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LMDG ode u SoLAs

bves sofe procacluts uith roped to gocel

by sea un packag cd form. trawpovl o dagou
Ogylate npot by t of danguou gerd to navonably prcvert
y peon a lamag to chup und hu cugo
harm to
equdade? travopor by sca oain poltan to rued
maine environmnt
Salie Fecctuue
adkagn tqutMenb o D ef appropriecte shrength and sae
A Honaud warninA labls àn othr idontiyuing maBa
.Docuerly equirtd tor trampor e
*inupla oegrgation.
.inupl for deciding sajt stoungr loc ahion for DGs
IHovidu emergeny ponke adri, frtaicd proceduts
Scuecty 9udulhu sale ue ope»ticiclus
VoLome 1
Cqenea provisiom dunitons, bauning
akina and tank provislons.
Conoigmmot procduwes
ovntbuchiCn and tetivg pockaging, 18C, lage packagts anbs.
TrapoH opercutoo
VoLume 2
Daurguou Good List
Speaial Phovisiona
Limided quanhi a
C) Excepttd quantiti a
Appendio A : isl e Genuie and NOs iopey Shpping hmeA
ALphabuical In dur,
Ems Gruude

Reporting rouduwe
*Sofe u o pestiide
7NF Code
(Tradiated Nudear Füet)
CLnSs 1:tzplosive,
.1:Substanus and aticdos that ave oa maun

H that me a proje chion hazacd but not naM ¬rp hana-o

54 thal hae a in hanavdminor blal CTiprojction ha2aro
u t not a maun enplosion nonard
4: S A thad prvent no signilicad hazard
15: Very inenuhe substanis thod hount a muus eaplosion hanard.
6 Exrumdy inonutt subrtanus hat do not havt a MEH
ca RDX ammunitio

LASS 2: Gases.
eg: Teholewm gan RED
Flammable gane Green Vingl hlonide
-2: Non flammable and non toauic ga. Argom
P6as7oN FammAeL
.9 Toric gau ohie NifTogtn,
xClaun 3 Flammablu Liquidtd PeEN
g wood Provervative Reo
*da4H: Flammabu Solidks* Rco Whare Srei»¬s,

c : Zine Duct
Toctilk wade
Substanus ablewite LewSTe
42 to spPondane
ouy FinannBet SPcNTONGuS
Combuuuion SouoS GMLSTmo
p ER u s
4.9:Substanco wnn 1 Cortaot with DHEN
water emil flammablu gaues . Blae WET

dom 5.1 Oudusing Substanu

eg: Sodium Pero d
da 5.2:Organte PeroxidesRrd1 Yelu Yullou
daus 6.1:Pei Substanes
eq:Tea gas,
Clam 62 Intecious Substwle
an cus.
Cla YYellouw
4: Rodioacit Madeial RADOCYE
shrontium Yollow 1 Wmte. w.l .

Clous 8: Corosi *ie 1Bla wite

Slphune Aaid
Claas 9: Miscelaneo ubtanLa
Blae Loke Wwe

KING encowderrd dung tranpo.
mbratio o , ,
Loithstanding shocks
dpable o cerdent by
to prtrodlon ef
cdored'9o a s
Cmwructed and prenwut anol humid1tt pachog
temperaliui, aubs 1We e}}eltd react,
Changu n dangerow
nSiduw on
dean -no
with doanguouu good,
in died tont ad
fado package catalyd
OTadika a
vibration/drop tut
ackagu teuted f oduiad noh rtadhivt
absorbext fchion Suiies tickn
Cusioh t
No tronr
to be kept to alo o alod
foY enpaniion
MARKING LnBiING AND ficed o 1ndindual
Labels loOxloo mm
to trouvopow "u
250 M . - F i a e d pachage
250mm x oncach conharhne
Placa os marked an beuckgrowd
PSN and UN Numbes
shaul be readly visi
placad adud
Naskings, labebb, idurt1habu on packagu survinng
colowr infomation an stil to be
M,L p 'ummenion
at sea.

salvraged packagcs deady all sic
SALVAGE -Mavkud for pldaydo on CTU
mau-kud om uo sidas and O r U
packungs and 1BCs 07 Conigree
Maolicachi namg
o c o n n i
q n o Y

Claun 7packagt markd Tum with'enviromakub

5okas shgauo be
shatl be"duwrably
-Marinu Polludanth
ackagis hanardo Subtan c e
with rdvane out
c o u h c o n Socie isb
Depending darnairouw Oodahe onboaudaand t
the can PentLe tobe dote
cargse er9oes
the dangeduwp
t e h cangt o Such rquremort to
Cargo paces
wtte "IMDGrcorgo
T t hut be teautuy such u
plan StouSTG
sh Spr bulkhuads, undo
hto accourl uateybot
Doc taku actomodation,prebene o
dustonu romdick svoungt poutona
evaludiby 5ys
os dc and sn rqremndh SoLAS CHl-AThe period
Issus uwdu a Gnhuhion GA.
beond te"eNpu
4 cannot entend
DG MANFEST is nobprtaunted wibh DG Mandus
shall be allouved a u t e
No D Packagd geods
macter and contaney stoug posihion un e conde
Submitted b shispe agt to corent
i alte chutking NL stbusage plan ,and Manikut, for thu
meuter when
agoinnt and counie sdned by
UN No o Cao Joaded USigd byhpe
on boa-8
DG ha beutloadad
Incud the folouing. o t o Joadin
ucel/ Cortainer nltnbe
A Numbs kind o Pacag. fot dischae
rope Shupping nam Stoung-e locabion
dasjication number Si2e 4ype ocortana
SIMO daw 1mbg
/pN Numbur EMEMAG NO
Packina Group.
Subsidhy Riths
Flaush pott 60'C r beuew .

o i n Pouldont "y Ye"N"No S Serere

CroSs/Net Mau
acidas, tnu oUn)y
Ad Guide use inrau
MFAG Mrdieal F
o Rstaid wanlro acilu e l n
Meditalad idCode -Juned auidei, invelving odangerous 8
Guide to be uued conwnton with inlomadiom P
t u 1MDG, B, EMS, 18C 16C code
6eadmeni are speuied n appropiate tables and more comprchnnit
in sechion oaPpendiea.
How to une thw to lo tadb 243
quide Has the brakua shoras ?"
STEP Emegen achion 4 diaghosi* pnsishg oFlouw
Tabs. in briel deu ptiow for specia
STeP 3 Appenci
Comprehuar ilo mah'on.
-ust nmedicind/dug
Publi shed jountlu by 3MD, chumu cal in tables
wHO 4 L0
Sugged teatment an caue skin
inhalabion n flouwbut
contad, ty cortat ingution and
EmS Giuide .lun 15
Emergenuy Repon rocedue fov ships carying
Column 15 Dangerou dangoou goood " P
Good u'st. Sup imet TM
Two pao codas () Fine (F) Da Cod
i)Spilag (s)
Fire Schudule
F- A to F- Spillag Conbre
Hw am S-A& S-Z
boad ha to be the rst. team On boad
to, uonfain tw
sprtad ir oY
splage hunu the
Contour indua ohicH hau aul UN EMsqude wud
Tumbo o 3MDG and the
emergeny procudwe139to foLc
u Are echuduls contaln
n dt op
a i Th SpIlagk schadaule Contan
- Gewal Commen - Genwa Commen
Caugo on fn on dck -Spillag on deckk
Cargo on hr wndvdec Spuag wrds dedk
-Cauoeapoud to - Speciol ca /
Speuad coues
Tha guidanu un thin quds i intendd for Re and/o sp Uaar
emurgenies on board nvouring paceagrd gocc dangtrous
and ranwpoted wn atwrdahe to fovls ions IDG code
Guidu choud not be u d emrgentik nroluing bulk covgst
ol packagec good o not Appy )
hvos fnt hancl achion taken by mauter or cw ncal o An
r pLuag withou any extenal auistance

Provioles pvocedur taken by eew to eond to frts 4- spilla

egorcdng danguous goods tihout any a eaternal hedp

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