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Social media and social influence

– marketing strategy: SOSTAC framework.

– Situation analysis: Current situation (external analysis (macro(force) (pestle analysis) and
micro(actors)(porters 5 or 6 forces), internal analysis(Thomson) (situation analysis)). We
do the external and internal analysis to get the opportunities and threats that’s the
business faces (SWOT analysis). Contextual use your plans, make informed decisions,
establish benchmarks, explore the internal and external environment, current
segmentations and targeting, strategies, objectives and activities, current (digital and
social) marketing mix.
– Objectives: SMART objectives
– Strategies: swot analysis has a second part related to strategies called TOWS
– Tactics: 7 p’s of marketing. Any business is considered a service business all businesses
use the 7p’s which are a part of the marketing mix which has social media under its
umbrella and social media at the end is direct marketing
– Action Plan:
– Control: KPI’s
– Influencer marketing: doesn’t directly ask the customers to buy they’ll do it indirectly ( by
unboxing or using the product in-front of them)
– Referral marketing: directly refer the customer to buy the product
– Both influencers and referral marketing are stakeholders
– To get resources go to the Egyptian knowledge bank register first then use these three
references when it comes to business (J-store, Emerald insights, EBESCO)
– read about marketo sales funnel
– UGC(user generated content)
– Zones of social media
– Social community focus on relationships and activities
– Social publishing focus on production
– Social entertainment focus on entertaining customers
– Social commerce focus on online shopping
– Uses and gratification you have to know the motives why your user uses social media
– The audience is an active participant in media selection and selects media on individual
– Media Chanel’s competes amongst themselves as well as with other resources for the

audience attendance
– People are active and self aware and motive driven when making media choices
– How to make a customer persona: VALS model
– ^^^Psychographics segmentation: social class (A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2), lifestyle, personality,
– Uses and gratification theory applied
– uses and gratification for using social media:
– Social interaction, information seeking, to pass the time, entertainment, relaxation,
expression of opinions
– Example of uses of social media:
– To connect and keep in touch ,To find info about sales deals or products ,When they have
spare time or when bored and want something to do , Playing games, listening to music,
and watching videos , To take my mind off things , Commenting on updates and sharing
– Examples of gratification:
– A place to interact and socialize, help with self education, it makes work less boring, it
makes me laugh, escape from reality and escape stress of the real world, opportunity
voice feelings on social media
– Paid: sposored or paid ads
– Earned: liked to PR activity this route is picked up by their parties
– Shared: positive or negative discussion made by actual consumer or potential consumer
– Owned: all the communication assets that the organization owns
– Why use social media:
– ^^^Increasing brand awareness (be active on apps where your customers exist)
– Influence desire( social media promo)
– Encourage trial( free samples)
– Facilitate purchase (deals & group offers)
– Cement brand loyalty(gamification& rewards)
– OVP(online value proposition)
– Need: necessity (hungry)
– Want: wanting the products in the market (McDonalds)
– Demand: want + purchasing power (wants and has the money to buy)
– Customer loyalty RFM
– Recency:
– 1: not recent
– 2: average
– 3: recent
– Frequency:
– 1: not frequent single purchase
– 2: average
– 3: frequent
– Monetary:
– 1: low value
– 2: average spending
– 3: high spending
– Most loyal Customer (333)
– Not loyal at all (111)
– Access: Egyptian knowledge bank, J-store, emerald insights, mintel, EBESCO
– NPS 1-10 customer satisfaction scale
– 1-6 detractor
– 7-8 passive
– 9-10 promoters
– Only use the 10C’s for the assignment
– pick your brands and created the comparison on rivaliriq (check the benchmark section)
– Try and do the 10 C’s for your brand for next time
– Google trends
– Online heatmap (

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