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General Luna Cor. Muralla St.

Intramuros, Manila

E-MODULE 1(3-4)

Dances, Ellaine D. BSN 3-2 Prof. Eric G. Villa



BASIC COMPUTER knowledge in simplest are the forms or parts. Having a thought
about basic computer knowledge is somewhat based on the learnings during elementary in which
they teach how to use the computer in this modern era. Simple lessons in computer would really
help people to use and be one the path of developed era. This makes the people be more are how
technology help us for everyday living. To


What I know about computer

1. This is an equipment or a thing that makes people’s life easy.

2. It has data and system.

What I want to know more about computer

1. I want to learn on how to do the troubleshoot

2. I want to learn how complicated data works.


In line of online class in this pandemic, we literally used computer in everyday of our
discussions and laboratories. Having some knowledge about computer helps me a lot to
overcome the struggles that happened during online class. Computer does help nursing students
to be more creative in making presentations, as the professors wanted the students to adopt on
the new education system. For we are the future nurses, and their work does not end on the
bedside the learning about computers will stayed as it helps to have a proper data for the patients
and have a proper analysis or diagnosis.



1. Memory 6. Plotters

2. Hardware 7. Optical Storage

3. Touchscreen 8. Output

4. Motherboard 9. Webcam

5. Barcode Reader 10. Projector


1. Input 6. Output

2. Storage 7. Output

3. Input 8. Input

4. Processor 9. Input

5. Output 10. Memory


Honestly speaking, it did not do anything with “TO KNOW MORE”. Since it the does
not solved the trouble shooting and complicated data system.

Student Activity 1.1.2

I. Identification

1. Word Processing Software 3. Presentation Graphics Software

2. Spreadsheet Software 4. Desktop Publishing Software

5. Communication Software 8. Spreadsheet Software

6. Desktop Publishing Software 9. Desktop Publishing Software

7. Presentation Graphics Software 10. Communication Software

II. Reflection

It is the collection of guidelines, facts, or software used to run computers and carry out
particular activities. They are made to run a computer's hardware and offer a foundation for
software to run on. A description of the software's structure, data models, interfaces between
system components, and possibly the algorithms the software engineer will employ are all
included in the software design.

Student Activity 1.1.3

I. Jumbled Words

1. Personal Area Network

2. Local Area Network

3. Wireless Local Area Network

4. Campus Area Network

5. Metropolitan Area Network

II. Essay

Networks is something that connects the set of information to another processor of

information. This involves the connectivity to the other hardware devices. You can easily access
information though the network. It gives a way for the information to travel and be system to
understand and use.

Student Activity 1.1.4

I. How does ICT affect your current lifestyle in terms of: (no minimum or maximum
number of words)
1. COMMUNICATION – With the new technology of modern era, communication became one
od the focus of it. ICT gives us opportunity to became united with our friend, families, and loved
ones or other people rather. Because of ICT communication has increases to improve from
waiting over months just to receive a message to just a second you had receive a message from

2. EDUCATION – ICT, became part of the curricular of the new education system. Thus, a
reason for the school to have or developed a room for computers and for the students to access
the school online.

3. SOCIALIZING – Due to the fact that some people are more expressive online, as an introvert
I can now have access to someone whenever I want to interact them. This me and other people to
have a waiting time in having our comfortability to open to other people.

4. THE PANDEMIC – News are all over, and ICT helps a lot. From knowing the data of the
virus and easily remarking how many people got infected by the virus. And this also help to
utilize the information to become a creative advertisement to other.

II. In the next 10 years, what do you think will be the impact of ICT in the medical field?
(No minimum or maximum number of words)

ICT, networks and also the system help medical field people to have a fast paced develop
theories and research. As a future nurse, thru ICT managing patients data would be easy and will
not consumed a lot of time.

Student Activity 1.1.5

I. Give 3 words to describe each OPERATING SYSTEM

1. General-Purpose Operating System

2. Mobile operating System

3. Embedded Operating System

4. Network Operating System

5. Real-Time Operating System

II. What type of device do you use for online classes? How can you describe your device’s
operating system?

I am lucky to have a laptop and mobile phone to use for online classes. The laptop’s
operating system is the windows and for the mobile phone is the mobile operating system. In
which they do both needs the internet to attend online classes and properly do homework and
other tasks that were given by the professors.

III. How do you think operating systems contribute to the medical field?

An employee's health, benefits, and well-being information are gathered through a health
operating system, which gives employees a better tailored experience while providing businesses
with useful information. Controlling expenses and enhancing the caliber of patient care are two
prominent instances of operations management in healthcare. Healthcare operations managers
seek to reduce spending and secure funding in order to maintain the volume and caliber of
services provided.

Student Activity 1.2.1

I. Based on what you had learned from the video, what are the different file management
actions you can do in a computer ?

1. Possible answers 4. Renaming and deleting

2. Navigating folders 5. Changing view options

3. Making folders 6. Organization

II. Do you think it should be mandatory or nurses to know the basic of file management?
Why or why not?

Yes, I think so. Because knowing a simple basic steps or filing data would be a one step
forward in maintaining an easy charting for nurses.

III. Give at least two importance of utilizing document management software in Nursing

1. Accessible patient EHRs at any time.

2. Lowers costs as a result of the adoption of electronic health records, which
3. Hospitals are not required to continually spend money on paper purchases.

Student Activity 1.2.2

I. Based on the video, answer the table below.

1. Antivirus 3. Disk cleaner

2. Archiver 4. File manager

II. Give at least 3 antivirus software shown in the video:

1. Norton

2. AVG

4. Avira

III. Give the 2 archiver software shown in the video:

1. Winrar

2. 7-zip

Student Activity 1.2.3

I. Jumble-Rumble: Internet’s

1. Optical Fiber Network

2. Wifi Router

3. Solid State Device

4. Server

5. IP Address

Student Activity 1.3.1

I. Match Column A with the corresponding item in Column B. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it in the box provided beside the number.

1. A
2. E

3. B

4. C

5. G

6. D

7. F

II. Give three (3) more examples of a web browser not mentioned in the previous page(s).

1. Vivaldi

2. Torch

3. Samsung Browser

III. Essay (Based on what you had learned from the video, In your own words, with a
minimum of 5 sentences, summarize how the web works and incorporate how the browser
components work with each other.)

I discovered from the offered video that you could access anything on If you have an
internet connection, you can access the internet using any device. You can use a search engine or
web browser to find information. for instance, Google internet explorer, and etc. It finds
information through browsing websites. data from several websites and shows it to you on the
screen. An instance of Google is offering a variety of websites regarding diabetes. the Cleveland
Clinic, Mayo Clinic, WebMD, and the NCBI, among others. A number of A web browser has
seven different parts: the user interface, the browser engine, Networking, JavaScript interpreter,
UI backend, rendering engine, and These elements cooperate to provide you with data storage.

IV. Flowchart (Based on your understanding, draw a flowchart showcasing the process
involved in how the web browser works.




Student Activity 1.3.2

I. Word Search

Across: 9. Address Bar

2. Search Engine Down:

4. Links 1. Navigation Buttons

5. Bookmark 3. History

6. Tabs 8. URL

7. Incognito

Student Activity 1.3.3

Student Activity 1.3.4

I. Pros and Cons of Email (List)

You can email yourself as well. Your emails might readily be
that include your private files, misconstrued, resulting in
i.e., emails can be used as a The sender and recipient misunderstood
storage space and the receiver.
FREE Chances of hacked.

Student Activity 1.3.5

I. Essay (What comes first to your mind when you hear the word “platform” in relation to
technology or the Internet?)

When it comes to technology, once I hear the word "platform," I believe that platform to
be a machine running an operating system, such as (Windows by Microsoft, MacBooks, iPhones,
Samsung mobile devices, etc.) where a variety of apps can be executed and installed. Although,
when it When it comes to the internet, "platform" is frequently associated with social media
social media, where there are programs for social networking such Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram. These tools are employed to talk to the crowd.

II. Essay (What do you think are the differences between a platform and an application?)

Over the past two years, I've come to depend on online channels. and the activities of my
family, one of these platforms being Microsoft Teams, of course I go to class and complete my
homework here, For the typical reasons—safety and COVID-19 prevention, you know.

Zoom is another application where this is typically the platform used. whenever there are major
meetings in schools (e.g., a seminar). As well Use Grab to order food. Of course, we also use
social media. using social media to communicate with our friends and relatives a great distance.
Personally, I frequently play online games and utilize Discord to converse with my pals.

Student Activity 1.3.6

I. Share Mo Lang (Essay)

During pandemic online are boom, using devices and window shopping became online
for the reason of applications, They became useful as we can’t go outside. Even using zoom.

Chapter Test

1. D 6. A & B

2. C 7. B

3. A 8. C

4. C 9. C

5. B & C 10. B
11. B 15. A

12. C

13. C

14. D

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