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Red Bell Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annum) as Chlorine Absorbent in Tap Water

School Year 2021-2022

Aquino, Edjay D.
Arquilla, Suzaine Mickaela S.
Bazar, Sophia G.
Boregas, Calm Kaisha J.
Olarte, Karizze Gnaye T.
Sorio, Ellyzza Mel B.
Student Researchers

Pitogo High School

Negros St., Brgy. Pitogo, Makati City

Mrs. Erma A. Ragasa

Research Adviser

June 3, 2022

Chlorine is a disinfecting agent put in sewage water to sterilize bacteria and viruses

before distributing it to household areas. Water containing high levels of chlorine can

cause water-borne diseases to the consumers. Vitamin C is used to dechlorinate tap water.

Red Bell Pepper is known for a rich amount of Vitamin C, about 169.9 %. The purpose of

this study was to determine the effectiveness of Red Bell Pepper Seeds as a chlorine

absorbent in tap water. Quasi-experimental design was employed to obtain the pre-test

and post-test data. 15 Red Bell Pepper was used through random sampling. Each

chlorinated sample was treated with 7.04 grams of Red Bell Pepper. Each treatment was

exposed at different contact times (1 Day, 3 Days, and 5 Days). The statistical treatment

applied was T-test. T-test was used to determine the significance (p > 0.05). Tap water

underwent a pre-test and identified a chlorine level of 1.0. After treatment, post-test

yielded a 0.2 chlorine level indicating a significant decrease in the chlorine present.

Treatments presented consistent (1D: 0.2; 3D: 0.2; 5D: 0.2) results in ten trials (1±0.4).

Red Bell Pepper Seeds have effectively decreased the chlorine level in tap water (at p >

0.05). Red Bell Pepper Seeds were also an effective chlorine absorbent. When treated,

Red Bell Pepper Seeds, containing vitamin C, neutralized the chlorine solution in tap

water. Red Bell Pepper Seeds have many potentials to be discovered other than in the

food sector. This research may lead to great innovation and accessible de-chlorinator to

the middle and low-class families providing safe tap water for the general public.

This research becomes a reality with the help and support of many individuals. The
researchers would like to extend their sincere gratitude to all of them.

First and foremost, the researchers want to offer this hard work to God, who made
everything possible and bestowed wisdom and strength in the process of making this

Second, the researchers are highly indebted to Mrs. Erma A. Ragasa for her guidance and
supervision, and for imparting her knowledge in this study. Her deep understanding and
wealth of experience have inspired us throughout our academic research. Thank you for
guiding us throughout the whole process of this Research Paper. 

This Research Paper could have not been accomplished without our teamwork. To our
Researchers, Ellyzza, Karizze, Suzaine, Sophia, Calm, and Edjay. Thank you for your
patience and bearing with each other until the end. Your knowledge is the piece to
complete this study.

Finally, to our parents who supported us with our needs in this study, thank you so much
for providing the materials we needed. We would like to express our appreciation for
their unwavering support. It would have been impossible for us to complete our study
without their tremendous understanding, support, and encouragement over the last few

Appreciations and gratitude also go to the people who have willingly helped with their



a. Background of the study…………………………………………………..……..6

b. Statement of the Problem/Objectives…………………………………….……...7
c. Formulation of Hypothesis…………………………………………………...….8
d. Significance of the Study……………………………………………….……......8
e. Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………......9
f. Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………10


CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK……….……………………………………………….22


a. Research Design…………………….……………………………….…......……23
b. Materials……………………………………………………………………..…..24
c. General Procedure……………………………………………………………….25
d. Experimental Setup…………………………………...…………………………28
e. Statistical Treatment of Data…………………………………...………………..28

RESULT AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………………......32

a. Table 1. Absorbance of Chlorine at Different Contact Time……………...….…32

b. Table 2. Changes in Tap Water Before and After Treatment…...…...…………..33

c. Figure 1. T- test graph distribution………………………………………………36


a. Summary of Findings……………………………………………………….……37
b. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………........39


Water is a necessary must-have for People to survive. For about 7.8 million

people in this world, only a few have access to improved water sources. There is a risk in

transporting water to each household of possible Contamination. People need water to

keep the body hydrated and essential for their everyday lives. However, we are not sure

about the safety of the water that we use every day. 

Red Bell Pepper is exceptionally rich in Vitamin C. About 127.7 mg amount of Vitamin

C is present in Red Bell Pepper. It has triple the amount of Vitamin C in Orange which

makes it one of the highest foods containing Vit. C. Red Bell Pepper is a healthy food

due to its many health benefits. It may reduce the risks of chronic illnesses, improve eye

health, and reduce the risk of Anemia. Red Bell Pepper is certainly healthy because of the

other nutrients also present.

Tap Water contains Chlorine to decrease the chances of harmful Waterborne Bacteria

spreading through the water, such as E.Coli and NoroVirus. It is used as part of the

sanitation process for industrial waste and sewage. When exposed to Chlorine it may

cause burning pain, redness, and blisters on the skin. Chlorine is very harmful and unsafe

for those who directly use chlorinated tap water. 

Several studies have been performed on the antimicrobial effects of chlorine on different

pathogens that may be found in different fruits and vegetables. Bell peppers have 3

varieties of colors green, orange, yellow, and red. Red Bell Pepper Seeds are an excellent

source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium. Red bell peppers pack the most nutrition

than the other colors of bell peppers. Red bell peppers are on the vine longest. Red bell
peppers are exceptionally rich in Vitamin C which increases their absorption. It also

contains a healthy dose of fiber folate and iron. Beyond its nutritional value, red bell

peppers may play a protective role by absorbing the chlorine content mostly in

consumers' tap water.

Red Bell Pepper seed is a good absorbent for chlorine as it has several properties that are

good for adsorption. As Red Bell Pepper is a natural fruit, it has a high-affinity property

that is good for absorbing such contents. Rich in Vitamin C as mentioned, which

increases Red Bell Pepper's absorption is also an addition. Red Bell Pepper is also an

easy resource, as it is abundant. It would be easy to gather seeds, as the main resource

from this research. It is also cost-effective and has many properties to consider in. Thus,

researchers consider Red Bell Pepper, as per research gains.

As a result, attention has been given to the market to develop dechlorinators, such as

Filter Machines and Vitamin C treatments. However, these are not accessible and

practical for some due to high costs. Considering that, attention has now been given to

developing a new small-scale absorbing machine. Adding Bell Pepper which is effective

in reducing/absorbing the amount of content availability of Chlorine in Tap Water makes

this research possible because of its High Vitamin C. Demands increased interest in the

development. This study is to be undertaken to assess Red Bell Pepper’s effectiveness

(Capsicum annuum) as Chlorine Adsorbent in Filtration for Tap Water.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to remove Chlorine in Tap Water using Red Bell Pepper Seeds as

adsorbent. Moreover, this seeks to provide a solution to the following statements:

1. Are Red Bell Pepper Seeds an effective Chlorine Absorbent?

2. Will Red Bell Pepper Seeds decrease the Chlorine amount present in Tap Water?

3. Will there be changes in before and after treatment in Tap Water?


If the Red Bell Pepper Seeds (Capsicum annuum) can decrease the chlorine content in the

tap water, then Red Bell Pepper Seeds are an effective chlorine absorbent.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to find potential for Red Bell Pepper Seeds and make use

of its capabilities. Red Bell Pepper Seeds have much more potential other than in the food

industry. The researchers aim to find another use for it and make it beneficial for the

public, especially the agriculture sector. The findings of this study will redound to the

benefit of water consumers. As water plays an important role in our everyday lives, as it

is needed by our body. As greater demand continuously increases for water, the need in

discovering a more efficient way in producing clean water is needed. We must assure its

cleanliness and safety as we take it into our bodies. Thus, the result of this study will be

able to gather discovery of the efficient way in absorbing chlorine content from the water.

As Red Bell Pepper seed will be used in adsorbing chlorine content from water, this study

links another filtration method in cleaning water. This study will benefit mainly water

consumers, by assuring that water that they are using will be clean and safe.

Red Bell Pepper seed as an adsorbent for chlorine content in tap water, will be helpful.

As it contains properties that would be able to absorb chlorine. Cleaning water does not
only benefit water consumers but also our environment. It also benefits from animals,

plants, etc. Bacteria and viruses live in the water. Eliminating these organisms will be

beneficial and safe for the consumers. For the researchers, the study will uncover further

research and experiment on Red Bell Pepper Seeds' abilities in absorbing chlorine

content. Thus, a new efficient way of absorbing such content as chlorine from tap water

may be applied.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the effectiveness of Red Bell Pepper Seeds in reducing the content

of Chlorine in Tap Water. The scope of this study is for research purposes. It scopes the

properties of Red Bell Pepper Seeds as an effective Chlorine Absorbent. It only absorbs

Chlorine. On the other hand, Red Bell Pepper Seeds can last for a maximum of 2 weeks,

but the advisable best use is for only 1 week.

Definition of Terms

Absorbent - a material with the ability to absorb a substance, particularly


Chlorine - A chemical element isolated as a heavy greenish-yellow diatomic

gas with a pungent odor that is used in water purification as a disinfectant.

Chlorine Level - Measurement of the chlorine's intensity.

Dechlorinator - used to remove chlorine from a substance or water.

DPD (DIETHYLPHENYLEDIAMINE) - a test done for measuring

chlorine concentration present in the tap water.

Filter- used for removing impurities or solid particles from the tap water.

OTO (ORTHOTOLIDINE) - a colorless reagent that reacts with chlorine

to produce a series of yellow colors that indicate the amount of chlorine.

Red Bell Pepper - a mature red capsicum fruit that is rich in vitamin C.

Red Bell Pepper Seeds - collected seeds from Red Bell Pepper, commonly

deemed as not functional and waste.

Tap Water - is water supplied through a tap, that usually contains chlorine.
Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) – an effective tool for qualitative and

quantitative analysis detection of contaminant in water environment.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can be found in citrus

vegetables and fruits, like red bell pepper.

Review of Related Literatures

Vulnerability of Legionellae pneumophila to chlorine in valve water. According

to John M. Kutcha, et. al., " At 21°C, pH 7.6, and 0.1 mg of free chlorine residual per

liter, L is killed 99 percent of the time. Pneumophila was killed in 40 minutes, whereas

Escherichia coli was killed in less than 1 minute. The needed contact time for the removal

of L. pneumophila was twice as long at 4°C than it was at 21°C. Tap water is used

because the purpose of this study was to investigate the survival of legionellae in a

municipal water system. Legionella and non-Legionella bacteria were cultured on

buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar at 370C. Legionellae bacteria were incubated for 76

hours, while non-Legionella bacteria were incubated for 24 hours. The bacteria were

scraped from the plate, washed twice with 30 ml of distilled water, and then suspended in

5 ml of distilled water. This inoculum was added to the aquatic test system to achieve a

bacterial density of ca. 3,000 CFU/ml. This density of L. pneumophila is within the range

reported in contaminated hot water tanks. L. pneumophila may survive for periods of

longer than 1 h under the same conditions. Thus, the survival of L. pneumophila in

chlorinated waters may vary with the season and geographic area."1

John M. Kutcha,," Susceptibility of Legionella pneumophila to Chlorine in Tap Water "
(American Society for Microbiology Journals, 1983)
Effects of Ozone and Chlorine postharvest treatments on the quality of fresh‐cut

Red Bell Peppers. Corresponding to the study of Sandra Horvitz,, "The outcome of

chlorine (200 μL L−1), ozonated water (1 μL L−1) and gaseous ozone (0.7 

μL L−1) on physicochemical attributes and microbial quality of minimally processed

red bell peppers were studied. In all the experiments, O2 continuously reduced and

concentration of CO2 rise. The pH was augmented and a significant softening was

observed in all the fruits. By day 14, L * values dropped in all the fruits, with the topmost

changes plant in the chlorinated samples (roughly 12 units). Peppers treated with aqueous

solutions showed greater changes in the quality attributes with increasing washing times

and, especially when chlorine was used. The exposure for three min to gaseous O3

reduced the mesophiles, bacterium, viruses, and fungal populations of the fresh‐cut

peppers in 2.5, 3.3, and 1.8 log units, respectively. Combined with modified atmosphere,

this could be an applicable system to maintain the quality and extend the storehouse

period of minimally reused red bell peppers." 2

The effect of ozone on the microbial population of fresh-cut lettuce (Lactuca

sativa) and green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum). A. Alexopoulos et al., claims

that, "Raw vegetables are typically contaminated by a variety of microorganisms. Post-

harvest microflora differs significantly, reflecting environmental and handling conditions,

and may jeopardize product safety and consumer health." Dipping or rinsing vegetables

in a bleach solution is a common practice employed by retailers and catering companies

in order to minimize the initial bacterial load on the surface of vegetables. Rinsing or

dipping vegetables in water saturated with ozone could be an alternative, environmentally

Sandra Horvitz,, “Effects of ozone and chlorine postharvest treatments on quality of fresh‐
cut red bell peppers.” (2012)
friendly and safer process, since no harmful by-products or residues are formed. Lettuce

(Lactuca sativa) and bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) dipped in chlorinated water (20

ppm) resulted in a 1 log decrease in the total microbial count in the first 15 min.

Immersion of vegetables in ozone-pretreated water (0.5 mg/L) had no effect because the

total microbial count decreased by approximately 0.5 log at the same time. Sanitation

treatments were most effective when vegetables were dipped in continuously ozonated

(0.5 mg/L) water, leading to about 2 logs of microbial load decreasing in the first 15 min

and 3.5 logs after 30 min of exposure. The best results were obtained with bell pepper

due to its smooth uniform surface, which allows for greater ozone effectiveness. Bacteria

reduction kinetics in continuous ozonation trials were fitted satisfactorily by a Weibull-

based model, allowing better optimization of the process. The efficiency of ozone as a

sanitizing agent in fresh-cut lettuce and bell peppers was evaluated. When vegetables

were immersed in continuously ozonated water (0.5 mg/L), the best sanitation results

were obtained. The dipping of vegetables in chlorinated (20 ppm) or pre-ozonated water

was not so effective. Bacteria, as coliforms (bacteria that are always present within the

track of digestives to animals) and total aerobic mesophiles were sensitive to ozone.

Bacteria reduction kinetics rather than yeasts/molds were best fitted by a Weibull-based


According to Setareh Sanati,, Recently, there is a rising demand for herbal

drugs which have fewer adverse effects and have shown more beneficial effects in

comparison with synthetic options. Red pepper, with the scientific name of Capsicum

annuum, belongs to the Solanaceae family. The lipid-lowering, antihypertensive,

A. Alexopoulos,, “Evaluation of ozone efficacy on the reduction of microbial population of
fresh cut lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum)” (2012)
antidiabetic, and anti-obesity effects of C. annuum have been demonstrated in several

studies. In this review, we give a brief statement to different animal and human studies on

the effect of red pepper and capsaicin on different components of metabolic syndrome,

which are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). According to these studies, red

pepper as well as capsaicin has the ability to control metabolic syndrome and its related

disorders such as obesity, disrupted lipid profile, diabetes, and its complications. Red

pepper has beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome and can reduce the risk of mortality

from cardiovascular diseases, but more research is needed to confirm its benefits,

particularly in humans.4

Yasemin Saplakoglu says chlorine is a necessary element for summer fun; after

all, you wouldn't want to take a dip in a swimming pool without it. The chemical helps

keep us safe from an otherwise bacteria-filled soup of pool water and pee. (Fun fact: That

swimming pool smell you associate with chlorine isn't actually chlorine at all, but a

compound called trichloramine, which forms when chlorine reacts with pee and sweat.)

But too much chlorine can cause a lot of skin irritation, said Dr. Ana Duarte. Excess

chlorine in the pool can sometimes also cause small amounts of vapor to come out of the

water, which "can trigger [a person's] asthma," Duarte said, though she noted that she

doesn't think this effect is too common. 5

Joshua Bote, although most tap water meets legal standards set by the federal

government, EWG researchers found that contaminants present in tap water create a

measurable risk for cancer. "The vast majority of community water systems meet legal

Setareh Sanati,, “A review of the effects of Capsicum annuum L. and its
constituent, capsaicin, in metabolic syndrome.” (2017)
Yasemin Saplakoglu, “What Does Chlorine Really Do to Your Body?” (2018)
standards," said Olga Naidenko, the vice president for science investigations at EWG,

in a statement. "Yet the latest research shows that contaminants present in the water at

those concentrations – perfectly legal – can still harm human health." The study,

funded by the Park Foundation, compiled a list of 22 contaminants with carcinogenic

risks present in 48,363 community water systems in the United States, which EWG

estimates serve about 86% of the U.S. population. Based on a cumulative risk

assessment, EWG found that per 10,000 people, four will have cancer over the span of

their lifetime due to contaminants in the water. 6

According to Lenntech, breathing small amounts of chlorine for short periods of

time adversely affects the human respiratory system. The effects differ from coughing

and chest pain to water retention in the lungs. Chlorine irritates the skin, the eyes, and

the respiratory system. These effects are not likely to occur at levels of chlorine that are

normally found in the environment. Human health effects associated with breathing or

otherwise consuming small amounts of chlorine over long periods of time are not

known. Some studies show that workers develop adverse effects from repeat inhalation

exposure to chlorine, but others will not.7

Chlorine gas is a toxic respiratory irritant that is considered a chemical threat

agent because of the potential for release in industrial accidents or terrorist attacks.

Joshua Bote, “Can you get cancer from tap water? New study says even 'safe' drinking
water poses risk” (2019)
“Health effects of Chlorine.” n.d
Chlorine inhalation damages the respiratory tract, including the airways and distal lung,

and can result in acute lung injury. Some individuals exposed to chlorine experience a

full recovery from an acute injury, whereas others develop persistent adverse effects,

such as respiratory symptoms, inflammation, and lung-function decrements. In animal

models, chlorine can produce persistent inflammation, remodeling, and obstruction in

large or small airways, depending on the species. Airways with pseudostratified

epithelium are repaired efficiently, with surviving basal epithelial cells serving as

progenitor cells that repopulate the complement of differentiated cell types. Distal

airways lacking basal cells are repaired less efficiently, leading to chronic inflammation

and fibrosis at these sites. Persistent chlorine-induced airway disease in humans is

treated with asthma medication to relieve symptoms. However, such treatment does not

ameliorate the underlying disease pathogenesis, so treatments that are more effective at

preventing the initial development of airway disease after irritant gas exposure and at

reversing established disease are needed.8

Decontamination Effect of the Spindle and 222-Nanometer Krypton-Chlorine

Excimer Lamp Combination against Pathogens on Apples (Malus Domestica Borkh.) and

Bell Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). According to Jun-Won Kang,, "They

developed a washing system capable of decontaminating fresh produce by combining the

Spindle apparatus, which detaches microorganisms on sample surfaces, and a 222-nm

krypton-chlorine excimer lamp (KrClexcilamp) (Sp-Ex) and investigated their

decontamination effect against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica serovar

Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on apple (Malus Domestica Borkh.) and bell

Hoyle GW, Svendsen ER. “Persistent effects of chlorine inhalation on respiratory
health.” Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016;1378(1):33-40. doi:10.1111/nyas.13139
pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) surfaces. The initial levels of the three pathogens were

approximately 108 CFU/sample. Both E. coli O157:H7 and S. Typhimurium were

reduced to below the detection limit (2.0 log CFU/sample) after 5 and 7 min of treatment

on apple and bell pepper surfaces, respectively. The amounts of L. monocytogenes on

apple and bell pepper surfaces were reduced by 4.26 and 5.48 logs, respectively, after 7 

min of treatment. The decontamination effect of the Sp-Ex was influenced by the

hydrophobicity of the sample surface as well as the microbial cell surface, and the

decontamination effect decreased as the two hydrophobicity values increased. To

improve the decontamination effect of Sp-Ex, Tween 20, a surfactant that weakens the

hydrophobic interaction between the sample surface and pathogenic bacteria, was

incorporated into the Sp-Ex processing. It was found that its decontamination effect was

significantly (P < 0.05) increased by the addition of 0.1% Tween 20. Sp-Ex did not cause

significant quality changes in apple or bell pepper surfaces during 7 days of storage

following treatment (P > 0.05). Our results suggest that Sp-Ex could be applied as a

system to control pathogens in place of chemical sanitizer washing by the fresh produce


The effect of chlorine in water on enteric viruses. According to Sally Kelly,

Ph.D., and Wallace W. Sanderson, "Complete inactivation of enteric viruses (beyond the

limit of detection) was not achieved by the usual conditions for bacterial disinfection of

water supplies, i.e., free residual chlorine concentrations of 0.2 ppm for 10-minute

contact at pH 7. Concentrations of free residual chlorine of from 0.2 to 0.3 ppm

Jun-Won Kang and Dong-Hyun Kang, “Decontamination Effect of the Spindle and 222-
Nanometer Krypton-Chlorine Excimer Lamp Combination against Pathogens on Apples
(Malus domestica Borkh.) and Bell Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.).”
inactivated viruses after contact periods of 30 minutes. Contact periods of at least four

hours were necessary for inactivation by combined residual chlorine concentrations of 0.7

ppm. The results suggest that the inactivation of enteric viruses in water at pH 7, 25° C,

requires a minimum free residual chlorine concentration of 0.3 ppm for contact periods of

at least 30 minutes; at higher pH levels or lower temperatures, more intensive

chlorination is necessary. 10

Chlorine (Cl) is a dangerous chemical. Inhalation of chlorine gas or drinking

highly concentrated sources of chlorine (such as household bleach) can lead to vomiting,

coma, and even death.1 For this reason, many people fear that the chlorine in swimming

pools and drinking water can be harmful to health, and cause cancer. This has been

spread further by water filter manufacturers and makers of ‘chlorine-free’ pools, who

may assert that chlorine can cause cancer.11

Cytotoxic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties of red sweet pepper

(Capsicum annuum L. var. Llanerón) extracts: In vitro study, Mild antimicrobial activity

was only observed for alcoholic extracts. The results showed the potential of red sweet

pepper (C. annuum L.) as a source of antioxidant and cytotoxic compounds, and suggest

the need for further studies to isolate and characterize the bioactive compounds that

impart those properties.12

Potential Health Effects of Chlorine Dioxide as a disinfectant in Portable Water

Supplies. According to Gary S. Moore,, as chlorine was added to water supplies, "it

Sally Kelly, Ph.D., and Wallace W. Sanderson, “THE EFFECT OF CHLORINE IN
Cancer Council, “Chlorine and Myth” (2019)
Raybaudi-Massilia,, “Cytotoxic, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of red
sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. Llanerón) extracts: In vitro study” (2017)
interacts with various organic substances in the water, results in the formation of

trihalomethanes (1, 2) that may be carcinogenic (1, 3,4,5). Therefore, alternative

disinfectant methods need to be explored." Trihalomethanes are a group of chemicals that

can possibly contaminate drinking water. Thus, they are not safe for people to use. Also,

the study says that Nitrites and chlorites are thought to act synergistically to produce

MetHb. Methemoglobin is a blood disorder in which red blood cells are unable to bind

oxygen, preventing them from delivering oxygen to tissues. Chlorine dioxide (C102) is

known to be considered a method that would reduce the formation of trihalomethanes,

however, "end products of Cl02 disinfection of potable waters include chlorate and

chlorite (5) and these substances have potential adverse effects to human health." 13

In addition to the use of Bell pepper as a food ingredient, it is also used in

traditional medicines, especially to treat symptoms such as stomach ache, diarrhea, and

dysentery. Most gastroenteritis can be caused by tainted food. Foodborne gastroenteritis

affects several million people around the world every year. This is one of the main causes

of death in infants, children, and the elderly. Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes,

Staphylococcus aureus, and Campylobacter jejuni were the main pathogens involved in

the poisoning, and gastroenteritis is the leading cause of death and morbidity. It is

therefore important to investigate the potential use and antibacterial activity of peppers. 14

According to Rose Koffi-Nevry, Kouassi Clément Kouassi, Zinzerdof Yesse

Nanga, Marina Koussémon & Guillaume Yao Loukou, the extracts of Capsicum annuum

John M. Kutcha,," Susceptibility of Legionella pneumophila to Chlorine in Tap Water "
(American Society for Microbiology Journals, 1983)
Rose Koffi-Nevry,, “Antibacterial Activity of Two Bell Pepper Extracts: Capsicum
annuum L. and Capsicum frutescens.” (International Journal of Food Properties, 2012)
and Capsicum frutescens methanol and aqueous extracts on selected bacteria were found

to be effective against Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella

typhimurium, while methanol extracts showed the greatest effect. The extract from

Capsicum annuum showed higher antibacterial activity than the one from Capsicum

frutescens. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of methanol and aqueous extracts were

0.20 mg mL−1 and 0.25 mg mL−1, respectively. Minimal bactericidal concentrations

values of both extracts ranged from 1 to 2.5 mg mL−1. The phytochemical assay revealed

the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and sterols. Thus, Capsicum fruits

may serve as a source of natural bactericidal agents to be used in food and medicinal


This study focuses on the disinfection and killing effect of chlorine dioxide on

viruses, algae, and animal planktons in the water. The inactivation effects of chlorine

dioxide in Poliovirus-1, Coxsackie B3, ECHO-11, Adenovirus-7, Herpes simplex virus 1

and Mumps, etc. in water are roughly investigated experimentally. Its aim

are microorganisms in the water that have some influences on human’s health, that can

lead to illnesses or even deaths. Liquid chlorine was compared to the effects. In the

experiment, it shows that the dosing 1.0 mg/L, CIO2 may kill completely or inactivate six

kinds of viruses that are mentioned. Therefore, chlorine dioxide is way better than liquid

chlorine in terms of the capacity in inactivating the viruses. In the table that was shown in

the study, the result of CIO2 may attain inactivation effects of the viruses within a wider

pH value range (pH = 3 ~ 7). Therefore, the study concludes that chlorine dioxide is a

Rose Koffi-Nevry,, “Antibacterial Activity of Two Bell Pepper Extracts: Capsicum


annuum L. and Capsicum frutescens.” (International Journal of Food Properties, 2012)

better disinfectant rather than using an ordinary one such as liquid chlorine or chloramine

in the inactivation effect on the viruses of water.16

Cells of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on uninjured and injured surfaces of green

pepper were inactivated by 0·15–1·2 mg l−1ClO2gas treatments. A membrane-surface-

plating method was used for resuscitation and enumeration of E. coli O157:H7 treated

with ClO2. The location and viability of E. coli O157:H7 on uninjured and injured green

pepper surfaces after ClO2gas treatments were visualized using confocal laser scanning

microscopy (CLSM). Live and dead cells of E. coli O157:H7 on pepper surfaces were

labeled with a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled antibody and propidium iodide,

respectively. A 7·27 log reduction of E. coli O157:H7 on uninjured green pepper surfaces

was obtained with a 0·60 mg l−1ClO2gas treatment for 30 min at 20°C under 90–95%

relative humidity. For injured surfaces, a 6·45 log reduction was achieved with a 1·2 mg

l−1ClO2gas treatment. Each ClO2gas treatment (0·15–1·2 mg l−1ClO2) for inoculated

bacteria on uninjured surfaces showed significantly more reductions (1·23–4·24 log) than

for those on injured surfaces (P<0·05). The microphotographs of CLSM showed that

bacteria preferentially attached to injured surfaces and those bacteria could be protected

from bacterial reduction by the injuries. This study indicates that ClO2gas treatment can

be a potentially effective method of the pathogen for fresh fruits and vegetables.17


Han, Y. “Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on surface-uninjured and -injured
green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by chlorine dioxide gas as demonstrated by confocal
laser scanning microscopy.” (2005)
The study focused on utilizing the Red Bell Pepper Seeds as an absorbent for Chlorine

present in Tap Water. The High Vitamin C property of Red Bell Pepper Seed was taken

advantage of to make a beneficial Chlorine Absorbent. Seeds were extracted inside the

Red Bell Pepper and were pounded to make them flat. A desirable amount will be put

inside a gallon containing 3 Liters of Water. Each gallon: 1 Day, 3 days, and 5 Days will

be tested to determine the changes in the before and after treatment.

This chapter presents the Research Design, Materials and Equipment, The General

Procedures: Determination of Chlorine Content, Preparation of Bell Pepper, Filter

System, Testing the Filtered Tap Water, and Statistical Treatment of Data.

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Red Bell Pepper in

adsorbing Chlorine present in Tap Water. Moreover, reducing its initial chlorine content.

The causality will be assessed as it can give the reason for such a result. Also, researchers

see this study as an opportunity for Red Bell Pepper Seeds that was thought dysfunctional

used to maximize their purpose as a dechlorinator.


This study utilized the quasi-experimental, pretest, and post-test design. Quasi-

Experimental has the resemblance to True Experimental but differs in assigning subjects

into two groups. In True Experimental Design, subjects are assigned randomly. On the

other hand, Quasi-Experimental Design has its corresponding characteristics to True

experimental. Such as they both propose to determine the causal relationships among the

variables. Though, they vary in some areas. A quasi-experiment contrasting true

experiment fails to depend on random assignment. Subjects are rather divided into

clusters or groups based on non-random criteria. Subjects are chosen purposively

meaning those chosen could correspond to the objectives of the study. Wherein some
cases and instances that true experimental aren't practical because of ethical or practical

considerations, quasi-experimental design is a beneficial method.



 4 pieces of 3 Liters of Water Container

 15 pieces of Red Bell Pepper

 Plastic Container or Tupperware


 Mortar and Pestle

 Chlorine Test Kit


 OTO (Orthotolidine) Solution

 Phenol Roure /RED

Determination of Initial Chlorine Content

The chlorine content in tap water is usually 1-16 mg/L for water treatment. Chlorine is

used in tap water to reduce the chance of harmful water-borne bacteria like E. Coli and

Norovirus. The only safe amount of chlorine is up to 4 mg/L or 4 parts per million (ppm)

to be safe drinking water. The simplest method for testing for chlorine residual is the dpd

(diethyl paraphenylenediamine) indicator test, using a Comparator. Water was put in the

chamber and added 4 drops of OTO Solution (Orthotolidine) into the water. Shake for 5

seconds and once the color is visible compare it with the scale values. The scale values

represented by a number indicate the quantity of chlorine combined with water.

Preparation of Bell Pepper

The most salient part of the experiment was the preparation of the Red Bell Peppers. The

Researchers washed the Red Bell Pepper with tap water and patted until dry, then the

next step was to cut the Red Bell Peppers into two. The researchers extracted the bell

pepper seeds and placed it in a container. After extracting the seeds, the seeds were sun-

dried for two hours. The seeds were pounded that made them flat.
Filter System
Four containers with 3 liters capacity would be used. Label each of the containers as C

for controlled, 1D for day one, 3D for day three, and 5D for day 5. After labelling the

container, put one and a half teaspoon of seeds into each container. The seeds were

settled on the bottom of the water. The chlorine absorbent can be used for a maximum of

five days.
Testing the Filtered Tap Water
For each corresponding day, all samples were collected and tested with the DPD indicator

test. Sample Waters was put in the chamber and four drops of OTO Solution

(Orthotolidine) were added into the water. Shake for 5 seconds and visible color indicates

the scale values. The scale values represented by a number indicated the quantity of

chlorine combined with water.

1D 3D


Table 1. Absorbance of Chlorine at Different Contact Time

SAMPLE Chlorine Absorbance Average


1 2 L3 4 L5 6 L7 8 L9 10

Tap Water,



Tap Water,

1 Day

Tap Water,

3 Day

Tap Water,

5 Day


Judgement Sampling Technique was used to yield data. The respondents of this study

were chosen purposively to make sure it could correspond to the objectives of the study.

Descriptive statistical tools such as mean, and standard deviation was employed.

The data collected from the experiment was analyzed. To determine if there is significant

difference between two groups, t- test will be used as inferential tests. All inferential tests

were set at 0.05 alpha levels of significance.

Table 2. Changes in Sample Tap water before and after treatment.

SAMPLE Before Treatment After Treatment


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


Tap Water (Untreated)

Tap Water, 1 Day

Tap Water, 3 Day

Tap Water, 5 Day


This chapter presents detailed presentation and discussion of data analysis and the results

of this study. The purpose of this data is to summarize the collected data and the

statistical treatment and methods. It provides the solution to the following statements:

Red Bell Pepper Seed as an absorbent to Chlorine, Decrease the amount of Chlorine

present in Tap Water, and Changes in Before and After Treatment.

Table 1. Absorbance of Chlorine at Different Contact Time

SAMPLE Chlorine Absorbance Average


1 2 L3 4 L5 6 L7 8 L9 10

Tap Water, 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0



Tap Water, 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 02 0.2

1 Day

Tap Water, 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

3 Day

Tap Water, 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
5 Day

The table presents that samples are classified as Untreated, 1 Day, 3 Day and 5 Day.

Chlorine Absorbance in Trial 1 to Trial 10 presented that 1,2, 3, and 5 Days has relative

results. 1.0 is the ideal Chlorine present in Tap Water. Meanwhile, 0.2 Cl is the lowest

Chlorine possible in the Chlorine Indicator Test. This emphasizes that after contact time

with Red Bell Pepper Seeds there is a significant decrease in Chlorine level present in

Tap Water Samples. This also concludes that Red Bell Pepper Seeds absorbed the

Chlorine present in Tap Water.

Table 2. Changes in Tap Water Before and After Treatment

SAMPLE Before Treatment After Treatment


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2


Tap Water (Untreated) 1.0 1.0

Tap Water, 1 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 3 Day 1.0 0.2

Tap Water, 5 Day 1.0 0.2

Mean = 4 Mean = 0.4

Table 2. Column 2 presents that before application of Red Bell Pepper seeds the initial

Chlorine level from Trial 1 to Trial 10 in samples Untreated, 1 Day, 3 Day, and 5 Day

was 1.0. The ideal Chlorine level in Tap Water is 1.0. Column 3 shows the after

application of Red Bell Pepper seeds there is significant changes in 1 Day, 3 Day, and 5

Day. There is a significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2. 0.2 is lowest Chlorine level in
Indicator test. While the after treatment of controlled samples in Trial 7, Trial 9, and Trial

10 significantly decreased from 1.0 to 0.2

Statistical Treatment of Data

T-test was used to determine if the null hypothesis is rejected or accepted. The null

hypothesis of this research states that there are no significant changes in application of

Red Bell Pepper Seeds as Chlorine Absorbent.

Figure 1. T- test graph distribution

One- Tailed Directional test was used to determine if the null hypothesis is rejected.

Using the Table 2 Changes in Tap Water Before and After Treatment in getting the test of

significance, the calculated T- test score is 10 and the level of significance is 0.05. The

results from the before treatment (M = 1, SD = 0) and after treatment (M =0.2727, SD =

0.23) of Red Bell Pepper Seeds indicate that the presence of Red Bell Pepper Seeds in the

Tap Water resulted in the decrease of Chlorine Level, t(10) =10.4874, p =0.05. This

signifies that the calculated T- test score is greater than the level of significance. Hence,

the researchers concluded that the null hypothesis must be rejected. There is a significant

decrease in application of Red Bell Pepper Seeds as Chlorine Absorbent to the chlorine

level of tap water. Thus, Red Bell Pepper Seeds can be absorbed of Chlorine in Tap
Water at 1 Day, 3 Day, and 5 Day contact time. Once the equilibrium is attained,

absorbance in the solution can no longer be observed.


This chapter is presented in three sections. The first section contributes to the general

summary of the study, followed by the summary of findings and their conclusions. This is

followed by the recommendations for future research.


This was conducted for the purpose of determining the effectiveness of Red Bell Pepper

Seeds in absorbing Chlorine present in Tap Water. Moreover, decreasing the initial

amount of Chlorine. Mixed Method Research Design was utilized and Judgement

Sampling Technique was used to yield data. Red Bell Pepper Seed – Water Solution

undergone trials were the respondents of this research. This study was conducted during

the school year 2021-2022.

This study observed the effectiveness of Red Bell Pepper Seed in absorbing Chlorine in

Tap Water and here are the findings:

These are the summary of findings:

1. Red Bell Pepper Seed as an absorbent to Chlorine

1. Red Bell Pepper Seeds were used to decrease the initial Chlorine content

in Tap Water. Each sample varied in different contact times to prove how

fast do the Red Bell Pepper Seed absorb Chlorine. During each trial,

samples presented relative results, from Initial Chlorine Content 1.0 to 0.2.
2. Decrease the amount of Chlorine present in Tap Water

1. There was a significant decrease in chlorine content present in Tap Water. The

ten trials proved that Red Bell Pepper Seed was effective absorbent of Chlorine.

2. Trial 1 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

3. Trial 2 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

4. Trial 3 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

5. Trial 4 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

6. Trial 5 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

7. Trial 6 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

8. Trial 7 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

9. Trial 8 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

10. Trial 9 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

11. Trial 10 showed all samples have significant decrease from 1.0 to 0.2

3. Changes in Before and After Treatment

1. Before the treatment of the Tap Water with the use of Red Bell Pepper Seeds,

the initial chlorine content of the tap water was 1.0. After the treatment, the final

chlorine content of tap water was 0.2. There was a significant proof that Red Bell
Pepper Seeds eliminated the chlorine content in the tap water. Red Bell Pepper

Seeds performed changes in the tap water.


The conclusions of the findings for the three standard operating procedures for Red Bell

Pepper Seeds as an absorbent to chlorine are based on the findings on the

experimentations for Red Bell Pepper Seeds. The conclusions are as stated below:

i. Red Bell Pepper Seeds as an absorbent to Chlorine was effective based from the

experiments. Red Bell Pepper Seeds have effectively absorbed and decreased Chlorine

from the Water.

ii. The effectiveness of the Red Bell Pepper Seeds was demonstrated when it absorbed

the chlorine content in tap water and dechlorinated the tap water. When treated, Red Bell

Pepper Seeds, containing vitamin C, neutralized the strong chlorine solution in tap water.

Having said that, tap water now has a lower cl level and is therefore safer for the general

Based on the findings, the researchers would like to recommend further studies

relating to this study which includes the following:

 Find a means or product to reduce or remove the undesirable aroma of

Red Bell Pepper Seeds.

 Try some alternative methods to pulverize the seed since it is difficult to

pulverize a Red Bell Pepper Seed using a mortar and pestle.

 Use other approach to determine the absorbance of Red Bell Pepper Seeds.

 The researchers saw the potential of the RBP Seed-Water Solution as an

alternative to water plants. It was observed that there was a significant

increase in the height of the plant that used the RBP Seed- Water Solution.

 Conduct a thorough research about this topic as it may solve an

environmental problem.
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