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MENA, an acronym in the English language, refers to a grouping

of countries situated in and around the Middle East and North
Africa. It is also known as WANA, which alternatively refers to the
Middle East as Western Asia. As a regional identifier, MENA is
often used in academia, military planning, disaster relief, media
planning (as a broadcast region), and business writing.[1][2]
Moreover, the region shares a number of cultural, economic, and
environmental similarities across its comprising countries; for
example, some of the most extreme impacts of climate change will
be felt in MENA.

Some terms have a wider definition than MENA, such as

MENASA,[3] MENAP or Greater Middle East, which extends to How often countries/territories are
South Asia to include the countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan. included in MENA/WANA definitions:
The term MENAT explicitly includes Turkey, which is usually    Almost always included
excluded from some MENA definitions, even though Turkey is    Sometimes included
almost always considered part of the Middle East.    Rarely included

United Nations
Other definitions
Climate change
Human rights
Economy and education
Stability and instability in the region
Armed conflicts
Related terms
See also
External links
"MENA" has no standardized definition; different organizations define the region as consisting of different
territories, or do not define it as a region at all.

United Nations

There is no MENA region amongst the United Nations Regional

Groups, nor in the United Nations geoscheme used by the UNSD
(though the latter does feature two subregions called 'Western Asia'
and 'Northern Africa', see WANA). Some agencies and
programmes of the United Nations do define the MENA region,
but their definitions may contradict each other, and sometimes only
apply to specific studies or reports.

A 2003 World Bank study stated: "In World Bank

geographic classification, the following 21 countries or Variations on definitions of the
territories constitute the Middle East and North Africa Middle East and North Africa region.
(MENA) region: six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
   Traditional definition of the
members (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Middle East
and United Arab Emirates [UAE]), and 15 other countries
or territories: Algeria, Djibouti, the Arab Republic of    Greater Middle East (2004 U.S.
Egypt, Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Jordan, Government paper)[4]
Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, the Republic of Yemen,    Areas pundits sometimes
the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, and West Bank and associated with the Middle East
Gaza." [5]: 
2 0  As of January 2021, the World Bank website around 2004[4]
groups the same set of 21 countries/territories as MENA:
"Algeria; Bahrain; Djibouti; Egypt, Arab Rep.; Iran,
Islamic Rep.; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon;
Libya; Malta; Morocco; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia;
Syrian Arab Republic; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates;
West Bank and Gaza; Yemen, Rep..".[6]
A 2010 UNHCR report stated: "For the purposes of this
study, the MENA region has been defined as comprising
of the following 18 countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt,
Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, The MENA region as defined by the
Morocco, Oman, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Qatar, World Bank (2003)[5][6]
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and
Yemen."[9]: 2 
A 2015 FAO report stated: "The 21 MENA countries are Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt,
Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen."[10]
The UNAIDS regional classification of the Middle East and North Africa region "includes 20
countries/territories: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic,
Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen," according to a 2019 UNICEF report.[7]: 11 
As of January 2021, the UNICEF website groups the following set of 20 countries as MENA:
"Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, Sudan, Syrian Arab
Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen."[11]
Working for the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
economists Hamid Reza Davoodi and George T. Abed
wrote in 2003: "The MENA region comprises the Arab
States in the Middle East and North Africa—Algeria,
Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Somalia, Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, the
United Arab Emirates, and Yemen—plus the Islamic
State of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, The MENA region as defined by
Pakistan, the West Bank and Gaza." The authors UNAIDS, which includes Sudan and
emphasise that these "24 MENA countries (...) are Somalia, but excludes Israel,
grouped together for analytical purposes only." Although Palestine and Malta[7]
they allegedly "share common challenges and cultural
links distinct from neighbouring economies" such as
Israel and Turkey, and Islam is the dominant religion and
Arabic the principal language, there are "sizable
religious minority groups" and "significant linguistic
diversities" in the MENA region, with Afghanistan, Iran
and Pakistan not having Arabic as the majority

The MENA region as defined by the

IMF (2003), which includes
Afghanistan, Mauritania, Pakistan,
Palestine, Sudan and Somalia, but
excludes Israel and Malta[8]
MENA definitions by United Nations agencies and programmes
Country or
territory MENA WA+NA[12]
2015[10] 2019[7] 2021[11] 2010[9] 2003[8]
Afghanistan No No No No No Yes No
Algeria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Armenia No No No No No No Yes
Azerbaijan No No No No No No Yes
Bahrain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cyprus No No No No No No Yes
Djibouti Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Egypt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Georgia No No No No No No Yes
Iran Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Iraq Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Israel Yes Yes No No No No Yes
Jordan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kuwait Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lebanon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Libya Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Malta Yes No No No Yes No No
Mauritania No No No No Yes Yes No
Morocco Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pakistan No No No No No Yes No
Palestine* Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Qatar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Saudi Arabia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Somalia No No Yes No No Yes No
Sudan No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Syria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tunisia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Turkey No No No No No No Yes
United Arab
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear Yes
Yemen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
* Also called State of Palestine, (Occupied) Palestinian Territories, Palestinian Authority, or West Bank and Gaza (Strip).
Other definitions

Historians Michael Dumper and Bruce Stanley stated in 2007: 'For the purposes of this volume, the editors
have generally chosen to define the MENA region as stretching from Morocco to Iran and from Turkey to
the Horn of Africa. This definition thus includes the twenty-two countries of the Arab League (including
the Palestinian Authority enclaves in the West Bank and Gaza Strip), Turkey, Israel, Iran, and Cyprus.'
They stressed, however, how controversial and problematic this definition is, and that other choices could
also have been made according to various criteria.[13]

For its December 2012 global religion survey, the Pew Research Center grouped 20 countries and
territories as 'the Middle East and North Africa', namely: 'Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, the Palestinian territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria,
Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara and Yemen.'[14]

For the Global Peace Index 2020, the Institute for Economics & Peace defined the MENA region as
containing 20 countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,
Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and


Due to the geographic ambiguity and Eurocentric nature of the term

"Middle East", some people, especially in sciences such as
agriculture and climatology, prefer to use other terms like "WANA"
(West Asia and North Africa)[16] or the less common NAWA
(North Africa-West Asia).[17] Usage of the term WANA has also
been advanced by postcolonial studies.[18]
Western Asia and Northern Africa
The United Nations geoscheme used by the UNSD does not define according to the UN geoscheme[12]
a single WANA region, but it does feature two subregions called
Western Asia, and Northern Africa, respectively:[12]

Western Asia (18): Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, Syrian Arab Republic,
Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
Northern Africa (7): Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara.

In a 1995 publication, the then-Aleppo-based International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry
Areas (ICARDA) defined its West Asia/North Africa (WANA) region as 25 countries, including:
'Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen.'[20] It noted that CGIAR's Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC) excluded Ethiopia, Sudan and Pakistan from its 1992 WANA definition, but otherwise
listed the same countries.[20] In a 2011 study, ICARDA stated 27 countries/territories: 'The WANA region
includes: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gaza Strip, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan,
Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.'[19]
WANA definitions by (mostly agricultural) organisations

Country or CGIAR

territory WANA 1992[20] WANA 1995[20] WANA 2011[19]

Afghanistan Yes Yes Yes
Algeria Yes Yes Yes
Armenia No No No
Azerbaijan No No No
Bahrain Unclear Unclear Yes
Cyprus No No No
Djibouti Unclear Unclear Yes The WANA region according to
Egypt Yes Yes Yes ICARDA (2011)[19]

Eritrea No Probably Yes

Ethiopia No Yes Yes
Georgia No No No
Iran Yes Yes Yes
Iraq Yes Yes Yes
Israel Unclear Unclear No
Jordan Yes Yes Yes
Kuwait Yes Yes Yes
Lebanon Yes Yes Yes
Libya Yes Yes Yes
Mauritania Unclear Unclear Yes
Morocco Yes Yes Yes
Oman Yes Yes Yes
Palestine* Unclear Unclear Partial
Pakistan No Yes Yes
Qatar Yes Yes Yes
Saudi Arabia Yes Yes Yes
Somalia Unclear Unclear Yes
Sudan No Yes Yes
Syria Yes Yes Yes
Tunisia Yes Yes Yes
Turkey Yes Yes Yes
U.A.Emirates Unclear Unclear Yes
W. Sahara Unclear Unclear Unclear

Yemen Yes Yes Yes

* Also called State of Palestine, or West Bank and Gaza (Strip).

Climate change
Climate change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
refers to changes in the climate of the MENA region and the
subsequent response, adaption and mitigation strategies of countries
in the region.[21] In 2018, the MENA region emitted 3.2 billion
tonnes of carbon dioxide and produced 8.7% of global greenhouse
gas emissions (GHG)[22] despite making up only 6% of the global
population.[23] These emissions are mostly from the energy
sector,[24] an integral component of many Middle Eastern and
North African economies due to the extensive oil and natural gas
reserves that are found within the region.[25][26] The region of
Middle East is one of the most vulnerable to climate change. The
impacts include increase in drought conditions, aridity, heatwaves
and sea level rise. Middle East map of Köppen climate
Sharp global temperature and sea level changes, shifting
precipitation patterns and increased frequency of extreme weather
events are some of the main impacts of climate change as identified
by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).[27]
The MENA region is especially vulnerable to such impacts due to
its arid and semi-arid environment, facing climatic challenges such
as low rainfall, high temperatures and dry soil.[27][28] The climatic
conditions that foster such challenges for MENA are projected by
the IPCC to worsen throughout the 21st century.[27] If greenhouse Predicted Köppen climate
gas emissions are not significantly reduced, part of the MENA classification map for North Africa for
region risks becoming uninhabitable before the year

Climate change is expected to put significant strain on already scarce water and agricultural resources
within the MENA region, threatening the national security and political stability of all included
countries.[32] This has prompted some MENA countries to engage with the issue of climate change on an
international level through environmental accords such as the Paris Agreement. Law and policy are also
being established on a national level amongst MENA countries,[33] with a focus on the development of
renewable energies.[34]


Human rights


Islam is by far the dominant religion in nearly all of the MENA territories; 91.2% of the population is
Muslim. The Middle East–North Africa region comprises 20 countries and territories with an estimated
Muslim population of 315 million or about 23% of the world's Muslim population.[35] The term "MENA"
is often defined in part in relation to majority-Muslim countries located in the region, although several
nations in the region are not Muslim-dominated.[36] Major non-Islamic religions native here are
Christianity, Judaism, Yazidism, Druzeism, African folk religions, Berberism and other Arab paganism.
Migrant population, mostly within the Gulf nations, practice mostly the beliefs they follow to, such as
Buddhism and Hinduism among South Asian, East Asian and Southeast Asian migrants.[37][38]

The demographics of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region show a highly populated,
culturally diverse region spanning three continents. As of 2018, the population was nearly 578 million. The
class, cultural, ethnic, governmental, linguistic and religious make-up of the region is highly variable.

Debates on which countries should be included in the Middle East are wide-ranging.[39] The Greater
Middle East and North Africa region can include the Caucasus, Cyprus, Afghanistan, and several sub-
Saharan African states due to various social, religious and historic ties. The most commonly accepted
countries in the MENA region are included on this page.

Economy and education

The MENA region has vast reserves of petroleum and natural gas that make it a vital source of global
economic stability. According to the Oil and Gas Journal (January 1, 2009), the MENA region has 60% of
the world's oil reserves (810.98 billion barrels (128.936 km3 )) and 45% of the world's natural gas reserves (
2,868,886 billion cubic feet (81,237.8 km3 ) ).[40]

As of 2011, 8 of the 15 OPEC nations are within the MENA region.

According to Pew Research Center's 2016 "Religion and Education Around the World" study, 40% of the
adult population in MENA had completed less than a year of primary school. The fraction was higher for
women, of whom half had been to school for less than a year.[41]


Stability and instability in the region

In its Global Peace Index 2020, the Institute for Economics & Peace stated that 'the Middle East and North
Africa remains the world's least peaceful region, despite improvements for 11 countries'.[15] According to
an in-depth multi-part study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published in April
2016, the factors shaping the MENA region are exceedingly complex, and it is difficult to find 'any overall
model that fits the different variables involved'. It found that there were 'deep structural causes of violence
and instability'. Wars and upheavals are partly 'shaped by the major tribal, ethnic, sectarian, and regional
differences', by 'demographic, economic, and security trends', and by 'quality of governance, internal
security system, justice systems, and [social] progress.' In some countries, the necessary societal factors for
successful democratic change (often championed by some in the region and in the West to address various
issues) are absent, and political revolutions may not always lead to more stability, nor solve the underlying
problems in a given MENA country. However, it also found that 'the majority of MENA nations have
remained relatively stable and continue to make progress'.[42]

Armed conflicts
During and after the decolonisation of Africa and Asia in the 20th century, many different armed conflicts
have occurred in the MENA region, including but not limited to the Rif War; the Iraqi–Kurdish conflict; the
Arab–Israeli conflict; the Western Sahara conflict; the Lebanese Civil War; the Kurdish–Turkish conflict
(1978–present); the Iranian Revolution; the Iran–Iraq War; Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict; the Berber
Spring; the Toyota War; the Invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf War; the Algerian Civil War; the Iraqi
Kurdish Civil War; the rise of terrorism and anti-terrorist actions; the U.S.-led intervention of Iraq in 2003
and subsequent Iraq War. The Arab Spring (2010–2011) led to the Tunisian Revolution, the Egyptian
revolution of 2011 and Egyptian Crisis (2011–2014), while also sparking war throughout the region such as
the Syrian Civil War, the Libyan Civil War, the Yemeni Civil War and the Iraqi war against ISIS (Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant). During the Sudanese Revolution, months of protestes and a military coup led
to the fall of Omar al-Bashir's regime and the initiation of the 2019–2022 Sudanese transition to democracy
and the Sudanese peace process.[43]

Related terms
Greater Middle East

In a preparatory working paper for the June 2004 G8 Summit, the U.S. government (at the end of the
George W. Bush administration's first term) defined the 'Greater Middle East as including the Arab states,
Israel, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.[4]


From April 2013, the International Monetary Fund started using a new analytical region called MENAP
(Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), which adds Afghanistan and Pakistan to MENA
Now MENAP is a prominent economic grouping in IMF reports.[45][46]


MENASA refers to the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia region.[47] Its usage consists of the region
of MENA together with South Asia, with Dubai chosen by the United Nations as the data hub for the
region.[3] In some contexts, specifically the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, the region is
abbreviated as SAMENA instead of the more common MENASA.


The term MENAT (Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey) has been used to include Turkey in the list of
MENA countries.[48][49]

Near East

The term Near East was commonly used before the term Middle East was coined by the British in the early
20th century. The term Ancient Near East is commonly used by scholars for the region in antiquity. Some
organisations and scholars insist on still using 'Near East' today, with some including North Africa, but
definitions range widely and there is no consensus on its geographical application.

See also
Climate change in the Middle East and North Africa
Demographics of the Middle East and North Africa
Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
Fertile Crescent
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
List of country groupings
Middle East economic integration
Near East

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ernal/pubs/ft/weo/2016/01/pdf/text.pdf) (PDF) from the original on 21 April 2016. Retrieved
23 April 2016.
46. "MENAP" (
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ubs/ft/reo/2013/mcd/eng/pdf/menap1113_h.pdf) (PDF) from the original on 19 August 2014.
Retrieved 3 October 2016.
47. "The UN selects Dubai as the data hub for the MENASA region" (
ticle/world/un-selects-dubai-as-data-hub-for-menasa-region-4762285/). 22 July 2017.
48. "MENAT Regional Council" (
l). Syracuse University Dubai. Archived ( from the original on 18 August
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49. "About GE in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey (MENAT)" (
ompany-information/menat). General Electric. Archived (
04211613/ from the original on 4
August 2016. Retrieved 14 June 2016.

External links
The dictionary definition of MENA at Wiktionary

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