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Name: JERICHO BRIX A ARCEO Year & Course: 2 - MNG ACC

Date: JULY 31, 2022 Section: 16-6109

Journal 2
(Community Building, Negotiation, and Conflict Management)

As you prepare yourself for a fieldwork activity, consider answering the following

What does this session challenge me?

- The session challenges me to have confidence in everything I do, especially when

conflict arises. A crucial component of the process is having the self-assurance to
settle disputes. It's crucial to keep in mind that each party must manage their
own emotions when there is a dispute or argument. Understanding the
perspectives of all parties is preferable. A readiness to forgive, forget, and move
past the issue without harboring resentments or animosity is also crucial. Any
healthy partnership will inevitably experience conflict. Conflicts persist until we
face and address them because they represent perceived risks to our safety and
survival. Conflict resolution skills improve relationships and increase trust.
Knowing that your connection can withstand difficulties and conflicts gives you
peace of mind.

What did you learn during the experiences in this session which you can apply at home,
school, and especially in the community as you prepare and implement your projects in
the community?

- Understanding yourself and others depends on having emotional awareness. I

need to pay greater attention to both my own and other people's feelings.
Listening to others more frequently is one method to do this. A group of skills
called active listening are meant to assist you hear and comprehend what
someone else is saying as well as to aid the speaker in making a clear point. By
listening, you show that you value your relationships and that you're open to
engaging with other people. This not only aids in conflict resolution but also
promotes a respectful culture. Prior to reacting, make an effort to comprehend
individuals' viewpoints. Effective listening has the tendency to lessen the
occurrence of interpersonal conflict and raises the possibility that disputes will
be settled by "win-win" means when they do arise. We must intentionally
attempt to absorb, process, and comprehend what others are saying instead of
just hearing it.

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