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1. Snow-capped /ˈsnəʊ.kæpt/ (a): Snow-capped mountains and hills have snow on the top
of them.
2. Peak /piːk/ (n): the pointed top of a mountain; a mountain with a pointed top.
Eg: It is one of the most difficult peaks to climb.
3. Ice hockey /ˈaɪs hɒki/ (n): a game played on ice, in which players use long sticks to hit
a hard rubber disc (called a puck) into the other team’s goal.
4. The Canucks (n): This is a professional ice hockey team based in Vancouver.
Eg: Vancouver Canucks Ice Hockey Team.
5. The Stanley cup /ðə ˌstænli ˈkʌp/(n): a competition to decide the best ice hockey team
in the National Hockey League in the US and Canada, first held in 1893.
6. Creek /kriːk/(n): a narrow area of water where the sea flows into the land.
Eg: They drove to the little creek where they kept their fishing boat.
7. Capilano Suspension Bridge(n): The Capilano Suspension Bridge is a pedestrian
suspension bridge that spans the Capilano River in North Vancouver, British Columbia,
8. Brockton point (n): Brockton Point is a headland off Vancouver's Central Peninsula, to
the north of Coal Harbour.
9. Cosmopolitan /kɒz.məˈpɒl.ɪ.tən/ (a): containing or having experience of people and
things from many different parts of the world.
Eg: New York is a highly cosmopolitan city.
10. immigrant /ˈɪm.ɪ.ɡrənt/ (n): a person who has come to a different country in order to
live there permanently.
Eg: My grandparents arrived here as immigrants from Russia in 1910.
11. Complacent /kəmˈpleɪ.sənt/ (a): feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or
situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder.
Eg: A complacent smile/attitude.
12. Consultation /ˌkɒn.sʌlˈteɪ.ʃən/ (n): A meeting to discuss something or to get advice.
Eg: After consultations with our accountants, we've decided how to cut costs within the
13. Sustainability /səˌsteɪ.nəˈbɪl.ə.ti/ (n): the use of natural products and energy in a way
that does not harm the environment.
Eg: a company well-known for its commitment to environmental sustainability.
14. conscientious /ˌkɒn.ʃiˈen.ʃəs/(a): putting a lot of effort into your work.
Eg: He was thorough and conscientious, rather than brilliant.
15. Stewardship (n): the act of taking care of or managing something, for example
property, an organization, money or valuable objects.
Eg: The organization certainly prospered under his stewardship.

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