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Shear  Design
fv =

fv =  Shear  Stress
V  =  Shear  Force  at  the  Section  Considered
Q  =  Statical Moment  above  or  below  the  point  of  
inflection  taken  about  the  N.A.
I  =  Moment  of  Inertia  about  N.A.
b  =  Width  of  the  Point  in  Question
Shear  Design  (for  Rectangular  and  Triangular  Section)
fv =

Shear  Design  (for  Circular  Section)

fv =
Example  #  1
A timber beam has a circular cross section having a diameter of
250mm. It has a simple span of 4m. NSCP specifications states that in
a circular beam, the strength is equal to the strength of square
section having the same area.
Allowable Stress of Wood are as follows:
Shearing stress parallel to the grain (fv)
fv = 1.73 MPa
Bending stress: fb = 16.5 MPa
Allowable Deflection = 1/240 of the span
Modulus of Elasticity of Wood = 7.31 Gpa
1. What is the maximum uniform load so that the allowable shear
stress parallel to the grain is not exceeded?
2. What is the maximum uniform load so that the allowable bending
stress is not exceeded?
3. What is the maximum uniform load so that the allowable
deflection is not exceeded?
Flexure  Design  (Beams)
Flexural Stress (Fb) of Wooden Beams

Euler’s  Formula
For  Wood  Beams
Fb ⎛ 1 4⎞
⎜⎝ 1− λ ⎟⎠ Fb 0.438
Cs 2

10 Ck 50
Allowable  Bending  Stress
Le d ⎛ 300 ⎞ 9
Cs = Cf = ⎜
b2 ⎝ d ⎟⎠
Fb ' = C f Fb
E Cs
Ck = 0.811 λ=
Fb Ck
Allowable  Bending  Stress
A. Size Factor Adjustment
When the depth of a rectangular sawn lumber
bending member 125mm or thicker exceeds 300mm, the
allowable bending stress Fb shall be multiplied by the size
factor Cf.
⎛ 300 ⎞ 9
Cf = Size Factor
Cf = ⎜
⎝ d ⎟⎠ d = depth of beam
Fb ' = C f Fb
Allowable  Bending  Stress
For beams of circular cross section having a diameter
greater than 340mm the size factor Cf maybe determine on
the basis of an equivalent conventionally loaded square
beam. π D2
= d2
⎛ 300 ⎞ 9
Cf = ⎜ ( )
⎝ d ⎟⎠
d2 = 340
Fb ' = C f Fb d = 301.3 > 300mm
Note: The size factor adjustment shall not apply to visually
graded lumber 50mm to 100mm thick or to machine stress-­‐
rated lumber..
Effective  Length  of  Beam  (Le)
I. Single Span, Any Load Le = 1.92 Lu except
A. Concentrated load at center Le = 1.61 Lu
B. Equal End Moments Le = 1.84 Lu
II. Cantilever Beam, Any Load
C. Concentrated load at free end Le = 1.69 Lu
D. Uniformly Distributed Load Le = 1.06 Lu
E. Combination of “C” and “D” Le = 1.69 Lu
When Lu/d ≠ 17, Le shall be multiplied by 0.85 + )* except
that this factor does not apply to “I” and “II”.
Example  #  2
A rectangular wooden beam has a span of 6m and carries a total
uniform load of 25 kN/m including its own weight. The beam is made
up to 80% stress grade Apitong with allowable stresses shown below:
Allowable Stress for Apitong 80% Stress Grade
Allowable bending = 16.5 MPa
Compression Parallel to the Grain = 9.56 MPa
Compression Perpendicular to the Grain = 2.20 MPa
Shear Parallel to the Grain = 1.73 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity = 7310 MPa
Allowable deflection = 1/240 of the Span
1. What is the smallest dimension of the beam such that the
allowable shear stress is not exceeded?
2. What is the smallest dimension of the beam such that the
allowable bending stress is not exceeded?
3. What is the smallest dimension of the beam such that the
allowable deflection is not exceeded?
A. 220mm x 440mm C. 250mm x 500mm
B. 150mm x 300 mm D. 200mm x 400 mm
Column  Design  (Axial)
Compressive Stress (Fc) of Wooden Columns
Le d

Le d
E Fc ⎛ 1 4⎞
⎜⎝ 1− λ ⎟⎠ Fc
K = 0.671 0.3E

( )
Fc Le

d = smaller dimension of the column Short Intermediate Long

11 K 50
Example  #  3
A timber column of square cross section has a length of 3.6m
and a dimension of 150mm x 150mm. It is fixed at both ends
so that K = 0.67. The relevant code on the compressive
strength Fc is given on the specifications and also a table of
timber with their corresponding working stresses for visually
stress-­‐graded unseasoned Apitong with 80% stress grade.
1. Is the column
a. Short Column
b. Intermediate Column
c. Long Column
d. Not Allowed by the Code
2. What is the allowable compressive stress?
3. What is the allowable axial load?
Combined  Flexure  and  Axial  Load
Flexure and Axial Tension Flexure and Axial Compression
ft fb fc fb
+ ≤ 1.0 + ≤ 1.0
Ft Fb ' Fc ' Fb '− Jfc
d − 11
J= 0 ≤ J ≤ 1.0
K − 11
Fb’ = corrected allowable bending stress for slenderness factor
Fc’ = allowable unit stress in compression parallel to the grain
adjusted for “Le/d” ratio where “d” is the least dimension
fc = actual unit where stress in compression parallel to the grain
fb = actual unit stress for extreme fibers in bending
Example  #  4
A timber wall is 50mm wide, 150mm deep and havng a
height of 3.50m is assumed to be hinged at top and bottom
(Use K = 1.0). It is subjected to uniformly distributed load of
300 N/m acting along the weaker axis of its entire height. The
wall is made up of Apitong wood and stresses are shown below
(For 80% Stress Grade). To be safe, the actual stresses should
not exceed the allowable stresses.
From the Table:
Bending and Tension Parallel to the Grain = 16.5 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity in Bending = 7310 MPa
Compression Parallel to the Grain = 9.56 MPa
1. Which of the following gives the allowable compressive
2. Which of the following gives the value of the allowable
bending stress?
3. Which of the following is the maximum axial load?
fc fb
+ ≤ 1.0
Fc ' Fb '− Jfc

d − 11
K − 11
fc fb
+ ≤ 1.0
Fc ' Fb '− Jfc

d − 11
K − 11
Timber  Connectors  and  Fasteners
1. Tension on Gross Area
Ft = Ag = Wg ( t )
2. Tension on Effective Net Area
Ft = Ae = ⎡⎣Wg − ∑ ( Holes ) ⎤⎦ ( t )
3. Shear in Bolts
P Av = Abolt ( n ) Single Shear
Fv =
Av Av = 2Abolt ( n ) Double Shear
Timber  Connectors  and  Fasteners
4. Bearing on Projected Area
Fp = Ap = ∑ ( Boltφ ) ( thickness )
Timber  Connectors  and  Fasteners
Allowable Load per Bolt
N= Hankinson’s Equation
P sin 2 A + Q cos 2 A

N = allowable load per bolt in a direction at inclination “A” with the grain
(main member)
P = allowable load per bolt in compression parallel to the grain
Q = allowable load per bolt in compression perpendicular to grain
A = angle between the direction of the load and the direction of the grain
Example  #  5
Two pieces of 75mm x 400mm Yakal members under
tension are connected together by means of a lap splice with
9pcs of 25mm diameter bolts as shown. The working stresses
for 80% visually stress-­‐graded unseasoned Yakal are as follows:
From the Table:
Bending and Tension Parallel to the Grain = 24.5 MPa
Compression Parallel to the Grain = 15.8 MPa
Compression Perpendicular to Grain = 6.27 MPa
Shear Parallel to Grain = 2.49 MPa
1. Which of the following gives the net area of a timber
member? Consider hole to be 2mm larger than the bolt
2. Which of the following gives the safe value of P considering
the net area of the timber member?
3. Which of the following is the safe value of P considering the
bearing of the bolts on the timber?
Example  #  5
Example  #  6
As shown in the figure, a secondary member inclined
at an angle 𝜃 = 300 is composed of two plates each 250mm
wide and 50mm thick. The secondary member is joined by
bolts to the 100mm thick main member. It can be assumed
that the bolt capacity is the critical parameter. The load P =
44kN. The timber is 80% stress grade apitong (Species
Group III). The allowable loads on the bolt (double shear)
are given in the table.
1. What is the minimum required capacity of one bolt?
2. If failure will occur in the secondary member, what is the
minimum diameter of the bolts?
3. If failure will occur in the main member, what is the
minimum diameter of the bolts?
Tapered  Column

ü Solve D by ratio and proportion

ü Le/d à solve as timber column
Example  #  7
Determine maximum
allowable capacity of a
tapered timber column
shown, Fc = 12.4 Mpa, E =
11,000 Mpa
Example  #  8
A timber joist 40mm x 190mm (dressed dimensions)
spaced at 0.30m on centers, carries a floor load of 2.4 kPa
including the floor finish. The joist is supported by the
girder at 3m. Two lengths of joist are used. L = 3m and L =
3.5m. EI is constant throughtout the span.
1. Compute the maximum flexural stress when L = 3m.
2. What is the maximum flexural stress when L = 3.5m?
3. What is the maximum shear stress when L = 3m?
1. Max. Flexural Stress when L = 3m
1. Max. Flexural Stress when L = 3m
1. Max. Flexural Stress when L = 3.5m
1. Max. Shear Stress when L = 3m

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