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Subject : English Grade :7 Formal Register

Student name : Date :

Time fixer phrases p.82

Nowadays / these days / recently / for many years / ten years ago /
since+ specific time

1. For many years, many people have been arguing about the importance of technology

2. These days, a vast majority of teenagers believe that online learning pave the way to
many learners to pursuit their academic performance

Use time fixer

1. All children went to single sex schools
2. Most teenagers own a mobile phone.
3. Most schools in this country are mixed.

1 Ms. Azza Gaber IGCSE/ ESL/ formal Register Grade7

Formal Linking words in writing p. 83-84
Read the article and fill in the table below

Have you ever wondered if sports lessons are just a waste of time? Recently, a large number
of parents have been discussing the reasons why students are having them at schools
However, I firmly believe that sports are vital course in our school life.

Firstly what amazes me about considering playing sport at school is the way it helps the
students improve their mental thinking in classes. Consequently, they can get easily
involved in their studies and become interested in the topics they are learning. The upshot is
better performance as well as better results. Moreover, it lies beyond the shadow of doubts
that regular exercises are the best means to keep our body in a perfect physical shape and
provide us with a healthy life style.

In addition, I’m totally convinced that various skills as well as talent can be easily learnt
by taking part in school sport plan. The reason for this is that sport offers golden
opportunities to compete with our peers either with same school or different ones. Besides
presenting excellent chance to learn the importance of team work, it allows you to feel how
too many hands can make light work which is something many employers are looking for
these days.

To conclude, in my opinion sport plays a significant part in our school life because it assists
us to achieve not only better performance at school but also lead us to a healthy life style. It
would be a good idea if schools stopped replacing sport’s sessions by more lessons in the

Linking words for introducing Linking words for joining Linking words for adding
points points support
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2 Ms. Azza Gaber IGCSE/ ESL/ formal Register Grade7

Write ONE paragraph about the importance of trees
Using linking words and time fixer
Read and use the given ideas

 Trees are important to our environment / environmentally friendly

 They remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen
 They purify the atmosphere
 They reduce the global warming and the greenhouse effect.
 They are acting as Sound barriers and can limit noise pollution
 They reduce the stress of modern life
 They provide habitat to some animals
 They beautify the environment; add beauty to the landscape.
 A place with surrounded trees is a great place to live; learn ;work
;unwind and relax

3 Ms. Azza Gaber IGCSE/ ESL/ formal Register Grade7

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