The Measurement of Oral Forces

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The measurement of oral forces

Article  in  Behavior Research Methods · May 1972

DOI: 10.3758/BF03207846


18 744

2 authors:

John D Rugh William K Solberg

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio University of California, Los Angeles


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force capabilities. The exact
The measurement of human oral forces* positioning of the bite pads between
the teeth was also found to influence
force measures due to different
JOHND. RUGH leverages at the extremities of the bite
University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 plate.
and An apparatus developed by Boos
WILLIAM K. SOLBERG (1940) overcame many of the above
School of Dentistry problems but was usable only with Ss
University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 having full upper and lower dentures.
Major advances in gnathodynamom-
This paper reviews the types of instruments used and problems encountered in eter designs were made as variable
the measurement of human biting forces. A new instrument, developed for this inductance and wire strain gauges
purpose, which employs strain gauges mounted on a cantilever bridge bite became available. Howell and Manly
element is described. Associated circuitry, which includes a Wheatstone bridge, ( 1948) developed a variable
amplifier, and integrator, is described. The integrator enables the investigator to inductance-type strain gauge (Fig. 1)
record accumulative force over time. Biting force values recorded at five with interchangeable bite plate
different areas of the mouth are presented from 11 male and 8 female Ss. elements; these allowed changes in
vertical dimension to be made and a
Several techniques have been proper thickness may depend upon the wide range of forces to be measured.
described for the measurement of parameters under investigation. Data Biting forces applied to the spring steel
human biting forces. The instruments presented by Boucher, Zwener, and plate moved a silver foil near a small
developed for this purpose have been Pflughoeet (1959), however, suggest inductance coil, thus varying the
referred to as gnathodynamometers that between-S variability in maximum inductance of the coil. A grid dip
(gnatho from Greek, meaning jaw). force measures increases as vertical meter-type circuit converted the
This paper reviews the types of separation increases; thus thin bite variation in inductance to a de current
instruments developed to date and plates seem preferable to thick plates.] which was used to indicate biting
descri bes a recently developed Black further noted that the load force. The thickness of the bite
instrument which overcomes many of exerted upon the bite plate was not element was reported to be 6 mm
the problems found in earlier distributed evenly across the occlusal before adding cushioning materials.
gnathodynamometers. surface of the teeth. He observed that The same principles were employed in
The earliest, and perhaps most the buccal cusps of the bicuspids and . the design of a small
novel, method employed to determine molars received the most stress. gnathodynamometer, developed by
maximum human biting forces was Further problems were noted in Howell and Brudevold (1950), which
that of J. R. Patrick (see Klaffenbach, motivating the Ss to exert full stress. was inserted under an artificial tooth.
1936) in the early 1890s. The average The S's fear of breaking teeth, pain, This instrument allowed investigators
force required to crush several and the condition of the S's to record force information without
different types and sizes of nuts was periodontal tissue were felt to hinder interfering with normal chewing.
determined by the use of a "crushing accurate measurements of maximum Strain gauges installed on cantilever
machine." Estimates of biting forces
were then made after human Ss
attempted to crush different sizes and
types of nuts between their teeth.
Black (1895) and Johnson and
Hatfield (1917) developed
gnathodynamometers which
mechanically indexed the bending of
spring steel arms which were bit upon
by the Ss (see illustration in Fig. 1).
However, several problems associated
with their usage were noted. Black

recognized that biting forces depended t
upon the vertical separation of the
teeth and reasoned that full muscle
force could not be exerted with the
mouth open widely. He also reported

difficulty in keeping the bite pads CD S
thin, yet strong enough to prevent S 0
breakage. A bite block thickness of
18 mm was required to prevent
breakage. [The ideal bite plate
thickness for measurement of biting
forces has yet to be determined. The Fig. 1. Four gnathodynamometer types developed to measure human biting
force. The upper left-hand instrument was employed by Johnson and Hatfield
(1917). Black'~ 1895 gnathodyna~ometer is pictured in the upper right-hand
*The development of this apparatus was
supported by USPHS Grant 5-S01-RR-5304.
~or~er. A cantll~ver beam type of mstrument employed by several investigators
The authors would like to acknowledge the IS diagrammed. m the lower left-hand corner. Arrows point to the bite pads on
assistance of Allan Leon and Joel Brodsky each of these mstruments. Howell and Manly's (1948) variable inductance strain
in collecting data and calibration of the gauge gnathodynamometer is diagrammed in the lower right-hand corner. The
instrument. We wish to thank R. J. Schnell,
School of Dentistry, University of Indiana, s~r!ng plate wit~ bite b~tton ~ inserted into the grooves in the inductor housing.
who was particularly helpful in supplying Biting force IS applied djrectly on top of the inductance coil. The
published and unpublished review materials. gnathodynamometers are not pictured to actual scale.

Behav. Res. Meth. & Instru., 1972, Vol. 4 (3) 125

gnathodynamometers to less than easily pierced by the teeth. Bowman
6 mm were unsuccessful. A cantilever (1970) reported using a nylon material
bridge design, however, was found to (type and source not specified), which
work well with two thin (l-mm) may be usable but was not examined
beams. in our laboratory. We found that 7 x 7

The instrument (Fig. 2) described mm dental cottonwood dental sticks
below consists of a cantilever bridge (Dixon, S. S. White Dental
,',.,,- and strain gauge arrangement with a Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles), cut
bite plate thickness of 2.5 mm prior to ,in half and reduced in length to
cushioning. Associated circuitry, 20 mm, provided a 2.5 x 7 x 20 mm
~ .:.---'
. "0\ I "0
100 •
consisting of a Wheatstone bridge, de cushion which, when soaked in water
amplifier, and meter, is described. Also for 1 h prior to usage, had excellent
described is an integrator circuit which cushioning properties. The relatively
<, / allows the measurement of soft wood compresses when bit upon
Z ••O
eAIN accumulative force over time. and forms itself to the topography of

the tooth without splitting or being
APPARATUS pierced. Wood cushions placed on
" q '"
Bite Plate Element both surfaces of the bite element were
Construction of the bite element held in place by a thin plastic tube ,
q Q

~ was simplified by using Sklar Model 8 mm in diam, slipped over the end of

160-135 forceps (38-04 Woodside the bite element. The element
Avenue, Long Island City, New York), thickness with the wood cushioning
modified to form a dual cantilever materials was 7 mm and the width was
bridge arrangement (Fig. 3). A fulcrum 7 mm. A width of 7 mm was found to
was added, and the forceps points bridge both cusps of most teeth, while
were rounded and permanently closed not interfering with adjacent teeth .
with a screw and nut. Small strain Disposable latex finger cots (Bittner
gauges were mounted using Eastman brand , No . 610 small, New York) were
Fig. 2. Portable gnathodynamom- 910 cement (BLH Electronics, Inc., slipped over the end of the bite
eter, See text for construction and Waltham, Mass.) to both sides of one element. These eliminated the need for
operating details. of the forceps' handles (Fig. 3). The sterilization procedures between uses.
two gauges form two legs of a The bite element described above
beam arrangements (Fig. 1) have been Wheatstone bridge (Fig. 4). Employing was found useful in measuring forces
successfully employed by several the gauges in this manner doubles the of up to 140 lb. Bite elements capable
investigators (Boone, 1962; Vail, gauge factor and provides temperature of measuring up to 200lb have been
1970; Bowman, 1970); however, the compensation. A positioning arm was made in our laboratory using the same
construction details of these attached to and protruded from the principles, i.e., converting forceps into
instruments are not readily available. focal point wedge screw. This dual cantilever bridge assemblies.
More recently , small strain gauges positioning arm was found useful in
have been mounted within a single replicating the exact placement of the
tooth. Anderson (1956) described an bite element in the mouth, thus
apparatus and procedure for measuring assuring that the biting force occurred
whole-tooth loads using strain gauges at the same location on repeated
mounted within the tooth where measurements. Several bite plate
previous restorations had been made. cushioning materials were examined
Scott and Ash (1970) have reported and rejected. It was found that most
the development of a small transmitter common plastic and rubber materials
the size of a molar tooth crown which were inadequate, as they were too
transmits information from eight
sensors mounted within the occlusal
surface of an artificial molar tooth.
For purposes of our research, a
gnathodynamometer with an
extremely thin bite plate was required.
We needed a device which could be
used with Ss having natural dentition
and which did not require
modification of the existing dentition.
The within-tooth or under-tooth
techniques (Howell & Brudevold,
1950; Anderson, 1956; Scott & Ash, II
1970) appeared ideal in that they
require the least vertical separation of
the teeth; however, they require c
considerable time and skill to install
and generally require modification of Fig. 3. Detailed drawings of dual cantilever bridge bite element. Two strain
the dentition. Other gauges are mounted on either side of the forcep's handle, which was reduced in
gnathodynamometers have bite blocks width at Point A. A positioning arm (Point B) protrudes toward the bite surface
requiring a vertical separation in excess (Point D). A wedge mounted at Point C works as a fulcrum. Force applied at
of 6 mm. Attempts in our laboratory Point D is transferred to Point A and sensed by the two strain gauges. A
to reduce the thickness of the bite three-wire shielded cable connected the two strain gauges to the Wheatstone
pads on cantilever beam-type bridge and amplifier network.

126 Behav. Res. Meth. & Instru., 1972, Vol. 4 (3)

tensile testing instrument through a
4-mm-diam solid metal cylinder
centered on the bite plate, 1 mm from
the end of the positioning arm. It was
'" originally intended to have the meter
read out directly in pounds force;
however, it was found that bite

. "
elements could not be easily built with
a linear force-output function .
Furthermore, each bite element
displayed a different force-output
-.. Iil8 101
function, making the use of nonlinear
amplifiers impractical. Calibration
charts were thus made for each bite

element (Fig. 5); this allows the user

rlr2ID-' V
to convert the gnathodynamometer's
meter reading into force values. It was

'.' found after repeated calibration
j checks with known force values that
,, an accuracy of ± 3 lb could be
expected. Long-term accuracy is made

,, " possible by periodically checking the

" ,
~ "zero" and "gain" controls for a zero
0-- +9v
~ ."
and full-scale reading. The proper
adjustment of these controls
compensates for variation in battery
Fig. 4. Circuit diagram of gnathodynamometer. The two Type voltages. It should be noted that this
FAE'()6N-1256EL (SR-4) strain gauges (BLH Electronics, Waltham, Mass. instrument, as well as earlier devices
02154) are mounted on the bite element. The dual 747 operational amplifier described above, measures pounds of
may be replaced with two 741 amplifiers. Batteries Bl, B2, and B3 are 9-V force applied between two surfaces,
transistor radio batteries (Eveready No. 216). Meter Ml is a Caletro No. Dl·912 not pressure. Pressure is a measure of a
milliammeter. Resistance values are shown in ohms except where noted. The 773 force exerted per unit area, with the
± 1 % resistors in the bridge network may be replaced by other paired precision most common unit being the square
resistors ranging from 100 to 1,000 ohms. Boxed lettering indicates front panel inch (psi). Pounds of force
controls. measurements are made without
reference to area.
network, including a 2-ohm calibration The "characteristic time" of the Tests of the gnathodynamometer's
resistor and switch (lower left-hand integrator, i.e., the time required for ability to integrate force over time
corner, Fig. 4), fed into a high gain the output to change by an amount were made using the same tensile
inverting operational amplifier. The equal to the average value of the input, testing instrument. Specific forces
10k-ohm de offset potentiometer is is 80 msec (T = RC). The "run-set" were applied over a varied time
used to compensate for slight switch is used to reset the integrator. interval. It was found that the
imbalances in the Wheatstone bridge With the switch in the "set" position, gnathodynamometer did in fact
and serves as the meter zero control. the stored charge across the 8-microF integrate force over time and did so in
An 8.2k-ohm resistor in parallel with capacitor is reset to zero. In the "run" a linear manner, i.e., 20lb force for
the Lk-ohm zero control reduces the position, the circuit performs as an 5 sec produced a meter reading of.l0,
control's sensitivity. A I-megohm integrator. The "zero" adjust control whereas 20lb force for 10 sec
potentiometer in the feedback loop must be set such that with no biting produced a meter reading of .20. Note
adjusts the gain of the amplifier. The force applied and the "run-set" in the that in using the integrate mode the
meter amplifier (upper right-hand run position, the meter will remain at same meter reading may be produced
corner, Fig. 4) is a fixed gain inverting zero. The lk-ohm dc offset
amplifier. The 10k-ohm dc offset potentiometer is adjusted such that 1.0
potentiometer was adjusted for a O-m the integrator output remains at zero
output reading, with Pin 7 grounded with no input signal applied.
via a 10k-ohm resistor. Three ranges of
sensitivity are provided by the three Calibration
resistors which are switched in series The completed gnathodynamometer
with the milliammeter. A dc output (Fig. 2) was calibrated, using an
jack allows the unit to be used with a Instron Tensile Testing Instrument,
chart recorder when permanent Type TT-B-L (courtesy of Materials
records are required. Department, School of Engineering,
An integrating amplifier circuit UCLA). With the two power switches
(lower right-hand comer, Fig.4) is (SI and S4) on, the "zero" and "gain" 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
switched into the meter circuit when controls were adjusted such that, with
the function switch (84) is in the the 2-ohm calibration resistor in the
integrate mode (Int). This circuit has a circuit, the meter (Ml) read full scale Fig. 5. Sample calibration chart for
de output proportional to the time on the X50 mode and zero with the gnathodynamometer bite element used
integral of the input 2-ohm resistor out of the circuit. in converting milliammeter output to
These readings were periodically pounds biting force. The upper curve
1 + checked and maintained during the is used for the X50 scale and the lower
E o u t + -RC f E in df. calibration procedure. Forces of curve is used on the XI00 scale.
known value were applied with the

Behav. Res. Meth. & Instru., 1972, Vol. 4 (3) 127

should be accompanied by a detailed
'00 description of the bite element
~ ,, Male employed. Further discussion of the
,, N:" " problems and applications of
,, gnathodynamometers may be found in
reviews by Haber (1929), Klaffenback
,, (1936), O'Rourke (1949), and Lawson


ow ~

.. • 60
"" ... ...J:>
ANDERSON, D. J. Measurement of stress in
lao "" 0' ......... , mastication. Journal of Dental Research.

'" , Female BLACK, G. V. The force exerted in the
•• , closure of the jaws. Dental Cosmos, 1896,
" N:8
, BOONE. M. E. The effect of a denture
reline and a denture stabilizer upon the
biting force of complete denture wearers.
Thesis. Indiana University School of
Dentistry, 1962.
20 BO OS, R. H. Intermaxillary relation
established by biting power. Journal of
the American Dental Association. 1940.
PFLUGHOEET, F. Can biting force be
used as a criterion for registering vertical
dimension? Journal of Prosthetic
A B c o E Dentistry, 1969.9.694-699.
BOWMAN, A. Flexion of the mandible.
Thesis, Indiana University School of
Test Pulli .. Dentistry, 1970.
Studies concerning the oral cavity and
Fig. 6. Mean biting forces as a function of five test positions and sex as saliva. II. Biting pressure. American
measured with the gnathodynamometer described in the text. The bite element Joumal of Orthodontics. 1940.26.41.
positioning arm was used to determine exact placement between Sa by HABER, G. The gnatho dynamometer in
stomatologic practice. American Dental
positioning the arm into the outer cleavage of the upper teeth at each test point. Surgeon. 1929, 49.561.
in numerous ways. For example, a laboratory to calibrate other Vertical forces used during chewing of
reading of .80 may be produced by a instruments designed to investigate food. Journal of Dental Research, 1960.
force of 10 lb applied for 80 sec, 20 Ib human chewing behavior (Rugh, 1971) HOWELL, A. R., & MANLY, R. S. An
for 40 sec, or 40 lb for 20 sec, etc. and to measure biting forces in normal electronic strain gauge for measuring oral
When long-term drift was compensated and pathologic populations. Data forces. Joumal of Dental Research, 1948,
for by adjustment of the "zero" presented in Fig. 6 are an example of JOHNSON, A. L., & HATFIELD. H. K. A
control, integrated force measures d a t a collected using the study of the relation of dental conditions.
were repeatable to ± 2% of the meter gnathodynamometer. Maximum biting biting force. and the hand-grip. Dental
reading. forces of 19 healthy adults were Cosmos. 1917,59,699-609.
KLAFFENBACK. A. O. Gnathodynamics.
recorded at five different positions of Journal of the American Dental
Operating Characteristics the mouth. Sex differences in this Association, 1936. 23, 371-382.
and Discussion sample are apparent; male force values KLATSKY, M. Masticatory stresses and
their relation to dental caries. Journal of
The instrument described above was were consistently greater than those of Dental Research. 1942. 21. 389.
designed to fill the need for a portable, the female. Klatsky (1942) reported LAWSON, W. A. The validity of a method
inexpensive gnathodynamometer with finding similar sex differences. used for measuring masticatory forces.
a very thin bite element. A thin bite Comparison between studies reporting Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1960, 10,
element was felt desirable to closely maximum human biting forces must O'ROURKE, J. T. Significance of tests for
approximate the vertical jaw be made cautiously because the biting strength. Journal of the American
relationship during chewing, measurements are typically made using Dental Association. 1949. 38. 10.99.
RUGH, J. D. A telemetry system for
swallowing, and bruxing, Materials for different apparatuses, procedures, and measuring chewing behavior in humans.
the instrument cost about $60. populations. Brawley and Sedwick Behavior Research Methods &
Battery life was found to be 60 h. A (1940) reviewed 27 studies which Instrumentation, 1971. 3, 73-77.
nonportab!e unit for use on 1l0-V ac reported maximum biting force values SCOTT, I. S., & ASH, M. M. Micro
miniature intraoral telemetry system.
power could be built using commercial ranging from 45 to 5501b in adult Proceedings of the Intemational
de power supplies if portability was populations. Too frequently these Telemetering Conference, October 1970.
not required. Except for battery reports lack any description of the V AIL, G. H. The development and use of an
intraoral force transducer in the diagnosis
replacements, no component failures instrument used. Future reports of and treatment of myasthenia gravis.
have occurred. biting forces obtained using the above Thesis, Indiana University School of
The instrument has been used in our or any other gnathodynamometer Dentistry, 1970.

128 Behav. Res. Meth. & Instru., 1972, Vol. 4 (3)

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