Refers To The Act or Process of Planning and Arranging The Different Parts of An Event or Activity

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Refers to the act or process of planning and arranging the different parts of an event or
activity. Organization
2. Tied directly to the research phase as the event manager seeks to determine if the goals and
objectives of the event have been met. This is an ongoing process and should occur
throughout the event. Evaluation phase
3. In creating the team phase, creation of a (_____) is very crucial in the success of the activity.
The roles of every member to effectively fulfill necessary functions should be essentially
planned in forming the organization. strong team
4. These are events that sports enthusiasts and athletes are involved. These are held in
specialized out and indoor venues in different categories. Recreational Events
5. Some dancers felt it was hard to maintain their body/technique. Older dancers were less likely
than younger dancers to dance on an injury. Fatigue or overwork

6. What are the 5 fitness organizing events?


1. Planning phase disregards the principles of events or activities. Target goals should be
clearly stated and realistic. FALSE
2. Research phase is Undertaken accordingly to a well-constructed plan, carefully and
methodically. TRUE
3. The highest number of injuries occurred in the low back followed by the chest, knee and
then foot/ankle. FALSE
4. In organizing fitness events it is important to formulate a team, devise plans, followed by
researching, and wrapped up by testing all the phases. TRUE
5. Summer sports clinic is made in order to promote a more developed knowledge in sport to
its students, with the main goal of introducing the student to the sport. FALSE

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