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A linguistic fuzzy model with a monotone rule base

is not always monotone

Ester Van Broekhoven and Bernard De Baets

Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control
Ghent University, Coupure links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Abstract combinations of values of other input variables,

for instance when modelling the assignment of a
In this paper experiments are described with three global quality score based on several criteria.
linguistic fuzzy models sharing the same mono-
The final goal of our study is to formulate a list
tone rule base and the same membership func-
of properties linguistic fuzzy models should sat-
tions for the two input variables, but applying
isfy in order to be monotone with respect to an
different membership functions in the output do-
input variable. We investigate linguistic fuzzy
main. We investigated which inference methods
models as their framework allows for the design of
result in a monotonic input-output behaviour.
interpretable models for non-experts. Moreover,
Apart from the conventional Mamdani–Assilian
the monotonicity of Takagi–Sugeno models has al-
inference method with Center of Gravity (COG)
ready been discussed in detail in [4, 6, 7]. In this
defuzzification, three implicator-based inference
text we do not deal with the monotonicity prob-
methods combined with COG-like defuzzification
lem in a theoretical way. We just describe results
are discussed.
of preliminary experiments with the three linguis-
Keywords: linguistic fuzzy model, monotone tic fuzzy models described in Section 2, that are
rule base, monotone model, implicator-based in- meant to guide the theoretical part of our study.
ference method.
With the term linguistic fuzzy models we indi-
cate all fuzzy models with rules containing lin-
1 Introduction guistic values in both antecedent and consequent.
Apart from the t-norm-based Mamdani–Assilian
When identifying fuzzy models of real-world sys- inference method, described in Section 3, three
tems, one is often confronted with a small number implicator-based inference methods were applied.
of data points. In these cases it is very important The first implicator-based inference method, in-
to fully exploit the additional non-quantitative troduced in Section 4, is directly applied on the
knowledge about the system, in order to obtain models described in Section 2. The two other
meaningful, interpretable models. Qualitative implicator-based inference methods, described in
knowledge about a system can guide the selec- Section 5, are applied on two sets of rules derived
tion of the model type and inference procedure as from the rule base of the conventional linguistic
well as lead to a set of constraints the parame- fuzzy model. These rules form the rule base of
ters of the membership functions should satisfy, the so-called ATL (resp. ATM) model and are ob-
and therefore largely reduce the search space of tained by applying the modifier ATL (resp. ATM)
the data-driven model identification. An example to all linguistic values in both antecedent as con-
of this additional qualitative information is the sequent of each rule of the linguistic fuzzy model.
monotonicity of the model output with respect
to an input variable, i.e. the model output is ei- Conclusions and further work are given in Sec-
ther increasing or decreasing in the variable for all tion 6.


A(x1 )
2 Model description
A11 A12 A13
The three models have two input variables X1 and (a)
X2 and one output variable Y . Their rule base is 0
identical and consists of the following 6 rules: 0 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.9 1
A(x2 )
IF x1 IS A11 AND x2 IS A21 THEN y IS B1 ,
A21 A22
IF x1 IS A11 AND x2 IS A22 THEN y IS B1 , 1
IF x1 IS A12 AND x2 IS A21 THEN y IS B1 , (b)
IF x1 IS A12 AND x2 IS A22 THEN y IS B2 , 0
IF x1 IS A13 AND x2 IS A21 THEN y IS B2 , 0 0.4 0.7 1
IF x1 IS A13 AND x2 IS A22 THEN y IS B3 . X2
The rule base is monotone and increasing in both 1
B1 B2 B3

input variables, i.e. for any two rules whose an- (c)
tecedents only differ in one input variable, the 0
linguistic value in the consequent of the rule con- 0 0.2 0.6 0.95 1
taining the largest linguistic input value is never A(y)
smaller than the linguistic value in the consequent 1
B1 B2 B3

of the second rule. (d)

For all variables, the piece-wise linear membership 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
functions describing the linguistic values form Y
a fuzzy partition. As preliminary experiments
B1 B2 B3
pointed out that the monotonicity of linguistic 1
fuzzy models with a rule base monotone in all (e)
variables and fuzzy partitions for all input vari- 0
11 29 31 49
ables, strongly depends on the shape, and in par- 0 60 60 60 60 1
ticular the symmetry, of the output membership
functions, three different sets of output member- Figure 1: Membership functions assigned to the
ship functions will be compared. The member- input variables X1 (a) and X2 (b), and the output
ship functions Alil and Bj of the three models are variable Y in the first (c), second (d) and third (e)
shown in Fig. 1. model.

3 Mamdani-Assilian inference method degrees Als (xl ) via a t-norm T . In this work, the
basic t-norms TM , TP and TL are considered:
The kernel of a linguistic fuzzy model is the rule m
base consisting of r rules of the following form: αs = T Als (xl ) . (1)
Rs : IF x1 IS A1s , . . . , xm IS Am
s THEN y IS Bs Next, the adapted membership functions Bs0 (y)
are computed using the same t-norm as for the
where Als (resp. Bs ) are linguistic values of vari- fulfilment degrees αs :
able Xl (resp. Y ) described by membership func- 
tions Als (resp. Bs ) and x = [x1 , . . . , xm ] are the min(αs , Bs (y))
 , if T = TM ,
input values. Bs0 (y) = αs · Bs (y) , if T = TP and

max(αs + Bs (y) − 1, 0) , if T = TL ,

When determining the model output via the
Mamdani–Assilian inference method [1, 5], first and the global fuzzy output B(y) is determined
the membership degrees Als (xl ) of the (fuzzified) as follows:
model input x to the linguistic values in the an- r
B(y) = max Bs0 (y) . (3)
tecedents of the rules are calculated. In the fol- s=1
lowing step, the fulfilment degrees αs of the r rules Finally, the crisp model output y ∗ is obtained
(s = 1, . . . , r) are computed from the membership by defuzzifying the fuzzy output, for instance


for IL (and IL,N ) by

Table 1: Overview of the monotonicity property
of the three models when applying the Mamdani– Bs0 (y) = min(1 − αs + Bs (y), 1) , (7)
Assilian inference method. for IM,N by
Bs0 (y) = max(1 − αs , Bs (y)) , (8)
model 1 no yes no
model 2 no yes no and finally, for IP,N , by
model 3 no yes no Bs0 (y) = 1 − αs + αs Bs (y) . (9)

The global fuzzy output B is the intersection of

with the Center of Gravity (COG) defuzzification the r adapted membership functions Bs0 :

method resulting in the crisp model output yCOG : r
B(y) = min Bs0 (y) , (10)
R j=1
y · B(y) dy

yCOG = R Y
. (4) which is defuzzified by the modified center of grav-
B(y) dy ity defuzzification method introduced for IL by
Y Dvor̆ák and Jedelský [3], returning 12 (y0 + yend )

in case the fuzzy output is the empty or the uni-
The model output yCOG of the three models is ∗
versal set, and otherwise, yCOGDJ :
determined for 7007 inputs (X1 , X2 ) ∈ [0 : 0.001 : R
1] × [0.4 : 0.05 : 0.7] for TM , TP and TL . A model y · (B(y) − min B(y)) dy
y y

is not monotone if there exists a pair of two points yCOGDJ = R (11)
(B(y) − min B(y)) dy
not satisfying the desired monotonic input-output Y
behaviour. In this experimental setup, a model is
said to be monotone, if no such pair can be formed In Fig. 2 some fuzzy outputs of the first model are
among the data points considered. All three mod- shown. As the implicators IM and IP do not ex-
els were monotone when applying TP and none of tend the support of the adapted membership func-
the models were monotone when applying TM or tions Bs0 , the empty set is obtained as fuzzy out-
TL (Table 1). put when all three linguistic output values have
a non-zero fulfilment degree (e.g. for (X1 , X2 ) =
4 Implicator-based inference method (0.6, 0.6)), whereas very strangely shaped fuzzy
outputs are obtained for these implicators when
When applying implicator-based inference meth- only two linguistic output values have a non-zero
ods, the fulfilment degrees αs are calculated as de- fulfilment degree (e.g. for (X1 , X2 ) = (0.4, 0.6)).
scribed in (1), but the adapted membership func- The fuzzy outputs obtained for the implicators
tions Bs0 are computed using an implicator instead IL , IM,N and IP,N are quite similar and have ac-
of a t-norm. In this study five implicators are con- ceptable shapes.
sidered: three R-implicators IM , IP and IL and ∗
The model output yCOGDJ of the three models is
two S-implicators IM,N and IP,N (IL,N is equal determined for (X1 , X2 ) ∈ [0 : 0.001 : 1] × [0.4 :
to IL ). 0.05 : 0.7] for all 15 combinations of t-norm and
For IM the adapted membership functions are ob- implicator. In Table 2 an overview is given for
tained by which combinations of t-norm and implicator a
( monotone model is obtained. For the first model
1 , if αs ≤ Bs (y) and no monotonic input-output behaviour is obtained.
Bs0 (y) = (5) The second and third model are monotone for TP
Bs (y) , otherwise ,
combined with IP,N . The second model is also
for IP by monotone for IM,N and all t-norms. The model
( outputs are piecewise continuous for IM , IP and
1 , if αs ≤ Bs (y) and IM,N , whereas the outputs obtained with IL and
Bs0 (y) = Bs (y) (6)
αs , otherwise , IP,N tend to be smoother.


(X1 , X2 ) = (0.6, 0.6) (X1 , X2 ) = (0.4, 0.6)



Figure 3: Model outputs of the ATL and ATM
Figure 2: Illustration of fuzzy outputs obtained models (model 1) for X = [0.6, 0.6] and T = TM
for the first model with the implicator-based in-
ference method with T = TM . The vertical line

indicates yCOGDJ . implicator-based inference method. After the
calculation of the fulfilment degrees αs by (1),
the adapted membership functions Bs0 (y) are de-
Table 2: Overview of the monotonicity property termined by (5)–(9), which in the final step
of the three models when applying an implicator- are joined together in order to obtain a global
based inference method and the defuzzification fuzzy output (10). The fuzzy output of an ATL
method of Dvor̆ák and Jedelský (resp. ATM) model is either the universal set or
IM IP IL IM,N IP,N a set described by a non-decreasing (resp. non-
TM no no no no no increasing) membership function to which the up-
model 1 TP no no no no no per (resp. lower) bound of the output domain has
TL no no no no no membership degree 1, as illustrated in Fig. 3 for
TM no no no yes no the first model.
model 2 TP no no no yes yes
Two approaches were considered to derive a crisp
TL no no no yes no
output from the fuzzy outputs of the ATL and
TM no no no no no
ATM models: one could first defuzzify each fuzzy
model 3 TP no no no no yes
output individually and then combine the two
TL no no no no no
crisp outputs, or one could first combine the fuzzy
outputs and defuzzify the resulting fuzzy set. Re-
gardless of the defuzzification strategy applied,
5 ATL and ATM models
the crisp output should, in our opinion, be at

least as large as the largest output value yATL,LB
As mentioned in Section 1, the last two inference
with minimum membership degree to the fuzzy
procedures discussed in this study are applied to
output of the ATL model and at most as large
ATL and ATM models. The modifiers ATL and ∗
as the smallest output value yATM,UB with min-
ATM used in these models are defined as in [2]:
imum membership degree to the fuzzy output of
ATL(A)(x) = sup{A(t) | t ≤ x} , (12) the ATM model. This guarantees that the in-
ATM(A)(x) = sup{A(t) | t ≥ x} . (13) tersection of both models has a compact kernel,

and implies yATL,LB ∗
≤ yATM,UB . Note that, in
The rules of the ATL (resp. ATM) model are de- ∗
case the fuzzy output is the universal set, yATL,LB
rived from the rules in the rule base of the lin- ∗
and yATM,UB are equal to respectively the lower
guistic fuzzy model in Section 2 by applying the bound y0 and upper bound yend of the output do-
modifier ATL (resp. ATM) to all linguistic values main.
in the antecedent and consequent of each rule, as
In that region of the input space where the three
illustrated for the fourth rule of the ATL model:
linguistic output values of the conventional lin-
IF x1 IS ATL(A12 ) AND x2 IS ATL(A22 ) guistic fuzzy model all have a non-zero fulfilment
THEN y IS ATL(B2 ). degree, i.e. when (X1 , X2 ) ∈ [0.5, 0.9] × [0.4, 0.7],
The procedure to obtain the fuzzy outputs of ∗
it holds that yATL,LB ∗
> yATM,UB for model 1 and
ATL and ATM models is the same as for the ∗ ∗
model 3 and yATL,LB = yATM,UB for model 2 for


TM and TP combined with IM or IP . So when

Table 3: Overview for which combinations of T
using ATL and ATM models the implicators IM ∗ ∗
and I the inequality yATL,COG ≤ yATM,COG holds
and IP should not be used in combination with
the t-norms TM and TP . All other combinations IM IP IL IM,N IP,N
of T and I considered satisfy the constraint. Fur- TM no no no

thermore yATL,LB ∗
and yATM,UB are both mono- model 1 TP no no no
tone on [0 : 0.001 : 1] × [0.4 : 0.05 : 0.7] for all 15 TL yes yes no no no
combinations for all three models. TM no no yes no no
model 2 TP no no yes no no
To defuzzify the individual fuzzy outputs of the
TL yes yes yes no no
ATL and ATM models, we propose COG-like de-
TM yes no no
fuzzification methods, returning y0 in case the
model 3 TP yes no no
fuzzy output of the ATL model is the empty or
TL yes yes yes no no
universal set and yend in case the fuzzy output
of the ATM model is the empty or universal set,
otherwise, they return:
ter of gravity defuzzification on the global fuzzy

R output B:
y · BAT L (y) dy

yATL,COG = , (14) B(y) = min(BATL (y), BATL (y)) , (17)

BAT L (y) dy returning 0.5 ∗ (y0 + yend ) in case the intersection

of fuzzy outputs of the ATL and ATM model is

the empty or the universal set and otherwise re-
y · BAT M (y) dy turning:

∗ . (15) yR
R y · B(y) dy
BAT M (y) dy y0


. (18)
B(y) dy
Table 3 gives an overview which combinations y0
of t-norm and implicator resulted in monotone

- and yATM,COG -values on [0 : 0.001 : Table 4 summarizes for which combinations of T
1] × [0.4 : 0.05 : 0.7] for which the constraint and I monotone model outputs are obtained on

≤ yATM,COG holds. This is only the [0 : 0.001 : 1] × [0.4 : 0.05 : 0.7] for the three
case for all models, for T = TL combined with IM models. The first model is only monotone when
or IP . The model outputs obtained with IM and combining TL with IP , whereas the second and
IP are piecewise continuous. The use of the im- third model are always monotone except for TP
plicators IL , IM,N and IP,N results in smoother and TL combined with IM .
model outputs, which are however only monotone
and satisfying the above constraint for I = IL 6 Conclusions and further work
for the second and third model. For those com-
binations of t-norm and implicator satisfying the From our experiments with COG defuzzification
above monotonicity properties and inequality, the and mean of maximum (MOM) defuzzification
global model output is computed according to the (not discussed in this work due to lack of space)
following monotonicity-preserving operation: we can conclude that if one wants to obtain a

+ yATM,COG monotone model with the Mamdani–Assilian in-

yATL−ATM,COG = . (16) ference method, one should not use the t-norms
TM or TL . Further investigations have to point
When following the second approach, we also ap- out if linguistic fuzzy models with a monotone
ply a defuzzification method inspired on the cen- rule base are always monotone if TP is applied for


els should satisfy in order to be monotone. Fur-

Table 4: Overview of the combinations of T and I
∗ thermore, linguistic fuzzy models being monotone
for which yATLATM,COG is monotone on [0 : 0.001 :
with respect to some, but not all, input variables,
1] × [0.4 : 0.05 : 0.7]
and models with more than two input variables
IM IP IL IM,N IP,N will be the subject of future investigations.
TM no no no
model 1 TP no no no Acknowledgments
TL no yes no no no
TM yes yes yes yes yes The authors would like to thank Univ.-Doz. Dr.
model 2 TP no yes yes yes yes U. Bodenhofer of Software Competence Center
TL no yes yes yes yes Hagenberg, Austria for the inspiring discussions
TM yes yes yes Ester Van Broekhoven had during her stay at the
model 3 TP yes yes yes company.
TL no yes yes yes yes
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