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The Learning Space School

The following topics are recommended in the NCD for Classes IX & X: •

Tolerance •

Simplicity •

Justice •

Handling of trust •

Self-discipline •

Respecting self and others •

Learning to live together in extended society; inter-culturally and at national level •

Understanding national cultural diversity •

Places of historical/cultural importance and of interest around the world •

Practicing patriotism •

Appreciation and preservation of Nature •

Understanding/practicing gender equality •

Festivals and cultural events around the world •

Role models depicting integrity, professionalism •

Effects of atmospheric pollution; noise pollution •

Impact of population growth on environment, health and nutrition •

Travelling through Pakistan; means and modes •

Technology in everyday life •

Understanding careers/occupations •

Equal opportunity for boys and girls •

Understanding worth of different professions Latest Revision June 2012 Page 10 •

Role and impact of media •

Locating help in an emergency •

English Winterpack-2022 Learners


The Learning Space School

First aid •

Avoiding accidents •

Civic responsibilities •

Importance of community living •

Practice and promotion of physical and mental well-being •

Recognising crime •

Learning to say no •

Recognition of problems related to drugs, tobacco, intoxicants •

Updating life skills •

Dealing with change •

English Winterpack-2022 Learners

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