ДЗ 22.08.

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the sentence halves and number the pictures

4. He had inherited a large sum of money, so he was very rich.

5. He hadn't eaten for ages, and he was really hungry.

6. A year after the wedding, she knew she had married the wrong man.
1. When he got back home from the bank, he realised he had left his card in the cash
2. She couldn't take her new laptop back to the shop because she had lost the receipt.
3. She couldn't take any cash out because she had forgotten her PIN.



Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs

In 1860, Robert Burke and William Wills started__ an expedition to travel across Australi
a from south to north. No white man had ever
done___ this before, and one year earlier the government
offered___ a prize to the first people who could do it.
Burke and Wills
organized__ a group of nineteen men and set off in August. Three months later, they arrive__
_ at Cooper Creek. Then Burke, Wills and five other men continued__ their journey to the nort
h coast. The rest of the men established a camp at Cooper Creek and
waited___ for them to return.
By the time they reached the north coast in February 1861, Burke and Wills to
hadtravelled__ 2,000 miles across two deserts. But the journey took 60 days instead of 45 and, 
as a result, they hadalready eaten_______ most of their food.

The return journey was terrible. They were_____ tired and hungry, and the desert was incr
edibly hot. When they finally arriveed_____ back at Cooper Creek on the 21st of April, the ot
her men had
left__. Burke and Wills had asked them to wait for 13 weeks and in fact, they waited___ for 1
8 weeks. In the end, they hadleft____ the camp only nine hours before Burke and Wills 
returned___. Burke and Wills didn't have the strength to travel any further, and both men died
 in June 1861.
Read the text again and mark the statements as True or False

•  No white man had ever travelled across Australia from south to north before 1

860. t

•  Burke and Wills started their journey in the spring. f Aug Summer

•  It took them three months to get to Cooper Creek. T

•  Only seven men out of the expedition continued the journey from Cooper Cree

k. T

•  Burke and Wills had enough food supplies for the journey. F

•  When they returned back to Cooper Creek, the rest of the expedition had aband

oned the place. t

•  Burke and Wills continued the journey and found the rest of the expedition. F

Put the sentences in the correct order to make a story
no one in the driver's seat. But someone had
going to work again this morning, the van was
marry me?" I suppose this man and his girlfriend, Linda,
I noticed a white van parked by the road. There was
written a message on the side of the van. It
told him she didn't want to see him again. Anyway, when I was
say yes? I hope she did.
gone. I'd love to know what happened in the end — did Linda
I was driving to work yesterday morning when
had had an argument. Perhaps Linda had
said, "Linda, I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart. Will you

I was driving to work yesterday morning when I noticed a van parked by the road. The
van was white, but no one in the driver's seat. There was written a message someone
had gone on the side of the van. It told "Linda, I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart.
Will you marry me?" did Linda say yes? I hope she did.
Anyway, when I was going to work again this morning saw that
I suppose this man and his girlfriend, Linda, had had an argument
Perhaps Linda had said him, she didn't want to see him again.
I'd love to know what happened in the end.

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