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Qed da od pod i vq Cobion ets com esalucter-od- yoo FM é Sa wen Total No. of Printed Pages : 13 (Do NoT ord is adesndnfaooraer BEFORE TIME OR UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO) PG-EE-2016 SUBJECT : Mathematics Hons. Five Year Sr. No. Time : 1% Hours: Max. Marks : 100 Total Questions : 100 Roll No, (in figures). (in words) Name Father's Name, Mother's Name. Date of Examination. —Gignature of the Candidate) (Gignalure of the Invigilatory CANDIDATES MUST READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION/INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING THE QUESTION PAPER. 4. All questions are compulsory. 2. The candidates must return the question booklet as well as OMR Answer-Sheet to the Invigilator concemed before leaving the Examination Hall, failing which a case of use of unfair-means/misbehaviour will be registered against him/her, in addition to lodging of an FIR with the police. Further the answer-sheet of such a candidate will not be evaluated 3. In case there is any discrepancy in any question(s) in the Question Booklet, the same may be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations in wrting within two hours after the test is over. No such complaint(s) will be entertained thereafter. 4, The candidate must not do any rough work or writing in the OMR Answer-Sheet. Rough work, if any, may be done in the question booklet itself. Answers must not be ticked in the question booklet. 5, There will be no negative marking. Each correct answer will be awarded one full mark. Cutting, erasing, overwriting and more than one answer in OMR Answer-Sheet will be treated as incorrect answer. 6. Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen of good quality in the OMR Answer-Sheet. 7. Before answering the questions, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied correct and complete booklet. Complainis, if any, regarding misprinting etc. will not be entertained 30 minutes after starting of the examination. PG-EE-2016/(Maths Hons Five Year)/(A) 4, nm 1 If two sets A and B are having 99 elements in common, then the number of elements common to each of the sets A x Band B x A are: @) 99? Q) 18 @) 2” (4) 100 HF f(e)=1—7, hen te value off {2)] dis c 1 x x-1 * a) A a e = as The function f(x)=log( x + Vx +)is (2) aneven function (2) anodd function (3) a periodic function (4) none of these The value of sin A sin(60° + A) sin(60° — A) is equal to z (i) sin3A (2) sin34 @) sind (4) sins etle, Br li < eos a5( x42), then 5{ +) sequal to: (1) cos 20 (2) sin 20 B) sec 20 (4) tan 20 If y=sin? 6 +cosec®, 8 #0, then: (Ql) ys2 Q) ys2 (3) y2-2 (4) y=0 ue of S0822°=sin12° _ sin147° . Mevelne ot oe IPaentat cooler CTA Qo Qt @)1 (4) None of these |. Pm): 1 43454 .0....4 (28-1) =n? is: () trueforn> 1 (2) true for no n (3) true for alle N (4) none of these If eleven members of a committee sit at a round table so that the President and Cashier always sit together, then the number of arrangements is : (1) BO «2 (2) [9x2 (3) [10 (4) None of these |. In how many ways can 5 keys be put in a ring ? 5 4 @) 5 Q) & 3) 6 4 a PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons./(A) P.T.O. 1. 15. 16. 18. 19. A A lady gives a dinner party for six guests. The number of ways in which they may be selected from among ten friends, if two of the friends will mot attend the party together, is (a) 164 (2) 140 (3) 112 (4) 40 Ifwis an imaginary cube root of unity, then (14 w=w?) is equal to: @) 80 Q) 1280 @) =12810? (4) 12807 {The equation 22 + (2-3) 2 12+ 3i) 2 +4=Orepresentsa circle of radius: a3 @4 @ 2 (4) 6 If the roots of the equation qx? + px+q=0 are complex, where p, q are real; then the roots of the equation x7 44x +p? =0 are: (1) real and equal (2) imaginary (3) realand unequal (4) none of these Ifa +b=8, then ab is greatest when: ().a23b=5 Q)a=4b=4 — @) a= 6,b=2 (4) None of these If the coefficient of 7th and 13th term in the expansion ‘of (1+2)" are equal, then 1 is equal to: @) 10 @ 2 @) 15 (18 If "c, denotes the number of combinations of n things taken r at e time, then the expression "py1 + "cy-1+2* "ér equals = (a) "7c, Q) "Pepa (@) "e, 4) Tera ‘The number which should be added to the numbers 2, 14, 62, so that the resulting numbers may be in G. P. is: a4 Q 3 @ 2 @1 If the roots of the equation x°-12x?+99x-28=0 are in A. P. then their common difference is (i) +2 (2) +4 @) #1 (4) +3 |. The equation of the straight line joining the origin to the point of intersection of y-x+7=Oand y+2x-2=0is: (1) 3x4 4y=0 (2) 4x+3y=0 (3) 3x-4y=0 (4) 4x-3y=0 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.J/(A) 21. The straight line whose sum of the intercepts on the axes is equal to half of the product of the intercepts, passes through the point : @) (2) @ (1) (3) (4,4) (4) 3,3) 22. The equation of a circle with centre (1, 2) and tangentx +y-5 () x’ +y? +2x-4y+6=0 @ xr4y?—2r=ay+ (@) x2 44? -2+4y+8=0 (4) x? 4y?-2r-4y+8=0 23, The distance between the foci of an ellipse is 16 and the eccentricity is ; Length of major axis of the ellipse is : (8 Q 16 @ 32 (4) 64 24. The ratio in which the line joining (2, 4, 5) and (3, 5, — 4) is divided by the yz-plane is: Q) 4:3 @) 3:2 @) 2:3 (4) 2:3 25. A plane makes intercepts 3 and 4 respectively on z-axis and x-axis. If plane is parallel to y-axis, then its equation is : (Q) 3z4+4x=12 Q) Bytdz=12 © G) 3x+4z=12 @) z+4y=12 is equal to: 2) $ @) 2 (@) None of these 27. The points of discontinuity of tan x are: @) x=nn (2) 2un @) Qnent (4) -2nx wheren eT 28. Iay=e¥, then is equal to: (ety (e+ dy Oy Oxy 95 _ ltsinx-cosx _T+sinx+cosx" (4) None of these 29. Ify then is equal to: 1 3 Oe Q) ae (@) (4) None of these 1-cosx PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) P.T.O. 3. 32. 37. PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) ii 5 wart then A'™® is equal to: (Vy 2A Q) 1004 (3) 274 () 2994 If A isa square matrix, then (A+ A’) is: (1) unit matrix Q) symmetric matrix (3) non-singular matrix (4) skew-symmetric matrix 0 0 i a-[t t] =n [5 |] then salue oe fr whieh Ar=Bis @at @) -1 @) 4 (A) no real value If a(; al and A™ =,(adj A), then? is equal to: 1 1 1 1 [ees Qs Os a If A is a square matrixsuch that AA’=1= A’A, then |A| is equal to: @o (2) 42 (3) +1 (4) None of these 1 w =w/2 . Ifwis a complex cuberoot of unity, then|1 1 1 fis equal to: 1.1 0 (i Q w 0 (@ w? cio . IC =2.cos 0, then the value of the determinant A=| 1 C 1| is: é1¢ sin40 son qd sind (2) 4cos*@(2.cos@~1) 2 a (@) None of these sind a+ ky ~2=0, 3x -ky -2=Oand x ~3y + z =O has non-zero solution for kis equal to: ao Q1 @) -1 (4) None of these a1. PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) va-|; Alston Ais equal to: of #) of*4) off F Dee 2) a @) |, Lt i iT i i i, was] AS 188 hen JA| is equal to: @ 6 @1 @) tog? . Te y= fein ein Vain on then is equal tos Osx sinx osx a) yt 2) aay 3) 2y=t Tif) = «+2, then f'Lf(x)] at x= dis: (1) 8 Qt @) 4 @|f tan? 2x-tan? x : The value of Afgan fos: (1) secx (Q) sect x (8) secxtan x Tixwasind, y= be096then 24 isequal io: b bo ee (i) syseco @) ~sech@ (3) Zsec*0 TF x"y!=¢r+y)™", then & is: ay os at Oe @) y |. Maximum slope of the curve y=-x° +3x? +9x-27 is: a) 0 @) 16 @) 2 ‘The function x* 4s increasing, when: « xt ros) v ise One x1? 49. f- dz is equal to: 2 +1) a 1 (1) loge + @) Btan*x+C @) log——3+C () None of these 50, prtsina 4. , ; Teo «) xian +C Q tan5+C @) log cos (4) None of these St. fra +log x)dvis equal to: @ x*+¢ (2) x7+C (3) x*logx (4) None of these a, to ae «) Posh? +4e+5]-2tan "Me +2)4C ® Fiosle +2) =1]+2tan Mx +2)+C ©) Flogh? +4r+s]ee (4) None of these §3. dx ‘i A Sires Sen (2) log|sin x] + C (2) log |secx| +C 3) log| tanx| +C (A) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons,)/(A) 58. | (cos oe = 2a equal to: 1 Mt (2) e @o0 (@) -1 + _dx ees te () tog(2) @ tos(4) ©) tox(8) (#) tog(4) * 56. The valueof {(1-x7)sinxcos* x dx is: = x Qo QB) 2n (4) None of these 57, The area bounded by y = log x, x-axis and ordinates x= 1,x=2is: om) ohm) 3) log 4 sq. unit (4) None of these 58. Area bounded by the curves y= x? and y?=x is: ) Fog. unit @) F sq.unit @) F sq-unit (4) None of these 59. Area of region satisfying x<2,y<|x| and x20 is: (2) 45q, unit (2) 1sq, unit (3) 2sq. unit (4) None of these = eas cep pape) ee a (1) tan ( £ Jee @ danZ+¢ @) tan"(xr-2)+C (4) None of these 61. Bie Sei Be 2 AE, emi ea] SR see eee ease a yaueoen g a 5 @s o> oF PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) P.T.O. 62. 63. 64, 65. 68. If F=21+} +28 and B =5!-3] +k, then the projection of B on Ris (1) 6 @5 @4 (4) 3 162, B, 2 are mutually perpendicular unit vectors, then | 7+8'+? |isequal to: a3 @) vB @1 (4) 0 Wetaiajek, B-isj, @=i and(axB xd = Aa@+wB, thend +pisequal to: (3 21 @ 0 (4) 2 ‘A variable plane moves, so that the sum of the reciprocals of its intercepts on the coordinates axes is 4. Then the plane passes through : 1il ee 41,1 3) (22,2 (4) (0,0, o344) @61y Maer @) (0.0,0) . The equation of the plane which bisects the line joining (2, 3,4) and (6,7, 8) is: () x+y+2-18=0 Q2) ehy+z2415=0 @) x-y-2-18=0 (@) x-y+z-15=0 The direction ratio of normal to the plane through (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) which makes an angle 7 with plane x+y =3are: @ 1,v2,1 41,72 3) 1,1,2 @) V2,11 A line makes the same angle 0, with each of the x and z axes. If the angle B which it makes with y-axis is such that sin?B=3sin?9, then cos? is equal to: we OF @ 2 2 a The solution of 4 = 2! is: e solution of SF is @ weve @ aere (3) 2%=2"=C (4) None of these y2? = 2 has the solution: a) y+? 42x+2=ce° Q) y+2x=ce* (Q) y+2x4+2=ce* (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) 74. 76. 78. TA. The solution of xdy—ydx+x7e%dx = 0 is: 72. @) Fret=c @) rtet=c |G) Hee =C ) yset =e ¥ The algebraic sum of deviation of 20 observations measured from 30 is 2. The mean observation is: 1) 285 0) 26 (3) 305 4) 301 The standard deviation of 15 items is 6 and if each item is decreased by 1, then standard deviation will be as Q7 @) 6 (4) None of these If ima frequency distribution, the mean and median are 21 and 22 respectively, then its mode is approximately : (1) 2 () 42 (3) 22 (4) 20 A coinis tossed 4 times. The probability that at least one head turns up is: 1 45 2 as = = (4) as aes @) (4) None of these One card is drawn randomly from a pack of 52 cards, then the probability that it is a king or spade is : 1 2 3 4 OM 2) B @) ie @ 3 A problem in mathematics is given to three students A, B, C and their respective probability of solving the problem is ; 3 and i Probability that the problem is solved, is : a 1 3 2 as Gre Ot o> Five coins whose faces are marked 2, 3 are tossed. The chance of obtaining a total of iis: 1 1 Ya eee @) & 16 A card is drawn from a pack of cards, The probability that the card will be a queen or a heart, is : 2 4 3 qd) B (2) a (3) a (4) None of these 5 (a) ie PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) P.T.O. 80. a1. 83. 84. 87. Ifa dice is thrown twice, the probability of occurrence of 4 at least once, 1s: iL Zz 36 = Diam 2 (4) None of these O aa ®) 36 (4) None of Five horses are in the race. Mr. B selects two of the horses at random and bets on them. The probability that Mr. B selected the winning horse, is: 1 2 3 Ms ae @ = (4) None of these IPA and B are events such that P(AUB)=2, P(AnB)=3, PA)=2, then P(ANB) is: 5 3 5 1 a 2 OF @ 3 w 3 ‘A coin is tossed three times, The probability of getting head and tail alternatively, s: @) z Q) ; @) } (4) None of these Seven white balls and three black balls are randomly placed in a row. The probability that no two black balls are placed adjacently, equals : 1 2) Ma 1 Clee @) 35 Oe @ 5 The solution set of the equation sin“? x=2tan™ x is: a) (1,2) (2) (1,2) @) -L1L0 (4) {4.0} tal sin 2) eos 1-4" | sequal to: s 14a) 2 led 2a 2a 1-a Ta? 0 (4) © Tet Oe 8 Te ea 4 ¥ gp ea i fan) : tan ay eee eee 3x ft Be x Orr @Q-4 1D) aa Oy Ifina triangle ABC, [A =tan™'2 and |B = tan”, then angle Cis equal to: x 3a x @ # aig 6) -F (8) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) 90. 91. 92, . Iz PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) 1 For real numbers x and y, we write xRy <= x*—y* + V3 isan irrational number: Then the relation R, is: (1) Transitive (2) Reflexive (3) Symmetric (4) None of these ‘A function f from the set of natural numbers to integers defined by no | when nis odd f= is: -% , when riseven (1) one-one but not onto (2) onto but not one-one 3) one-one and onto both (4) none of these Let R be the relation from A = (2, 3, 4, 5) to B = (3, 6, 7, 10] defined by ‘x divides y', then R™ is equal to (1) (6,2),,3)) (2) {(6, 2), (10,2)) (3) {(6, 2), (10, 2), 3, 3), (6,3), (10,5)} (4) None of these Which of the following is a singleton set ? Q) be: [x]<1 eZ} (2) (fe: |x]=5,reZ} @) te: =1,xeZ) (@) (xix? 424 1=0,0€R) ISBAL! . IfA=((x,y): y= e*,x € R) and B= {(x,y):y= ex € R}, thenAo Bis (1) emptyset (2) nota set (3) singleton set (4) none of these Tf A=[(x,y)ix? +y? =25) and B={(x,y):x? +9y? = 144), then A > B contains: (1) one point (2) two points (3) three points (4) four points ilog (2 — 3), then cos z is equal to : Qi 2) 2 @) Si (4) 2 |. The expression tan*a+cot? @ is: @) 22 Q) s2 (3) 2-2 (4) None of these A linear programming problem is concemed with finding the following value : (1) only maximum value (2) optimal value (3) only minimum value (4) none of these P.T.O. SS eee 12 A 98. The linear function Z = ax + by, where a, b are constants, which has to be maximized of minimized Is called a: (1) constraint (2) function of any type (3) linear objective function @) none of these 99. -A compound statements a statement which is made up of : (1) only one statement (2) any number of statements (3) fwo or more statements (@) none of these 100. A compound statement with an 'Or'is false when : | (2) one component statement is false 7 (3) both the component statements are false (4) none of these (2) none component statement is false | PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(A) ao) cfs Bt eomeraeas sed ae Ce ce Total No. of Printed Pages : 13 (DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION BOOKLET BEFORE TIME OR UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO) PG-EE-2016 SUBJECT : Mathematics Hons. Five Year 10090 Sr.No. Time : 1% Hours Max. Marks : 100 Tota! Questions | 100 Roll No. (in figures). (in woreis) Name Father's Name. Mother's Name. Date of ‘Examination (Signature of the Candidate) (Signature of the Invigiatory CANDIDATES MUST READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION/INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING THE QUESTION PAPER, 1. All. questions are compulsory. 2. The candidates must return the question booklet as well as OMA AnswerSheet to the \nvigilator concerned before leaving the Examination Hall, falling which a case of use of unfair-means/ misbehaviour will be registered against nim/her, in addition to lodging of an FIR with the police, Further the answer-sheet o! such a candidate will not be evaluated 3. In case there is any diseropancy in any question(s) in the Question Booklet, the same may be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations in writing within two hours after the test is over. No such complaint(s) will be entertained thereafter 4. The candidate must not do any rough work or writing in the OMR Answer-Sheet. Rough work, if any, may be done in the question booklet itself. Answers must not be ticked in the question booklet. 5. There will be no negative marking. Each correct answer will be awarded one full mark. Cutting, erasing, overwriting and more than one answer in OMR Answer-Sheet will be treated as incorrect answer. 6. Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen of good quality in the OMR Answer-Sheet 7. Before answering the questions, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied correct and complete booklet. Complaints, if any, regarding misprinting etc. will not be entertained 30 minutes after starting of the examination. PG-EE-2016/(Maths Hons Five Year)/(B) 1. 3. If fx) =x +2, then ff] atx=4is: as @Q1 @)4 a 5 a 2 ha valcot | eae cots: @x|(1-tan? 2xtan? x (1) secx Q) sec? x (3) secxtanx (4) sectx 2 Ifx=asin0, y= cos 0, then a is equal to: i > b be bg () seco @) —Sse8@ 3) Paecto (4) None of these Texty"=(e y)™", then Wis: @ @ = @) ay (8) None of these Maximum slope of the curve y=-x° + 3x? +9x—27 is: ao @ 16 @) 2 2 ‘The function + isinereasing, when () xt @x<4 (3) x<0 (A) None of these . The rate of change of the surface area of a sphere of radius r, when the radius is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/sis proportional to : 1 1 as gr @r Oly }. Angle between the tangents to the curve y= x? —5x +6 at the points (2, 0) and (3, 0) is : x x x x @) 3 Q) 2 @ ' @) 7 joe -)etiseanal 0: le (1) logz+C @) 2tantx+C @) loge 1+ (4) None of these +x PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) P.T.O, 10. 12. 13. 14, 15. J ceis equal to: l+cosx @) xtan5+C @ tans+¢ @ logeosS (4) None of these - The straight line whose sum of the intercepts on the axes is equal to half of the product of the intercepts, passes through the point : @) 2,2) 2) 2) (3) (44) (4) 6,3) The equation of a circle with centre (1, 2) and tangent r4+y-5=Ois: (1) x7 +y? +2x-4y+6=0 Q) x? +y?-2x-4y+3=0 @B) x7 +y?-2x44y+8=0 @ x+y? =2x-4y+3=0 The distance between the foci of an ellipse is 16 and the eccentricity is + Length of major axis of the ellipse is : ay 8 Q) 16 (3) 32 (4) 64 The ratio in which the line joining (2, 4, 5) and (3,5, ~ 4) s divided by the yz-plane is: (1) 4:-3 @) 3:2 @) 2:3 (4) -2:3 A plane makes intercepts 3 and 4 respectively on z-axis and x-axis, If plane is parallel to y-axis, then its equation is : (1) 32+ 4x= 12 (2) 3y+4z=12 (3) 3r+4z=12 (4) 3z+4y=12 fy ay ur . Eiyengey) oe (a) 2 @ 3 @) 2 (4) None of these The points of discontinuity of tan x are: (Q) x=nn Q) nn ©) Qn+yZ 2m where n € 1 If xy=0"~Y, then a is equal to: Ix (e—1)y (x42) @&1 a) Gay any cay Oey @ FS Ones (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) 19. 20. 21. 24, 8 Ir y= LTS ose, then x ig equal to: Ce @ Ceres (8) None of these wa[t tp seen A is equal to: ay 2A Ghai @) 274 (3) 298.4 If two sets A and B are having 99 elements in common, then the number of elements: common to each of the sets A x Band Bx A are: a) 9 Q) 18 @) 2” 100 If f(x)=1-4, then the value of i 42) is: @ 4a ee os x inzx The function f(x) =log(x+ Vx" +1)is: (1) aneven function (2) anodd function (3) aperiodic function (4) None of these The value of sin A sin(60* + A) sin(60° A) is equal to: () sing @ ainct @ sass (® sint4 2 4 5 1 1,2 If cosé=—| x+—], then <| x? +] is equal to: 2 ae (2) cos 26 (2) sin 26 (3) see 26 (4) tan 20 If y=sin? 0+ cosec70, 0 #0, then: (1) y>2 (@ ys2 @) ye-2 (4) y=0 The valueof Se es SOA a ucl to cos12?+8in 12°" cosh (a) 0 @- @) 1 (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) P.T.O. St 6. 37. P(t): 143454 ee + An 1) = wis: (1) true for >1 (2) true forno (3) true for allt N (4) None of these . If eleven members of a committee sit at a round table so that the President and Cashier always sit together, then the number of arrangements is (@) LO «2 (2) 1gx2 3) [10 (4) None of these In how many ways can 5 keys be putina ring ? 5 4 oe ae au we Let R be the relation from A = {2, 3, 4,5) toB= 13, 6, 7, 10} defined by 'x divides y', then R™ is equal to: Q) (62),G,3)] 2) (6,2), (10,2) (3) (G62), (10,2), 8,3), 6,3), 0.5) @) None of these Which of the following is 2 singleton set? (Qt) fe: |xl The solution set of the equation sin“! x=2tan™ x is: @ (1,25 (2 (1,2) (3) (-1,1,0} Lat jolt s } is equal to : a 2 1+ 2a 2a 1-0? lia ee 2 3) —, 4 aise rer a See 1% an MEY. 5 tan ta ay OY? sequal 0: on x Q) -= =e Xi 2) 4 (3) < OF Ifina triangle ABC, |A = tan“'2 and [B = tan“, then angle C is equal to: = os = @) i iP) 1 3) a (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) P.T.0. Bt. 84. 85. 86. For real numbers x andy, we write xRy = 37 = y+ 48 is an irrational number. Then the relation R, is: (1) Transitive (2) Reflexive (@) Symmetric (4) None of these . A function f from the set of natural numbers to integers defined by a , when nis odd f= is: =, when miseven (1) one-one but not onto (2) onto but not one-one (3) one-one and onto both (4) none of these ‘A lady gives a dinner party for six guests. The number of ways it which they may be selected from among ten friends, if two ‘of the friends will not attend the party together, is: (1) 164 (2) 140 (3) 112 (4) 40 Ifw is an imaginary cube root of unity, then (14 —w?) is equal to: Q) 28H (2) -128w Q) 1280? (@) 128w? The equation zZ + (2-3i)z+2+ 3) Z +4 =O represents a circle of radius : (1) 3 Q4 @) 2 @e If the roots of the equation qx? + px+q=0 are complex, where p,q are teal; then the roots of the equation x =4gx+p? =0 are: (Q) real and equal (2) imaginary Q) real and unequal (4) none of these Ifa +b=8, then ab is greatest when: (i) a=3b=5 @aatb=4 Clar6b=2 None of these If the coefficient of 7th and 13th term in the expansion of (1+2)" are equal, then nis equal to: Q) 10 @ 2 @) 15 @ 18 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) 87. 88. o1 92. 93. nu Tf "c, denotes the number of combinations of 1 things taken r at a time, then the expression "c,,; + "c,4+2 "c, equals: (1) ™e, Q) ea @) 4c, @ en The number which should be added to the numbers 2, 14, 62, so that the resulting numbers may be in G. P. is: a4 Q) 3 @2 @1 If the roots of the equation x°-12x?+39x-28=0 are in A. P., then their common difference is: (1) +2 () 44 (3) £1 (4) +3 The equation of the straight line joining the origin to the point of intersection of ¥-X+7=Oandy +2x-2=Dis: (1) Bx¥dy=0 (2) dxr3y=0 (3) Sx-4y=0 (4) dx -3y=0 Je\@+tog»)dris equal to: (1) xaC Q) x*+C (8) x*logx (4) None of these x dxis ial to: Vinge OO a Floale? +4x+5]_2tan"(x+2)+C Q Floglee + 27-1} tan +2)+C @) Flogh? +4r+5] (4) None of these ae equal to: sin xcoss ® ee (1) log|sin x] + C- (2) log|secx| +c (3) log}tanx| + (4) None of these ‘PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) P.T.O. 12 94, 97. 98. 100. 1 2 (cos) tog/ 4=*)| ae ic equal to 4 Bits : 2 4 Q) eo () -1 is equal to: om) om) om(f) wm The value of f-=)ain eos? x de is: () « @ 0 (3) 2x (4) None of these ‘The area bounded by y= log x, x-axis and ordinates x = 1, x=2is: @ tog(*) sq. unit Q tos(?) ego ¢ (@) log 45q. unit (4) None of these Area bounded by the curves y =x? and y? =x is: a) Zsa unit (2) Ss PT ) 3 5a unit (4) None of these Area of region satisfying x <2, y <|x| and x20is: (1) 4q. unit 2) 1sq-unit (3) 20q. unit (4) None of these x [-s—*— is equal to: $4x413 @ san'(42) 4c (2) fin tZac (3) tan"x-2)+C (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(B) eyabinlier den OR Phe” yer a FL= Lex Lea naserraast: 13 (DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION BOOKLET BEFOREAINE OR UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO) PG-EE-2016 SUBJECT : Mathematics Hons. Five Year sr.No. ..A.Q099 Time :1% Hours Max, Marks : 100 Total Questions : 100 Roll No. (in figures) (in words) Name Fathers Name. Mother's Name. Dato of Exeminaticn, ~Gignature of the Candidate) (Signature of the Invigiatony CANDIDATES MUST READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION/INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING THE QUESTION PAPER, 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. The candidates must return the question bookiet as well as OMR Answer-Sheet to the Invigilator concerned before leaving the Examination Hall, failing which a ease of use of unfait-means/misbehaviour will be registered against him/her, in addition to lodging of an FIR with the police. Further the answer-sheet of such a candidate will not be evaluated, 3, In case there is any discrepancy in any question(s) in the Question Booklet, the same may be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations in writing within two hours after the test is over. No such complaint(s) will be entertained thereafter, 4. The candidate must not do any rough work oF writing in the OMR Answer-Sheet. Rough work, if any, may be done in the question booklet itself. Answers must not be ticked in the question booklet. 5. There will be no negative marking. Each correct answer will be awarded one full mark. Cutting, erasing, overwriting and more than one answer in OMR Answer-Sheet will be treated as incorrect answer. 6. Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen of good quality in the OMA Answer-Sheet. 7. Betore answering the questions, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied correct and complete booklet. Complaints, if any, regarding misprinting etc. will not be entertained 30 minutes after starting of ihe examination, PG-EE-2016/(Maths Hons Five Year)/(C) *: A lady gives a dinner party for six guests. The number of ways in which they may be selected from among ten friends, if two of the friends will not attend the party together, is : (1) 164 (2) 140 (3) 112 (4) 40 If wis an imaginary cube root of unity, then (1+ ww) is equal to: (@) 128.0 (2) -128 w (3) -128w? (4) 126 w? | The equation 22 + (2—3i) 2 +(2 + 3i) = + 4 = 0 represents a circle of radius: @) 3 Q4 @) 2 6 + If the roots of the equation qx? +px+q=0 are complex, where p, q are real; then the roots of the equation x? —4gx + p* =0 are: (1) real and equal 2) imaginary @) real and unequal (4) none of these a+b =8, then abis greatest when : GQ) a=3b=5 Q)a=4,b=4 @) a=6b=2 (4) Noneof these If the coefficient of 7th and 13th term in the expansion of (1+2)” are equal, then 1 is equal to : (a) 10 2) 20 @) 15 @ 18 If “c, denotes the number of combinations of n things taken r at a time, then the expression "¢,,1 + "Gj.4+2x"c, equals: @ ™e, 2) cra @) 4c, @) er The number which should be added to the numbers 2, 14, 62, so that the resulting numbers may be in G. P. is: a4 @) 3 @) 2 @ 1 If the roots of the equation x5-12x+39x-28=0 are in A. P., then their common difference is : (1) +2 Q +4 () #1 (4) +3 The equation of the straight line joining the origin to the point of intersection of Y¥~X+7=0andy+2%-2=0is () 3r+4y=0 Q) dx+3y=0 © (3) Bx-4y=0 (a) ax-3y=0 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) P.T.O. 12. 13. 14. 15. 20. c Let R be the relation from A = (2, 3, 4, 5] to B= (3, 6, 7, 10} defined by "x divides y, then R™ is equal to: @) (62), G,3)) 2) ((6, 2), (10, 2)) (3) (6,2), (10,2), @,3), (6,3), (10,5)) (4) None of these Which of the following is a singleton set? @) fe: |xl<12€Z) Q) (x: |x|=5,r€2) (8) frix2=1xreZ) () [xi x2+241=0,0 eR} IEA= (x, y):y= e*,x € R)and B= ((x,y): +x R), then An Bis: @) emptyset (2) nota set (3) singleton set (4) none of these If A=((x,y):x* ty? =25} and B= ((x,y):x? +9y? = 144}, then Aq B contains: (1) one point (2) two points (3) three points (4) four points Ifz=ilog 2- V3), then cos zis equal to: a) i (2 (3) 34 (4) 2 |. The expression tan? a + cot? ct is: (1) 22 (2) <2 3) 2-2 (4) None of these - A linear programming problem is concerned with finding the following value: (Q) only maximum value @) optimal value 3) only minimum value (4) none of these .. The linear function Z = ax + by, where a, b are constants, which has to be maximized ‘or minimized is called a: (1) constraint (2) function of any type (3), linear objective function (4) none of these . Acompound statement is a statement which is made up of: (1) only one statement (2) any number of statements (3) two of more statements (@) none of these A compound statement with an ‘Or is false when : (1) one component statement is false (2) none component statement is false (@) both the component statements are false (4) none of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) 21. 24. 29. The solution of x dy—y dx+x*e%de =0 is : a Geere Q) x+e%=C (3) Eret=c (4) y+e*=C The algebraic sum of deviation of 20 observations measured from 30 is 2. The mean observation is: GQ) 285 Q) 29.6 (3) 305 (4) 30.1 The standard deviation of 15 items is 6 and if each item is decreased by 1, then standard deviation will be: as Q7 @ 6 (4) None of these fina frequency distribution, the mean and median are 21 and 22 respectively, then its mode is approximately : (1) 24 (2) 42 @) 2 (4) 20 A coin is tossed 4 times. The probability that at least one head turns up is : 1 15 2 = e <= f @) ie Q) is 3) ie (4) None of these ‘One card is drawn randomly from a pack of 52 cards, then the probability that it is a king or spade is: 1 2 3 4 ay Eas 3B & Os O35 O53 i A problem in mathematics is given to three students A, B, C and their respective probability of solving the problem is } ; and } Probability that the problem is solved, is 1 1 3 2 1 a 4 3 2 a 3 Q 2 @. 4 (4) 3 Five coins whose faces are marked 2, 3 are tossed. The chance of obtaining a total of Ilis: 1 3 5 (1) — > (3) = = a) ad ® = w= A card is drawn from a pack of cards. The probability that the card will be a queen or a heart, is: * th oy 4 a= (@ None of these 13 13 13 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) P.T.O. 30. If adice is thrown twice, the probability of occurrence of 4 at least once, is: et z 35 (1) % Q) 551 3) = (4) None of these 3. Jr (+log ‘x)dvis equal to: Q) a?¥+¢ Q) +c @) x*logx (4) None of these dris equal to: 8 is x + 4x45 (a) Posh? +4+5]-2tan"(e+2)+C Q) Flog +271] +2tan Na+2y +c @) Floghe# 4x45] (4) None of these 33. is Unt: Ener ot (1) log|sinx| +C (2) log|secx| +C @) log|tanx| +C (4) None of these t aa. f (cons tog( = =) is equal to: = 1 @a Q 2 @0 @-1 3 a5 iS is equal to: a) tog() Q) toe( +) @ toe() 36. Thevalue sf {{t—x?)sinxcos? x de is: - Q) a (2) 0 (3) 2n (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) 37. a. 42. 43, ‘The area bounded by v= log 4, x-axis and ordinates x=1, x =2is: a tog( 4) q. unit @ tog(2) sq. unit 2) “J (3) log 4sq. unit (4) None of these Area bounded by the curves y=x? and y? =x is: @ 34, unit = Q) $54 unit @) $ sa-unit (4) None of these Area of region satisfying x $2, y <|x] and x2 0is: @) oe unit (2) 1sq. unit (3) 2sq. unit (4) None of these i eeeteert is equal to: afer? Teaae (1) tan 2 Jee @) aad te (8) tan"e-2)+C (4) None of these If Ais asquare matrix, then (A+ A’) is: (1) unit matrix (2) symmetric matrix (3) non-singular matrix (4) skew-symmetric matrix o 1 0 walt t= als 1 then valo ofa for which A? Be: a. (2) -1 34 (4) noreal value 03 If a[; al and A“! =A(adj A), then A is equal to: 1 1 1 it Diese Qs Oe (@ -5 If A isa square matrix such that AA’=1= 4’A, then [A] is equal to: (a) 0 (2) #2 (@) #1 (4) None of these ‘PG-EE-2016/{Mathematics Hons.)/(C) P.T.O. 6 c 1 ow —n/2 45. If isa complex cube root of unity, then|1 1 1 jis equal to: © =3 Oo Qi Qw @)o (@) w? ; cio 46. IfC=2 cos 8, then the value of the determinant A=|1 C 1] is 61c sin 40 ¥ ssa 2¢030=: ean 2) 400s” (2.cos0-1) in? eee (4) None of these sind 47. x4 ky -2=0, 3x ~ky ~2 = Dand x ~3y +z = 0 has non-zero solution for kis equal to: ao @)4 Qa @) None of these 48. 1 a-|} Jf A is equal to: w [¢ 4 @) a | @) ee “| (4) None of these ft fot or 4 1 log? 49. = Be : A [ons . | |A| isequal to @o @1 @) logt (® logt 50. If y={sinx+ ysinx+-Jant+ then Se is equal to: cosx cosx qa) aya y 3) 2y-1 (@) None of these 51. The straight'line whose sum of the intercepts on the axes is equal to half of the product of the intercepts, passes through the point : (1) (2,2) @ a1) () (44) @) G3) PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) 52. The equation of a circle with centre (1,2) and tangent x + y-5= is: (1) x? +y?+2x-4y+6=0 (2) x2 +y?-2x-4y+3=0 @) x+y? -2x44y+8=0 (@) x24? -2x-4y+8=0 83. The distance between the foci of an ellipse is 16 and the eccentricity is } Length of major axis of the ellipse is: (8 Q) 16 (3) 32 (4) 64 54. The ratio in which the line joining (2, 4, 5) and (3, 5, - 4) is divided by the yz-plane is : (1) 4:3 (2) 3:2 (3) 2:3 (4) -2:3 55. A plane makes intercepts 3 and 4 respectively on z-axis and x-axis, If plane is parallel to y-axis, then its equation is; Q) 3244x=12 (2) By4dz=12 (3) Se+4z=12 © (4) 3 +4y=12 x fuay 56. 1 eae is equal to: a2 Q). ; (3) -2 (4) None of these 57. The points of discontinuity of tan xare: (Q) x=nx (2) na @) nee (4) -2nn where nt € I 58. Waxy =e, then & isequal to: (x=) (x+y (x=0) a) aa er @) =) (4) None of these If y= ttsinx=cosx oy : 58, Traine rene then SY is equal to: 1 1 2 Qe ee @) (4) None of these osx sinx 1-cosx PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) P.T.O. 61. 67. If alt t]he A'® is equal to: (1) 24 (2) 1004 @) 2A (@) 299.4 If fle) =x +2, then f'[f(x)] atx = dis: asa (2) 1 3) 4 @5 2 2 J The value of 4( tn 2e=tan”= | 37 |is: dx|\1-tan’ 2x tan* x, J (1) secx Q) seh x @) secxtank (4) sec? x 2, Hxeasin 0, y= 26030, then © is equal to: b boa Be () sec0 @ -Zsecto —@) Bsecto (@) None of these 7 xy" =(r yy, then & is; a Ee Q) a Ow (4) None of these . Maximum slope of the curve y=~-x3 +32? +9x-27 is: a0 (2) 16 @12 (4a) 32 . The function x* is increasing, when; a) xt @ «el @) x<0 (4) None of these e The rate of change of the surface area of a sphere of radius r, when the radius is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/s is proportional to: i 2 4 a> @Q) r @r Os . Angle between the tangents to the curve y= x” —5x+6 at the points (2, 0) and (3, 0) is: n i i a3 @) Gye Oe ~ 2 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) Th. 74. We 76. G52 ydesel ee 1 (1) log x+C Q) 2tan*x+c€ @) log +C (A) None of these te x+sinx & Freon Axis equal to: a wtan+C 2) tans +c @) logos > (4) None of these Ie @=i+j+k, B=2)-a€, 2-742) +38 are coplanar, then the value of his: 5 3 5 ¥ 2 s a) 3 ay Z M3 as @ > @ 2 If =2)+j 42k and ¥ =57-3]-+2, then the projection of B on @ is: a 6 Qs @) 4 @3 ie 4,8, 2 axe mutually perpendicular unit vectors, then | + +2 |is equal to: (1) 3 Q) V3 @)1 @o Ie @aitj+k, Bui}, C=] and(@xB)xe =22+ pS, then d+ pisequal to: @) 3 Q)1 @) 0 @) 2 A variable plane moves, so that the sum of the reciprocals of its intercepts on the coordinates axes is - Then the plane passes through : @) G24) @ 11) @) @2,2) 4) (00,0) ‘The equation of the plane which bisects the line joining (2, 3, 4) and (6,7, 8) is: Q) x+y4z-15=0 Q) x¥y+2+15=0 @) x-y-2-15=0 (4) x-y+2-15=0 ’. The direction ratio of normal to the plane through (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) which makes an angle {with plane x + y=3 are: (Q) 1,21 2) 1,1, 42 @) 11,2 @) V2,1,1 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) P.T.O. ee eee aS ST ieee, 10 c 78. A line makes the same angle 0, with each of the x and z axes. If the angle 8 which it makes with y-axis is such that sin? B= 3sin?@, then cos*@ isequal to: 2 1 2 3 = Qs Chis Os 79. The solution of a mgt ig: ( 2+2%=C Q) eee @) 2%-2%=C (A) None of these go. y+x?= a has the solution : (1) yrx? +2x+2=ce* (2) y+2x=ce™ (3) y+2x+2=ce* (4) None of these 81, If two sets A and B are having 99 elements in common, then the number of elements common to each of the sets A x Band Bx Aare: (i), 99? (2) 18 @ 2” (4) 100 it 1) is: 82. If fto)=1-¥ anon nevatue ot [2]: i x x-1 x a aes Oe Bie ~ 3, The function f(x) = tog(x ave +1)is (1) aneven function (Q) anodd function (@) aperiodic function (4) none of these 84, The value of sin A sim(60° + A) sin(60°- A) is equal to : (a) sin 34 a snd @) sn sin alfa 4/,2 85, ik cd =}( 42) ten 3 # (1) cos 28 (2) sin26 @) sec 20 (4) tan 26 86. If y=sin? 0+cosec70, 0 #0, then: (1) y>2 (2) ys2 @) y22 @) y=0 ‘PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) ie) eae 91. 1. The value of 1 cost2e—sini2 | sind? 5 arty: cos12+sin12° cosl47 7 ° ao Q) + @)1 (4) None of these P(a):1+345+ +Qn-= nis: (1) true for n> 1 2) true fornon (3) true forall n ¢N (4) none of these If eleven members of a committee sit at a round table so that the President and Cashier always sit together, then the number of arrangements is : (a) LO «2 2) [9x2 @ po (4) None of these In how many ways can 5 keys be put ina ring ? 4 @) 1s Q) B (3) 4 (4) ie Five horses are in the race. Mr. B selects two of the horses at random and bets on them. The probability that Mr. B selected the winning horse,is : 1 2 3 > @ Os (4) None of these If A and B are events such that PauB)=2, PanB)=4, Pa)=2, then P(AnB) 5 3 5 1 a 3 3 5 1 o> a3 @ 3 «+ A coin is tossed three times. The probability of getting head and tail alternatively, is = a) ; @ ; @) 3 (@) None of these Seven white balls and three black balls are randomly placed in a row. The probability that no two black balls are placed adjacently, equals: 1 2 7 1 0% az az at The solution set of the equation sin“! x =2tan™' x is: @) (12) @) 41.2) tio @ f2o} PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) P.T.O. 96, 98. 100. +a? gy te (4) oe tan? 2 tan T£2¥, (x > y > 0) isequal to: ¥ ay. an x 3n z Sn a2 aus “4 = w z 7 @) . Os If ina triangle ABC, [A = tan™*2 and [B = tan "3, then angle Cis equal to: () z @) ea @) te (4) None of these For réal numbers x andy, we write xRy<.17—y? +4/3 is an isrational number. Then. the relation R, is (1) Transitive (2) Reflexive (3) Symmetric (4) None of these A fanction f fom thé set of natural numbers to integers defined by nl | whennisodd fla)= is: -4 , when niseven (1) one-one but not onto (2) onto but not one-one (3) one-one and onto both (4) none of these ‘PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(C) ye ee oe canal” i at ws fal No. of Printed Pages : 13 HIS ts echt BEFORE TIME OR UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO) PG-EE-2016 SUBJECT : Mathematics Hons. Five Year [p] woos Sr. No. ... or ah NOT OPEN Time : 1% Hours: Max. Marks : 100 Total Questions : 100 Foil No. (in figures). (in words) Name Father's Name. Mother's Name____ Date of Examination, (Signature of the Candidate) (Signature of the Invigilatory CANDIDATES MUST READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION/INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING THE QUESTION PAPER, 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. The candidates must return the question booklet as well as OMA Answer-Sheet to the Invigilator concemed before leaving the Examination Hall, failing which a case of use of unfair-means/misbehaviour will be registered against him/her, in addition to lodging of an FIR with the police, Further the answer-sheet of such a candidate will not be evaluated. 3. In case there is any discrepancy in any question(s) in the Question Booklet, the same may bs brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations in writing within two hours efter the test is over. No such complaint(s} will be entertained thereatter. 4, The candidate must not do any rough work or writing in tho OMR Answer-Sheet. Rough work, if any, may be done in the question bookie! itsel!. Answers must not be ticked in the question booklet. 5. There will be no negative marking. Each correct answer will be awarded one full mark. Cutting, erasing, overwriting and more than one answer in OMR Answer-Sheet will be treated as incorrect answer. 6. Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen of good quality in the OMR Answer-Sheet. 7. Before answering the questions, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied correct and complete booklet. Complaints, if any, regarding misprinting etc. will not be entertained 30 minutes after starting of the examination. PG-EE-2016/(Maths Hons Five Year)/(D) 1. The solution of xdy—ydr+x7e"dx =0 is: @) Zee%=C — Q) xve¥= 8) Lie @) yret=c y 2. The algebraic sum of deviation of 20 observations measured from 30 is 2, The mean. observation is: (1) 285 Q) 296 @) 305 @ 301 3. The standard deviation of 15 items is 6 and if each item is decreased by 1, then standard deviation will be : a) 5 (2) 7 @) 6 (4) None of these 4. If ina frequency distribution, the mean and median are 21 and 22 respectively, then its mode is approximately : (1) 24 (2) 42 (3) 22 (#) 20 ‘5. A coin is tossed 4 times. The probability that at least one head turns up is = 1 15 2 ) Se @ @) ae (4) None of these 6. One card is drawn randomly from a pack of 52 cards, then the probability that it is a King or spade is: 1 z 3 4 Oa Q) 3 aa Oa 7. A problem in mathematics is given to three students A, B, C and their respective probability of solving the problem is = z and } Probability that the problem is solved, is: 1 a 3 2 @ 3 a4 @2 2 8. Five coins whose faces are marked 2, 3 are tossed. The chance of obtaining a total of 12is: 1 1 3 5 os ad o2 w 3 9. Acard is drawn froma pack of cards. The probability that the card will be a queen or a heart, is: vy 4 3 (4) ee a oF as @ 2 (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons,)/(D) P.T.O. 10. Ia lente he proba emer of ah OT oz az az (4) None of these 11, {x*Q+log adxis equal to = @) x*4C @ x+C (3) x*logx. (4) None of these 12. dis equal to: pes aq Fogle? 44x45 }-2tanMe+2+e (2) Flogl +2)? = i}+2tan“"x+2)+e @) Floele 44x45} (4) None of these 13. Joti eonalto: (i) log|sin x] + (2) log|secx| +C @) log|tanx| +C (4) None of these 14. Jord 45) ar i equlto: Mi 2) e @) 9 @ 1 15. i = is equal to: ee % 16. Thevalue of [(1-x*)sin xcos? x dx is: @ x Qo () 2n (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) 17. The area bounded by y = log x, x-axis and ordinates x = 1, x= 2is: a tos( 4) sa. unt @) tog(2) sq. unit (3) log 4sq. unit (4) None of these ‘18. Area bounded by the curves y= x? and y* => is: w 354. unit @) Psqunit —@) Zsq-unit (4) None ofthese 19. Area of region satisfying x <2, y<|x| and >is: (Q) 4sq. unit @) 1squnit 3) 2sq, unit (4) None of these a, . Be aaeag eee Tan Q) tar ( 3 ie 3) zo ee @) tan "r-2)4C (4) None of these 21. If Aisa square matrix, then (A+ A’) is: (1) unit matrix (2) symmetric matrix (3) non-singular matrix (4) skew-symmetric matrix 22. wa-[t tam a[5 ten value ofa for which A = ie: @i (4 (4 (4) no real value 23. wal) | ent A Hac A), then is equal to: Bu = i es a. 3 Q). é @ 4 (@) 3 24. If Aisa square matrix such that Ad’ =! = A’A, then |A| is equal to: ao (2) #2 (3) #1 (4) None of these 1 w -w?/2 25. Ifwisa complex cube root of unity, then}1 1 1 jisequal to: 1-1 0 @a Q wv (3) 0 a) w P.T.O. mi 10 If C=2cos 0, then the value of the determinant A=|1 C1) is: 2G) sin 40 : (2) 4cos* (2cos0—1) siné a) 2 B) = (4) None of these xt ky -2= 0,32 —ky -2 = Oand x ~3y + z=0 has non-zero solution for kis equal to = ayo Q)1 @) -1 (2) None of these 2 adie J g|then A is equal to: | ol! @ a logs, 7 e |, then | A] is equal to: @t (3) loge (4) log’ . Iky= anes qsinx+ Janes... ,then u equal to: cosx inx osx iazes oe (4) No O <2 or oe (4) None of these A lady gives a dinner party for six guests. The number of ways in which they may be selected from among ten friends, if two of the friends will not attend the party ‘together, is (i) 168 _Q) 140 (3) 112 (@) 40 Ifqwis an imaginary cube root of unity, then (1+ w-w”) is equal to? (1) 128%. @) -1280 (3) 128? (4) 1280? ‘The equation z= + (2~ 3:)=+(2 +34) Z +4 =O represents a circle of radius = a3 4 @) 2 (4) 6 ‘PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) 5 If the roots of the equation qx? +px+q=0 are complex, where p, 7 are real; then the roots of the equation x? ~4gx+p? =0 are: (1) real and equal (Q) imaginary @) real and unequal (4) none of these Ifa+=6, then ab is greatest when : (1) @=3,b=5 Q) a=4,b= Q) @=6,b=2 (4) None of these If the coefficient of 7th and 13th term in the expansion of (1 +x)" are equal, then 7 is equal to: (1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 15 (4) 18 If "c, denotes the number of combinations of n things taken r at a time, then the expression "¢,.1 +"¢,.1 +2", equals: a) ™e, Q) "erat @) ™e, eres . The number which should be added to the numbers 2, 14, 62, so that the resulting: numbers may be in G. P. is: a4 @3 @) 2 at |. If the roots of the equation x* -12x?+39x-28=0 are in A. P., then their common difference is : q@) +2 @ +4 (3) +1 (4) +3 ‘The equation of the straight line joining the origin to the point of intersection of y-x+7=0andy + 2x-2=0is: (1) 3x44y=0 (2) 4x+3y=0 (3) Sx—4y=0 (4) 4x-3y=0 Let R be the relation from A = {2, 3, 4, 5] to B= {3, 6, 7, 10) defined by ‘x divides y', then R™ is equal to: (1) (6,2),(3,3)) 2) (6,2), (10.2) (3) 6,2), (10, 2), G, 3), 6 3), (10,5)}_ (4) None of these Which of the following is a singleton set ? @) be: [2]<18eZ) Q) (x: |x|=5.26Z] @) (vex? ex41=0,2€ RB} PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) P.T.O. & 47. 50. 51. IfA= ((x,y):y =e", xe RJand B= (@y):y= e* xR}, then An Bis: (1) empty set (2) notaset (3) singletonset (4) none of these If A=((x,y):x* +y? =25) and B={(x,y)ix? +9y? = 144}, then'A 9 B contains : (1) one point (2) twopoints (3) three points (4) four points Ifz=i log (2— V3), then cos zis equal to: Mi @2 8) 3i (4) 2 The expression tan? ce + cot? « is: (1) =2 @<2 G22 (4) None of these A linear programming problem is concerned with finding the following value (Q) only maximum value (2) optimal value @) only minimum value (4) none of these |. The linear function Z = ax + by, where a, b are constants, which has to be maximized or minimized is called a: (1) constraint (2) function of any type (3) linear objective function (4) none of these A compound statement isa statement which is made up of : (2) only one statement (2) any number of statements (3) two or more statements (4) none of these compound statement with an ‘Or’ is false when : (2) one component statement is false (2) none component statement is false (3) both the component statements are false (4) none of these Ua mitj+k, Ba2i—-48, Cai aajest are coplanar, then the value of 2 is : 5 3 5 Z 3 @ 3 @$ wz PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) 52. 53. 57. 58. If @=27+}+26 and B=57-3]+£, then the projection of B on @ is: a) 6 Q)5 3) 4 @3 If #, B, ¢ aremutually perpendicular unit vectors, then | 2+ +7 |is equal to: @ 3 Q) v3 @y 1 @o Wedaitjek, Bait], Caf and(@xB xe =1.24yB, then’ + pis equalto: @) 3 Q)1 @) 0 @2 . A variable plane moves, so that the sum of the reciprocals of its intercepts on the coordinates axes is 3. ‘Then the plane passes through : o(G22) @a1) @e@2% @) 00,0 The equation of the plane which bisects the line joining (2, 3, 4) and (6,7, 8) is: Q) x+y+2-15=0 Q x4y+z2415=0 3) x-y-z-15=0 (@) x-y+2-15=0 ‘The direction ratio of normal to the plane through (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) which makes an angle = with plane x+y =3 are: (1) 142,12 2) 11, v2 8) 112 @ V2.1 A line makes the same angle 6, with each of the x and z axes. If the angle B which it makes with y-axis is such that sin?B =3sin? 0, then cos?@ is equal to: E 1 2 3 Os Os Os OF The solution of 44 = 29" ig; dx 104 ee. @ B4W=C @ -gyaC @) %-%=C (A) Noneof these yee? -% has the solution : Q) y4x? +2x42=00* (2) y+2x=ce® (3) y+2x+2=ce* (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) P.T.O. 63. 67. . Five horses are in the race. Mr. B selects two of the horses at random and bets on them. The probability that Mr. B selected the winning horse, is : 1 2 3 Ss ce g e @ z Q) 5 (3) 5 (4) None of these TEA and B ere everiis such that P(AuB)=2, Plang)=4, Pa)-5, then P(AAB) is: 5 3 5 1 y= 2 = = = Op Qs ir Oy ‘A coin is tossed three times. The probability of getting head and tail alternatively, is: 1 1 1 Q@) 3 @ 2 @) Fe (4) None of these |. Seven white balls and three black balls are randomly placed in a row. The probability that no two black balls are placed adjacently, equals: 1 Zz 7 1 ee ez oz @4 ‘The solution set of the equation sin"! x= 2tan™* x is: @ 1.3) @) 4,2) @ (410) @) {Zo} fan) beac) oe | pooe i<€ is equal to: 2 ae 2a 2a 1-0 lea? o 4 ee ait @ ES tan? =~ tan! 2=2 > y>0)is equal to: yo ay 3x © 3n x ane @ -4 @ -= @t If ina triangle ABC, |4 =tan“' 2 and [B = tan“'3, then angle Cis equal to: 3n x a) oh == 4) Ni OF AF Bsa (4) None of these PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) 70. 71. 74. 75. 76. 9 For real numbers x and y, we write xRy <> x* ~y* + /3 isan irrational number. Then the relation R, is (i) Transitive @)_ Reflexive @) Symmetric (4) None of these A function f from the set of natural numbers to integers defined by not | when nis odd f= ~3 + when miseven (1) one-one but not onto, 2) onto but not one-one (3) one-one and onto both (4) none of these If two sets A and B are having 99 elements in common, then the number of elements common to each of the sets A x Band Bx Aare: (99? @) 18 Oe (4) 100 IF feo=1-4, then the value of hel is: a 7 x-1 @ f-1 a @ = |. The function Fs) =log{ + vty 1)is : (1) aneven function (Q) anodd function (3) aperiodic function (4) none of these The value of sin A sin(60° + A) sin(60° ~ A) is equal to: 3A 3A an tA (ey os sin (9) sins (4) sin 0% 1 AN 1 eos0=F (e+) then 3024-4) is equal to: (1) cos20 =) sin 20 @) sec20 (4) tan 20 If y=sin” 6+ cosec*0,6 #0, then: (Q) y>2 (2) ys2 (3) y2-2 @ y=0 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D), P.T.O. 77. 78. 79. 81. costae sin SiN 47? i attg: cosl2?ysin 12 costae 1 1° mo Q) =1 3) 1 (4) None of these ‘The value of Plt):14+ 3454 suc. + Qn-1) = n? ist (Q) true forn>1 (2) true for non (8) true forall n ¢ N (4) none of these If eleven members of a committee sit at a round table so that the President and Cashier always sit together, then the number of arrangements is : () [lo x2 Q) [gx2 @) [0 (4) None of these |. Inv how many ways can 5 keys be putt in a ring? 4 ob ae ou w# ‘The straight line whose sum of the intercepts on the axes is equal to half of the product of the intercepts, passes through the point : @) (2,2) Q) (1,1) @) 44) @) G3) ‘The equation of a circle with centre (1, 2) and tangent x +y-5=Ois: @) x+y? +2x-4y+6=0 QQ) x7 447 -2x-4y43=0 3) x? +y?-2x+4y+8=0 (4) x2 +y? -2x-4y4+8=0 The distance between the foci of an ellipse is 16 and the eccentricity is }- Length of major axis of the ellipse is : as Q) 16 (3) 32 (4) 64 The ratio in which the line joining (2, 4, 5) and (3, 5, — 4) is divided by the yz-plane is: () 4:3 Q) 3:2 @) 2:3 (4) -2:3 . A plane makes intercepts 3 and 4 respectively on z-axis and x-axis. If plane is parallel to yaxis, then.its equation is: Q) 32+4x=12 (2) By+4z=12 (3) 3x+4z=12 (4) 3z+4y=12 PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons.)/(D) ug 86. imi, : Sires Sorat: L a2 Q) 2 87. The points of discontinuity of tan x are : (Q) x= nx Q) 2un where n ¢ I 88. If xy=e", then a is equal to: 1) (x-1) e+)y Oy xisy 89. If y= itsinz~cosx @) -2 x @) Qantas @ &aty xa-y) then x is equal to: 1+sin x+cos x" 1 1 1 ieee Ome rere 90. aq! i} ten a is equal to: (1) 214 (2) 1004 (3) 27A S1. Iifx)=x+2, then f'Lf(x)} atr=4is: 8 Qt @)4 a 2 2x — tan? x 92, The value of 4 is: wee fff stared (1) secx (2) sec? x (3) secx tanx @ 93. Wexsasino, y=be0s8,then SY is equal to: E ix b 4 b ) seco Q) ~azsec @) Zsec*@ PG-EE-2016/(Mathematics Hons,)/(D) (4) None of these (4) -2nn (4) None of these (4) None of these (4) 299.4 @5s (@ sec? x (4) None of these P.T.0. he PS ut Te xy" = (x49) then 7 is at ay = @) (4) None of these & y 95. Maximum slope of the curve y=—x? +32" +9x-27 is: a) 0 Q) 16 @) 12 (&) 32 96. The function x* is increasing, when : a) a>4 @x

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