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Event Date Input / Document by

1 1-Dec-20 Requirements - Only for L2 (Core & Digital) Jojie

2 4-Dec-20 Volume information received Jojie
3 8-Dec-20 Proposal sent by Collabera Gaurab
4 14-Dec-20 AMS revised proposal sent Gaurab
5 28-Jan-21 Formal RFP received Jojie
6 2-Feb-21 Proposal sent by Collabera Gaurab
7 8-Feb-21 Proposal Presented Gaurab
Effort Estimation of Requests and Incidents changed from Avg of 6
8 10-Feb-21 months and asked to consider 500 Gaurab
9 12-Feb-21 Reuested to break the price between Transition, support and Asset wise Gaurab
12 23-Feb-21 Asked to reconsider the FTE along with Monitoring Jojie
13 26-Feb-21 Asked us to consider the options of Onshore and Offshore Jojie
14 5-Mar-21 Asked for a split of L1 & L2 along with Onshore / Offshore options Jojie

Asked to reconsider for support citing SLA (which was not possible with
15 5-Jul the current headcount) + INC volume changes were shared Jojie
6-Jul Change in Digital asset volumes Jojie
Change Description Responded by

Accomodated more volume changes

Core Asset FTE cahnged from 7 to 9

Core + Digital FTE cahnged from 15 to 16 Gaurab

Recalculare Gaurab
Only L2 - 16 FTE Gaurab

Recalculated the FTE from 16 to 20 FTE, detailed calculation was shared JP

Requested volume information
Event Date

1 10-Feb-21
2 12-Feb-21
5 23-Feb-21
6 26-Feb-21
7 5-Mar-21

8 5-Jul-21
9 6-Jul-21
Revision Requested by
Effort Estimation of Requests and Incidents changed from Avg of 6 months and asked
to consider 500 Gaurab
Reuested to break the price between Transition, support and Asset wise Gaurab
Asked to reconsider the FTE along with Monitoring Jojie
Asked us to consider the options of Onshore and Offshore Jojie
Asked for a split of L1 & L2 along with Onshore / Offshore options Jojie
Asked to reconsider for support citing SLA (which was not possible with the current
headcount) + INC volume changes were shared Jojie
Change in Digital asset volumes Jojie
Collabera Revision history

Core Asset FTE cahnged from 7 to 9

Revised detailed Effort, FTE and Estimation provided
Core + Digital FTE cahnged from 15 to 16
Only L2 - 16 FTE

Recalculated the FTE from 16 to 20 FTE, detailed calculation was shared

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