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Material Religion

The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief

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the political religion of ceauşescu’s national-

communism as exhibited by the county museum
of arad

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as exhibited by the county museum of arad, Material Religion, 14:4, 567-569, DOI:

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Published online: 19 Oct 2018.

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the political religion of Romanian Communist Party (RCP) is very clear in
this respect: “The museums will intensify the edu-
ceauşescu’s national- cational activity within the ranks of the working
communism as exhibited by class, acting for the masses to acknowledge the
multi-millennial existence of our people, its heroic
the county museum of arad struggle for independence, unity and progress, its
contributions to the development of human civili-
zation, and its work and achievements in building
Stalin’s death and the condemnation of his Socialism.”1 The patriotic message should act
crimes in Khrushchev’s secret speech in 1956 upon the young visitor “starting from the external
caught Romanian communists on the wrong foot. objective attitude to reach to the deep strata of his
Communist parties from Eastern Europe faced the being” (Ivanof 1979, 1101–1108). “Deep strata of
problem of reforming the system, an imperative being”—Communist pedagogy just took off into
requirement of their traumatized societies. Should the mystical realm.
a reformation be allowed? And if so, to what The County Museum of Arad was a pioneer in
extent? this “new science” of humankind. On 29 March 1977
The answer of Romanian communists was a it was reorganized “based on a new format” and its
categorical “no.” Gheorghiu-Dej and his henchmen inauguration was attended by Nicolae and Elena
were incorrigible Stalinists and the denuncia- Ceauşescu themselves (Figure 1).2
tion of Stalin’s crimes was no doubt a shock to This was the pilot project that served as a
them. However, in order to preserve the Stalinist model for the reorganization of all museums
foundation untouched, an aesthetic operation was in the country; the “new format” meant that
needed. Because classical Marxist/Leninist rhetoric the heroic national-communist saga was to
had little appeal to Romanian public opinion, the be displayed everywhere from now on. Every
national identity theme was resurrected. For a historical age, starting from the Stone Age down

young nation, it was the most important thing. As to the “Golden Age”—the Ceauşescu era—had
historian Vladimir Tismăneanu (2005, 48) put it, to be represented. An uninterrupted “national”
Romanian intellectuals (especially in the interwar history had to be promoted, to the detriment
era) manifested a veritable obsession with the ideas of local particularisms. The visitor had to come
of national identity and historical predestination, out with the strong impression of a common
whether they were communists, non-communists historical destiny of all territories inhabited by
or anti-communists. The national identity theme, Romanians, in spite of some of them belonging
mixed with the Leninist dogma, was skillfully to different cultural areas and political entities for
appropriated by Gheorghiu-Dej and achieved its long periods. Continuity was the magic word, the
maximum success with Ceauşescu, who created red line that ran throughout the newly organized

Volume 14
an ideology with many of the characteristics of a exhibition.

Issue 4
religion. It was first of all a continuity of heroes and
The history museum was to play a special essential trends. “The centralized independent
role in this facelift operation by its use of many Dacian state” from the second hall of the ancient
of the materialities of religion. The accent shifted history exhibition prefigured the centralized sov-
from class struggle and the workers’ movement to ereign national-Stalinist state. The imposing statue
the heroic battles defending the Fatherland. The of Burebista, the unifier of the Dacian tribes was
uninterrupted habitation of the present territory just the first of a long series of embodiments of the
of Romania by Romanians was also stressed. But Volksgeist, passing into the great medieval voivods,
most important was the uninterrupted continuity the revolutionary leaders of 1848 and finding its
of heroic figures, the providential messengers of resting place in Ceauşescu “the Carpathian genius.”
Marxist history, who replaced God. National history replaced local history. A whole wall
Revista muzeelor şi monumentelor (Journal of of the medieval exhibition is covered by the figures
Museums and Monuments), the official publica- of the medieval voivods who fought the Turks, but
tion of Romanian museology, was full of articles none of them had anything to do with Arad and
during the 1970s and 1980s concerning the local history. Similarly the 1821 rebellion of Tudor
ideological and patriotic education of the young. Vladimirescu (Wallachia) or the revolutionary 1848
The set of measures adopted in 1976 by the events from Wallachia or Moldavia occupied large
Material Religion

plenary session of the Central Committee of the sections of the exhibition. Local particularism had to
stay in the background to make room for the great
Material Religion volume 14, issue 4, pp. 567–569 spectacle of the nation’s history.
Protochronism, the pseudo-historical the-
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group ory of Ceauşescu’s propaganda that claimed the
On the right one of the museum’s employees dressed in popular costume gives Ceauşescu the traditional greeting with bread and salt. On the left in the
background Elena Ceauşescu. Photograph courtesy of the County Museum of Arad.


Vlad Ţepeş (the Impaler) and Stephen the Great, voivods of Wallachia (1456–1462) and Moldavia (1457–1507) respectively. They were known for their
battles with the Turks, but had no connections with the medieval history of Arad. Photograph by Ioan Scripciuc, courtesy of the County Museum of Arad.
The 1784 “revolution” (called “the rebellion” [răscoala] since 2013) of Horia, Cloşca and Crişan—a sample of Ceauşescu’s protochronism. Photograph by
Ioan Scripciuc, courtesy of the County Museum of Arad.

anticipation of major European trends by Romanian Notes and References

achievements, was also at home in the museum.
The tribes’ union led by Burebista is re-baptized
as a “centralized independent state,” an absolutist
monarchy avant la lettre; the 1784 peasant revolt 1

Volume 14
Scânteia, official newspaper of the Romanian Communist
becomes “the revolution of Horia, Cloşca and Party, 19 September 1976, 4. Author’s translation.

Issue 4
Crişan,” a discreet suggestion that the 1789 French 2
It has remained largely in place although a reorganization
Revolution came only second place.3 took place in 2013.
The visitor to the museum thus enters a 3
sacred place where the saga of the nation is These inscriptions were removed in 2013.
Ivanof, Eduard. 1979. Aspecte ale aportului muzelului la
illustrated from prehistory to the present. The
formarea sentimentului patriotic al tinerei generaţii [Aspects of
visitor’s footsteps are guided from one historical
the museum’s contribution in molding the young generation].
period to another by the great personalities of Ziridava: Annuary of the County Museum of Arad, XI.
national history, looking down severely from
above. Young people should feel themselves Tismăneanu, Vladimir. 2005. Stalinism pentru eternitate.
569 O istorie politică a comunismului românesc. Iaşi: Polirom
part of this epic unfolding, convinced by its
Publishing House.
logical conclusion in communist millenarianism.
A millenarianism that lost its universal vocation bogdan ivascu
but found its ideal host in the nation guided by museum of arad, romania
visionary ideology. DOI: 10.1080/17432200.2018.1486587
Material Religion

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