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7 JUNE 2022
Table of Contents


MY EXPERIENCE IN TOURISM INDUSTRY...............................................................................2

a) Road to Starting Point of Rafting...............................................................................................2

b) The Feelings Before the Rafting Began.....................................................................................3

c) A Memorable Moment Indeed....................................................................................................3

d) Water Confident Session............................................................................................................4

SUGGESTION FOR IMPROVEMENT............................................................................................6




Tourism memories are infused with sources of managing emotional states and travel
inclinations. Since the introduction of the notion of memorable tourism experiences,
autobiographical memory has been seen as a major component in predicting persons'
affective state and future behaviour. Wood (2020, p. 4) argued convincingly that "the actual
event and feelings evoked are considerably less essential than the memories generated,
enhanced, and handed on, by whatever means." Tourism memory formed from
autobiographical memory was recognised as a tool for sharing and repeating experiences
during the post-tourism trip stage. Given the recognised significance of tourism memories
and their use, marketers have gained valuable insights into developing better tourism

This phenomenon, as well as cognitive processing mode and tourism, the impact of
autobiographical memory on emotion and behavioural intentions such as revisit intention and
word-of-mouth is of particular relevance in tourism since individuals' future actions can be
predicted based on their recollections and emotional responses However, the mood may not
be considered when assessing memory and behavioural intentions. Customers' moods are
difficult to forecast through advertising because mood states occur without distinct causes, as
opposed to emotions that have definable causes. However, new evidence suggests that
memories can predict, and people consciously employ their positive memories to stay in
better mood states. To explore the role of tourism memory, it is crucial to determine to what
extent a tourism memory is regarded to be good or bad, tourism memory valence. Tourism
memory valence is viewed as the cognitive source that leads to diverse outcomes such as
mood enhancement and future behaviour. It should be noted that consumer psychologists ask
about the activities that contribute to affect regulation and consumer behaviour.

Radak Adventure is a firm founded in 2007 that focuses on adventure tourism and is
situated in Gopeng, Perak. The company is dedicated to the development of Gopeng as a
nature adventure destination for both locals and international tourists. Their service approach
is founded on certain ideals such as environmental preservation and improving the lives of
local communities. It comprises a variety of connected travel experiences that focus on
nature-related destinations and are designed to have a low environmental impact. They plan
to continue to contribute to Malaysia's economic sector by promoting Malaysia around the
world. Therefore, they are providing an outdoor activities such as White Water Rafting,
Abseiling, Cave Exploration and Tubing. This kind of activities will aid in the development
of a passion for both the activity and the new environment.


Once upon a time, in 15 March 2021, I still

remember the day with a perfect weather, clear
sky with mild temperature, and a time in my life
when I and my Diploma friends went
experience White Water Rafting for the first
time. We had spent our holiday at an
adventurous place that called Radak Adventure
Consultant Gopeng, Perak. This company
provide two services which are a camping
services and outdoor adventure services. For
camping, there are called as Riverside Camp.
This beautiful place is located in a rural place
and along by the river. I remember the scenery around us well as we began our treacherous.
But we could not camping there due to lack of budget. Therefore, we could only enjoy the
green nature around the place that so breath-taking while rafting for the first time. We were
so excited to enjoy tourism activity with nature.

a) Road to Starting Point of Rafting

Figure 2: Get ready to reach starting

Figure 1: Collect rafting equipment point

Before start the activity, we collect all equipment needed and headed to a starting point of
White Water Rafting that called Ambros, by a lorry. Thus, we were also had experienced
boarded a lorry for the first time. It is a small thing to be proud of but it is still a best moment
that I would never forget in my entire life. Then, a river guide begins by going over safety
procedures, similar to what is done on flights. He went over what we should do if one of us
fell out or the raft capsized. To begin, our river guide provided us with safety equipment such
as life jackets and helmets and instructed us on how to handle the trip. We were all given oars
and told to work together as a team. He was our team's leader and kept everyone motivated,
even when we were tired of rowing. This did not make me feel better and made me

apprehensive. I kept picturing the raft flipping in my head. In the distance, I can see
whitewater. We're getting closer, and my heartbeat is becoming faster.

b) The Feelings Before the Rafting Began

Figure 3: At Ambros, the starting point of rafting

We were ecstatic when we saw our blue raft. As I board the raft, I am both eager and terrified
about what lies ahead. Thinking about what was going to happen gave me butterflies. I realise
the initial half of the rafting trip is just a scenic tour with no white-water. After hearing this, I
felt a sense of relief. Now I just sit back and enjoy the beautiful scenery as I float down the
river. The big trees to the river's left tower above everything. In my mind, the murky green
water coupled with the grey stone bank made a stunning sight. It was so peaceful that I closed
my eyes and just listened to the water and birds. Thinking that I was finally going to
accomplish something I had always wanted to do.

c) A Memorable Moment Indeed

Figure 4: Rapid

The trip down the river started out pleasantly until we reached the first set of rapids. That's
when there was some turbulence beneath the raft, but we got through it fast. We quickly
learned how to navigate the rapids, but we were unprepared for the harder rapids. They
launched the raft a few inches over the water, and we landed with a loud splash each time.
My heart was in my mouth the entire time we were in the air. Meanwhile, when I faced my
first rapid, I fell off the boat. I was in the front right corner, slightly standing. The boat moved
quickly. It smashed through the rocks with a single nudge. I dived into the rushing waves,
face first. I was feverishly gulping down water instead of gasping for oxygen. The strong
current was pounding my body against the rocks. When I broke the surface, I saw a boat on
my far left. I needed to act quickly. I consider myself as a good swimmer. Despite my
exhaustion, I mustered all of my strength to stay afloat and approach the boat. Then, I
managed to catch the river guide's paddle as he held it out. He grabbed my life jacket and
quickly yanked me into the boat. I felt like I was in my own world, surrounded entirely by
nature but I was so grateful that the river guide could rescue me. After each set, and
especially at the end of the activity, I had a strong sense of accomplishment.

d) Water Confident Session

Figure 5: Water Confident

However, we stopped at resting point that called Kuala Razila and do a water confident
activity by jump off the height around 12ft for water confident activity. During this time, I
was swept away by a current and I missed to grab the rescue rope so the river swim towards
me to grab my life jacket. I felt like I was in my own world, surrounded entirely by nature but
I was so grateful that the river guide could rescue me. Meanwhile, we had the opportunity to
observe the unspoiled natural beauty along the river's banks because our river guide, who was
well-versed in the river, was keeping an eye out for the rapids. The trees provided shade for
the waterways, and the wind swept small flowers and leaves into the air, which landed on the
water and floated with us.

Figure 6: At finishing point

On the whole, River rafting is a relatively unknown activity. However, for adventure seekers
like myself, it was not only thrilling but also a memorable experience Throughout the
experience, rivers appear to be similar to people. They all have distinct personalities and
characteristics. One river may be soft and calm, while another may be rough and volatile.
Each is unique and should be explored. I discovered that rafters eagerly forward to rapids and
punishing falls when river rafting. The rougher the seas, the better. After everything was said
and done, though river rafting was dangerous at times, I would want to be a part of another
such trip and enjoy the camaraderie on board a raft with a dash of adrenaline rush in the midst
of magnificent landscapes if given the chance.


A well -performing company is a company that constantly improves on existing mistakes

so that they do not repeat the same mistakes later on in order to achieve maximum customer
satisfaction. So, here are some suggestions that students can make so that Radak Adventure
Consultant can improve things that can be changed for the better in the future.

Facilities and services are popular in the tourism business since they make it easier for
tourists and travellers to travel. Some tourists prefer a location with complete facilities and
services since they do not want to encounter any hassles when travelling. These tourists are
usually soft tourists that rely on facilities and services to relax rather than backpackers.
Furthermore, leisure tourist is characterised as a soft tourist phrase. Each company or sector
must provide appropriate facilities and services for their tourists in order to compete in the
tourism industry and represent their company or sector's reputation. While competitive
products are important for market success, public opinion and a firm's reputation also play a
significant role in corporate appearance in the market.

Moreover, the facilities and services given are one of the company's reputations. The
company's reputation might be prominent if the facilities and services given meet the
demands and desires of the guests. These delights will be shared via user-generated content,
enhancing the company's reputation. Radak Adventure Consultant is a well-known tourism
destination that is usually full with consumers and visitors, both local and foreign. Mr Hasrol,
Director of Radak Adventure, notes that visitor numbers are increasing year after year,
particularly for foreign guests, but no prior research on facility satisfaction and services has
been conducted. As a result, visitor background, characteristics, services, and facility
satisfactions may occur due to a lack of data.

Therefore, that is all that I can propose as an improvement to Radak Adventure Consultant
so that their work planning is more organized and systematic. This advice is critical for
increasing visitor happiness in their recreational activities. This may also assist the organiser
in improving the quality of their facilities and services. But, for activities, overall is good.


To sum it up, this travel already influence my educational learning by providing an

individual with new resources and additional perspectives on a wide range of subjects.
Certain regions of the world are full of area-specific education treasures that are not found in
any other location. For example, Gopeng boasts a variety of intriguing features that can easily
win the hearts of visitors, particularly the flora and wildlife, such as Rajah Brooke's Butter-
fly, Rafflesia flower, and Ulu Geruntum waterfall. Mr Cooper of the London University of
Geography believes that travel makes you a better, brighter, and stronger person. And I agree
with this remark because I feel that travelling will teach us not to take things for granted, will
expand our knowledge, and hence our strength.

Furthermore, keeping these considerations in mind, I agree with the assertion that "travel
broadens the mind." Traveling, for example, allows us to become more acquainted with
various activities, living situations, and much more. The list continues indefinitely. As a
result, travellers will be more informed. Furthermore, a group of experts at Cambridge
University recently completed study indicating that those who travel to a range of nations and
cities at least three times a year have a lot higher IQ than the typical human.

In addition, this activity exposes me to a wide range of previously imagined experiences,

both positive and negative. On the one hand, you may come across something as unique,
amazing, and lovely as the White Water Rafting activity, which rarely can be joined a few
times every year because of its price. On the other side, we may come into terrible poverty
numerous times, and certainly, we may be bereaved and have mental and emotional
breakdowns the first few times. Although this can be beneficial to us as a traveller since we
will realise how fortunate we are for the first time in outdoor activities and will learn not to
take any moment for granted. I had no idea what it meant before experiencing White Water
Rafting, but I am pleased I had the opportunity to witness it. It comes as no surprise that my
personal travels are the most meaningful experience for me.


“Tourism Memory, Mood Repair and Behavioral Intention - ScienceDirect.” Tourism

Memory, Mood Repair and Behavioral Intention - ScienceDirect,, 12
Feb. 2022,

“My Personal Experience With the Importance of Travel | Kibin.” My Personal Experience
With the Importance of Travel | Kibin,,
Accessed 31 May 2022

“Log into Facebook.” Facebook,, Accessed 31 May 2022

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