

● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 663

● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 665
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 671 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
STOP:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality............................................................................. 663
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:STATe:ALL?......................................................... 664

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 663

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results are avail-
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Rx Meas (Softkey)" on page 381

Queries the main measurement state and the measurement substates. Both measure-
ment substates are relevant for running measurements only. Use FETCh:...:STATe?
to query the main measurement state only. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 664

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Return values:
<MainState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after STOP...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results are avail-
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
<SyncState> PEND | ADJ | INV
PEND: waiting for resource allocation, adjustment, hardware
switching ("pending")
ADJ: all necessary adjustments finished, measurement running
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
<ResourceState> QUE | ACT | INV
QUE: measurement without resources, no results available
ACT: resources allocated, acquisition of results in progress but
not complete ("active")
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Rx Meas (Softkey)" on page 381 Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut.................................... 666
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:ROUTe.......................................................... 666
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:PER:TXPackets............................................. 668
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SATYpe......................................................... 669
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity:RETRy......................................... 669

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 665

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SPOTcheck:LEVel.......................................... 670

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:AINDex <AdvChanIndex>
Specifies the advertiser channel index to be measured.
See also Figure 7-14.
<AdvChanIndex> numeric
Range: 37 to 39
*RST: 37
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KM611
Manual operation: See "Frequency, Channel, Advertising Index" on page 429

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut <Atten>
Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative), to be applied to the
output connector.
<Atten> numeric
Range: -50 dB to 90 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "External Attenuation (Output)" on page 429

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:ROUTe <TxConnector>, <RfConverter>

Selects the RF output path for the RF signal generated using ARB files.
For possible TX module values, see Chapter, "Values for RF Path Selection",
on page 489.
<TxConnector> RF connector for the output path
<RfConverter> TX module for the output path
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 666

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KD611

Manual operation: See "RF Routing (Output)" on page 429

<TXConnectorBENCH>, <Usage>...
Activates or deactivates the individual RF connectors of a connector bench. The set-
ting is relevant for non-signaling Rx measurements.
For possible bench values, see Chapter, "Values for RF Path Selection",
on page 489.
<Usage> OFF | ON
Comma-separated list of 4 or 8 values, one for each connector
of the bench.
Parameters for setting and query:
<TXConnectorBENCH> Selects a bench with 4 or 8 connectors.
*RST: R118
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Connectors (Output)" on page 429

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:GARB <ArbDuringTx>
Enables / disables the processing of ARB file during measurements.
<ArbDuringTx> OFF | ON
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Generate ARB during Tx Measurements" on page 447

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:MMODe <MeasMode>
Sets measurement mode for non-signaling Rx measurements.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 667

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<MeasMode> SPOT | SENS | PER
Spot check, sensitivity search, PER measurement
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Mode" on page 447

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:PER:LEVel <Level>
Sets the Tx level of R&S CMW for PER measurements.
The allowed value range can be calculated as follows:
Range (Level) = Range (Output Power) - External Attenuation
Range (Output Power) = -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm
to 8 dBm (RFx OUT); please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet.
<Level> numeric
Range: see above
*RST: -40 dBm
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Level" on page 448

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:PER:TXPackets <PacketsToSend>
Sets number of packets for PER measurements.
<PacketsToSend> numeric
Range: 1 to 100E+3
*RST: 10
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Packets to Send" on page 448

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 668

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SADDress <ScannerAddress>
Sets the scanner's device address of R&S CMW.
<ScannerAddress> hex
12-digit hexadecimal number
*RST: #H123456789ABC
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "CMW Scanner Address" on page 447

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SATYpe <ScannerAddressType>
Sets the address type of R&S CMW scanner device address.
<ScannerAddrType> PUBLic | RANDom
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "CMW Address Type" on page 448

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity:RETRy <RetryCount>
Specify the number of retry attempts per step for sensitivity search measurement.
<RetryCount> numeric
Range: 0 to 7
*RST: 0
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20, V3.7.30: range extended, reset value changed
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Retry" on page 448

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity:STARtlevel <StartLevel>
Sets Tx start level of R&S CMW for sensitivity search measurement.

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Command Reference

The allowed value range can be calculated as follows:

Range (Start Level) = Range (Output Power) - External
Range (Output Power) = -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm
to 8 dBm (RFx OUT); please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet.
<StartLevel> numeric
Range: see above
*RST: -40 dBm
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Start Level" on page 448

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity:STEPsize <StepSize>
Sets the step size for decreasing Tx level of R&S CMW for sensitivity search measure-
<StepSize> numeric
Range: 0.01 dB to 5 dB
*RST: 1 dB
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Step Size" on page 448

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SPOTcheck:LEVel <Level>
Sets the Tx level of R&S CMW for spot check.
The allowed value range can be calculated as follows:
Range (Level) = Range (Output Power) - External Attenuation
Range (Output Power) = -130 dBm to 0 dBm (RFx COM) or -120 dBm
to 8 dBm (RFx OUT); please also notice the ranges quoted in the data sheet.
<Level> numeric
Range: see above
*RST: -40 dBm
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Spot Check > Level" on page 448 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:PER?.................................................................. 671
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:PER:RXPackets?................................................. 672
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity?......................................................... 672
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SPOTcheck?........................................................ 672

Queries the automatically detected advertiser address of EUT.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<AdvAddress> string
12-digit hexadecimal number
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Spot Check" on page 419

Queries the PER results for the specified Tx level of R&S CMW.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<Result> float
Packet error rate
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "PER" on page 420

Queries the number of packets received during PER measurement.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Packets detected by the R&S CMW
Range: 0 to 100E+3
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "PER" on page 420

Queries the results of sensitivity search measurements for a target PER.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<SensitivitySearch> float
Determined Tx level of R&S CMW for the specified PER value.
Range: -120 dBm to 0 dBm
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Sensitivity Search" on page 420

Queries the verdict of spot check.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<SpotCheckResult> FAIL | PASS

FAIL: no expected response from the EUT detected within
advertising event
PASS: SCAN_RSP detected
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.20
Options: R&S CMW-KD611
Manual operation: See "Spot Check" on page 419

7.6.5 Combined Non-Signaling Tx-Rx Measurement Commands

The following sections describe the commands related to the non-signaling LE adver-
tiser Tx-Rx measurement.

Non-signaling LE advertiser Tx-Rx measurements are only supported in remote opera-

tion. An R&S CMW100/CMW with MUA is required.

● Measurement Control and States......................................................................... 673

● Measurement Settings.......................................................................................... 675
● Measurement Results........................................................................................... 676 Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
STOP:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX..................................................................................... 673
ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX.................................................................................... 673
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:STATe:ALL?................................................................. 674

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the

"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results are avail-
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

Queries the main measurement state and the measurement substates. Both measure-
ment substates are relevant for running measurements only. Use FETCh:...:STATe?
to query the main measurement state only. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Return values:
<MainState> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after STOP...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results are avail-
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
<SyncState> PEND | ADJ | INV
PEND: waiting for resource allocation, adjustment, hardware
switching ("pending")
ADJ: all necessary adjustments finished, measurement running
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
<ResourceState> QUE | ACT | INV
QUE: measurement without resources, no results available
ACT: resources allocated, acquisition of results in progress but
not complete ("active")
INV: not applicable because <main_state>: OFF or RDY ("inva-
Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611 Measurement Settings

The most of measurements settings are configured by Rx measurement commands,

see Chapter, "Measurement Settings", on page 665.
The following TRx-specific command configures the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:RESult[:ALL] <SpotCheck>, <Power>,

<Modulation>, <SpectrumACP>
Enables or disables the evaluation of results.
<SpotCheck> OFF | ON
Spot check
ON: Evaluate results
OFF: Do not evaluate results

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<Power> OFF | ON
Statistical power results
<Modulation> OFF | ON
Statistical modulation results
<SpectrumACP> OFF | ON
Spectrum ACP results
Only ACP+/-5 channel mode supported (21 half-channels)
Example: See Configuring a Tx-Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611 Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:ACP?.......................................................................... 676
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:MODulation?................................................................ 677
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:SPOT?........................................................................ 679

Returns the "Spectrum ACP" results for Tx-Rx tests on advertiser packets (LE 1M
PHY). Only "ACP+/-5 channel" mode is supported (21 half-channels).
See also Chapter, "LE: Spectrum ACP Results ", on page 415.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Default unit: dBm
<NoOfExceptions> decimal
Number of exceptions (channels ±3, ±4 ... with an ACP above
the "Exception PTx" threshold )
Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Returns current modulation results for TRx tests on advertiser packets (LE 1M PHY).
See also Chapter, "LE: Statistical Modulation Results ", on page 410.
Return values:
<1_Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<2_Out of Tol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:MODulation) exceeding the specified
limits, see Limits (Modulation LE).
<3_Δf2 99.9%> float
Default unit: %
<4_Freq. Accuracy> float
Default unit: Hz
<5_Freq. Drift> float
Default unit: Hz
<6_Max. Drift_Rate> float
<7_Δf1 avg> float
Default unit: Hz
<8_Δf1 min> float
Default unit: Hz
<9_Δf1 max> float
Default unit: Hz
<10_Δf2 avg> float
Default unit: Hz
<11_Δf2 min> float
Default unit: Hz
<12_Δf2 max> float
Range: -0.99999E+6 Hz to 0.99999E+6 Hz
Default unit: Hz
<13_Nominal Pow> float
Default unit: dBm
<14_ModRatio> float
Range: 0 to >1
<15_Freq. Offset> float
<16_Initial FreqDrift> float

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement

Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

Returns the power results for Tx-Rx measurements on advertiser packets LE 1M PHY
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<OutOfTol> float
Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals
of the statistic count (CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime) exceeding the specified lim-
its, see CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:
<NominalPower> float
Average power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128.0 dBm to 130.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakPower> float
Peak power during the carrier-on state
Range: -128.0 dBm to 130.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<LeakagePower> float
Average power during the carrier-off state
Range: -128.0 dBm to 130.0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
<PeakMinAvgPow> float
Peak power minus average power
Range: 0 dB to 158 dB
Default unit: dB
Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Queries the verdict of spot check.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
See Reliability Indicator
<SpotCheckResult> FAIL | PASS
FAIL: no expected response from the EUT detected within
advertising event
PASS: SCAN_RSP detected
Example: See Performing a Tx-Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.7.62
Options: R&S CMW-KD611

7.6.6 Rx Measurement Commands for Direct Test Mode

The following sections describe the commands related to the non-signaling direct test
mode with ARB generator.

Direct test mode with ARB generator is only supported by R&S CMW100.

● DUT Control and Connection States.....................................................................679

● Signal Settings...................................................................................................... 685
● PER Measurement Control and States................................................................. 687
● PER Measurement Settings..................................................................................688
● PER Measurement Results...................................................................................690
● PER Search Measurement Control and States.....................................................691
● PER Search Measurement Settings..................................................................... 692
● PER Search Measurement Results...................................................................... 694 DUT Control and Connection States

The following commands configure the transmission parameters of USB connections

with the DUT and retrieve connection-related information.
CALL:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:LENergy:RDEVices................................................... 680
CALL:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:LENergy:RESet........................................................ 680
CALL:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:LENergy:RRESult?................................................... 680
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:BAUDrate................................................. 681
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PARity...................................................... 681
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PORTs:CATalog?....................................... 682

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PROTocol................................................. 682
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:STOPbits.................................................. 682
SENSe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ELOGging:ALL?.................................................................. 684
SENSe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ELOGging:LAST?................................................................ 684

Discovers the DUTs connected to USB ports via a USB-to-RS232 adapter.
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Refresh Devices (hotkey)" on page 452

Sends the HCI reset command to the EUT via USB.
Check the execution via CALL:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:LENergy:RRESult?
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Reset EUT (hotkey)" on page 453

Returns the result of reset DUT command. Refer toCALL:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:
Return values:
<Result> FAIL | PASS
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Reset EUT (hotkey)" on page 453

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:BAUDrate <BaudRate>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
<BaudRate> B110 | B300 | B600 | B12K | B24K | B48K | B96K | B14K |
B19K | B28K | B38K | B57K | B115k | B234k | B460k | B500k |
B576k | B921k | B1M | B1M5 | B2M | B3M | B3M5 | B4M
Data transmission rate in symbol: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200,
230400, 460800, 500000, 576000, 921600, 1000000, 1152000,
2000000, 3000000, 3500000, 4000000
*RST: B96K
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Baud Rate" on page 452

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:COMPort <No>
Specifies the virtual COM port of the R&S CMW100 control computer to be used for
USB connection with USB to RS232 adapter.
<No> integer
The number of a virtual COM port
*RST: 0
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Virtual COM Port" on page 452

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PARity <Parity>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
<Parity> NONE | ODD | EVEN
Number of parity bits
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Stop Bits, Parity" on page 452

Queries the COM ports of the R&S CMW100 control computer used by a DUT. The
command is relevant for the USB connection with USB-to-serial converter ("HW Inter-
face" = USB to RS232 adapter).
Results are returned for each used USB port: <NoDevices>, {1, <Discovered-
Port>}1, ..., {<NoDevices>, <DiscoveredPort>}<NoDevices>

Return values:
<NoDevices> decimal
Number of all COM ports, where a connected DUT has been
<ItemNumber> decimal
The number of a list item
<DiscoveredPort> string
Number of the virtual COM port, to which the used USB port has
been mapped
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PROTocol <Protocol>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.
<Protocol> XONXoff | CTSRts | NONE
Transmit flow control X-ON/X-OFF, RFR/CTS, or none
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Protocol" on page 452

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:STOPbits <StopBits>
Specifies the transmission parameters of serial connection.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<StopBits> S1 | S2
Number of bits used for stop indication
*RST: S1
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Stop Bits, Parity" on page 452

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:CPRotocol <Communication Protocol>

Specifies the communication protocol for direct test mode.
<Communication HCI | TWO
Protocol> HCI or two-wire UART interface
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "EUT Comm. Protocol" on page 452

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:HWINterface <HwInterface>
Defines the interface used for the control connection between the DUT and the control
computer of the R&S CMW100.
<HwInterface> NONE | RS232 | USB
RS232: USB connection with USB to RS232 adapter
NONE: no control via USB to be used
USB: direct USB connection
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "HW Interface" on page 451

Clears the event log.
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 452

Queries all entries of the event log.
For each entry three parameters are returned, from oldest to latest entry: {<Time-
stamp>, <Category>, <Event>}entry 1, {<Timestamp>, <Category>, <Event>}entry 2, ...

Return values:
<Timestamp> string
Timestamp of the entry as string in the format "hh:mm:ss"
<Category> INFO | WARNing | ERRor | CONTinue
Category of the entry, as indicated in the main view by an icon
CONTinue means the continuation of previous entry.
<Event> string
Text string describing the event
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 452

Queries the latest entry of the event log.
Return values:
<Timestamp> string
Timestamp of the entry as string in the format "hh:mm:ss"
<Category> INFO | WARNing | ERRor | CONTinue
Category of the entry, as indicated in the main view by an icon
CONTinue means the continuation of previous entry.
<Event> string
Text string describing the event
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Options: R&S CMW-KD720

Manual operation: See "Event Log" on page 452 Signal Settings

The following commands define the basic properties of the Bluetooth signal for non-
signaling direct test mode.
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge.................... 685
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M........................ 685
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PATTern:LENergy:LE1M........................ 685
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M....................... 686
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PLENgth:LENergy:LE1M....................... 686

<Pattern Type>
<Pattern Type>
<Pattern Type>
Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data in its LE
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<Pattern Type> ALL0 | ALL1 | P11 | P44 | PRBS9
ALL0: '00000000'
P11: '10101010' in transmission order (LSB first)
P44: '11110000' in transmission order (LSB first)
ALL1: '11111111'
PRBS9: pseudorandom binary sequence of length 9
*RST: P11
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Pattern Type" on page 438

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 685

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Specifies the number of bytes (octets) in the payload data of the measured LE test
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<PayloadLength> numeric
Payload lengths of LE packets
Range: 0 Byte(s) to 255 Byte(s)
*RST: 37 Byte(s)
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Payload Length" on page 437

Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative), to be applied to the
output connector.
<Atten> numeric
Range: -50 dB to 90 dB
*RST: 0 dB
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "External Attenuation (Output)" on page 429

Selects the standard or stable modulation index used by a dirty transmitter.

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<ModIndexType> OFF | ON
OFF: standard modulation index is used
ON: stable modulation index is used
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Stable Modulation Index" on page 422 PER Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
STOP:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER........................................................ 687
ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER....................................................... 687
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:STATe?........................................... 688

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 687

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "PER, PER Search (Softkeys)" on page 382 PER Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge........... 688
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M............... 688
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE1M............... 688
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M................. 689
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE1M................. 689
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LEVel....................................... 689

LRANge <Limit>
Specifies the upper PER limit for direct test mode with ARB generator.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 688

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 30.8 %
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default value)
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Limits " on page 449

LRANge <ReportIntegrity>
Sets the ratio of the test packets with correct CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<ReportIntegrity> OFF | ON
OFF: 100% of packets generated with correct CRC
ON: 50% of packets generated with correct CRC
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Integrity" on page 450

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LEVel <Level>
Sets the Tx level of ARB generator.
<Level> numeric
*RST: -40 dBm
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 689

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Manual operation: See "Tx Level (CMW) < PER" on page 449 PER Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?..................... 690
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?.......................... 690
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M?.............................. 690
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE1M?.............................. 690
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M?............................... 690
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE1M?............................... 690

Return all results of the non-signaling LE Rx measurement for LE direct test.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Number of correct packets received and reported by the DUT.
Range: 0 to 30E+3
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 690

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference PER Search Measurement Control and States

The following commands control the measurement and return the current measure-
ment state.
STOP:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER........................................... 691

Starts, stops, or aborts the measurement:
● INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the
"RUN" state.
● STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the "RDY"
state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the mea-
● ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the
"OFF" state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are
Use FETCh...STATe? to query the current measurement state.
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Event
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

Queries the main measurement state. Use FETCh:...:STATe:ALL? to query the
measurement state including the substates. Use INITiate..., STOP...,
ABORt... to change the measurement state.
Return values:
<MeasStatus> OFF | RDY | RUN
OFF: measurement switched off, no resources allocated, no
results available (when entered after ABORt...)
RDY: measurement has been terminated, valid results can be
RUN: measurement running (after INITiate..., READ...),
synchronization pending or adjusted, resources active or queued
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 691

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "PER, PER Search (Softkeys)" on page 382 PER Search Measurement Settings

The following commands configure the measurement.

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:STARtlevel.......................... 693
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M.... 693
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE1M.... 693

LENergy:LRANge <Limit>
LENergy:LE2M <Limit>
LENergy:LE1M <Limit>
Specifies the upper PER limit for PER search measurements with ARB generator.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
<Limit> numeric | ON | OFF
Range: 0 % to 100 %
*RST: 30.8 %
Default unit: %
Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables the limit | enables the
limit using the previous/default level)
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Limits " on page 449

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 692

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Specifies the initial Tx power for the LE search iteration of PER search measurements
with ARB generator.
<StartLevel> numeric
Range: -100 dBm to 0 dBm
*RST: -70 dBm
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Start Level < PER search" on page 450

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:STEP <LevelStep>
Specifies the power step for the LE search iteration of PER search measurements with
ARB generator.
<LevelStep> numeric
Range: 0.01 dB to 5 dB
*RST: 0.5 dB
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Level Step < PER search" on page 450

LENergy:LRANge <ReportIntegrity>
LENergy:LE2M <ReportIntegrity>
LENergy:LE1M <ReportIntegrity>
Sets the ratio of the test packets with correct CRC transmitted by the R&S CMW for
direct test mode with ARB generator.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 693

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<ReportIntegrity> OFF | ON
OFF: 100% of packets generated with correct CRC
ON: 50% of packets generated with correct CRC
Example: See Configuring an Rx Measurement
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720
Manual operation: See "Integrity" on page 450 PER Search Measurement Results

The following commands return the measurement results.

Return the results of PER search RX measurement for LE direct test mode.
Commands for uncoded LE 1M PHY (..:LE1M..), LE 2M PHY (..:LE2M..), and LE
coded PHY (..:LRANge..) are available.
Return values:
<Reliability> decimal
Reliability Indicator
<PER> float
Packet error rate
Range: 0 % to 100 %
Default unit: %
<PacketsReceived> decimal
Number of correct packets received and reported by the DUT
Range: 0 to 30E+3

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 694

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

<SearchResult> float
TX level of the R&S CMW resulting in the configured PER
search limit
Range: -999 dBm to 0 dBm
Default unit: dBm
Example: See Performing an Rx Measurement
Usage: Query only
Firmware/Software: V3.8.10
Options: R&S CMW-KD720

7.6.7 Combined Signal Path Commands

For some settings, the command to be used depends on the active scenario. While the
combined signal path (CSP) scenario is active, these settings are configured via com-
mands of the signaling application. While the stand-alone (SA) scenario is active, they
are configured via measurement commands.
The following mapping tables provide an overview for measurement settings and for
multi-evaluation measurement commands.
Table 7-50: Mapping for measurement settings

Setting Commands for SA scenario Commands for CSP scenario

Connector, converter ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario: ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:

SALone CSPath
See Chapter, "Scenario Management and
Routing", on page 124

External attenuation CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

(input) RFSettings:EATTenuation RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut

External attenuation not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

(output) RFSettings:EATTenuation:OUTPut

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 695

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Setting Commands for SA scenario Commands for CSP scenario

Frequency, channel CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

RFSettings:FREQuency RFSettings:CHANnel:DTMode

TX level not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


Expected nominal CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

power RFSettings:ENPower RFSettings:ENPower

User margin CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

RFSettings:UMARgin RFSettings:UMARgin

Dirty TX not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


Signal detection CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: fixed value Automatic

mode DMODe

Burst type CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


BD address CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: automatic detection


Test mode type not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:TMODe

LE PHY CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

LENergy:PHY CONNection:PHY:LENergy

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 696

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
Command Reference

Setting Commands for SA scenario Commands for CSP scenario

Test packet sync CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

word LENergy:SYNWord CONNection:SYNWord:LENergy

Packet type CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PTYPe:EDRate CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:EDRate

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PTYPe:LENergy[:LE1M] CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy[:

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PTYPe:LENergy:LE2M CONNection:PACKets:PTYPe:LENergy:LE2M

Pattern CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

PATTern CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:BRATe

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M] CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy[:

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PATTern:LENergy:LE2M CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PATTern:LENergy:LRANge CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:

Payload length CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PLENgth:EDRate CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:EDRate

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PLENgth:LENergy[:LE1M] CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy[:

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:
PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge CONNection:PACKets:PLENgth:LENergy:

Coding CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

FEC:LENergy:LRANge CONNection:FEC:LENergy:LRANge

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

Setting Commands for SA scenario Commands for CSP scenario

No. of off slots CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: Automatic configuration


Whitening not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


Poll period not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


Hopping mode not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


Measured channel not relevant CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:


Number of antennas CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

(CTE) RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:NANTenna RFSettings:NANTenna:CTE:LENergy

External attenuation CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

per antenna (CTE) RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:AOFFset RFSettings:AOFFset:INPut:CTE:LENergy

CTE type CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

CTE units CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:

7.7 List of Commands

ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER................................................................................. 687
ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation.................................................................................................... 514
ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality........................................................................................................ 663
ABORt:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX................................................................................................................. 673

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?........................................... 690
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE1M?................................. 694
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M?................................. 694
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:CURRent?................................................. 630
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:SDEViation?......................................... 592
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMAXimum?........................................ 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMINimum?......................................... 589
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:AVERage?...................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:CURRent?...................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:MAXimum?..................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:SDEViation?................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?...................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?...................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?..................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?................... 599
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:AVERage?.......................................... 594
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:CURRent?.......................................... 594
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:MAXimum?......................................... 594
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:SDEViation?....................................... 595
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?.............................. 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?.............................. 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?............................. 602
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?.............................. 605
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?........................... 608
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?............................ 602
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?.......................... 604
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?.......................... 604
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?......................... 604
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?.......................... 607
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:SDEViation?....................... 609
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?............................ 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?............................ 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?........................... 601
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?............................ 605
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:SDEViation?......................... 608
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?.......................... 601

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 699

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?........................... 614
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:SDEViation?........................ 616
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:XMAXimum?....................... 614
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?................ 618
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?................ 618
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?............... 618
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?................ 623
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?............. 626
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?.............. 618
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?............ 620
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?............ 620
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?........... 620
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?............ 624
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:SDEViation?......... 627
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?.............. 616
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?.............. 616
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?............. 617
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?.............. 622
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:SDEViation?........... 625
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?............ 616
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PENCoding:EDRate:CURRent?.......................................... 636
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:AVERage?.................................................. 577
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:CURRent?.................................................. 577
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:MAXimum?................................................. 577
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:MINimum?.................................................. 577
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:EDRate:AVERage?................................................ 578
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:EDRate:MAXimum?............................................... 578
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?................................ 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?............................... 582
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:AVERage?................................. 585
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?................................. 585

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List of Commands

CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?................................ 585
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MINimum?................................. 585
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?.................. 586
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?................. 586
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe[:PTX]?........................................................... 629
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE2M?........................................................ 633
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy[:LE1M]?...................................................... 632
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?.......................................... 635
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]?........................................ 635
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SGACp:EDRate[:PTX]?....................................................... 631
CALCulate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDEViation:MAXimum?.......................................... 639
CALL:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:LENergy:RRESult?............................................................................. 680
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:BAUDrate........................................................................... 681
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:COMPort............................................................................ 681
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PARity................................................................................ 681
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PORTs:CATalog?............................................................... 682
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:COMSettings:PROTocol........................................................................... 682
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:CPRotocol................................................................................................ 683
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut............................................. 686
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE1M..................................... 688
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M..................................... 688
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE1M....................................... 689
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LE2M....................................... 689
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:RINTegrity:LENergy:LRANge................................... 689
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE1M...................... 692
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LE2M...................... 692
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:LIMit:MPER:LENergy:LRANge.................. 692

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List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:STARtlevel................................................. 693
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:HWINterface............................................................................................. 683
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ACCaddress:LENergy................................................................. 508
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ASYNchronize............................................................................. 504
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:BTYPe......................................................................................... 503
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:UNITs......................................................... 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs......................................................... 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PLENgth:LENergy:LE1M.............................................. 686
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:DTMode:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M.............................................. 686
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:LENergy:PHY.............................................................................. 507
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:NAP............................................................................................. 505
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:EDRate........................................................................... 512
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy:LE2M............................................................... 513
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:OSLots:LENergy[:LE1M]............................................................. 513
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern....................................................................................... 508
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge......................................................... 509
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:BRATe.......................................................................... 510
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy:LE2M............................................................. 511
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PLENgth:LENergy[:LE1M]........................................................... 511
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:PTYPe:BRATe............................................................................. 505
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:UAP............................................................................................. 505
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:BRATe:FILTer:BWIDth......................................................... 522
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:EDRate:FILTer:BWIDth....................................................... 522
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:MEASurement.......................................... 521
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LENergy:LRANge:FILTer:BWIDth....................................... 522

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List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DELTa............................................................. 547
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:DMAXimum.................................................... 550
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FACCuracy..................................................... 548
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FDRift............................................................. 549
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:FDRift:APACkets............................................ 548
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:MRATio........................................................... 551
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:BRATe:PVTime........................................................... 544
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:FSTability...................................................... 551
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:PENCoding................................................... 567
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:PENCoding:SSEQuence.............................. 568
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:EDRate:PVTime......................................................... 544
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DAVerage.................................................... 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DAVerage:DF2S.......................................... 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DELTa.......................................................... 555
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DMAXimum................................................. 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DMAXimum:DF2S....................................... 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:DMINimum:DF2S........................................ 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DAVerage.......................................... 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMAXimum....................................... 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMINimum........................................ 560
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:DMINimum:DF2S.............................. 562
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:FDRift................................................ 558
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:FOFFset............................................ 557
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LE2M:SACP................................................ 565
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:DELTa........................................... 555
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:DMINimum.................................... 561

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R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:PVTime......................................... 545
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy:LRANge:SACP............................................ 565
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:FDRift.............................................. 558
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:FOFFset.......................................... 557
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:LENergy[:LE1M]:SACP.............................................. 565
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:PVTime....................................................................... 543
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIMit:SGACp....................................................................... 566
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults.............................................. 527
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:MSCalar............................... 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:PSCalar................................ 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:SGACp................................. 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:RESults:SOBW.................................. 528
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:PSCalar................................ 529
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SCOunt:SGACp................................. 530
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:BTYPe.................................. 534
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:CSCHeme............................ 531
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:ENPower.............................. 534
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:EXTended............................. 535
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:FREQuency.......................... 537
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:MOEXception....................... 538
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:PATTern................................ 538
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:PHY...................................... 539
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:PLENgth............................... 539
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:PTYPe.................................. 540
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:RTRigger.............................. 540
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>[:SETup]:SLENgth............................... 541
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MOEXception...................................................................... 518
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:REPetition........................................................................... 518
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:DEVMagnitude........................................................ 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:FDEViation.............................................................. 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:FRANge.................................................................. 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQABsolute.............................................................. 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQDiff....................................................................... 523

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List of Commands

CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:IQERror................................................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:MSCalar.................................................................. 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PDIFference............................................................ 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PENCoding............................................................. 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:PVSLot.................................................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SACP...................................................................... 524
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SGACp.................................................................... 524
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:RESult:SOBW..................................................................... 523
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe:MEASurement:MODE.................................. 520
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE2M:MEASurement:MODE..................... 520
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy[:LE1M]:MEASurement:MODE................... 520
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCONdition......................................................................... 518
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:PVTime.................................................................. 519
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SCOunt:SGACp.................................................................. 519
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SGACp:EDRate:MEASurement:MODE.............................. 520
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:AOFFset......................................................... 498
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:CTE:LENergy:NANTenna...................................................... 499
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation........................................................................ 498
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency........................................................................... 500
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MCHannel[:CLASsic]............................................................. 502
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe................................................................................. 501
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:MMODe:NMODe:LENergy.................................................... 501
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin............................................................................... 500
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:AINDex.................................................................................... 666
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:EATTenuation:OUTPut............................................................ 666
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:GARB...................................................................................... 667
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:MMODe................................................................................... 667
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:ROUTe:USAGe:ALL................................................................ 667
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SATYpe................................................................................... 669
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity:RETRy.................................................................. 669
CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SPOTcheck:LEVel................................................................... 670

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List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LRANge?................................................. 690
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE1M?....................................... 694
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M?....................................... 694
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:STATe?..................................................... 691
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:AADDress:LENergy[:LE1M]?.......................................... 569
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CODing:LENergy:LRANge?............................................ 573
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:TYPE?........................................... 575
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:UNITs?........................................... 575
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:TYPE?........................................... 575
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:UNITs?........................................... 575
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:NOSLots:EDRate?.......................................................... 576
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M?............................................... 572
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge?........................................... 573
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................................. 572
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PATTern[:BRATe]?........................................................... 571
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:BRATe?............................................................ 573
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:EDRate?.......................................................... 574
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PLENgth:LENergy:LRANge?.......................................... 574
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PTYPe:BRATe?............................................................... 569
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PTYPe:EDRate?............................................................. 570
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ISIGnal:ADETected:PTYPe:LENergy:LRANge?............................................. 571
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:CURRent?....................................................... 630
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:MODulation:CURRent:EXTended?........... 650
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:MODulation:SDEViation:EXTended?........ 656
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:PVTime:AVERage?................................... 659
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:PVTime:CURRent?................................... 659
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:PVTime:MAXimum?.................................. 659
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:PVTime:MINimum?................................... 659
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<no>:SACP[:PTX]?............................................ 660
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:SDEViation?............................................... 592
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMAXimum?.............................................. 589
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:XMINimum?............................................... 589

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List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:YIELd?....................................................... 593
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:AVERage?............................ 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:CURRent?............................ 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:MAXimum?........................... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:SDEViation?......................... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?............................ 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?............................ 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?........................... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?......................... 599
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:AVERage?................................................ 594
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:CURRent?................................................ 594
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:MAXimum?............................................... 594
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:SDEViation?............................................. 595
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?.................................... 602
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?.................................... 602
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?................................... 602
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?.................................... 606
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?................................. 608
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?.................................. 602
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:YIELd?.......................................... 610
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?................................ 604
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?................................ 604
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?............................... 604
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?................................ 607
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:SDEViation?............................. 609
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?.................................. 601
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?.................................. 601
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?................................. 601
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?.................................. 605
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:SDEViation?............................... 608
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?................................ 601
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:YIELd?........................................ 610
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?................................. 614
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:SDEViation?.............................. 616
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:XMAXimum?............................. 614
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?...................... 618
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?...................... 618
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?..................... 619
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?...................... 623

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List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:SDEViation?................... 626
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?.................... 618
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?.................. 620
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?.................. 620
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?................. 620
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?.................. 624
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:SDEViation?............... 627
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?.................... 617
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?.................... 617
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?................... 617
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?.................... 622
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:SDEViation?................. 625
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?.................. 617
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:AVERage?........................................................ 577
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:CURRent?........................................................ 577
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:MAXimum?....................................................... 577
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:MINimum?........................................................ 577
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:EDRate:AVERage?...................................................... 578
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:EDRate:MAXimum?..................................................... 578
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?...................................... 582
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?..................................... 582
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:AVERage?....................................... 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?....................................... 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?...................................... 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:CLASsic:MINimum?....................................... 585
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?........................ 586
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?....................... 586

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 708

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:BRATe[:PTX]?................................................................. 629
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE2M?.............................................................. 633
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................................................ 632
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................................................ 635
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]?.............................................. 635
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SGACp:EDRate[:PTX]?............................................................. 631
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:STATe?....................................................................................... 515
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FRANge:AVERage?...................................................... 644
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQABs?.......................................................................... 642
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQDiff?........................................................................... 642
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQERr?.......................................................................... 642
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDEViation:MAXimum?................................................ 639
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:AVERage?....................................................... 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:CURRent?....................................................... 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:MAXimum?...................................................... 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PVTime:MINimum?....................................................... 638
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:AVERage?.......................................................... 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:CURRent?.......................................................... 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:MAXimum?......................................................... 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp[:PTX]?.............................................................. 645
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:AVERage?......................................................... 643
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:CURRent?......................................................... 643

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 709

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:ADETected:AADDress?................................................................. 671
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:PER:RXPackets?........................................................................... 672
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SENSitivity?................................................................................... 672
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:SPOTcheck?.................................................................................. 672
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality:STATe:ALL?................................................................................... 664
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:MODulation?........................................................................................... 677
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:POWer?.................................................................................................. 678
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:SPOT?.................................................................................................... 679
FETCh:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX:STATe:ALL?............................................................................................ 674
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER................................................................. 691
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation................................................................................................... 514
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:RXQuality....................................................................................................... 663
INITiate:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:TRX................................................................................................................ 673
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE1M?....................................................... 690
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:PER:LENergy:LE2M?....................................................... 690
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE1M?........................................ 694
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LE2M?........................................ 694
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER:LENergy:LRANge?.................................... 694
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:FRANge:BRATe:CURRent?........................................................ 630
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:AVERage?................................................... 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:CURRent?................................................... 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:MAXimum?.................................................. 589
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:MINimum?................................................... 591
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:BRATe:SDEViation?................................................ 592
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:AVERage?............................. 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:MAXimum?............................ 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:XMAXimum?.......................... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE1M:XMINimum?........................... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?............................. 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?............................ 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:XMAXimum?.......................... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:CTE:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?........................... 600
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:AVERage?................................................. 594
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:EDRate:MAXimum?................................................ 594

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 710

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:XMAXimum?.................................. 602
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?................................... 602
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?................................. 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?................................ 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:XMAXimum?.............................. 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy:LRANge:XMINimum?............................... 604
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMAXimum?................................ 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?................................. 601
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:AVERage?.................................. 614
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:CURRent?.................................. 614
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:MAXimum?................................. 614
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:SDEViation?............................... 616
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:CLASsic:XMINimum?................................ 614
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:XMAXimum?.................... 619
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:XMINimum?..................... 619
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:AVERage?................... 621
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MAXimum?.................. 621
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:XMAXimum?................ 621
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:XMINimum?................. 621
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMAXimum?.................. 617
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:MODulation:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:XMINimum?................... 617
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PENCoding:SSEQuence:EDRate:CURRent?............................. 637

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 711

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:AVERage?......................................................... 577
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:BRATe:MAXimum?........................................................ 577
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:EDRate:CURRent?........................................................ 578
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:EDRate:MINimum?........................................................ 578
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?............................................ 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?............................................ 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?........................................... 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?............................................ 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?........................................ 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?........................................ 582
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?.......................................... 581
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?.......................................... 581
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?......................................... 581
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?.......................................... 581
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:AVERage?.............................. 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:CURRent?.............................. 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MAXimum?............................. 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M:MINimum?.............................. 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:CURRent?.......................... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge:MINimum?.......................... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:AVERage?............................ 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:CURRent?............................ 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MAXimum?........................... 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:PVTime:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]:MINimum?............................ 587
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LE2M?............................................................... 633
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy:LRANge?........................................................... 633
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................................................. 632
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:CLASsic?............................................................ 634
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LE2M?................................................. 635
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy:LRANge?............................................. 635
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SACP:NMODe:LENergy[:LE1M]?............................................... 635
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:SOBW:BRATe:MAXimum?.......................................................... 628
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:DEVMagnitude:AVERage?............................................. 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:DEVMagnitude:CURRent?............................................. 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:DEVMagnitude:MAXimum?............................................ 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:AVERage?................................................... 640

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 712

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Bluetooth® Measurements
List of Commands

READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:CURRent?................................................... 640
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:MAXimum?.................................................. 640
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FDEViation:MINimum?................................................... 640
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:FRANge:AVERage?....................................................... 644
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:IQABs?........................................................................... 642
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDEViation:MINimum?................................................... 639
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:AVERage?................................................. 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:CURRent?................................................. 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:PDIFference:MAXimum?................................................ 641
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:AVERage?........................................................... 646
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP:MAXimum?.......................................................... 646
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SACP[:PTX]?.................................................................. 644
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:AVERage?......................................................... 647
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:CURRent?......................................................... 646
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SGACp:MAXimum?........................................................ 647
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:AVERage?.......................................................... 643
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:CURRent?.......................................................... 643
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SOBW:MAXimum?......................................................... 643
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:AVERage?....................................................... 638
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:CURRent?....................................................... 638
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:MAXimum?...................................................... 639
READ:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TRACe:SPOWer:MINimum?....................................................... 639
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario:SALone.......................................................................................... 497
ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:SCENario?...................................................................................................... 498
SENSe:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:ELOGging:LAST?........................................................................................... 684
STOP:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:DTMode:RXQuality:SEARch:PER.................................................................... 691
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:CATalog:SOURce?.................................................................. 541
TRIGger:BLUetooth:MEAS<i>:MEValuation:TOUT....................................................................................... 542

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 713

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Index

Symbols D
(ωo + ωi)max ...................................................................399 Data sheet ......................................................................... 10
20 dB bandwidth ............................................................. 390 Detaching .......................................................................... 37
99% DEVM ...................................................................... 399 Detection mode ............................................................... 433
Δf2 99.9% ................................................................ 387, 411 DEVM .............................................................................. 396
Δf2 avg / Δf1 avg ..................................................... 387, 411 Calculation ................................................................ 357
ωi .....................................................................................399 Differential error vector magnitude (DEVM) .................... 396
ωomax .............................................................................399 Direct test mode ................................................................ 28
LE ............................................................................... 28
A Dirty transmitter
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 78
Access address Display settings
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 437 Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 464
ACP Documentation overview ..................................................... 9
BR ............................................................................. 392 DPSK power .................................................................... 397
EDR .......................................................................... 401 DPSK power – GFSK power ........................................... 397
LE ............................................................................. 415
ACP measurement mode ................................................ 444 E
Application cards ............................................................... 10
Application notes ............................................................... 10 EDR
Application sheet Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 91
Bluetooth combined signal path measurement ......... 376 EDR differential phase encoding .................................... 400
BR measurements .................................................... 363 Enhanced power control mode
EDR measurements ................................................. 367 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 98
LE measurements ..................................................... 370 EUT control
Assign views Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 49
Bluetooth ................................................................... 446 Expected nominal power ................................................. 431
Audio profiles Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 77
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 23 External attenuation (input)
Auto synchronization ....................................................... 434 Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 428
Average power ................................................ 385, 406, 409 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 74
External attenuation (output)
B Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 74

BD address ..................................................................... 434 F

Bluetooth input signal settings ........................................ 432
Bluetooth measurement Features & functions ........................................................... 9
General description ................................................... 328 Filter ................................................................................ 445
GUI reference ........................................................... 380 fL, fH (20 dB bandwidth) ................................................. 390
Bluetooth signaling fL, fH (frequency range) .................................................. 391
General description ..................................................... 13 Frequency
Programming .............................................................. 99 Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 429
Softkey ........................................................................ 57 Frequency accuracy ................................................ 387, 412
Bluetooth Tx measurement Frequency deviation
Programming ............................................................ 467 Δf1 .................................................................... 388, 413
BR Δf2 .................................................................... 389, 414
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 91 Frequency drift ........................................................ 388, 412
Brochure ............................................................................ 10 Initial ......................................................................... 413
Burst type ........................................................................ 434 Frequency offset ..............................................................412
Frequency range ............................................................. 391
C Frequency stability .......................................................... 399

Combined signal path commands G

Bluetooth measurement ............................................ 695
Connected ......................................................................... 37 Getting started manual ........................................................ 9
Connecting ........................................................................ 37 GFSK power .................................................................... 397
Connection test Go to
Classic ........................................................................ 20 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 65
LE ............................................................................... 26 Go to...
Controlled by Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 98
Bluetooth measurement ............................................ 428 Guard period ................................................................... 397

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 714

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Index

H Open-source acknowledgment (OSA) .............................. 10

Help ..................................................................................... 9 P
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 430 Packet type ..................................................................... 436
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 92
I Packets
Bluetooth measurement PER ................................... 449
Idle .................................................................................... 40 Bluetooth signaling BER ................................... 219, 266
Initial frequency drift ........................................................ 413 Bluetooth signaling PER ................................... 242, 266
Input signal settings ........................................................ 432 Paging ............................................................................... 37
Inquiring ............................................................................ 37 Paging settings
Integrity Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 85
Bluetooth measurement PER ................................... 450 Pattern type
Bluetooth measurement PER search ....................... 450 Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 438
Integrity LE Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 93
Bluetooth signaling PER ................................... 243, 268 Payload length
IQ constellation diagrams Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 437
Calculation ................................................................ 359 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 93
Peak DEVM ..................................................................... 399
L Peak emission ................................................................. 391
Peak power ............................................................. 385, 409
LAP ................................................................................. 434 Phase difference ............................................................. 396
Leakage power ........................................................385, 409 Calculation ................................................................ 358
Level step Mapping tables ......................................................... 358
Bluetooth measurement PER search ....................... 450 Poll period
Bluetooth signaling BER search/ PER search .......... 268 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 94
Limit Power control
Bluetooth measurement PER ................................... 449 Softkey ........................................................................ 60
Bluetooth signaling BER ................................... 219, 267 Programming
Bluetooth signaling PER ........................................... 242 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 99
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 454 Q
Link info
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 51 Quick start guide ................................................................. 9
List mode
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 340 R
Loopback test .................................................................... 21
Release notes ................................................................... 10
M Repetition
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 442
Maximum BER Bluetooth signaling BER ........................................... 219
Bluetooth signaling BER ................................... 219, 267 Bluetooth signaling PER ........................................... 241
Maximum drift rate .................................................. 388, 413 RF output
Maximum PER Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 73
Bluetooth measurement PER ................................... 449 RF power
Bluetooth signaling PER ................................... 242, 267 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 77
Measure mode RF routing ....................................................................... 428
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 430 RMS DEVM ..................................................................... 399
Bluetooth signaling PER ................................... 243, 268 Rx measurement
Measure on exception Bluetooth measurement .................................... 334, 339
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 443
Measurement control S
Bluetooth signaling BER ................................... 216, 261
Bluetooth signaling PER ........................................... 237 Safety instructions ............................................................. 10
N Bluetooth measurement ............................................ 428
Select as fixed target
NAP ................................................................................. 434 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 65
No. of exceptions ............................................ 394, 402, 416 Select menu
No. of off slots Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 64
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 441 Selected as fixed target
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 98
O Signal characteristics
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 91
Occupied bandwidth (OBW) ............................................ 390 Signal routing
Off ......................................................................................37 Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 73

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 715

R&S®CMW-KM61x/-KM72x/-KDxxx R&S®CMW-KS60x/-KS61x/-KS72x Index

Signaling states ................................................................. 36

Signaling status BR/EDR .................................................. 37
Signaling status LE ........................................................... 40
Standby ............................................................................. 37
Start level
Bluetooth measurement PER search ....................... 450
Bluetooth signaling BER search/ PER search .......... 267
Statistic count
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 443
Stop condition
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 443
Suppress signal off message
Bluetooth signaling ........................... 219, 244, 269, 301

Test mode
classic ......................................................................... 21
LE ............................................................................... 27
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 453
Trigger signal
Bluetooth measurements .......................................... 336
Trigger threshold ............................................................. 454
Trigger timeout ................................................................ 454
TX test ............................................................................... 22

UAP ................................................................................. 434
USB info
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 50
User manual ........................................................................ 9
User margin ..................................................................... 431
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 77

White papers ..................................................................... 10
Bluetooth signaling ..................................................... 94

User Manual 1173.9663.02 ─ 39 716

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