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Intensive Leader Camp 2023

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Text 1 (KISI-KISI SNBT 2023)

What is your small business search engine optimization (SEO) strategy? If you are
like the many small business owners, you may bae wondering how can you leverage the
power of social media and online marketing to get ahead. In fact, only about 27 percent of
small business have a current SEO plan. When you combine that, surprisingly low figure with
fact that only about 40 percent of marketers are using mobile marketing tactics. It is easy to
see how sound search engine optimization practices could help you get a leg up on the
Small business owners are an incredibly diverse group of people who know a lot
about their chosen fields. Slightly, less than half of all small business have more than one
owner. Sixty percent of small business owners have worked in their industry for more than 20
years. That is a lot of total combined experience. These owners are always looking for new
ways to connect their customers and clients and grow their business.
About 63 percent of small business find that social media is a good way to increase
their investment in social media. When it comes to the impact of social media is a good way
to increase customer loyalty, and 27 percent plan to increase their investment in social media.
When it comes to the impact of social media, 40 percent of small business find it helpful for
customer reviews. 30 percent find it useful for correcting problems brought up by customers.
18 percent find that it gives them a chance to defend against negative publicity. Finally, only
5 percent feel that social media has hurt their image more than helped. If used correctly, it is
clear that social media generally has an overall positive effect on small business.
If your small business is one of the 52 percent that plan to increase their SEO budget,
it is important to make the most of your investment by implementing sound small business
SEO plan. You can do that with the assistance of an SEO company with lots of experience in
managing successful small business SEO


Literasi Bahasa
Intensive Leader Camp 2023
1. What can be the best title for the passage above …
A. Small Business Owners.
B. Small Business SEO Strategy.
C. Marketing in Small business.
D. Advertising in Small Business.
E. Small Business and SEO Company.

Text 2 (KISI-KISI SNBT 2023)

Despite a string of controversies and the public’s relatively negative sentiments about
aspects of social media, about seven-in-ten Americans say they ever use any kind of social
media site, according to a new Pew Research Center survey of U.S. adults.
Beyond the general question of overall social media use, the survey also covers use of
individual sites and apps. YouTube and Facebook continue to dominate the online landscape,
with 81% and 69%, respectively, reporting ever using these sites. YouTube and Reddit were
the only two platforms surveyed that saw statistically significant growth since 2019, when the
Center last polled on this topic via a phone survey.
only two platforms surveyed that saw statistically significant growth since 2019 ,
when the center last polled on this topic via phone survey .
When it comes to the other platforms in the survey, 40 % of adults say they ever use
Instagram and about three - in - ten reports using Pinterest or LinkedIn. One - quarter say
they use Snapchat and similar shares report being users of Twitter or WhatsApp. TikTok is
used by 21 % Americans while 13 % say they use the platform Next-door.
Even as other platforms do not nearly match the overall reach of You Tube or
Facebook there are certain sites or apps, most notably Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok that
have an especially strong following among young adults. In fact, a majority of 18 to 29 years
olds say they use Instagram (71 %) or Snapchat (65 % ) , while about a half say the same for
TikTok . These findings come from a national survey of 1,502 U.S. adults conducted via
telephone Jan, 25 - Feb, 8, 2021
YouTube is the online platform asked about in this survey that is most commonly
used, and there's evidence that its reach is growing. Fully 81 % of Americans say they ever
use YouTube from 73 % in 2019. Reddit was the only other platform surveyed that
experienced statistically significant growth during this time period - increasing from 11 % in
2019 to 18 % today.
Facebook's growth has remained steady over the last five years, but it remains one of
the most widely used social media sites among adults in the U.S. That is, 69 % of adults
today say they ever use the site equaling the share who said these two years prior.


Literasi Bahasa
Intensive Leader Camp 2023

2. What is the best title of the passage …

A. Figures about the Use of YouTube among U.S. Adults.
B. The Most Widely Used American Social Media Features.
C. Facts about Facebook Use among U.S. Adults.
D. Facts and Figures about Social Media Use among U.S. Adults.
E. The Most Popular American Online Platforms.


Literasi Bahasa
Intensive Leader Camp 2023
Text 3 (KISI-KISI SNBT 2023)

Text A
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 October 24, 2005) was an American
activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus
boycott. The United States Congress has honored her as " the first lady of civil rights " and "
the mother of the freedom movement “.
On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks rejected bus driver James F.
Blake's order to vacate a row of four seats in the " colored " section in favor of a White
passenger, once the " white " section was filled. Parks was not the first person to resist bus
segregation, but the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
believed that she was the best candidate for seeing through a court challenge after her arrest
for civil disobedience in violating Alabama segregation laws, and she helped inspire the
Black community to boycott the Montgomery buses for over a year. The case became bogged
down in the state courts, but the federal Montgomery bus lawsuit Browder v. Gayle resulted
in a November 1956 decision that bus segregation is unconstitutional under the Equal
Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Parks's act of defiance and the Montgomery bus boycott became important symbols of
the movement. She became an international icon of resistance to racial segregation, and
organized and collaborated with civil rights leaders, including Edgar Nixon and Martin
Luther King Jr. At the time, Parks was employed as a seamstress at a local department store
and was secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP. She had recently attended the
Highlander Folk School, a Tennessee center for training activists for workers ' rights and
racial equality. Although widely honored in later years, she also suffered for her act; she was
fired from her job, and received death threats for years afterwards. Shortly after the boycott,
she moved to Detroit, where she briefly found similar work. From 1965 to 1988, she served
as secretary and receptionist to John Conyers, an African - American US Representative. She
was also active in the Black Power movement and the support of political prisoners in the
After retirement, Parks wrote her autobiography and continued to insist that there was
more work to be done in the struggle for justice. Parks received national recognition,
including the NAACP's 1979 Spingarn Medal, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
Congressional Gold Medal, and a posthumous statue in the United States Capitol's National
Statuary Hall . Upon her death in 2005, she was the first woman to lie in honor in the Capitol
Rotunda. California and Missouri commemorate Rosa Parks Day on her birthday, February
4 , while Ohio , Oregon , and Texas commemorate the anniversary of her arrest , December 1.


Literasi Bahasa
Intensive Leader Camp 2023
Text B
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Nelson Mandela, 8 July 1918-5 December 2013 ) was a
South African anti-apartheid activist who served as the first president of South Africa from
1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully
representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of
apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation. Ideologically an African nationalist and socialist,
he served as the president of the African National Congress (ANC) party from 1991 to 1997.
Mandela was born into the Thembu royal family in Mvezo, Union of South Africa. He
studied law at the University of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand before
working as a lawyer in Johannesburg. There he became involved in anti-colonial and African
nationalist politics, joining the ANC in 1943 and co - founding its Youth League in 1944.
After the National Party's white - only government established apartheid, a system of racial
segregation that privileged whites, Mandela and the ANC committed themselves to its
overthrow. He was appointed president of the ANC's transvaal branch, rising to prominence
for his involvement in the 1952 Defiance Campaign and the 1955 Congress of the people. He
was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and was unsuccessfully prosecuted in the 1956
Treason Trial. Influenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the banned South African
Communist Party(SACP). Although initially committed he to co-founded nonviolent protest,
in association with the SACP he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1961
activities and led a sabotage campaign against government. He was arrested and imprisoned
in 1962, and, following Rivonia Trial, was sentenced to life imprisonment for Conspiring to
overthrow the state.
Mandela served 27 years in prison, split between Robben Island, Pollsmoor Prison
and Victor Verster Prison. Amid growing domestic and international pressure and fears of
racial civil war, President F. W. de Klerk released him in 1990. Mandela and de Klerk led
efforts negotiate an end to apartheid, which resulted in the 1994 multiracial general election
which Mandela led the ANC to victory and became president. Leading a broad coalition
government which promulgated a new constitution, Mandela emphasized reconciliation
between the country's racial groups and to apartheid, which resulted in the 1994 multiracial
general election in which Mandela led the ANC to victory and became president. Leading a
broad coalition government which promulgated a new constitution, Mandela emphasized
reconciliation between the country's racial groups and created the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. Economically, his administration
retained its predecessor's liberal framework despite his own socialist beliefs, also introducing
measures to encourage land reform, combat poverty and expand healthcare services.
Internationally, Mandela acted as mediator in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial and
served as secretary- general of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999. He declined a
second presidential term and was succeeded by his deputy, Thabo Mbeki. Mandela became
an elder statesman and focused on combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through the charitable
Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Although critics on the right
denounced him as a communist terrorist and those on the far-left deemed him too eager to
negotiate and reconcile with apartheid's supporters, he gained international acclaim for his
activism. Globally regarded as an icon of democracy and social justice, he received more than
250 honors, including the Nobel Peace Prize. He is held in deep respect within South Africa,
where he is often referred to by his Thembu clan name, Madiba, and described as the “Father
of the nation”


Literasi Bahasa
Intensive Leader Camp 2023
3. The topic discussed in both passages is about ...
A. the arrest of Nelson Mandela.
B. Ambition of two persons to be Presidents.
C. Two great persons who did great deeds for their nations.
D. Efforts performed by white people to fight against segregation.
E. The risk of getting imprisoned because of revolting against the government.

Text 4 (KISI-KISI SNBT 2023)

In the 1930s, Chester F. Carlson was working in the patents department of a large
electronics firm in New York City. One of the major problems in his work was the length of
time and expense involved in getting patent copied, patents were lengthy legal document, and
the only ways to get them copied were to take them to a typist or to take them to a
photographer. Either way of copying patents took a lot of time and cost a lot of money. He
came up with the idea for a machine that would copy documents quickly and efficiently.
He researched the idea in the library and then worked over a three-year period on
developing a machine that used a light, an electro statically charged plate, and powder to
duplicate images on paper. The result of this work was a machine that produced the first
xerographic copy on October 22, 1938. He named the process "Xerox, which means "dry
writing" Carlson felt that he had a good idea, one that would be extremely helpful in the
business world. He tried to sell his idea to a number of large corporations, but they were not
terribly interested in his machine. A few years later he sold the process to a small family-
owned company. This small company grew into the giant Xerox Corporation, and both
Carlson and Xerox became rather wealthy in the process.

4. The text is mainly about …

A. The life of Chester F. Carlson.
B. Carlson’s career in a patents office.
C. The development of Xerox machine.
D. How the Xerox machine became popular.
E. The effect of the invention of Xerox machine.


Literasi Bahasa
Intensive Leader Camp 2023
Text 5 (UM UGM)

Climate change is not just bad for the planet and for our bodies. According to a new
report, climate change had for our health too. The report is not the first to tackle climate
change from a health perspective. Earlier this year a Consortium on Climate and Health
issued a report detailing the many ways is its narrow to focus on mental health.
The report breaks up the mental health impacts into two broad buckets: acute impacts
such as those climate change can negatively impact human health and well-being. What
makes this new report unique discrete climate related shocks (like fires, floods, and storms)
and chronic impacts, or the more gradual ways that climate change can impact our well-
It is important that we recognize that up to forty percent of people who live through a
disaster experience some kind of psychopathology. This includes anxiety, depression, mood
disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
According to the report, one in six people who lived in areas affected by Hurricane
Katrina met the criteria for PTSD. Similarly, suicide and suicidal ideation more than doubled
in those regions, and 49 percent of people developed an anxiety or mood disorder like
The issue is not just disaster itself- most of us can cope with a single source of stress.
But in disaster situations, stressors multiply rapidly. You may have lost not just your home,
but your job, and perhaps even the broader community that you ordinarily relied on for
support. And under climate change scenarios, it could mean that you are extirpated from your
home permanently.
Chronic effects are harder to envision, but no less dangerous. As the climate continues
to change, for example, many locations will be warmer for longer portions of the year anyone
who has experienced this usually warm winter knows this firsthand. But if the weather gets to
sticky, we tend to retreat indoors, making it harder (even in this digital age) to build and
maintain much needed social networks. Similarly, as temperatures soar, studies suggest our
tempers do as well, which can further threaten community cohesiveness.

5. What is the best title of the passage ….

A. mental health
B. people can overcome a single stressor
C. the higher temperature, the better the temper
D. people can rely on their community
E. social networks will be well-maintained


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