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Immobilization – Wastewater consists of various impurities which could be harmful to living organisms
and the environment, hence this waste water must be treated before being disposed into the
environment. Immobilization is a technique that allows the treatment of wastewater with the help of
microorganisms that are utilized for the biodegradation and removal of various contaminants from the
water. These microorganisms limit the mobility of the cells by using synthetic or natural polymers
depending on the type of contaminants. Immobilization coverts these mobile contaminants into solid
and stable form enabling it be easily handled, stored or disposed safely and with convenience.

Silos – Silos is a structure used for storing bulk materials like grains, cement. Coal, food products etc.
Silos are usually in a cylindrical shape but may also come in dome shapes depending on the
requirement. There are various methods of loading the silos depending on the size of the grains. The
smaller sized grains use blower and Auger system to carry the grain to the top of silos and then fills the
silo. It uses mechanical system or compressed air to carry the grains without damaging the grain
structure or quality. This is not possible for large grain size. For large grain size like coal, conveyor system
is the most ideal as it can carry heavy materials all the way to the top and into the silos. The
disadvantage is that there is heavy loss of material due to spillage while on the conveyor as well as while
entering the silos. In poor countries, the silos is made out of Clay and used by farmers to store grains
and the silos is loaded manually by hand.

Emission Inventory – Emission Inventory is defined as the accounting of total emissions generated by
one or more greenhouse gases or pollutants. The main purpose of Emission Inventory is to understand
“Why the emissions are being produced, what is the composition of the emissions, where are they
occurring, and when are they occurring”. Emissions are the starting point of any environmental problem,
hence it is crucial to understand these emissions to understand the environmental problem. Emissions
Inventory is used by policy makers to make regulations and by scientists to test the air quality in a
certain area over a certain period of time.

Effectiveness of Corrective Action – When a corrective action is put in place, it is very crucial to verify
the corrective action and check whether the problem has been reduced or removed. The evidence
depends on the magnitude of the problem varying from verbal evidence, data, records or first-hand
observation. If the problem is severe, it leads to a significant Corrective Action, which in turn leads to
extensive evidence in verifying the corrective action.

Stack/Chimney – Industrial Chimneys are also called as Stacks which are an important subsection of the
aeraulic network that carries vertically and discharges smoke, air, vapors and fumes from combustion
and other operations within an industry. The maintenance of a stack is very important as it is subjected
to extreme temperatures and hazardous vapors and gases. The chimney can be protected by the use of
Chimney liners which protect the stack from corrosion and high temperatures. These liners also increase
durability of the chimney in the longer run, as repair/downtime for any plant can cost huge losses. These
stacks are also a way for the regulators to assess the waste produced during various operations, by
conducting stack emission test which reports the quality of air (smoke, fumes, and vapors) emitted from
the chimney.

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