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In󰉃󰈹od󰉉󰇹󰉄󰈏on 󰉃󰈡 C󰇽󰈹na󰉃󰈎󰇸

✔ One of the oldest forms of Music that has its
origins parked in the Southern States of India -
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka
✔ It is one of the most disciplined systems of Music
✔ A singer who learns this style of music is equipped
with in-depth knowledge about 1000+ raagas, as
he/she learns various compositions based on these
ragas - Kirtananams, Kritis, Varnams, Swarajathis
and Geethams
✔ There is also a lot of emphasis on the creativity of
the singer and the ability of the singer to
compose their own re ections of the raaga.
The 󰈎󰈚󰈦󰈢r󰉃a󰈞t 󰇹󰈡󰈛p󰈢󰈝e󰈞t󰈻(󰈀󰈞g󰇽a󰈻)
of C󰈀󰈸󰈞󰇽ti󰇹 M󰉉󰈼󰈏c
✔ Shruti (pitch)
✔ Swaras (notes)
✔ Raaga (melody)
✔ Taala (beat - sequencing of notes)
✔ Saahitya (lyrics)
✔ Kalpana (imagination)
✔ Agaaram

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