Modul Pretest PPU 1 ILC 2023

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Intensive Leader Camp 2023


Choose the correct answer!

(1)More often than not, disagreements are based not on differences in reasoning, but in the
values, assumptions, or information brought to bear. (2) If we believe that all politicians are
crooks, we will infer that a specific politician's actions are scurrilous. (3) If we believe that
politicians act for the good of all, we will look for some benefit in their actions. (4) Either
way, we will try to use reason to explain the actions. (5) We will look for some coherent
explanation as a way of making sense of things. (6) As we saw earlier, if we can understand
why someone would do something, why someone might say something, why someone might
act in a certain way, we feel we have made sense of the act or statement. (7) It's like a murder
trial: if we can put together opportunity, motive, and means, we can make a case. (8) The
more evidence we have before us, and the more carefully we reason, the more valid out
inferences. (9) Our inferences are not based on evidence. (10) This principle is also relevant
in reading a text.
1. The following paragraph most likely discusses ….
A. differences in reasoning and inferencing
B. explanation on the principle of reading a text
C. valid evidence and reasons for reading a text
D. the relevance of principle in text reading
E. valid principle to infer a reading text


Intensive Leader Camp 2023

Is it true that animals tell us about bad weather is coming? If your dog always comes
inside right before it rains, you may think that animals can predict the weather. You might
hear that cats get frisky as kittens when a bad storm is approaching. It's probably more
accurate to say that animals react to certain environmental signals that accompany weather
changes, not to the weather itself.
A prevalent opinion is that animals can detect certain events, like earthquakes, as soon
as they happen, even if the originating event is a great distance away. While this ability
wouldn't make much of a difference to people at the scene of the disaster, it could
conceivably assist those located farther from the epicenter. Some researchers even believe
animals may be able to sense the precursors to these events before they actually strike. They
are saying that animals make greater use of their existing five senses, especially when
compare to humans. However, hard evidence of this extremely limited; most of the evidence
is anecdotal.
The most critical sense is hearing. There are some sounds people can't hear. On the
low end of the scale infrasonic, low-pitched sound vibrations on the hertz frequency scale
falling below 20 hertz (Hz). On the other end are high-pitched sounds like dog whistles.
People typically hear in a range between 16 and 20,000 Hz (middle-aged adults usually don't
hear beyond 12,000 or 14,000 Hz). Elephants, however, generally hear between 16 and
12,000 Hz. Cattle also start hearing sound at 16 Hz, but can continue to hear all the way to
40,000 Hz. And earthquake shockwaves and ocean waves produce sounds in the infrasonic
Some researchers think certain animals, like elephants, get an early earthquake
warning because they can sense shockwaves in the ground through their large feet. They don't
hear the sound but they do sense distant, unfamiliar vibrations rolling in that terrify them into
fleeing for safety. How animals, not just elephants, sense these vibrations is generally
unknown. Researchers are examining different organs, body parts and nerve chains in a
variety of species that may be able to pick up sound vibrations that human just can't sense.
This theory could also account for the just-in-time-reactions of other animals with less
acute hearing just prior to the tsunami. Researchers note that infrasonic sound produces
uneasiness and nausea in people. Animals may perceive these sound vibrations as dangerous
and instinctively seek safety.
2. The passage is most likely found in a ….
A. Vet handbook
B. Popular science magazine
C. Natural alarm text
D. Warning sign booklet
E. Weather review


Intensive Leader Camp 2023

(1)Child development refers to the biological, psychological, and emotional changes that
occur in human being between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses
from dependency to increasing autonomy. (2) It is a continuous process with a predictable
sequence yet having a unique course for every child. (3) It does not progress at the same rate
and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development. (4) Because these
developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during
prenatal life, genetic and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of
child development. (5) Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion
of child development. (6) Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-
controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and
learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. (7) It may also occur
as a result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment. 
3. The following paragraph most likely discusses ….
A. emotional changes that might occur in a child
B. how children adjust to their environment
C. each developmental stage
D. stages in child development
E. what genetic factors affect child development

The most popular festival in Japan takes place from 1st-3rd January, and is called Ganjitsu,
which means ‘the beginning of the year’. People believe that good or bad luck in the first few
days of the year represents the luck you will have for the rest of the year. Ganjitsu is
celebrated by ceremonial house cleaning, feasting, and by the exchanging of visits and
presents. Most people put up special decorations at the entrance to their houses to keep out
evil spirits. The main decoration is a sacred rope decorated with ferns, oranges, and lobster.
All of these things are thought to bring good fortune, prosperity, and long life. Finally, no
celebration is complete without mochi cake and zoni soup. Both the cake and the soup are
made from traditional recipes. [source: SPMB]
4. the topic of the above paragraph is ….
A. popular Japanese celebrations
B. Japanese celebrations
C. The Ganjitsu Festival
D. good and back luck in Japan
E. keeping up evil spirits in Japan


Intensive Leader Camp 2023

Good ideas often start with a really silly question. Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one
day. As he stood there making waffles for his son, he wondered what would happen if he
poured rubber into his waffle iron. So, he tried it and the result looked something like the
bottom of most sports shoes we see today. Still, when he took this idea to several existing
shoe companies he was literally laughed at. In fact, every single company turned him down.
Though rather disappointed, Bowerman was determined and went on to form his own
company, making Nike athletic shoes.
Source: SPMB
5. It can be concluded from the text that …
A. A waffle iron became a tool in making shoes.
B. Nike shoes are the first sport shoes.
C. Many companies are not into athletic shoes.
D. Curiosity can lead to a great invention.
E. Inventions often occur during breakfast.


Intensive Leader Camp 2023


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