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Localization in Humanitarian Action

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction: What is Localization?

From language perspective, Localization refers to the adaptation of a product, application or
document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirem ents of a specific target
people. In Humanitarian Context localization is been defined as “a process of recognizing,
respecting and strengthening the independence of leadership and decision making by national
actors in humanitarian action, in order to better address the needs of affected populations”.
Another definition presents localization as about acceptance and inclusion; it entails a
contextual approach to a specific situation, increasing resilience and offering a better response.
To reflect this approach into practical response, the Grand Bargain agreement had been signed
with explicitly present donors’ commitment to allocate 25 % of the fund to be directly managed
by National NGOs. However, reports showed that in rare best scenarios, only 4% on fund went
directly to National actors since Grand Bergin endorsement in 2016 until now. Other reports
showed that in conflict Crisis such as Yemeni context, people participation does not meet the
expected level which affect localizing Response.

2.2 Different Understanding of Localization concept?

There is exciting argumentative discussions about Localization concept. Advocators make
efforts to voice up national actors and pushing to engage them in Humanitarian Coordination
Leadership such as Cluster and open the international platforms to them to present their
capacity, success, challenges and required support. This include hosting them in live and
interactive webinars. Also pushing donors to allocate direct Funding opportunities to National
NGOs companied with result based and long term Technical and Institution Capacity
Improvement programs. However, others arguing that Localization has another scope of
application. They assume that National actors has no capacity to be leader actors or meeting
big donors’ requirements. Based on their view; localization can be applied through addressing
National actor as sub- implementer under the International ;NGOs which should keep standing
as mediator between direct donors and National NOGs and control the grant to avoid the risk
of National NGOs failure in successfully managing the partnership commitments.
To overcome this disagreement, there is a need to improve sample tools that provide clear and
actionable examples about empowering national actor’s roles in response strategy. For
example: adding Localization in intermediate and senior staff Job descriptions and address it
in the work plan which will be evaluated during Performance review. Moreover, organizing
Introduction session about Localization and Grand bargain to promote knowledge among
national actors. One more example is to mainstream National NGOs ( and authorities when
applicable) leadership in Coordination Mechanisms inside the Clusters Strategies.
• Cluster is coordination approach in Humanitarian system leaded by UN agencies and Co-
leaded by some intentional NGOs and responsible of collecting needs data, coordination
efforts, improving response standers, advocating for critical rights, and building on national

2.3 Localization value in International Collaboration:

Form business perspective: we live in a global village where buyers are no longer limited by
geography. Customers around the world expect to have access to a variety of products and
information, not only on-demand but preferably in their native culture.
When it comes to transfer “laicization approach “and gaining key actors support to have
succeed application; it is importance to convince the related actors through building logical
advantages to encourage them to change their mind.
The following points are showing the “Localization” added Values and why it should be
considered widely in Humanitarian Actions:
Using the available fund in more efficient t way: as much as people been engaged in the
response as less as the risk of having in-efficient repose.
Maximize the impact of Response Strategy: recognizing that affected communities have their
own capacity as local recourse and not passive actors, helping Humanitarian workers to build
on the exciting system instead of establishing new one.
Understanding localization aspect such as people culture and habits increasing staff safety as
they behave in way that acceptable by targeted community.
Helping in gradually handover the projects services to the targeted commutes to take the
responsibility of sustain the operation based on social/local contribution.
Humanitarian agencies carry the total responsibility in front of donors to spend their money
wisely and make the desirable changes toward people life, failing in accomplish that threat the
INGOs size of fund; so, they need to think in localizing manner to avid this risk. International
NGOs are not durable, so, it is important to replace them self by national system to better equip
affect countries to stand for in future crisis in better way.
- Increasing collocation and mutual understating through recognizing that e ach context has its
own unique culture, habits, religions, problems, need and the way that they prefer to be assisted.

2.4 When and where shoud Localization been applied?

According to the third commitment in CHS “Communities and people affected by crisis are
not negatively affected and are more prepared, resilient and less at-risk as a result of
humanitarian action “localization should be considered in all phases starting from identifying
needs, Response development, mobilizing recourses, implementation and monitoring.
This Commitment recognizes the need to acknowledge and build on local and national capacity
when responding to disasters and establish stronger links with local organizations. Ensuring
that individuals, communities, and countries have greater control over decision-making and
become more resilient leads to a quicker recovery and a greater capacity to withstand future
shocks and decrease the dependency on Charity. Humanitarian action may have unintended,
harmful consequences – organizations must recognize this and collaborate with others to
prevent or mitigate such effects and thinking seriously to secure to continuity of service after
projects closing through increasing the ownership and commitment among national actor
toward their development and dignified live.
2.5 Restructuration that limite Localization?
We classified the key operational impediments faced by NNGOs and issues at stake in
implementing localization in Yemen under the following points:
1- Obstacles Regarding the Current Political Climate and Laws on Civil Society are Key
impediments to progress in localization in Yemen include a high degree of uncertainty and
mistrust regarding the government’s stability and capacity to manage the Civil Society. Add to
that, absent of legal Institutions and adherence to Laws which raise donors concerns regardi ng
to financial transparency.
2- lack of clear ideas about what the best collaboration practices are an absence of standardized
ways of working together.
3- Local NGOs, even the most established ones, describe the difficulty they have in gaining
access to long-term funding that would strengthen their institutional capacity. They also feel
that lack of aid for administrative costs and capacity-building funds led to difficulty in
providing technical skills to their employees.
4- NGOs’ access to funding remains difficult. Most of them do not only compete with each
other for limited funding from donors, they also need to compete with international NGOs,
which they feel is unfair. INGO-NNGO competition over funding denotes to power dynamics
inherent to humanitarian action: “It looks like INGOs think National NGOs are competitors. If
all donors will go to NNGOs, this situation will push away INGOs.
5- Donor's high requirements and lack of National capacities long term and result based
6- Lack of knowledge of international conventions among National NGOs and authorities. This
limits their capacity to raise their voice and advocating for their rights in professional way.
7- Putting Yemen under Emergency level ( short term and live saving response ) since the last
six years which brining back any discussion about long term resilience and sustainable

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