Anwser Biology Practice

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a)(i)mangrove ecosystem


b)a few num of organisms are caught on the first day,

-all the organisms are marked with black Indian ink

-after marking,all the organisms p are released to the original ecosystem

-after two weeks,a few amount of organism p recaptured again

-calculate the num of organisms p which are marked

c)snake will maintain the food chain in the ecosystem -make sure the food chain are not disrupted

monkey-biji benih buah ii an yg dia makan-percambahan new pokok

organism q maintain the foodchain in the ecosystem wherelse organism p will increase the germination
of the mangrove plants/acts as a (agent penyebaran)

d)justify-setuju/tak setuju

the bridge shouldn’t be built in the ecosystem

-it will disrupt the natural habitat of the organism living in the area/ecosystem



rafflesia bersifat parasite-amik nutrient dari host-musnahkan host


holozoic nutrition

ii)x:cannot do photosynthesis process

absorb the nutrient from the host

y:can do photosynthesis process

absorb nutrient from the prey/insects which has been digested

b)(i)coconut sheath can (simpan) air

other tugas:-bekalkan nutrient (potassium+phosphorus)-important to plants

ii)the epidermis of the root has very thin wall and permeable membrane to water

-root hair has big vacuole to restore water and mineral salts

-root hair doesn’t have cuticle

akar pokok orchid-epidermis dia nipis

iii)-light intensityreceive optimum light intensity/have optimum light intensity

-for orchid to absorb light energy for photosynthesis process

Question 9-kelantan

a)(i)fish/aquatic plants/frogs/snake

ii)abiotic-light intensity,ph value,temperature


Diagram 9.2 a Diagram 9.2 b

Saprophytism interaction Parasitism
The organism obtain food from the decaying The organism gets benefit from the mango
dead trunk tree(host) and harm the host.
Saprophytes secrete enzyme to decompose dead The mushroom absorbs nutrient from the host
organism through the root
Help in decompose protein compound into The mango tree will lack of nutrient and will die
ammonium which is needed by the plants

c)the leaves of mangrove trees have thick cuticle -reduce rate of transpiration

has embedded stoma-reduce the water loss

2)thick succulent leaves-to restore water

Middle zone consist of rhizophora species trees which has

The root can trap mud/floating slitand block the flow of water

-it can cause accumulation which turn into the riverbank

-as the result,the soil condition are no longer for rhizophora species but more suitable for another
successor species that is bruguiera species which replace rhizophora



b)(i)plant n grow on the host

-its root absorb organic substance on the host and penetrate the host stem-nak masuk vascular bundle-
ada xylem phloem-phloem ada makanan-dia rambas

-the host is malnourished(x cukup nutrient) and die

c)-increase the root production

-for osmosis and ionic balance

-prevent wilting and chlorosis(x jd kuning)

Question 8


ii)similarities;thick cuticles,succelent leaves, viviparity seeds-to avoid the seed from carried away by the

difference:the roots

b)it destroy the habitat of floor and fauna,lack of the seafood,the income of the fisherman will be
disrupted,the ecotourism will be affected

c)use the release-capture-release-recapture method,fireflies recapture and caculate before it been

marked and released to the ecosystem,after three days,the fireflies are recaptired and recalculate the
marked one using the formula (first capture x second capture/the marked in the second capture)

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