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The word of God does not excite you; rather, it changes you; for excitement
lasts for a moment but change lasts for a long lifetime. God's word has the power
to transform people's lives. Our capacity to accurately represent God's image
has been distorted by sin. The Holy Spirit works through the Bible to alter us so
that we might represent Jesus Christ in every aspect of our life. God grows us
in holiness when we study the Bible individually. God uses his Word to change
us into clearer reflections of his Son, Jesus Christ, when we hear and learn the
Word, study it together in small groups, and discuss it with other Christians.

God's Word reaches deep into our being, showing how our ideas, intentions,
attitudes, desires, and acts are at odds with God's ways (Heb. 4:12–13). Even
concealed sin at work in our lives can be revealed by the Bible (Ps. 19:12; 90:8).

The Dei Bible Version's objective is to make God's eternal word accessible to
English-speaking people all around the world. We can't modify or add anything
to God's word, thus the Dei Bible Version is not a new Bible. It is, however, a
different Bible version translation that demonstrates some important concepts.
Dei Bible Version, we believe, that will encourage our readers in reading God's
word and developing the habit of reading it at any time and in any location.

We're encouraging more God's people to read the Bible and understand God's
position on everything. It is not miracles or anything else that transforms
people; it is just God's message. We cannot defeat the devil with miracles or
wealth, but we may defeat him by relying on God's word.

Pst Dr. Avitus Leonard

Founder of Dei Universe

The book of Galatians ……………………………………….……….………. 19

The book of Ephesians ……………………………………………….………. 32

The book of Philippians…………………………………………….………….42

The book of Colossians…………………………………………….…………. 49

The book of 1 Thessalonians………………………………….……………. 56

The book of 2 Thessalonians………………………………….……………. 65

The book 1 Timothy……………………………………………….……………. 69

The book of 2 Timothy………………………………….…….………………. 78

The book of Titus…………………………………………….…………………...88

The book of Philemon………………………………….…………….………...94

The book of James ………………………………………….…………………….96

The book of 1 Peter …………………………………………………………….104

The book of 2 Peter ……………………………………………………………...111

The book of 1 John ……………………………………………………………….117

The book of 2 John …………………………………………………………….…125

The book of 3 John ………………………………………………………….……126

The book of Jude…………………………………………………………………...128

In helping our Dei Bible Version readers, we hope to create a better society by
making the word of God to be the centre for everyone. We encourage everyone
to find time to read the word of God at the appropriate moment. Many Bible
translations also don't use straightforward language that even someone with a
relatively low level of intelligence can understand. Too many preachers and
teachers cause problems because they tend to muddy the waters by doing too
much digging. An excellent translation of the Bible must offer a simple
interpretation of the text through enlightened common sense. As you are
aware, interpretation involves more than just reading the text; it also calls for
knowledge of the interpreter's style as well as the nature of the text being

Every reader is an interpreter at the

same time. In other words, when we
read, we also interpret.
For this reason, we encourage many people to read the Bible with the help of
the Holy Spirit. We prefer to believe our understanding or even compare it to
the Holy Spirit because of pride and ignorance. Numerous people have been
negatively impacted by the incorrect interpretations provided by those who
relied solely on their own understanding and not on the Holy Spirit's power while
reading God's word. In light of the fact that there are still unreached people
groups around the globe, I consider it essential that we continue to proclaim the
good news of Jesus Christ without letting anything bother us. People in Sierra
Leone who dwell mostly along the coasts of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and
Mali are known as Susu lively. These folks usually live near marshes and streams.
Since they are an extended family, they frequently favour cousin marriages. The
Susu mixes their ancestral faith with their practice of Islam. They believe that
ghosts, spirits, and gods all live in the same area and that witches have the
ability to transform into animals and destroy their towns. A lot of people are
living in abject poverty and darkness, doing a lot of unclean things and
witchcraft on every corner because a lot of people have abandoned God in their
lives. When you read John 8:31-32DBV, says,” To the Jews who had believed him,

Jesus said,” if you hold my teaching, you are indeed my disciples. When that
happens, you will be exposed to the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Many individuals are not free because they do not live according to the reality
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, DBV, our first purpose is to reach more people
through reading God's Word. I support the view that there is a difference
between smartness and poverty. And my other concern is that when people lack
true gospel of Jesus, people in the certain areas or communities always will
experience abject poverty. When the gospel is preached upon always tends to
bring an impact and revivals to that area.

The power of the gospel is to change and when the change occurs produces
awareness of God's presence, self-awareness, and awareness of others. And,
when people are in darkness always there will be proudly behaviours, arrogance,
mediocrity spirit, fallacy critics, and also hypocrisy behaviours. Acts 17:6 in the
last statement reminds us that," These men who have turned the world upside
down have now come here,". That was clear that when the true gospel is
preached always brings impacts and revivals to those areas. These people
experienced the change that these people have turned the world upside down
and now are here. Any society, region, or community that is failing to receive
the gospel of Jesus can't run away from being poor. Even if they will be rich but
their richness will never bring an impact on others as a community. And, to
perish is possible. Don't confuse SMARTNESS AND POVERTY.

The Scriptures are the words of God that have been revealed to man throughout
history. The interpretation is difficult yet vital because of the dual character of
both heavenly inspiration and the context of the human experience. Since the
Bible is the inspired word of God, it is always relevant and needs to be obeyed.
It is necessary to identify the historical particularity in the Bible's human-
written words from the past. As a result, the Bible contains works from a variety
of literary genres, to which both general and genre-specific standards should be
carefully followed. Furthermore, it is important to accurately read the Bible
because it was written for people who were far different from us in terms of
time, culture, and history.

I want to point out that all translations include exegesis and are consequently
the result of the exegetical decisions the translator made. No translation is
perfect. To identify consistency, subtleties, and problems with a certain verse,
it is usually advisable to reference many reliable English translations. The first
challenge that translators encounter is text. Is the Hebrew or Greek text the
most recent and closest to the original manuscript? Translations like the NRSV,
NIV, and TNIV, which are based on far older manuscripts later unearthed, are
generally more trustworthy than translations like the KJV/NKJV, which are
based on damaged, medieval texts. Using both external and internal data,
textual criticism is an imperfect science that contrasts and compares texts. The
age and quality of the manuscripts are considered to be external evidence,
whilst the copyists and writers are considered to be interior evidence.

The next challenge is to use language that maintains or bridges the historical
divide between then/there and now/here. There are two major schools of
thought in translation theory: to translate more literally (structural or formal
equivalent) or less literally (functional or dynamic equivalence). KJV/NKJV,
NASB, and NASU are examples of literal translations. Later translations (such as
RSV/NRSV, ESV, NIV/TNIV, NAB, NJB, GNB, REB) maintain historical distance on
all historical and factual matters while using modern expressions for language,
grammar, and style. Free translation employing paraphrases, like NEB, LB, and
The Message, is an extreme example of non-literal translation.

According to the DEI BIBLE VERSION, we maintain historical realism regarding all
historical and factual issues, but we use a modern expression of issues with
language, grammar, and style. The linguistic terms used in our version
frequently relate to leadership and philosophy. To prevent inconsistencies with
our readers, we are avoiding being too extreme in the form. This version can
help you learn a lot; thus, I urge everyone to read it. Many issues emerge in so
many translations due to weights, measures, and money, euphemisms,
terminology, wordplays, grammar and syntax, and gender issues.

Does the DBV include every book of the
DBV does not include all the books of the Bible, but we chose some of the apostle
Paul's books by purpose, beginning with Galatians then Philemon and also the
book of James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude. The six-part
structure of the writer, receiver, welcome, prayer request or expression of
gratitude, the body of the letter, final greeting, and departure does not apply to
all epistles, however, therefore they are not all uniform. All of them,
nevertheless, are sporadic writings from the first century that were written for
a particular incident and came about occasionally. The occasional nature of
epistles makes it difficult for us to second-guess the questions and issues in the
first century from the answers provided. This is like epistolary Jeopardy! It helps
to bear in mind that epistles are not expounding systematic theology, but rather
task theology for the occasional situations. The first order of business in
exegeting epistles is to create a speculative but informed reconstruction of the
historical circumstances addressed by the epistle.

And those books assist us to reflect on our Christianity as well as how to deal
with challenges that may arise on our spiritual path. Due to the difficulty of
achieving spiritual maturity, many people opt to stay where they are and never
seek to grow. It's possible for things like persecution, betrayal, and other
negative things to arise when you mature and begin sharing the gospel of Jesus.
But those letters serve to uplift and remind us to be steadfast in our salvation.
Therefore, I am convinced that the Dei Bible Version will aid in both our spiritual
development as Christians and our everyday reading of the Bible.

And the title of the essay written by Marin Luther in 1522 knowns as," “A Brief
Instruction on What to Look for and Expect in the Gospels” (1522) gives us
important insight into his thinking: When we read the New Testament, we should
do so expecting something. We should expect a message of good news—a gift
for us!

Luther writes:

“The chief article and foundation of the gospel is that before you take Christ as
an example, you accept and recognize him as a gift, as a present that God has
given you and that is your own. This means that when you see or hear of Christ

doing or suffering something, you do not doubt that Christ himself, with his
deeds and suffering, belongs to you. On this you may depend as surely as if you
had done it yourself; indeed, as if you were Christ himself. “See, this is what it
means to have a proper grasp of the gospel, that is, of the overwhelming
goodness of God, which neither prophet, nor apostle, nor angel was ever able
fully to express, and which no heart could adequately fathom or marvel at. This
is the great fire of the love of God for us” (Luther’s Works, Vol. 35).


Reading the word of God to this generation might be difficult since most people
do not read the word of God, and even if they do, they do not understand it.
They don't grasp it, and as a result, many people are deprived of the blessing of
God's word in their lives. These Berean Jews liked God's word, and as a result,
many of them believed. And one of the most important questions to ask is
whether people change when they read God's word. Are we getting interested
in reading it? Are we emphasizing on focusing on the important things in life? Is
God's word meaningful in our lives? Are we seeking the truth about our lives in
God's word, or are we pursuing another source of truth in something that is not
well? When we read the word of God, we neglect God's voice through the
scriptures, and as a result, people are not progressing because they are not
learning the word of God and are not allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to
instruct them when they are reading the word of God. Google cannot translate
the Bible.

The same reasons google as the search engine can’t translate the Bible is the
same as a person who has a good dozen of the scriptures in his or her mind,
those scriptures can’t help him or her to grow spiritually. True spirituality is
tangible. Must bear fruits in the community you are living in. You can’t fake
spirituality. You don’t have to behave like a search engine of the word of God
but be a doer of the word of God. The tragedy is that what we call spirituality is
not actually define spirituality. And some are not growing because of pretence.
You cannot spiritually progress on the platform of pretence. I believe that
reading God's word enables us to comprehend our situatedness, which indicates
that our own experiences (historically, culturally, familiarly, and individually)
may drastically affect how we view and respond to the world around us.

And this can assist us in making an impact on others around us. We must go
beyond our own viewpoints to understand why others do what they do. Many
people read the Bible, but it does not help them grow, and such a viewpoint must
be avoided. People should make time to study God's word and apply it to their
lives so that they may progress from one area to another, and that is the power
of the gospel of Jesus. The gospel that changes people. The gospel that can't
change you is not the real gospel, and we must avoid being like Galatian's
agitators. We have only one gospel, but others opt to follow other gospels. If
you can't preach the gospel of Jesus, please encourage them to live a Godly life,
and if you can't think, don't talk. When we do not rely on God and do not allow
the power of God's word to changes our lives, nothing changes, and life loses
meaning since we are living without understanding the purpose. Our lives
become a lifestyle rather than a purposeful existence; commitments become
experimental rather than practical; relationships become temporary;
employment become contractual, and life itself loses its narrative aspect and
becomes a series of incidents with no connecting thread.

This is the reason for the confusion in our society. That is why I urge to my fellow
Christians that, while we live in this world, we are not of it, and it is not our
home. People should make time to study God's word in order to be connected
to the true source of pleasure and joy, which is God. His word is a true source of
knowing Him. The more we read God's word, the more we get knowledge of Him.
Our lives gain meaning and purpose as we gain freedom. When I was a child, I
talked like a child, I thought like a child, and I reasoned like a child. When I
became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

And one of the most unfortunate tragedies in this culture is that we have babies
as leaders and preachers. When they preach, they speak like children and think
like children. We give infant leaders the authority to educate or train others in
the body of Christ. They can't anticipate anything significant to happen from
them in order for them to appear competent and wonderful. They are still at the
entry level, so there is no need to fight with them. Instead, they need some basic
facts to grow. The challenging part is when people believe these kinds of people.
Lack of knowledge of the word of God and understanding of the word of God is
what prevents many individuals from growing in so many ways. Their language
is immature and worthless to others. Their talk is childish and useless to other

people but when they speak to their fellow babies, they understand their level.
The gospel of Jesus is not motivation or inspiration, but rather a change of heart.

ACTS 17:11-12 DBV

"Now the Berean Jews were people with positive character qualities, who loved
to think critically and rationally than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed
the word with great interest and studied the Scriptures Day after day to
discover if what Paul taught was truthful. 12 As a result, many of them, including
a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men, believed."

When I was reading these scriptures, several points that I feel will help a lot of
people realize the significance of God's word in their lives. We don't just tell
people to read the Bible; we encourage them to read the Bible and understand
why they need to change their lives and live a life that has an impact on the
people around them. And my observations are on the book of Acts, which I like.
That book has a wealth of knowledge. Chapter 17 of that book of Acts reminds
us of many things, including what was occurring to the believers in Thessalonica.
As were the customs of Paul, whenever he visited a new city, he preached to the
synagogue and made sure to prove to them that Jesus is Christ, the awaited
Messiah. He cited evidence from the scriptures that the Messiah had to suffer
and die and rise from the dead. Some Jews, as well as a huge number of God-
fearing Gentiles, visited the synagogue and were persuaded to believe in Jesus
Christ. So, when we look at verses 11 and 12, we may learn something new from
the people of Berea. These folks did not only accept the scriptures, but they also
investigated it. This is really intriguing and also very interesting to me when I
think about reading God's word. How pleasant is the gospel of Jesus, and how
beautiful is the church as a whole? When I think of God's kingdom, I think of the
transformed people in the kingdom of God and the influence they can have on
others around them. The word of God transforms people. I believe that we need
more converted people in the body of Christ rather than a large number of
people who are not progressing. The word of God should never remain with you
as knowledge, but change must be mandatory.

As soon as the Jew in Thessalonica learned where Paul had gone, they followed
him to continue their opposition, but the Berea believers were alert to the
danger and escorted Paul to the city of Athens on the coast. And this is what is
happening to many closed-minded people. They never get time to learn from

others and what they believe always either it is true or not they make sure don’t
allow anybody to challenge them. The people of Berea were people with open-
minded more than Thessalonica, these people were people with positive
character qualities, who loved to think critically and rationally than those in
Thessalonica. They never rely on their minds, yet their minds were very open to
getting something to learn from Paul and Silas. And I always encourage people
to ask God more so that can change their characters from being closed-minded
people to being open-minded people. When you trust God in the transformation,
I believe that everything that you aim to be can be possible, you have to just
trust God and trust everything that is doing in your life.

People with an open mind are those that are constantly willing to learn from
others or from whatever they are reading, including the bible. However, after
learning that Paul was preaching at Berea, the people of Thessalonica hurried
there to cause a commotion, but the Berea believers were informed and assisted
Paul and Silas. The closed-minded person will resort to whatever means
necessary, even violence, to support their viewpoint. Even if he obtains reading
material, they will always interpret it in accordance with their preconceived
notions. Additionally, if they have the opportunity to learn, they constantly
seek out mentors who share their perspectives. And I believe that your
character may influence how you read God's word. The closed-minded character
can prohibit the Holy Spirit from ministering to them. That is why we have a lot
of people who have a lot of scriptures in their brains, but those verses are not
enabling them to grow, they become legalistic, and that is why we have insane
spirituality in our society and yet people are frightened to tell them the reality
that the way you are worshiping God is not the correct worship of God. Open-
minded people will always seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and ensure that they
learn from God's word.

They never allow challenges to learn from those with opposing viewpoints. So,
my brothers in Christ, make sure you alter your characters, and that is why even
our educational background does not help us since we come from a closed-
minded culture where the definitions of success and the method to worship God
are uniforms. Closed-minded people always keep their minds closed, and they
don't let anybody else put other things they don't know or question their minds.
Believing that they are acting appropriately. The gospel of Jesus unites
Christians and makes us brothers and sisters. Because of Jesus' blood, we

become family, and we enable everyone to train each other so that the body of
Christ might be built up. As a result, I constantly advise people to think before
they speak. We must distance ourselves from societies that foster closed-
minded people. Because such characters can even influence how we view God.
We will never learn anything from our brothers and sisters in Christ, and
whatever they do learn will be to assuage their emotions.

Nonetheless, they fail to learn and grow. Many people live in spiritual conformity
zones because of such traits. We must strive to move away from where we are.
We must be deliberate about the life we have now. Many things can be
influenced by our characters. These Bereans saw something to learn, while the
people of Thessalonica saw uncertainty because they never allowed themselves
to learn from Paul and Silas. So, when we talk about character, I know it's one of
the most essential things to people. I believe that with God's help, you will seek
God more and ask God to change your mind so that you may be more open-

Always people who are open-minded are unique from other people. There is no
one has an empty mind. And that is why I don’t encourage people to call others
that are empty minded people. But the big reasons of why these people are
empty is what they have in the mind seems to be empty to certain of level of
the thinkers. An empty mind does not mean they are bankrupt or are nil. So, in
that perspective I believe that to look different and unique is people to be an
open-minded people. You may never understand until you find this thing that is
very important in your life. You become unique because of the money in the
bank, the good car you drive or etc. but how open-minded person you are. These
people of Berea where open-minded than those in Thessalonica and this shows
a great different to the two societies. And any society that is very open-minded
always is one the great society that can impact to many societies around them.
When you read philosophers in the Greek era you find that these people where
very open-minded and they were unique from other societies and such cultures
became a dominate one. Now we are learning from those great philosophers like
Plato, etc. their characters made them to be different from those in
Thessalonica. And such perspective is very important. And if we want to change
from one area to another, I believe that we must ask God to help us so that, we
can learn from Him and listen from him. And this what makes us the different
from people of these world. We must aim to be like people of Berea who only

saw the great move of their changing by receiving the message from Paul and
Silas. And I believe that whenever we receive the message from God or
whenever we read the word of God, helps us to grow and such growth makes us
to look different from other people around us. When we read the word of God
and allow that word of God to change us and impacts us, makes us to be
different from other people around us. So, I encourage everyone to aim to
change. You can’t read and meditate the word of God and becomes the same
people all the time. So, I believe that when we read the word of God and ask God
to be the centre of everything that we are doing we change completely, and we
become people with open-minded ones. I ask God to bless you so that you can
become different from the people of these world. People with open-minded not
closed-minded people. I will never be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
because it powers of God that brings salvation to anyone who believes. And that
power of God is what makes me different from all people who didn’t receive
Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. That is power that brought changes and
remove all things that were not well and was not pleasing God. I love God with
all my heart, soul, and my minds. Receive the gospel of Jesus in your life and
experience the change in your life and be unique from the world. And the word
of God is reminding us that we must not copy the behaviour and customs of this
world. We must let God to renew our minds. And when we our minds are
renewed, we become unique and become people of mega change.


Paul rebuked the Galatians1 in his epistle for relying on the law to establish their status as
members of God's family. He refers to this as a distinct gospel since the truly good news has
never been about earning a ticket in God's family. In order to demonstrate this, Paul uses
Abraham as a primary example, emphasizing to readers that Abraham never earned a good
relationship with God. Instead, he clung to God's assurance that through him and his
offspring, all nations would one day experience his goodness. God's purpose has always
been to build a family of people who relate to him based on trust rather than the Law.
Despite how beautiful it is, the Law cannot bring about change; Jesus fully fulfils what the
Law is unable to do. All peoples receive God's blessing through Jesus, the progenitor
Abraham was promised. His blessing enables anyone who puts their faith in Jesus to
experience the release of his Spirit, and his Spirit then invites and enables everyone to
experience a new life of love within his family. Christians are called to cultivate this new life,
but they are not compelled to be circumcised or to observe Jewish rituals. What actually
matters, according to Paul, is God's new creation, the family of people who believe in Jesus
and learn to love God and others through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Paul’s journey from persecutor to apostle, wherein he comes to embrace Jesus as the Messiah along the road
to Damascus (Acts 9), sets the stage for his missionary and epistolary activity. The former, which is narrated in
the latter chapters of Acts (15-21), attempts to provide a holistic narrative to the rather piecemeal and
fragmentary nature of the Pauline epistles. The authentic letters of Paul are, above all else, situational and
occasional writings. They are not systematic treatises on theology or exhaustive records of Paul’s intellectual
thinking, but actual communications between himself and the communities with whom he had a relationship
(Philemon is a notable exception; it is a letter addressed to an individual rather than a community). Paul’s letters
attempt to right problems within these communities, problems of sufficient magnitude that they merited further
instruction from Christ’s foremost apostle. Indeed, what troubled Paul about Galatia was not necessarily the
same as what troubled Paul about Rome or Corinth, or Philippi. The recipients of Paul’s letter to the Galatia
remain, geographically speaking, elusive. While we know that the region of Galatia was located in north-central
Asia Minor, its expansiveness and Paul’s lack of specificity means we cannot identify precisely where within
Galatia his letter was sent. The occasion, however, of the letter, written in the late 40s or early 50s CE, is
altogether clear. In wake of Paul’s departure from Galatia, a party of Christ believers (often called the
circumcision party) convinced gentile members of the church, whom Paul had brought into the faith, that true
believers in Christ must follow the Jewish Law in its entirety. Paul has been alerted to this development and his
letter outlines quite angrily his opposition to gentile adherence to the Jewish law, as embodied in the practice of
circumcision. Paul’s letter reveals the difficulty in negotiating the relationship between being a Jew or Gentile
and simultaneously being a follower of Jesus. Furthermore, Paul’s introductory remarks suggest that the
circumcision party has challenged his apostolic authority. Unlike the other prominent apostles, Paul never met
Jesus, a charge that may have compelled his response that his gospel came directly from Christ and not from
human hands.


1 Paul, an apostle, a God-sent

all. You are being scammed by
people who purposefully falsify the
gospel of Christ. 8 Let God's curse
messenger, extends his greetings. I
fall on anybody, whether us or an
was not called to be an apostle by
angel from heaven, who preaches a
men or by any human group. Jesus
different kind of Good News than the
Christ and God, the Father, who
one we proclaimed to you. 9 I'll say it
raised Jesus from the dead, are the
again: Let that person be cursed if
source of my authority. 2 Greetings
they preach any other Good News
to you from all my fellow Christian
than the one you accepted. 10
brethren. To the churches in the
Without a doubt, my goal is to please
Galatian province:
God, not others. I wouldn't serve
3 I pray that God, our Father, Christ if my primary goal was to win
and the Lord Jesus Christ grant you people over.
blessings and peace. 4 For us to be
11 Dear brothers and sisters,
free from the wicked world we live
please understand that the gospel
in, Jesus gave himself as atonement
message I preach is not based on
for our sins. This is what the Father,
personal reasoning. 12 No one taught
God, desired. 5 God will always be
me, and I did not get my message
the exclusive owner of the glory.
from a human source. Instead, I
received it by direct revelation from
6 I'm astonished that you are Jesus Christ. 13 You are aware of
rejecting God so quickly after he how I treated God's church in a
called you to himself through the ferocious manner while I practiced
merciful love of Christ. You are Judaism. I tried all I could to destroy
clinging to a different pathway that it. 14 In my zeal for the traditions of
tries to present as the good news 7 my forefathers, I was far ahead of
yet in reality is not the Good News at my fellow Jews.

15 However, even before I was 20 I thus certify that what I am
born, God chose and called me by his writing to you is true in the presence
amazing grace. So that I may spread of God. 21 I went north into the
the good news of Jesus to the provinces of Syria and Cilicia after
Gentiles, it pleased him to reveal his that visit. 22 And yet, I was still an
Son to me. I didn't run out to speak unknown personally to the churches
to anyone right away after this of Christ in Judea. 23 The only
happened. 17 I didn't even travel up information they knew about me
to Jerusalem to meet with the was that "This man was harassing us.
apostles who came before me. However, he is now preaching to
Instead, I left for Arabia and others about the same faith that he
eventually came back to Damascus. previously attempted to pervert.
18 Three years later, I went to 24 Because of me, these Christians
Jerusalem to meet Peter, where I gave thanks to God.
spent fifteen days. 19 At that time,
James, the Lord's brother, was the
only other apostle I met.


2 After 14 years, Titus and I

nor my current work would be in

returned to Jerusalem with 3 Titus, my companion, is

Barnabas. 2 I went there because Greek. But even so, these authorities

God prompted me to do so. I told did not make him be circumcised. 4

them the message I provide to non- We needed to discuss these issues

Jews. I also met alone with people since some who pretended to be our

regarded as leaders. I wanted to brothers had infiltrated our group in

make sure we were on the same page stealth. They came in as spies to

so that neither my previous work learn about the freedom we enjoy in

Christ Jesus. They intended to make

us slaves, 5 but we refused They merely requested us to keep in
everything those phony brothers mind to help the needy.
wanted. We wanted the Good News
Additionally, I had a strong
to remain true for you.
desire to do this.11 When Peter
6 Those guys who were arrived in Antioch, he did something
thought to be influential did not unethical. I stood up to him because
affect the message of Good News he was inappropriate. 12 This is what
that I preached. (It doesn't matter to took place: When Peter initially
me whether they were "influential" arrived in Antioch, he ate with and
or not. To God, everyone is the socialized with non-Jews. However,
same.) when several Jewish men arrived
from James, Peter withdrew himself
7 However, these leaders saw
from the non-Jews. He stopped
that I had been given a specific task,
eating with them because he was
much like Peter, by God. God
afraid of Jewish individuals who
entrusted Peter with the task of
think that all non-Jews must be
giving the Jews the Good News. But
God assigned me the task of
spreading the Good News to non- 13 Peter thereby exhibited
Jews. 8 God granted Peter the hypocrisy. He was joined by other
authority to serve as an apostle for Jewish believers, who were also
the Jews. But for those who are not hypocrites. Even Barnabas was
Jews, God has given me the affected by the actions of these
authority to serve as an apostle. 9 Jewish Christians.14 They weren't
James, Peter, and John seemed to be living up to the reality of the Gospel.
the leaders. They accepted Barnabas I approached Peter in front of
and me after realizing that I had been everyone when I noticed this. Peter,
given a special calling to serve by you are a Jew, but you don't live like
God. "We agree that you should go to one, I said. You behave in ways that
people who are not Jews, and we will are not typical of Jews. Why then are
go to the Jews," they stated to us. 10 you attempting to convert non-Jews

to live like Jews? 15 We are Jewish by that Christ makes us sinners?
birth. As we refer to those who are Naturally not. 18 But if I started
not Jewish, we were not born teaching the subjects I stopped, I
"sinners." 16 But we all know that would be incorrect. 19 My life was
following the law does not make one ended by the law because of the law
right with God. Trusting in Jesus itself. I died to the law in order to live
Christ reconciles a person to God. for God. I, too, was nailed on the
cross with Christ.
So, we put our confidence in
Christ Jesus because we wanted to 20 Therefore, Christ is the one
be reconciled with God. And we are who is now living in me, not I.
right with God because we put our Although I still have a physical body,
faith in Christ, not because we I still have confidence in the Son of
obeyed the law. This really is God. He is the one who gave of
accurate because following the law himself out of love for me. 21 No, it is
cannot make someone right with not me who dilutes the meaning of
God. 17 We Jews came to Christ to be God's grace. If upholding the law is
reconciled to God; thus, we were how people reconcile themselves to
sinners as well. Does this indicate God, then Christ did not need to die.


3 Galatians, you are such fools!

2 Please share
experience of receiving the Holy
Spirit. Did keeping the law help you

What makes me say this? because I

receive the Spirit? No, you heard and
was very clear in my explanation of
received the good news of Jesus, and
Jesus Christ's crucifixion to you. But
that is how the Spirit came to you. 3
it now looks as though you allowed
As a new creation in Christ, you were
someone to make you forget by
born of the Spirit. Are you now
using their magical abilities.
attempting to finish it on your own?
That is insane.

4 You've had a lot of blessed in the same way that
experiences. Did all of those Abraham was. 10 However, those
experiences ultimately useless? I who rely on keeping the law to make
hope they weren't squandered! 5 them right are cursed. "They must do
Does God give you the Spirit because everything written in the law," the
you follow the law? Does God Scriptures say. They will be cursed if
perform wonders among you just they do not constantly obey." 11 It is
because you follow the law? No, evident that the law cannot make
since you received the gospel of anybody right with God. "Whoever is
Jesus and accepted it, God sends you straight with God by faith will live
his Spirit and performs wonders everlasting," the Scriptures say. 12
among you. People are not required to have faith
in the law. 'He who obeys the laws
6 The same is said of Abraham
shall survive as a result of them,' it
in the Bible. "Abraham believed God,
and as a result of his faith, he was
recognized as a righteous person by 13 Christ has delivered us from the
God." 7 As a result, you should be curse that the law had imposed on
aware that individuals who possess us. He made the curse his own. It
faith are Abraham's actual should have been our fault. 'A curse
descendants. 8 The Scriptures be on everyone who hangs on a tree!'
predicted what will happen in the state the holy writings. 14 Christ
future. According to these Jesus made this sacrifice so that
scriptures, God would make the non- non-Jews may share in Abraham's
Jewish people right through their blessing. He did this so that when we
faith. God foretold this Good News believe, the Spirit who was promised
to Abraham before it happened. I will to us will be given to us.
use you to bless everyone on earth,
15 Let me offer you an
God promised Abraham. 9 Abraham
example from daily life, brothers,
believed, and he was blessed as a
and sisters: Consider a contract that
result. Everyone who believes is
two parties enter into. Once that

agreement has been formally This is the Descendant referenced in
established, nobody will be able to the promise, which came directly
alter it, add to it, or choose to from God. However, angels served as
disregard it. 16 To Abraham and his the intermediary through whom the
offspring, God made promises. The law was communicated to the
Scripture does not mention, "and to people, and they did it by means of
your descendants." It would be a Moses. 20 A mediator is not
large number of people. To your necessary when there is just one
Descendant, though, it says. That party, and God is that one, hence
implies that there is only one, and there was none present when God
that one is Christ. made the promise. 21 Does this imply
that the law contradicts God's
17 What I mean is that the covenant
promises? Probably not. God never
God made with Abraham was
intended for mankind to experience
established before the law was
new life through the law. If it were,
established. 430 years later, the law
we could make peace with God by
was established. Therefore, the
following the law. 22 But this is not
agreement and God's promise could
doable. The Scriptures imprisoned
not be altered by the law. 18 Can
the entire world under the dominion
God's promised blessing be obtained
of sin, so that the only way for
through keeping the law? If we could
mankind to receive what God
obtain it simply by following the law,
promised would be through faith in
it would not be God's promise that
Jesus Christ. It is granted to those
provides it to us. But according to
who have faith in him.
the promise God made, Abraham
received his blessings freely. 19 Why 23 Before this faith, the law had
then did laws exist? The law was imprisoned us. We didn't have any
enacted to highlight the freedom until God gave us the route
wrongdoings of people. The law to trust. 24 I mean, until Christ came,
would remain in effect until the the law was our guardian. We may be
special Abrahamic descendant came. made right with God through faith

after Christ came. 25 We no longer are a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free
require the law to protect us, for the person, a man, or a woman, it makes
way of faith has come. 26-27 You no difference in Christ. In Christ
were all baptized into Christ and Jesus, you are all one. 29 You are
therefore clothed in Christ. This Christ's followers; hence you are
demonstrates that you are all God's Abraham's offspring. You get all of
offspring through your trust in God's blessings because of God's
Christ Jesus. 28 Now, whether you promise to Abraham.


4 Consider it in this manner. Even

freedom from being under the law. 6
And because we are his children, God
has put his Son's Spirit into our
if they technically possess all their
hearts, causing us to call out, "Abba,
deceased father had, young children
Father." 7 You are no longer a slave,
who receive an inheritance from a
but rather God's own child.
deceased parent are essentially
Furthermore, God has appointed you
treated as slaves until they reach
his heir since you are his child. 8
adulthood. 2 They must follow their
Before you Gentiles knew God, you
guardians until they reach the age
were slaves to fictitious gods. 9 So,
determined by their father. 3 And
now that you know God (or, should I
that was how it was before Christ
say, now that God knows you), why
came. We were like little children,
do you wish to go back and become
subject to the fundamental spiritual
slaves to the weak and meaningless
laws of this universe. 4 But when the
spiritual principles of this world? 10
proper moment arrived, God sent his
By keeping particular days, months,
Son, who was born of a woman and
seasons, and years holy, you are
was subject to the law. 5 In order to
attempting to win God's favour. 11
adopt us as his very own children,
I'm scared of you. Perhaps my
God sent him to purchase our

efforts with you were in vain. 12 My and those pangs won't stop until
beloved brothers and sisters, I Christ is fully developed in your life.
implore you to live as I do, free from 20 I wish I could alter my tone right
these things, for I have become like now. But I'm at a loss for other
you Gentiles, free from those laws. options at this distance. 21 Do you
When I initially started preaching to know what the law genuinely says,
you, you did not treat me badly. 13 tell me you who desire to live by the
Surely you recall that I was unwell law?
when I first brought you the Good
22 According to the
News. 14 Despite the fact that my
Scriptures, Abraham had two sons:
situation prompted you to reject me,
one from his slave wife and one from
you did not dislike or reject me. No,
his freeborn wife. 23 In an effort by
you treated me as if I were a God-
humans to bring about the fulfilment
sent angel or perhaps Christ Jesus
of God's promise, the son of the
himself. 15 Where is the attitude of
slave wife was born. However, the
gratitude and joy you had at the
son of the freeborn bride was born
time? I have no doubt that if it had
as God's own fulfilment of his
been possible, you would have
promise. 24 These two women are
removed your own eyes and given
illustrative of God's two covenants.
them to me. 16 Have I now turned
The first woman, Hagar, represents
against you because I am telling you
Mount Sinai, where the law that
the truth? 17 Those phony teachers
enslaved them was given. 25 And
are so anxious to earn your favour,
now, Jerusalem is just like Mount
yet their motives are false. They are
Sinai in Arabia, because she and her
attempting to remove you from me
offspring are subject to the law. 26
so that you will focus solely on them.
However, Sarah, the other lady,
18 If someone wants to do good for
stands in for the heavenly
you, that's fine; but let them do it all
Jerusalem. She is our mother and the
the time, not just when I'm around.
liberated woman. 27 As Isaiah said,
19 My precious children, oh my!
Again, I feel like I'm in labour for you, “Rejoice, O childless woman,

you who have never given birth! as Ishmael, the child of human effort,
Break into a joyful shout, persecuted Isaac, the child of the
you who have never been in Spirit's power.
30 But what do the Scriptures say
For the desolate woman now has
about it? "Get rid of the slave and
more children
her son, because the slave woman's
than the woman who lives with
son will not share the inheritance
her husband!”
with the free woman's son." 31 So,
28 In the same way that Isaac was a
my brothers and sisters, we are the
child of the promise, you too, dear
offspring of the free woman, not the
brothers and sisters, are. 29 But you
slave woman.
are now being persecuted by those
who want you to follow the law, just


5 Christ genuinely set us free in

from Christ if you are attempting to
make God see you as righteous by
keeping the law! You lost touch with
this way. Make sure you don't go
God's grace. 5 But those of us who
back into legalized servitude. 2
are Spirit-filled are eagerly
Listen! I, Paul, tell you this: If you
anticipating the righteousness that
expect circumcision to make you
God has promised to grant us
right with God, Christ will be useless
through faith. 6 When we put our
to you. 3 I'll say it one more. You
faith in Christ Jesus, there is no
must comply with every
benefit to being circumcised or
requirement in the whole of the Law
uncircumcised. What counts is how
of Moses if you're hoping to gain
faith manifests itself in love.
God's favour by becoming
7 You were running incredibly
circumcised. 4 You have been cut
effectively the race. You have been

prevented from pursuing the truth another. Take care not to ruin one
by whom? 8 Since God is the one another. 16 So, I say, let the Holy
who called you to freedom, it is Spirit lead your life. Because of this,
surely not him. 9 This incorrect you won't be engaging in immoral
teaching is like a speck of yeast that behaviour. 17 Exactly contrary to
spreads throughout the entire batch what the Spirit desires, the sinful
of bread! 10 I'm putting my faith in nature desires to do evil. And the
the Lord to guard you against Spirit gives us desires that are
accepting incorrect doctrines. God completely contradictory to those of
will punish whomever it is who has the sinful flesh. Because these two
been confusing you. forces are continuously at odds, you
11 Dear brothers and sisters, if are not free to carry out your good
I still preached that you needed to be intentions. 18 You are not obligated
circumcised, as some claim I do, why to follow the law of Moses, however,
am I still being persecuted? No one when you are guided by the Spirit. 19
would be upset if I stopped teaching When you give in to your sinful
salvation through the cross of nature's desires, the outcomes are
Christ. 12 I only hope those blatantly clear: sexual immorality,
troublemakers who want to impurity, sensual pleasures, 20
circumcise you would mutilate idolatries, sorcery, enmity,
themselves. 13 My brothers and quarrelling, jealously, outbursts of
sisters, you have been called to live rage, selfish ambition, dissension,
in freedom. Don't, however, abuse division, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild
your freedom to appease your parties, and other sins like these. Let
wicked nature. Use your freedom to me say it again: anyone living that
help one another in love instead. 14 kind of life will not inherit God's
Because this one rule, "Love your Kingdom. 22 However, the fruit that
neighbour as yourself," encapsulates the Holy Spirit produces in our life is
the entirety of the law. 15 On the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
other hand, be careful if you are goodness, faithfulness, 23
constantly biting and devouring one gentleness, and self-control. These

actions are not prohibited by law. 24 we can to follow his guidance. 26
Those who belong to Christ Jesus Let's avoid being arrogant, inciting
have crucified their sinful nature's conflict, or being envious of one
passions and wants by nailing them another.
to his cross. 25 We should live by the
Spirit, therefore let's do everything


6 Greetings, brothers, and

6 Every good thing should be shared
with instructors by those who are
instructed in the word of God. 7 Be
sisters. If another Christian is
careful not to be deceived; you
overwhelmed by sin, you who are
cannot mock God's judgment. You
godly should gently and humbly
will always reap what you sow. 8
guide that person back to the path of
Those who simply live in order to
righteousness. And take caution not
appease their own evil nature will
to succumb to the same temptation.
reap rot and death from that wicked
2 In this manner, you will be
nature. The Spirit will grant
following Christ's law by bearing one
everlasting life to those who live to
another burdens. 3 If you believe you
please him, though. 9 So let us not
are too important to help someone,
get bored of doing what is right. If we
you are delusory. You are not that
don't give up, we shall reap a crop of
important. 4 Pay careful attention to
benefits at the perfect moment. 10
your own work; that way, you'll have
As a result, whenever we have the
the satisfaction of a job well done
opportunity, we should do good to
without having to compare yourself
everyone, especially those in the
to anybody else. 5 For every one of
family of faith. 11 Take note of the
us is accountable for our own
huge letters I use while penning
these final sentences in my own

handwriting. 12 Those who are 18 Please accept the blessing of our
attempting to have you circumcised
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
do so in order to seem respectable.
in your spirit, dear brothers,
They don't want to face persecution
and sisters. Amen.
because they preach that only the
blood of Christ on the cross can
save. 13 Moreover, even people who
support circumcision don't observe
the entire law themselves. The only
reason they want you circumcised is
so they can brag about it and call
you, their followers. 14 As for me,
may I never take pride in anything
other than the cross of our Saviour
Jesus Christ. That cross has crucified
both my interest in this world and
the interest the world has in me. 15
Whether we have had our
circumcisions or not is irrelevant.
What matters is whether or not we
have undergone a change to become
a new creation. 16 All those who
follow this principle deserve God's
peace and kindness since they
represent the new God's people.

17 Don't bother me with these things

anymore. I have scars that identify
me as a follower of Jesus on my


Paul explains in a letter to the Ephesian2 church how the work of Jesus on the
cross should influence every part of their daily life, transforming how they
behave and care for one another in spite of their differences. God's vision for
the new humanity is for them to be united via the Spirit and their faith in the
Messiah, overcoming ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural identity boundaries.
Paul challenges the Ephesian church to become new people who live and love
like Jesus, saying that the Spirit will empower them to stand strong against
dividing forces and demonic evil.


1 This letter is written by Paul,

3 All glory to God, the Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
bestowed on us every spiritual
who was selected by God to be an
blessing in the heavenly realms
apostle of Christ Jesus. I'm writing to
because we are united with Christ. 4
the devout followers of Christ Jesus
God loves us and chose us in Christ
at Ephesus, who are God's holy
to be holy and faultless in his eyes
people. 2 May the grace and peace of
even before he created the world. 5
God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus
God planned ahead of time to adopt
Christ be with you.
us into his own family by bringing us

The city of Ephesus was known for its idolatry and pagan practices. Paul traveled there on his third missionary
journey and stayed there for almost three years. While living and working among the Ephesians, he started the
church in Ephesus. The Ephesian Christians were primarily Gentiles and their lives had not been informed by
the Jewish laws or experience. Living in a culture quite contrary to their newfound belief in Jesus Christ, they
needed encouragement and guidance to better understand what it meant to live into their new identity in
Christ. And that encouragement came from an unlikely place. The Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the
Ephesians while he was in prison. Paul’s letter was likely passed from church to church, city to city, as was the
custom of the time. So Paul’s theology and encouragement spread far beyond just the church in Ephesus and
we’ll find that his wisdom continues to be valuable for our faith today.

to himself through Jesus Christ. This God can redeem you, he marked you
was exactly what he wanted to as his own by giving you the Holy
accomplish, and it brought him a lot Spirit, as he had previously
of joy. promised. 14 The Holy Spirit is God's
assurance that he will give us the
6 Therefore we thank God for
inheritance he promised and that he
the great blessing he has granted to
has purchased us to be his own
us who belong to his precious Son. 7
people. He did this to gain our
His love and grace are so abundant
honour and glory.
that they used the blood of his Son
to pay for our freedom and atone for 15 Ever since I first learned of your
our sins. 8 Along with all his unwavering dedication to the Lord
expertise and intelligence, he has Jesus and to God's people
bestowed upon us his kindness. 9 everywhere, 16 I haven't stopped
God has now made known to us his praising God for you. 17 I keep asking
enigmatic desire for Christ, which is God, the mighty Father of our Lord
to carry out his own wise scheme. 10 Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual
The strategy is as follows: At the awareness and insight so that you
proper moment, he will unite all might deepen your knowledge of
things in heaven and earth under the God, and I pray for you constantly.
rule of Christ. 11 Furthermore,
18 I really pray that God would
because we are linked to Christ, we
grant you the illumination you need
have an inheritance from God
in order to fully grasp the sure hope
because he predetermined our
He has given to those He has called—
election and organizes everything to
His holy people, who are His vast and
go according to his plan. 12 Because
glorious heritage. 19 I also ask that
we were the first to believe in Christ,
you see the amazing magnitude of
God intended for us Jews to bring
God's power for those of us who
him glory and praise. 13 Now that
trust in him. This is the same
you Gentiles have discovered the
powerful power 20 that raised Christ
truth and heard the good news that
from the dead and set him in the

position of honour at God's right side church, God has placed all things
in the celestial realms. 21 He is now under the rule of Christ and made
much superior to any ruler, him supreme over all. 23 And the
authority, power, leader, or anything church is his body; it is made whole
else, both in this world and the one and complete by Christ, who fills all
to come. 22 For the sake of the things everywhere with himself.


2 You were spiritually dead in the

4 But God is generous with his
kindness, and we were deeply loved
by him. 5 We were spiritually dead
past because of your sins and the
because of what we had done
things you committed against God. 2
against him. But in Christ, he has
Indeed, such sins were prevalent in
given us new life. (You have been
your lives in the past. You adopted
saved by the grace of God.) 6 Yes,
the lifestyle of the wider population
God resurrected us from death and
and obeyed the de facto leader of
seated us with him in the celestial
the evil forces above the planet.
realms because we are a portion of
Now, those who reject God's
Christ Jesus. 7 God accomplished
commands are being affected by the
this so that his compassion to us who
same spirit. 3 We all used to live in
belong to Christ Jesus might plainly
the same manner, seeking only to
demonstrate the incredible riches of
appease our wicked selves. Our
his grace for all time.
bodies and thoughts dictated what
we did, therefore we did everything. 8 By grace, I mean that you
We, like everyone else in the world, were saved because you believed. It
deserved to be punished by God was God's gift to you; you didn't earn
simply for being who we were. it. 9 You are not saved by your
efforts; therefore, you have nothing

to brag about. 10 We are what we are sacrificing his own body. It was his
because of God. God transformed us intention to unite the two factions
into new creatures in Christ Jesus so inside himself. This would allow him
that we may live our lives to reconcile. 16 The enmity between
performing the excellent deeds he the two factions was put to an end
had previously predestined for us. 11 by Christ on the cross. He also
You were not born into a Jewish desired to return them both to God
family. You are the "uncircumcised" when they united into one body. His
Jews. Jewish people who refer to crucifixion on the cross
you as being "uncircumcised" accomplished this.
consider themselves to be
17 Christ came to you, non-Jews who
circumcised. (Their circumcision is a
were alienated from God, and gave
personal act they do on their body.)
the message of peace. And he sent
12 Remember that you were once
the message of peace to those who
without Christ. You were not an
were close to God. 18 Yes, through
Israelite and were unaware of the
Christ, we all have the privilege to
covenants and pledges that God had
come to the Father in one Spirit. 19
given to his people. You lacked a
You are no longer outsiders or
relationship with God and had no
strangers, but citizens alongside
hope. 13 Yes, you were once distant
God's holy people. In God's family,
from God, but thanks to Jesus Christ,
you are an heir. 20 You, who are
you are now closer to him than ever.
believers, are like a building that
Through Christ's blood sacrifice, you
belongs to God. On the foundation
are brought near to God.14 Christ is
laid by the apostles and prophets,
the reason we are now at peace. He
that structure was built. The
made you who are not Jews and me,
cornerstone of the building that
Jews, into one people. Christ tore
matters the most is Christ Jesus. 21
down the wall of hatred that stood
The entirety of the foundation is
between us and divided us. Christ
unified in Christ, who also causes it
abolished the law with all of its many
to develop and transform into a
instructions and regulations by

revered temple in the sight of the the Spirit, you are transformed into
Lord. 22 And you are being built with a place where God dwells.
his other people in Christ. Through


3 When I contemplate all of this, I,

was given to me by God. By his
strength, he blessed me.

Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus for 8 Even though I am the least

the benefit of you Gentiles... 2 deserving of all of God's people, he

thinking, by the way, that you know kindly granted me the opportunity

God assigned me the unique task of to inform the Gentiles about the

distributing his mercy to you limitless riches that are accessible to

Gentiles. 3 As I mentioned them in Christ. 9 I was chosen to

previously, I had direct revelation convey to everyone this cryptic plan

from God on his enigmatic plan. 4 As that God, the creator of everything

you read what I have said, you will had kept hidden from the

grasp my perspective on Christ's beginning.10 All of this was done for

plan. 5 God withheld it from earlier God's purpose, which was to use the

generations, but he has now church to show all the invisible

revealed it through his Spirit to his authorities and rulers in the

holy apostles and prophets. 6 This is heavenly realms the rich diversity

God's strategy. All people will benefit and depth of his knowledge. 11 He

from God's benefits, even non-Jews. carried out this everlasting purpose

Additionally, they are a component through Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 We

of Jesus Christ's body. They will also may now enter God's presence

get what God has promised in Jesus fearlessly and confidently because

Christ as a result of the good news. 7 of Christ and our confidence in him.

The task of sharing that good news 13 Because of my difficulties here,

kindly don't lose hope. You should be

honoured because I am suffering for you would comprehend how vast,
you. 14 Because of this, I kneel and long, lofty, and deep His love is. 19 I
pray to the Father. 15 He is the wish that you will experience
source of the names for all families, Christ's love. His love is
both in heaven and on earth. 16 I unfathomable to us. I fervently hope
fervently pray that the abundance that God Himself will fill you. 20
of His dazzling magnificence may Because of His power at work inside
enable Him to strengthen you with us, God is able to accomplish far
inner strength and the power of the more than we can ask or imagine. 21
Holy Spirit. 17 I earnestly hope that May the church be a reflection of His
you will have faith and let Christ dazzling magnificence. May Jesus
abide in your hearts. I sincerely hope Christ be honoured by all people
you experience love. 18 I pray that forever. Make it happen.


4 Because I serve the Lord, I am

to one hope. 5 There is just one Lord,
one faith, and one baptism. 6 There
is one God. We all have him as our
being held captive. I beseech you
father. He possesses authority over
from the bottom of my heart to live
each and every one of us. He is the
and work as the Lord intended. 2
One who is at work in all of us. He is
Live and labour without any sense of
the One who lives within all of us. 7
pride. Be courteous and considerate.
Each and every one of us has
Do not be judgmental of others.
received loving favour. The gift of
Allow love to stop you from doing so.
Christ allows us to recognize how
3 Strive to coexist harmoniously
tremendous it is.
with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Peace
will then prevail. 4 There is just one 8 As it is said in the Holy

body and one Spirit. You were called Writings, "When Christ ascended to

heaven, He took those who were new message we hear from those
confined with Him." He bestowed who are attempting to deceive us—
gifts on men." 9 What else could "He those who devise sophisticated plots
went up" possibly indicate save that and employ every trick in the book
He had previously descended to the to dupe others into pursuing the
depths of the earth? 10 Christ, who wrong path. 15 The truth will be
descended into the depths, spoken with love, though. In every
ascended high above the skies. He manner, we shall mature into the
accomplished this so that He may fill image of Christ. He is the head,16
the entire world with Himself. 11 And and the body completely is reliant on
the same Christ bestowed upon him. Each component of the body
individuals the following abilities: He performs its own function while
formed some into apostles, some being connected to and held
into prophets, some to go and together as a whole. This allows the
spread the gospel, and some to take entire body to expand and become
care of and instruct God's people. 12 stronger in love.
The purpose of Christ's gifts was to
17 In the name of the Lord, I
strengthen the body of Christ and to
declare to you that you must cease
equip God's holy people for service.
living in the manner of the world's
13 Until we are all united in our
unbelievers. Their ideas are illogical.
knowledge and belief of the Son of
18 Their brains are black. They have
God, this endeavour must continue.
no connection to God's life. This is a
Our objective is to mature into full-
result of their refusal to
grown men, to appear exactly like
acknowledge Him and their rejection
Christ, and to possess all of his
of Him in their hearts.
perfection. 14 After that, we won't
be infants anymore. We won't be 19 They are no longer concerned
individuals who fluctuate constantly with what is good or wrong. They
as a ship carried inexorably from one have surrendered to the wicked
direction to the next by the waves. ways of the world and are always
We will not be persuaded by every desiring to commit every immoral

deed they can think of. 20 But Christ others in need, he must labour with
taught nothing comparable to what his hands.
you have learned. 21 If you have
29 Keep your mouth shut! You
heard of Him and have learned from
should not say anything negative.
Him, 22 put aside the old person you
Say what is excellent. Your remarks
used to be. Stay away from your
should aid others in their spiritual
previous wicked life. Having been
development. 30 Make sure that
duped into giving in to wicked
your lifestyle doesn't cause the Holy
cravings, it was sinful. 23 Allow your
Spirit of God to grieve whom you
brain and emotions to be renewed.
were sealed for the day of
24 To be like God, you must change
redemption. 31 All of these negative
into a new person. You will then live
emotions toward other people, as
a genuinely holy life and be
well as rage, a short fuse, loud
reconciled with God. 25 Therefore,
talking, inappropriate speech that
cease deceiving one another. Tell
offends others, and negative
your neighbour the whole truth. We
sentiments that offend others,
are all a part of the same body. 26 Be
should be banished from your life. 32
careful not to allow your anger turn
You must show each other respect.
into a sin. Get your fury under
Keep the other person in mind.
control before the day is done. 27
Forgive others like God has forgiven
Stop allowing the devil to influence
you because of Christ's death on the
your life. 28 Anyone who steals must
cease immediately! To obtain what
he needs and to be able to assist


5 Therefore, since you are his

Christ did, and emulate him in all
that you do. He gave himself up for
us out of love for us, making himself
beloved offspring, imitate God in all
a fragrant offering to God. 3 Avoid
that you do. 2 Live a life of love, as
sexual immorality, impurity, and

avarice. Such transgressions have no everything is disclosed by the light
place among the people of God. 4 because everything that is shown is
You should not listen to crude jokes, light. 14 As a result, he exclaims,
obscene stories, or silly "Awake, you who slumber, and arise
conversation. Let there be a spirit of from the dead, and the light of Christ
gratitude to God instead. 5 No one will shine on you." Attributed to the
who practices immorality, impurity, reason that the days are terrible, 15
or greed will have the opportunity to you must walk wisely, not as an idiot
enter God and Christ's Kingdom, you but as a smart person, 16 redeeming
can be certain of that. Because the time. 17 So, instead of acting
greedy person worships the goods of foolishly, comprehend what the
this world, they are idolaters. Lord's will is. 18 Do not get
intoxicated with wine, which causes
6 Don't fall for the excuses of
dissipation, but be full of the Spirit,
those who would have you believe
19 speaking to one another in
that these offenses are not serious
psalms, hymns, and spiritual
since God will punish all rebels. 7
melodies; singing and making music
Avoid joining in with their activities.
in your heart to the Lord; 20 giving
8 Previously, you were completely in
thanks in all everything in the name
the dark, but now the Lord has given
of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God,
you light. Live, then, like those who
even the Father; 21 humbling
are of light! 9 Because this light
yourself to one another in the fear of
within you only manifests what is
Christ. 22 Wives, your husbands
real, good, and right. 10
should treat you the same way. 23
demonstrating what is honourable
For God has given husbands a holy
before the Lord. 11 Reprimand rather
responsibility to lead, just as the
than join in with the evil things done
Anointed leads the church and acts
by the dark. 12 Since they carry out
as its head, so submit to them as you
their illicit activities in secrecy, it is
would the Lord. 24 So wives should
shameful to even discuss it. 13 But
submit to their husbands
when something is exposed,
respectfully in all ways, just as the

church bows to the Anointed One. 25 adores himself. 29 Nobody has ever
Husbands, please love your wives as despised his own body. However, he
Christ loved the church. He laid feeds and cares for it. 30 In the same
down his life for the sake of the manner, Christ looks after the
church. 26 He did this to make the church since we are a part of his
church people holy by washing them body. 31 According to the holy
with water through God's word. 27 writings, "for this reason a man shall
He sacrificed his life for the church leave his father and mother." He and
so that one day he might look at the his wife will be joined, and they will
church and realize what fantastic like one. 32 This is a fantastic plan
and wonderful people it is filled with. that God has. Here, I'm referring to
There must be no blemish, wrinkle, the scheme involving Christ and the
or other imperfection on the church faithful. 33 But every one of you
members. They must, however, be should treat your spouses with the
pious and admirable. 28 Husbands same respect and affection that you
should thus love their wives in the would give to your own spouses.
same way that they love their own Likewise, the wife ought to respect
bodies. A man who adores his wife her husband.


6 Children, obey your parents

you honour your parents. 4 Fathers,
be careful not to incite resentment
in your children by acting in an
because you belong to the Lord, and
unkind manner. Instead, teach and
that is the correct thing to do. 2
discipline them according to the
"Respect your parents." The first law
Lord's authority. 5 Slaves show
that includes a promise is as follows:
reverence and terror to their earthly
3 "Things will go well for you, and you
lords. Serve them with the same
will enjoy a long life on the earth," if
sincerity with which you would serve

Christ. 6 Make an effort to always the belt of truth and the body armor
please them, not just while they are of God's righteousness and stand
looking at you. Follow God's will firm. 15 So that you will be totally
wholeheartedly as Christ's servants. equipped, put on the peace that
7 Work enthusiastically, as though comes from the Good News as your
you were serving the Lord rather shoes. 16 In addition to all of this,
than other people. 8 Remember that raise your shield of faith to repel the
the Lord will reward every one of us devil's scorching arrows. 17 Put on
for the good we accomplish, whether salvation like a helmet and grab the
we are slaves or free. 9 Masters, word of God as the sword of the
handle your slaves with the same Spirit. 18 Whenever possible and
respect. Remember that you share appropriate, pray in the Spirit.
the same Master in heaven, and he Continue to be vigilant and
doesn't have any favourites, so don't persistent in your prayers for all
threaten them. 10 Finally, I want to believers everywhere. 19 Pray for
encourage you to have faith in the me as well, please. So that I may
Lord and his tremendous strength. confidently communicate God's
11 Put on all of God's gear so that you enigmatic plan—that the Good News
can stand firm against all of the is for both Jews and Gentiles—ask
devil's methods. 12 For we are not God for the correct words. 20 I'm still
engaged in battle with human in chains, spreading my message as
opponents; rather, we are engaged God's envoy. Therefore, please pray
in conflict with demonic authorities for me so that I can continue to stand
and rulers of the unseen world, with out for him as I should. 21 To bring
powerful forces in the present-day you up to speed, Tychicus will give
dark world, and with evil spirits in you a detailed report on what I'm
the higher realms. 13 As a result, put doing and how I'm doing. He is a
on all of God's gear so that you can cherished brother and a devoted
fend off the bad guys when they servant of the Lord. 22 To inform you
come. When the struggle is over, you of our progress and to give you
will still be standing strong. 14 Put on encouragement, I sent him to you

specifically for this reason. 23 God true. 24 May all who love our Lord
bless you, dear brothers, and sisters, Jesus Christ experience the
and may God the Father and the Lord unending grace of God.
Jesus Christ give you love that is


Paul bases his epistle to the Philippians 3 on a poem that emphasizes Jesus'
humility in the face of suffering. His letter encourages all readers to consider
the needs and interests of others, especially when times are tough. Difficult
situations frequently cause humans to whine, compete with one another, and
hoard resources to suit our own wants. On the other hand, Paul encourages us
to keep in mind how Jesus' sacrificial act brings about true life. In the midst of
hardship, his resurrection gives us a reason to share graciously with others.
Paul's imprisonment demonstrates that spreading Jesus' attitude is difficult, so
he encourages the church and reminds them to persevere.

Paul ministered at Philippi during his second missionary journey, spending about three months in the city.
The ministry at Philippi marked Paul’s entrance into Macedonia, which came about as a result of a vision he
had in the city of Troas, just across the northeastern corner of the Aegean Sea from the port city of Neapolis
and its close neighbor Philippi (Acts 16:8–12). During this first stay in Philippi—he later briefly visited the city
on his third missionary journey (20:6)—Paul brought to faith in Christ people who would form the core of the
burgeoning congregation in the city. Among them were Lydia, a businesswoman who opened her home to Paul
and his coworkers (16:13–15), and the Philippian jailer, who was converted under Paul’s ministry after an
earthquake miraculously broke open the prison (16:22–34). Of the four Prison Epistles, Paul likely wrote
Philippians last, near the end of his Roman imprisonment in AD 61 or 62. Paul sent the other three Prison
Epistles—Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon—by the hand of Tychicus, as their destinations were near one
another. However, the letter to the Philippians was to be delivered by Epaphroditus, who had come to Paul in
Rome with financial help from the church at Philippi (Philippians 2:25; 4:18). But during his time in Rome,
Epaphroditus took ill, which delayed his return home and, therefore, the delivery of the letter (2:26–27).


1 Greeting from Paul and Timothy,

He is aware of my deep love for
every one of you, a love that is
derived from the love of Jesus
Jesus' servants.
Christ. 9 I also ask that your love
To every one of you in Philippi who, continue to deepen, and that is my
along with your elders and special prayer. I pray for increased
servants, are God's holy people in knowledge and wisdom in all areas
Christ Jesus. for you. 10 I sincerely hope you will
understand what is best. Till the day
2 God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus
of Christ's second coming, I pray that
Christ grant you grace and peace.
you will be honest and blameless. 11
3 Every time I think of you, I give God Moreover, I sincerely hope that you
praise for you. 4 As I pray for every will bear the benefits of a good life.
one of you, I am constantly joyful. 5 With reverence and gratitude to
The reason is that ever from the first God, these are from Jesus Christ.
day you heard the Good News, you
12 Christian brothers, please know
have been sharing it with others. 6 I
that what has occurred to me has
do not doubt that God, who started
aided in the propagation of the
a good job in you, will continue that
Gospel. 13 Everyone around here
work until the day of Jesus Christ's
understands why I'm in jail. It is
second coming. 7 It's indeed
because of the gospel sermons I gave
appropriate for me to feel this way
about Jesus. I am here for a reason
about all of you. Because you are
that is known to every soldier who
really special to me. You all extended
serves the nation's ruler. 14 This has
God's gracious favour to me when I
strengthened the faith of the
was imprisoned and during my
majority of my Christian brothers in
efforts to demonstrate the veracity
the Lord. They have more authority
of the Good News. 8 God
to proclaim God's Word without fear.
understands what I'm talking about.

15 Some people preach because they sure which is preferable. 23 There is
seek to cause problems and are a significant pull from both sides. In
envious. Others are doing it for the order to be with Christ, which is
right reasons. 16 These people are much preferable, I have the desire to
motivated by love. They are aware go from this world. 24 However, you
that I am being used as evidence for need me to stay more than anybody
the truth of the Good News. 17 else. 25 I am certain that I shall live to
Others preach about Christ for help you develop and be happy in
personal gain. Their motivations are your faith. 26 This will give you a
off. During my incarceration, they greater reason to praise Christ Jesus
aim to cause me pain.18 Does it really when I return to see you again. 27
matter if they are false or not? I am Live your life according to the Good
grateful that Christ is preached, and News of Christ. I want to know that
I shall remain joyful. 19 All of this will you are remaining faithful to one
work out for the best thanks to your whether I visit you or not. I want to
prayers and the assistance the Holy know that you are preaching the
Spirit provides me with. 20 I Good News as a team, working
sincerely hope I won't have any together. 28 Fear not those who
cause to feel ashamed. By my life or despise you. Their hate for you
by my death, I want to honour Christ clearly shows that they will perish.
with my body. I want to honour Him All of this is evidence from God that
fearlessly now and always. you are being saved. 29 You must
not only have faith in Him, but you
21 Living implies having Christ in my
must also undergo suffering on His
perspective. To death implies I'll
behalf. 30 You know what it's like to
have more of Him. 22 By continuing
be in a battle. Now is the moment for
to exist in this body, I will be able to
you to participate, just as I have.
lead more people to Christ. I'm not


2 If there is any comfort in Christ,

9 For this reason, God exalted
Him and gave Him the name above all
names, 10 so that at the name of
any solace of love, any spiritual
Jesus, every knee will bow, of those
fellowship, and affection, or any
in heaven, on earth, and under the
compassion, makes my happiness
earth, 11 and every tongue will
complete by sharing the same
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to
thoughts, upholding the same love,
the glory of God the Father. 12
being one in spirit, and having a
Therefore, my beloved, in the same
single goal in mind. 3 Rather than
way, that you have always obeyed,
acting out of selfishness or hollow
work out your own salvation with
arrogance, act with humility and
fear and trembling. 13 For it is God
remember that others are more
who is at work in you, both to desire
important than yourself. 4 Likewise,
and to work for His good pleasure. 14
do not only consider your own
Do everything without murmuring or
interests but also those of others. 5
arguing, 15 so that you will be clean
Have the same mindset that Christ
and innocent, children of God
Jesus did. 6 Because He was already
beyond reproach in the midst of a
existing in the form of God, Christ
corrupt and wayward generation,
Jesus did not consider equality with
among whom you appear as lights in
God as something to be desired.
the world, 16 holding firmly the word
7 Instead, Christ Jesus humbled
of life, so that on the day of Christ I
Himself by taking on the role of a
can take pride because I did not run
bondservant and becoming a man. 8
in vain nor work in vain. 17 But even
He further humbled Himself by being
if I am offered as a drink sacrifice in
submissive to the point of death—
exchange for your faith's sacrifice
death on a cross—after being
and duty, I am glad and I rejoice with
discovered to be a man in outward
you all. 18 I implore you to celebrate

in the same way as me and to join me Epaphroditus, my brother, and
in my happiness. fellow worker and fellow soldier,
who is also your messenger and
19 However, through the Lord
minister to my need, 26 since he was
Jesus, I pray that I may send Timothy
longing for you all and troubled
to you soon, so that when I learn of
because you had heard that he was
your condition, I too may be
unwell. 27 In spite of the fact that he
encouraged. 20 For I don't know
was close to passing away, God
anyone else who shares my worry
showed mercy on him and not just
for your well-being. 21 Because they
on him but also on me, preventing
are all self-centred and do not have
me from experiencing further grief.
Christ Jesus' interests in mind. 22
28 As a result, I have sent him even
But you are aware of his established
more enthusiastically, so that when
character, that he worked with me in
you see him again, you will rejoice,
the proclamation of the gospel like a
and I will be less anxious about you.
child serves his father. In light of
30 Because he almost died for the
this, 23 I want to send him right away
work of Christ, risking his life to
once I have an idea of how things are
make up for your absence in your
going with me; 24 and I have faith in
service to me, receive him in the
the Lord that my own arrival is
Lord with all gladness and keep
imminent. 25 But I deemed it
persons like him in high esteem.
essential to send to you


3 Finally, rejoice in the Lord, my

you. 2 Beware of the dogs, beware of
the nefarious workers, beware of the
fake circumcision; 3 because we are
brothers, and sisters. It is no
the real circumcision, who worship in
difficulty for me to write the same
the Spirit of God and take pride in
things over, and it is a guarantee for
Christ Jesus, and have no confidence

in the body,4 and although I may experience the resurrection from
boast of having confidence in the the dead in some manner!
flesh. If anybody else thinks he's
12 It's not that I have it all figured out
arrogant in the flesh, I have another
or am already perfect, but I keep
reason: 5 circumcised on the eighth
pushing forward in the hopes of
day, of the country of Israel, of the
gaining the things that even Christ
tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew among
Jesus took hold of. 13 Brothers and
Hebrews; a Pharisee according to the
sisters, I do not consider myself to
Law; 6 a persecutor of the church
have yet grasped it; yet, I do one
according to zeal; found blameless
thing: I forget the past and look
according to the righteousness
forward to the future as I push on
which is in Law 7 But whatever I
toward the goal in pursuit of the
considered to be gained for me, I
prize of the high calling of God in
now consider to be losses as a result
Christ Jesus. 15 Therefore, everyone
of Christ. 8 Yes, all else is useless in
who are mature, let us adopt this
comparison to the immense value of
attitude; and if you have a different
knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For
attitude in anything, God will
his sake, I have abandoned all else,
disclose it to you as well; 16 but let
considering it as rubbish, in order to
us continue to live by the same
acquire Christ 9 and become one
standard that we have gained. 17
with him. Instead of relying on my
Brothers and sisters, follow my lead
own righteousness because of
and pay attention to those who walk
keeping the law, I now become
in line with the example you have set
righteous through trust in Christ. For
for us. 18 For very many walks, of
it is through faith that God
whom I have frequently told you,
reconciles us to himself. 10 I want to
and now I tell you even as I weep,
know Christ and feel the amazing
that they are enemies of Christ's
force that rose him from the grave. I
cross, 19 whose end is ruin, whose
want to suffer alongside him, share
god is their desire, and whose glory
in his death, 11 so that I might
is in their disgrace, who have their

thoughts on worldly things. 20 For humble state into conformity with
our citizenship is in heaven, from His magnificent body through the
which we also anxiously await a exertion of His ability to submit all
Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ; 21 things to Himself.
who will convert the body of our


4 Stay committed to the Lord, my

6 Put everything in prayer rather
than worrying about it. Tell God
what you require and thank him for
dear brothers, and sisters. I love you
what he has done for you. 7 Then you
and wish to see you, dear friends, for
will have God's peace, which is
you are my delight and the crown I
beyond our understanding. As you
receive for my work. 2 At this point,
live in Christ Jesus, his peace will
I address Euodia and Syntyche.
protect your hearts and thoughts. 8
Please resolve your argument
Finally, dear brothers and sisters.
because you belong to the Lord. 3
Focus your thoughts on what is
And I beg you, my true companion,
genuine, honourable, right, pure,
to support these two women since
gorgeous, and admirable. Consider
they devoted a lot of time and effort
things that are exceptional and
to spreading the good news
deserving of recognition. 9 Continue
alongside me. Together with
to put into practice what you
Clement and the rest of my co-
learned and got from me—
workers, whose names are recorded
everything you heard and saw me
in the Book of Life, they laboured. 4
accomplish. Then you shall be with
Never cease to be joyful in the Lord.
the God of peace. 10 How grateful I
Rejoice, I say again! 5 Display your
am that you are once again thinking
consideration in whatever you do so
of me, Lord. Despite the fact that
that everyone may see it.
you had the opportunity to assist
Remember, the Lord is coming soon.
me, I know you have always been

worried about me. 11 Not that I ever The things you provided me with
needed anything; after all, I've Epaphroditus are more than enough
figured out how to be happy with to cover my needs. They are a
what I have. 12 I know how to survive sacrifice acceptable to God and
on practically nothing or with attractive to him because of their
everything. I've discovered the key beautiful fragrance. 19 And the same
of live in any condition, whether it's God who provides for me will meet
full or empty, with much or little. 13 all of your needs from the
For I can do anything through Christ, magnificent treasures he has given
who gives me strength. 14 to us in Christ Jesus. 20 All praise
Nonetheless, you have done right by now belongs to God, our Father, for
sharing in my current plight. 15 As all time! Amen. 21 Please extend my
you know, you Philippians were the greetings to everyone of God's holy
only ones who helped me financially people, especially those who belong
when I first delivered you the Good to Christ Jesus. Salutations from my
News and then moved on from companion brothers to you. 22 And
Macedonia. No other church did all the rest of God's people,
anything like this. 16 You repeatedly especially those in Caesar's
provided assistance even when I was household, greet you as well. 23 May
at Thessalonica. 17 I'm not saying you feel the grace of the Lord Jesus
this to ask for a favour from you. Christ.
Instead, I desire a recompense for
your generosity. 18 Right now, I have
everything I need—and then more!


Paul advises the church at Colossae4 to defy the cultural constraints of living in
a world ruled by visible authorities (such as corrupt religious leaders) and
invisible powers (like deceptive spiritual beings). The church is able to withstand
these challenges because it has been delivered from its former existence and is
now a part of God's brand-new creation. Jesus, as King of this new creation,
rules by bringing the invisible realm of God into the visible realm of our
existence. He rules with forgiveness, honour, and generosity. He accepts all
people, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, age, or gender.
Furthermore, he never establishes his power on Earth through intimidation,
compulsion, or exploitation. And best of all, Jesus' new creation is not a
deathless existence. Jesus says that those who believe in him will rise with him
from the dead. When we accept this, we may actually love others rather than
fight to win or survive. Living this way with Jesus permits his new creation to
become a visible and experienced reality on Earth as it is in Heaven, even in the
midst of life's everyday challenges and sorrow.

Before Paul wrote this letter to the Christians in Colossae, he had never been to their city (Colossians 2:1).
This helps explain the personal greetings he included at the end of the letter, a practice he usually reserved for
letters to churches he had not visited (for example, Romans). Paul sought to develop personal connections
with the people he hoped to teach and serve, rather than just going around from city to city asserting his
apostolic authority. The more personal tone at the close of this letter would have been especially significant in
creating a connection with the Colossian believers, given the fact that part of Paul’s reason for writing involved
calling out the heretical teachers who had infiltrated the Colossian church. In AD 60–61, during his first
imprisonment in Rome, Paul penned this letter to the Colossian church after he had received a report that they
were struggling with a Christological heresy. The report came from Epaphras, likely the leader of the church at
Colossae and a convert of Paul’s from his more than two-year ministry in Ephesus. Epaphras had come to
Rome in part to serve Paul during his imprisonment (Philemon 1:23) but also to confide in him regarding the
dangerous teachings the Colossians were hearing. So Paul sent this letter, along with the letters to Philemon
and to the Ephesians, with Tychicus, accompanied by Onesimus (Colossians 4:7; Philemon 1:10–12). Tychicus
was a coworker of Paul who would have been able to help the Colossian believers understand and apply the
apostle’s teachings in the letter.


1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ

behalf and is Christ's obedient
servant. 8 The love for others that
the Holy Spirit has given you has
by the will of God, and Timothy, our
been described to us by him. 9
brother, 2 Grace and peace from God
Therefore, since the moment we
our Father to you, the righteous
heard about you, we have not
people of God at Colossae, who are
stopped praying for you. We humbly
also my devoted brothers and
pray that God will provide you with
sisters in Christ.
full awareness of his will as well as
3 When we pray for you, we always spiritual insight and comprehension.
thank God, the Father of our Lord 10 Your life will then bear all kinds of
Jesus Christ, 4 because we have excellent fruit and will constantly
heard of your faith in Christ Jesus honour and please the Lord. You will
and of your love for all God's continue to advance as you get a
people—5 faith and love that deeper understanding of God. 11 We
originate from the hope stored up also pray that you will be fortified
for you in heaven and about which with all of God's magnificent power
you have already heard in the true so that you will have all the
message of the gospel 6 that has endurance and patience you need.
come to you. Similarly, the gospel is May your heart be filled with joy,12
producing fruit and increasing all and may you sincerely thank the
throughout the world, just as it has father. He has given you the
been happening among you since the opportunity to partake in the
day you heard it and genuinely heritage of his people who live in the
comprehended God's grace. light. 13 For he has freed us from the
realm of darkness and transferred us
7 Epaphras, our cherished co-
to the Kingdom of his loving Son, 14
worker, taught you about the Good
who purchased our freedom and
News. He is assisting us on your
forgave our sins.15 God is invisible,

yet the Son is exactly like God. before him without a single fault
Everything that has been made is because he has brought you into his
subject to his dominion. 16 All things, presence. 23 But you must proudly
both visible and invisible, including stand in this reality and maintain
all spiritual lords, forces, and faith in it. Keep your focus on the
authorities, were created through confidence you were given when you
his might. Through and for him, heard the Good News. Paul has been
everything was created. 17 The Son chosen by God to serve as His
existed before all things were steward in spreading the Good News,
created. And he is the reason why which has already been preached all
everything keeps going. 18 He is the across the world. 24 I rejoice when I
head of the body, which is the suffer for you in my body because I
church. He is the starting point for am sharing in Christ's sufferings for
everything else. And among his body, the church. 25 God has
everyone who will be raised from the given me the obligation of serving
dead, he is the first. Therefore, he is his church by delivering his full
paramount in everything. 19 In fact, message to you. 26 This message
God was pleased to live in Christ in was kept hidden for decades and
all of his fullness, 20 and it was generations, but it has finally been
through him that God made peace disclosed to God's people. 27 God
with everything. Through the wants them to realize that Christ's
sacrifice of Christ on the cross, he riches and glory are also available to
established peace with everything in the Gentiles. And here's the deal:
heaven and on earth. 21 This Christ lives within you. This assures
includes those of you who used to be you of sharing his glory. 28 So we
far from God. You were his enemies inform people about Christ, warning
because of the bad things that you and instructing them with all the
thought and did. 22 But now, by the knowledge God has given us. We
death of Christ in his human person, want to present them to God as
he has made peace with you. You are complete in their relationship with
holy and blameless as you stand Christ. 29 That is why I work and

battle so hard, relying on Christ's
strong force that works inside me.


2 I want you to know how much I

your joy will overflow. 8 Don't be
taken in by hollow theories and high-
sounding drivel that originate from
have suffered for you, the church at
human thought and the spiritual
Laodicea, and many other Christians
powers of this world rather than
who have never met me personally.
Christ. 9 For in Christ lives all the
2 I want them to be encouraged and
fullness of God in a human form. 10
bound together by strong love
As a result of your union with Christ,
bonds. I want them to be completely
who is the head of all rulers and
certain that they have grasped God's
authorities, you are also complete.
enigmatic plan, which is Christ
himself. 3 All the treasures of 11 You were "circumcised"

wisdom and understanding are when you came to Christ, but not by

hidden inside him. 4 I'm telling you a physical procedure. The removal of

this so that no one may trick you your sinful nature was accomplished

with well-crafted arguments. 5 For by Christ via a spiritual circumcision.

even though I am far away from you, 12 Because when you were baptized,

my heart is with you. And I rejoice you died with Christ. You were given

that you are living your life as you new life together with him because

should and that you have a strong you put your faith in the omnipotent

trust in Christ. 6 And now, just as you God who resurrected Christ from the

accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, grave. 13 Your sins and the fact that

you must continue to follow him. 7 your sinful nature had not yet been

Let your roots grow into him, and removed caused you to be dead. As

your lives be founded on him. Then a result of Christ's atoning for all of

your confidence in the truth you our sins, God then made you alive

were taught will become strong, and with him. 14 He removed the record

of the accusations made against us with Christ, the body's head. Since
by nailing it on the cross. 15 He the joints and ligaments that make
disarmed the spiritual authority in up the entire body hold it together,
this manner. With his triumph over and since God feeds it, the body
them on the cross, Christ publicly expands. 20 You died with Christ,
shamed them. 16 Therefore, don't let and in doing so, he has set you free
anybody criticize you for what you from the demonic forces of this
consume or for skipping particular world. Why do you continue to
holy days, new moon celebrations, follow the rules of the world, such as
or Sabbaths. 17 Because of the 21, "Don't handle! Taste not! "Don't
reality that has not yet come, these touch!" Such rules are only human
rules are but shadows. And that teachings about things that
reality is Christ. 18 Don't allow deteriorate as we use them. 23
somebody to cast you in a negative Because they demand fervent
light by insisting on religious self- commitment, holy self-denial, and
denial or the worship of angels while strict physical restraint, these rules
claiming to have seen visions of may appear to be smart. But they
these things. They have become provide no assistance in overcoming
arrogant due to their wicked a person's wicked inclinations.
mentality, and they are not united


3 Now that you have been raised

the things of earth. 3 For you have
died to this life, and your true life is
hidden in God with Christ. 4 Our life
to new life with Christ, fix your
is Christ. When he returns and is
minds on the reality of heaven,
seen, you will be seen with him. And
where Christ sits in the position of
you'll do marvellously well. 5 So, put
honour at God's right hand. 2
to dead the things of this world that
Consider the things of heaven, not
are in you. I'm talking about

inappropriate sex, dirty things, a you must also forgive others. 14
heart that is itching to do bad things, Above all, clothe yourself in love,
wanting what is wrong, and wanting which binds us all together in perfect
what other people have. This final harmony. 15 And let the peace that
one is similar to worshiping an idol. comes from Christ reign in your
hearts. You are called to live in
6 God's wrath is coming because of
harmony as members of one body.
these transgressions. 7 You used to
And be grateful at all times. 16 Let
do these things when your life was
the richness of the gospel of Christ
still a part of this world. 8 But now is
penetrate every aspect of your life.
the time to let go of anger, malice,
Use all the knowledge he gives to
slander, and foul words. 9 Don't tell
instruct and guide one another. Sing
each other lies because you've shed
to God with thankful hearts as you
your old sinful nature and all its bad
sing hymns, spiritual songs, and
acts. 10 Put on your new nature and
psalms. 17 And in everything you say
be rejuvenated as you grow to know
and do, speak, and act in the name of
your Creator and become like him. 11
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the
It makes no difference whether you
Father through him. 18 Wives,
are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or
submit to your husbands as is
uncircumcised, primitive,
suitable for individuals who belong
uncivilized, slave or free in this new
to the Lord. 19 Husbands, cherish
life. Christ is everything, and he
your wives and never treat them
dwells within every one of us. 12
harshly. 20 Children, always obey
Because God chose you to be his
your parents because it pleases the
holy people, you must clothe
Lord. 21 Fathers do not offend your
yourself in kind-hearted mercy,
children, or they will grow
kindness, humility, gentleness, and
frustrated. 22 Slaves, obey your
patience. 13 Forgive those who
worldly masters in whatever you do.
upset you and make room for each
Make an effort to please them all of
other's shortcomings. Remember
the time, not just when they are
that just as the Lord forgave you,
looking. Because of your respectful

fear of the Lord, serve them truly. 23 inheritance and that the Master you
Work gladly at whatever you do as if are serving is Christ. 25 But if you act
you were doing it for the Lord rather improperly, you will receive
than for humans. 24 Remember that compensation for your wrongdoing.
the Lord will reward you with God is not a favouritism.

4 Be a good master to your
may respond to everyone in the best
way possible. 7 Tychicus will offer
you an in-depth report on how I'm
servants by treating them
doing. He is a cherished brother and
appropriately. You are aware that
devoted helper who works with me
your master is also in heaven.
in the Lord's service. 8 I sent him to
2 Invest time in prayer every day.
you specifically to inform you of our
Focus your thoughts on what you
progress and to encourage you. 9 I'm
are saying. Also, give thanks to God
also sending Onesimus, a loyal and
for his actions.
valued brother from your own
3 Talk to God about us as well. Ask
people. He and Tychicus will inform
him to make it possible for us to
you of everything going on here.
spread his message to the public. We
10 Aristarchus, who is jailed
desire to share the gospel of Christ
with me, as well as Mark, Barnabas's
according to God's design. My
cousin, convey their sincere regards
involvement in that plan is what put
to you. Make Mark feel welcome if he
me in bars. 4 Please pray that I will
comes your way, as previously
communicate this message with the
instructed. 11 Jesus, also known as
appropriate clarity. 5 Make the most
Justus, extends his greetings. They
of every chance and act properly
are the only Jewish believers among
while interacting with non-believers.
my co-workers, and we are both
6 Maintain a polite and appealing
labouring here for the Kingdom of
tone in your discussion so that you
God. They have been such a comfort,

too! 12 Epaphras, a member of your that meets in her home. 16 After you
own fellowship and a servant of have read this letter, send it to the
Christ Jesus, offers you his warmest church in Laodicea so they can read
greetings. He constantly prays it as well. You should also read the
passionately for you, trusting that letter I sent them. 17 And tell
you are doing everything that God Archippus, "Be sure to carry out the
has commanded. He asks God to ministry that the Lord has given
make you strong and excellent. 13 I you." 18 Paul is my personal
can assure you that he is signature as I sign off. Keep me in
passionately praying for you and the your prayers while I'm in this prison.
believers at Laodicea and Hierapolis. God's grace be with you.
14 Luke, the respected doctor, offers
his greetings, as does Demas. 15
Please convey my greetings to our
brothers and sisters at Laodicea, as
well as to Nympha and the church


From the start of Jesus' ministry, accepting him as the real King and Messiah
meant rejecting the dominant society. Additionally, this led to persecution and
struggle in the communities for many Christians. Paul wrote to the church in
Thessalonica to encourage their steadfastness despite the persecution they
were experiencing. He also instructs them to respond to their persecution with
love, and to meet opposition with grace and generosity. This manner of living is
inspired by faith in the already-established, soon-to-arrive Kingdom of Jesus.

Paul's letter to the Thessalonians5 embraces the virtues of a flourishing church.
The group of people who follow Jesus have persevered in their devotion to him
despite suffering and persecution. Paul offers them much more consolation by
emphasizing the coming of King Jesus, who will make everything right, in the


1 To the members of the church in

things in mind. 3 We know that God
has chosen you because he loves
you, my brothers. 4 The wonderful
Thessalonica, Paul, Silvanus, and
news we delivered to you was more
Timothy extend their greetings.
than simply words. It was strong. It
Both God the Father and the Lord
was filled with the Holy Spirit. It
Jesus Christ are the rightful owners
made them certain that it was true.
of the people of this church. May
Additionally, you are aware of how
God's goodness bless you and
we lived when we were with you to
provide you with serenity. We
assist you.
always speak to him about all of you,
5 You made a lot of effort to
and we do so for you.
emulate both us and the Lord. You
2 Your excellent doings are a result
experienced a lot of difficulties
of your faith. Since love is in your
because you trusted our message.
hearts, you put forth a lot of effort.
Nonetheless, the Holy Spirit made
You have hope in our Lord Jesus
you very joyful. 6 You have
Christ, which makes you patient.
demonstrated to all Christians in
Every time we pray to God, our
Macedonia and Greece how they
Father, about you, we keep these
should live. 7 The news about the

Paul wrote his first letter to the Thessalonian church from the city of Corinth around AD 51, just a few months
after having preached in Thessalonica on his second missionary journey. Upon leaving Thessalonica under
duress, Paul, Silas, and Timothy traveled to Athens by way of Berea. But after a short time in Athens, Paul felt
the need to receive a report from the newborn church in Thessalonica, so he sent Timothy back to serve and
minister to the new believers there. Paul wanted to check on the state of the Thessalonians’ faith, for fear that
false teachers might have infiltrated their number. However, Timothy soon returned with a good report,
prompting Paul to pen 1 Thessalonians as a letter of encouragement to the new believers.

Lord has reached people in idols and toward God. You worship
Macedonia and Greece by you. And the Living and True God. 9 And you
word has spread around the world eagerly anticipate the return of his
that you believe in God. As a result, Son from heaven. Jesus, God's Son,
we see no reason to write about your was risen from the dead. It is Jesus
faith. 8 They tell us how happy you who protects us from God's
were to see us. They explain to us impending wrath.
how you turned away from your

2 My brothers, you are aware
positive feedback that wasn't based
on fact. You're aware of it. We never
talked in order to gain something for
that we did not come to see you in
ourselves. God knows. 6 And we did
vain. 2 Philippians were quite rude
not want assistance or praise from
to us. As you are aware, things were
you or anybody else. We have the
difficult. But God helped us, and we
authority to do so because we are
did not hesitate to share God's good
apostles of Christ, of course. 7 But
news with you. But several forces
when we were with you, we showed
conspired against us and made
kindness. We were like a mother
attempts to stop us. 3 We did not
looking after our own children. 8 We
convey a false message. It wasn't
were overjoyed to share God's good
incorrect what we told you. We
news with you because we loved
didn't attempt to mislead you either.
you. We loved you so deeply that we
4 However, God selected us to share
were happy to sacrifice our life for
the good news with people.
you. 9 You remember how arduous
Therefore, we speak not to appease
our labour was, my brothers. We
mankind but to appease God. He is
worked all hours of the day and night
the only one who knows what is in
to avoid bothering you. And we
our hearts. 5 We never gave anybody
shared the gospel of God with you.

10 Among you Christians, we lived Jewish authorities. And they forcibly
purely and properly. No harm was removed us from their nation. They
done to you by us. You are aware of displease God and are inimical to
these, as is God. 11 You are aware of everyone else. 16 They make an
how we addressed each of you in the effort to silence us when we speak
manner of a father to his children. with non-Jewish individuals. They
We gave you comfort, support, and refuse to be saved. As a result, they
knowledge. 12 We urged you to are always doing the incorrect thing.
conduct your life in God's favour. He God had finally grown really enraged
called you to his dominion and with them at this point. little time in
splendour. 13 Another reason for our the body, but not in heart, have been
constant thanksgiving to God is apart from you. We made a lot of
given below. You didn't remark, effort to go since we were quite
"That's men's word," when you anxious to see you in person. 17 We

received God's message from us. intended to visit you. Paul, I wanted

But you said, 'That is God's word.' to come twice. But the devil stopped

And it truly is God's word. The word us. 18 What hopes do we have when

of God is at work in you, Christians. our Lord Jesus returns? What, then,

14 You were similar to the Christ- will make us joyful and proud?

cantered churches of God in Judea, People, it's you! 19 For what is our

my brothers. You were tormented hope, joy, or crown in which we shall

by your own countrymen in the exult when our Lord Jesus returns?

same manner that the Jews had If not you, who? 20 You are our pride

plagued them. 15 The Lord Jesus and and delight, in fact.

the prophets were murdered by

3 Finally, when we could take it
and that you look forward to seeing
us just as much as we do.
7 So, dear brothers and
no longer, we made the decision to
sisters, we have been tremendously
remain by ourselves in Athens, 2 and
encouraged in the midst of our
we dispatched Timothy to visit you.
difficulties and suffering because
He is our brother and God's partner
you have remained firm in your faith.
in spreading the Gospel of Christ. We
8 It gives us new life to know that
sent him to strengthen you, to
you are steadfast in the Lord. 9 How
encourage you in your faith, and to
thankful we are to God for you! We
protect you from being rocked by
experience enormous excitement as
the difficulties you were facing. But
we enter God's presence because of
you are aware that these difficulties
you. 10 We pray fervently for you
are inevitable for us. 4 We told you
day and night, pleading with God to
that difficulties were coming even
provide us another opportunity to
while we were with you, and as you
see you so that we might complete
are well aware, they occurred.
any holes in your faith. 11 May God,
5 As a result, when I was
our Father, and Jesus, our Lord, soon
unable to take it anymore, I sent
bring us to you. 12 And may the Lord
Timothy to see if your faith was still
increase and overflow the love you
strong. I was worried our efforts had
have for one another and for all
been in vain and that the tempter
people, just as it does for us when we
had overcome you. 6 However,
think of you. 13 So that when our
Timothy has just returned with
Lord Jesus returns with all of his holy
wonderful news about your faith and
people, may he make your souls
kindness. He says that you always
strong, pure, and holy so that you
have happy memories of our visit
may stand before God our Father.

4 In the name of the Lord Jesus,
since God has already taught you to
do so. 10 You have already
demonstrated your love for all the
we implore you to live as we have
believers throughout Macedonia.
taught you, dear brothers, and
Despite this, dear brothers
sisters, in a manner that pleases
and sisters, we implore you to love
God. You already live this way, and
them even more. 11 Make it your
we urge you to continue doing so. 2
objective to live a tranquil life,
You retain what we told you, for we
minding your own business and
spoke in the name of the Lord
working with your hands, as we
Jesus. 3 Stay away from every
already advised you. 12 People, who
sexual sin because God wants you to
are not believers, will appreciate
be holy. 4 Each of you will then be
your way of life, and you will no
able to control his or her own body
longer need to rely on others. 13 And
and live in holiness and honour,
now, dear brothers and sisters, we
5 rather than in lustful desire like the
want you to understand what will
pagan people who are ignorant of
happen to the believers who have
God and his ways. 6 Never, ever
died so you won't mourn as hopeless
violate a fellow believer's wife in this
people. 14 Because we believe that
area, for the Lord avenges all such
Jesus died and was risen from the
crimes, as we have often reminded
dead, we also believe that when
you. 7 We must live holy lives, not
Jesus comes, God will bring all of the
immoral ones, as God has
Believers who have passed away
commanded us to. 8 As a result,
with him. 15 We bring you this
anybody who refuses to follow these
message straight from the Lord:
principles is not disregarding human
Those of us who are still alive when
teaching but rejecting God, who
the Lord returns will not go to meet
gives you his Holy Spirit. 9 But we
him before the dead. 16 For the Lord
don't need to speak to you about the
himself will descend from heaven
significance of loving one another

with a commanding shout, the voice earth will be carried away in the
of an archangel, and the sound of clouds to be with the Lord in the air.
God's trumpet. First, the dead Then, we shall spend all our time
believers will rise from their graves. with the Lord. 18 Use these words to
17 Then, along with them, those of us inspire one another.
who are still living and remaining on

5 Now, dear brothers and sisters,
7 At night, people sleep, and drinkers
become intoxicated. 8 But let us who
live in the light keep our heads clear,
we really don't need to tell you about
armed with the armor of faith and
how and when all of this will happen.
love, and with the assurance of our
2 Because you are well aware that
salvation as our helmet. 9 For
the Lord's coming day will occur
instead of punishing us, God decided
suddenly, like a thief in the night.
to redeem us through the sacrifice of
3 Disaster will strike individuals
his Son, Jesus Christ. 10 Christ died
when they are saying, "Everything is
for us so that we might live with him
tranquil and secure," as suddenly as
eternally, whether we are dead or
a pregnant woman's labour pangs.
alive when he returns. 11 So, exactly
There won't be a way out either.
as you are, encourage and build one
4 But, dear brothers and
other up. 12 Honour those who are in
sisters, you are not in the dark about
positions of leadership within the
these things, and you will not be
work of the Lord, my brothers, and
astonished when the Lord’s Day
sisters. They toil among you and
arrives like a thief. 5 Because none of
provide spiritual direction. 13
us are related to darkness or night;
Because of their labour, show them
rather, we are all descendants of
enormous esteem and unconditional
light and day. 6 So be on watch and
affection. live in harmony with one
don't fall asleep like the others. Keep
another. 14 Please warn the
your eyes open and your mind clean.

unproductive people, brothers and Hold on to the positive. 22 Keep
sisters, we beg you. Boost the away from all forms of wickedness.
confidence of the timid. Give the 23 Now, may the God of peace make
weak your caring attention. Be you holy in every manner, and may
understanding with everyone. 15 your entire spirit, soul, and body is
Make sure that no one seeks revenge maintained blameless until the
for past wrongdoings; instead, return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24
encourage mutually beneficial God will make it happen, for he who
behaviour among all individuals. 16 calls you is faithful. 25 Praise God for
Be happy at all times. 17 You should us, brothers and sisters. 26 With a
never cease praying. 18 Be grateful sacred kiss, greet every one of your
in all situations, for this is God's wish brothers and sisters. 27 In the name
for you, Christ Jesus' followers. 19 of the Lord, I instruct you to read
Avoid suppressing the Holy Spirit. 20 this letter to all of the brothers and
Do not dismiss prophecies, but sisters. 28 May the grace of our Lord
rather put everything to the test. Jesus Christ be with you.


The Thessalonians were concerned that they had missed the second coming of
Jesus, but Paul explains that they should not feed apocalyptic rumor but rather
remember what Jesus said in Mark 13 regarding the evident and widely known
circumstances preceding his return. While they wait for Jesus' return and
freedom from bad rulers, they should also continue to be faithful, hopeful, and
confident. Paul concludes by addressing idleness and encouraging believers to
follow Jesus' selfless love. Their diligent effort helps others and provides for
themselves. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul discusses persecution, the return of Jesus,

the need to remain hopeful and faithful, and idleness among believers. It
reminds us that what we hope for shapes what we live for.


1 To the church members in

Lord Jesus descends from heaven,
God will provide peace to both those
of you who are suffering persecution
Thessalonica, Paul, Silvanus, and
and to us. He will appear in a burning
Timothy extend their greetings. God,
fire with his powerful angels, 8
our heavenly Father, and the Lord
bringing judgment on those who do
Jesus Christ are the rightful owners
not know God and refuse to obey the
of this church. 2 I pray that you
Good News of our Lord Jesus. 9 As a
experience a lot of joy and
result of their punishment, they will
tranquillity as a result of the
be destroyed forever and cut off
goodness of God our Father and our
from the Lord and his mighty. 10
Lord Jesus Christ. 3 We continually
When he arrives on that day, he will
praise God for you, my brothers. It's
receive honour from his holy
the correct thing to do. Increasingly,
people—praise from all who believe.
you have faith in him. You're all
And you fall into this category
growing more in love with one
because you trusted what we said
another. 4 We are pleased to share
about him. 11 As a result, we never
with God's other churches about
stop praying for you, asking God to
your perseverance and faithfulness
give you the means to live a life
in the face of all the challenges and
deserving of his calling. I pray that he
persecution you are facing. 5 And
would provide you the strength to
God, who is Judgment is right for his
carry out all the good deeds that
Kingdom, will use this persecution to
your faith inspires you too. 12
demonstrate his justice and to
Consequently, as a result of the way
elevate you to its throne. 6 He will
you live, the name of our Lord Jesus
exact revenge for your tormentors
will be respected, and you will also
through his justice.7 And when the

be honoured. A ll of this is made
possible by the mercy of our Lord
and God, Jesus Christ.

2 Now, dear brothers and sisters,
for he can only be revealed when the
right time comes. 7 For
lawlessness is already in motion

let us explain a few points regarding

behind closed doors, and it will
the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ
continue to do so until the person
and the manner in which we shall be
preventing it moves aside. 8 At that
assembled to meet him. 2 Don't be
point, the man of lawlessness will
easily shocked or rattled by those
come to light, but the Lord Jesus will
who assert that the Lord’s Day has
destroy him with the breath of his
already begun. Don't trust them,
mouth and destroy him with the
even if they claim to have received a
glory of his appearing. 9 With false
spiritual vision, a revelation, or a
authority, signs, and miracles, this
letter purportedly from us. 3 Don't
man will arrive to carry out Satan's
be taken in by what they say. For
plan. 10 He will employ all forms of
that day will not come until there is
foul trickery to deceive people who
a tremendous revolt against God and
are headed for doom because they
the man of lawlessness—the
reject the truth that could have
destroyer—is exposed. 4 He will
saved them. 11 As a result, God will
exalt himself and reject everything
lead people astray, and they will
that is referred to be a deity or an
believe these lies. 12 Then they will
object of devotion. He will even take
be punished for relishing wickedness
a seat in the God temple while
rather than believing the truth.
pretending to be God. 5 Don't you
13 Concerning us, we are
recall that while I was with you, I
unable to do anything except praise
informed you about all of this? 6 And
God for you, dear brothers and
you know what is holding him back,

sisters whom the Lord loves. We're and maintain a firm hold on the
constantly grateful that God instruction we conveyed to you in
selected you to be among the first to person and in the letter. 16 Now,
find salvation—the salvation that may our Lord Jesus Christ and God
was brought about by the Spirit who our Father, who loved us and gave us
sanctifies you and your conviction of eternal comfort and great hope
the truth. 14 When we shared the through his grace, 17 comforts and
Good News with you, He called you strengthen you in all that you do
to salvation; as a result, you can now
and say.
participate in the glory of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
15 Keep in mind all of these
things, dear brothers and sisters,

3 Last but not least, we ask that
you to do. 5 Your hearts may be
guided by the Lord to a complete
under and expression of God's love
you, dear brothers and sisters, pray
and the patient endurance that
for us. Pray for the Lord's word to be
comes through Christ.
received with honour everywhere it
6 And now, beloved brothers
goes, just as it was when it first
and sisters, we command you in the
reached you. 2 Pray that we would
name of our Lord Jesus Christ to stay
be delivered from evil and wicked
away from those Christians who live
individuals as well, as not everyone
lazy lifestyles and disregard the
is a believer. 3 However, the Lord is
customs they inherited from us. 7
trustworthy; he will support you and
Because you are aware of your
keep you safe from the devil. 4 And
obligation to emulate us. While we
we have faith in the Lord that you
were with you, we were active. 8
will keep doing what we instructed
Without being reimbursed, we never

took anybody else's meal. So that we The rest of you, my brothers and
wouldn't be a burden to any of you, sisters, never stop being good.
we worked day and night. 9 We had 14 Observe individuals who
every right to ask you to feed us, but disobey the instructions in this letter
we wanted to set an example for you and take them into account. To make
to follow. 10 We gave you the order, them feel ashamed, keep your
"Those reluctant to labour will not distance from them. 15 Instead of
get to eat," even while we were viewing them as enemies, warn them
among you. like you would a brother or sister. 16
11 However, we have heard And now, may the Lord of peace
that some of you are leading himself always grant you peace and
indolent lifestyles, refusing to work, in all circumstances. May the Lord
and interfering in the affairs of bless you all. 17 I'm Paul, and this is
others. 12 In the name of the Lord my greeting in my own handwriting.
Jesus Christ, we admonish and To prove that my letters are
exhort such individuals to settle legitimate, I do this in every one of
down and find employment so that them. 18 May our Lord Jesus Christ's
they may support themselves. 13 grace be upon you all.


Paul shows Timothy how to restore order and purpose to the church in Ephesus.
After false teachers had disrupted the church Timothy was working with, Paul
gave Timothy encouragement and guidance on how to address these teachers
and lead the church effectively. Throughout the book, we see that what a church
believes will directly shape how its members live and behave. The church's

theology and beliefs must constantly be critiqued and formed by the Bible and
the Gospel message. Churches should be known for their devotion to the risen
King Jesus and model integrity, good works, and service to the poor and most
vulnerable. In 1 Timothy 6 , we read about a holistic vision of the nature and
mission of the Church. Just as in Timothy's time, corrupt teachers can confuse
believers, but Paul instructs on how the Church and its leaders can stay faithful
to the way of Jesus.


1 According to the directives of

godly edification, which is in faith. 5
The purpose of this directive is now
love, and it comes from a pure heart,
God, our Saviour, and the Lord Jesus
a clear conscience, and a firm belief.
Christ, our hope, Paul, an apostle of
6 Some people have gotten off track
Jesus Christ,
from this and turned to hollow
2 Grace, compassion, and peace to rhetoric, 7 wanting to be legal
Timothy, my dear son in the faith, experts but not understanding what
from our Father in heaven and from they say or what they endorse. 8
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 3 However, we know that the law is
Continue to remain in Ephesus, as I excellent if it is followed correctly. 9
advised you when I went into And we know that the law is not
Macedonia so that you might compel given to the righteous, but to the
some to teach no other doctrine, 4 lawless and disobedient, to the
nor pay heed to tales and ungodly and sinners, to the impure
interminable genealogies, which and profane, to those who murder
produce arguments rather than their fathers and mothers, to

The Bible’s silence on the ultimate fate of Paul has engendered a great deal of debate in modern times. The
book of Acts ends with Paul sitting in a Roman prison awaiting his hearing before the Roman emperor, a
privilege of appeal that all Roman citizens possessed. However, the writing of the Pastoral Epistles clearly
dates to a time after the events of Acts. So where was Paul when he wrote 1 Timothy? Paul had expected the
Romans to release him from prison, something that likely happened near the end of AD 62 (Philippians 2:24).
His release allowed him the opportunity to travel to Ephesus and eventually place Timothy in ministry at that
church. Paul then went on to preach in Macedonia, where he heard reports of Timothy’s work at Ephesus that
prompted him to write 1 Timothy, probably in AD 63.

murderers, 10 according to the am horrendous. 16 But I got mercy
wonderful gospel of the blessed God, for this reason: that through me,
which was entrusted to my custody, first, Jesus Christ may exhibit all
for the sexually immoral, for patience as an example to those who
sodomites, for slave merchants, for would believe in Him for eternal life.
liars, for perjurers, and for 17 Now, praise and honour be to the
everything else that is opposed to one wise God, the everlasting,
sound doctrine. 12 I am grateful to immortal, invisible King. Amen.
Christ Jesus, our Lord, who gave me According to the prophecies that
the ability to serve in the ministry were previously revealed to you, I
because He thought I was convey this order to you, my son
trustworthy. 13 I used to be a Timothy, 18 so that you may fight a
blasphemer, a persecutor, and a good battle, 19 preserving faith and
braggart. But since I acted foolishly a clear conscience, which others
and without believing, I received have rejected and experienced
mercy. 14 The faith and love that are shipwreck in respect to their faith.
found in Christ Jesus overflowing 20 Among these are Hymenaeus and
the grace of our Lord. 15 This is a true Alexander, whom I have handed over
statement that deserves universal to Satan in order for them to learn
acceptance: Christ Jesus entered the not to blaspheme.
world to redeem sinners, of whom I


2 So, first and foremost, I

everyone, 2 for kings and all who are
in authority, that we may live a quiet
and peaceful life in all godliness and
encourage you to make
honesty, 3 because this is good and
supplications, prayers,
acceptable in the eyes of God our
intercessions, and thanksgivings for
Saviour, 4 who wishes all men to be

saved and come to the knowledge of control, not with braided hair, gold,
the truth. There is only one God, and pearls, or fancy apparel, but with
the Man Christ Jesus, who offered good deeds, as is appropriate for
His life as a ransom for everyone, is women claiming godliness. 11 Let a
the only one who can reconcile God woman learn in quiet and with
and humans. This was the testimony complete submission. 12 I do not
that was provided at the appropriate allow a woman to instruct or claim
time. 7 For this reason, I was called authority over a male; rather, she
to be a teacher and an apostle (I must remain mute. 13 Since Eve
proclaim the truth in Christ and do came into being after Adam. 14
not lie), as well as a teacher of the However, although the woman was
Gentiles in faith and truth. 8 being fooled, Adam was not tricked
Therefore, I wish that men pray and committed a transgression. 15
everywhere, raising holy hands, However, if they maintain their faith,
without wrath or contention. 9 In the love, and purity while exercising
same way, women should dress self-control, she will be rescued in
modestly, with decency and self- childbirth.

3 "If someone wishes to be a
people into his house. 3 He cannot be
a strong drinker or an aggressive
person. He must be polite, not a
church leader, he desires an
buffoon, and not greedy for money.
honourable position," says an
4 He must be able to manage his own
enduring saying. 2 As a result, a
family successfully, with children
church leader must be a man of
who respect and follow him. 5 For if
integrity. He has to be loyal to his
a man cannot manage his own
wife. He has to be disciplined,
family, how can he care for God's
intelligent in his decisions, and well-
church? 6 It's not advisable for a
liked. In addition to being able to
church leader to be a new convert
educate, he must like welcoming

because the devil would use this as oversee his family, including his kids.
an opportunity to bring him down 13 The respect of others and a
because of his arrogance. 7 People greater sense of assurance in their
outside the church must also speak trust in Christ Jesus will be given to
positively of him for him to avoid those who do effectively in their role
being shamed and falling into the as deacons. 14 Even though I hope to
devil's snare. 8 Similarly, deacons see you soon, I'm writing these
must be well-respected and things to you right now 15 so that
trustworthy. Both excessive you'll be aware of how people are
drinking and financial dishonesty are expected to behave in God's
prohibited. 9 They must have a pure household in case I get delayed. This
conscience and be devoted to the is the church of the living God, which
mystery of the faith as it has been serves as the main support and
made known. 10 Let them be cornerstone of the truth. 16 The
thoroughly scrutinized before they greatest enigma of our faith is
are selected as deacons. If they pass without a doubt this: The Spirit
the test, they can serve as deacons. vindicated Christ by revealing Him in
11 Similarly, their wives must be a human form. Angels saw him and
respected and must not gossip about announced him to the world. He was
others. They must maintain self- believed in throughout the world
control and be faithful in whatever and was taken to heaven in
they do. 12 A deacon must treat his splendour.
wife faithfully and effectively

4 Now the Holy Spirit plainly
and demonic doctrines. 2 These folks
have dead consciences and are
hypocrites and liars. 3 They will tell
teaches us that in the latter days,
you that it is improper to marry and
some will stray away from the
to eat certain foods. However, God
genuine faith, following false spirits

made such things to be enjoyed with in this life and in the world to come."
thanksgiving by loyal people who 9 This is a reliable statement, and
know the truth. 4 Since everything everyone should believe it. 10 For
that God made is excellent, we this reason, we put in a lot of effort
should not reject anything and and keep up the fight; after all, we
instead accept everything put our faith in the living God, the
gratefully. 5 Because we are aware Saviour of everyone, but especially
that prayer and God's word are what of all Christians. 14 Be mindful of the
makes it acceptable. 6 If you explain spiritual gift you were given as a
these things to the brothers and result of the prophecy that was
sisters, Timothy, you will be a proclaimed over you and which the
faithful servant of Christ Jesus, church elders lay their hands on. 15
nourished by the message of faith Concentrate solely on these issues.
and the sound teaching you have Put your heart and soul into your
received. 7 Don't spend your time work so that everyone can notice
debating godless notions and old your development. 16 Keep a close
wives' tales. Instead, develop your eye on how you live and how you
godliness. 8 "Physical training is teach. To ensure both your salvation
beneficial, but spiritual training is far and the salvation of those who hear
superior, providing advantages both you, be committed to what is right.

5 Never use harsh language while
speak with younger men. 2 Treat
elder ladies like you would your
mother, and younger women as you
speaking to an older guy; instead,
would your own sisters. 3 Take care
treat him with the same respect you
of any widow who has no one else to
would your own father. As you
look after her. 4 However, if she has
would with your own brothers,
children or grandkids, their first job

is to be godly at home and to repay from the list because their bodily
their parents by caring for them. urges will overwhelm their
This is a thing that makes God happy. dedication to Christ and drive them
5 Now a real widow, a woman who is to remarry. 12 If such were the case,
truly alone in this world, has placed they would have broken their prior
her faith in God. She prays all hours promise. 13 And if they are on the
of the day and night, imploring God list, they will become lethargic and
for help. 6 But even if a widow who waste their time snooping about
lives purely for pleasure is still alive, from home to house, interfering in
she is spiritually dead. 7 So that no other people's affairs, and chatting
one will be vulnerable to criticism, about inappropriate topics.
give the church these directives. 8 14 As a result, I counsel these
However, individuals who refuse to younger widows to get remarried,
look after their families, particularly start families, and take care of their
those who live in their own homes, own houses. The opponent will then
have forsaken their genuine faith. be unable to say anything negative
Such folks are worse than about them. 15 For I am concerned
unbelievers. that some of them have already
9 To be eligible for assistance, gone astray and are already
a widow must be at least sixty years following Satan. 16 If a lady who
old and have been faithful to her professes faith has relatives who are
spouse. 10 Everyone should respect widows, she should take care of
her for the good she has done. Has them rather than placing the burden
she raised her children well? Has she on the church. The church will then
shown generosity to non-believers be able to care for widows who are
and humble service to other genuinely alone.
Christians? Has she offered 17 Elders who do a good job
assistance to people who are should be appreciated and
struggling? Has she always been extremely well paid, especially those
willing to help others? 11 The who labour hard at both preaching
younger widows should be excluded and teaching. 18 For the Bible states

that you "must not muzzle an ox to 22 Selecting a church leader is
prevent it from eating as it treads never something you should do
out the grain." In another area, quickly. Avoid participating in other
"Those who work deserve to be people's misdeeds. Be pure at all
paid!" times. 23 Avoid drinking solely
19 If an elder is being accused water. Given how frequently you
of something, pay no attention to it become ill, you should sip on some
unless two or three witnesses attest wine for your stomach's health. 24
to it. 20 Reprimanding those who It's important to keep in mind that
transgress in front of the entire some people have errors that are
church will act as a powerful evident and will result in judgment.
deterrent to others. 21 In the Others, however, will not be made
presence of God, Christ Jesus, and aware of their transgressions until a
the heavenly angels, I solemnly later time. 25 The excellent actions
command you to follow my of some people are equally clear. A
instructions without taking sides or day will come when the good things
showing a preference for anybody. done in secret will be revealed.

6 All slaves should show complete
are much liked. Timothy, teach these
things and urge everyone to follow
them. 3 These are the beneficial
respect for their owners so that the
teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ,
name of God and his message are not
notwithstanding the opposition
tarnished. 2 There is no justification
from certain individuals. These
for disrespect even if the masters
teachings encourage people to live
are believers. Those slaves should
good lives. 4 Anyone who professes
labour even harder since their
a different philosophy is arrogant
efforts benefit other believers who
and stupid. A person like this has an

abnormal drive to argue about the and a good lifestyle. 12 Fight for
meaning of words. As a result, genuine faith. Keep firmly to the
disputes arise that lead to everlasting life to which God has
resentment, hostility, slander, and called you, which you have so
malicious suspicions. 5 These folks eloquently affirmed in front of many
are continually causing problems. witnesses. 13 Moreover, I admonish
They have rejected the truth, and you to follow this order without
their brains are tainted. They just hesitating in front of God, who gives
see holiness as a means of life to everyone, as well as Christ
accumulating riches. 6 However, Jesus, who stood up for what was
genuine holiness combined with right before Pontius Pilate. 14 No one
happiness is a great richness in and will be able to find fault with you
of itself. 7 After all, we entered this from now until the return of our Lord
world empty-handed, and we will Jesus Christ. 15 For at the appointed
depart it empty-handed as well. 8 time, Christ will be revealed from
So, as long as we have adequate food heaven by the blessed and only
and clothing, we can be happy. 9 But almighty God, the King of all kings
those who desire to be wealthy fall and Lord of all lords. 16 He is the one
to temptation and are captured by being who can never die, and he lives
many dangerous and foolish desires in a such blinding light that no
that lead to disaster and human can approach him. No human
destruction.10 For the love of eye has ever seen him and never will.
money is the source of all evil. And All glory and authority be him
other individuals, in their greed for eternally! Amen. 17 Teach the
money, have strayed from their true wealthy people in our society to be
faith and wounded themselves with humble and to not put their reliance
many pains. 11 But you, Timothy, are on their money, which is so fickle.
a God-fearing man; therefore, flee Their faith should be in God, who
from all these wicked things. Along provides us with all we require for
with faith, love, persistence, and our delight. 18 Inform them to make
gentleness, pursue righteousness effective use of their money. They

should be abundant in good actions has given you. Avoid godless, silly
and giving to those in need, debates with individuals who
constantly willing to share with challenge your so-called wisdom. 21
others. 19 They will be saving up Following such stupidity has caused
their wealth as a good basis for the some people to stray from their
future so that they can enjoy actual beliefs. May the grace of God be with
living. 20 Timothy, protect what God you all.


Paul writes to Timothy under Roman guard, requesting that he come to visit.
Paul’s repeated imprisonments for preaching the Gospel have earned him a bad
reputation. Many have already distanced themselves from the negative stigma
of being his friend, so Paul knows that asking Timothy to visit comes with a cost.
Timothy will need great courage to be associated with Jesus and Paul’s
sufferings, so Paul assures him that the risk is worth the cost. While others may
reject and abandon Timothy, Jesus will always be faithful. Jesus knows what it
is like to be abandoned, so his comforting presence is even more tangible in
times of suffering. And even more than that, Timothy can be encouraged
because hardships have an expiration date. Jesus’ resurrection proves that
suffering will end and that resurrection for his followers is coming too. One day,
all things will be made new. What can we learn from Paul’s encouragement to
Timothy? In our culture today, what are the risks of following Jesus and
supporting those who suffer with him? And why is following Jesus worth the

1 Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus
and self-control. 8 So never be
reluctant to share the good news of
Jesus with people. Even though I'm in
and one of his apostles, is the writer
jail for him, please don't feel bad
of this letter. I have been sent out to
about myself. Be prepared to suffer
share with others the life he has
with me for the sake of the Good
promised through trust in Christ
News with the strength that God
Jesus. 2 Timothy is my beloved son,
provides you. 9 Because God has
to whom I am writing. May God the
called us to salvation and pure life.
Father and Christ Jesus our Lord
He did this to demonstrate his grace
grant you grace, kindness, and
to us via the person of Christ Jesus,
peace. 3 Timothy, I thank God for
not because we merited it but rather
you—the God I serve with peace of
because that was his original intent
mind, just as my forefathers did. I
from the beginning of time. 10 And
keep you in my prayers at all hours
now, through the appearance of
of the day and night. 4 Because of
Christ Jesus, our Saviour, he has
the tears you shed when we parted,
made all this clear to us. Through the
I desire to see you again. And when
Good News, he defeated the power
we are back together, I will be
of death and unveiled the path to life
overjoyed. 5 Since you have the
and immortality. 11 And God called
same sincere faith as your mother
me to be a preacher, apostle, and
Eunice and grandmother Lois did at
teacher of the Good News. 12 As a
initially, I recall your sincere faith.
result, I am suffering in this jail. But
And you, I'm sure, still have a solid
I'm not embarrassed about it since I
hold on that same faith. 6 For this
know the one, I put my faith in, and I
reason, I urge you to fan into flame
have no doubts that he can guard
the spiritual gift that God gave you
what I've given him safe until the day
when I laid my hands on you. 7 For
of his return. 13 Keep in mind the
God has not given us a fearful or
wholesome teaching model I taught
timid spirit, but one of power, love,

you; it was influenced by your love the Lord be kind to Onesiphorus and
and faith for Christ Jesus. his family, who frequently visited
14 Take special care to and encouraged me. Because I was
preserve the priceless knowledge bound, he never felt embarrassed of
that has been given to you by using me. 17 He looked everywhere when
the power of the Holy Spirit who is he got to Rome until he found me. 18
within us. 15 As you are aware, May the Lord grant him extra favour
everyone from the province of Asia on the day of Christ's return. And
has abandoned me, including you are aware of how beneficial he
Phygelus and Hermogenes. 16 May was at Ephesus.

2 As a result, my child, may the
harvest. 7 Take everything I've
spoken into consideration, and may
the Lord give you wisdom in all
favour of God be multiplied in you. 2
things. 8 Keep in mind that according
What you have heard from me in the
to my Good News, 9 which I
presence of many witnesses, commit
experience suffering to the point of
to faithful men who will be able to
being chained as a criminal, Jesus
teach others as well. 3 As a good
Christ, who was raised from the
soldier of Christ Jesus, you must
grave, is a Davidic descendant. But
therefore bear suffering. 4 No
God's message is not restricted. 10
soldier on duty involves himself in
As a result, I put up with everything
personal matters in order to gratify
for the benefit of the elect so that
the man who enlisted him as a
they too may experience the
salvation that is found in Christ
5 Athletes who follow the
Jesus and be given to God in glory for
rules are crowned before those who
all eternity. The following saying is
don't compete fairly. 6 The farmer
who puts in the most work must
“For if we died with him,
receive the first share of the

we will also live with him. from the dead has already passed.
12 If we endure, They are indeed damaging other
we will also reign with him. people's faith. 19 The Lord knows
If we deny him, those who belong to him, according
he also will deny us. to the words inscribed on God's
13 If we are faithless, unshakable foundation. It further
he remains faithful; reads, "Everyone who professes
for he can’t deny himself.” they believe in the Lord must quit
14 Keep spreading these doing wrong." 20 There are things
realities to everyone. And caution made of gold and silver in a big
them before the presence of God not mansion. However, there are other
to quarrel over words. People who items made of wood and clay. Others
listen to such arguments are are used for routine tasks, while
destroyed, and they serve no one. 15 others are used for specific
Do your best to be the type of purposes. 21 Make yourself pure
person God will accept, and then from all wickedness because the
devote yourself to him. Be a person Lord wants to use you for specific
who works in a way that leaves no purposes. When you are holy, the
space for self-criticism and who Master may use you. Any worthwhile
correctly follows the real teaching. task will find you prepared.
16 Keep away from those who
22 A young person like you
discuss pointless things that are not
generally desires to do wicked
inspired by God. Such conversations
things, therefore refrain from doing
will turn a person away from God
them. Try your best to live morally
more and more. 17 Their pernicious
upright lives filled with faith, love,
teaching will spread like a disease
and serenity, alongside those who
throughout the body. Hymenaeus
place their whole confidence in the
and Philetus are men like that. 18
Lord. 23 Do not engage in pointless
They have abandoned genuine
or dumb disputes. You are aware
teaching. They claim that the day
that these debates amplify and
when people will be resurrected

develop. 24 You cannot quarrel since them to have their hearts changed.
you are the Lord's servant. Everyone 26 The devil has them in a trap and is
must be treated with kindness. You now forcing them to comply with his
must have patience and be a good demands. However, maybe they'll
instructor. 25 You must teach people get their act together, realize what's
who disagree with you respectfully. going on, and escape the devil's
In order for them to accept
the truth, perhaps God will allow


3 Keep in mind that the

stupid things without thinking and
be so proud of themselves. They will
treasure luxury instead of loving
upcoming days will be quite difficult.
God. 5 They will continue to put up a
People will mostly love themselves
show of devotion to God while
and their money. They'll exalt
refusing to allow that "devotion" to
themselves and be arrogant. They
change the manner they live. Avoid
will humiliate others. They will not
these folks at all costs! 6 Some of
listen to their parents. They will be
them enter households and gain
rude, dismissive, and antagonistic to
influence over weak women with
everything that God would find
sinful lives—women who are driven
pleasing. 3 They won't love anyone,
into wickedness by all the things
and they won't be willing to provide
they desire. 7 These ladies are
forgiveness. They will lack self-
always eager to learn new things,
control and talk negatively about
but they never truly realize the
others in an effort to damage them.
reality. 8 These folks, like Jannes and
They will be harsh, and they will
Jambres, are fighting against the
despise what is good. 4 People will
truth. Their reasoning has been
betray their friends. They will do
clouded. They are useless in their

beliefs and what they preach. 9 Their deceive others will only get worse. In
efforts, however, will not be addition to misleading others, they
successful. Everyone will be able to will also be fooling themselves. 14
see how stupid they are. In fact, But you should continue to practice
Jannes and Jambres experienced the teachings you learned. You know
this. 10 But you know everything it's true because you trust those who
about me. You are aware of my taught you. 15 You have been
teachings and my own philosophy. familiar with the Holy Scriptures
My life's objective is something you since you were little. You can
already know. My love, patience, and become intelligent by studying
faith are all known to you. You are these, Scriptures. And that
aware that I am always attempting. knowledge points to redemption
11 You are already aware of my pain through faith in Jesus Christ. 16 God
and persecution. You are aware of all is the source of all of Scripture.
that occurred to me at Antioch, Additionally, all of Scripture is
Iconium, and Lystra, as well as the helpful for instructing and for
persecution I endured in those cities. illuminating the errors in people's
But the Lord delivered me from it all. lives. It is useful for pointing out
errors and imparting the proper way
12 There will be persecution
of life. 17 Those who serve God will
for anybody who seeks to live a life
be prepared and will have all they
of genuine devotion to God in Christ
need to perform every good task,
Jesus. 13 People who are nasty and
according to the Scriptures.


4 Therefore, I order you before

will judge the living and the dead at
his appearance and his Kingdom: 2
Preach the word; be prompt both in
God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who
season and out; reprimand, chastise,

and encourage with all due patience Luke is the only person with me.
and instruction. For there will come Take Mark and bring him with you;
a time when people do not pay he is beneficial to me for duty. 12 But
attention to sound doctrine, but I dispatched Tychicus to Ephesus. 13
rather, because their ears are When you arrive, take the books,
itching, they will gather for especially the parchments, and the
themselves instructors who will cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus.
satisfy their own desires, 3 turning 14 Alexander, the coppersmith, did a
their ears away from the truth and lot of bad things to me. He will get
turning to lies. from the Lord what he has done, and
you should take care to avoid him as
5 However, you must always
well because he vehemently rejected
maintain your composure, endure
our message.
adversity, carry out your ministry's
duties, and engage in evangelism. 16 During my first defense, no
one came to support me; instead,
6 For the moment of my departure
everyone abandoned me. Please
has come, and I have already been
don't hold that against them. 17 But
offered. 7 I have fought the good
the Lord supported and encouraged
fight. I completed the course. I have
me, enabling the word to be
maintained my faith. 8 As of right
completely communicated and
now, the crown of righteousness is
heard by all the Gentiles through me.
reserved for me, and the Lord, the
I was so saved from the lion's mouth.
just judge, will grant it to me on that
18 In addition, the Lord will protect
day, along with all those who have
me from all bad deeds and keep me
cherished seeing him.
for his heavenly Kingdom. Forever
9 Be attentive to come to me and ever, let him be praised. Amen.
quickly, 10 for Demas left me, having
19 Salute Onesiphorus' home
cherished this present world, and
as well as Prisca, Aquila, and the
went to Thessalonica; Crescens to
others. 20 Erastus stayed in Corinth,
Galatia; and Titus to Dalmatia. 11
but I had to leave Trophimus in

Miletus since he was unwell. 21 Make May the spirit of the Lord Jesus
every effort to arrive before winter. Christ be with you. God's grace be
Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and with you. Amen.
the rest of the brothers greet you. 22


Paul’s letter to Titus urged him to remind Cretan believers that while they live
in a sinful culture, they can be transformed into new humanity by the same
grace that Jesus demonstrated when he died to redeem them. As a new
humanity, they can reject a lifestyle that is inconsistent with God's generous
love. They can show God's salvation message and transform their communities
by participating in Cretan culture, rejecting anything corrupt, living and
devoting themselves to Jesus, and promoting the common good. Paul wrote the
book of Titus for his companion, who was tasked with visiting Crete, a place
infamous for sin and corruption. Titus was to restore order to house churches
in Crete and replace corrupt teachers with godly leaders.


1 Paul, a servant of God and an

service to God. 2 We are assured of
our everlasting existence through
our faith and understanding. Even
apostle of Jesus Christ, greets you. I
before time started, God made that
was sent to assist God's elect in
promise to us, and God never tells
developing the knowledge and faith
lies. 3 God informed the world about
necessary for a life of devoted
that life when the time was perfect.

He accomplished this by by inviting them into his house. He
communicating the message of the needs to value righteous things. He
Good News, and he gave me the must be intelligent. He must live
responsibility for doing so. I morally. He must have a strong
delivered the message because God, commitment to God and want to
our Saviour, instructed me to. please him. Additionally, he needs to
be capable of self-control.
4 To Titus, a beloved son to me
in the faith we share. Grace and 9 An elder must be committed
peace to you from God the Father to the same real message that we
and Christ Jesus our Saviour. 5 I left preach. He will then be in a position
you in Crete so you could finish what to uplift others with teaching that is
needed to be done. I also left you genuine and right. He will also have
there so that you might pick men to the ability to disprove the
be elders in each community. 6 To be arguments made by people who
an elder, a man must not be guilty of oppose this doctrine. 10 This is
living in the incorrect way. He must significant because many individuals
be true to his wife, and his children refuse to obey—those who talk
must be devoted to God. They must about meaningless things and
not be labeled as wild or disobedient mislead others. I'm specifically
youngsters. 7 An elder's referring to people who claim that
responsibility is to look after God's non-Jewish men must be
work. Therefore, it should be circumcised in order to satisfy God.
impossible for anybody to accuse 11 These people must be stopped
him of living in the incorrect way. He because they are ruining entire
can't be arrogant, conceited, or families by propagating false
easily enraged. He must not engage information. They simply teach how
in excessive drinking or pick fights. to deceive people and make money.
He must not be the type of man who 12 One of their own prophets
would do anything for money. 8 An admitted that the Cretans were
elder must be willing to assist others always liars. They are terrible

creatures and lethargic people who pure. But nothing is pure to those
do nothing but eat." 13 The prophet's who are full of sin and refuse to
statements are correct. Tell such believe. They have actually lost their
folks that they are mistaken. You ethics and developed a bad
have to treat them loudly. Then they mentality. 16 They claim to know
will grow in faith and cease listening God, yet their actions demonstrate
to the tales given by those Jews. that they do not acknowledge him.
They will no longer obey the orders They are abhorrent. They have no
of those who have strayed away capacity for good deeds and will not
from the truth. 15 Anything and submit to God.
everything is pure to those who are


2 But you must instruct everyone

of loving one's husband
offspring to younger women. 5 They

shall impart to them the virtues of

in living in a manner consistent with
wisdom and purity, as well as how to
genuine teaching. 2 Teach the elder
take care of their houses, be kind,
guys to restrain themselves, to be
and be willing to support their
serious, and to be intelligent. They
husbands. No one will thereafter be
need to have great faith, strong love,
able to critique the instruction God
and strong patience. 3 Also, educate
provided us. 6 Encourage the young
the elder ladies on how to live the
guys to be wise in the same manner.
way those who serve the Lord
7 Through your excellent deeds, you
should live. They should not gossip
should serve as an example for
about others or consume excessive
others in every manner. Try to be
amounts of alcohol. What is
sincere and serious while you teach.
excellent should be taught. 4 By
8 Additionally, your training must be
doing this, they will display the value
unequivocally accurate to protect

you from criticism. Those who lives in the here and now in a
oppose you will then feel humiliated. sensible and moral manner—a
They won't have anything manner that demonstrates genuine
unfavourable to say about us. Tell adoration for God. 13 While we wait
the employees to always be willing for the return of our great God and
to serve their employers, not to Saviour Jesus Christ, we ought to
quarrel with them, not to steal from live in that way. He is our greatest
them, and to demonstrate their hope, and he will arrive in splendour.
trustworthiness by not engaging in 14 He laid down his life for us. He died
any of these behaviours. Following to deliver us from all wickedness. He
that, they will demonstrate the value gave his life to purify us, to make us
of God our Saviour’s teaching in all his own possessions and
they do. 11 Because of God's grace, goodhearted people forever. 15
this is how we need to live. This These are the details you should
grace has the power to save share with others. Encourage them
everyone. It teaches us not to rebel and correct them when they're in
against God and not to follow the error. Don't let anyone believe they
terrible examples the world sets for can disrespect you since you have
us. It teaches us how to conduct our complete authority to do this.


3 Remind your people that rulers

nonviolent conflict resolution. They
should treat everyone with kindness
and respect. 3 Our foolishness dates
and government leaders should
back to the past. We disobeyed, we
always be respected. They must
made mistakes, and we became
respect these leaders and be willing
obedient slaves to the numerous
to do good. 2 Tell them to avoid
desires and pleasures of our bodies.
criticizing others and to practice
We lived a life of depravity and

enmity. We were hated by others, nonsensical. 10 All people who start
and we hated one another. 4 But disputes should be warned. Don't
suddenly the goodness and love of interact with them if they continue
God, our Saviour, were revealed. 5 to cause issues after a second
He spared us because of his warning. 11 You are aware of how
kindness, not because of anything terrible and immoral such individuals
we did. He saved us by washing us are. Their actions demonstrate that
clean. He redeemed us by renewing they are incorrect. 12 To you, I'll
us in the Spirit. 6 Through our send Tychicus and Artemas. Please
Saviour, Jesus Christ, God totally make every effort to come to me in
poured the Holy Spirit onto us. 7 Nicopolis when I send them. This
Through his grace, we were winter, I've chosen to spend it there.
reconciled to God. God saved us so 13 From there, Apollos and Zenas the
that we may be his offspring and attorney will travel. Make every
anticipate enjoying a life that never effort to assist them in getting ready
ends. 8 It's accurate to say this. And for their journey. Make certain they
I want you to make sure that the have all the necessities. 14 Our
public are aware of these things. people must learn to live their lives
People who believe in God will then for the greater good and to aid those
take care to live moral lifestyles. in need. Then their lives will not be
These are excellent ideas that will meaningless. 15 I am sending your
benefit everyone. 9 Avoid people greetings on behalf of everyone who
who get into pointless debates, is here with me. Please convey my
gossip about unimportant family greetings to all who love us in the
histories, or stir up difficulty and faith. May God bless you all.
conflict about what the Law of
Moses says. Nobody will benefit
from these things, which are



1 Greeting from our brother

happiness and inspiration that has
been for me. 8 There is something
you should do. I feel free to order
Timothy and from Paul, a prisoner
you to do it because of the power I
for Jesus Christ. Our close buddy and
have in Christ. 9 However, I am not
co-worker Philemon. 2 Additionally,
demanding you; rather, I am
to our sister Apphia, Archippus, who
requesting that you do it out of love.
is a fellow soldier in the army of the
As a prisoner of Christ Jesus, I, Paul,
Lord, and the church that gathers in
am an elderly man at this time. 10 I'm
your home. 3 From the Lord Jesus
requesting your assistance for my
Christ and God the Father, grace,
son Onesimus. While I was behind
and peace be upon you. 4 I keep you
bars, he became my son. 11 He was
in my thoughts and prayers. And I
previously ineffective to you.
will always be grateful to God for
However, he is now helpful to both
you. 5 I am grateful to God because I
you and me. 12 I'm returning him to
have heard of your love for all of
you, yet it's as painful as losing a
God's holy people and your faith in
piece of myself. 13 I'd prefer to keep
the Lord Jesus. 6 I pray that the faith
him here to assist me while I'm still in
you share will help you grasp every
jail for spreading the Gospel. He
blessing we have in Christ. 7 My
would be representing you by aiding
brother, you have loved God's
me in this. 14 I didn't want to,
people, and your assistance has
however, take any action without
tremendously boosted their morale.
first consulting you. So anything you
What an enormous source of

do for me will come from your own me for your own life. 20Therefore, as
desire, not from something I made a Christian, I humbly ask you, my
you do. 15 For a little period of time, brother, to do me the favor of doing
Onesimus was separated from you. this. It would be a tremendous
Perhaps things occurred so that you encouragement to me as your
might have him back in your life brother in Christ. 21 I write this letter
forever—16 not as a slave, but as a knowing that you will accomplish
beloved brother who is better than a everything I ask of you, and then
slave. That is exactly what he is to more. 22 In addition, get a room
me. And I'm confident that he will ready for me. I pray that God would
have much more significance for you hear your prayers and grant me the
since he is both your slave and a opportunity to see you.
fellow follower of the Lord. 17
23 Epaphras is a prisoner with me for
Accept Onesimus back if you accept
the sake of Christ Jesus. He extends
me as your friend. As you would
his best wishes to you. 24 Mark,
welcome me, do the same for him. 18
Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke also
If he has done you any wrong or
extend their greetings. They and I
owes you anything, charges it to me.
both work together. 25 May the
19 I, Paul, write this in my own
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
handwriting, saying, "I will repay
with your spirit.
whatever Onesimus owes." And I'm
not going to tell you what you owe


James, or Jacob, writes his letter to those of us who are suffering all kinds of
different hardships and tests of life. He personally understands what it means
to suffer and how pain makes us vulnerable to shame, doubt, lust, deception,
anger, and pride. But he also knows that in suffering, there’s a unique
opportunity for God to perfect and complete the valuable character-building
work he started in us. God meets us with wisdom as we face the tests of life.
When we listen closely to his wise words of truth, trusting that he is good and
responding with action, we begin to experience the wholeness God designed us
for. And those around us experience it too. When we see our sufferings through
the wisdom and goodness of God, we are moved to alleviate human suffering
whenever we encounter it, especially the sufferings of the most vulnerable in
our communities. But when we forget God’s goodness, we often allow our own
pain to provoke selfish actions and cruel words that destroy our communities.
There’s a lot at stake, so Jacob urges us to listen carefully and respond tangibly.


1 James, a servant of God and of

challenges. You now have a reason
to be incredibly happy, though. 3
You are aware that suffering teaches
the Lord Jesus Christ, extends his
you to be patient and have faith
greetings. To God's people, who are
whenever your faith is tested. 4 If
randomly scattered around the
you allow that patience to operate in
globe. 2 My brothers and sisters, you
you, the eventual consequence will
will undergo a plethora of
be positive. You will be fully

developed and mature. God will will be bestowed on them by God
make you become everything He when they have demonstrated their
desires. 5 If you need wisdom, ask faith. This is what God promised to
our generous God, and he will give it everyone who loves him. 13 Never
to you. He will not rebuke you for declare, "God is tempting me," if you
asking. To all, he bestows a great sense the want to do anything
deal of wisdom. You are asking him wicked. God cannot be tempted by
doesn't make him upset. He will evil; therefore, God never tempts
make you wise. 6 But be sure that anybody. 14 You are enticed by the
your faith is in God alone while you wicked things you desire. Your own
ask him. Don't change your mind desire pulls you away from reality
because someone who has two and traps you.
loyalties is as unstable as a wave of
the sea that is tossed and moved by 15 As your desire intensifies, sin
the wind. 7 These folks shouldn't begins to result. In the end, death
count on the Lord to provide them results from sin as it continues to
anything. 8 They are ambivalent grow. 16 Beware of being scammed,
about their allegiance to God and the my beloved brothers and sisters. 17
world, and it shows in everything God is the source of all good. Every
they do. 9 Believers who are wonderful gift comes from him.
penniless should be grateful because These magnificent gifts have been
God values them so highly. 10 When sent to us by the father who created
horrible things happen that make all the luminaries in the sky. God,
them humble, prosperous believers however, is unchanging, unlike the
should be happy. Their wealth will shadows cast by those lights. He
not prevent them from vanishing as never changes. 18 God chose to
fast as wildflowers. 11 As the sun grant us life by means of the
rises and becomes hotter, the heat authentic message he sent to us. He
dries up the plants and causes the desired us to be the most significant
blooms to fall off. The once-beautiful of everything that he made. 19 Be
blooms are no longer alive. That is prepared to listen more often than
how it is with the wealthy. They will to speak, my beloved brothers and
pass away while still formulating sisters. Keep your temper under
plans for their business. 12 Those control. 20 Getting mad will not
who are tempted and overcome enable you to live as God wants. 21
temptation will receive significant As a result, eliminate all forms of
benefits! The reward of eternal life wrongdoing from your life. Accept

the wisdom that God has placed in people. You will enjoy God's blessing
your hearts and be humble. You can if you adhere to the instructions.
be saved by this teaching. Never only hear his teachings and
then disregard what you heard. 26
22 Don't merely listen and be Perhaps you have the impression
passive; act on what God's message that you are a pious person. But if
says. You are fooling yourself if you your mouth is uncontrollable, you
just sit and listen. Taking no action are fooling yourself. Your prayers to
after hearing God's instruction is God become useless because of your
equivalent to staring in the mirror sloppy speech. 27 God wants us to
and doing nothing after realizing care for the widows and orphans
what you saw. As soon as you leave, who are in need and to keep
you stop thinking about how awful ourselves away from the harmful
you looked. 25 However, influences of the world. God
concentrate on paying attention to considers this form of worship as
God's complete rule, which liberates pure and good.

2 My beloved brothers and
people over others, doesn't it? You
present yourself as judges who
render poor decisions. 5 Brothers
sisters, you believe in our great and
and sisters, please be attentive. God
powerful Lord Jesus Christ. Don't
chose poor people to be wealthy in
thus regard certain people more
faith. He chose them to be the
favourably than others. 2 Assume
beneficiaries of the kingdom that
someone shows up at your meeting
God promised to those who love him.
dressed extremely nicely and
6 Yet, you treat the poor with no
sporting a gold ring. At the same
regard. And you are aware that
moment, a person in need enters
those who are wealthy always seek
wearing shabby, worn-out clothing.
to exert influence over your lives.
3 When someone is dressed nicely,
They also file a lawsuit against you. 7
you pay extra attention to them. "Sit
And it is the rich who abuse the
here in this excellent seat," you
magnificent name of Christ, the
instruct. However, you command
name by which you are known.
the poor person to "stand there!" or
"Sit down by our feet!" 4 This
8 One law supersedes above all
indicates that you value certain
others. The Scriptures say this

sovereign law: "Love your neighbour you support them. 17 Faith operates
as yourself." You are acting ethically in the same way. If it is only faith and
if you follow this law. 9 However, if accomplishes nothing more, it is
you treat one person as more dead. 18 The counterargument,
essential than another, you are however, is that "Some people have
sinning. The law of God has been faith, while others have good
broken by you. 10 You may obey all works." My response would be that
of God's laws. However, disobeying you cannot demonstrate your faith if
even one of the law's demands you do nothing. But I'll demonstrate
makes you guilty of breaking them my faith by doing good. You believe
all. 11 Don't engage in adultery, God in one God. That's excellent, but
commanded. The same God also devils concur with that! And they
commanded against killing. tremble in terror. 20 You idiot!
Therefore, even if you kill someone Nothing can be gained from faith
but don't commit adultery, you are that accomplishes nothing. Do you
still in violation of all of God's laws. want me to demonstrate this to you?
12 The law that liberates people will 21 Through his actions, our father
judge you. This should be a constant Abraham established peace with
reminder in all of your words and God. He sacrificed his son Isaac to
deeds. 13 You must, indeed, be God on the altar. 22 This illustrates
merciful to others. God will not be how Abraham's actions and faith
merciful to you when he judges you were complementary. By what he
if you do not show mercy. But did, his faith was made perfect. 23
whoever demonstrates kindness can This demonstrates the complete
stand before the Judge without fear. meaning of the Scriptures, which
state, "Abraham believed God, and
14 My brothers and sisters, it is as a result of this faith, he was
useless to claim to have faith if one recognized as one who is right with
does not act on that faith. Such faith God." Abraham was referred to as
is incapable of saving anyone. 15 "God's friend." 24 So you can see that
Assume a Christian brother or sister people's relationship with God is
comes to you in need of clothes or determined by their actions. By faith
food. 16 And you say to them, "God alone, they cannot be made right. 25
be with you!" You don't provide Another case in point is Rahab.
them with their needs; instead, you Despite being a prostitute, she did
wish them well and wish them plenty something that made her right with
to eat. Your words are useless until God. She assisted those who were

spying for God's people. She invited without a spirit is considered to be
them into her house and assisted dead. Faith that accomplishes
them in finding an alternative route nothing is also dead!
to freedom. 26 A person's body

3 My brothers and sisters, not
realm of evil. Our entire body
becomes infected with
wickedness, and it ignites a fire that

many of you should be teachers. I

has an impact on all of life. This
say this because, as you are aware,
hellfire comes out of it. 7 Every type
teachers will be held to a higher
of wild animal, bird, reptile, and fish
standard than other professions.
are under the authority of humans,
2 Everyone makes a lot of errors. The
and they have done so for a very
ideal person would be one who never
long time. 8 But no one can control
made a poor choice of words.
their tongue. It contains lethal
Someone like that would be able to
venom and is wild and nasty. 9 We
control their whole body as well. 3
condemn those who were made in
We placed bits in the mouths of
the image of God after we have
horses to make them obey us. We
praised our Lord and Father with our
can manipulate their entire body
words. 10 These blessings and curses
with these parts. 4 Ships operate
are uttered by the same mouth. All
similarly. Strong wind currents drive
of this, my brothers and sisters,
a ship, which is quite large.
must not occur. 11 Is it possible for
Nevertheless, that large ship is
good and poor water to flow from
managed by a little rudder. And
the same spring? Of course not. 12
whoever controls the rudder
Can a fig tree bear olive, my brothers
chooses where the ship will go. It
and sisters? Is it possible for a
follows him wherever he wants. 5
grapevine to produce figs? No, and a
The same applies to our tongue.
well filled with salty water is unable
Even though it only makes up a small
to produce good water. 13 Are there
part of the body, yet it speaks
any truly smart and understanding
volumes. With just a small flame, a
people among you? Then you should
large forest fire can be sparked. 6
demonstrate your intelligence by
The tongue is as hot as a fire. The
acting morally. You should act
organs and tissues of our body are a

honourably and modestly. A smart selfishness. 17 But God's knowledge
person does not extol himself. 14 is expressed in this way: First and
You have no right to boast if you are foremost, it is pure. It is also calm,
egotistical and filled with venomous polite, and simple to please. This
envy. Your bragging is a falsehood knowledge is always prepared to
that hides the reality. 15 God does assist those in need and to be kind to
not provide that type of others. This understanding is
"knowledge." The world is where consistently just and truthful. 18
that "knowledge" originates. No, it is People who labour for peace in a
not spiritual. It is a devilish creation. peaceful manner receive the
16 There will be chaos and every benefits of proper living.
form of evil where there is envy and

4 Are you aware of the origin of
becomes God's enemy. 5 Do you
believe the Scriptures have no
meaning? According to the Bible, the
your disputes and disagreements?
Spirit that God placed inside us is
They originate from the self-centred
only interested in using us for
desires that cause conflict within of
himself. 6 God, however, extends
you. 2 Things that you desire do not
greater mercy. "God is against the
materialize for you. You murder as a
proud, but he is gracious to the
result and are envious of others.
humble," the Scriptures say.
Even still, your desires remain
unfulfilled. You then quarrel and
7 Therefore, submit to God. The
battle. Due to your failure to ask
more you fight the devil, the more
God, you will not receive what you
likely he is to depart from you. 8
desire. 3 Or, when you ask, you don't
When you approach God, he will
get anything since your motive for
come near to you. Because you are
asking is incorrect. You merely want
sinners, remove sin from your life. At
to use it for your own amusement. 4
the same time, you are attempting to
You people aren't God-fearing at all!
follow both God and the world.
You should understand that enjoying
Purify your thoughts. 9 Be sad,
what the world has to offer is
sorry, and cry! Transform your
synonymous with hating God. As a
laughter become tears. Convert
result, anybody who wishes to
your happiness into misery. 10 Be
associate with this evil world
humble before the Lord, and he will

make you great. 11 Don't criticize 13 Some of you remark, "We're going
one another, brothers and sisters. If to a city today or tomorrow." We
you criticize or criticize your want to stay there for a year,
Christian brother or sister, you are conduct business, and earn money.
criticizing and condemning the law "Listen, consider this: 14 You never
they follow. Furthermore, if you are know what may occur tomorrow.
judging the law, you are not a law Your life is a mist. It is momentarily
follower. You've risen to the position visible before vanishing. 15 As a
of judge. 12 The law was created by result, you need to declare, "If the
God, who also serves as the judge. Lord wills, we'll survive and do this
He alone has the power to both save or that." 16 But instead, you're
and destroy. As a result, it is not arrogant and extol your own virtue.
appropriate for you to pass All of this bragging is incorrect. 17
judgment on anyone. You are sinning if you don't follow
the proper path.

5 Pay attention, you wealthy folks!
5 Your earthly existence was full of
abundant living. You got everything
you desired. You grew fat, like a
Cry and be sorrowful, for you will be
beast preparing for slaughter. 6 You
in a lot of trouble. 2 Your wealth will
have no compassion for nice people.
decay and have no value. Moths will
They didn't oppose you, yet you
consume your clothing. 3 Your gold
slaughtered them, nevertheless. 7
and silver will tarnish, and this
Friends, wait patiently; the Lord will
garnishment will serve as evidence
come. So, wait till that time comes.
that you were mistaken. Your bodies
Just observe the farmers. They must
are going to catch fire from that rust.
exercise patience. They must wait
You saved your valuables in the
for their priceless crop to mature
latter days. 4 People worked in your
and yield a harvest. The first and last
fields, but you did not pay them.
rains are carefully anticipated by
They are screaming at you. They
them. 8 Your patience is also
took care of your crops. Their
required. Never, ever give up hope.
screams have now been heard by the
Soon, the Lord will arrive. 9 Avoid
Lord All-Powerful.
complaining about one another,
brothers, and sisters. If you continue

to complain, you will be found guilty. should call the church's leaders.
Also, the Judge is prepared to They should pray to God about him
appear! 10 Follow in the footsteps of and apply oil to him in the Lord's
the prophets who spoke for the name. 15 If such a prayer is said in
Lord. They went through a lot of faith, it will heal anybody who is sick.
horrible things, yet they were They will be made whole by the Lord.
patient. 11 And we declare that those And if they err, he will forgive them.
who bore their trials with patience
have now received God's blessing. 16 Therefore, be honest with one
You've probably heard of Job's another about your mistakes. And
patience. You are aware that the pray for each other's needs, telling
Lord was there for him through all of God about them so you might be
his difficulties. This demonstrates cured. Big things may happen when
that the Lord is merciful and loving. a good man prays to God. 17 Elijah
was a guy much like us. He prayed to
12 It is crucial, my brothers and God to forbid it from raining. And the
sisters, that you avoid swearing world was without rain for three
under oath while making a vow. years and six months. 18 After that,
Don't utilize the names of heaven, he spoke to God once again.
earth, or anything else to illustrate Furthermore, it started to rain. On
your point. Say "yes" alone when you earth, plants developed. 19 My
mean it. Say "no" only when you brothers and sisters, if someone
really mean it. Try to avoid being wanders away from the truth and
found guilty by doing this. someone helps that person return,
keep this in mind: Anyone who
13 Do you have any problems? You brings a sinner back from the wrong
should pray. Are any of you content? path will rescue that person from
He should sing God-honouring eternal death and cause many sins to
songs. 14 Do you feel unwell? He be forgiven.

1 Peter, a servant of Jesus Christ,
your faith in God, you are being kept,
and at the end of the world, you will
be saved from the punishment for
is the author of the letter. I'm writing
your sins. 6 With this hope, you may
to individuals who were exiled from
be content for a time even though
their country and are now residing in
you must experience sadness and
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia,
many trials. 7 These trials are here to
and Bithynia. 2 God the Father long
demonstrate the validity of your
ago chose you. He understood that
faith. Fire is used to test gold, which
you would inherit His lineage. The
is perishable. Your faith has to be put
Holy Spirit sanctified you so that you
to the test since it is worth far more
may live a holy life. May you trust
than gold. When Jesus Christ
Christ and be redeemed by His
returns, your faith will bring glory,
blood. Be filled with His peace and
praise, and honour to Him. 8 Despite
enduring absolute love.
the reality that you have never met
3 All praise belongs to the Almighty
him, you love him. You can't see Him
God and Father of our Lord Jesus
right now, but you're trusting Him.
Christ. God is so compassionate, and
And your excitement is so immense
as a result, he gave us a new life.
that words cannot adequately
Through the resurrection of Jesus
describe it. 9 When it comes to being
Christ from the dead, this new life
redeemed from the penalty of sin,
gives us new hope. 4 We are
you will receive what your faith
currently in the waiting period for
desires. 10 The prophets attentively
the blessings God has prepared for
researched and attempted to
his children. These blessings are
understand about this salvation.
stored in heaven for you. They can
They mentioned the favour that will
never be lost their beauty, be
be bestowed upon you. 11 Those
harmed, or wrecked. 5 Because of
prophets were filled with the Spirit

of Christ. Furthermore, the Spirit Be holy in whatever you do, just as
was describing to listeners Christ's God is holy. You were chosen by him.
upcoming sufferings as well as the 16 In the Scriptures, God says to us
glory that would follow. The to "be holy, for I am holy." 17 Even
prophets made an effort to though you supplicate to God and
understand more about the address him as Father, he will
information the Spirit was giving nonetheless judge everyone equally
them, including when it will occur based on their deeds. Therefore, you
and how the world would look at should live honourably while you are
that time. 12 It was made plain to here on earth. 18 You are aware of
them that their labour would not be the futility of your previous way of
for their own benefit. When they life. It was a way of life that you
told you about the things you have absorbed from people who came
just heard, they were serving you. before you. But such manner of life
You learned about them through was avoided by you. Your purchase
people who shared the gospel with didn't involve precious metals like
you through the power of the Holy gold or silver, which may be severely
Spirit, who was sent from heaven. damaged. 19 The priceless blood of
Even angels are really curious about Christ's crucifixion was used to buy
these things you were told, and they you. He was the ultimate sacrificial
would want to learn more. Lamb. 20 Though Christ was chosen
before the creation of the world, it
13 So get your minds ready for was for you that he was revealed to
service. Put your full trust in the the world in these latter days. 21
grace that will be yours when Jesus Through Christ, you have faith in
Christ returns. 14 You acted God. His dignity was bestowed by
sinisterly in the past because you God, who revived him from the dead.
lacked the understanding you have Therefore, God is the object of your
currently. However, since you are trust and hope. 22 Through following
now God's children, you must obey the truth, you have purified
him and change the way you live. 15 yourself. You may now feel genuine

affection for your brothers and "Any splendour we experience is like
sisters. Therefore, they truly and the beauty of a wildflower,
completely love one another. 23 You and our lives are like the grass of
have experienced a new birth. This spring.
new life was not created from dead The blossom collapses to the earth
material. It originated from a lifeless when the grass dries out and
creature. God's message of eternal withers.
life caused you to be born again. 24 25 But the Lord's word endures
The Scriptures say, eternally.
"Our lives are like springtime grass, The Good News that you were taught
about is included in that term.

2 Stop acting in a way that might
Nevertheless, God saw him as a
person of great potential. Go to him
now. 5 You are likewise like living
harm other people, then. Quit
stones that God is using to create a
attempting to trick others and stop
spiritual house. You are to serve God
lying. Avoid becoming envious of
here in this temple as holy priests,
others or speaking poorly of them. 2
presenting to him spiritual offerings
You should desire the pure
that, because of Jesus Christ, he will
instruction that nourishes your
accept. 6 The Scriptures say, "Look, I
spirit, much like a new-born baby
have picked a cornerstone of
that is ravenous for milk. You can
immense worth, and I have placed
mature and find salvation with it. 3
that stone in Zion." Anyone who puts
The kindness of the Lord has already
their faith in him will never be
been tasted by you. 4 The living
disappointed." 7 Therefore, that
stone is the Lord Jesus. The people
stone brings credit to those of you
of the planet determined that they
who believe. But for the sceptics, he
did not desire this stone.

is "the stone that the builders live such exemplary lives that people
refused to accept, which became the will witness the good you do and
most essential stone." glorify God on the day he returns. 13
8 He is also "a stone that makes Be available to help those in
people stumble; a rock that makes positions of power in this world. To
people fall" in their eyes. People the Lord be the glory. Respect the
make mistakes because they do not ultimate authority, the emperor. 14
follow what God teaches. This was And obey the king's appointed
the outcome God had in mind for leaders. They are sent to punish the
those individuals. 9 But as the wrongdoers and to reward the good.
priests of the King, you are His 15 When you do good, you prevent
Chosen People. As God's chosen ignorant people from saying stupid
people, you are a sacred country. He things about you. This is exactly
picked you to inform the world what God desires. 16 Don't abuse
about the fantastic things he has your freedom to commit wicked
accomplished. He pulled you out of deeds; instead, live as free people.
the darkness of sin and into his Live your life as though you are
lovely light. 10 Prior to becoming serving God. 17 Be respectful to
God's people, you weren't a unique everyone. Respect your God's family
people. You had previously not brothers and sisters. Honour the
received mercy, but God has now leader and respect God.
shown you mercy.
11 My dear friends, in this world, you 18 Be ready to work for your masters
are similar to guests and and slaves. Respectfully carry out
tourists. So, I implore you to this. You should follow both
maintain your life free of the bad excellent and compassionate
things you wish to do, urges that masters and terrible masters. 19
conflict with your actual selves. 12 In Even though none of you did
your immediate vicinity, there are anything wrong, one of you may still
many non-believers. They can have to endure suffering. God will be
accuse you of making mistakes. So, pleased if you endure the agony

while thinking about Him. 20 pain, yet he never threatened
However, if you are punished for anyone. Rather, he trusted God to
wrongdoing, there is no need to laud take care of him. Infallible judgment
you for enduring that penalty. But if belongs to God. 24 On the cross,
you suffer for doing good and are Christ bore the weight of our sins in
patient, God will be pleased. 21 You his body. He accomplished this so
were selected to carry out this task. that we would no longer live for sin
Christ set an example for you to but for righteousness. Healed by his
imitate. He endured pain for you. wounds, you. 25 You were like a
This means that you ought to follow stray sheep. But now you've
his example: 22 "He never sinned or returned to the Shepherd and
lied." 23 People attacked him, but he Protector of your life.
never returned the abuse. He was in

4 Christ endured pain while in his parties, and committing heinous
body. Consequently, you ought to things in your idol worship. 4 These
strengthen yourself by adopting so-called "friends" now find it odd
Christ's way of thinking. One who that you no longer participate in
accepts hardship in this world has their extravagant and wasteful
definitely determined not to sin. 2 behaviour. As a result, people say
Gain courage so that you can live negative things about you. 5 But
your life on earth carrying out God's they will have to confront God and
will rather than what others would explain what they have done. He is
have you do. 3 You used to squander the one who will shortly judge
too much time doing things that everyone, both the living and the
individuals who don't know God like dead. 6 Before they passed away,
doing. You were leading morally some people heard the Good News.
dubious lifestyles and engaging in Others criticized them throughout
terrible behaviour. You were usually their time on Earth. However, it was
inebriated, throwing crazy drinking part of God's purpose for them to

hear the Gospel so that they may get 13 But you should be glad that you
a new life through the power of the are experiencing Christ's sufferings
Holy Spirit. 7 The moment when in tandem with him. When Christ
everything ends is rapidly displays his splendour, you will be
approaching. Therefore, maintain delighted and filled with gladness. 14
composure and keep your thoughts Consider it a blessing when someone
clear. This will be beneficial to your criticizes you for following Christ.
prayers. 8 Love each other When this happens, it demonstrates
profoundly because it makes you the presence of God's Spirit, the
willing to forgive numerous sins, and Spirit of Glory. 15 You may suffer,
it is the most essential thing of all. 9 but not because you murder, steal,
Invite one another into your homes cause problems, or attempt to
and without grumbling, share your dominate the lives of others. 16 But
meals. 10 You have experienced the don't feel ashamed if you suffer
grace of God in a variety of ways. In because you're a "Christ-follower."
order to best serve one another, be You ought to thank God for that
excellent servants and make the name. 17 The moment has come to
most of the gifts you have been start judgment. God's family will be
given by God. 11 If speaking is your the first to be judged. If it starts with
gift, then your words need to be like us, what will happen to those who
the words of God. If serving is your reject God's Good News? 18 "If even
gift, you should use the power that a good person finds it difficult to be
God has given you. Then, through saved, what will happen to the one
Jesus Christ, God will be honoured in who is rebellious and full of sin?" 19
all things. He has absolute authority Devote your lives to God if it means
and supreme splendour. Amen. 12 that he wants you to endure
My friends, don't be shocked by the suffering. You may put your
traumatic experiences you are now confidence in him since he created
going through since they are putting you. Keep up the excellent work,
your faith to the test. Don't believe then.
anything weird is occurring to you.

5 The seniors in your group are
appropriate moment, he will then
raise you. 7 Give him all of your
problems since he cares about you. 8
the ones to whom I now have a
Remain calm and watch your backs!
message. I, too, am an elder.
The devil is your antagonist, and he
Personally, I have witnessed Christ's
roams the world like a roaring lion
suffering. I shall also take part in the
hunting for someone to devour. 9
splendour that will be bestowed
Refuse to be led astray by the devil.
upon us. Please look after the people
Hold fast to your faith. You are
you are in charge of, I ask you. They
aware that your brothers and sisters
are the sheep of God. You are
all across the world are experiencing
choosing to watch after that flock,
the same hardships as you.
not because you have to. That is
exactly how God intends it. Don't do
10 You will experience pain
it for the money; do it because you
temporarily. God will, however,
enjoy helping people. 3 Avoid acting
make things right after that. He's
like a dictator over the people you
going to build you up. You will be
are in charge of. But be excellent role
supported and prevented from
models for them. 4 You will then get
falling by him. The only God who
a crown that will be lovely and never
gives grace is him. He chose you to
lose its brilliance when Christ the
be a part of his glory through Christ.
Ruling Shepherd returns. 5 Young
The illumination of its splendour will
people, I also have a message for
never fade. 11 All power is
you. You should respect the elders'
permanently his. Shalom. 12 You'll
right to rule. You should all have a
receive this letter from Silas. He is a
modest demeanour when dealing
devoted Christian brother, as far as
with one another. "God is against the
I'm aware. This little message is
proud, but he is gracious to the
intended to encourage you. This is
humble." 6 Therefore, submit to
the real grace of God, I wanted to tell
God's mighty hand in humility. At the

you. Keep your composure in that When you first meet, extend a
grace. 13 The church in Babylon unique message of affection to one
wishes you well. Just as you were, another. All of you in Christ, peace
they were picked. Greetings also be with you.
come from Mark, my son in Christ. 14


1 Simon Peter, a servant and
are familiar with him, we have these
things. Jesus selected us because of
his glory and kindness, 4 and it was
apostle of Jesus Christ, greets
through his glory and goodness that
you. To each and every one of you
he also gave us the very vast and
that has the same cherished faith as
rich things that he had promised us.
we do. Because our Lord and Saviour
You may take part in being like God
Jesus Christ always does what is
with the help of these talents. As a
right and good, we were given this
result, you will avoid the devastation
that many in the world face because
2 May God continue to shower you
of the terrible things they desire. 5
with his grace and peace as you
As a result of these benefits, do all in
come to understand who He is and
your power to add these qualities to
who Jesus is as our Lord. 3 The divine
your life: to your faith, add
power is in Jesus. We now have all we
goodness; to your goodness, add
need to live a life committed to God
knowledge; to your knowledge, add
thanks to his strength. Because we
self-control; to your self-control,

add patience; to your patience, add physically here on earth. 14 I am
devotion to God; 7 to your devotion, aware that I shall shortly go from this
add kindness toward your fellow body. That is something that Our
Christians; and to this kindness, add Lord Jesus Christ has demonstrated
love. 8 You will always be able to to me. 15 Even when I'm gone, I'll do
serve God if all of these qualities are all in my ability to ensure that you
present in you and developing. You keep in mind these things. 16 We
will bear fruit commensurate with informed you about the power of our
your understanding of our Lord Lord Jesus Christ. Regarding his
Jesus Christ. 9 But blindness results arrival, we informed you. We didn't
from not growing in these blessings. just make up some smart stories to
They lack a clear vision of their tell you. Contrary to popular belief,
possessions. They no longer we witnessed Jesus' brilliance first-
remember how their past misdeeds hand. 17 Jesus heard the voice of the
were forgiven. 10 God has chosen magnificent and majestic God. It was
you to be his, my brothers and at that time that God the Father
sisters, and has called you. Make bestowed upon him praise and glory.
every effort to demonstrate that "This is my son, the one I love," the
you are indeed God's called and voice continued. I am pleased with
chosen people by living accordingly. him tremendously. 18 That voice was
All of this will prevent you from audible to us. It descended from
falling. 11 And you'll receive a very heaven when we were on the holy
warm welcome into the eternal mountain with Jesus.
kingdom of our Lord and Saviour 19 This confirms what the prophets
Jesus Christ. 12 These facts are declared. Furthermore, it is wise for
previously known to you. You are a you to pay great attention to what
very powerful person in your they stated since it will act as a light
convictions. However, I will always in the otherwise gloomy world. Up
assist you in remembering them. 13 I until dawn, when the rising star
believe it is appropriate for me to illuminates your brains with fresh
remind you of them while I am still light, you have that light. 20 Above

all, you must comprehend this: No someone wished to make have never
prophecy in the Scriptures is based resulted in a prophecy. However,
on the prophet's personal people were guided by the Holy
knowledge. 21 Prognostications that Spirit and spoke things from God.


2 There have been fake prophets

tell you lies. However, the judgment
against these fake teachers has been
prepared for a long time. God will
among God's people in the past.
annihilate them, and they will not be
Presently, nothing has changed.
able to flee. 4 When angels sinned,
There will be some fraudulent
God did not let them go unpunished.
teachers in your circle. They'll
He threw them into hell. These
spread false information and notions
angels were imprisoned by him in
that will lead people astray.
dark caves where they would remain
Furthermore, they'll offer their
until God judges them. 5 The wicked
teachings in a style that makes it
people who lived in ancient times
difficult for you to recognize their
were punished by God. He poured a
errors. They will even continue to
torrent on a planet filled with
violate the Master who has bought
despisers of God. However, he also
their liberty. As a result, they will
saved Noah and the other seven
eventually demolish themselves. 2
companions. The message of
Their morally repugnant actions will
behaving ethically was spread by
draw a large audience. And as a
Noah. 6 God also smote the sinful
result, people will say negative
towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. He
things about the path of truth we
burned them completely, leaving
pursue. 3 These charlatans are
just ashes behind. He used those
mainly interested in your money. In
towns as an illustration of what will
order to manipulate you, they will
happen to people who rebel against

God. 7 Lot was a decent guy who creatures that act without thinking,
lived there, and he was saved by him. such as wild animals that are born to
The morally reprehensible lives of be captured and slaughtered. And
those wicked people severely they will be exterminated just like
disturbed Lot. 8 This nice man spent wild animals. 13 They have caused a
every day with those bad people, lot of pain for a lot of people. They
and the terrible things he saw and will suffer as a result. That is their
heard broke his heart. 9 From this, remuneration for their actions. In
you can see that the Lord God is their eyes, it is enjoyable to commit
capable of rescuing people who are crimes in public. They love doing bad
loyal to him. In times of difficulty, He things that make them happy. They
will protect them. And on the day of make you look terrible when you eat
judgment, the Lord will bring together since they are like stains
evildoers to account for their and spots that are dirty among you.
actions. 10 That penalty is reserved 14 They desire women whenever
for people who constantly act in they look at them. They consistently
wicked ways. It is intended for transgress in this way. Additionally,
people who despise the Lord's they push less strong individuals
authority. These scam teachers do into the sin trap. They have
anything they want and are ecstatic effectively conditioned themselves
about it. Even saying negative things to be greedy. There is a curse
about the illustrious ones doesn't on them. 15 These erroneous
scare them. 11 Compared to these teachers turned away from the
creatures, angels are significantly correct path and took a different
more robust and powerful. However, one. They took the same path as the
not even the angels bring prophet Balaam. He was Beor's son,
accusations or negative remarks to and he enjoyed being rewarded for
the Lord against them. 12 However, wrongdoing. 16 A donkey, though,
these shady teachers speak pointed out his error to him.
negatively about what they do not Naturally, a donkey cannot speak,
understand. They are similar to but this particular donkey did so in a

manly manner in order to stop the People are indeed slaves to
prophet from behaving in such an whatever dominates them. 20
absurd manner. 17 These imposters people can be set free from the
are similar to dry springs. They look world's wickedness. By coming to
like storm clouds. There has been set know our Lord and Saviour Jesus
aside a spot in the total blackness for Christ, they can be set free.
them. 18 They promote themselves However, if they relapse into doing
with meaningless words. They entice those wicked things and allow
people to fall into the sin trap. They themselves to be possessed by
track after those who have recently them, their situation will worsen. 21
escaped from a bad lifestyle and Yes, it would have been preferable if
drag them back into immorality. they had never learned the correct
They accomplish this by using path. It would be preferable to do
people's desire to commit evil in that than to be aware of the correct
their human vulnerability. 19 path and then reject the sacred
Although they do not possess instruction that was imparted to
freedom themselves, these false them. 22 They behaved in a manner
teachers guarantee freedom to similar to the proverb "A dog throws
those people. They follow a up and goes back to what it threw
mentality that evil has corrupted up." A pig returns to the mud to roll
them, and they are their slaves. once again after being washed.


3 My friends, here is my second

prophets of old. Likewise, never
forget the directive that our Lord
and Saviour gave us. That mandate
letter to you. In order to aid your
was given to us by Him through your
sincere minds in recalling things, I
apostles. 3 It is critical that you
wrote both letters to you. 2 I want
understand what will occur in the
you to recall the words of the holy

next few days. You will be mocked. sinning and change their ways.10
They will proceed with their evil However, the day of the Lord's
intentions while still living. 4 They second coming will come as a
will reply, "Jesus said He will come complete surprise to everyone.
back. Where is he now? The world is There will be a huge noise when the
still going on the way it has since the sky disappears. Everything in the
planet was created even if our sky will be consumed by fire. The
fathers are no longer here. 5 entire planet will be destroyed, along
However, these people are unwilling with everything on it. 11 In this
to recall the long-ago events. God manner, everything will be ruined.
created the world from and using What sort of people ought you to be
water while the sky was still in place. then? Your actions should reflect
According to God's word, everything holiness and devotion to God. 12 You
that transpired did so. 6 Following should eagerly anticipate the coming
that, water awash the planet and of God’s Day and desire for it to
destroyed everything. 7 The arrive as quickly as possible. When it
present-day earth and sky are occurs, everything in the sky will
maintained by the same divine word. melt in the heat and the sky will be
To be consumed by fire, they are completely consumed by fire. 13
being kept. They are kept for the day However, God gave us a promise.
of judgment and the annihilation of And we are looking forward to what
all rebellious people. 8 However, he has promised us: a new sky and a
remember this: To the Lord, a day is new world. That will be the home of
like a thousand years, and a goodness. 14 We are waiting for this
thousand years are like a day. 9 The to happen, dear friends. Therefore,
Lord is not being delayed in fulfilling make every effort to be sin-free and
his promises in the manner that faultless. Aim to live in harmony with
some people interpret as slowness. God. 15 Keep in mind that our Lord's
God, on the other hand, is patient patience is the reason we are
with you. He doesn't want anyone to rescued. Our good brother Paul
perish. He wants everyone to quit informed you the same thing when

he wrote to you with the wisdom However, increase your
that God granted him. 16 When he understanding and grace of our Lord
writes about these topics, he and Saviour Jesus Christ. Glory to
expresses them in all of his letters. him, now and forever! Amen.
Parts of his letters are difficult to
read, and some people misinterpret
them. These folks are deafeningly
deafening. The other Scriptures are
similarly misinterpreted by them.
But in doing so, they are harming
themselves. 17 You already know
about this, my friends. So, take
caution. Don't allow the wrongs they
commit to lead you astray. Don't let
your firm trust erode; Be caution. 18



1 The One we have heard of and

We have had the chance to see this
one, who is life itself. He is the one
who is eternal life, we now proclaim
seen is the One we are proclaiming to
and testify to you. He was with the
you. We had first-hand encounters
Father before being revealed to us. 3
with him and were able to physically
For the sake of your fellowship with
touch him. He is the Word of Life. 2
us, we proclaim to you what we have

personally observed and heard. light, then we have fellowship with
Additionally, we are in fellowship one another, and the blood of Jesus,
with the Father and his Son, Jesus his Son, purifies us from all sin. 8 We
Christ. 4 We're putting this in writing are merely deceiving ourselves and
so you may completely experience not living in accordance with reality
our joy. 5 The message Jesus gave to if we assert that we have no sin. 9
us and which we now declare to you But if we repent and turn to him with
is this: God is light, and there is our sins, he is true and just to forgive
absolutely no darkness in him. 6 In us and to purify us of all wrongdoing.
light of this, it is a lie for us to claim 10 When we pretend not to have
to have a personal relationship with sinned, we are labelling God a liar
God while continuing to live in and demonstrating that his word has
spiritual darkness. 7 But if we are no place in our hearts.
operating in the light, as God is in the


2 To prevent you from sinning, my

love has undoubtedly
perfected in whoever keeps his

word. We can tell if we are in him by

little ones, I am writing you these
the fact that: 6 He who claims to be
things. Jesus Christ, the righteous
in him must walk in step with him. 7
man, is our advocate before the
Brothers, I'm not giving you any new
Father if anybody sins. 2 He is the
instructions; instead, I'm reminding
substitutionary sacrifice for our sins
you of an old rule that you've always
as well as those of the rest of
followed. The word you were taught
humanity. 3 We know him if we keep
from the beginning is the ancient
his commandments. 4 One who
commandment. 8 Once again, I write
declares, "I know him," but does not
to you a new commandment that is
follow his commands, is a liar, and
true in him and in you, since the
the truth is not in him. 5 But God's
darkness is passing away and the

real light has already shone. 9 A Father's love is not in anybody who
person who claims to be in the light loves the world. 16 Because
yet absolutely hates their brother everything that exists in the world—
has always been in the dark. 10 the desire of the flesh, the
There is never a reason for who infatuation of the eyes, and the pride
loves his brother to stumble; he of life—is not of the Father but
always walks in the light. 11 But the belongs to the world. 17 The world
one who hates his brother is in the and its desire perish, but he who
darkness, walks in the dark, and has does God's will lives forever. 18 Little
no idea where he is going since the ones, the Antichrist is already among
darkness has blinded his sight. God us, as you have heard, and these are
has forgiven the horrible things the last days. This informs us that we
you've done, therefore I'm writing to have approached the last hour. 19
you, my 12 children, to let you know. They left us, but they did not belong
Because of what Christ did, you have to us; if they had, they would have
been forgiven for your wrongdoings. stayed with us. In order to make it
13 Fathers, I'm writing to you clear that none of them belong to us,
because you know the One who has they left, nonetheless. 20 You all
existed since the beginning. I'm possess wisdom, as well as an
writing to you, young guys, because anointing from the Holy One. 21 You
you've defeated the devil. You know already know the truth, and no lie is
Father God, kids, which is why I'm based on the truth, therefore I
writing to you. 14 Fathers, you are haven't written to you to make you
the one who knows him—the one believe otherwise. 22 He who denies
who has existed from the that Jesus is the Christ is the one
beginning—so I write to you. I'm who lies. This is the Antichrist, he
writing to you because you're a who denies the father and the son.
strong, young men. You trust God's 23 Anyone who denies the son
word. You have triumphed against denies the father. He who
the demon. 15 Avoid from loving the acknowledges the Son has also
world or the goods found there. The acknowledged the Father. 24 As for

you, keep in mind what you were own. However, you will stay in him as
taught from the beginning. If what long as his anointing instructs you in
you heard from the start continues everything and proves to be
in you, you will also remain in the son accurate and without error, just as it
and in the father. 25 He promised us did while it was teaching you. 28
eternal life, which is what we have Keep your faith in him right now,
now. 26 Regarding people who would little ones so that we can face him
mislead you, I have written the with confidence when he shows up
following things to you. 27 You, and not feel ashamed. 29 Everyone
however, continue to carry the who upholds righteousness has been
anointing he gave you, so you are born of him if you are aware that he
fully capable of learning on your is righteous.


3 We are truly cherished by the

like him. He will be seen just as he is.
3 All who place their faith in him
maintain their own purity by
father! This demonstrates his
remaining like Christ because he is
affection for us: we are referred to
pure. 4 whoever sins violates God's
be God's children. Furthermore, we
rule. It is true that breaking God's
are in fact his children. Due to their
commandments is the same as
lack of acquaintance with God,
sinning. 5 As you are aware, Christ
however, the people of the world do
was sent to die for sinners. Christ is
not understand that we are his
without any sin. 6 As a result, those
offspring. 2 Friends, we are now
who are in Christ do not sin
God's offspring. The future version
anymore. If people continue to sin,
of ourselves has not yet been
they will never truly understand or
revealed to us. However, we know
know Christ. 7 Dear children, follow
that when Christ returns, we shall be
no one who attempts to lead you

astray. Christ consistently upheld are aware of this because we value
moral standards. Thus, you must act our relationships as brothers.
morally if you want to be excellent Everyone who doesn't love is still in
like Christ. 8 Since the beginning, the the hereafter. 15 A killer is someone
devil has sinned. Anyone who keeps who despises another believer. You
on sinning is a child of the devil. also are aware that no killer is
God's Son came to demolish the guaranteed eternal life. 16 Jesus
devil's work. 9 Because of the new dedicated his life in order to showing
life God gave them, those who are us what true love is. Thus, as
His children do not continue to sin. brothers and sisters, we ought to
They can no longer sin since they sacrifice ourselves for one another.
have been adopted as God's 17 Consider a situation when a
children. 10 So we can tell who God's wealthy believer encounters a
children are and who the devil's poorer believer who is lacking in
children are. People who don't even the most basic things. What if
uphold moral standards and show no the wealthy believer refuses to
love for their brothers and assist the poor? It becomes evident
sisters are not considered to be that a person's heart does not reflect
members of God's family. 11 This is God's love in this situation. 18 Our
the message you have been hearing love for one another shouldn't just
all along: We must love one another. be expressed verbally, my children.
12 Avoid acting like Cain. That Evil No, our love must be sincere. We
One owned him. Cain brutally must demonstrate our love through
murdered his brother. How come he our actions. 19-20 We may
killed him, though? Because Cain did determine if we follow the path of
something bad, while his brother did truth in this way. And even when our
something good. 13 Brothers and hearts make us feel guilty, we may
sisters do not be shocked if you still have peace with God because
encounter hostility from the people. God is larger than our emotions. He
14 Our knowledge of our transition is really knowledgeable. 21 My dear
from death to life is complete. We friends, when we approach God, we

may approach him fearlessly if we to love ourselves: by believing in his
don't feel that we are doing anything Son, Jesus Christ. 24 Those who
wrong. 22 Furthermore, God fulfils follow God's instructions are able to
our requests. We receive it because enter God's presence. They also
we obey God's laws and do what contain God. Why do we know that
pleases him. 23 God asks us to love God is a part of us? We know
one another as he has instructed us because he gave us the Holy Spirit.


4 Dear friends, the world is

who is in you is larger than the one
who is in the world. 5 They are a part
of the world, and so, what they say
currently filled with several false
is a part of the world as well.
prophets. So, rather than believing
Additionally, the entire world pays
every spirit, test them to discover
attention to what they have to say.
whether they come from God. 2 This
6 We come from God, nonetheless.
is how you can tell whether God's
Therefore, those who know God pay
Spirit is there. One spirit says, "I
attention to what we have to say.
believe that Jesus is the Messiah who
The people who are not of God,
came to earth and became a man."
however, do not pay attention to us.
That Spirit comes from God. 3
This is how we determine which
Another spirit, however, refuses to
Spirit is true and which is false.
claim this about Jesus. It's not a spirit
from God, though. The enemy of 7 Dear friends, since God is the

Christ has a spirit like this. The source of all love, we should show

enemy of Christ, of whom you have love to one another. God's children

been warned, is now present in this are all those who love. So, God is

world. 4 My darling children, since known by everyone who loves. 8

you are God's children, you have Because God is love, anyone who

already vanquished these false doesn't love has never truly known

prophets. That is because the one God. 9 This is how God demonstrated

his love for us: He sent his only Son God is pure love. Everyone who lives
into the world to give us life through in love lives in God, and God lives in
him. 10 God's love for us constitutes them. 17 We won't be afraid on the
true love, not our love for God. As a day when God judges the world if
means of atonement for our sins, He God's love is fully complete in us.
sent His Son. 11 That is how much Since we are like Jesus in this world,
God loved us, dear friends! So, we we shall be fearless. 18 Fear cannot
also must love each other. 12 No one exist in the presence of God's
has ever seen God. But if we love perfect love because fear is erased
each other, God lives in us. If we love by perfect love. It is his retribution
each other, God’s love has reached that causes others to be afraid. So, in
its goal—it is made perfect in us. 13 the one who is afraid, his love is not
We know that we live in God and God made perfect. 19 We love because
lives in us. We know this because he God first loved us. 20 We are lying if
gave us his Spirit. 14 We have seen we assert that we love God while
that the Father sent his Son to be the harbouring animosity toward any of
Savior of the world, and this is what his children. How can we love God if
we tell people now. 15 Whoever we can't even love someone we've
declares, "I believe that Jesus is the actually seen? Not even once have
Son of God," is both a person who we seen him. 21 We must love one
lives in God and a person who lives in another as brothers and sisters if we
God. 16 We thus have faith in God's are to obey the order that God gave
love for us since we are aware of it. us.

5 Those who accept Jesus as the
father, they will likewise love the
father’s children. 2 How can we be
sure that we adore the children of
promised Messiah are God's
God? We are aware of this because
offspring. If someone loves the

we love and obediently follow God. 3 what God revealed to us about his
Being obedient to God's instructions Son, those who do not believe God
is a sign of love. Furthermore, God's are proving God to be a liar. 11
laws are not too difficult for us to According to what God revealed to
follow as every child of God is us, his Son is the source of our
equipped with the ability to win everlasting life. 12 Everyone who has
against the forces of evil. 5 The the Son has life, but everyone who
victory over the world is a result of does not have the Son of God has no
our faith. So, who triumphs over the life. 13 I'm writing this message to all
entire world? Those only who of you who acknowledge Jesus as
acknowledge Jesus as the Son God's Son. You should realize that
6 The one who has come is Jesus you already have eternal life
Christ. He came with both water and because of what I've written. 14
blood. He didn't merely come by There is no reason why we can't trust
water. Not at all; Jesus arrived by God. This indicates that God listens
both water and blood. This is true, to what we say and responds when
the Spirit assures us. Truth is we ask for things that are in line with
revealed through the Spirit. 7 what He desires for us. 15 Every time
Consequently, the Spirit, the water, we speak with him, he is attentive.
and the blood serve as three As a result, we are confident that he
witnesses who testify to Jesus' will grant us any request. 16 Imagine
existence. All three witnesses catching a fellow believer breaking
support this. 9 When someone says the law (sin that does not lead to
something is true, we believe them. eternal death). You should keep
It is more significant to believe what them in your prayers. Afterward,
God says. God revealed to us the God will grant them life. I'm referring
truth of his own Son, and this is what to those whose sin does not
He said to us. 10 Whoever accepts condemn them to death forever. Sin
Jesus as their Saviour obtains the leads to death. You shouldn't pray
truth that God has revealed to us. for that type of sin, is what I'm not
However, since they do not trust saying. 17 Sin is always wrongdoing.

There is, however, sin that does not we are aware that the Son of God has
result in eternal death. 18 According come and given us knowledge. As a
to what we know, those who have result, we can now recognize the real
been adopted by God do not and living God, in whom we also live.
continue sinning. They are protected Jesus Christ, who is his Son, is in us.
by the Son of God. No harm can He is the genuine God and the source
come from the Evil One. 19 Although of eternal life. 21 In order to avoid
we are aware of our divine heritage, false gods, dear children, stay away
the Evil One nonetheless holds sway from them.
over the entire world. 20 In addition,


1 The leaders,
some of your children walking in the
truth, as the father instructed us to
do. 5 And now, dear woman, I'm not

To the lady chosen by God and her writing you a brand-new order;

children, whom I love in the truth— rather, I'm reminding you of an

and not just I, but all who know the earlier command. We must love one

truth—2 for the truth lives in us and another, is all I ask. 6 That we walk in

will be with us forever: 3 grace, accordance with his commandments

mercy, and peace from God the is what love looks like. He has given

Father and Jesus Christ, the Father's you the instruction to walk in love,

Son, will be with us in truth and love. as you have heard from the

4 I have been very happy to see beginning. 7 I make this statement

because there are a lot of scammers somebody comes to you without
out there who reject that Jesus bringing this teaching, do not accept
Christ came in the flesh. Anyone who or welcome them into your home. 11
falls into this category is the Whoever receives them participates
deceiver and the antichrist. 8 Be in their evil deeds. 12 I have a lot of
careful to ensure that you receive a things to say to you, but I don't want
complete reward rather than losing to wastepaper and ink. Instead, I'm
everything you have worked so hard hoping to see you and speak with
to achieve. 9 Whoever stays with the you in person so that our joy may be
teaching of Christ and does not go fully expressed. 13 The children of
ahead loses both the Father and the your God-chosen sister extend their
Son; whoever stays with the greetings.
teaching retains both. 10 If


1 The Elder extends greetings.
is fine. 3 Some Christians
approached me and informed me of
the truth in your life. They assured
To the one, I actually love my good
me that you are still on the path of
friend Gaius.
truth. This made me ecstatic. 4 It
2 I know you're doing well spiritually,
always brings me tremendous
my dear friend. Therefore, I hope
satisfaction to learn that my children
and pray that everything else in your
are pursuing the path of truth. 5 It is
life is going well and that your health

wonderful, my dear friend, that you travel there. And he will not allow
continue to assist the believers. You anybody else to assist them. If they
don't even know these people. 6 do, he forbids them from attending
They shared the love you have with church gatherings 11 Follow what is
the church. Please assist them so right instead of what is wrong, my
they may keep traveling. So as to dear friend. Anyone who acts
please God, assist them in a godly morally upright is a child of God.
manner. 7 They set out on their Evildoers, however, have never
journey to serve Christ. They known God. 12 Everyone says nice
refused any assistance from non- things about Demetrius, and the
believers. 8 As a result, we should reality backs them up. Additionally,
assist them. When we assist them, we are positive about him. And you
we contribute to their quest for the are aware of the veracity of what we
truth. 9 I wrote a letter to the are saying. 13 I have a lot of things
church, but Diotrephes seems to tell you. However, I do not want to
unconcerned about what we say. He use pen and ink. 14 I'm hoping to see
is continuously looking for methods you soon. then we may talk and be
to be the boss. 10 When I arrive, I will together. 15 Peace be with you.
speak with him about what he is Sending my love from my friends
doing. Along with lying and making who are present here. Please send
derogatory remarks about us, he our regards to all of the friends
also does other things. He refuses to there.
accept and assist Christians who


1 To those who are called,
remind you that when the Lord
delivered a nation from Egypt, He
subsequently killed those who did
sanctified by God the Father, and
not believe. 6 He has imprisoned in
kept for Jesus Christ: Jude, a servant
eternal shackles beneath darkness
of Jesus Christ and brother of James.
six angels who did not retain their
2 May God grant you His kindness,
first realm but fled their own
His peace, and His love. 3 Dearly
dwelling place, for the judgment of
beloved, although I was glad to write
the great day. 7 The cities around
to you about our shared salvation, I
Sodom and Gomorrah are used as an
was compelled to write to you
example, receiving the penalty of
instead to urge you to tenaciously
eternal fire, even though they had
defend the faith that was once and
committed sexual immorality and
for all given to the saints. 4 Because
pursued alien flesh in a similar
there are certain men who have
manner. 8 However, in their dreams,
infiltrated clandestinely, including
people corrupt the flesh, disdain
those who were long ago mentioned
authority, and defame celestial
in connection with this
creatures. 9 But, when battling with
condemnation: godless men who
the devil and debating concerning
have turned the favour of our God
Moses' body, Michael, the archangel,
into immorality and denied our one
did not deliver a harsh sentence
and only Master, God, and Lord Jesus
against him, but instead pleaded,
Christ. 5 However, even though you
"May the Lord rebuke you!" 10 But
already know this, I still want to

these make negative remarks about while showing respect for others in
everything they are ignorant about. order to benefit themselves. 17
They are ruined in these things that However, you, dear, keep in mind
they comprehend intuitively, like the words that the apostles of our
beasts without reason. 11 Curse Lord Jesus Christ have already
them! For they followed Cain's stated. 18 They told you that there
example, fled riotously in the would be mockers in the coming
mistake of Balaam for pay, and died days who would follow their own
in Korah's rebellion. These are secret wicked lusts. 19 These are the
rocky reefs in your love feasts when sensuous, rift-causing people who
they dine with you; shepherds who lack the Spirit. 20 But you, dear,
fearlessly feed themselves; clouds continue to strengthen yourselves
without water, borne by winds; on your most sanctified belief while
autumn trees without fruit, twice pleading in the name of the Holy
dead, pulled out by the roots; 13 wild Spirit. 21 Keep seeking the
sea waves, foaming forth their own compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ
shame; wandering stars, for whom for eternal life, remaining in God's
the blackness of night has been set love. 22 Some show compassion,
aside for all time. 14 Enoch, the distinguishing themselves, 23 and
seventh from Adam, prophesied of some save, grabbing them out of the
them as well, saying, "Behold, the flames with horror, rejecting even
Lord came with ten thousands of his the garments soiled by the flesh.
holy ones, 15 to execute judgment 25 To God our Saviour, who alone is
on everyone, and to condemn all the wise, be glory and majesty,
wicked of all their acts of dominion, and authority, both now
ungodliness which they have done in and forever. Amen.
an ungodly fashion, and of all the
harsh words which ungodly sinners
have said against him." 16 These are
murmurers and complainers who
follow their desires and talk proudly



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