JavaScript Intro

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Client Side Scripting

Client side scripting is used to write a script, that

is processed on client side, within client browser.

These scripts are small in size, which are

downloaded, compiled and run by browser.

E.g., JavaScript, VBScript


• JavaScript is an important client-side

scripting language and widely used in
dynamic websites.

• It is an interpreted scripting language.

• The script can be embedded within the

HTML document or can be stored in an
external file.

• JavaScript gives HTML designers a

programming tool.

• It can be used to validate input data, display

messages on the window or status bar.

• It can also be used to adjust the interface in

response to user feedback.
Using JavaScript

• JavaScript can be placed in the <head>

section or <body> section or in both.

• Any number of scripts can be placed in an

HTML document.

• JavaScript code is inserted between <script>

and </script> tags.
Good Scripting Practices

• Quote should end with a matching quote.

• Bracket should end with a matching bracket.

• Use semicolon at the end of each statement.

• Indent your code.


• JavaScript has two types of values – Fixed

values and Variable values

• Fixed values are called Literals.

• Variable values are called Variables.


• JavaScript has two literals –

1. Numbers –
written with or without decimals
e.g., 20.6 , 1180
2. Strings –
written within single or double quotes
‘abc’ or “string”

• Variables are used to store data values.

• JavaScript uses the keywords var, let or const

to declare variables.

• E.g., var x;
let x, y;
Variable Initialization

• An equal sign is used to assign values to

variables, i.e., to initialize the variable.

• Declaration and initialization can be done

separately or together in one statement.

• E.g. var x; x = 5;
var x = 5;
Variable Initialization

• Values can be assigned to declared as well as

undeclared variables.

• e.g., x = 5 – Here, x is undeclared variable

var x = 5 – Here, x is declared variable
let x = 5 – Here, x is declared variable
const x = 5 – Here, x is declared variable
with constant value that
can not be changed

• The var keyword is used in all JavaScript

code from 1995 to 2015.

• The let and const keywords were added to

JavaScript in 2015.

• In case, code is required to run in older

browsers, keyword var need to be used for
variable declaration.

• All JavaScript variables must be identified

with unique names.

• These unique names are called identifiers.

• Identifiers can be short names (like x and y)

or more descriptive names (age, number).
Rules for Naming Identifiers

• Names can contain letters, digits,

underscores, and dollar signs.
• Names can not contain special character
except _ , $.
• Names must begin with a letter, $ or _.
• Names are case sensitive.
• Reserved words (like JavaScript keywords)
cannot be used as names.

• Data type specifies the type of data stored in

a variable.
• Datatypes in JavaScript are –
• String
• Number
• Boolean
• Array
• Object

• String
- series of characters
- written within single or double quotes
- e.g., var name = “John”;
var city = ‘Pune’;
var answer = “It’s raining”;

• Number
- store numeric value
- written with or without decimals
- e.g., var x = 56;
var y = 23.45;
var z = 53e-4;

• Boolean
- can have only two values – true or false
- used in conditional testing
- e.g., var a = 10; var b = 10; var c = 12;
(a == b) – returns true
(a == c) – returns false

• In JavaScript, a variable without a value, has

the value undefined.

• In this case, type is also undefined.

• E.g., let name;


• Any variable can be made empty, by setting

the value to undefined.

• In this case, type is also undefined.

• E.g., name = undefined;

Typeof Operator

• The typeof operator is used to find the type of

a variable or an expression.

• Example –
typeof “abc”; // returns string
typeof 21; // returns number
typeof (3 + 5); // returns number
Displaying Output

• In JavaScript, output can be displayed in

different ways as –
1. Using innerHTML – to write into HTML element
2. Using document.write() – to write into HTML
3. Using window.alert() – to write into an alert box
4. Using console.log() – to write into browser
Using innerHTML

• To access an HTML element through

JavaScript, document.getElementById(id)
method is used.

• The attribute ‘id’ defines the HTML element.

• The innerHTML property defines the HTML

Using innerHTML

<p id = “p1”></p>
= “Hello World”;

Using document.write

• The method document.write() is used to

write into HTML output.

• It is convenient to use document.write() for

testing purposes.
Using document.write

document.write(“Hello World”);
<input type = “button”
onclick = “ document.write(‘Hello
value = “Try It”>
Using window.alert

• The method window.alert() is used to display

data using an alert box.
window.alert(“Hello World”);
</script> OR
alert(“Hello World”);
Using console.log

• The method console.log() is used to display

data in browser console.
• It is generally used for debugging purpose.

console.log(“Just to Check”);

• Arithmetic Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Comparison Operators
• Logical Operators
• Type Operators
• Bitwise Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
** Exponentiation
/ Division
% Modulus
++ Increment
-- Decrement
Arithmetic Operators

document.write(2 + 3);
document.write(8 - 5);
document.write(3 * 4);
document.write(7 % 3);
Assignment Operators

Operator Example Equivalent Statement

= x=y x=y
+= x += y x = x+ y
-= x -= y x=x–y
*= x *= y x=x*y
/= x /= y x=x/y
%= x %= y x=x%y
**= x **= y x = x ** y
Adding Strings

• The ‘+’ operator can also be used to

concatenate strings.

• E.g., var t1 = “Good”;

var t2 = “Morning”;
t3 = t1 + “ ” + t2;
- Result is Good Morning
Adding Strings and Numbers

• The ‘+’ operator can be used to add a string

and a number, which results in a string.

• E.g., var a = “4” + 4;

var b = “Number” + 4;
document.write(a); - will print 44
document.write(b); - will print
Comparison Operators
Operator Description
== equal to
=== equal value and same type
!= not equal
!== not equal value and not same type
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
? ternary operator
Comparison Operators
var a = 5; var b = 3;
var c = “5”;
document.write(a > b);
document.write(a < b);
document.write(a === c);
document.write(a >= b);
Logical Operators

Operator Description Explanation

&& logical and Returns true if both

conditions are true
|| logical or Returns true if any of
the conditions is true
! logical not Negates the result
Logical Operators
var a = 5;
var b = 3;
document.write((a > b) && (a > b));
document.write ((a > b) || (a < b));
document.write(!(a < b);
Type Operators

Operator Description
typeof returns the type of a variable
instanceof returns true if an object is an
instance of an object type
Type Operators
var a = 15;
var b = “xyz”;
var c = a < 10;
document.write (typeof(b));
Bitwise Operators

• Bitwise operators work on 32 bits numbers.

• Any numeric operand in the operation is

converted into a 32 bit number.

• The result is converted back to a number.

Bitwise Operators
Operator Description


| OR



<< Left shift

>> Right shift

Bitwise Operators
Example Same as Result Decimal
5&1 0101 & 0001 0001 1
5|1 0101 | 0001 0101 5
~5 ~ 0101 1010 10
5^1 0101 ^ 0001 0100 4
5 << 1 0101 << 1 1010 10
5 >> 1 0101 >> 1 0010 2
Conditional Operator

• It is also called as ternary operator.

• It assigns a value to a variable based on some


• var a = (age < 21) ? “Not eligible” : “Eligible”;

- value “Not eligible” will be assigned to
the variable ‘a’ if the condition
age<21 is true.
Operator Precedence

!, -, ++, --
*, /, %
+, -
<, <=, >, >=
==, !=
=, +=, -=,*=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |=

• Single Line Comments

Start with //
e.g., //function to display sum
• Multi-line Comments
Start with /* and end with */
e.g., /* The code below
declares variable number */

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