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Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 196e201

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The why and how of micro(nano)plastic research

M. Oliveira*, M. Almeida
rio de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro,
Department of Biology & CESAM e Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro, Campus Universita

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The presence of small plastic particles in the environment, reported for the first time in the 1970's, has
Available online 15 March 2019 only recently been recognized as a global issue. Although environmental awareness continues to grow, so
does its consumption and associated risks. The number of studies reporting the presence of micro-
Keywords: plastics, has grown exponentially as did the concern over plastic degradation into smaller particles like
Effects nanoplastics, a potentially more pernicious form of plastic pollution. The reported effects of micro(nano)
plastics on biota range from depletion of energy reserves and altered metabolism to immunological,
neurotoxic effects and behavioral effects. This paper presents a critical review of current scientific
Marine environment
Research needs
knowledge in terms of reasons to study the effects of small plastics present in the environment, what has
been assessed so far; most common methodologies. Research and technical developments requirements
are also presented. Overall, it is clear the need for standardization of procedures and communication of
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction quantify the environmental contamination by plastic particles,

their ecological effects and overall risk to the environment and
Over the last 50 years the use of plastics allowed a considerable ultimately, human health. This is, however, a difficult task,
improvement of human everyday lives [1]. Routinely used in simple complicated by several factors associated with plastics intrinsic
daily requirements (e.g. fresh food requirements, transport of properties (e.g. nature: different polymers with distinct additives
shopping goods, aseptic medical products, preparation of meals), and potential for sorption of environmental contaminants; size:
plastics may be considered a pillar material in a global “throwaway original and of entry in the environment), sources (ranging from
culture” economy. Plastics allowed the use of more cost effective, wastewater treatment plants, to open air dumpsites), dispersion
light weight products and production of materials with character- potential and fragmentation into increasingly smaller particles. A
istics required for a wide range of human needs. Among the life realistic risk assessment requires data of abundance, size distri-
quality improvements that may be attributed to the use of plastics, bution and chemical composition of microplastics [6]. This paper
food packaging allows the reduction of wastage and food borne aims to present a critical discussion of the facts that make plastics a
bacterial infections. As world plastics production continues to potential environmental risk and the methodologies currently
experience an increase (approximately 335 million tons in 2016 available to quantify, characterize and test effects.
[2]), plastics are, deliberately and/or accidental, being released into
the environment, having been found even in remote areas like 2. Plastics in the environment
Antarctica [3], mountain-tops [4] and deep ocean [5], becoming
available for ingestion to a wide range of organisms (e.g. Understanding the global mass inventory is one of the main
zooplankton, bivalves, shrimps, lugworms, fishes and whales). challenges in present research on plastic marine debris [7]. The
Thus, the entire planet may be under pressure by the presence of plastic particles found in the environment differ in terms of source
plastic particles. Nevertheless, the overall level of environmental (via different pathways associated with land and marine-based
contamination remains largely unknown. There is the need to activities), size (macro, meso, micro and nano), density
(16e2200 kg m 3), chemical composition, and shape (e.g. spheres,
fibre, film, irregular) [8]. Land-based sources are considered the
* Corresponding author. most important, including industrial and domestic drainage sys-
E-mail address: (M. Oliveira). tems, wastewater treatment effluents, storm sewers, wind, water
0165-9936/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Oliveira, M. Almeida / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 196e201 197

systems currents and run off soils from agricultural practices like Ultimately, marine sediments may be considered long-term
plastic mulching or treated with sewage sludge, often used as fer- sinks for micro(nano)plastics.
tilizer. The use of polymers (e.g. polystyrene and polyurethane), The available information in terms of the levels of plastics
added to compost to improve soil properties and increase crop found in the aquatic environment vary, with most studies quan-
yields may also be considered as a recognized source of micro(- tifying particles in the marine systems. Examples of levels re-
nano)plastics in the environment [9]. The marine-based sources are ported in freshwater and marine systems are presented in
associated with transportation of products, recreational cruises, Table SI1. The available data may, however, be underestimating
extraction of oil, illegal dumping, and fishing activities. Regardless contamination as environmental sampling frequently resorts to
of the sources, contamination by plastics is putting the environ- 300 mm nets mesh. A clear example is presented in Table SI1,
ment under a considerable pressure, particularly oceans, the ulti- where abundance of microplastics sampled using a 330 mm net
mate recipient of most environmental contaminants, adding to mesh is considerably lower than using an 80 mm mesh (0.45
other pressures like ocean acidification and temperature rise. versus 106 particles/m3).
Despite the recognition of the potential of soils to retain and The assessment of the potential consequences of the presence of
accumulate plastic particles, there is limited knowledge in terms of micro(nano)plastics on the environment should also account for its
micro(nano)plastics levels in this environmental compartment. It role on the dispersion of environmental contaminants from places
has been estimated that between 63 000 and 430 000 tons of with high concentrations to areas of low concentrations, acting as a
microplastics are annually added, to European farmlands, via dispersion agent. Their large surface area to volume ratio endow
sewage sludge [10]. However, plastics have also been found in them a high association potential for environmental contaminants
agricultural soils, not subjected to microplastic-containing fertil- [19] although different polymers have shown different sorption
izers (e.g. sewage sludge and organic fertilizers) nor agricultural capacities. Microplastics are able to concentrate environmental
plastic applications (e.g. 0.34 microplastic particles per kilogram contaminants [20], increasing the concern on their associated
dry weight of soil) [11]. environmental hazard.
Although the problem of the presence of small plastic particles
in the environment has only recently attracted public awareness, 3. Interaction of micro(nano)plastics with biota
the first reports in coastal areas and oceans, dates from the 1970's
[12]. Plastic characteristics like resistance, durability, that support The widespread use of plastic materials and their dispersion in
its use in a wide range of industrial applications, are also reasons for the environment create a decentralized environmental risk [21]. An
environmental concerns and a challenge for remediation, as the increasing number of studies are trying to understand the effects of
particles already present in the environment may persist for cen- plastics to biota, mainly in estuarine/marine environments, ex-
turies [13]. Additionally, it is now recognized that plastics may pected to be the ultimate sink of microplastics. However, the
suffer multiple degradation and disintegration procedures, via bi- establishment of cause-effect linkages of risks associated with
otic and/or abiotic processes, that lead to the formation of smaller- environmental microplastics is difficult, leading to great uncer-
sized plastics, such as microplastics (<5 mm) and nanoplastics tainty in their scientific assessment [21].
(defined as < 1000 nm according to some authors or < 100 nm Recently published reviews summarized the available studies
according to others [14,15]), making their removal increasingly on microplastic presence, behavior and effects on aquatic [2] and
harder. The physical process involved in plastic degradation is more soil [22] organisms. Significant mismatches between the types of
favoured in beaches, subjected to high UV radiation, physical microplastics most commonly found in the environment and
abrasion induced by waves and high oxygen availability. At some those used in laboratory experiments has been highlighted [2].
locations, microplastics can constitute over 80% of intertidal plastic Overall, available studies demonstrated that microplastics may be
debris [16]. Micro(nano)plastics are also used in several products ingested by different marine organisms from zooplankton to fish.
like personal care products (e.g. facial cleansers, tooth paste, Fish and crustacea are the most studied groups, followed by
shower/bath gels, scrubs, peelings, makeup, insect repellents and molluscs and annelid worms but there are very few studies with
sunscreen), abrasives in cleaning products, and biomedical appli- other groups of organisms. In organisms like fish, ingestion has
cations that have, as end destination, their release into sewage been associated with confusing plastic particles with preys. Re-
systems and/or environment. Although it is known that nano- ported levels in field sampled organisms show that the number of
plastics are being released and transported through air, soil, and plastic vary considerably (e.g. 0.03 particles/fish were found in
water compartments [17], the available data concerning its pres- animals caught in the North Baltic sea whereas 21.8 particles/fish
ence, variation of characteristics and impacts on natural systems is were reported in fish from the Persian Gulf, Table SI2). Data from
extremely scarce, largely due to the difficulty of its detection and feeding experiments with zooplankton show that plastic particles
characterization. Nonetheless, its levels are expected to increase ingestion depends on factors like size, abundance and deposition
consistently over time in the environment. in the environment, predator's feeding mode and anatomy of
In the aquatic environment, in addition to characteristics feeding/digestive organs [23]. The levels found in zooplankton
like resistance and durability, the distribution of plastics is from Northeast Pacific Ocean are in the same range of fish in the
modulated by characteristics like its buoyancy. In seawater, North Baltic Sea (0.02 particles/copepod and 0.05 particles/eu-
particles with higher density tend to sink and accumulate in phausiids, Table SI2). There is, however, a need for standardization
sediments, becoming more available to benthic organisms. The of the units expressing microplastics content in biota to allow
less dense particles may remain at sea surface until biofouling comparison between studies (e.g. levels have been expressed as
processes by biota or entrainment in biological aggregates particles per gram of dry weight or particles per animal). For
(including faecal pellets after ingestion) occur, leading to laboratory studies, the concentrations of micro(nano)plastics and
increased densities and their sinking [18], or be degraded into how they are expressed is also very important. The same unity of
smaller particles. At the nanometer size, many physicochemical mass may represent huge different in terms of number of particles
(e.g. surface charge, coating) may be altered by variations in available to the organisms.
the surrounding media (e.g. salinity, pH) and lead to changes in A decrease in particle size leads to an increased number of or-
size (agglomeration/aggregation processes) and/or hydropho- ganisms able ingest them (Fig. 1), as well as in the processes of
bicity, thus influencing its distribution in the water column. leaching of chemicals, desorption of additives and adsorption of
198 M. Oliveira, M. Almeida / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 196e201

Fig. 1. Diagram representing methodologies to sample and identify micro(nanoplastics) and examples of affected organisms. AFM - Atomic force microscopy; Cars - Coherent anti-
Stokes Raman scattering; FT-IR - Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy; Phyto-Pe Phytoplankton; SEM - Scanning electron microscopy; SRS - Stimulated Raman scattering
microscopy; TEM - Transmission electron microscopy; Zoo-P e Zooplankton.

environmental contaminants [24]. At a nano size, additional path- nanoparticles, surface charge, size, agglomeration and aggrega-
ways of incorporation in biota (e.g. through gills and skin) are tion of polystyrene nanoplastics are altered in environmental
possible, increasing the number potential target tissues. Micro- media [37], which can thus alter its biological effects. Although
plastics, at high concentrations, have shown the ability affect the the effects of nanoplastics on marine organisms are poorly
base of a trophic web Microplastics have the ability to negatively studied, recent studies have shown that polystyrene nano-
influence microalgae growth [25] and photosynthesis [26], and particles can induce neurotoxic and genotoxic effects and
zooplankton feeding and reproduction [27]. At a higher trophic interact with pharmaceuticals effects [38]. High levels of poly-
level, in fish, they can affect neurotransmission [28] and behavior styrene micro and nanoplastics have been reported to induced
[29]. In benthic organisms, reduced feeding activity, decreased mortality in zooplanktonic organisms like the marine copepod
energy reserves, inflammation [30] and body weight decrease have Tigriopus japonicus [27]. In addition to the potential pernicious
also reported [31]. Available data from laboratory studies suggest effects of the particles by themselves, the fact that they are
that particles incorporated by organisms in a lower trophic level present in environments contaminated with substances re-
(e.g. zooplankton, mussels) may be passed up the food web [32,33], ported to adsorb onto surface of plastic particles (e.g. poly-
and be a vector for the transfer of environmental contaminants that chlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
may eventually reach the humans. metals, some of which known carcinogens, and/or endocrine
Humans may be exposed to micro(nano)plastics through disrupters) and the ability of micro(nano)particles to modify
different sources (e.g. contaminated food, sea salt, airborne parti- distribution, biotransformation and effects of other environ-
cles, personal care products). The ability of organisms like mussels, mental contaminants (e.g. PAHs and pharmaceuticals) upon
oysters, clams and prawns to incorporate microplastics (Table SI2) simultaneous exposure [28,38] motivate research on the ability
may have serious consequences to man as these organisms, unlike of micro(nano)plastics to act as transport vectors for environ-
most fish species, are consumed as a whole. However, the potential mental contaminants [17,28,38]. These effects should take into
for micro(nano)plastics of environmental origin to cause harm to consideration processes like plastic aging/weathering, that may
human health remains understudied [1]. Data concerning trans- increase surface area and polarity [39,40].
location events of micro(nano)plastics across biological compart- An important aspect in the study of the consequences of the
ments together with known effects in neurotransmission in aquatic presence of micro(nano)plastics in the environment is the link
organisms emphasize the need of studies on the effects of cause/effect response. If laboratorial assays allow such studies, in
micro(nano)plastics to humans. the environment several factors may contribute to effects to biota,
The behavior of nanoparticles, their fate and effects once from the particle itself, release of additives and chemicals used in
internalized by cells is a key factor influencing cytotoxicity their synthesis, background contamination of plastics and presence
which may not only dependent on the nature of the core ma- of pathogenic organisms. It is difficult to assess the risk of envi-
terial but also on surface modifications (e.g. hydrophobicity, ronmental “contaminated plastics” due to the difficulty of knowing
charge, functional groups and size [34e36]). As for other all associated chemicals.
M. Oliveira, M. Almeida / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 196e201 199

4. Methodologies to quantify and assess the effects of requires specialized equipment, sample desiccation and grinding
micro(nano)plastics [23].
The visual examination of the isolated microplastics is
Research on micro(nano)plastics may be considered in early frequently performed to sort microplastics from other materials.
stages. Fate and effects are frequently assessed using different ap- The use of optical microscope, that allows visualization in the low
proaches and exposure scenarios, often with limited environmental micrometer range (Fig. 1) and the use of Nile red, a fluorescent dye
relevance [2,41,42] (e.g., using extremely high concentrations and/ that selectively stains most synthetic polymers (except rubber),
or other non-environmentally relevant conditions). Considering using a UV wavelength that induces green fluorescence [48], allows
that there are a high number of variables that may modulate effects optimization of the isolation procedure for posterior identification
of micro(nano)plastics, there is the need to standardize method- of the polymer types. The identification of plastics may be achieved
ologies/approaches to assess effects using, whenever possible, also through different processes but Fourier Transform Infrared Spec-
environmentally relevant conditions. This aspect is even more troscopy (FT-IR) and Raman techniques are among the most used
important for nanoparticles as mobility, fate, and bioavailability methodologies, as they do not destruct the material, require low
depend on their characteristics such as size, shape, charge, and amount of sample and allow the possibility for high throughput
other properties [38,43], modulated by the surrounding media. screening. Furthermore, they may be considered more environ-
Studies of metallic nanoparticles behavior in artificial seawater mentally friendly than other techniques like differential scanning
revealed that the time nanoparticles took to aggregate, decreased calorimetry and pyrolysisegas chromatographyemass spectrom-
with increased particles concentration, an expected output because etry. Compared to FTIR, Raman techniques show better spatial
the probability of nanoparticles collisions, at a given temperature, resolution (down to 1 mm versus 1e20 of FTIR), wider spectral
will increase with increasing number of particles per volume [43]. coverage, higher sensitivity to non-polar functional groups and
In this perspective, a complete characterization of micro(nano) lower water interference and narrower spectral bands [6] but the
plastics is determinant to truly understand their distribution in the proneness to fluorescence interference and requirement of long
water column as well as their potential pernicious effects. However, measurement time are technical handicaps. Raman is effective in
little is known about the fate and behavior of synthetic nano- the identification of polymers but may not be as sensitive as FTIR
materials in the environment, and appropriate methods to detect when studying polymer degradation. The processes of degradation
them in complex environmental media are not yet available [44]. and weathering of plastics may cause variation in the spectroscopic
spectra of polymers making identification more difficult.
4.1. Quantification and identification For nanoplastics, size-based discrimination may be achieved by
ultrafiltration or other separation methods like flow field frac-
An accurate assessment of the consequences of the presence of tionation and hydrodynamic chromatography. Nanoparticle
micro(nano)plastics in the environment requires the knowledge of tracking analysis [14], dynamic light scattering (which may also
its abundance, size distribution and chemical composition. How- give information of surface charge) [38] and electron/super reso-
ever, despite the efforts to establish effective analytical procedures, lution microscopy may be used as techniques to assess size. Tech-
detection of nanoplastic in environmental substrates is not yet niques like scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-
possible [9,45]. ray spectrometry and flow field fractionation coupled to multiangle
One of the first challenges in the quantification of micro(nano) light scattering with pyrolysis have also been reported [49]. Com-
plastics in the environment is the sampling procedure. In the ma- bination of atomic force microscopy, super-resolution and infrared
rine environment, the approaches vary according to the position in spectroscopy (SRS/CARS) has also been proposed to characterize
the water column. Manta or neuston nets are frequently used in material at the nanoscale (Fig. 1) [50].
surface waters, bongo nets on mid-water levels and benthic trawls Although identification and quantification of micro(nano)
usually used for seabed (Table SI1). The most commonly used nets plastics on biota are extremely important, the analysis of data of
have a mesh size approximately of 300 mm [7], which compromises plastic particles on organisms caught in the environment has to be
the possibility to quantify and identify the smaller fractions and carefully examined, as laboratory studies suggest that the absolute
leads to an underestimation of the content in aquatic number of ingested microplastics may not accurately reflect the
environments. level of microplastics in seawater, as a consequence of possible
For soils, adopted approaches include grounding and sieving biodilution [23], in which microplastics become less available due
(which, to allow comparison with results obtained in sediments to competition with a growing number of individuals.
and water, should use sieves with mesh <5 mm). The mineral phase
of soils may be removed by density fractionation methods, also 4.2. Methodologies to assess effects of Micro(nano)plastics?
used for sediment analysis. However, for soils, procedures to
remove organic moieties must be optimized to remove inference of The selection of the most adequate approach to test the effects
soil organic matter in the detection methods [46]. of environmental contaminants like micro(nano)plastics is depen-
In biological matrices, quantification of microplastics required dent on several aspects of the research (e.g. research question and
extraction and degradation of biogenic matter, detection of the degree of information required, and model species selected for the
particles, characterization and quantification. The removal of study). Biological effects of micro(nano)plastics may be assessed
organic material in the samples can be achieved through degra- using in vivo studies, which involve exposure an organism as a
dation or digestion (e.g. degradation with H2O2 (30%); KOH (10%); whole, and allow assessment of lethality, effects on behavior,
HNO3 (22.5 M); mixture of HNO3 and HClO4), methods that present feeding, bioaccumulation, depuration, trophic transfer, and
different efficiencies as well potential to damage polymers. Thus, biochemical, physiological and histopathological responses. The
there is the need to standardize procedures that do not compro- assessment of effects on fish embryos is gaining increasing
mise the integrity of plastics, in order to accurately estimate of importance in the field of ecotoxicology, having been proposed as
microplastics content (number of particles, size and type) in bio- an alternative to adult in vivo tests. Among the different approaches
logical materials [23]. In this perspective, enzymatic digestion of that may be used to assess the effects of micro(nano)plastics is
biogenic material has been proposed as an effective approach that behavior, which may be considered the outcome or endpoint of
avoids damage to plastic polymers [47], although this process many complex developmental and physiological processes.
200 M. Oliveira, M. Almeida / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 196e201

However, few studies are addressing effects on these endpoints or available studies are focusing on short-term exposures. Considering
mainly focusing on feeding impairment despite effects on behavior the persistent nature of plastics in the environment, long-term
parameters like movement and avoidance may have ecological studies involving multigenerational exposures should also be
consequences (e.g., altering prey-predator relationship and considered. Furthermore, identification of more sensitive phyla and
decreasing competitive advantages). In vitro methodologies like life stages is also important to detect areas of increased risk, rank
primary cell culture and cell lines, allow the study of particular polymers in terms of noxious effects and ultimately suggest
mechanisms of action, although data from these methodologies do controlled production/use of polymers. The study of the role of
not provide information on the feedback systems involved in non-chemical factors in the effects of micro(nano)plastics (e.g.
regulation of organismal responses to environmental stress. Cyto- ocean acidification, biotic stress) should also be studied.
toxicity, genotoxicity, distribution within a cell and molecular re- Effects on humans should also be assessed. In this perspective,
sponses like expression of genes involved in a metabolic pathway in vitro systems may be valuable tools as they allow the study of
may be assessed using in vitro systems. These methods are ethically modes of actions in organisms like fish and humans.
recommended, whenever they can be used to replace animal
experimentation, with the advantage of allowing a high throughput 6. Final considerations
approach to investigate specific modes of action and species-
specific responses (e.g. fish and humans). The presence of small plastic particles in the environment has
Molecular endpoints are considered sensitive and efficient tools motivated research in the field of chemistry (e.g. methodologies to
to detect effects of xenobiotics and can be assessed in in vivo and isolate, identify and characterize polymers) and biology (e.g.
in vitro studies. They are used based on the principle that changes at studies of incorporation, translocation, biochemical, behavioral,
a molecular level occur prior to manifestations at higher levels of histological effects and trophic transfer). Nanoplastics appear as a
biological organization (e.g. reproduction, behavior) and on the new challenge requiring improved methodologies to isolate,
information that they may provide in terms of mechanisms of ac- quantify and characterize and relate biological effects with particles
tion (through the analysis of genomic modifications; transcription characteristics. There is also the need to standardize methodology
of genetic information to mRNA; translation to proteins synthesis; to allow integration of field and laboratory data. The implementa-
and metabolic products). Molecular endpoints may be used in a tion of new approaches to study the effects in the biota and humans
first approach to rank the toxic effects of different micro(nano) (e.g. in vitro) are needed.
plastics. However, despite the sensitivity of these endpoints, com-
plex regulatory mechanisms in the organism as a whole, may result Acknowledgments
in the lack of effects at higher levels of organization. Thus, effects at
higher levels of organization (e.g. behavior) should be also assessed. CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019) received financial support by
FCT/MEC through national funds. Project MO had financial support
5. Research needs of the program Investigador FCT (IF/00335/2015), co-funded by the
Human Potential Operational Programme and European Social
There is an increased need of development of analytical Fund.
methods for micro (nano)plastics and their standardization to
allow detection, identification of polymers and quantification in Appendix A. Supplementary data
environmental matrices. This applies not only to water and sedi-
ments but other matrices like biological media as well as food Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
items. The knowledge on how plastic particles of different poly-
mers are distributed in the water column and the role of abiotic
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