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Topic 1

-) introductions: these days, work in more than one job is commoness ,

and often change careers several times to fine a ferfect job for there life.
What are the pros and cons of this?
-) conclusion:
+) advantages: have more experience, meet and make friend with many
people, making more money…
+) disadvantages: less time for family and yourseft, more stress…
Topic 3
-) introductions: nowadays, children is more often watch TV to
entertainment than going outside, the COVID 19 make it more popular.
However, there are both pros and cons for children to do it. So in this….
-) conclusion:
+) advantages: learning in tv, entertainment, easy to take care of,…
+) disadvantages: health issues (eyes sight, headache,…), education,…

Topic 2:
These day, going by public transportation give a cheap cost and better
enviroment, sometime is can save you sometime of going to work.
However, there are both pros and cons of using transportation. So in this
essay, I will discuss benefits and drawbacks of using transportation.
Start, let talk about advantages. Firstly, one of the important benefits
by using transportation is reduce greenhouse gases-cacbondioxit out of
transport using gasoline like car or mortorbike, the less vehicle and
people go by bus or public, the less smoke comeout and make less
airpolluted. Secondly, when you are the tourist, the public transportation
like bus is the best choice if you want a best scene.
Now, let turning to the other side of the argument. There is no privacy
for you, when you talk, call or text to some one, some people in
transport can hear or see what you call, what you text. Also, the sexual
harassment usually happened in public tranport, a common example of
this is when you go on public bus, you can’t know or detect someone is
sexual harassment you or someone else.
In conclusion, people have different opinions about public tranport,
someone like it because its convenience and cheap fee but in my
opinion, going by public transportation have some advantages but the
insecurity and danger also come together

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