COM Topic1 Summary - Notes

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Topic 1 S4slem in organizations Date

#Reacons to makc neus syslem

L Repace ineFficeat system (not suBibe For it pecgose)
L Incrcase producfvit quality
GMinimiee the costs and mistkes.
Note BeFoce instlahion oF Hhe ncus syclem you nced to troin 4he employees
You need to make Feasibilit reporl (include Teclnical Economit .legal ,operoion and

4 Jou shoald plan For 4he new system.hinking ous to achile system goals

#Change manacment
GShiftina 4he organizolion from the prestnt Stede 4o he goo
Advantages Suppor sBufF and nclp 1hem
L Make work ensier and facterc
L Improve Communicaion and Collaboroien beocen Shufa
LDisadvamages User does not ike ehonge
people Find change is hand oOnd Complex
I t is expensive

#laqacy system
Lold metkod, technolo9j Compuler system or application program that maybe
skill avalible to purchose
G Adrantages It is enough for the demand
The users arc used to it
User docs not like Change
DIsadvanqes: It is ctpensive o hande ik
GComboctibilty issucs L, limiles flevibilty
Evolec Flopp} disks, Connerckion t psz, windouws z imoic muke

Business maiger
G Combinaion F two ormare Companise into one.D redue cask)and nceuc praf
LIssues lanquag difFFcACC timeaone iffrence and Cluture ditfrence
LSoFlware incompotilbii sysienm Lukich Cannat Oprale togoter suck as Mac
wtu windauos
OPicj: ssiems in organizations

Local softuoare
oneIseB of Compukers
Buy a program and install it on

#Remole softare
hen use
Buy Software thot is instulled sonmeuwkere in dhe inenek and
it hroug brouser Or ap-
SoFHuare and dada tb
Saas Csoftuare-ag-a-Sunce):Delcoey mclhod uat allws
be hasted Ond managed remoic daacenBec
EXamale Droplbox, gooale apps oFfite 3Gs
Ad vanaqes i Minimite it responsi bilHies
Reduce sBufF uworkladd Gless eypensive (lous iniaial Costs and requirments
Cmpanies Should pa Only for Saas Subsicribtion
GDIsadvantages : you Dced intehet conneclion
GSccunty (you shauld qive yourdata do the. SaaS) L Data Correpion

Direc changeoverE
GOld sysiem is soppcd and new sysem is started "Diredl
less Costs
GHdvamages: Minimol titne and effort NC system avaliobeimmedialy
LDisadianaoes: F he ncw suslem fal Ahere is no fall back Hord to ope.rake

# Pargllel
LThe neuo sslem is sBarted and the old sysiem kept working Both systems Lurk togdither)
GAdiorbges : IF the new syslem fails 1ut hare. the old sylemNo ned to train users
GDisad vaaqge::i s Costly Doa shou be transfered in both syskeoms

#Pilot running
GThe se syslem is Hesed wiiu Small Subset thcn it isimplemenled.
LAidvantages :All fmtures ore fuly Arained IFihe neus sysem fails, only part oill suffec
bsadvatnges There is no backup IF Ahe nesa syslem Fails IE s casily

tphased Conversion
The ne sysiem is inhroduced in phases , fcplace the old sysem gradually
Advachges:Allo pcoplc to get used to the syslemtrani is easicr
Disadvantoges :1F Hhe new systam Fauls , thcre is no fall back
GJE is expensive
Tbpic 1 :Systcms in organization Dte

#Data miqradion
LIransfering daBa betwæn diFfrenh fomat Sorage type and Compwka syskm.
incompatible File : DiFent versions (daBa in one vesin migh oc diffrent from oller
Data SBrucBure diFfrene iEx: Moving daBa From Hable to Flat file
Gvalidation rules: Ex: accept only sBring
Gincomplele data trunsfer: 1f part dF the Filc mised ou
DifFnce DaBe Currcacy and charecle SHle ex HH DD3J-5 LD
, HH JS1y

HTesting data
s imporkant bccause it ensure that the sstem uwork as expeced
GSatic Hesthgi Checking the code befor ninning the program (verhicahion)
bynamic esling:BCheck AFle Nunning the progrom yalidatitn)
GAlpha testing Donc beFore Hhe soFtumce is avalible Cbone let deeloposs)
GBcta teshing: Done b he end-uscr (Give feedback)
GBlack-box Heshing SoF-ware Hesina metkad , Iremal struclure bcin HesBed
Gwhie-boY icstinlosoks inside he softuare lotim tesed and uses Hhat Knouwledqge
GUSer acceplance teshins Testing ncu Sysem with end user to se if t
meels he expcthations.
Automated testinq: Softuare automaticallyHesti uhich make use Of softuwore
Hosl 4o Cortl the exccution
Validahion : Braluaing ushetwer doda ingut Fola appropriae Specsfications.
Ver Fecodbn : Insuring that hc data inpat is the Same as the orginal Soure

Der documendakion
Any documeEst thot explains how to use features ond Functions of sytem 4o it
end -Ucr. Etampe :Bk, Alf
I t should be iSimple Simle wprds so thot all pcaple undresjatd it(usually ptcdures
Qualiy lt should be Fully explained (uscc undersland iB foc
Imernal bocumenmation: Code Comprehension Feature (For devclegas)
LEremal bocumeration i For the usca to undersbrd ow jo use hc Sistem
NoBei Documention is inmpor-an, t alous the users Ho get usd o the systen
t reduce hc Hime taken for the user to knoo hsu to use e syslem.
TOpic1 Sysam in orgonigatitns.

#+TyRe OF USCr documenkation 1

Files: files Supplicd 4dqeier vorta Ae syshem they are uGually a
gereral insiruchion on houo do usc he sistem
Adi An iime access
Solve Some masoc emms
installing the skm
GDisadiantagei 5They Can be ugtd afer
deal uodh geneal enrors5They don hae scac Gou need to Find l loo
online Suppor:ucoHhoi provide Uscr documendain
AdiaragcisInclude many emors Continoucly updared Provide live Support
They ave Scarck, so you Can easl Find you iSsue
9Disadlanageltneed mBemel Comcclton User are ot Used to live Suppolt
Printed manuals1Prinled documanmoation Come oth the susiem
GHdvantage:5hey Con bc read bePre the systtm is started
Alwags avalble GGuve help in installinq the sysBem
Cant be Updaded t i s limited
GDicodyantage1lE Can be easily lost

t is important boec use produchivity depend on houo fomilier 1he employee system
LSelF Instruction : USCr learn by thcir Seiver (Reading,wochig orhaoring)
GAdyanlage : low Coss -Fkxle tinelinc -User get Hroind on Lohar nnced
bisadiantage Thcre is no guidhes-Smchings mrgwt be misundersBtod
Formal clases: USer sling in Classroom liskning o instructor lorge bach franing)

Lfdvanhage They hae guide- timc-Everywiwgge explaired

is not Flcrible. hce is timctable
Disalianage: -Erpcnsive
On line Arainina: Aroiner is traning virtually
Adiantagc1 Fleille locadion - poits and dcaBails qet explained

biichanage: Expensive pu Suould koe inkme Conocelon

#Data loss
Humon eror: Hng way hat data get las by Muman
GsoFHuare Co1Toption : Softuwore gct CorupBed
GVinis lE atack dovices Causing data lass
Natural diasters Such as Tosonami
TOpic 1 1SysBem in organizadion

Prevntation of doa lass-

Ltailover sysBem Ahomahic back for c system
LReduodnu Fie wall insiallasion ankivius instilakion
GReaular backup fdr Files
Gstore daBa in two more locotions

# Mangging relkase and updutde

potches Ued by sofiwore Company o ugehe aplikolionb+ingbu5
&Updates: improve he pro dutt by addinq neo feakur and Fix bugs
GUpgrades: upgrade 0 he Curent troduek
GRelkas:launching the neu produet

#Hoo Ho get updats

, Manually Douonlad it by your sel
Adv full Comrol Dis: time congumíng
Automatically: SoFkare get updaled donloded atomdioly
AdvDont hare to warry akoatupd-ade Dis: No Condrol

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