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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі

Тема: Animals

Мета: Систематизувати лексичний матеріал за темою; розвивати навички

усного мовлення на базі засвоєного матеріалу; вдосконалювати навички
аудіювання, читання та письма.
Тип уроку: урок повторення та закріплення вивченого матеріалу
Обладнання: малюнки із зображенням тварин, картки із завданнями ( HO2 ,
HO4 ), текст для читання ( HO3 ), аудіозапис вірша “A Zoo House”.

Хід уроку

I.Початок уроку
1. Організаційний момент. Привітання.
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Let’s sit down and
start our lesson.
2. Warm-up.
T: We’ll start our lesson with our joke poem “A Zoo House”. First, listen to
it and then I want you to recite it.

A Zoo House

There’s a tiger in my kitchen,

In my hall a kangaroo
There’s a zebra in my garage,
And a snake and tortoise too.

There’s a lizard in my lounge

With a peacock and a rat
There’s a beetle in my bathroom,
In my shower there’s a cat.

3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we’ll continue speaking about animals. We’ll guess their names,
describe them, read about them. Besides, we’ll practice some grammar. So,
let’s start.

II.Основна частина уроку.

1. Активізація вживання в мовленні вивченої лексики.
a) T: Look at the pictures and try to recall the names of the animals you see at
the pictures:
a camel, a bear, a wolf, a hedgehog, a lion, a kangaroo, a crocodile, a lizard,

b) Specific features.
T: Match the two columns (the name of the animal and its specific feature).

A tiger paws
A bear a fluffy tail
A squirrel a mane
An elefant a striped coat
A camel a trunk
A hedgehog thick brown hair
A lion a shell
A kangaroo a hump (two humps)
A turtle a pouch

T: And now make up sentences using has got and this table.
e. g. A tiger has got a striped coat.

c) Features of characters of animals. What kind of animal is it?

T: Now take (HO2 ) and mark true or false sentences. Correct the false
sentences. Work in pairs first, then we’ll check it up as a class)

( HO2 ) 1. The fox is clumsy.

2. The wolf is tender.
3. The pig is a domestic animal.
4. The hare is sly.
5. The crocodile is scary.
6. The rabbit is a wild animal.
7. The bear is timid.
8. The panda is a domestic animal.
9. The monkey is funny.
10. The dog is clever.

2. Аудіювання.
T: Listen to the discriptions of the animals and guess what animal it is.

1. This is a wild animal. It has got thick brown gur. It eats plants, fruit,
berries. It likes honey. It is big and clumsy. It is called “ The master of
taiga” ( a bear)
2. This is a wild animal. It is small with a long fluffy tail. It lives in the
trees. It jumps well. It eats nuts, mushrooms. ( a squirrel )
3.This animal lives in Africa. It is called “a dessert ship”. It has got one
hump or two humps on his back. It eats prickles.
( a camel )
4.It’s a small animal. It has got soft fur, a tail, four paws and whiskers.
It likes fish, mice, milk. It is a domestic animal.
( a cat )
5.This animal is wild. It lives in Africa. It has got a red coat, a fluffy
mane, a brushy tail. It eats meat. ( a lion )

3. Writing. Опис тварин.

Group-work. T: Let’s divide into groups. Each group will prepare a description
of an animal but don’t name it please. The other pupils will guess the animal.
( A tiger, a crocodile, an elephant )

4. Speaking. Практика в усному мовленні.

T: For today you were to prepare stories about your favourite animals. We are
ready to listen to them. So, “My Favourite Animal”.

5. Reading. Практика в читанні. Текст “Interesting Facts”.

T: Now we are going to read the text about some interesting facts about
1)Pre-reading activity.
T: Look at the pictures and guess what animals we are going to read about.

A camel a kangaroo a jaguar

A penguin a lion a humming-bird.

New Vocabulary:
Penguin - пінгвін
Jaguar - ягуар
Roar - ревти
Hummingbird - колібрі
Backwards - задом наперед
Weigh - важити

2)Reading the text ( HO3 )

Interesting Facts

1. A camel can drink 114 litres of water at one time.

2. Penguins are birds. They can swim, but they cannot fly.
3. Kangaroos jump more than 12 metres.
4. Lions sleep about 18 hours a day.
5. Jaguars are the only big cats that can’t roar.
6. A hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.
7. The Leather Back Turtle weighs up to 916 kilogrammes.
3)Post-reading activity.
T:1. Choose true and false sentences. Correct the false sentences.
1. True or false?
1. A camel can drink 300 litres of water at one time.
2. Penguins cannot swim.
3. Kangaroos jump more than 12 metres.
4. Lions sleep about 3 hours a day.
5. Jaguars can roar.
6. A hummingbird can fly backwards.
7. The largest turtle weighs only 500 kilogrammes.

2. How many fantastic facts can you remember? Tell your partner and then
tell it to the class.
6. Grammar Review. Закріплення Present Simple (questions and
negatives ), (HO4 )
1) Read the questions and give the short answers.
1. Do pets like people?
2. Do dolphins swim under water?
3. Do horses fly?
4. Do rats live in the sea?
5. Do seals eat dogs?
6. Do whales live in water?
7. Do lions eat meat?
8. Do crocodiles live in the forest?

2)These sentences are wrong. Correct them.

1. Birds fly under water. – Birds don’t fly under water. They fly in
the air.
2. Pandas live in Africa.
3. Fish swim in the air.
4. Kangaroos live in India.
5. Koalas eat fish.
6. Tigers eat grass.

_____ in Australia _____ leaves

_____ under water _____ in the air
_____ in China _____ meat.

III.Заключна частина уроку.

1. Домашнє завдання.
GB Ex. 1-3 p. 32.
2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.
T: Today all of you have worked very hard. You were very active. I think
now you know a lot about animals and can describe them. I’ll give good
marks to all of you.

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