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DC UPS MODBUS Memory Mapping Table

The default setting of the RS-485 Communication Port based on the

Modbus Protocol is as follow :-


Node(Slave) Address For UPS – 1 01
Node(Slave) Address For UPS - 2 02
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Stop Bit 1

Note :- These all Setting Parameters are Adjustable according to the User
Requirement through the User Interface Card of the UPS.

The Valid Query Format for the DC UPS Modbus (i.e. for the HRD-
606) Card software version- 53 and 71 is as Follow: -

Slave Address: - Between 01 to 127

Function Code: - 04
Max No of Data Len: - 15 Word (i.e. 30 Bytes)

Memory Data Name of Data Remark

Address Type
30001 Integer UI Alarm See Below for more details
30002 Integer Fault 1 See Below for more details
30003 Integer Status1 See Below for more details
30004 Integer Input Voltage R-Y
30005 Integer R Phase Input Current
30006 Integer Input Voltage Y-B
30007 Integer Y Phase Input Current
30008 Integer Input Voltage B-R
30009 Integer B Phase Input Current
30010 Integer Main Frequency Multiply the result with 0.01
30011 Integer Battery Voltage Multiply the result with 0.1
30012 Integer Charger Output Voltage Multiply the result with 0.1
30013 Integer Battery Charging Current Multiply the result with 0.1
30014 Integer Load Current Multiply the result with 0.1
30015 Integer Load Voltage Multiply the result with 0.1
30016 Integer Backup Capacity in AH If BMS Module is Enable
Multiply the result with 0.01
30017 Integer Backup Time If BMS Module is Enable
30018 Integer Battery Life Left in If BMS Module is Enable
Discharge Cycle
30019 Integer Battery Life Left in If BMS Module is Enable
30020 Reserved
30021 Integer Digital_Input _1 Digital Input 1 – 8 Status
30022 Integer Digital_Input _2 Digital Input 8 – 16 Status
30023 Integer Digital_Input _3 Digital Input 17 – 24 Status

UI Alarms Bit Details :-

Bit No Fault Indication Fault Description
1 0 CHG COMM.FAIL Communication between the Charger
Control Card & UI Fail.
2 1 RESERVED UI-1 Reserved For Future Use
3 2 RESERVED UI-2 Reserved For Future Use
4 3 RESERVED UI-3 Reserved For Future Use
5 4 OVERLOAD Set the Bit when the DC UPS Load is
goes above the Set Overload Limit.
6 5 BATT MCCB OFF UI Battery MCCB OFF status detected by
User Interface Card.
7 6 DC GROUND Indicate the DC Ground Fault
8 7 MAIN\S FAIL Indicate that Charger is OFF due to
absence of Mains Supply.
9 8 BATT DISCHARGE Indicate that Battery is in the
Discharging Mode.
10 9 RESERVED UI-5 Reserved For Future Use
11 10 BATT LIFE DETORA Set when the No of Battery Discharge
Cycles or Battery Life in month
becomes zero.
12 11 CHARGER FAIL Set this bit Indicate that Charger is fail
to start & Zero to this bit will indicate
that Charger is in Normal Condition
13 12 BOOST CHARGING Set this bit when the charger is charge
the battery in the boost mode.
14 13 RESERVED UI-7 Reserved For Future Use
15 14 MAIN’S HIGH TRIP Set the bit Indicate that Charger is trip
in Main’s Voltage High Condition
16 15 RESERVED UI-10 Reserved For Future Use
Fault1 Bit Details :-
Sr.No Bit No Fault Indication Fault Description
1 0 CHG OVER TEMP. Charger Heat sink Temperature High
2 1 CHG PMI FAIL Indicate that UPS PR is not Establish
i.e another UPS is OFF or Fail
3 2 CHG CAN FAIL Indicate that UPS CAN
Communication Fail
4 3 LOW BATTERY TRIP Indicate that UPS is Trip due to Low
Battery Voltage.
5 4 LOW BATTERY Indicate that Battery voltage is lower
then its set limit
6 5 I/P PHASE OUT Mains input phase out of
tolerance(Not 120 or 240 degree)
7 6 CHG RES-4 Reserved For Future Use
8 7 CHG RES-5 Reserved For Future Use
9 8 MAINS_HIGH Mains Input Voltage High
10 9 MAINS_LOW Mains Input Voltage Low
11 10 MAINS FREQ OUT OF Mains Input Frequency is Out of
12 11 CHG RES-6 Reserved For Future Use
13 12 MANUAL BOOST Indication Charger is manually
forced to Boost Mode
14 13 CHG HIGH DC Charger is off due to High DC
15 14 LOAD LIMITTER ON Set when the Charger is in Current
Limit Mode.
16 15 BATT MCCB OFF CHG Battery MCCB OFF status detected
by charger control card
Status1 Bit Details :- (For UPS-1)
Sr.No Bit No Fault Indication Fault Description
1 0 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
2 1 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
3 2 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
4 3 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
5 4 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
6 5 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
7 6 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
8 7 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
9 8 ------ Reserved For Internal Use
10 9 - 15 ------ Reserved For Internal Use

Digital_Input_1 Bit Details :-

Sr.No Bit No Fault Indication Fault Description
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9 - 15 Reserved Reserved for Future Use

Digital_Input_2 Bit Details :-

Sr.No Bit No Fault Indication Fault Description
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9 - 15 Reserved Reserved for Future Use
Digital_Input_3 Bit Details :-
Sr.No Bit No Fault Indication Fault Description
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9 - 15 Reserved Reserved for Future Use

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