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About the Bible

✔️What is Bible?

The Bible is the written Word of God On so many levels, the Bible is an extraordinary book,
from its diverse content and literary styles to its miraculous preservation down through the
ages.Some writers have called the Bible God’s love letter to us. Others have described it as
our handbook for life.The Bible tells the story of God’s relationship with the masterpiece of
his creation – people.

✔️The importance of reading the bible

Why do you read the Bible? Or maybe I should ask the question, why do you not read the
it is clear that many Christians do not take reading their Bibles seriously.What you read
impacts you. regularly reading God’s word reorients our thinking so that we can grow in
maturity, which is part of the Christian calling.
If you lack the desire to read the Bible, pray and ask that God would give you a desire for his

✔️facts about the bible

1)The Bible was written in three languages

Those languages are Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
2)The smallest Bible is smaller than the tip of a pen.
The Nano Bible is the world’s smallest Bible. It easily fits on the tip of a ballpoint pen
3)The world's most "stolen book" is the Bible.
Because most copies are offered in hotels, hospitals, and other places, some people tend to
take it. No wonder why more than 100 million copies are printed each year.
4)Jesus Is Never Described in Detail
While churches and iconography worldwide depict images of Jesus, the Bible never truly
describes what he looks like. There are hints to his features found in some books of the
Bible, but a full description is lacking.
5)Armenia was the first country in the world to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301

✔️Bible quotes

📌Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds
done in the humility that comes from wisdom
📌The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advise.
📌Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every
opportunity, because the days are evil.
📌Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your
body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

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