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Fourth Quarter
Festivals and Theatrical

1. This festival is said to interface three aspects such as tribal, industrial and arts, and
a. Kadayawan c. Santa Cruzan
b. Sinulog d. Panagbenga

2. It is held on the last day of Festival, a water parade where a pump boat is decorated with
flowers and candles in honor of the Sto. Nino riding on it.
a. Fluvial Procession c. Santa Cruzan
b. Sulog d. Christianity

3. This festival focus on the cultural and heritage aspect of our country.
a. Sulog c. Religious Festival
b. Non- Religious Festival d. Christianity

4. It is known as one of the most popular and biggest celebrations every month of May.
a. Santa Cruzan c. Fluvial Procession
b. Sulog d. Dinagyag Festival

5. Its name came from the combination of the English word “mass” and the Spanish word
“kara” which means face.
a. Panagbenga c.Dinagyang
b. Masskara Festival
c. d. Kadayawan
6. The name _____________ means “make believe Atis” which is named after the Ati the
indigenous natives of the Island.
a. Dinagyang Festival c. Ati-atihan
b. Sulog d. Santa Cruzan

7. It is a festival where dancers cover their body with soot and paint their faces and wear
coloful costumes made of walis tambo (soft brooms).
a. Obando Fertility Rite c. Ati-atihan
b. Dinagyang Festival d. Fluvial Procession

8. The native dance of sinulog commemorates the acceptance of the Filipino people of
______ more specifically Catholicism to replace their belief of Animalism.
a. Christianity c. Islamic
b. Hinduism d. Buddhism

9. It literally means face.

a. Shield c. Crown
b. Kara d. Helmet
10. It refers to the dwelling place of the datu along his wives and children.
a. Torogan c. Duahanagong
b. Panolong d. Gandang

11. This okir carving usually features the Naga or serpent, pakorabong or stylized fern, as well
as floral and star and bud motifs.

1 |Arts 7
a. Panolong c. Duahanagong
b. Torogan d. Gandang

12. It is celebrated every 15th of the hot summer of May in town Lucban.
a.Moriones c. Obando Fertility Rite
b.Pahiyas Festival d. Dinagyang Festival

13. They are known for their beautiful costumes that are made with different color fabrics and
patterns woven together to create indigenous pieces of intricate designs.
a.Moriones c. kaamulan
b.Masskara d.Dinagyang

14. It refers as an heirloom teapot or kettle used for hot water, coffee or tea.
a. Balanghai c. Vinta
b. Okir d. Kendi

15. This city was known as the “City of smiles”.

Bicol c. Capiz
Ilo-ilo d. Bacolod

16. It was engineered by Father Melchor de Vera a Jesuit priest.

a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
c. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga
d. Duahanagong

17. It is located at the top of the hill of Malaybalay Bukidnon founded by Father Abbot Eduardo
Africa and run by the Benedictine Monks
a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Sawatlmimotis
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

18. This architecture was designed by the National artist for architecture Leandro Locsin.
a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

19. It is located at the town of Sagay, Camiguin Island.

a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

20. It is called as Real Fuerza de Nuestra Senora del Pilar de Zaragoza founded in 1635.
a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboaga

2 |Arts 7
Lesson 1 Theater and Festivals
G This section aims to:
O ➢ Identify the festivals and theatrical forms celebrated all over the country throughout
A the year
L ➢ Research on the history of the festival and theatrical composition and its evolution,
S and describe how the townspeople participate and contribute to the event
O ➢ discusses the elements and principles of arts as seen in Philippine’s festivals

This lesson will help you apply your knowledge and understanding of the uses and effects
of integrating various art elements and associating meaning with the visuals from Philippine
festivals and theater forms, as influenced by history and culture.

Before proceeding to the lesson, name the pictures and choose your answer from the box
below. Write your answer on a space provided.

Ati-atihan Festival Sinulog Festival

Dinagyang Festival Maskara Festival

___________________________________ ________________________________

3 |Arts 7
_________________________________ ________________________________

It is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or
imagined event before a live audience in specific place.

⮚ Dance drama-is conveyed by dance movement sometimes accompanied by dialogue.

⮚ Enthusiasm- intense and eager enjoyment, interest or approval.
⮚ Spectacle- is a visually striking performance or display or an event or scene regarded in
terms of its visual impaired.
⮚ Proportion- is the agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole.
● Philippines was defined as the “Fiesta Island of the Pacific” due to rich, colorful and lively
festivals. Festivals are delightful events for the Filipinos. Our life is surrounded by
festivities and celebrations, through it we express our thanksgiving and celebrations of
blessings from God. It also geared cultural preservation and tourism. A community event
celebrating unique aspects of that community and its traditions, often serving to meet
specific religious purposes.
● Celebrated every 15th of the hot summer of
May in town Lucban. It was held in honor
of San Isidro Labrador.
● It is the farmers thanksgiving for a rich and
bountiful harvest.
● Kipling- leaf-shaped multi-colored rice
paste wafers used to decorate their
houses with, along with agricultural
produce like fruits, vegetables and flowers.

4 |Arts 7
Fertility- is the natural capability to produce an
● It is a dance ritual and catholic festival
celebrated every May in Obando Bulacan.
● Locals and pilgrims dressed in traditional
costumes, dance and sing in the town’s
streets to honor and beseech Obando’s
three patron saints:
● San Pascual (Paschal Baylon)
● Santa Clara (Claire of Assisi)
● Nuestra Señora de Salambáo (Our lady of
● Couples who are childless can take this
occasion to appeal for heavenly
intercession and dance to pleasure the
Virgin of Salambao.
● COSTUME: Filipiniana with distinct
designs and coloful Kimona’t saya that
shows femininity and modesty of the
● Streets display coloful banderitas (flaglets)
to welcome dancers and visitors,
complementing the dancers wearing.

● This festival is held during the Holyweek
(last week of lent – 40day period of fasting
beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending
on Saturday before easter). It also
characterized by coloful and realistic
roman costumes.
● COSTUME: Morion means “mask” or
“visor” that cover the wearer’s face. It is a
costume worn by Marinduquenos on the
western side of Marinduque (Boac, Gasan,
and Mogpog) where it depicts the story of
St. Longinus the roman centurion that
miraculously gained his eyesight when his
eye was hit by Jesus blood when he
stabbed Jesus beside his torso.


● It is a festival held on the third week of
January every year on the second Sunday
after Epiphany in Kalibo Aklan. It is
celebrated in honor of the Santo Niño by
rejoicing and energetic merriment on the
● The name means “make believe Atis”
which is named after the Ati the indigenous
natives of the Island.
● It is famous for being the wildest among
the Filipino fiestas because of its elaborate
attires and uninhibited dancing to the
frantic beating drums similar to Carnival
celebration in Rio de Janiero in Brazil.
● The highlight of this event is the native
dance competition that lasts several days.

5 |Arts 7
● COSTUME: cover body with soot and
paint their faces to portray Ati, coloful
costumes made of walis tambo (soft
brooms), hair or tiger grass made of native
reeds, headdresses and garlands made of
indigenous materials, and paper flowers
made of woven rattan and even capiz
pieces as accessories.

● The native dance of sinulog
commemorates the acceptance of the
Filipino people of Christianity, more
specifically Catholicism to replace their
belief of Animalism.
● It was held every month of January.
● The word “sulog” means river current
which pertains to the dance steps being
similar to a river’s push and pull current.
● The highlights of the festival are the grand
street parade that lasts almost a whole day
where sinulog partcipants are decked in
brightly colored costumes usually similar to
the Sto. Niños they display.
● Fluvial Procession held on the last day of
Festival, a water parade where a pump
boat is decorated with flowers and candles
in honor of the Sto. Nino riding on it.
● COSTUME: Participants create their own
variety of Sto. Niño wear some are dressed
as angels and other martyrs made of
ornate materials and items topped with
different accessories.

6 |Arts 7
● It showcases the rich heritage, colorful
history passionate devotion and fun-loving
spirit of the Ilonggo people. It is celebrated
in honor of Senyor santo Nino, the child
● It is known as one of the Philippines
spectacular religious and cultural festival.
● Dagyang means “to make happy”.
● COSTUME: Warriors are dressed in
colorful Aeta Costumes and are made of to
dance rhythmically and to perform various
complicated formations to the thunderous
beat of the drums.

SANTA CRUZAN (Flores de Mayo)

● It is known as one of the most popular and
biggest celebrations every month of May.
● It is also celebrated in honor of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in Catholic Churches.
● COSTUME: Costumes depicts a
personality and role usually recognized by
an icon or symbol they carry during a
parade or procession.

7 |Arts 7
Activity 1: Make your own festival design. Put your design on the box.

8 |Arts 7
Activity 2 Art Critique. After going through the lesson, use the prompts below to write about the
elements and principles of arts seen in the following Philippine Festivals. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

3 Elements of Arts 2 Principles of Arts

9 |Arts 7
Activity 3: A. Enumerate the costume and month of celebration of each Philippine festivals.
See the sample below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Festival Month of Celebration Costume

Example: Moriones Holy Week (last week of Morion also known as mask or visor
Festival lent – 40day period of
fasting beginning on
Ash Wednesday and
ending on Saturday
before easter)
1. Obando Fertility
2. Ati Atihan
3. Sinulog Festival

4. Santa Cruzan

5. Dinagyang

B. Identify the following Theatrical Forms. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
1. It is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of
a real or imagined event before a live audience in specific place. ___________________.
2. It conveys by dance movement sometimes accompanied by dialogue.
3. It refers to the intensity and eager enjoyment, interest or approval. _____________
4. It refers to visually striking performance or display or an event or scene regarded in terms
of its visual impaired.
5. It is the agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole. ____________.

Activity 4:
‘Soda Bottle Lantern’

10 |Arts 7
Step 1: Get the 1.5 soda plastic bottle and cut into two equal parts. Be careful in using cutter or
scissors. Ask an adult to help you cut the soda plastic bottle.
Step 2: Choose one festivity discussed from the lesson, it will serve as your inspiration for your
soda bottle lantern.
Step 3: In constructing the design, do not forget to apply the elements and principles of arts.
Step 4: Make it more colorful by applying bright colors and you are done!


This section aims to:
• explains what makes each of the Philippines festivals unique through a visual
G presentation
O • designs the visual elements and components of the selected festival or theatrical
A form thought costumes, props, etc.
S This lesson will help you apply your knowledge and understanding of the uses and effects
of integrating various art elements and associating meaning with the visuals from Philippine
festivals and theater forms, as influenced by history and culture.

● These festivals focus on the cultural and heritage aspect of our country and are celebrated
with enthusiasm and passion.

11 |Arts 7
● It is also known as ‘the blooming flowers
Festival’ which means seasons of
blooming held in Baguio City in the
month of February. This month-long
annual celebration pays tribute for the
city’s beautifully grown flowers.
● They also decorate their floats with
flowers such as Chrysanthemums,
orchids, astrobelias, roses, and what
are called as Baguio’s original flower
everlasting that showcased during the
● COSTUMES: Dancers dressed in
flower-inspired costumes. These
costumes are sometimes partnered with
concepts that are flower-related, such
as living things you see in the garden full
of flowers specifically butterflies, bees,
pots and water cannisters, even bearing
elements of music, dance and craft arts.

● It came from the word mass and the
Spanish word kara (which means face),
this festival is celebrated during every
third of the month of October or closest
weekend to October 19 in Bacolod City.
● It dramatizes the steadfast character of
the Negrenses and symbolizes what the
city of smiles do best, putting on smiling
face even when faced with challenges.
● COSTUMES: Made of different coloful
fabrics and patterns are woven together
to create indigenous pieces of intricate
designs, embellished with shiny sequins
and textured feathers, multicolored
beads, and other elements.

● It is an ethnic festival that celebrates the
customs and traditions of the seven
tribal groups namely, Matigsalug,
Tighawanun, Higaunu, Umayamnun,
Manobo, Bukodnon, and Talaandig. It
showcases the unique indigenous
culture through integrating different
activities of several sectors and fusing
them into one, creating a unique and
wonderful celebration in ethnic fashion.
● The festival is considered one of the
most authentic and well-preserved
traditional celebration in the Philippines.

12 |Arts 7
● The ritual of Kadayawan festival is
celebrated every month August in
Davao City. It is a festival a thanksgiving
for the gifts of nature, the wealth of
culture and the bounties of harvest and
serenity of living that is derive from the
Dabawenyong word, “madayaw” or
good valuable and superior in English.
The festival is honored by displaying
various farming implements fruits,
flowers vegetables, rice, and corn grains
as tribute to the Gods.

COSTUME: Tribal costumes.

● This festival is said to interface three
aspects: tribal, industrial and arts, and
entertainment. This festival reflects the
marry spirit and indigenous culture of
the city's people.

Activity 1: Compare the two pictures below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of


How do they differ?


What aspect they are


Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on a space provided.

A. Panagbenga festival is known as “(1.) ____________________Festival’ which means

seasons of blooming held in (2.) ____________________in the month of (3.) ______________.
This month-long annual celebration pays tribute for the city’s beautifully grown flowers.
B. Masskara festival came from the word (4.)_______________and the Spanish word
(5.)______________which means face. This festival is celebrated during every third of the month
of (6.) ______________or closest weekend to October 19 in Bacolod City.

13 |Arts 7
C. Kaamulan festival showcase the unique (7.) _________________ culture through integrating
different activities of several sectors and fusing them into one, creating a unique and wonderful
celebration in (8.) ________________ fashion. The festival is considered one of the most (9.)
______________ and well-preserved traditional celebration in the (10.)
D. The ritual of Kadayawan festival is celebrated every month of (11.)
________________________in Davao City. It is a festival of thanksgiving for the gifts of (12.)
____________, the wealth of (13.) _________________ and the bounties of harvest and serenity
of (14.) ________________ that is derive from the Dabawenyong word, (15.)
_________________ or good valuable and superior in English. The festival is honored by
displaying various farming implements fruits, flowers vegetables, rice, and corn grains as tribute
to the Gods.

It is your turn to be creative. Create a visual art presentation of the Non-Religious Festivals and
Theatrical Forms using Self-Portrait Silhouette Collage. See the sample illustration below.
● 1/8 illustration board
● Pictures of Non-Religious Festivals and Theatrical Forms
● Glue
● Coloring materials

14 |Arts 7
Step 1: Get your 1/8 illustration board and sketch a silhouette art of your face on the
black side of the illustration board.
Step 2: Cut the pictures of the Non-Religious Festivals and Theatrical Forms you
gathered from the internet.
Step 3: Paste the pictures inside your self-portrait silhouette.
Step 4: You may add some colors to your self-portrait silhouette collage depends on
your theme or concept of your collage.


4 3 2 1

Totally original Most of the Some aspects The artwork is a

design, no elements are of the artwork copy of another
element is an unique, but 1 are unique, but attire seen in
exact copy of element maybe several source material
designs seen in copied from elements are or one made by
source source material. copied from another student
materials. source material (80% or more of
or other the elements are
students. copied).

Understanding Insight and Some depth of Lack content Lack of depth

of content depth of content content understanding content and
understanding understanding is and is clearly understanding
are evident. evident work in

Attractiveness/ The artwork The artwork The design and The artwork
craftmanship shows that the shows that the construction looks thrown
creator was took creator took were planned. together at the
great pride in pride in his/her The item has last minute. It
his/her work. work. The several flaws appears that
The design and design and that detract from little design or
construction construction the overall look. planning was
look carefully look planned. done.
planned. The The item has a Craftmanship is
item is neat. few flaws but poor.
these do not
detract from the
overall look.

15 |Arts 7
Lesson 3 (Architecture, Sculpture and
Functional Art)

This section aims to:

G • Analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of their selected festival
O or theatrical form
A • Choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting the mood of the
L selected Philippine festivals/ theatrical form
S • Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the Philippine
O festival/theatrical form
This lesson will help you learn the arts and crafts of Mindanao. You will be acquainted to historical
culture and tradition of its different regions.

Before proceeding to the lesson, compare the pictures from column A to column B. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B

Torogan of Maranao The Grand Mosque of Cotabato

Okir of Mindanao Ukit of Laguna

16 |Arts 7
Balisong of Batangas

● Torogan is the ancestral house of the
upper class Maranao.
● It also refers to the dwelling place of the
datu along his wives and children.
● There could not be any house larger
than Torogan of the datu within the
sultanate for this signifies rank, prestige
and wealth.
● National Museum declared the
Maranao torogan specifically the
kawayan torogan as one of the National
Cultural treasures through Museum
Declaration no. 4-2008.

PANOLONG ● A wing-like ornament of Torogan flaring
out from the beams.
● This okir carving usually features the
Naga or serpent, pakorabong or stylized
fern, as well as floral and star and bud

17 |Arts 7
● Bajau also known as the Sama- Bajau
are the Sea Gypsies” or namads of the
Sulu sea.
● Main source of livelihood is fishing and
hunting that is why most of them live in
boat houses around sulu archipelago.



● The largest Mosque of the Philippines

which is known as Sultan Haji
Hassanal Bolkiah Masjid or also
known The Grand Mosque.


● It is called as Real Fuerza de Nuestra
Senora del Pilar de Zaragoza founded
in 1635.
● It was engineered by Father Melchor
de Vera a Jesuit priest.
● It was also believed that it was built to
protect the people from Pirates of the
Sulu Sea.


● It is located at the top of the hill of
Malaybalay Bukidnon founded by
Father Abbot Eduardo Africa and run by
the Benedictine Monks.
● The architecture was designed by the
National artist for architecture Leandro
Locsin. It is considered as one his last
designs and considered as one of the
best aside from the Cultural Center of
the Philippines and Davao international

18 |Arts 7
● It is located at the town of Sagay,
Camiguin Island. The original church
was built in 1882 using coral stones but
the old infastructures were too weak.
● It was retrofitted with steel bars using
modern building techniques.
● The local materials you can find in the
church are the driftwood chandeliers
and altar and woven bamboo skin which
highlights the local traditions of Island.



● Earthenware vessel for secondary
burial from Sarangani province.
● First discovered in 1991 and are now in
the protection of the National Museum.

19 |Arts 7
● Rarub-A-Klong a metallic armor made of
brass plates, carabao horn and
interlocking ringlets. It is a protective
armor of Moro warriors as a counterpart
to the vest used by the Spanish soldiers.
● Kampilan is a single edged steel sword
with a handle made of hand carved ivory
in a form of the head of the Naga or a
serpent handcrafted gold and hanged
horsehair at the bottom of the handle.
● Batige is a large manually carved
wooden top inlaid with mother-of-pearl.
It is used by the adult males to test their
skills and strength.
● Kendi is an heirloom teapot or kettle
used for hot water, coffee or tea.
GADOR ● Gador is a large intricate decorated
white metal tobacco container. It
became an item of interior decoration in
proper Maranao households.

BALANGHAI or BALANGAY ● It also known as Butuan boat; a large
wooden boat used by the pre-colonial
Filipinos to traverse the seas for trade of
● It was also known as the oldest Pre-
Hispanic watercraft found in the
Philippines which is first mentioned in
the 16th century in the chronicles of
● In 1976, archeologists found parts of
balangay (dated anywhere between
320-1250 CE) in Butuan City. They
estimated to measure fifteen meters (15
meters) long and (3-4 m) wide,
propelled by sail of buri or nipa fober or
● It can hold 60-90 people and also used
as cargo and raiding purposes.

Traditionally made by the Badjaos who live in
the Sulu archipelago.
● It consists of several colors and
geometric shapes, representing the
colorful culture and history of Muslim

● These boats can be used for livelihood

activities such as fishing and diving for
pearls and transportation around the
archipelago but are not meant to be
used for long ocean travel.

20 |Arts 7
Activity 1. A. Name the pictures below. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the
box below. Write your answer on the box.
A. Torogan B. Batige C. Kampilan
D. Panolong E. The Grand Mosque of F. Vinta
G. Balangay H. kendi I. Monastery of the
Transfiguration of Bukidnon

1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________

4.______________ 5._______________ 6.________________

B. Categorize the following arts and crafts of Mindanao. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Okir Motif Monastery of The Santo Rosario Church of
Transfiguration of Bukidnon Camiguin
Fort Pilar Of Zamboanga Gador Rarub-A-Klong
Torogan Batige Kampilan
Panolong The Grand Mosque of Vinta
Balangay Kendi Maitum Jar

21 |Arts 7

Activity 2: Paper house. Create your own architectural design. Follow the procedures
● Folder
● Scissors
● Glue or tape
● pencil
● Coloring materials (acrylic or poster paint or any coloring materials)
Step 1: Download and print a pattern of a paper house design from the internet or you may copy
the sample illustration below.
Step 2: Decorate the house while the template is uncut and flat.
Step 3: Using scissors cut your template along the solid lines.
Step 4: Fold your template along the dotted lines.
Step 5: Tape or glue the tabs to the model. I suggest taping for a quick build.

22 |Arts 7
Sample Illustration


1. It is called as Real Fuerza de Nuestra Senora del Pilar de Zaragoza founded in 1635.
a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboaga

2.It is located at the town of Sagay, Camiguin Island.

a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

3.This architecture was designed by the National artist for architecture Leandro Locsin.
a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Santo Rosario Church of Camiguin
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

4.It is located at the top of the hill of Malaybalay Bukidnon founded by Father Abbot
Eduardo Africa and run by the Benedictine Monks
a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Sawatlmimotis
c. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
23 |Arts 7
d. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga

5.It was engineered by Father Melchor de Vera a Jesuit priest.

a. The Grand Mosque of Cotabato
b. Monastery of The Transfiguration of Bukidnon
c. Fort Pilar of Zamboanga
d. Duahanagong

6.This city was known as the “City of smiles”.

Bicol c. Capiz
Ilo-ilo d. Bacolod

7.It refers as an heirloom teapot or kettle used for hot water, coffee or tea.
a.Balanghai c. Vinta
b.Okir d. Kendi

8.They are known for their beautiful costumes that are made with different color fabrics
and patterns woven together to create indigenous pieces of intricate designs.
a.Moriones c. kaamulan
b.Masskara d.Dinagyang

9.It is celebrated every 15th of the hot summer of May in town Lucban.
a.Moriones c. Obando Fertility Rite
b.Pahiyas Festival d. Dinagyang Festival

10.It refers to the dwelling place of the datu along his wives and children.
a.Torogan c. Duahanagong
b.Panolong d. Gandang

11.This okir carving usually features the Naga or serpent, pakorabong or stylized fern,
as well as floral and star and bud motifs.
a.Panolong c. Duahanagong
b.Torogan d. Gandang

12.It literally means face.

a.Shield c. Crown
b.Kara d. Helmet

13.The native dance of sinulog commemorates the acceptance of the Filipino people of
______ more specifically Catholicism to replace their belief of Animalism.
a.Christianity c. Islamic
b.Hinduism d. Buddhism

14.It is a festival where dancers cover their body with soot and paint their faces and
wear coloful costumes made of walis tambo (soft brooms).
a.Obando Fertility Rite c. Ati-atihan
b.Dinagyang Festival d. Fluvial Procession

15.The name _____________ means “make believe Atis” which is named after the Ati
the indigenous natives of the Island.
a.Dinagyang Festival c. Ati-atihan
b.Sulog d. Santa Cruza

16.Its name came from the combination of the English word “mass” and the Spanish
word “kara” which means face.
a.Panagbenga c.Dinagyang
b.Masskara Festival d. Kadayawan

17.It is known as one of the most popular and biggest celebrations every month of May.
a.Santa Cruzan c. Fluvial Procession
b.Sulog d. Dinagyag Festival
24 |Arts 7
18.This festival focus on the cultural and heritage aspect of our country.
a.Sulog c. Religious Festival
b.Non- Religious Festival d. Christianity

19.It is held on the last day of Festival, a water parade where a pump boat is decorated
with flowers and candles in honor of the Sto. Nino riding on it.
a. Fluvial Procession c. Santa Cruzan
b. Sulog d. Christianity

20.This festival is said to interface three aspects such as tribal, industrial and arts, and
a.Kadayawan c. Santa Cruzan
b.Sinulog d. Panagbenga

Ati Atihan Festival First Edition, 2017 from Music and Arts- Grade 7, Learners Material
Published by Department of Education
Dance drama First Edition, 2017 from Music and Arts- Grade 7, Learners Material
Published by Department of Education
Enthusiasm First Edition, 2017 from Music and Arts- Grade 7, Learners Material
Published by Department of Education
Dinagyang Festival First Edition, 2017 from Music and Arts- Grade 7, Learners Material
Published by Department of Education
Kadayawan First Edition, 2017 from Music and Arts- Grade 7, Learners Material
Published by Department of Education.
25 |Arts 7

26 |Arts 7

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