2 Corruption Free India For A Developed Nation

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Corruption free India for a developed nation.

Corruption is not a new phenomenon in India, and it is present globally. In India, corruption
is a significant problem, and one of the key deterrents to the development of the country. It
has been present in India right from the independence days.
Corruption is closely associated with the money laundering and bribery used for doing illegal
activities in India. It has become an integral part of Indian society and is so common that it is
impossible to identify corrupt activities.
Nepotism and favouritism are quite old forms of corruption still in usage. This refers to a
person favouring one’s relatives and friends for jobs. Abuse of discretion is another form of
corruption. Here a person misuses his power and authority.
In the recent few years, the corruption scam that has been revealed in India is of mammoth
proportion. Corruption has several adverse effects; it is, therefore, vital to have a corruption-
free India.
According to the studies, it has been found that over 40% of funds allotted by the
Government for the development of rural areas do not reach the people. A complete end to
corruption is one way so that people can lead better lives.
India has been facing the problem of underemployment and unemployment for a long, which
are more prevalent in urban areas.
Several people are finding it difficult to find their choice of jobs, and others become victims
of unemployment due to corrupt practices of the employers like taking bribes or donations
from the candidates for the position available in the company or firm rather than considering
the merit of the candidate.
In many companies, especially public sectors, recruitment is based on the caste of the person
rather than based on merit. Because of such corrupt practices, deserving youngsters are
denied work opportunities.
Corruption is deeply rooted in India that it has not even spared the justice system of the
country. Corrupt leaders and bureaucrats are spared from the strict punishment for criminal
The criminals quickly get away by paying large sums of bribes to judicial authorities. The
people also have become too tolerant of such activities and fear raising a voice against such
anti-social elements. A corruption-free society will lead to more development, and justice
will prevail.
Because of large-scale corruption prevailing in almost all sectors among all the developing
countries, India has the largest budget deficits. Reduction in corruption will increase the
scope for investment in public services like education and health facilities.

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