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Name: Date: Partners: TITLE 4. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Brief paragraph about the investigation and the investigation topic Recearch must be referenced 1.2 AIM / RESEARCH QUESTION / PROBLEM Aim or Problem must be written as a statement Research Question must include the IV and the DV 1.3 HYPOTHESIS Written as a prediction statement Explanation/Iustification(referenced if appropriate) 1.4 VARIABLES Independent Variable must be clearly identified Dependent Variable must be clearly identified Fixed Variable(s) must be clearly identified 2. PROCEDURE 2.1 MATERIALS List with relevant details such as size, quantity, ete. of each item. 2.2 DIAGRAMS / PHOTOGRAPHS Relevant illustration(s) of set-up. Illustrations must be numbered. Do not include photographs of individual items of basic equipment 2.3 METHOD Sequential list of brief statements including reference to diagrams/photographs Explain how equipment is used if not self-evident Describe what you did in such a way that it could be repeated by someone else Be specific about sizes, quantities, volumes, concentrations, masses, etc. Include special precautions regarding method and equipment use at relevant step 3, RESULTS 3.1 RAW DATA Quantitative data in a proper table with number, title, headings, units, uncertainty Qualitative data (Observations) 3.2 PROCESSED DATA AND ANALYSIS Show sample calculations if appropriate, including all steps Show processed data to correct number of decimal places or significant figures Final data table if appropriate Appropriate Graph(s) with number, title, axes labels with units, etc Provide short statements on key points, anomalies, trends, etc. in the tables and graphs 4, DISCUSSION 4.1 CONCLUSION Clear statement of conclusion referring to the hypothesis Supporting Discussion 4.2 EVALUATION Evaluate the quality of the data (accuracy and precision, literature value, etc.) Limitations/weaknesses/etc. in materials and method Impact of identified limitations on results, Improvements on identified limitations 4.3 FINAL CONCLUSION Conclusion re-statement with reference to validity and reliability Further Investigation (when relevant) 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY: In proper MLA format

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