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ENVS 1301

Written Assignment Unit 4

Dated: 23 Feb, 2022

Submitted To: Pallavi Bagewadi


Biogeochemical cycles of the materials water, nitrogen, carbon, Sulphur and phosphorus, are

believed to be sustainable since the matter and the energy traits encompassing these cycles
constantly move amongst its various human and inorganic forms and settings in the biosphere
during lengthy periods of time. Water, strong above or beneath the surface (atmospheric vapor or
solid like oceans or seas) and contains hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon is present in every natural
super particle and is an essential component to fossil fuels. Nitrogen is a key element of nucleic

acids and proteins vital to mortal cultivation. Every ecosystem comprises of various forms of
life/species forming societies that interrelate while encompassing water and land s well.

Biodiversity encourages ecosystem productivity, and more species multiplicity guarantees

natural sustainability for all kinds of life. This essay explores two of these cycles (Lumen
Leaning, n.d.).

Lifestyle Impacts

I chose nitrogen and water because I believe these cycles work in unison as a unit and not quite
individually. An essential factor to our continued existence is nitrogen gas (N2) and encompasses
roughly 78% of the atmosphere. Nitrogen is a critical nutrient for all living species, like
rhizobium bacteria that dwell in the roots of plants, and cyanobacteria found in most marine/sea
ecosystems. This element is required for protein and even DNA. People interfere with this cycle
by severely threatening the natural nitro fixation event because of a vast distribution of airborne
nitrous oxides resulting from extreme fossil fuels combustion and utilizing nitrogen laden
fertilizers for farming. Products high in nitrogen material used in agriculture can lead to total

depletion of oxygen concentrations that alter biodiversity cycles, damage food integrity,
exterminate ecosystem (marine) wildlife, and cause total habitat ruin (Lumen Learning, n.d.). We
use compost for fertilizer and grow our own vegetables using rainwater, we use the fireplace for
heating (enviro-logs), we drive hybrid vehicles, and we shop for our fruits and fish from farmers
markets and Amish-owned establishments. Even though we drive hybrids, we could use bikes or
walk to close stores instead of driving five blocks, I also leave my computer on sleep mode
through the night, tuning it off is a start to conserve electricity. I use my printer a lot but not soy-
based ink although I do recycle the cartridges. There are many products that I purchase that are

not recyclable material. Buying more recyclable products like printer ink. Using LED lights
more. These small changes made globally can slowly reverse some of the damage. Buying
fresher foods can reduce health issues like high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Using
compost instead of nitrogen fertilizers will eradicate oxygen destruction and have a more nutrient

value to marine life. ((United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.)


Water is the core of all living processes which makes it high-ranking on the list of cycles. Water
is the greatest influence on microclimates, ecosystems, and organic beings and perform constant
environmental rotations which all species rely upon. Any deficiencies or scarcities can be
catastrophic on ecosystem forces at work. Humans have performed activities that have and are

affecting the water cycle like constructing dams for rivers that are mismanaged for

hydroelectricity production, possible obstructions for smaller dependent watering sources for
animals and plants, excessive global water usage for farming or lawn grooming, deforestation, or
consistent burning of fossil fuels (Lumen Learning, n.d.). In my home, we use rain barrels to
water our landscape, we also use a high efficiency washer, and only run the dishwasher once

very two days by filling the dishwasher before running a cycle. We us sonic toothbrushes to

eliminate needing the water to run by traditional brushes norms, and we are also replacing the
faucets and shower heads for more water saving efficiency. On average, we save almost 8,000
gallons of water each sewage cycles this way. Operating the dishwasher only at full capacity can
save approximately 320 gallons of water per annum, reducing the use of tap water while

brushing and shaving will save almost 5,700 gallons per year (EPA, n.d.). Imagine if every

person could achieve this, how much of a positive effect it would have to our resource and the
cycles it performs. I impact the cycle by using the water hose for auto washing, long shower
washing my hair, I could find a more water efficient way to wash our cars, and use dry shampoo
instead of daily hair washing, Changes to reduce usage, would not only replenish our resources
to abundance, but the money saved on sewage bills yearly would be a huge benefit. The constant
reversal would revive polar caps, boost natural watering resources for animals and plants. These

small changes would have no dramatic effect on the normalcy of life. ((Lumen Learning. (n.d.)


While I subscribe to being ever conscious of the Earth (as a Buddhist) and her resources that
have been the core of my existence, we all have a moral obligation to take care of her as she has
for us. We make small decisions constantly tat reduce waste, revive/recycle, or protect our
environment. There are still things as a family that we can do like install more solar panels (I use
a solar panel charger for my Ring and security lights versus hard wire). Decisions on being
environmentally smart should not be difficult as it is a choice between life and death. The issue
is more of the misinformation and the lack of or poor method of communication being performed

to raise awareness. There are no cohesive messages that yield a consensus of the decline of
biodiversity. Small changes do not mean that life will be drastically different, it only means that
we live healthier, longer, and stronger. After all, a species is only as strong as its habitat. How
we treat Earth determines how long and strong we will be for the future.


United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Water Sense. Statistics and Facts.

Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Biogeochemical Cycles.

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