WRBS Las Q2-Week 3

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DepEd Learning Activity Sheet

Name of the Learner:

Grade Level:
Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
Comparative Analysis of Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism
Quarter 2
Week 3

Learning Competency: Explain the uniqueness and similarities of Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism and
Mahayana Buddhism. (HUMSS_WRB12II/IVd-11.1-4)

Read your book of Introduction to World Religions & Belief Systems focusing on Theravada Buddhism.
(Lesson 11: page 167)

Instruction: Read the directions carefully. Use black or blue ink only.

Activity 1
Directions: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer in a clean yellow paper.

_____________1. It refers to the religious and moral law governing a person’s conduct. It is also one of the four
Hindu goals of life.
_____________2. It has no precise moment of origin and no one specific founder or prophet unlike most other
world religions.
_____________3. This religion is closely linked to its founder who is also referred to as the Buddha or the
“Enlightened One.”
_____________4. This concept involves the accumulation of one’s past deeds that have a direct effect on one’s
present condition.
_____________5. It pertains to the pursuit of legitimate worldly prosperity or material well-being.
_____________6. It refers to the pursuit of legitimate pleasure as one obtains enjoyment in life, such as those
related to arts, music, and dance.
_____________7. It is the final meaning of life that involves enlightenment, self-realization, or union with god.
_____________8. It is the extinguishing of fires of longing and suffering
_____________9. A widow can opt to commit this or the act of killing herself by jumping into the funeral pyre
of her husband.
_____________10. It is honoring women in Hindu society as a fundamental teaching.

Activity 2:
Compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism using the table provided below. (10 POINTS)


References for Learners:

Jose and Ong. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc,.2016

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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