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Pattern Recoynition, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 1277 1294. 1993 0031 3203/93 $6.00+.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press Ltd
@ 1993 Pattern Recognition Society


Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B.T. Road, Calcutta 700035, India

(Received 11 September 1991; in revised form 8 February 1993; received for publication 3 March 1993)

Abstract--Many image segmentation techniques are available in the literature. Some of these techniques
use only the gray level histogram, some use spatial details while others use fuzzy set theoretic approaches.
Most of these techniques are not suitable for noisy environments. Some works have been done using the
Markov Random Field (MRF) model which is robust to noise, but is computationally involved. Neural
network architectures which help to get the output in real time because of their parallel processing ability,
have also been used for segmentation and they work fineeven when the noise levelis very high. The literature
on color image segmentation is not that rich as it is for gray tone images. This paper critically reviews and
summarizes some of these techniques. Attempts have been made to cover both fuzzy and non-fuzzy
techniques including color image segmentation and neural network based approaches. Adequate attention
is paid to segmentation of range images and magnetic resonance images. It also addresses the issue of
quantitative evaluation of segmentation results.

Image segmentation Fuzzy sets Thresholding Edge detection Clustering Relaxation

Markov Random Field

I. INTRODUCTION depth, intensity of radio wave or temperature. A digital

image, on the other hand, is a two-dimensional discrete
There are several types of images, namely, light intensity
function f ( x , y) which has been digitized both in spatial
(visual) image, range image (depth image), nuclear
coordinates and magnitude of feature value. We shall
magnetic resonance image (commonly known as
view a digital image as a two-dimensional matrix whose
magnetic resonance image (MRI)), thermal image and
row and column indices identify a point, called a pixel,
so on. Light intensity (LI) images, the most common
in the image and the corresponding matrix element
type of images we encounter in our daily experience,
value identifies the feature intensity level. Throughout
represent the variation of light intensity on the scene.
this paper a digital image will be represented as
Range image (RI), on the other hand, is a map of depth
information at different points on the scene. In a digital F ~ o = [f(x,Y)]e×e (1)
LI image the intensity is quantized, while in the case
of RI the depth value is digitized. Nuclear magnetic where P x Q is the size of the image and f ( x , y)~ G L =
resonance images represent the intensity variation of {0, 1,..., L - 1}, the set of discrete levels of the feature
radio waves generated by biological systems when ex- value. Since the majority of the techniques we are
posed to radio frequency pulses. Biological bodies going to discuss in this paper are developed primarily
(humans/animals) are built up of atoms and molecules. for ordinary intensity images, in our subsequent dis-
Some of the nuclei behave like tiny magnets, m com- cussion, we shall usually refer to f ( x , y ) as gray value
monly known as spins. Therefore, if a patient (or any (although it could be depth or temperature or intensity
living being) is placed in a strong magnetic field, the of radio wave).
magnetic nuclei tend to align with the applied magnetic Segmentation is the first essential and important
field. For MRI the patient is subjected to a radio step of low level vision.12 51 There are many applica-
frequency pulse. As a result of this the magnetic nuclei tions of segmentation. For example, in a vision guided
pass into a high energy state, and then immediately car assembly system, the robot needs to pick up the
relieve themselves of this stress by emitting radio waves appropriate components from the bin. For this, seg-
through a process called relaxation. This radio wave mentation followed by recognition is required. Its ap-
is recorded to form the MRI. There are two different plication area varies from the detection of cancerous
types of relaxation: longitudinal relaxation and trans- cells to the identification of an airport from remote
verse relaxation resulting in two types of MRIs, namely, sensing data, etc. In all these areas, the quality of the
T1 and T2, respectively."1 In digital MRI, the intensity final output depends largely on the quality of the
of the radio wave is digitized with respect to both segmented output. Segmentation is a process of parti-
intensity and spatial coordinates. Thus in general, any tioning the image into some non-intersecting regions
image can be described by a two-dimensional function such that each region is homogeneous and the union
if(x, y), where (x, y) denotes the spatial coordinate and of no two adjacent regions is homogeneous. Formally,
f ' ( x , y ) the feature value at (x, y). Depending on the it can be defined16t as follows: ifF is the set of all pixels
type of image, the feature value could be light intensity, and P( ) is a uniformity (homogeneity) predicate defined

1278 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

on groups of connected pixels, then segmentation is a images are critical to the solution of the segmentation
partitioning of the set F into a set of connected subsets problem.i18j According to Pavlidis" a.19~(visual) image
or regions ($1, $2,..., S,) such that segmentation is a problem of psycho-physical percep-
n tion, and therefore, not susceptible to purely analytical
[.)S,=F with S i ( ] S j = ~ , i4:j. (2) solution. Any mathematical algorithm usually should
be supplemented by heuristics which involve semantic
The uniformity predicate P(S~)=true for all regions information about the class of images under consider-
(Si) and P(SiwSj)=false, when Si is adjacent to Sj. ation.
Note that this definition is applicable to all types of One may attempt to extract the segments in a variety
images we have described. For LI images the uniformity of ways. Broadly, there are two approaches namely,
predicate measures the uniformity of light intensity, classical approach and fuzzy mathematical approach.
while for range images it could be the uniformity of Under the classical approach we have segmentation
surfaces. techniques based on histogram thresholding, edge de-
Hundreds of segmentation techniques are present in tection, relaxation, and semantic and syntactic ap-
the literature, but there is no single method which can proaches.t1 x-i ~3~In addition to these, there are certain
be considered good for all images, nor are all methods other methods which do not fall clearly in any one of
equally good for a particular type of image. Moreover, the above classes,c114-121) Similarly, the fuzzy math-
algorithms developed for one class of image (say or- ematical approach ~12z-154) also has methods based
dinary intensity image) may not always be applied to on edge detection, thresholding and relaxation. Some
other classes of images (MRI/RI). This is particularly of these methods, particularly the histogram based
true when the algorithm uses a specific image formation methods are not at all suitable for noisy images. Sev-
model. For example, some visual image segmentation eral attempts have also been made to develop image
algorithms are based on the assumption that the gray processing algorithms using neural network (NN)
level function f(x,y) can be modeled as a product of models,lass ~70~ p a r t i c u l a r l y the Hopfield and
an illumination component and a reflectance com- Kohonen networks. These algorithms work well even
p o n e n t F ) On the other hand, in Pal and Pal tS) the gray in a highly noisy environment and they are capable of
level distributions have been modeled as Poisson dis- producing outputs in real time. Though many algorithms
tributions, based on the theory of formation of visual are available for color image segmentation, ~17~-t 77)
images. Such methods 17's~ should not be applied to the literature is not that rich as it is for the gray level
MRI/RIs. However, most of the segmentation methods images. In this context it may be mentioned that the
developed for one class of images can be easily applied/ literature is very rich on the methods of segmentation,
extended to another class of images. For example, the but not many attempts have been made for the objective
variable order surface fitting method, tg) although de- evaluation of segmented outputs.
veloped for range images can be applied for other images This paper attempts to critically review and sum-
that can be modeled as a noisy version of piece-wise marize some of the existing methods of segmentation.
smooth surfaces. Before we proceed further, we summarize some of the
There are many challenging issues like, the develop- earlier surveys on image segmentation. Fu and Mui Ila~
ment of a unified approach to image segmentation categorized segmentation techniques into three classes:
which can (probably) be applied to all kinds of images. (1) characteristic feature thresholding or clustering,
Even the selection of an appropriate technique for a (2) edge detection, and (3) region extraction. This sur-
specific type of image is a difficult problem. Up to now, vey was done from the viewpoint of cytology image
to the knowledge of the authors there is no universally processing. A critical appreciation of several meth-
accepted method of quantification of segmented output. ods of thresholding, edge detection and region extrac-
Authentication of edges is also a very important task. tion Iz°-33) has been done. This includes some graph
Different edge operators t3-5'1°) like Sobel, Prewitt, theoretic approaches 13°1 also. For color image thres-
Marr-Hildreth, etc. produce an edginess value at every holding, only a brief mention about it has been given.122~
pixel location. However, all of them are not valid(!) The section on edge detection makes a good summar-
candidates for edges. Normally, edges are required to ization of several edge detection approaches including
be thresholded. The selection of the threshold is very some adaptive local operators. 13L321 Hueckel's 133~ap-
crucial as for some part of the image low intensity proach of viewing edge detection as a functional ap-
variation may correspond to edges of interest, while proximation problem has been discussed.
the other part may require high intensity variation. Haralick and Shapiro t341 classified image segmen-
Adaptive thresholding I~1-131often is taken as a solution tation techniques as: (1) measurement space guided
to this. Obviously it cannot eliminate the problem of spatial clustering, (2) single linkage region growing
threshold selection. A good strategy to produce mean- schemes, (3) hybrid linkage region growing schemes,
ingful segments would be to fuse region segmentation (4) centroid linkage region growing schemes, (5) spatial
results and edge outputs. I~4, ~5~Incorporation of psycho- clustering schemes, and (6) split and merge schemes.
visual phenomena I16,17) may be good for light intensity According to them, the difference between clustering
images but not applicable for range images. Actually and segmentation is that in clustering, the grouping is
semantics and a prior information about the type of done in measurement space; while in image segmen-
Image segmentation techniques 1279

tation, the grouping is done in the spatial domain of the schemes (contextual/non-contextual) if only one thres-
image. We like to emphasize that segmentation tries hold is used for the entire image then it is called global
to do the groupings in the spatial domain but it can thresholding. On the other hand, when the image is
be achieved through groupings in the measurement partitioned into several subregions and a threshold is
space, particularly for muitispectral images, t137'177) determined for each of the subregions, it is referred to
For multispectral data, instead of clustering in the full as local thresholding. (46) Some authors (11-13) call these
measurement space, Haralick and Shapiro (34)suggested local thresholding methods adaptive threshoiding
to work in multiple lower order projection spaces, and schemes. Thresholding techniques can also be classified
then reflect these clusters back to the full measurement as bilevel thresholding and multithresholding. In bi-
space as follows: suppose, for example, that the cluster- level thresholding the image is partitioned into two
ing is done on a four band image. If the clustering done regions--object (black) and background (white). When
in bands 1 and 2 yields clusters cl, c2, ¢3 and the clustering the image is composed of several objects with different
done in bands 3 and 4 yields clusters ca and c 5 then surface characteristics (for a light intensity image, ob-
each possible 4-tuple from a pixel can be given a cluster jects with different coefficient of reflection, for a range
label from the set "{(cl,c4), (Cl,C5), (c2,c4), (c2,c5), image there can be objects with different depths and
(c3, ca) (Ca,c5)}". A 4-tuple (x I , x 2, x 3, x4) gets the cluster so on) one needs several thresholds for segmentation.
labels (c2,c4) if (xt,x2) is in cluster c 2 and (x3,x4) is in This is known as multithresholding. In such a situation
cluster c4. However, this does not seem to be of any we try to get a set of thresholds (t t, t 2 . . . . . tk) such that
use to us as this virtually assigns a point (a 4-tuple) all pixels with f ( x , y)E [ t , ti + 1), i = 0, 1..... k; constitute
in two different classes. Note that it is neither a prob- the ith region type (t o and tk÷l are taken as 0 and
abilistic assignment nor a fuzzy assignment. A good L - 1, respectively). Note that thresholding can also be
summary of different types of linkage region growing viewed as a classification problem. For example, bilevel
algorithm (35-41) has also been presented. segmentation is equivalent to classifying the pixels
Sahoo e t a / . (42) surveyed only segmentation algor- into two classes: object and background. Mardia and
ithms based on thresholding and attempted to evaluate Hainsworth t58) have shown that the main idea behind
the performance of some thresholding algorithms using the iterative thresholding schemes of Ridler and
some uniformity and shape measures. They categor- Calvard (63) and Lloyd (st) can be defined as special
ized(42) global thresholding techniques into two classes: cases of the classical Bayes' discrimination rule. Under
point dependent techniques (gray level histogram based) the assumption that object and background pixels are
and region dependent techniques (modified histogram normally distributed with the same variance, Bayes'
or co-occurrence based). A fairly detailed discussion allocation rule yields the formula used for threshold
on probabilistic relaxation (42) is available. They also computation in reference (81). With an additional as-
reviewed several methods of multi-thresholding tech- sumption that the prior probabilities for object and
niques. (43-a5) We offer the following comments about background pixels are the same, Bayes' formula reduces
the previous reviews on image segmentation: to the computation formula for threshold in Ridter and
Calvard. (63)
(1) None of these surveys (1s'34'42~ considers fuzzy
set theoretic segmentation techniques. If the image is composed of regions with different
(2) Neural networks based techniques are also not gray level ranges, i.e. the regions are distinct, the histo-
included. gram of the image usually shows different peaks, each
(3) The problem of objective evaluation of segmen- corresponding to one region and adjacent peaks are
tation results has not been adequately dealt with ex- likely to be separated by a valley. For example, if the
cept in Sahoo et al. ~42) image has a distinct object on a background, the gray
(4) Color image segmentation has not been paid level histogram is likely to be bimodal with a deep
proper attention. valley. In this case, the bottom of the valley (T) is
(5) Segmentation of range images/magnetic reson- taken as the threshold for object background separation.
ance images has not been considered at all. Therefore, when the histogram has a (or a set of) deep
valley(s), selection of threshold(s) becomes easy because
This review paper attempts to incorporate all these it becomes a problem of detecting valleys. However,
points to a limited but reasonable extent. However, by normally the situation is not like this and threshold
no means is it an exhaustive survey. selection is not a trivial job. There are various meth-
ods ( 3 - 8 ' 4 2 - 8 1 ) available for this. For example, Otsu (52)
2. G R A Y L E V E L T H R E S H O L D I N G
maximized a measure of class separability. He max-
Thresholding is one of the old, simple and popular imized the ratio of the between class variance to the
techniques for image segmentation. Thresholding can local variance to obtain thresholds. Nakagawa and
be done based on global information (e.g. gray level Rosenfeld t12) assumed that the object and background
histogram of the entire image) or it can be done using populations are distributed normally with distinct
local information (e.g. co-occurrence matrix) of the means and standard deviations. Under this assumption
image. Taxt et al. (46) refer to the local and global in- they selected the threshold by minimizing the total
formation based techniques as contextual and non- misclassification error. This method is computationally
contextual methods, respectively. Under each of these involved. Kittler and Illingworth, (62) under the same
1280 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

assumption of normal mixture, suggested a compu- measures of homogeneity and contrast, respectively.
tationally less involved method. They proposed a meth- These measures are finally applied to develop object
od which optimizes a criterion function related to extraction algorithms. A concept similar to the second-
average pixel classification error rate that finds out order local entropy of Pal and PaP 4a) has been used
an approximate minimum error threshold. Pal and by Abutalebts°) for segmentation. The gray value of a
Bhandari t7 ~ optimized the same criterion function but pixel and the average of its neighboring pixels have
assumed Poisson distributions to model the gray level been used there for the computation of the co-occur-
histogram. rence matrix. As a result the boundary of the segmented
Pun t65~assumed that an image is the outcome of an object usually becomes blurred.
L symbol source. He maximized an upper bound of The philosophy behind gray level thresholding,
the total a posteriori entropy of the partitioned image "pixels with gray level < T fall into one region and
for the purpose of selecting the threshold. Kapur the remaining pixels belong to another region", may
et al., c49) on the other hand, assumed two probability not be true on many occasions, particularly, when the
distributions, one for the object area and the other for image is noisy or the background is uneven and illumi-
the background area. They then, maximized the total nation is poor. In such cases the objects will still be
entropy of the partitioned image in order to arrive at lighter or darker than the background, but any fixed
the threshold level. Wong and Sahoo t69) maximized threshold level for the entire image will usually fail to
the a posterior entropy of a partitioned image subject seigarate the objects from the background. This leads
to a constraint on the uniformity measure of Levine one to the methods of adaptive thresholding. In adap-
and Nazif ~951 and a shape measure. They maximized tive thresholdingI11 13) normally the image is parti-
the a posterior entropy over min (sl, s2) and max (sl, s2) tioned into several non-overlapping blocks of equal
to get the threshold for segmentation; where s~ and s2 area and a threshold for each block is computed inde-
are the threshold levels at which the uniformity and pendently. Chow and Kaneko I111used the (sub) histo-
the shape measure attain the maximum values, respect- gram of each block to determine local threshold values
ively. Pal and Pal Is~ modeled the image as a mixture for the corresponding cell centers. These local thres-
of two Poisson distributions and developed several holds are then interpolated over the entire image to
parametric methods for segmentation. The assumption yield a threshold surface. They I11) used only gray level
of the Poisson distribution has been justified based on information. Yanowitz and Brucksteint131 extended
the theory ol:image formation. These algorithms max- this idea to use combined edge and gray level informa-
imize either entropy or minimize the Z2 statistic. Though tion. They computed the gray level gradient magnitude
these methods use only the histogram, they produce from a smooth version of the image. The gradient
good results due to the incorporation of the image values have then been thresholded and thinned using
formation model. a local maxima directed thinning process. Locations
All these methods have a common drawback, they of these local gradient maxima are taken as boundary
take into account only the histogram information pixels between object and background. The correspond-
(ignoring the spatial details). As a result, such an algor- ing gray levels in the image are taken as local thresholds.
ithm may fail to detect thresholds if these are not The sampled gray levels are then interpolated over the
properly reflected as valleys in the histogram, which entire image to obtain an adaptive threshold surface.
is normally the case. There are many thresholding Several approaches to the two-dimensional interpola-
schemes that use spatial information, instead of histo- tion problem have been discussed. The performance of
gram information. For example, the busyness measure the algorithm is likely to depend on the choice of the
of Weszka and Rosenfeld~vS) is dependent on the co- threshold levels for the gradients and no guideline has
occurrence of adjacent pixels in an image. They min- been provided for this.
imized the busyness measure in order to arrive at the
threshold for segmentation. Deravi and PaP v6) minim-
ized the conditional probability of transition across 3.1. Relaxation
the boundary between two regions. This method also Relaxationt3'94'96) is an iterative approach to seg-
uses the local information contained in the co-occur- mentation in which the classification decision about
rence matrix of the image. However, finally all these each pixel can be taken in parallel. Decisions made at
methods threshold the histogram, but since they make neighboring points in the current iteration are then
use of the spatial details, they result in a more meaningful combined to make a decision in the next iteration.
segmentation than the methods which use only the There are two types of relaxation: probabilistic and
histogram information. Based on the co-occurrence fuzzy. We discuss here the probabilistic relaxation.
matrix, Chanda et al. ~vv)have given an average contrast Suppose a set of pixels { f l , f 2 . . . . . f,} is t o be classified
measure for segmentation. Pal and Pal ~16,6~ proposed into m classes {C~, C 2..... C,,}. For the probabilistic
measures of contrast between regions and homogeneity relaxation we assume that for each pair of class assign-
of regions using the brightness perception aspect of ments f ~ C j and fheCk, there existsa quantitative
the human psycho-visual system, and applied them measure of compatibility C(i, j; h, k) of this pair, i.e. the
to segmentation. They also defined ~4a)the higher order class assignment ofpixels is interdependent. It is reason-
entropy and conditional entropy of an image giving able to assume that a positive value of C(i, j;h,k)
Image segmentation techniques 1281

indicates the compatibility of f i e Cj and fhe Ck, while features. At the bottom level, the feature or textural
a negative value represents incompatibility and a zero properties of region types are modeled by a second set
don't care situation. The function C need not be sym- of GD, one for each type of class. The segmentation
metric. algorithms are derived by using the maximum a pos-
Let Pij represent the probability thatf~ECj, 1 < i < n terior probability (MAP) criterion. To reduce the com-
and 1 < j < m, with 0 < Pij -< 1, ~" pij = I. Intuitively, putational overhead of the exact MAP estimate, they
J derived suboptimal solutions through simplifying
if Phk is high and C(i, j; h, k) is positive, we increase Pij assumptions in the model. They formulated it as a
since it is compatible with the high probability event dynamic programming problem. These algorithms
fh~ Ck. Similarly, ifph k is high and C(i, j; h, k) is negative, require only one raster scan over the image.
we reduce P~i as it is incompatible with fheC~. On the
other hand, ifphk is lOW or C(i, j; h, k) is nearly zero, Pij
is not changed as either fhe Ck has a low probability 3.3. Neural network based approaches
or is irrelevant to f~ e Cj. The fuzzy relaxation is similar. For any artificial vision application, one desires to
achieve robustness of the system with respect to random
3.2. M R F based approaches noise and failure of processors. Moreover, a system can
There are many image segmentation methods~ ~4 121) (probably) be made artificially intelligent if it is able to
which use the spatial interaction models like Markov emulate some aspects of the human information pro-
Random Field (MRF) or Gibbs Random Field (GRF) cessing system. Another important requirement is to
to model digital images. Geman and Geman(118) have have the output in real time. Neural network based
proposed a hierarchical stochastic model for the original approaches are attempts to achieve these goals. Neural
image and developed a restoration algorithm, based on networks are massively connected networks of ele-
stochastic relaxation (SR) and annealing, for computing mentary processors. (x55-158~ Architecture and dyn-
the maximum a posterior estimate of the original scene amics of some networks are claimed to resemble infor-
given a degraded realization. Due to the use of annealing, mation processing in biological neurons.(157)The mas-
the restoration algorithm does not stop at a local maxima sive connectionist architecture usually makes the system
but finds the global maximum of the a posterior prob- robust while the parallel processing enables the system
ability. We mention here that the probabilistic relax- to produce output in real time. Several authors (159 170)
ation (94) (also known as relaxation labeling (RL)) and have attempted to segment an image using neural
stochastic relaxation, although they share some com- networks. Blanz and Gish (159) used a three-layer feed
mon features like parallelism and locality, are quite forward network for image segmentation, where the
distinct. RL is essentially a non-stochastic (deterministic) number of neurons in the input layer depends on the
process which allows jumps to states (configurations) number of input features for each pixel and the number
of lower energy. On the other hand, SR transition of neurons in the output layer is equal to the number
to a configuration which increases the energy (decreases of classes. Babaguchi eta/. (16°) used a multilayer net-
the probability) is also allowed. In fact, if the new work trained with backpropagation, for thresholding
configuration decreases the energy, the system transits an image. The input to the network is the histogram
to that state, while if the new configuration increases while the output is the desirable threshold. In this
the energy the system accepts that state with a prob- method at the time of learning a large set of sample
ability. This helps the system to avoid the local minima. images with known thresholds which produce visually
RL usually gets stuck in a local minima. Moreover, in suitable outputs are required. But for practical appli-
RL there is nothing corresponding to an equilibrium cations it is very difficult to get many sample images.
state or even a joint probability law over the configur- Recently Ghosh et al. t162' 166) used a massively con-
ations. Derin et al. (1~ ?) extended the one-dimensional nected network for extraction of objects in a noisy
Bayes smoothing algorithm of Askar and Derin (t 20) to environment. The maximum a posterior probability
two dimensions to get the optimum Bayes estimate for estimate of a scene modeled as a GRF and corrupted
the scene value at every pixel. In order to reduce the by additive Gaussian noise has been done using
computational complexity of the algorithm, the scene a neural network. (162) The hardware realization of
is modeled as a special class of MRF models, called neurons to be used for such a network has also been sug-
Markov mesh random fields which are characterized gested. This NN based method takes into account
by causal transition distributions. The processing is the contextual information, because the GRF model
done over relatively narrow strips and estimates are considers the spatial interactions among neighboring
obtained at the middle section of the strips. These pixels. Another robust algorithm for the extraction of
pieces together with overlapping strips yield a sub- objects from highly noise corrupted scenes using a
optimal estimate of the scene. Without parallel implemen- Hopfield type neural network has been developed in
tation these algorithms become computationally references (167, 169). The energy function of the network
prohibitive. Derin and Elliott(x21) used a doubly stoch- has been constructed in such a manner that in a stable
astic hierarchical model for image data. At the top state of the net it extracts compact regions from a noisy
level a Gibbs distribution (GD) is used to characterize scene. A multilayer neural network (~64) where each
the clusters of the image pixels into regions with similar neuron in layer i (i > 1) is connected to the correspond-
1282 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

ing neuron in layer (i - 1) and some of its neighboring ature images). The second stage takes the original
neurons (in layer i - 1), has been used to segment noisy image and the surface type image as input and performs
images. The output status of the neurons in the output an iterative region growing using the variable order
layer has been viewed as a fuzzy set (to be defined in surface fitting. In the variable order surface fitting, first
Section 7). The weight updating rules have been derived it has been tried to represent the points in a seed region
to minimize the fuzziness in the system. For this algor- by a planar surface. If this simple hypothesis of planar
ithm the architecture of the network enforces the system surface is found to be true then the seed region is grown
to consider the contextual information. Moreover, on the planar surface fit. If this simple hypothesis fails,
this algorithm integrates the advantages of both fuzzy then the next more complicated hypothesis of biquad-
sets (decision from imprecise/incomplete knowledge) ratic surface fit is tried. If this is satisfied, the region is
and neural networks (robustness). Shah t~63) formulated grown based on that form otherwise, the next compli-
the problem of edge detection in the context of an cated form is tried. The process is terminated when
energy minimizing model. The method is capable of either the region growing has converged (same region
eliminating weak boundaries and small regions. Cortes obtained twice) or when all preselected hypotheses fail.
and Hertz t 165) proposed a NN to detect potential edges In the later case, possibly a higher order surface should
in different orientatioias. The performance of the system be tried.
has been investigated through simulation studies using Hoffman and Jain ~s2) have developed a method for
simulated annealing and mean field annealing. In segmentation and classification of range images. They
reference (168) the image segmentation problem has have used a clustering algorithm to segment the image
been formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem into surface patches. Different types of clustering algor-
(CSP) and a class of constraint satisfaction neural net- ithms including methods based on minimal spanning
work (CSNN) is proposed. A CSNN consists of a set tree, mutual nearest neighbor, hierarchical clustering
of objects, a set of labels, a collection of constraint and square error clustering have been attempted. The
relations and a topological constraint describing square error clustering has been found to be the most
the neighborhood relationships among various objects. successful method for range images. The feature set
The CSNN is viewed as a collection of interconnected used contains the coordinate position (x, y), the depth
neurons. The architecture is chosen in such a way that value f(x,y) and the estimated unit surface normal
it represents constraints in the CSP. The proposed vector. The unit surface normal vector is normal to the
method is found to be successful on CT (computed tangent plane at a point which is obtained by finding
tomography) images and MRIs. However, robustness the best (in the least square sense) titling plane over a
of the algorithm with noisy data has not been investi- neighborhood. In the second phase of the method
gated. Moreover, for references (164, 168) a large num- these patches are classified as planar, convex or concave.
ber of neurons are required even for an image of In order to make the method of classification more effec-
moderate size. tive they have combined three different methods,
namely, "non-parametric trend test for planarity",
"curvature planarity test", and the "eigenvalue planarity
test". In the final stage, boundaries between adjacent
This section mainly discusses a few selected tech- surface patches are classified as crease or non-crease
niques for range image segmentation. ~9'14'15'82-841 edge, and this information is then used to merge adja-
Besl and Jain t91 have developed an image segmentation cent compatible patches to result in reasonable faces
algorithm based on the assumption that the image of the object. For this type of method, the choice of the
data exhibits surface coherence, i.e. image data may be neighborhood to compute the local parameters is an
interpreted as noisy samples from a piece-wise smooth important issue and no theoretical guideline has been
surface function. Though, this method is probably provided for this.
most useful for range images, it can be used to segment Yokoya and Levine tl4) also used a differential geo-
any type of image that can be modeled as a noisy metric technique like Besl and Jain ~9) for range image
sampled version of a piece-wise smooth graph surface. segmentation. Yokoya and Levine t14J combined both
This method is based on the fact that the signs of region and edge based considerations. They approxi-
Gaussian and mean curvatures yield a set of eight mated object surfaces using biquadratic polynomials.
surface primitives: peak, pit, ridge, saddle ridge, valley, As in reference (9) signs of Gaussian and mean curva-
saddle valley, flat (planar) and minimal. These primitives tures (curvature sign map) have been used to get the
possess some desirable invariant properties and can initial region based segmentation. Two edge maps are
be used to decompose any arbitrary smooth surfaces. formed: one for the jump edge and the other for the
In other words, any arbitrary smooth surface can be roof edge. The jump edge magnitude is obtained by
decomposed into one of those eight possible surface computing the maximum difference in depth between
types. These simple surfaces can be well approximated, a point and its eight neighbors; while the roof edge
for the purpose of segmentation, by bivariate poly- magnitude is computed as the maximum angular dif-
nomials of order < 4. The first stage of the algorithm ference between adjacent unit surface normals. These
creates a surface type label image based on the local two edge maps and the curvature sign map are then
information (using mean curvature and Gaussian curv- fused to form the final segmentation. This method too
Image segmentation techniques 1283

requires selection of threshold levels for the maps and on thresholding and fuzzy c-means (FCM) methods. It22)
the curvature sign map. Improper choice of these The F C M method will be discussed in Section 7. This
parameter values is likely to deteriorate the quality method" 72) can be viewed as a coarse to fine technique
of segmentation output. At this point we note that for which tries to reduce the computational overhead of
range images, detection of jump edges can be done FCM. The method is similar to the iterative algor-
with ordinary gradient operators, but detection of ithm proposed by Huntsberger e t al. ~ 77) except it uses
crease edges with ordinary gradient operators becomes the scale space filter for finding the number of clusters.
difficult. For an inclined plane depth value changes The coarse segmentation attempts to segment using
slowly and hence any difference operator is likely to thresholding and then the F C M algorithm is used to
respond resulting in false edges. Often magnitude of classify pixels which have not yet been assigned to any
the crease edge is computed as the maximum angular class in the coarse segmentation phase. Though the
difference between adjacent unit surface normals. Note method is claimed to find the number of classes auto-
that the maximum angular difference method may matically, it does have some subjective choices. For
(usually will) fail to detect jump edges. example, in the coarse segmentation phase if the num-
Thus for edge detection in range images one needs ber of pixels in a class exceeds a prespecified threshold,
to account for both crease and jump edges separately. then only it is taken as a valid class. We mention here
Rimey and C o h e # s*) formulated the problem as a that a color image is a special case of multispectral
maximum likelihood (ML) segmentation problem. images and algorithms developed for multispectral
Here also the objective is to divide the range image images a37) usually can be used for color image seg-
into windows, classify each window as a particular mentation.
surface primitive, and group like windows into surface
regions. Homogeneous windows are classified accord-
ing to a generalized likelihood ratio test. This test uses
information from adjacent windows and is compu- Segmentation can also be obtained through detection
tationally simple. Once each window has been classi- of edges of various regions, which normally tries to
fied, similar windows are merged using ML clustering locate points of abrupt changes in gray level intensity
analysis. values. As discussed in the previous section, for range
images edges are declared at points of significant changes
5. SEGMENTATIONOF COLOR IMAGES in depth values. Since edges are local features, they are
determined based on local information. A large variety
Color is a very important perceptual phenomenon of methods are available in the literature t3-s'97-113)
related to human response to different wavelengths in for edge finding. Davis" 8,109) classified edge detection
the visible electromagnetic spectrumJ 22' ~~n The image techniques into two categories: sequential and parallel.
is usually described by the distribution of three color In the sequential technique the decision whether a
components R (red), G (green), B (blue). Color image pixel is an edge pixel or not is dependent on the result
is often also represented by three psychological qual- of the detector at some previously examined pixels. On
i t i e s - h u e , saturation and intensity. These color fea- the other hand, in the parallel method the decision
tures and many others can be calculated from the whether a point is an edge or not is made based on the
tristimuli R, G and B by either a linear or a non-linear point under consideration and some of its neighboring
transformation. Ohta e t al. 1174) attempted to find a set points. As a result of this the operator can be applied
of effective color features by systematic experiments in to every point in the image simultaneously. The perform-
region segmentation. They applied an Ohlander type ance of a sequential edge detection method is depen-
segmentation algorithm for the experiment, t175) At dent on the choice of an appropriate starting point and
every step of segmenting a region, calculation of the how the results of previous points influence the selection
new color features is done for the pixels in that region and result of the next point. Kellyt~°) and Chien and
by the Karhunen-Loave (KL) transform of R, B and Fu t111) used guided search techniques for this. Chien
G data. Based on extensive experiments, it has been and Fu ttlt~ detected cardiac and lung boundaries in
found that the following three color features I 1 = (R + chest X-ray images using a sequential search technique
B + G)/3, I2 = (R - B)/2 or (B - R)/2 and I3 = (2G - with an evaluation function.
R - B)/4 constitute an effective set of features for seg- There are different types of parallel differential oper-
mentation. ators such as Roberts gradient, Sobel gradient, Prewitt
Spectrum analysis is another technique of color gradient and the Laplacian operator. ~3-5) These differ-
image segmentation in which prior knowledge about ence operators respond to changes in gray level or av-
object colors is used to classify pixels. However, in erage gray level. The gradient operators, not only re-
many real life applications prior knowledge about the spond to edges but also to isolated points. For Prewitt's
colors of the object may be difficult to gather. Under operator the response to the diagonal edge is weak,
this situation clustering techniques can be used. Ohta while for Sobel's operator it is not that weak as it gives
e t al. ~~ 7,) instead of using the R - B - G color coordinate greater weights to points lying close to the point (x, y)
directly, used I1, I2 and I3. Lim and Lee t~72) developed under consideration. However, both Prewitt's and
a two-stage color image segmentation technique based Sobel's operators possess greater noise immunity. The
1284 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

preceding operators are called the first difference oper- displacement of edge points. The maximization of the
ator. Laplacian, on the other hand, is a second difference product is done subject to a constraint which eliminates
operator. The Laplacian operator is given by multiple responses to single edge points.
In the case of a noise free image, the edge angle can
V2 d2f d2f (3) be measured accurately, but in real life images, noise
= ~t3x + t3y-~. cannot be avoided and it makes it difficult to estimate
The digital Laplacian being a second difference oper- the true edge angles. Kittler et al. (98) suggested three
ator, has a zero response to linear ramps. It responds methods to improve the edge angle estimate obtained
strongly to corners, lines, and isolated points. Thus for from Sobel's operator. All the three methods involve
a noisy picture, unless it has a low contrast, the noise averaging of the outputs of the Sobel operator over
will produce higher Laplacian values than the edges. a 3 x 3 window. One of the methods, which ignores
Moreover, the digital Laplacian is not orientation the effect of the central pixel, at which the angle es-
invariant. A good edge detector, should be a filter with timate is wished, is found to produce the best result.
the following two features. First, it should be a differ- They have justified this counterintuitive view also.
ential operator, taking either a first or second spatial Haralick (1°2) attacked the problem of edge and region
derivative of the image. Second, it should be capable detection from a new angle. He assumed that the
of being tuned to act at any desired scale, so that large observed image is an ideal image with noise added.
filters can be used to detect blurry shadow edges, and Each region in the image is a sloped plane. In order to
small ones to detect sharply focused fine details. The determine the edge between two pixels, best fitted
second requirement is very useful as intensity changes sloped planes over a neighborhood of each pixel are
occur at different scales in an image. According to found. Edges are declared at locations having signifi-
Marr and Hildreth (~°) the most satisfactory operator cantly different planes on either side of them. The least
fulfilling these conditions is the Laplacian of Gaussian square error procedure has been used to estimate the
(LG) operator. It is normally denoted by VEG; where parameters of a sloped surface for a given neighborhood.
the Laplacian is as given by equation (3) and An appropriate F statistic has been used to test the
significance of the difference of the estimated slope
G = e (x2 +Y2)/(2ntr2) (4)
from a zero slope or the significance of the difference
is a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution, with stan- of estimated slopes of adjacent neighbors.
dard deviation a. The Gaussian part of the LG operator An iterative algorithm has been developed by
blurs the image, wiping out all structures at scales Gokmen and Li" 12) using the regularization theory.
much smaller than the a of the Gaussian. (1°1 The The energy functional in the standard segmentation
Gaussian blurring function is preferred over others has been modified to spatially control the smoothness
because it has the desirable property of being smooth over the image in order to obtain the accurate location
and localized in both spatial and frequency domains. of edges. An algorithm for defining a small, optimal
In order to find the intensity change at a given scale, kernel conditioned on some important aspects of the
Marr and Hildreth, first filtered the image with the imaging process has been suggested by Reichenbach
VZG filter and then found the zero-crossings in the et al." ~31for edge detection. This algorithm takes into
filtered image. The space described by the scale par- account the nature of the scene, the point spread func-
ameter a and the zero-crossing curves is called the tion of the image gathering device, the effect of noise,
scale space. The behavior of edges in the scale space etc.; and generates the kernel values which minimize
produced by the LG operator has been studied by Lu the expected mean square error of the estimate of the
and Jain. ~1°6) In order to formulate rules for reasoning scene characteristics. We have discussed various oper-
in the scale space they studied dislocation of edges, ators to get edge values. All the edges produced by
false edges, and merging of edges with nice mathemati- these operators are, normally, not significant (relevant)
cal frames. edges when viewed by human beings. Therefore, one
According to Canny 1~°5)a good edge detector should needs to find out prominent (valid) edges from the out-
have the following three properties: (1) low probability put of the edge operators. Kundu and Pal" 7) have sug-
of wrongly marking non-edge points and low prob- gested a method of thresholding to extract the promi-
ability of'failing to mark real edge points (i.e. good nent edges based psycho-visual phenomena. Had-
detection); (2) points marked as edges should be as don (~°s) developed a technique to derive a threshold
close as possible to the center of true edges (i.e. good for any edge operator, based on the noise statistics of
localization); and (3) one and only one response to a the image.
single edge point (single response). Good detection can
be achieved by maximizing signal to noise ratio (SNR),
while for good localization Canny used the reciprocal 7. METHODS BASED ON FUZZY SET THEORY
of an estimate of the r.m.s, distance of the marked edge Zadeh introduced the concept of fuzzy sets in which
from the center of the true edge. To maximize simul- imprecise knowledge can be used to define an event. A
taneously both good detection and localization criteria fuzzy set A is represented as
Canny (~°5) maximized the product of SNR and the
reciprocal of standard deviation (approximate) of the A = {I~A(Xi)/X i, i = 1,2 . . . . . n} (5)
Image segmentation techniques 1285

where p~(x~) gives the degree of belonging of the ele- boundary or a relation between regions, do not lend
ment xi to the set A. themselves well to precise definition. A gray tone image
The relevance of fuzzy sets theory in pattern recog- possesses ambiguity within pixels due to the possible
nition problems has adequately been addressed in the multi-valued levels of brightness in the image. This
literature.1122 125~It is seen that the concept of fuzzy indeterminacy is due to inherent vagueness rather than
sets can be used at the feature level in representing an randomness. Incertitude in an image pattern may be
input pattern as an array of membership values denot- explained in terms of grayness ambiguity or spatial
ing the degree of possession of certain properties and (geometrical) ambiguity or both. Grayness ambiguity
in representing linguistically phrased input features; means "indefiniteness" in deciding whether a pixel is
at the classification level in representing multi-class white or black. Spatial ambiguity refers to "indefinite-
membership of an ambiguous pattern, and in providing ness" in the shape and geometry of a region within the
an estimate (or a representation) of missing infor- image.
mation in terms of membership values. "251 In other Conventional approaches to image analysis and rec-
words, fuzzy set theory may be incorporated in handling ognition 12-5~ consist of segmenting the image into
uncertainties (arising from deficiencies of information: meaningful regions, extracting their edges and skeletons,
the deficiencies may result from incomplete, imprecise, computing various features/properties (e.g. area, per-
ill-defined, not fully reliable, vague, contradictory infor- imeter, centroid, etc.) and primitives (e.g. line, cor-
mation) in various stages of a pattern recognition ner, curve, etc.) of and relationships among the regions,
system. While the application of fuzzy sets in cluster and finally, developing decision rules/grammars for
analysis and classifier design was in the process of describing, interpreting and/or classifying the image
development, an important and related effort in fuzzy and its subregions. In a conventional system each of
image processing and recognition t 126,133,137,14.1,177) these operations involves crisp decisions (i.e. yes or no,
was evolving more or less in parallel with the aforesaid black or white, 0 or 1) about regions, features, primitives,
general developments. This evolution was based on the properties, relations and interpretations.
realization that many of the basic concepts in image Since the regions in an image are not always crisply
analysis, e.g. the concept of an edge or a corner or a defined, uncertainty can arise within every phase of the




I gray values
a b c




gray values
! I
b c d e

Fig. 1. Different types of membership function: (a) S-type membership function; (b) n-type membership
1286 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

aforesaid tasks. Any decision made at a particular level index of fuzziness, index of crispness) and geometrical
will have an impact on all higher level activities. A ambiguity (fuzzy compactness) of an image have been
recognition (or vision) system should have sufficient described in references (126, 131). These algorithms use
provision for representing and manipulating the un- different S-type membership functions (Fig. l(a)) to
certainties involved at every processing stage; i.e. in define fuzzy "object regions" and then select the one
defining image regions, features, matching, and rela- which is associated with the minimum (optimum)
tions among them, so that the system retains as much value of the aforesaid ambiguity measures. The optimum
of the "information content" of the data as possible. If membership function thus obtained enhances the
this is done, the ultimate output (result) of the system object from background and denotes the membership
will possess minimal uncertainty (and unlike conven- values of the pixels for the fuzzy object region. Note
tional systems, it may not be biased or affected as much that the cross-over point (the point with membership
by lower level decision components). value of 0.5; in Fig. l(a) b is the cross-over point) of
For example, consider the problem of object extrac- the optimum membership function may be considered
tion from a scene. Now, the question is "How can one a threshold for crisp segmentation. Its extension to
define exactly the target or object region in a scene multithresholding has also been made. An S-type
when its boundary is ill-defined?" Any hard thresholding membership function can be asymmetric also. The
made for the extraction of the object will propagate mathematical framework of the algorithm including
the associated uncertainty to subsequent stages (e.g. the selection of S functions, its bandwidth and bounds
thinning, skeleton extraction, primitive selection) and has been established by Murthy and Pal. t132) Many
this might, in turn, affect feature analysis and recog- other measures of image ambiguity, e.g. fuzzy correl-
nition. Consider, for example, the case of skeleton ex- ation,I 1,,6)index of area coverage,t 144)adjacencyt t 44. ~47)
traction of a region through medial axis transformation may similarly be used. Pal and Pal t133'134'151) intro-
(MAT). The MAT of a region in a binary picture is duced a measure called higher order entropy of a fuzzy
determined with respect to its boundary. In a gray tone set and applied it in a similar way to the object extrac-
image, the boundaries are not well defined. Therefore, tion problem using an adaptive membership function.
errors are more likely, if we compute the MAT from The problem of determining the appropriate mem-
the hard-segmented version of the image. bership function in image processing drew the attention
Thus, it is convenient, natural and appropriate to of many researchers. Reconsider the problem of gray
avoid committing ourselves to a specific (hard) decision level thresholding using S functions. If there is a differ-
(e.g. segmentation/thresholding, edge detection and ence in opinion in defining an S function (i.e. instead
skeletonization), by allowing the segments or skeletons of a single membership function, we have a set of
or contours to be fuzzy subsets of the image, the monotonically non-decreasing functions), the concept
subsets being characterized by the possibility (degree) of spectral fuzzy sets t~4s) can be used to provide soft
to which each pixel belongs to them. Similarly, for decisions (a set of thresholds along with their certainty
describing and interpreting ill-defined structural infor- values) by giving due respect to all opinions. In making
mation in a pattern, it is natural to define primitives such a decision, the algorithm minimizes differences in
(line, corner, curve, etc.) and relations among them opinions in addition to the ambiguity measures men-
using labels of fuzzy sets. For example, primitives tioned earlier; thereby managing the uncertainty. The
which do not lend themselves to precise definition may bounds for S-type functions have been defined based
be defined in terms of arcs with varying grades of on the properties of fuzzy correlation ~32) so that any
membership from 0 to I representing their degree of function lying in the bounds would give satisfactory
belonging to more than one class. The production segmentation results. It, therefore, demonstrates the
rules of a grammar may similarly be fuzzified to account flexibility of fuzzy algorithms. Xie and Bedrosian ta45)
for the fuzziness (impreciseness) in physical relation have also made attempts in determining membership
among the primitives; thereby increasing the generative functions for gray level images.
power of a grammar for syntactic recognition of a
We shall describe here a few methods of fuzzy seg- 7.2. Fuzzy clusterin9
mentation (based on both gray level thresholding and
The fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm "2 2~has
pixel classification) and edge detection using global has also been used in image segmentation.I 137.138.177)
and/or local information of an image space. We mention The fuzzy c-means algorithm uses an iterative optim-
here that the result of segmentation should be fuzzy ization of an objective function based on a weighted
subsets rather than ordinary subsets was first suggested similarity measure between the pixels in the image and
by Prewitt." 5o~ each of the c-cluster centers. A local extremum of this
objective function indicates an optimal clustering of
7.1. Fuzzy thresholdin9 the input data. The objective function that is minimized
is given by
Different histogram thresholding techniques in pro-
viding both fuzzy and non-fuzzy segmented versions Wrn(U, V)= ~ ~ (llik)m(dik)2 (6)
by minimizing the grayness ambiguity (global entropy, k=l i--I
Image segmentation techniques 1287

where ]-/ikis the fuzzy membership value of the kth pixel bership function and updating is repeated; otherwise,
in the ith cluster, dlk is any inner product induced norm the algorithm terminates. Fuzzy measures and fuzzy
metric, m controls the nature of clustering with hard integral have also been used for image segmentation
clustering at m = 1 and increasingly fuzzier clustering including multispectral images. (141-143)
at higher values of m, V is the set of c-cluster centers We emphasize here that these developments are
and U is the fuzzy c-partition of the image. Trivedi and mainly based on the applications of fuzzy operators,
Bezdek 1137~ proposed a fuzzy set theoretic image seg- properties and mathematics. Segmentation based on
mentation algorithm for aerial images. The method is the theory of approximate reasoning (i.e. based on
based upon region growing principles using a pyramid "if-then" rules) should constitute a field of research in
data structure. The algorithm is hierarchical in nature. the near future.
Segmentation of the image at a particular processing
level is done by the F C M algorithm. In a multilevel 7.3. Fuzzy edge detection
segmentation experiment, level i regions are considered
Pal and King "26~ used a non-symmetrical member-
homogeneous when image elements have largest cluster
ship function G to get the fuzzy property plane from
membership values of greater than a prescribed thres-
the intensity plane. The G is defined as
hold. If the homogeneity test fails, regions are split to
form the next level regions which are again subjected G(f(x,y)) = (1 + If* - f ( x , y ) l / F a ) ro (7)
to the F C M algorithm. This algorithm is a region
where f* is a reference level, F e and F d are the expo-
splitting algorithm, where the acceptance of a region
nential and denominational fuzzifiers, respectively. If
is determined by fuzzy membership values to different
f* = fma~,the maximum gray level, then G approximates
regions. Hall et al. (~38) segmented magnetic resonance
the standard S function t13°) of Zadeh and when f* is
brain images using the unsupervised fuzzy c-means
equal to some other level, 0 < f* < fmax,it approximates
and also by a supervised computational network a
the standard rr function t~30) of Zadeh shown in Fig. l(b).
dynamic multilayered perceptron trained with the
The G functions under the above cases are denoted by
cascade correlation learning algorithm. The different
Gs and G,, respectively. They used these Gs and G~
aspects of both approaches and their utility for the
functions in conjunction with an intensification oper-
diagnostic process have been discussed. However,
ator INT to intensify the contrast in the image. (Note
computational complexity of fuzzy c-mean is too high
that the non-fuzzy thresholds obtained automatically
to apply it for real time application of MRI segmen-
from fuzzy segmentation techniques can be used in
tation. Cannon et al. (139) suggested an approximate
defining Gs and G,.) Finally, an inverse transformation
version of the algorithm that reduces the compu-
is applied to get the enhanced spatial domain image.
tational overhead. One of the advantages in using
Edges of this enhanced image can then be easily found
fuzzy clustering algorithms is that one can dynamically
with any spatial domain technique. Edge detection
select the appropriate number of clusters depending on
operators based on max and min operations are avail-
the strength of memberships across clusters, t139) Keller
able in references (152-154). In references (133, 151)
and Carpenter "4°) used a modified version of FCM
the entropy of a fuzzy set defined by an adaptive
for image segmentation. The cluster centers are up-
membership function, over a neighborhood of a pixel
dated using the F C M formula but new membership
(x, y) is used as a measure of edginess at (x, y). The use
values for each point are calculated using an S-type
of an adaptive membership function makes the detec-
function based on the feature value of each point and
tion algorithm robust. The framework of the algorithm
the fuzzy means. They (14°) also proposed region grow-
is quite general and works with any measure of am-
ing and relaxation algorithms based on membership
biguity (fuzziness). In the next section we compare a
few of the segmentation techniques.
Backer~l 35) developed a very general clustering strat-
egy which has been applied to different types of data
including images. The set of samples d is first parti-
tioned into c (number of classes) disjoint sets as an in-
itial guess of the desired partition. Then a membership We have discussed several methods of segmentation
function is assigned to those initialized clusters accord- but so far not shown any results. In this section, for
ing to some "point to point subset affinity" mechanism the sake of completeness and illustration, we consider
for all points in .q/. In fact, he suggested a number of segmentation results produced by a few techniques.
affinity mechanisms based on the distance concept, the We implemented six histogram based methods (meth-
neighborhood concept, and the probabilistic concept. ods of OIsu, {52} Pun, 165) Kapur et al., 149~ Kittler and
Updating of the partitions (repartition, reclassification) Illingworth, ~62) Pal and Bhandari, tT~) and Pal and
is then done under the guidance of some criterion PaltS}), and two iterative pixel classification methods
function which characterizes the partition. Three dif- (relaxation t94} and MAP estimate of a scene using
ferent types of criterion functions, based on measures NN~I62)). Reference (8) has several algorithms, we have
of fuzziness, inter fuzzy set distance, and measure of implemented only the maximum entropy algorithm
fuzzy similarity have been considered there. If changes (that uses Poisson distributions). Since the first six
occur in the earlier step, the process of assigning mere- algorithms are not suitable for highly noisy images,
1288 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 2. Image of Abraham Lincoln: (a) input; (b) output by algorithm of Pal and Bhandari; 171~(c) output by
algorithm of Pun; (65J(d) output by algorithm of Kapur et al.; (49) (e) output by algorithm of Pal and Pal;(a)
(f) output by algorithm of OtsuJ 52~

while the last two are, two input images have been this image. We have applied the first six thresholding
used. Figure 2(a) is an image of Abraham Lincoln and algorithms on Fig. 2(a) and the last two algorithms on
Fig. 3(a) is a synthetic noisy image with geometric Fig. 3(a). Figures 2(b)-(f) represent different segmented
objects. Needless to say the first six algorithms fail for images produced by different thresholding methods
Image segmentation techniques 1289

for the image of Lincoln. We tried different initial

approximate thresholds for the method of Kittler and
Illingworth, but it failed completely to produce any
meaningful threshold. The algorithm either does not
converge or converges towards the end of the gray
scale. On the other hand, the algorithm in reference
(71) which essentially uses the concept of Kittler and
lllingworth but with Poisson distributions to model
the histogram, produces a good thresholded image
(Fig. 2(b)). The segmentation results produced by the
methods of Pun ~65~and Kapur eta/. t49) are displayed
in Figs 2(c) and (d), respectively. Both of these methods
are based on entropy maximization. The parametric
method in reference (8) which uses the Poisson dis-
tribution based model (derived considering the image
formation process) produces Fig. 2(e). The result pro-
duced by the method of Otsu (Fig. 2(f)) is better than
Figs 2(c) and (d); but this result is also not as good
as those produced by the Poisson distribution based
methods. For the noisy image (Fig. 3(a)) the probabil-
istic relaxation method produces a reasonably good
segmentation (Fig. 3(b)). The neural network based
II method t162~ which uses the G R F to model the noisy
t~ scene and then uses a network to obtain the MAP esti-
mate of the scene (the segmented image) also produces
a good segmentation (Fig. 3(c)) of Fig. 3(a).

9. O B J E C T I V E E V A L U A T I O N O F S E G M E N T A T I O N

We have already discussed several methods of image

segmentation. It is known that no method is equally
good for all images and all methods are not good for
a particular type of images. Here an important problem
remains to be discussed, how to make a quantitative
tb) evaluation of segmentation results. Such a quantitative
measure would be quite useful for vision applications
where automatic decisions are required. Also this will
help to justify an algorithm. Unfortunately, a human
being is the best judge to evaluate the output of any
segmentation algorithm. However, some attempts have
r already been made for the quantitative evaluation.
Levine and Nazif ~l~s~used a two dimensional distance
measure that quantifies the difference between two
segmented images, one proposed by a human being the
other by an algorithm. Later on they t95~defined another
set of performance parameters such as region uniform-
ity, region contrast, line contrast, etc. These measures
have also been used for quantitative evaluation of
segmentation algorithms. Lim and Lee t172~ attempted
to do this by computing the probability of error between
the manually segmented image and the segmentation
result. Pal and Bhandari ~68)used the higher order local
entropy as an index to measure the quality of the output.
They also suggested the use of symmetric divergence
between two probability distributions, one for the out-
(c) put generated by an algorithm and the other for the
manually segmented image. The correlation measure ~61)
Fig. 3. Noisy image of geometric objects: (a) input; (b) output
by the relaxation algorithm; t94~ (c) output by neural net between the original image and the segmented one has
method.i112) also been used for the purpose of quantitative eval-
1290 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

uation, t6s) We have already mentioned that a human 13. S. D. Yanowitz and A. M. Bruckstein, A new method
being is the ultimate judge to make an evaluation of for image segmentation, Comput. Vision Graphics Image
the result. However, one can use a vector of such Process. 416,82-95 (1989).
14. N.Yokoyaand M. D. Levine, Range image segmentation
measures for objective evaluation. F o r example, if for based on differential geometry: a hybrid approach, IEEE
some segmented image, the correlation, uniformity, Trans. Pattern Analysis Mach. Intell. 11(6), 643-694
and entropy are all high and divergence is low then (1989).
one can consider the output to be good. 15. E. H. Al-Hujazi and A. K. Sood, Integration of edge and
region based techniques for range image segmentation,
SPIE, Vol. 1381, Intelligent Robots and Comput. Vision
10. CONCLUSION IX: Algorithms and Techniques, pp. 589-599 (1990).
16. S. K. Pal and N. R. Pal, Segmentation based on measures
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About the Author--NIKHIL R. PAL obtained the B.Sc. (Hons.) in physics and M.B.M. (operations research)
in 1979 and 1982, respectively, from the University of Calcutta. He received the M.Tech. and Ph.D. in
computer science from the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, in 1984 and 1991, respectively. He was with
Hindusthan Motors Ltd, India, from 1984 to 1985 and with Dunlop India Ltd, India, from 1985 to 1987. At
present he is associated with Machine Intelligence Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, and
1294 N.R. PAL and S. K. PAL

currently visiting the University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida. He was also a guest lecturer at the
University of Calcutta. His research interests include image processing, pattern recognition, artificial
intelligence, fuzzy sets and systems, uncertainty measures and neural networks. He is an associate editor of
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, and the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. He is a
member of IEEE, New York.

About the Allthor--SANKAR K. PAL is a Professor in Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute,
Calcutta. He obtained M.Tech. and Ph.D. in radiophysics and electronics from Calcutta University, and
Ph.D./DIC in electrical engineering from Imperial College, London, in 1974, 1979 and 1982, respectively.
He worked at Imperial College during 1979-83 (as a Commonwealth Scholar and an MRC Post-doctoral
Fellow), at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Maryland, College Park, during
1986-87 (as a Fulbright Fellow), and at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, during
1990-1992 (as an N RC-NASA Senior Research Fellow). He served as a Professor-in-Charge, Physical and
Earth Sciences Division, ISI, during 1988-90. He was also a guest teacher in computer science, Calcutta
University, during 1983-86. His research interests include pattern recognition, image processing, neural
nets, and fuzzy sets and systems. He is a co-author of the books Fuzzy Mathematical Approach to Pattern
Recognition, Wiley (Halsted Press), New York, 1986 and Fuzzy Models for Pattern Recognition: Methods
that Search for Structures in Data, IEEE Press, New York, 1992. He has about 150 research papers to his
credit including ten in edited books and about 100 in international journals. He is listed in Reference Asia,
Asia's Who's Who of Men and Women of Achievements, Vol. IV, 1989. He received the 1990 Shanti Swarup
Bhatnagar Prize (which is the highest and most coveted award for a scientist in India) in engineering sciences
for his contribution in the field of pattern recognition and image processing, and the 1993 Jawaharlal Nehru
Fellowship. He is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, North-
Holland, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, a reviewer of the Mathematical Reviews (American Mathe-
matical Society), a Fellow of IEEE, New York, and a Life Fellow of IETE, New Delhi.

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