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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty

Of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Quezon City, Metro Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Cuba, Ken Arvie
Tan, Luis Anthony
Galang, Ronian
Sanchez, John Paul
Gallito, Stefanie Rose
Bulao, Rezy Marie
September 2022



Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection


TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL SHEET …………………………………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………. iii

DEDICATION …………………………………………………………… v

ABSTRACT …………………………………...………………………… vi


Introduction ……………………………………………………... 1

Background of the Study ...……………………………………… 5

Research Framework ……………………………………………. 8

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………... 9

Significance of the Study ……………………………………… 10

Scope and Limitations ………………………………………... 11

Definition of terms ……………………………………………… 11


Literature ………..…………..…………………………….. 14

Studies …………………………………………………... 31


Research Design ………………………………………………. 47

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

Respondents of the Study …………………………………….. 48

Data Gathering Procedure …………..………………………. 49

Validity of the Study ………………………………………….. 49

Statistical treatment of Data ………………………...………… 50





Summary of Findings ……………………………………………... 97

Conclusions ………………………………………………………… 100

Recommendations …………………………………………………. 101

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………….. 105

APPENDICES ………………………………………………………….. 106

CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………. 107

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection




Preventing sexual assault against women is one of the most serious concerns

that every government faces. Based on the latest statistics provided by the Philippine

Statistics Authority from the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Department

of Social Welfare and Development, more women were raped in 2019 than 2018.

Thus, according to Ms. Ordinario (2020), the information recorded by the PSA from

the PNP as of February 2020, there were 2,162 rape incidents reported to the police

in 2019, higher from 1,656 instances reported in 2018.

After analyzing the gathered data, researchers were convinced that the

phenomenon is growing and very alarming. We can't help but feel disappointed and

indignant about it. For the reason that it is a shameful crime, sexual assault is

comparable to murder. As a consequence, we must not allow this problem to persist;

we all know that the vast majority of people are doing all possible to prevent a

situation like this. We pointed out that the purpose of this research is to learn more

about ways to decrease and prevent violence against women. Col. Lawrence Cajipe,

director of the Bulacan Police Provincial Office, said the number of index crimes

from January 1 to June 9 this year including rape. He said rape went down from 130

to 60 incidents.
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

People are locked down in their houses due to COVID pandemic to protect

themselves from the danger outside. However, sexual assault crimes have not been

discouraged by COVID-related lockdowns. The Philippine National Police reported

that there were 3,016 cases of rape nationwide since March 17, the start of the

enhanced community quarantine until the end of August, thus saying that the

average number of rape cases is 18 rape cases per day, which is 26.09% higher than

reported cases 6 months before the lockdown.

Based on statistics, rape cases in the Philippines are growing. Those numbers

concern us. The research aims to gather and present facts and solutions about the

growing phenomenon. We are eager to protect the community and observe the

nature of the phenomenon that keeps on happening and growing. Another purpose is

to educate readers on why the phenomenon happens, what are the triggering events,

who to blame, and what to blame.


NASA researcher Jack Cover first developed CEW (Conducted Electrical

Weapon). Late 1960s American physicist and researcher Jack Cover developed a

weapon that produces electric current, this non-lethal device is what we call taser.

This was developed with the intention of quelling riots that were taking place across

the United States of America (Braidwood, 2019). In the mid-1990s, TASER

International was founded in Canada, and in 1974, CEW technology was first made

available to law enforcement personnel in the United States (House of Commons

Canada [HCC], 2008). By 2001, Canadian law enforcement agencies had adopted
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

the use of CEWs and had started instructing officers on how to use them and what

impacts they have (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2008). More than 16,200

law enforcement organizations in more than 40 nations already utilize TASER

devices, according to TASER international (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

[CBC], 2009).

The goal of this research is to develop a solution that will assist or assist

women in protecting themselves from violence and crime. As the number of violent

incidents rises, researchers are eager to find a solution to reduce the number of such

incidents. As a result, the focus of this study will be on dealing with and assisting

women in the face of uncertain events, and the blame must not be placed on the

victim or how they dressed, but on the offender's moral principle and lack of respect.

The research focuses on developing a device that allows women to protect

themselves from certain situations in order to reduce the rising rates of crime and

violence. The Sentinel, a product formulated with the researchers' ideas, including

the overall designs and features, is the prototype created by the researchers. The

researchers put in time and effort to ensure that the prototype was effective and

functional. The prototype device, which is similar to a Taser, is extremely useful as a

defensive item because it can be attached to battery-powered items, in our case a

mini fan.
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection


The primary goal of this study is to develop a device, solution for women's

protection during periods of violence and crime.

Specifically, the goal of this study is to:

● determine the efficiency of this device;

● determine the effectivity of this device,

● determine and establish enough voltage needed to paralyze human.


The general problem of this study is how this safety project protects women

against crime and violence as the cases increase.

This study will specifically seek answers to the following questions:

● how efficient is this device?

● how effective is this device?

● how much voltage is needed to paralyze human?


Conceptual Framework


Variables Collecting the Project Astra

needed (Taser): Sentinel for
Project Astra materials/variables women Protection
(Taser) Voltage Test
Statistical Analysis
Published articles of data
and research about
Taser (Project Astra)
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

To show this, the researchers use arrows and boxes, which are fundamental

design elements. Each variable is displayed here in a box. Each arrow should

originate from the cause, the independent variable, and point to the effect, the

dependent variable, to denote a causal relationship (the effect).

The expected cause, “Project Astra,” is the independent variable (the

predictor, or explanatory variable). The expected effect, “Efficiency,” is

the dependent variable (the response, or outcome variable).


The findings of this study will significantly advance our understanding of the

probable rise in rape cases in society and their effects. The following stakeholders

will greatly benefit from important study findings.

Women - This study's prospective findings will significantly improve the safety

of women. Giving comfort and advice, particularly to women who experience

anxiety in certain situations, will also improve their mental health and help them

build self-esteem. Additionally, it's crucial to gain prior information and a thorough

understanding of self-defense. Additionally, this study might be able to address

government concerns about the rise in rape cases.

Employees - According to this study, employees who struggle and work away

from home are more likely to be in danger, particularly those who work overnight or

during other irregular hours. Giving security also eases the employees' hearts,
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

allowing them to provide the security and comfort they desire. Additionally, having

thorough knowledge and awareness is a benefit that lowers the likelihood of risk.

Students - The Students will greatly benefit this research since they will learn

things that will make them more conscious of their surroundings.

Future Researchers - The future researchers can use this research study as a

starting point for their own studies that are linked to the research that is proposed,

which is another advantage of our study. And this study might act as a foundation for

a wider study.


This study focuses on dealing with and assisting women in the face of

uncertain events, and the blame must not be placed on the victim or how they

dressed, but on the offender's moral principles and attitude of disrespect. Developing

a solution to help or facilitate women in protecting themselves against violence and

crime as the number of violent incidents rises, researchers are eager to find a

solution to reduce the number of incidents. This also focuses on a prototype created

with the researchers' concepts, including the general designs and features.

Researchers create an idea wherein the main components of this taser are

portable/handy electric mini fan. Compared to the original idea of taser, this new

invention is much more efficient in terms of finances, time, and manpower. Aside

from that, all materials in this invention are all recycled. It means that all of our

materials are found inside our houses, and it makes our invention more innovative.
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

This study is only limited to developing a prototype device as a self-defense tool

for women to help or facilitate them in protecting themselves against violence and

crime. As the number of violent incidents rises, we are eager to find a solution to

reduce the number of incidents. Other issues that are not related to the study will not

be analyzed in this paper, such as other people (men) that are outside the scope of

this study.


Astra. A Sanskrit word which means weapon.

Moral Principles. Personal beliefs and values regarding right and wrong behavior.

Phenomenon. An event that occurs in society.

Prototype. An original model from which other forms are produced or replicated.

Sentinel. A person or thing whose job is to keep watch.

Sexual Assault. A form of sexual violence in which a person is forced to perform a

sexual act without their consent.

Taser. A device or weapon that produces a small electric shock that makes the target

unable to move temporarily.

Violence - An individual's behavior that uses physical force to hurt someone.

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

Independent and Dependent Variables. independent variable (the predictor, or

explanatory variable) while dependent variable (the response, or outcome variable).

Moderator Variable. Alters the effect that an independent variable has on a

dependent variable.

Mediator Variable. helps explain how or why the IV affects the DV.

Control Variable. Not relevant to your research question, and it does not interfere

with the results.

CEW ( Conducted Electrical Weapon). an electric shock weapon.




NASA researcher Jack Cover first developed CEW (Conducted Electrical

Weapon). Late 1960s American physicist and researcher Jack Cover developed a

weapon that produces electric current, this non-lethal device is what we call taser.

This was developed with the intention of quelling riots that were taking place across
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

the United States of America (Braidwood, 2019). In the mid-1990s, TASER

International was founded in Canada, and in 1974, CEW technology was first made

available to law enforcement personnel in the United States (House of Commons

Canada [HCC], 2008). By 2001, Canadian law enforcement agencies had adopted

the use of CEWs and had started instructing officers on how to use them and what

impacts they have (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2008). More than 16,200

law enforcement organizations in more than 40 nations already utilize TASER

devices, according to TASER international (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

[CBC], 2009).

The electric stun gun is a modern, portable, personal-protection appliance.

The high voltage is applied to two electrodes which require only light contact to be

effective. The electric stun gun taser is a power supply which consists of a micro-

size regenerative amplifier/oscillator coupled to an energy multiplier section.

However, the taser may be used for heating and burning applications, or anywhere a

high voltage DC supply is required. The Taser Public Defender used gunpowder as

its propellant, which led the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to classify it

as a firearm in 1976. 1 Circuit Diagram of Stun Gun 8 Principle of Operation

Electroshock weapon technology uses a temporary high-voltage, low-current

electrical discharge to override the body's muscle-triggering mechanisms. The

recipient feels pain, and can be momentarily paralyzed while an electric current is

being applied. It is reported that applying electroshock devices to more sensitive

parts of the body is even more painful.

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

The internal circuits of most electroshock weapons are fairly simple, based

on either an oscillator, resonant circuit , and step-up transformer or a diode capacitor

voltage multiplier to achieve an alternating high-voltage discharge or a continuous

direct- current discharge. Some psychiatric hospitals intend to use them in their

emergency departments to improve the management of volatile situations.

(Choudhary, Richa; Sabri, Imran; Sabri, S. Kamran A.)


Violence against women and girls is widespread around the world, but has long been

downplayed and tolerated. The growing international awareness of these violations

opens the door to their abolition, albeit solutions will not be quick or easy. Governments

must address the political, social, and economic systems that oppress women, as well as

adopt national strategies and make financial pledges to engage in multi-sectoral

initiatives to prevent and respond to abuse. The importance of prevention cannot be

overstated. Community and group interventions including both men and women can help

to modify discriminatory societal norms, lowering the risk of violence.

Understanding the nature and scope of violence against women necessitates a

consideration of male dominance and patriarchy. Furthermore, the prevalence of

violence against women demonstrates the extent to which being female is a risk factor.

U.S. According to Department of Justice data, documented crimes against women are

increasing while crimes against men are dropping. According to national statistics, up to

4 million women are assaulted each year, yet only around 48% of these cases are

reported to the police. There are flaws in federal and state data collection initiatives, and

actions are being done to address them.

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection


Electric stun guns have become a popular choice for self-defense in recent years.

They are easy to carry and can be used to immobilize an attacker with a single touch.

There are many different types of electric stun guns on the market, so it is important

to choose one that is right for you. The most important factor to consider is the

voltage. Higher voltage stun guns are more effective, but they can also be more

dangerous. Electric Stun Guns are designed and used to produce electrical current in

order to paralyze a person or ensure excessive pain. Several of the most challenging

and dangerous police duties include helping a suicidal subject or breaking down a

hyper-agitated person's resistance so they can be arrested without causing or

suffering serious injuries (Kroll & Ho, 2009). Self defense weapons help officers

limit their personal risks while also lowering the possibility of bystander fatality

(Perkins, 1998). Tasers are commonly used by police officers as an alternative

weapon to guns, these tasers are considered as a safer idea for bullets. Moreover, as

of the report there have been cases submitted about the number of fatalities

happening around the world which cause fatality.

Based on a Journal Article of Oxford Academic, they found out that southern and

western peoples are much more likely to carry weapons for their own protection

against violence especially women. Most of their findings found that most of black

people use / carry knives and guns to control the risk of victimization. The best way

to learn how to use an electric stun gun is to take a self-defense class from a
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

qualified instructor. This will ensure that you know how to use the weapon safely

and effectively.


Electric stun gun make sense in terms of protection, not just for women but also

for everyone. This invention was invented by NASA researcher Jack Cover, this stun

gun is used as an protection for crime and violence. But this time most of the crime

and violence are all women victims because some women can be easily manipulated

by strong men, that’s why taser are more effective than other weapon like gun etc.

The recipient feels pain, and can be momentarily paralyzed while an electric current

is being applied. It is reported that applying electroshock devices to more sensitive

parts of the body is even more painful.




This research aims to develop a device called Taser. To be able to present a

taser, researchers must provide precise information in order to know how this taser

works. The researchers use experimental research design to establish the effect or a

factor of independent variable to dependent variable. This enables us to test and

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

validate the relation of each variable to construct an analysis. As per our research, on

the latest statistics provided by the Philippine Statistics Authority from the

Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Department of Social Welfare and

Development, more women were raped in 2019 than 2018. Thus, according to Ms.

Ordinario (2020), the information recorded by the PSA from the PNP as of February

2020, there were 2,162 rape incidents reported to the police in 2019, higher from

1,656 instances reported in 2018. The problem that we need to find a solution to is

the crime rate that has the involvement of women. To resolve the issue, the

researchers conducted a study about tasers and this study can help to reduce the rate

of violence and crime.

There are factors that the researchers need to take into consideration. First is

the financial aspect. Second, is the consumed time needed. And lastly, the making of

the invention. This experimental research will take a long time before making. The

researchers will use Copper Wire, Aluminum Foil, Voltage Booster, Electrical Tape,

Batteries, etc. for the materials, while in conducting tests we decided to have a

voltage test for professionals.


The researchers will have two types of research variables, which are the

Independent and Dependent variable. The independent variable will be Project Astra,

or so called electrical weapon in hinduism, this is a prototype taser invention. The

Researchers are keen to identify a way to lessen the frequency of violent situations

as they increase. As a result, this study will support women in the face of unclear
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

circumstances. Meanwhile, Protection for Women will be the dependent variable.

There is no denying that Tasers have the power to dissuade attackers and safeguard

women. According to study, it was discovered that 96% of the time when Tasers

were deployed, an attack was successfully stopped (1). Another study indicated that

Tasers were 100% effective at stopping an attack when they were applied (2). These

studies demonstrate that Tasers can be a useful tool for safeguarding women.


In this research, the researchers used experimental research with a scientific

approach using two sets of variables which is the Project Astra (Taser) (IV), and

Protection for Women (DV). Researchers used different materials as listed below:


● Copper Wire - Tasers are battery-operated hand-held units that fire two

barbed electrodes up to 35 feet. Copper wires connect these electrodes to the main

unit that delivers a pulse of up to 50,000 volts of electricity, temporarily disrupting

electrical conduction in the body.

● Mini Electric Fan - The researchers will use it as an external appearance of

our taser.

● Voltage Booster - This will help the battery to boost the power from the


● Batteries (lithium-ion Battery) - A device that stores energy and then

discharges it by converting chemical energy into electricity. The researchers use

Lithium-Ion Batteries because it is rechargeable and it is a common use in handheld

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

● Switch - It is a device that will be used for making and breaking electric

current in a circuit. This will be used to turn on/off the equipment.

● Multimeter - This will be used to measure the amount of voltage present

in the taser.

● Insulator - It is used to hold conductors in position, separating them from

one another and from surrounding structures.

● Aluminum Foil - This is essentially the casing for the device that will

hold the components together.

● Electrical Tape - The tape will be used to insulate materials that conduct

electricity, specifically electrical wires.

Test Factors

The researchers will use a voltage tester and a multimeter. In order to

determine if the taser is working properly, the researchers will use a voltage tester to

detect the presence of voltage in the taser. To use a voltage tester, you only need to

touch the tip of the tester to the wire or, if testing an outlet, the tip of the tester needs

to be placed on the faceplate of a smaller plug slot. If the tester lights up and/or

makes a sound, it means the voltage is present. The researchers will use a multimeter

to know the amount of voltage present in the taser. A multimeter will measure the

voltage present in the taser. The researchers were unable to do this without the help

of a technician who would guide them and tell them what to do.


Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection


Descriptive data analysis will be used by the researchers to determine if the

product or taser prototype can be used as a protection for women. Researchers will

also use the statistical data on voltage from the test.

Gathered data showing the number of crime cases that happened in different

countries will be used in descriptive analysis. Statistical data from the test will be

used to determine if the women can use the prototype taser for their own protection.

In addition, the result of the test voltage will help us know if the prototype is

dangerous or not for using it as a weapon.

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection




Table 1. Title

Table 1 presents the summary of the result from the data gathered..

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

Figure 1. Title


Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection





Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection


Ordinario, C. (2020, March 9). More women raped, physically abused last

year–govt data - BusinessMirror.

(PDF) Development of Self-Defense Devices for Women. (n.d.).


Manu Khandelwal. (2015, August 2). Final Report Electric Stun Gun.

Pare, P.-P., & Felson, R. (2010, March 1). Gun Cultures or Honor Cultures?
Explaining Regional and Race Differences in Weapon Carrying. Oxford
Academic. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from

Bradshaw, S. (n.d.). Taser Technology in Canada: Examining Whether

Tasers Constitute Reasonable or Excessive Force. Taser Technology in
Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

Canada: Examining Whether Tasers Constitute Reasonable or Excessive

Force. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from

García-Moreno, C., Zimmerman, C., Morris-Gehring, A., Heise, L., Amin, A.,
Abrahams, N., Montoya, O., Bhate-Deosthali, P., Kilonzo, N., & Watts, C.
(2015). Addressing violence against women: a call to action. The Lancet,
385(9978), 1685–1695.

Violence Against Women as Bias Motivated Hate Crime: Defining the

Issues | Office of Justice Programs. (n.d.).

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection

Project Astra: Sentinel for women Protection


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