Team Promo Task 1

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Team promo task 1

Duration of video: 3;06
Number of cuts: 91
Soundtrack choice, genre: dubstep, and bass
How does the sound work with the video: it works well with the video
by setting the atmosphere, they try to make the music enhance the
appearance of each player and make their entrance more dramatic to
hook viewers.
What is the content in the video, solo player shots, team shots, crowd,
games, e.t.c: they made a small game that they use to introduce each
player, a player selects a pixelated version of a team member and then
they have a cut to the player in real life and have a small inro for
them. They have solo player shots, and team shots.
Purpose of the video: The intent for the video is to introduce
themselves in an intimidating way for their opponents, they
mentioned at the end that they aren’t going to come 5th this time,
insinuating that they will destroy their competition and win, by doing
this they have the intent to make opponent worried about loosing to

Cloud 9:
Duration of video: 4:21
Number of cuts: 101
Soundtrack choice, genre: motivational, bass
How does the sound work with the video: It works well with the video
as its quite empowering and motivational, which is what the video is
about. Its about who they are and why they are doing this.
What is the content in the video, solo player shots, team shots, crowd,
games, e.t.c: The video shows game footage and lots of solo shots
where they introduce themselves, and where they talk about why they
are on the team, what they want to achieve. I really enjoyed this but I
think the video should be made into two because I found myself
getting a little antsy when they took time to talk about why they are
on the team and their team goals, I think their video could be made
shorter by cutting out that section of talking and making it into
another video
Purpose of the video: To show others what their agenda is, and why
they are doing this, they not only want to promote their team but
promote women altogether in esports, they describe their hopes in
getting to their tier 1, and how they want to prove themselves so that
they are viewed as equals to the mens teams out there.

Duration of video: 53 seconds
Number of cuts: 97
Soundtrack choice, genre: bass
How does the sound work with the video: the sound adds an element
of excitement and it adds dramatic effect, which engages the reader.
What is the content in the video, solo player shots, team shots, crowd,
games, e.t.c: it has the crowd and atmosphere of the live experience,
to encourage more people to go. It also had footage of the games and
of the teams after the games where they are excited and hugging each
other showing that its more than just games and that its about the
bonds you make along the way. It also has a few solo shots. I didn’t
really enjoy this one as much as I should’ve because I think it looks
rushed, there’s too much content and too little time, I think the video
needs to be slightly longer, not by much but a little because I found
this video overwhelmingly crowded
Purpose of the video: the video promotes the team, but also gives
people a view of how it looks to be there in the action, and may
encourage people to see it live next time. It promotes all of the teams
for all the games.

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Duration of video: 4:04

Number of cuts: 47
Soundtrack choice, genre: bass
How does the sound work with the video: it works well with the video
because its not too complex so it doesn’t take away from the video
itself, its music is aimed to add a tiny bit of effect to hook the viewer,
I think they did really well with the music because it was fun and
engaging and generic, most people will be okay to listen to this song.
What is the content in the video, solo player shots, team shots, crowd,
games e.t.c: game play from many perspectives, crowd shots, to
encourage going to see it in person, solo shots of celebrating, team
celebration shots, and winning celebration shots. I think theres a lot of
footage there and it gets a little long and boring to watch so I think
they should make it a little shorter because some people have really
short attention spans.
Purpose of the video: to promote the event and to encourage people to
go and to watch.

Duration of video: 1;35
Number of cuts: 29
Soundtrack choice, genre: bass, modern
How does the sound work with the video: they times transitions with
the song, I thi9nk that the idea of timing transitions is great I think its
also a bit unnecessary and it can cut some videos too short and it can
become a little overwhelming and could trigger some people if its out
of time,.
What is the content in the video, solo player shots, team shots, crowd,
games e.t.c:
Team picture, and gameplay. I don’t think they added enough of the
other aspects, they should add more team shots and add some solo
Purpose of the video: to increase following of the team, to get more
well known

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