Reflections OMP

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Reflection No.

Individual reflection:
According to Kornblith (2012), reflection is the process of recollecting and analyzing previous
experiences and applying learning for improving future performance. There are different models
of reflection. However, the most prominent of those are Gibb’s reflective model, Kolb’s
experiential learning cycle, and ERA (Experience, reflection, and action) cycle, etc. For this
particular reflection, I’ll use Gibb’s reflective cycle that has six different stages of description,
feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan:

1. Description:

For analyzing organizational management practices, I and my group members chose Zara.
Before creating a draft of this report, we arranged a meeting where we discussed the contents of
the report and agreed on individual research for the choice of company. After deciding on the
company, we divided the contents and set a specific deadline for the completion. I was allocated
the task of analyzing the OMP influence on the competitive advantage that I completed by
accessing a variety of online sources. However, we slipped our agreed deadline of compiling and
improving the draft which posed a bit of pressure on us.

2. Feelings:

In the beginning, I was a bit anxious concerning the right choice of the company. We also had a
slight disagreement in the division of contents that we resolved later on through negotiation.
Nonetheless, the group experience remained very exciting for me.

3. Evaluation:

The best part of the task was the timely completion and group coordination. However, the
disagreement affected our morale which was the negative aspect of the situation.

4. Analysis:

I think the reason for timely completion was teamwork and effective division. In contrast, we got
a bit relaxed after dividing contents effectively which led to the slippage.

5. Conclusion:

I learned from the situation that consistency is a prerequisite for effective completion. I think our
group work could be more effective through this parameter.

6. Action plan:

In the future, I’ll try to remain more focused and will spare some time for unexpected slippages.


Kornblith, H., 2012. On reflection. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, pp.1-10.

Reflection No.4:

Reflection refers to the process of evaluating previous experiences and applying those
observations for improving learning. It plays a significant role in improving learning as it offers
an opportunity to revisit your thoughts and modify those accordingly (Veine et al., 2019). For
reflection, different models including Driscoll’s What model, Gibbs reflective cycle, and Donald
Schon’s models, etc are used. I’ll use Driscoll’s What model for this reflective essay:

1. What:

First of all, we arranged a meeting to discuss the contents and choose the company for our report.
After conducting our research, we started working on Zara. However, I was not satisfied with the
choice and wanted to work on H & M because I was considering it a more suitable and
comprehensive choice. I also didn’t express my opinion when I was feeling difficulty producing
a critical literature review of the task. As per the agreement, we had decided to complete the task
a few days earlier but we failed to do it due to the subsequent mistakes that we had identified
during proofreading. However, we quickly resolved the issue through teamwork and completed
the task on time.

2. So what:

From this situation, I learned that I should have expressed my concerns earlier. Not only me but
every one of us fell prey to groupthink which led to a gap in our performance. In contrast, active
communication could save us a lot of time on improvements and proofreading. However, the
best part of my experience was quick decision making where we learned from our mistakes and
worked with more efficiency and collaborative thinking.

3. Now what?

Based on this experience, I will try to change my behavior in group tasks where I’ll give prime
importance to active communication. Furthermore, I will try to opt for demanding pieces of work
rather than choosing those parts that coincide well with my strengths.


Veine, S., Anderson, M., Andersen, N., Espenes, T., Søyland, T., Wallin, P. and Reams, J., 2019.
Reflection as a core student learning activity in higher education - Insights from nearly two
decades of academic development. International Journal for Academic Development, 25(2),

Reflection No. 5:

Reflection refers to an activity of questioning previous activities, developing new skills, and
reviewing their effectiveness. It allows an individual to step out of the comfort zone and adopt an
alternative approach for all the tasks done previously (Faller, Lundgren, and Marsick, 2020).
There are different models and theoretical frameworks that address the process of reflection. To
reflect on my experience, I’ll use Kolb’s experiential learning cycle which has four stages
concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active

1. Concrete experience:

For this assessment, we were assigned the task of working on the organizational management
practices of any firm operating within the UK’s fashion industry. In the report, I contributed to
identifying the OMP challenges of Zara and analyzed different dimensions of the firm’s strategy.
Although we were working on our tasks we forgot to decide on the tone of delivery and format
of writing which took our time later on. Nevertheless, we succeeded in completing the task on

2. Reflective observation:

I was very satisfied in the beginning as we had an effective discussion about the requirements of
the report and our parts. However, we were focusing greatly on our individual responsibilities
rather than group work which resulted in formatting issues in the report. Such evident coherence
gaps in our text made me anxious but we overcame the issue quickly by fostering
communication and improving our report before the deadline.

3. Abstract conceptualization:

The experience overall remained very interesting to me as I learned a lot from my group
members. In this context, the best part of my experience was inclusiveness in our group where
we respected our individual strengths and weaknesses. Contrastingly, the negative aspect was our
failure to complete the task beforehand as we had decided earlier.

4. Active experimentation:

In the future, I will emphasize giving equal importance to communication in comparison to an

efficient division of labor. In addition, I will work to improve my writing skills for overcoming
text coherence issues.


Faller, P., Lundgren, H. and Marsick, V., 2020. Overview: Why and How Does Reflection
Matter in Workplace Learning?. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 22(3), pp.248-263.

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