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Soal PG
1. A: Nina, wish me luck. I will join the competition of dancing
B: Of course, good luck. I …. you will win the competition
A: Thank you so much
A. Disagree
B. Agree
C. Congratulations
D. Wish

Look at the picture !

2. Choose the best expression bellow :
A. Have a great school day my friend
B. Have a nice trip !
C. Congratulation on your graduation !
D. What a wonderful birthday !

Dear My Aunt
Congratulations on giving baby birth. I hope you both will be okay. Stay happy and healthy. I’m going to visit you and th
Love you
Your Niece
3. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To wish her niece on giving baby birth
B. To hope her baby on birthday party
C. To congratulate the baby on getting better
D. To congratulate her aunt on giving the baby birth

4. A: Hi Syifa, I won the speech contest yesterday. I won the first prize, I’m so happy. I will join the national speech cont
B: ….. Kaz for winning the speech contest
A: Thanks
A. Congratulations
B. Hope
C. Wish
D. So that

5. A: Congratulation for winning the math competition

B: ….
A. I agree with you
B. Thank you very much
C. I disagree with you
D. I wish I won it

6. A: Congratulations for passing your exam !

B: ….
A. Thanks. I wish I could there
B. Thanks. I hope you will be fine
C. Thanks. I hope I can get good score
D. Thanks. I wish you were here

Look at the picture !

7. Choose the best wish ....
A. Get well soon grandpa !
B. Don't be sick.
C. Why are you sick ?
D. Congratulation on your sickness.

8. A: Why should we study harder?

B: ….
A. To be healthy
B. To get healthy lung
C. To pass the exam
D. To get fresh air

9. A: What for do we take some rest when we get sick?

B: ….
A. In order to get well soon
B. In order to get good score
C. In order to pass the exam
D. In order to get money

10. A: Why should we eat fruits and vegetables?

B: …..
A. So that we will get much money
B. So that we will have good job
C. So that we will get good score
D. So that we will be healthy

11. A: We should not be noisy in the hospital. Because there are many patients
B: ….
A. I don’t think so, we have right to do what we want to
B. I don’t agree with you, we can do anything in the hospital
C. I agree, but sometimes I want to do what I want to
D. I agree with you, we should keep quiet in order to not disturb them

12. A: They should not come late for the meeting. The others will wait them for so long because they have come since ye
B: …
A. I disagree with you
B. That’s not a good idea
C. Absolutely, agree
D. I don’t think so

13. A: We should get vaccinated, so that we can get avoided of COVID-19

B: ….
A. I’m not sure about that
B. I think so
C. I don’t think so
D. I disagree with you

This picture for the questions number 14 to 20

14. What is the name of the product?
A. Cough mixture of formula 440
B. 75 ml
C. Pinux
D. Children’s cough syrup

15. What is the name of the brand?

A. Pinux
B. 75 ml
C. Not available
D. Children’s cough syrup

16. How much is the amount of the product?

A. Keep it away from children
B. Keep it in moderate temperature
C. Formula 440
D. 75 ml

17. What is the best storage for this product?

A. Keep it in warm temperature
B. Keep it in moderate temperature
C. Keep it in freezer
D. Keep it in hot temperature

18. “Use medicine according to physician’s instruction”

What is the meaning of the text above?
A. It means that we can use the medicine whenever
B. It means that we can use the medicine only once
C. It means that we can not use the medicine
D. It means that we can use the medicine according to the instruction

19. When is the expiry date?

A. January 2023
B. December 2022
C. November 2021
D. Not available

20. What is the closest meaning of the word physician?

A. Pharmacist
B. Nurse
C. Doctor
D. Patient

The following text is for questions 21-24.

Cheesy Fried Egg
- An egg
- Five spoonfuls of cooking oil
- A pinch of salt
- Some grated cheese

1) Pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it.
2) Break the egg into the frying pan.
3) Cook the egg for 3 to 4 minutes.
4) Put some salt on the egg.
5) Take out the egg and put it on a plate.
6) Sprinkle the fried egg with grated cheese.

21. How many eggs do you need to make a cheesy fried egg?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.

22. How much cooking oil do you need?

A. Two spoonfuls.
B. Three spoonfuls.
C. Four spoonfuls.
D. Five spoonfuls.

23. How long does it take to cook the egg?

A. Three to four minutes.
B. Two to three minutes.
C. Three to five minutes.
D. Four to five minutes.

24. When do you sprinkle the cheese?

A. After putting some cooking oil into the frying pan.
B. After taking the egg out of the frying pan.
C. When breaking the egg into the frying pan.
D. Before heating the oil in the frying pan.

The following text is for questions 25-28.

Yummy Milkshake.

- Chocolate ice cream.
- 10 coconut biscuits
- Milk

1) Put a few scoops of ice cream into the blender.
2) Blend with enough milk to make the mixture thick, but fairly liquid.
3) Add the remaining ingredients and blend

25. What is the goal of the text?

A. How to serve Yummy Milkshake.
B. How to make Yummy Milkshake.
C. Introducing the ingredients of Yummy Milkshake.
D. Telling about the kind of biscuits used in making milkshakes.

26. How many ingredients do you need?

A. One.
B. Two.
C. Four.
D. Three.

27. “ . . . to make the mixture thick, . .”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Fine.
B. Thin.
C. Fresh.
D. Heavy.

28. When do you put coconut biscuits into the blender?

A. When you pour the milk into the blender.
B. After you blend the milk and the ice cream.
C. Before you blend the milk and the ice cream.
D. Before you put the ice cream into the blender.

The following text is for questions 29-30.

How to Make a Cup of Coffee

You will need a spoonful of sugar, a teaspoon of coffee and some water.
1) First, boil some water in the kettle.
2) Then, put a teaspoon of coffee into a cup.
3) Add a spoonful of sugar.
4) Fill the cup with boiling water.
5) Finally, stir the mixture for a few moments and the coffee is ready to serve.

29. How much coffee do you need?

A. A cup.
B. A kettle.
C. A spoonful.
D. A teaspoon.

30. What should you do to make the coffee sweet?

We should . . .
A. boil it
B. add some sugar
C. add some water
D. add some honey

Look at the picture !

31. What’s she doing?
A. She is running in a garden.
B. She was going to school.
C. She is driving a car.
D. She was helping her mother.

Look at the picture !

32. What do you think she is doing right now?
A. She is helping the chicken.
B. She was managing her business.
C. She was packing foods for chicken.
D. She is feeding her chicken.

33. It has already been late at night. When Carla came home, her husband along with her two daughters …dinner for thei
A. Is cooking
B. Cook
C. Were cooking
D. Has cooked

34. Shane really loves to drive very fast on the free way. And he …… on Main Street when his car broke down.
A. Were driving
B. Is driving
C. Drives
D. Was driving

35. Tomorrow at 7 o'clock I ... The flood victims.

A. Will visit
B. Will be visiting
C. Will visiting
D. Will be visit

36. She …. to Tangerang last month. (go)

A. Gone
B. Went
C. Going
D. Not go

37. They … the bear in front of my home yesterday.(watch)

A. Watched
B. Will be watching
C. Are watching
D. Were watch

38. What time is Tamara Studying? She … last time.(study)

A. Has studied
B. Has not studied
C. Have studied
D. Have not studied

39. I ,,, a new motorcycle in the store.(take)

A. Has taken
B. Have taken
C. Am taken
D. Is taken

40. Sabrina is away in June, Sabrina … in Surabaya. (come)

A. Have not come
B. Has not come
C. Have come
D. Has come

Soal PGK
1. There are several Expressing Hope and wish as follows ....
A. I hope you had a nice Birthday.
B. I like your photos very much.
C. I really want to have a car.
D. I prefer noodle than pizza

2. Mention the congratulations expression ....

A. Amazing !
B. Congratulation !
C. Fantastic !
D. Awoseme !

3. Choose the following examples of Expression of purpose ....

A. He decided to stay in England for a while so that he could practice his English.
B. I stopped there for a chat.
C. She wakes up early in order to be on time to school.
D. He exercises regularly so as not to get fat.

4. Mention the expression of agreement ...

A. Congratulation on your succes
B. I agree with you
C. Well done !
D. Exactly !

5. There are several phrases to convey od disagreement expressionas follows ....

A. I don't think so.
B. I'm afraid I disagree.
C. No doubt about it.
D. Absolutely !
’m going to visit you and the baby tomorrow with my mom.

oin the national speech contest. I’m so nervous

use they have come since yesterday
daughters …dinner for their mother.

is car broke down.

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