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ECAM learning outcome - Sensing & Perception

1. Understand the physics and functioning of various sensors used in robotics

2. List all the elements of the Data Acquisition Chain and their features
3. Acquire the know-how for characterizing and calibrating sensors
4. Acquire the methodology to dimensioning sensors for specific applications
5. Apply knowledge in signal processing and statistics to robotic contexts
6. Create a Data Acquisition Chain from scratch
7. Program a microcontroller to sample data accurately
8. Learn the basics of image processing
9. Develop good programming practices (documentation, test, git/gitflow)
HV learning outcome - SST200
• show a general knowledge of the structure, characteristics and limitations for measuring physical quantities.
• explain basic concepts in measurement technology.
• describe the various parts of a computer-aided measurement system.
• explain basic concepts in signal processing.
• plan and carry out measurements with sensors in a computer-aided measurement system.
HV's learning outcome w.r.t ECAM
Outcome 1 & 4
Outcome 1 & 3
Outcome 2 & 6
Outcome 5
Outcome 2 & 6

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