Whitepaper 6 Factors For Mobile App Development

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6 Most Important Factors for a

Successful Mobile App

© QSS Technosoft Inc.

The Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3

Factor 1 - Purpose of Application ............................................................................. 4

Factor 2 - Eye-Catching User Interface ................................................................... 6

Factor 3 - Right Development Technology ............................................................ 8

Factor 4 - Quality and Performance ........................................................................ 12

Factor 5 - Compatibility with Different Devices .................................................... 14

Factor 6 - Mobile App Security ................................................................................... 16

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 18

About QSS Technosoft ................................................................................................ 19

It’s the mobile age today. More than 90% of
businesses follow a mobile first approach. People
spend most of their time on mobile devices and it is
important to have a quality mobile app for successful

There is no doubt that Mobile App Technology is the biggest revolution of today’s era
that has led everything getting tech-savvy to the core. With the cut-throat competition
in the mobile app industry, most of the business apps are failing drastically and the
reasons are quite obvious- lack of originality factor, customer-oriented features, and
development approach followed mobile app security and many others.

A great mobile app can skyrocket your business and to reach that height, you must
focus on developing a feature-rich mobile app capable of engaging your users to a
great extent.

This document lists down the six most important factors that you should always strive
to make your business mobile application a success. Targeting these factors & avoiding
the simple mistakes in your mobile app will help businesses get the most out of their
mobile apps.

Factor 1
Purpose of Application
Businesses are coming up with new apps everyday but creating an
original feature-rich app that has the potential to penetrate the
market remains the biggest challenge for any company.

With a lot of competition floating around, developing a business app

with a purpose is a necessity. In order to attract more users and also
considering users requirements, you should focus more and more
upon developing an app that offers something that others don’t.

Focus on aligning your business with the user. What do your

customers need? How does your mobile app solve their issues? Is it
offering something unique that others don’t? Would they
recommend your app to other users?

Understanding these questions and framing your app accordingly

will help you rise to the top in no time. To fulfil your app purpose,
make a point on the following:

Research & Focus on your Competitor Apps

Conduct thorough market research and pay attention to the

competitor apps. Analyze their strength and weakness so that you
don't commit the same mistakes that they have made. The research
will also offer you valuable information on the user's reviews about the
likes and dislikes of a particular app.

Offer something different & unique

To engage users, your app should be feature-packed with originality intact

in. It is therefore recommended to serve something different that others
don't. Get a deep understanding of your audience & their needs & plan out
your mobile app accordingly. Generate a unique idea for your mobile app
so that it continues to offer its customers the best user experience in
terms of simplicity, usefulness & productivity.

Check if your mobile app fulfils these purposes

Answering the following questions would help you get an idea if your app
has the potential to crack into this competitive market or not.

Who is my target group?

What is the ultimate aim of my app?

What functions are there in my app?

Is there a market for the app?

What is it that I am offering and no one has offered before?

Factor 2
Eye-Catching User Interface

Do you know?


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The user interface of your mobile app is an important factor that will decide if your
users are going to adopt your app for a long-term or will abandon it after a single
use. It can also drastically affect the number of downloads you receive on your
application. It is thus recommended to have a simple yet eye catching interface for
your mobile app.

Tips to Enhance the UX/UI Experience
of your Mobile App

Poor user experience, interface & navigation is one of the common complaints faced by
many start up business apps. Applications with good interface & navigation make it easy to
facilitate & complete any task on the app from browsing through menu, pictures or
applying for a service. Listed below are the best practices your app developer should follow
to make your app UI/UX simpler & smoother than ever.

Adopt a human-centric approach.

Optimize graphics size and format.

Design your app for bigger screens.

Utilize the UI designs effectively to make users familiar with them.

Always include the thumbnails and icons that will improve the user's understanding
and navigation capacity.

Use the bottom tab bar for the most important features. This allows switching
between features really fast.

Use Card-style design to display actionable content.

Choose the right colors & pictures.

Keep the design consistent.

Avoid using scrollable icons in the tab bar.

Do not use the colorful icons in your bottom tab bar.

Make sure your app content is readable, clutter free and displaying a cleaner design.

Add a search box & make it visible on the top.

Factor 3
Right Development Technology
Choosing the right development technology would help you attain the required
productivity. There are numerous technologies available in the market for developing
mobile applications, however as not one shoe fit for all, same is the case with mobile app

Before deciding on which technology to choose, you must perform analysis for the
platforms you want the application to be developed, the UX/UI requirements, SDK
requirements and other third-party integrations which are needed in the application.

On a high level there are two major categories of development technologies, Native and
Cross platform. Native development provides the most control over the OS and SDK
integration with other third-party devices. On the other hand, cross platform technologies
provide the code reusability and faster development. Here are some trending approach &
technologies you can prefer using for your next app:

Native Development
Native mobile app development involves building apps for particular mobile
operating systems- iOS & Android, available to access from dedicated app stores-
App Store or Google Play. If you intend to build an application for iOS, app
developers will use programming languages Objective-C or Swift. On the other
hand, the development of Android operating systems involves the use of Kotlin
or Java language.

Native development offers the most flexibility and the up to date features of the
OS. It has huge benefit of utilizing the full features of the OS and provide the best
performance. However, the drawback on the other side is that it costs lot more in
terms of money and effort to implement the application on the platforms in
dependently. Moreover, the maintenance effort is also doubled as you have two
codebases now.

React Native
React Native is an affordable cross-platform technology for mobile & web app
development. Backed up by Facebook, the framework offers feature-rich cross-
platform apps packed up with speed capabilities and flexibility. If you are
wondering how this framework can be an affordable option for your next mobile
app development then consider these points:

React Native allows reusing the same code for multiple OS platforms that,
in turn, cut short developer's efforts and time, thereby impacting the
overall development cost.

The single codebase helps maintaining the apps with much ease. It boosts
the app performance by detecting errors and bugs in time.

React Native offers an unmatched UX and UI that can prove to be a great

strength for your app.

Developed by Google, Flutter allows developers to write to mobile devices using
the same code base. Flutter uses the C++ rendering engine and developers are
highly benefited from its highly customizable and fast widgets. Some benefits of
Flutter include:

Same UI and business logic on all platforms

Reduced development time

Built-in Testing Capabilities

Customized User Interface

Less Testing time- you only need to test one platform, other will get tested

Lesser time to market

Native Script
NS is a “Write it once, run it anywhere” framework that is built with JavaScript.
Developers can use their JavaScript-based tools without any noticeable
difference for the user. The final product is a fully native app. Some of the
benefits of NS are:

You can write one code base then build it for iOS or Android.

Can be learnt easily. A coder who knows JavaScript, XML and CSS and has
the idea of native iOS and Android frameworks, can take a jump into

NativeScript provides faster access to Native libraries including

CocoaPods and Gradle.

If you are a Microsoft fan and prefer C# language then Xamarin is a great choice.
With Xamarin, you can build a native cross-platform app with more than 90%
code sharing across iOS, Android & Windows platforms. Some other features of
Xamarin include:

It provides strong design tools and creates flawless UIs and user

The technology supports many libraries.

It comes with a test cloud that allows you to test mobile applications
continuously during development. As a result, developers get flawless
source code.

It allows you to reuse up to 90% of the source code. As a result, you’ll save
both time & money by getting apps for Android, for iOS, and for Windows

Apache Cordova (PhoneGap)
This framework allows web developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS
and JavaScript through device-level APIs. Besides many advantages, PhoneGap
is known for some limitations too:

It does not support all the functionalities.

The framework is inefficient sometimes.

It performs little subdued sometimes when compared to apps developed

for individual platforms.

User Interface is a little sluggish and performance is not up to the mark.

Factor 4
Quality & Performance
Anything that fails to throw an impression to its customers has no value in the
marketplace. If your app is slow, freezes, crashes frequently or involves
complicated steps to get the desired information, users will instantly abandon it
for another app.

Quality and performance of your mobile app act as oxygen to your mobile app
as it decides the user retention, ratings, number of downloads, conversion, and
ultimately, revenue. Maintaining the app quality & performance is thus integral
to achieve more active users to your mobile app.

To ensure that your application works perfectly, engages and retains users, you
must perform a robust mobile app testing. In Mobile Application Testing, the
built app, before and after launch, should be tested for its overall performance
including functionality, usability, and consistency.

Testing enables developers to reveal & rectify performance gaps in the app at
early stages. It helps you stay informed about the changes in the platform and
also keeps a check on how much power of the mobile handset the app is

Here is a list of different types of mobile application testing which should be


Types of Mobile App Testing
1. Performance Testing to analyze mobile app network, speed, GUI, display, stability,
operability and resource consumption etc.

2. Usability Testing to verify if the mobile app that is being implemented is flexible and

3. Functional Testing is done to check the functionality of the app and its integration
with the mobile device, hardware platform and technology.

4. Security Testing that ensures all the issues related to firewalls are sorted out and
there is no chance of data leakage from your device.

5. Compatibility Testing to verify software performance on various devices, mobile

platforms and networks.

Mobile App Performance Testing Checklist

Mobile app performance testing verifies:

How much of the RAM your app is utilizing?

Ensure realistic user experience under several network conditions.

Verify the speed and response time of the app under different networks and

Ensure if your app is achieving required results in case of multiple connectivity.

Ensure your app is not getting crashed.

Monitoring the bottlenecks in the mobile app uptime and API usage.

To ensure the maximum number of simultaneous users.

Factor 5
Compatibility with Different
With the presence of number of devices that run on different screen sizes, operating
systems and platforms, device compatibility is the next most important thing to consider
for a successful mobile app.

Most apps target a specific mobile OS. However, the user could access the app on different
devices like tablets, smartphones, etc. This is why businesses must ensure compatibility
and optimization of apps across different devices. Your mobile app should be able to run
smoothly across as many devices with as many screen sizes as possible- from the smallest
smartphone to the largest tablet computer.

Here are some reasons why you should consider checking your mobile app
compatibility with different devices:

Frequent launch of new device models that are built with new mobile technologies
makes it mandatory to verify device compatibility.

The change in UI, font size, CSS style, and color in mobile app is yet another challenge
that may arise while the product is put through device compatibility.

Sometimes, functionality of the application also depends on the device hardware

features, thus making compatibility testing a necessity.

Go for Mobile App Compatibility Testing

To check whether or not your mobile app is compatible with different devices, one has to
undergo mobile compatibility testing. This ensures your mobile app is working
seamlessly across all major operating systems and devices.

Mobile device compatibility testing is a specific testing of software applications and their
suitability with mobile devices. Your mobile app must undergo a critical Compatibility
testing to assure your application works with selected operating systems, selected
devices with different screen sizes, browser layer checks, and internal hardware checks
like memory size, processor speed, and button/input differences.

Factor 6
Mobile App Security
Insecure data storage is the most common issue faced by the mobile app industry.
Passwords, personal data, and financial transactions are at a greater risk. The lapse in
security can lead to information misuse, poor user experience, and scarce app adoption as
well as affects the other app functionality on your mobile devices.

Consequences of Weak Mobile App Security

Mobile apps can make your data vulnerable if they aren’t properly secured. In case of
poor mobile security, hackers with malicious intent can:

Inject malware into apps and onto devices and could access data, and steal screen
lock passcodes.

Steal customer data for theft or fraud purposes

Malign other apps on the device resulting in the device crash or poor functioning.

With a number of operating systems and devices, ensuring full-proof security around
devices and applications can be challenging. To ensure a secure business mobile app, the
best approach you can follow is to meet the required security norms, creating a secure
customer usage space and protecting data, user credentials and financial transactions.

Mobile App Security Checklist to Undergo

Getting proper security testing is a necessity to remain protected. Most of the

developers release their apps in beta modes leaving users at risk. This affects the
customer’s data.

Encryption plays an important role in blocking hackers from attacking user phones
and even the servers. Make sure you upgrade your encryption regularly.

Just like the app, server-side security is also susceptible to attack. Not protecting
servers can cause loss of sensitive data such as credit card information, personal
identification information, and more.

So, this was our take on what makes business mobile apps
successful. We hope that this whitepaper has comprehensively
narrated an overview of the factors responsible for a successful
mobile app.

Just remember- Developing a mobile app is not a rocket science

but it involves different phases where every phase requires an
extensive planning to be executed perfectly. Building your
business app considering these top 6 factors will definitely let you
witness an immense business growth and reach in no time.

Facing challenges in developing your first business mobile app?
We have got expertise in converting your app idea into reality.

QSS Technosoft Inc.
QSS Technosoft Inc. is a top-notch mobile app development company that has
delved deep into the roots of Mobile App Development. Backed up by a team of
150+ highly skilled engineers, we have vast experience in developing highly
intuitive, interactive & engaging mobile apps based across multiple business


Get more familiar with our mobile development services and process
by emailing or contacting us on below listed numbers.

IND +91 0120 420 5702 USA +1 612 424 3786

Mail us at sales@qsstechnosoft.com

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